Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 25, 1911, EDITORIAL, Page 12, Image 12

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The Monkeys Aren't Always the Funniest Things in the Zoo, at That
By "Bud" Fisher
'. Xle" W.V Q ft4 IN 1 I ' . . wmmmmmmwrn
KALoN6,rw6 .iwmti ) f rrirwNjP 1 X . (C) ... I
N9NNeMtn calcco a HOto CHILfl. ( . ' -
' fl 1 ' Sio . H rK.J HfvR.
Kiclug&a Coach Tears Wolverine!
. Cannot Take Contest.
Haclr aa Swansea Roth Mkelr to
Da Oat af ha (ltnrTtr
Official Art neflaltelr
LINCOLN, Neb., Nov. 2I.-Mlchlgan'
toot ball team, twenty-three atrong, ar
rived In Lincoln early thla -morning.
optlmlitio concerning tomnrrow'a gam.
'There la no chance to get a line on
leaiuie mniugn nw swiu, dui w
are told that Nebraska haf .a strong
eleven and In good shape, while we are
crippled. Welle la on' crulrhie and can
not atand on hi foot at all. Smith will
l'lay hi half. Pontlue may be ud at
end for part of the same. I will' feel
much bette rtoinorrow night If we have
a victory."
Lincoln 'ha been decorated with Michi
gan and Nebraska colon Impartially
They.ojap the buildings, flit the a tore
juntjows, awing from the wire of the
street .car .aystrra. Special train filled
with JUlrklgan and Nebraska alumni be
tan io arrive thl evening and It l,ex
pected 'that 4,000 out-of-town people will
V la attendance, -
Maht WSrkoat Order,
'. Only light workout were Indulged In
by the rival teams Friday afternoon be
fore the big Nebraska-Michigan gam 'on'
the athletlo field. The' Cornhusliera tirVt
a spirited signal practice) and after thirty
minutes of bclak work Btlehm oalled a
halt and gent hla men out for a abort
fun before going to the gymnasium.
"Hurry tp" Toat took' Ma aquad to the
urf at the Country club, where there wu
bo danger ot apt, and ran through for-
matlona for ' forty-five -mlnutea. He
teemed entirely - pleaard with the work
Upon hla return. J
: Toat continued to cling to bear atortea
Regarding the condition ot the Wolver
ine. He would venture no prediction aa
a the outoome of the game, atatlng that
there waa no poaalble way of getting a
line on the relative etrength of the two
eleven. He aald that he believed the
Wolverine would have an exceedingly
tiff battle and that hla aquad waa In
loor condition for a gruelling game.
Tvre) Htm JHlaelaar.
In the beet phyalcat cpndltlon of the
eason, with the exception ot Kaceiy and
Deanaon, there la no reaaon why the
Cornhuakera ahould not do the beat work
ot tbe eaon agalntt the Wolverine,
liacely la atlll troubled with a b)ly
twlated lug, while It la extremely unlikely
It Swasqn can get into the gam with
an Injured knee bothering him conelder
aby. Hwanaiin' allowing In the Kanaaa
name waa most pleaalng. and In all prob
ability he would have been uaed during
the flrt half at leaat had he been In
eltape to enter the game. Hornberger
lirobabiy will replace Swanaon.
The back field lineup I atlll a puxxla to
Cornhuaker tootera, although It now
treint probable that Ernie and Owen
Frank will play at halfback and Oibaon
it f ulL t . '
i'otth Stiehin declared that he would
ao( be content with holding Michigan to
a tow ecore at the rally held., ITtlday
Jnornlng In Memorial hall. Th blggeat
In year jammed Into tbe audito
rium until atand Ing room waa at a pre
mium, lie aald that th Cornhuaker
were la to win and be liked tbe outlook.
Other foot ball atar In the faculty and
morabera of the team poke at the rally.
Great Crowd to Aaeemble.
With a pronpet t ot clear "and warmer
weatbar fur Saturday, the advance aale
6t aeats for tbe game bai been entirely
Cornhusker, Stars Ready for Michigan
1 : imammmbX:-..
Left Tackle. Right Tackle. Hight Halt -
I '' ' C J - , i '!. - . ,. ... . '
. ; -
catlafaotory and there will be few va- i
cant places In any of the aUnda. It la
believed that by far the blggeat foot ball
crowd In the history of the achool will
aaaemble to see th game.
There I atlll aome depute over offlolala,
Ithough three have been definitely se
lected, aa follow:
t'mpire Hinkcy of Yale.
Field Judge Kckeraall of Chicago.
Head Linesman Ver Wlebe of Harvard.
Th downtown at reft n are -dresaed In
oollvge attire for the reception of the
vUltora Saturday. I'ennanta were atrung
overhead on wire on all of th principal
atreeta and tho Michigan headquarter at
the Lindell hotel were drpl In mat
and blue color.
What little betting la reported I on the
comparative ecore and even money I
being taken that Michigan will not defeat
Nebraaka by aa large a acore aa Minne
sota plied up.
The probable lineup follows:
riiauner' ..t....,L.K IL E. ...... Conklln
Bhonkn LT.L,T tulnn
m .... ii Bri , i
Rlllott .....
1'vuraon ..
Hnnnon ..
I.ofKrn ..,
Warner ...
t. h-renk .,
K. Frank .
Ulbaon ....
UQlLG... Kaiser, Iflln
. r
K.K. . .
L .11...
IX. 11...
.... Hogle
.. rontlue
.... CrHl
.... P in It 6
The proper way tho only guccess
ful way to treat n old gore is to
destroy its source. Hot by danjrerou2
surgical peratioug or irritatiuir
drawiBj plastera, bat by Nature 'i
true rnetiaod of purifying the bloc
and ullinu the circulation with rich
nourishing: properties then th
cure will be natural and lasting-.
can easily understand how inipuritU
in the blood will infect gome wea
point on our bodies, and by contii
nally dischargioj impurities iuts i
Lerp the place open and inflamt
until a chronic ulcer is fonnci
Kothin; then is so sure to produce
cure of these old sores as S. S. I
This medicine is Nature's perfe
blojd remedy, composed of tho wo
bealiog- and at the same time tl
most penetrating and blood-purifyir
properties. It removes every pdrtic
of impurity or morbid matter from tl
circulation, and asuistg nature in tL
increasing of healthful, nutritiou
corpuscles iu the blood. ' S. S, S
makes pure blood and pure blood i.
Nature a unfailing cure for old eores
, We want every euffc-rer with an ol
ore to commence the use of S. S. S.
because we know it ia the remed
they most need. Book on Sores an
Ulcers and medical advice free to ail
tJ. !5. S. is sold at dreg stores.
Tt'iWLFTSncirig CO., AtUmim, Cs.
. Thompson Matt la me.
ANN ARBOR. Mich.. Nov. M.Spe
clal.) Their eplrlla were a Mt downcast
by tb fact that, after a day of alter
nating hope and fear, "Uottles" Thom
son was nut to make the trip with tfcem.
and yet very hopeful ot lowering the
Colore of the Missouri valley champions,
twenty members of the varsity foot ball
squad boarded the Wolverine on th
Michigan Central at 1.30 yesterday morn
ing for Lincoln, Neb.
Wednesday night Fullback Thomson,
probably Michigan s most aggressive
player of the year, who w kept out ot
th Pennnylvanla gam by th death of
bis brother, returned to the university
town. No sooner had th news spread
over the little town than the spirit of
th faithful began to rise by leap and
bounds. Rut this morning when the team
assembled at the station ' Uottlus" wa
not among those present and It became
certain then that th big' fullback had
placed the wishes of hla mother, that h
remain out of the gam for the rest of
the year, above the desires ot the ath
letlo authorities.
Alumal llvaaqaartere.
LINCOLN, Neb.. Nov. Jit. -t (Special.)
The University of Nebraska Alumni as
sociation will establish headquarters, at
the Lincoln hotel to extend the gland
hand to former graduutes of the Institu
tion who are expected to attund th Michigan-Nebraska
foot ball game tomorrow
artemoon. Officials of the association
are expecting large numbers of former
school men and women from over th
" purpose or estaoiishlng a
headquarters ia not only to weluoin
those who arrive, but to dispense n
orrnauon mat will make their atay la
Uncoln more pleasant.
IOCX CITT. Ia.. Nov. It.-Bert Van
Huuton, who husked bushels of corn
ia ten l ours near Thurmau. Ia., yester
day, la believed to be world uhampion
bunker. Van Houton finished In fuia phy
sical condition. Much money changed1
ha-n's on the result. Two thousand saw
him perform tl.e feat.
Key to tb sttlutuon live Want Ada
Stromsburgr Defeated by Eleven to
i Nothing- Soore.
Pachek aad Arebeat Kack Us Over
Lin la Second ttaarter aad
rscfcek Falls la Hla Effort
1 Kick tteml.
DAVID CITT. Neb., Nov. ll-Special
Telegram,) In a foot ball gam her to
day David City won from Stromaburg
High school by a score of 11 to 0. Tbe
first quarter ended with th ball on
BtromabuTg's 2S-yard line. During th
second quarter pachek went over th line
for the first touchdown and kicked goal.
Shortly afterward Arebeart went around
the end tor a forty- five-yard run and
touchdown and Pachek failed In his try
for goal. Jn th second naif Stromaburg
uaed the forward paxs very successfully
nearly gaining a- touchdown, Backlund
starred for the visltoj-s. while A relies rt
wa one ot th locals' fa tea men.
Shelby Runs Over
Eleven at York
YORK. Neb., Nov. tl. (Special Tele
gram.) Shelby High school team d
feated York High second team, 24 to t
Mie features of the game were long run
by Houdersheldt and Recce, and a plaoe
kick by Huinmlston. The Khelby eleven
out-weighed th York boys by fifteen
pounds to the man. The lineup:
(iimsteua icspj ir.. UK.
Mevlisn LK. L.K.
Herser UT. L.T..
M. Miller LO. L.O.
CIO. ..
...R.K.IK K.
...y H.(J B..
...R.H.IK II.
...UH. UH.
.A. Hill
... Humtnlston
W. 11111s
Mulvaney ,
Randall ....
A. Miller..
1'artlow. ...
Heggurd ..
Members ef Team Are Presented!
with Blaakele at Haas Meeting:.
CRETK. Neb.. Nov. t.-8pecial.)-Only
th darkness stopped th fierce scrim
mage that the Varsity and Scrubs went
through Thursday evening at Doane, and
since this was the last ractlce before
the big game, much ginger waa shown
by the fellows. The tk-rube lined up on
the defensive consisted of thirteen men
indudlrg a couple of Varsity subs, but
this mac no difference la the speed with
which Coach Johnson's touchdown ma
chine reeled off) tbe scores. The team Is
an entirely different kind of aggrega
lion than It waa last Monday, and they
have been working aa tliey had never be
fore woiked thla season to prepare them
selves for administering a defeat to Bell,
vu. Every one at Doane feels confident
that the Tigers will be victorious.
Friday evening a Urge masa meeting
wa held, and th surprise for the team
pulled off. It consisted of nw Doane
blankets for the Varsity aquad, and they
will make their appearance with these at
the game. Th special train I aeeured
now, and at SO Saturday morning about
100 Eoansttss will start out. all tagged
"Eellevu or Bust." In th last ten years
Doan baa won six time from Uellevue,
tied on and- lust three .
Franklin Academy '
and Norton Play Tie
FRANKLIN. Neb., Nov. 24-(8pclal
Telegram.) Tbe closing foot, ball gum a of
the season played her today between th
Franklin academy and Norton (Kan.)
County High achool teams reaulted In a
tie, th score being B to 5 at the close of
th game. The teams were evenly
matched, the ball being carried Into each
team' territory, back and forth. Norton
made th first touchdown In the third
quarter and Franklin mad their touch
down with only one minute to play, start
ing from tbe center of th field and
carrying the ball without a stop for a
touchdown. Th touchdown waa made by
Captain Bloedorn, fullback.
Norton I th only team that has de
feated th academy team this fall and by
this game the academy team la claiming
th championship of the Republican
valley. -
Bias Hock. Sboot at Gretna.
GRETNA, Neb., Nov. M. (Special.)
A blue-rock ahoot will be held at Uretoa
November SO. beginning at 10 o'clock. The
grounds are within two blocka of th
poatofflc and competition Is open to all.
J. ? :
'' .
Jimmy Biitt, former lightweight cham
pion, who may be selected to referee the
Wolgast-Welah bout at Ban Francisco on
Thanksgiving day. It has been said that
a heavyweight should referee a heavy
weight inatclt because a smaller man has
trouble In making tb contestants obey
his orders to break apart and that a light
weight should refvroe a lightweight. fight
b cause i a heavier man has trouble In
keeping out of the principals' way. Ac
cordingly it la declared that Brttt would
be aa tdsal man to run th mill aad a
large part of th sporting publlo hope
that U genial James will be given the
Team in Fine Shape for Annual
Scrap with Squad from Crete.
Tralnload of Rooters for Congrega
tlaaatlats Will Arrive Shortly
- Before Noon Coach Mc
Coy Coafldcnt.
Tbe Bellevus-Doan game, always- con
sidered the greateat event on the foot
ball calendar of both Institutions, will be
played at Rellevue Saturday afternoon
A apeclal tralnload of Doane rooters will
arrive from Crete about noon and. prep
arations are being made for th largest
foot ball crowd In Bellevue'a history
Judging by reports large rumbers of
alumni and ex-students will be on hand
to witness the big game of the year. As
In former years, rivalry Is Intense. Masa
meeting and rallies have stirred the en
thusiasm ot the students to fever pitch.
A great electric sign has been fixed
across the south face of Clark hall
tower and la visible tor a mile by lay or
night Letters calculated to Instill more
fighting spirit Into 'he members of the
tram are being received by them dally
from alumni and players of previous
The probable outcome of the game Is
extremely uncertain. Comparative acoVea
show the two teams to be as evenly
matched as could well be possible. The
Doan warriors, however, are all In flrat
clasa fighting trim, having had a day ot
rest last Saturday In preparation for the
contest, and not on of tliem will be oi.
th aid tinea on account ot Injuries, whil
Rellevue I somewhat crippled, as a re
sult of having played the heaviest sched
ule In It history. Maxwell, quarter
back, end Dowden, end. havs not recov
ered from injuries received In th Has
tings gam sufficiently to be on tha field.
Tbe latest and consequently most serious
blow la th Injury to Joe Clabaugh, right
halt, which will keep him out of th
game. Bellevue'a defense hi strong, even
with theae men oat ef IL
Coach McCoy Friday morning; said;
"We are going in to win and, with an
nn break ot luck, w can do It. Itdon't
think Doane can score on us unless by a
possible fluke."
He expressed a good deal ot disappoint
ment at th failure xif his men to score
on Highland Park last Saturday, but at
tributes the tl game to th absence of
Clabaugh from the lineup, as well aa to
th muddy field.
Ohman, who has been working at Cla
baugh' half, has been showing up well
and Is very fast. Only on Wednesday
afternoon of this week wa any scrim
mage against the scrub Indulged In, the
rest of th time being spent In tackling,
getting down . under punt and signal
practice;' this with the ldta ot having all
bruises and lameness among the men
cured by Saturday, so that they may go
against their old rivals from Doane In the
best possible shape. - Maxwell ot the
Omaha Young Men's Christian associa
tion will referee the game, and Cy Mason,
ex-Nebraska, will umpire. Th game
will begin at t p. m. and will be played
on the new sod field, at Mission street. In
Beaver City Girls Wlo.
BEAVER CITT. Neb. Nov. 24.-Rpe-clal
Telegram.) In a fast and exciting
game of basket ball the girls' high school
team of Beaver City defeated, tb girls'
high School team of Orleans, by a score
of 14 to 12. Orleans waa ahead at the
end of the firxt half, but In th second
half. Heaver City forged ahead and won.
The Beaver City girls have not 'fieen
beaten ghla year and want games with
any high school , In southwestern Ne
braska. ' ..''.,' -:
The Great
and Overcoat
--:. - v .,.-' ' , ,
Saturday at '
107 South Sixteenth Street
L : - "
F t M M M tl M H S H M IJ t 5 te
of all trains." J
i 0 '
fcl - Iff MWf
f- -
v. V
Sit on the observation end of the train as you whirl by
the stations. Watch the trains that have "taken a sid
ingshere a freight, there a passenger, and you will
realize what "independent of all trains" means to the
Kansas City-Florida Special
Even when she pulls into the
big cities Meippnis, Birming
ham and Atlanta she loses none
of her independence.
Waiting there, with steam up,
are frtsn engines, ready to take
her, just as she is, from baggage
to observation sleeper and
hurry her forward to Florida.
Beginning November 20th
Leave Kansas City, dally..
Arrivei Memphis..
Arrives Birmingham
Arrives Atlanta ..i
a : i. i .-ii
1 1 v c rfavasuniui ...
She goes . over the route of
shortest-distance' and quickest
time the Frisco-Southern Ry.
From the time you leave Kansas
City until you reach J acksonville,
the complete train is your home.
You will wonder how it could
be more complete. Fred Har
vey is master of cuisine.
.6:15 p. m.
.8:15 a. m.
.3:45 p. m.
.9:20 p. m.
....7:40 a. m.
It la Spring In riorlda now.
Tbe alrUtslmy. Golf, tennis,
boating, bathmtf, nshing . mo
tortag are 10 lull wwg, there.
Train from points north d west make good eon-
imuUuu la Kanaaa tint wllto this spleovlid new train.
tat tfrketa. steering eer reservations, and a (res eopy of a
beauutul book eitout gJonde, sail ua or writs ,
Frisco Ticket Office, Waldheim Building,
11th and Main streets. Kansas City.
J. C. LOYKIKN, Division I'asaenger A Kent Kansas City
as City; J JXyl-
ent Kansas City Jrl --4?5e?K