Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 25, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Image 1
Daily . Bee I HE WEATIIER FORECAST Fair; Warmer , NEWS SECTION PAGTS OSE TO TEN YTOL. XLI NO. 138. OMAHA, SATURDAY MORNING, -NOVKMliEK 2o, l'Ul-TWENTY PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. Omaha 3 CHINESE REBELS EETAKEHANKUW Imperial Forces in Vicinity of the City Are Driven Toward Chi Jar Wan.. ... . MORE GUARDS I OB LEGATIONS Ministers in Peking Decide that Hore Men Are Needed. AMERICAN TROOPS ARE READY Force at Manila Can Be Embarked at Moment's Notice. ' PIRACY ON THE WEST RIVER Number of Vrmli Looted and omo of Their Officers and Pas se ners Killed Steamer Service Suspended. Btl.LKTIN. SAN FRANCI8CO, Nov. 14. Fighting -which baa raced for tbe last two days la tbe vicinity of Hankow culminated In a victory for the rebel forces, according to a dispatch from Shanghai today to tbe Chinese Fr Press. U says that the Im perial force have rfc..ated to Chi Jar "Wan, an outpost a short distance north of Hankow. ' Will Increase Legation Guard. PEKING, Nov,J4. Ministers representing- the foreign powers here today decided that it would be advisable to increase the legation guards. An edict Just published orders Sheng Tung, the new governor of the province ef Bfcen-SI. to proceed to hie post imme diately to suppress outlaws ana protect foreigners. Plracv on the west river is so rampant that the British steamboat companies of Hong Kong have been obliged to suspend service. Several steamers have been looted and some of the officers and pas rengers killed, , ' Two British ' torpedo boat destroyers have left Hong Kong to patrol the' west ' riven, American Troops Ready. k - WASHINGTON, Nov. 84. Although the V army Is ready to embark troops at Ma i ulla on the transport Sherman at a mo f " Vnent's notice for China, it was said to- , day that nothing would be done further until word came from Minister Calhoun . at Peking that American troops were 4 . needed. Rebels Shoot Deserters. , . VICTORIA, B. C, Nov 24. Stories of eye-witnesses who saw the engagement new Hankow received .by .the Kamakura I Maru'iast night say that the revolutlon ' arles fought with great courage. They lost a battery of artillery after a dei- , iterate fight. Major Vo, who was In ton. I iind, attempted to desert to the govern ment trooDS when a runner stepped for- ward and shot him at the request of General Ho, whoe leg was phot away I and who was being borne off the field. ' . YOUNG HUBBARD TAKEN FROM PROVIDENCE HOSPITAL (From a Staff Correspondent.) TOismvOTON. Nov. 24. (Special Tele gram.) Elbert If. Hubbard, Jr., son of Representative Hubbard of Sioux City, who has been ill with diphtheria and a ..ii.t) at Prnvidence hosiittal. has so far recovered that he was discharged from 'the hospital yesterday and taken in charge by Mr. and Mrs. Hubbard, who Vonteneil to Washington when first ap nrised of their son s illness. The attack nnmnar&tlvelv slla-ht. though for lev eral days much apprehension was felt by the physicians attending young Hubbard. Representative Charles H. Burke of Ttrre. fc. D.. arrived in Washington last night and has taken his former rooms at the Dewey. Mr. Burke comes to the annual little ahead of the assembling of congress in order to attend a meeting of the committee on Indian arcairs, or which he is senior republican .member TWELVE SLIGHTLY HURT IN WRECK AT BAILEYVILLE, KAN. ST. JOSEPH, Mo.. Nov. 24. When east- bound and westbound motor cars on the St. Joseph & Grand Island railway col llded at Balleyvllle, Kan., forty miles west of here,, today, twelve passengers were slightly injured and Conductor J C. Cooper was probably fatally hurt. Cooper lives at Hiawatha, Kan. The accident was due to a mistake in orders. . The Weather FOR NEBRASKA Fair; warmer eaBt portion. FOR IOWA Generally fair; warmer. Teraperatare at Omaha Yesterday, Hour. Degree. Hour. Degree. b a. m 6 a. m 7 a. m 8 a. m P a. m.... JO a. m Jl a. m Urn ...15 ...14 ...13 ...15 ...IS ...a ...87 ...U 1 p. m.. 2 p. m.. 1 p. ni.. 4 p. m.. 5 p. in.. 9 p. in.. 7 p. m.. 8 p. m.. oo M 41 4.' 41 40 33 3 Cwut para live Local Mevord. 191 L 11(10. nm. 1J8, i Highest yesterday ...... C M M ' lxjxeol ytbieiOay 14 43 3e iuan temperature 2s 60 47 42 I rtcipiia.iou to .ou . Tempeiaiute and preclpkatlou uepari i ui-s .iJin ttia nunniJ: i Nui'iuUi Lc.iii'';. $ ? Deficiency lor the uay.. ' '1'oitt.i excess Hi rue Match 1 Mi Nonn.U piec.puawun Ui lncu ' Deficiency lor Hie uay vi lncu ' 'i'uici rulnlall e March 1..1H .27 menu. , Deficiency bluce laicu 1 14. Ko Indies , I'ellLleucy lor. poiwu, IjIu 14.1b incite fejccoaa cur. period lua 2. to, Indies - Reports from stations t T I. At. ; Station and S-.ate of Kuibbi. Cheyenne, i.ear Devenpoit, c.ear .... leaver, viear Ies Monies, clear... Temp. Hltib Rain i p. Uk ... iJ ... Ji-i ... 40 , tall. a .to M .) 46 .Ou 3tf .iff Di .ou 44 .uw i4 j 4.' .. .tj W .00 60 .Uu 41 .00 42 .110 4 .00 44 . 44 .00 Dougtt Lio, pari cloudy w I nur, purl cloudy '2a n in u 1'idlie. is Mimna. c.ear 'Si ll'uiu.u, i irar 44 Kai.i.i C'liy, c.ear lk jr fa. i. lke City, clear... a ht,..ia tier clr 30 H.:i-ildan. clear 32 diuus City, clear 3s ValenUue, clear W i. A. WaXbil, Local Fwsuasiar. V. E. D. Stokes Says Ho Refused Demand of Girl for Money NEW TORK, Nov. 24.-Lllllan Graham, the show girl, .burst Into tears today, when W. E. D. Slokre declared on the stand that he had refused to give her 1500 because he had married "and the inci dent might be misrepresented." MIks Ethel Conrad, who was with her In the defendants' seat, comforted her. Stokes testified that he met the Graham girl in 1906. He had entertained her at his country place at Lexington, Ky., and she had lived at the Ansonla hotel here. He gave her money on sev eral occasions and finally gave her money to go to Paris, he said. When he saw her In May last, he said, she was seek ing a position on the stage and wanted 00. t 'I told her I would not give her a penny,'.' he. testified. "I Impressed on her the fact that I was married and that the Incident might be misunderstood. I also told her It would be a bad practice." Lillian threatened to kill herself later, he said, and once he had knocked a bottle of poison from her hand. Most Troublesome Suffragette Given Two Months in Jail LONDON, Nov. 24. Lady Constance Lytton and Lady -Sybil Smith, both lead ers in the suffragette movement, were today sentenced respectively to a fort night and a week in Jail for smashing windows. Mrs. Mary Leigh, who had been seven times previously convicted and whom the police described as the "most trouble some suffragette," was sentenced to two months in Jail. If she is again , con victed probably she will be sentenced to hard labor. The remaining 130. cases went over to next Monday. Nurse Describes Death Struggles of .. ' Colonel Swope KANSAS. CITY, Nov. 24. The death scene In the bedroom of Colonel Swope, the convulsions of the philanthropist and the circumstances of the fatal day were detailed vividly today in the trial of Dr. B. C. Hyde by Miss Pearl Kellar, tbe nurse. She told of the capsule containing cy anide and strychnine. ' " The- fctate won a point when Miss- Kel lar. was allowed to tell of the Illness and death of Moss Hunton. Hunton waa named at executor in 8 worm's will. The nurse told how Dr. Hyde within fifteen minutes After HupUw dAs k4' e U use bar in floe rice to have him appointed as iiw executor. May Pardon Morse Because of Illness t. , , WASHINGTON, Nov. 24.'-If there is" no legal objection C. W. Morse, the New Tork banker, now in the Atlanta peniten tiary, will be removed from that Institu tion within a few days to a point near Atlanta and placed under observation by physicians to determine whether or not his physical condition Is such that he should be granted a pardon by President Taft. ATLANTA, Nov. 24. Friends here of Mr. Morse said today the disease be Is suffering from is Incurable. However, it is believed, his life will be Indefinitely prolonged If he Is removed from prison. Little Girl Saves Train from Wreck PURCELL, Okl., Nov. 24.-Eva Hall, a 10-year-old girl, saved a passenger train on tbe Oklahoma Central railroad from going into a ditch three miles east of here yesterday. She was on the way from school when she discovered that a bridge over a deep gulch has been burned out. It was only a few minutes until th passeoger train would be along, for she always met it half a mile further down the road. She dragged some pieces of ties which had not been burned and stood upon them and flagged the train. The passengers made up a purse of flOO and gave It to the girl. Levin. Says He Paid . For "Protection" CHICAGO, Nov. 24. Lewis Levin, a witness before the civil service commis sion, which Is investigating conditions In the police department, today testfled he iiad paid S4U) for alleged police protec tion on the west side. Levin said the money waa paid to a man called "Louie" In the saloon of Barney Grogiin, said by FLevln to Lave been a leader In the west side under world. TWO TOBACCO COMPANIES , FILE ARTICLES IN TRENTON TRENTON, N. J., Nov. 24. As a part of the plan of the dissolution of the so called Tobacco tru.U. articles were filed with the secretary of state today for the incorporation of the 1. Lorulard com pany, capital $--fi,4S3,auO, and for the Lig gett It Myers Tobacco company, capital. WC.t00.200. Culled from the Wire. After being delayed two days by wind Aviator Kobcrt KoU.r todsy resumed tin flight from Abilene, Tex., to New York li ..... ...... tn L. . . . i m . . . xiuku .uu j bcuuui, um vi ine Lie hi known authorities on art in Europe, and I tf l-!L. !... I ........ .. .... .11 i .'i. . iinciiii tl Viinll, III. wen .HUH German author, died In Munich Friday. Rlcht Rev. Peter T. Rowe, Episcopi Mi-Im p for the miaMlonsry distr ct i ' " " ' - ui.iim.ij unnncu L 1 1 V m r- lo.ninunt offered hun of bishop fur the i a nnit,i;ui ka,iu,u tii u u rig , 1 Madonna lieila Stella," which was stol T.'-- A nn.llhi'. . .. . . - . .. i . . ... The len iapi ounu.y irum ice monastery ui r- an a : v n. 1" m. iciuicicu rilg'll wjr iU114 from a man who carried it la a packsg lice ;e, JDUY COiNVICTS TWO INTAR CASE Schmidt and Clark Found Guilty of Assault and Battery, While Simmi is Freed. F0UB OTHERS GET YEAR EACH Judge Passes Sentence on Me a Who Confessed to Charge. VERDICT C0MIS AS SURPRISE! Girl Leaves Town, Thinking Convio-' tion Improbable. JUROR TELLS OF DISCUSSION Arqatttal of Slmma Dae to Fact that Onlr Uncorroborated Testimony of Anderson Was GlTea Against Htm. LINCOLN CENTER, Kan., Nov. 24. Two defendants In the "tar party" case, John Schmidt and Shnrrlll Clark, late to day were found guilty of assault and battery by a Jury In Judge Orover's court. A. N. Slinms, the third defendant, waa acquitted. Sentence on the two men was deferred to permit attorneys to argue a motion for a new trial. Earlier in the day sentences of one year each in the county Jail, the extreme pen alty In Kansas for the offense charged, waa passed on Everett G. Clark, Jay Fits water, Watson Scranton and Edward Rlcord, confessed assailants of Mary Chamberlain. These defendants were ac cused of the same crime as the other men. In addition to the sentences the. court ruled that the men must pay the costs of the prosecution. An effort was made by attorneys, for Fltswater and Clark to have the court entertain a motion to grant an appeal to the supreme court on the' ground that the sentence was ex cessive. This motion was not passed on today. " Rlcord already was In Jail, having been surrendered by tis Ikoudsmen seventy seven days ago Til Xurt (old the. three other men they mllU bave a short time in which to straighten up their, business affairs. iFtswater says he wU Igo to Jail next week. Clark's business Interests may make. it necessary for him to be free for a month or more, Scranton said he would be ready for Jail in a few hour and he would not appeal his case.. Both the convicted and sentenced men took their fates calmly. Few Spectators In Coart. Only a few spectators were in the court at any time today. This wns due to the dual reasqn that . It was rot generally known, the convicted men were to be sen fenced, 'and also, because the Jury was failed to bring In a reraiot as midnight, practically every one had decided the dellberators were In a hopeless tangle of arguments from which, they could . not emerge, Just before the noon hour the sleepless Jurors lent word they wanted to see the Judge. Led by Myron Green, the Jury filed Into the court room. "Uncle Myron," as he Is called,' advanced to the Judge's bench, raised his' left hand, thumb ex tended upward by way of salutation, a custom of twenty-five years with him in the court of Lincoln county, and then re tired. Everybody settled down to hear the verdict. "Tour honor," announced the foreman. 'we wish to hear certain parts of the testimony o Mr. Slmms read again." Hopes fell rapidly with that statement. It was generally whispered among the attorneys that Slmms had made the worst showing of any of the witnesses. So, de cided the lawyers. If they were' tied up on his case, it was to be a long-drawn-out fight. .... The testimony hesrd. Judge Grover sent for the four men who had confessed and sentenced them, preparatory to putting the court In order for adjournment. The punishments were soon announced. ' Juryman Talks of Case. O. P. Sanders, one of the Jurymen, to night told how the Jurors arrived at the verdict. There was so much testimony to con sider," he said, "that it took us a long lime to go over the ground." Not a single ballot waa taken until after noon today, when the Jury had been out more than twenty-four hours. "We septn less time on the case o! Sherrlli Clark, perhaps, than any other, although It was gone Into in detail. Then we spent much time on the case of John Schmidt. The principal thing that caused his conviction was his act In shouting to a neighbor 'to come along' with the crowd that was going out to see the tarring. That made I appear tbat he was taking an unusual Interest in the episode.. "The acquittal of Pirns does not seem so peculiar when It Is considered that only the uncorroborated- tentimony of Chester Anderson was given against him. The court Instructed us that a convic tion should not be taxed upon such tentl- (Continued on Second Page.) Home-Qrown Oaffydils: Come On In, The Waters Fine: You can pick 'em as well as not. Try your hand at making Daffydils: The Bee willprint a bunch of the home grown variety in . its Sport Section next Sunday: Send yours in: A Prize Book worth a dollar to the Best, ant sj-xv Pupa vvr From the Sacramento live. MARQUIS KOMURA IS DEAD Japanese Diplomat and Statesman Passes Away in Tokio. ?E03HNENT IN FOBEIGN AFFAIRS Ha Rrsts Japa la Nes;olat- Ink trf jT Porlimatts " lav Several Other Im portant Caaoclls. TOKIO, Nov. 24.Mnrquli Jutaro ICo raura, ex-minister of foreign affairs nd privy councillor, died this moriilng. Marquis , Komura, ex-minister of for eign affairs and former ambassador to Great Britain, was born in 1865. After graduating from the. Imperial university he was sent to Harvard as one of the first batch of students to be educated at the expense , of the -government. In US4 he was appointed secretary to the Foreign office and shortly afterward was promoted to be director of the transla tion bureau. Till the eve of the outbreak of the China-Japanese war in 1894 he was charge d'affaires at Peking. In June, l&tf, he assumed the post of vice minister of foreign affairs, and in 1&98 be was transferred to Washington as Japanese minister. In 1900 he was sent to fit. Petersburg in a similar capacity. and later, represented Japan at the In ternational conferonce following the Boxer trouble at Feklng. In 1901 he accepted the foreign port folia in the Katsura cabinet and was closely concerned In the conclusion of the first Anglo-Japan agreement, which was followed by the negotiations with Russia, which culminated in the war. His name will also be remembered as Japan's chief plenipotentiary at the Portsmouth peace conference for his part In negotiating a second Anglo-Japanese treaty with the China-Japanese negotia tions, which were a corollary of the Portsmouth treaty of peace. He was created a count in 190$ and was mads a marquis in April of this year. Compromise Ruling in Packers' Case CHICAGO. Nov. 24.-Judge Carpenter made a compromise ruling today on the appeal of nine Chicago packers fur a delay in their trials scweduled for Mon- dsy. He ruled the trial should open for tne- examination or jurors, but that no witnesses should be examined until the supreme court had ruled on the constitu tionality of the criminal section of- the Sherman law. , In the New Jury Room . MO iff w owe T THE '. 'U A V TOMORROW The Best Colored with Tht Sunday Be Bryan Praises Skill ' and Discipline of Crew of Ocean Liner NASSAU, New Providence, Nov. 24. The pasnengers from the stranded steamer Prlns Joachim were transferred from the steamer Seguranca to the Vigll ancla twenty miles from Nassau. V. J. Bryan, In an Interview, said: "No Incident occurred during the trans fer of the passengors from the Prlns Joachim to the Seguranca. Everything was orderly. The weather was calm and there was no nervousness anywhere." Mr. Bryan said the rnerirv. skill ami discipline of the crew were perfect. Mr. Bryan made a speech during a din ner on board the Heguranca. The Vlgllancla, with passengers all well, left at S p. m. on Thursday for Jamaica. Templeton Makes Charges Against Grain Inspector CHICAGO, Nov. 21. James 8. Temple- ton, whose attacks on the grain inspec tion methods of Illinois have raised a storm on the Chicago Hoard of Trade, made a formal demand today that Sam uel II. Smith, first assistant Inspector, re- Hlcn. The demand was based on an affi davit by p. II. Stuhr of Davenport, la., alleging tliat' Smith had changed the grade of 100,000 bushels of oats. Mr. Smith vehemently denies ths charge. Kills Her Husband to Save His Soul NEW YORK. Nov. 24.-In a whisper that the jury could nut hear Mia Fran ces O'haughnessy admitted on the wit ness stand that she had shot 'and killed her hubband, Oeorge, on the morning of May 8, "to save bis soul," when she learned that another woman had re placed her In his affections. A day or two before the shooting, she aid, her husband had told hsr that ! Intended taking her to lCngland, abandon ing her there and returning to America, to that he uould be near tbe other woman. SECRET SERVICE MAN ADMITS TAKING BRIBE HARTFORD, Conn.. Nov. 2i.-Charged before a police court here with blackmail PitU.Ble Plgniulo, a V lilted States secret service agent, wus today held for the criminal court in $a,OK bonds. It Is al li-ged tflat he accepud 4'i0 "protuctlon money" from "I'atsy" Fuaco, a resort keeper here, In connection with the "wh te lave" prosecution of Lena Cohen In New York. Kunco admitted he had trafficked In young gtrla and said that the traffic 1 i9 MM mk '- dis. 1 i y 1 f a h i MM I I M A X Comics till is being carried on. st i tv"y 1 ctut . Jgif STiiH P'oiecvrn-tv WfAryf4itia wvt ,a mm MRS. PATTERSON ON STAND Woman Aooused of Murder of Hat , band Says Ee Abused Her. - MANY DEMANDS F0& KOSXY Ma eh f taa .Taatlsaaas- Sa K rtt r to Print rasne ef a Cnleaft I MUMoaalr br6aghl la ' Daring- Testimony. DENVER, Nov. 24.-Much of ths ts tlmony of Mrs. Gertrude Gibson Patter. son, who today resumed the witness stand n her own defense waa unfit for publica tion. Taking up the subject of Patterson's Illness It is said he was nearly dead from tuberculosis when hs was killed Mrs. Patterson said she had nursed him until physician ordered her to take a rest. She continued to visit him. however, and one day, she testified, he exclaimed: "If you don't come back and nurse me, I'm going to sue that " He patted his pillow," said the wit ness, and said, I have the thing here that will fix you.' " From the hospital, where this scene is alleged to have transpired,' Patterson was taken to a sanitarium where he lived In a house tent.; For a time he de clined to see his wife, but once she said she woo admitted. He drew a rasor," related Mrs. Pat tersoin, and said, " 'I'll kill you as sure as llvel " la July, 1910, witness said she filed suit in Chicago for divorce and wtnt to live with her parents In Sandoval, la. "My husband kept after me for money, saying he wanted to go west for his health," narrated Mrs. Patterson. "When 1 told blin I had none he said, 'get it from tbat fat our.' Tins was a reference to the Chicago millionaire whose name has been brought Into the caao. Mrs. Patterson says she refused this request and her husband beat her. Later she said that she wrote to Kmil Strouns of Chicago, and he sent her M0, with which she and hur huaband ctune to Denver. While they were still living in Chicago, witness declares (hat Patterson by threats compelled tier to sell an electrlo runabout for which she secured tUOO, which she de clared she turned over to Patterson. She aid that she sold the car rather than apply to Strouss for the money, which her husband at first desired her to do. It waa while they wsrs In Chicago that ratteraon insisted that she secure mors money with which he desired to purchase property. Mrs. Patterson declared she would apply for no more, whereupon, she testified, her husband exclaimed: 'I think I'll sue that for taking you to Europe und get the money." It, was. than that Mrs. Patterson says she confessed to ber husband that shs had 16.000 given her by Strouss while they were In Europe. Shs gave htr husband 11,750 of it to buy the property. At this point the testimony took on character which was succeeded by dead, shocked sllencs In the court room It dealt with the marital life of husbana and wife. Answering her attorney, O. N Hilton, Mrs. Patterson told of receiving medical treatment for bites which she said were inflicted on her person by ber husbund. After reaching Denver witness said bar husband pursued ber with demands that she secure money from Strouss. Once she declared the Chicago millionaire clothier sent her a check for 3G0 without comment. Again Patterson demanded ISO, which amounted he asserted he had lost playing poker. Speaking of sitting on a bench In Fair munt park, this city, witness said, with her huxbund, (he said: "Suddenly he attacked me. He seised ne by the throat and began biting me lie nearly bit off my thumb." "What do you mean by 'off?' " Inquired :ier attorney iCouUnuud ou tieoond Page.) BE ATT IE ADMITS MUUDER0FW1FE Condemned Man Signs Statement in Freience of Two Ministers Shortly Before Execution. DOES NOT 00 INTO DETAILS Sayt that Much that Was Published is Not True. HIS DEATH IS INSTANTANEOUS Murderer Taken to Death Chamber Shortly After Seven O'clock. MEMBEKS OP FAMILY ABSENT Oaly Officers and Twelve -Witnesses lletjalred by Law of taa gtate Are Present at lileo troeatloa. RICHMOND. Va., Nor. 24.-Henry Clay Beattle, jr., before his death In tbe icctrlo chair at. 7.21 a. m. today, con feaoed to the murder of his wife. . The statement which was given out In tha rotunda of a dostntown hotel., follows: "I, Henry Clay ttcattie, Jr., desirous of standing right before Ood and man, do on the 2Sd day of November, 1911, con- fees my guilt of the crime charged against me. Muoh that was published concerning the details waa not true, but the awful fact, without the harrowing circumstances remains. For this ac tion, I am truly sorry and, believing thst am at peace with Ood and am soon to para into Ills presence, this statement Is made." Seattle's confession was followed by the following statement by the attending ministers: This statement was signed In ths presence of the two attending ministers and is the only statement that can and will be made publlo by them. "Mr. Beattle desired to thank the many friends for kind letters and expressions of interest and the publlo for whatever sympathy was felt or expressed, Many Humors About Coafesaloa. Throughout ths forenoon the city had been rent with rumor that Beattle had ounfessed. These were denied at the pent- tntlary, where, in connection with the announcement of the death, it waa said the oondemntd man had made no state ment. Tha attending ministers would not discuss the case until thsy had visited Seattle's parents In South Richmond and had secured their permission to make the confession public. The confession evidently was mad at the eleventh hour, when Beattle finally became oonVlnoed that- all hop of soap ing tha electric chslr had passed. ' Two days ago Rev, Dr. rii announced that natt said h would not confess. This waa ascribed to the faot tbat Beattle desired to spar his father ths Mow of admitting guilt after tils many protesta tions of innocence to the aged parent. There was a fight between filial devo tion and a desire not to go to his death with a II upon his lips. He waa urged to confess by his spirit uar advisers acd at last broke down. n. Beattle's death was instantaneous, ac cording to the prison surgeon. The ut most car had been taken In the prepara tion of the electrodss and In seeing that the straps and clamps wore prepared to withstand any strain. . In his horn in South Richmond, the father, surroundsd by his ' other son, Douglas, his daughter, . Hasel, and two aunts of tho condemned man, awaited word that all was over. Final Prayer with Condemned. Just before Superintendent Wood and bis men appeared Rev. Dr. Fix knelt' In prayer with the condemned man. Ho prayed for Divine forgiveness for him. Beattle appeared affected, but when tho, prayer was finished h was as emphatic' In his refusal to confess as at any Urn since sis arrest. - - - No member of the Beattl family wa present at ths execution nor at tha pent-' tentlary when the death, march was begvn. ' Preparations for the reception of Douglas Beattle, brother of the doomed man, had bean mad In tha superintend ent's office, but the young man did not appear. Th failure of any members of the family to be present wa welcomed by th prison authorities, for they, feared their oharg might break' down' at- thai laat moment. i Carriage wer waiting fur th wit nesses and they wer driven rapidly away. Th identity of but fw was known. After th legal formalities had been complied with and th witnesses had gone the body of Beattle was removed from the chair and takoi to the mortuary room adjoining. Her It was laid to await the coming of the coroner, who arrived shortly afterward. The Itev. Dr. Fix remained a tha sole watcher. All preparations had been made tor the removal of lb body. Th alder Beat' tie last night sent to the undertaker tha brown suit which his son bad worn In court when the Jury declared his guilt. In this the body was clad for burial. Hanry Clay Beattle, Jr., was electro cuted in tbe state penitentiary at a. m. One mlnuto after the shock be wa pronounced dead. In a downpour of rain, the twelve wit- (Continued on Pag Two.) DalzclFs Ice Cream Bricks Tickets to the American Theater Loxes oi O'Brien's Candy All ar glvon away frea to those tio fiud thalr nam lu tho want ada Read th want ads every day; your nam will appear sum time ' lunybe more than one. Ho .usxlea to solve nor sul scrlptlons to get Just read th snl mida Turn to th want ad pagw there you will find nearly every buaincAS house in th city represented.