THE HEK: OMAHA, FHI1UY. NOVEMHKU 'J4. 1011. MOENY TO IiOAN Salary nl Chattels. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 tTtt utt t Money for Every bod j " $10 to $100. OFFERED IXH RENT ttunsea nnd (.tinges. it i$ II $$ $$ $ H t$ $$ f $ M It H J$ tl II LOANS ON FURNITURE. riANOS. $1 SALARIES. ETC t chargee you ran fford, and without the red tap and delay you experience with other tympanies. JTABUSH . YOUR CREDIT HKRB H i as GOOD A3 A HANK ACCOUNT IN TIME OF NEED. NOTE THESE RATES; $10, you I'ay back $11.60. $15, you pay back $17.M. i". you y bark SMW. $. you pay back S.S.V00. NO OTHER CIIARtiKS. Weekly or Monthly Payment. OMAHA FINANCIAL. CO.. 109-10 Brown Blk. Opposite Bren dela B. K, Cor. lth and Douglas. ' Thone Douglas 20M. $$$$.$$ ?$$$!$ niiiiniiuii STAR lAl AN CO. 15 TO $1(10 Furnished salaried people without secur ity, Indorsement, delay, publicity, extor tion or deception. Terms to ault. 644 Faxton OFFERED FOR RI'.M, Board and Rooms. M. K. hauls trunks. D. (ill. A-2611. Portola, family hotel, 2oth Ave. and Har. Bt. James Hotel Steam heat, bath, home cooking-; winter rates to tew couples at $M per mo.; daily, $1.35. Near all theaters. WARM rooma and excellent meals. P. ith Ht Phone Douglas 313S.- 212 818 N. 23d, with board; tanee beautiful furnished rooms all modern; walking dls- 2103 Douglas, beautiful furnished rooms, board; convenient; all modern; walking alliance. inn 1HJUG1.AS Rooms rates reasonable. and board MRS. MILLER, 616 N. nd room In city. 22d, best board SUITE ot rooms; one large room; ex rellent homo cooking; private family. Call Harney 46. NICE place for nice people. THE MAD- jhuin. 211 and Chicago sis. $l.oo ana up. Under new management. EVERY Person knows who IX J. O'Brien Is because he has made Omaha famous with his candy. If 11. R. Morris. 1424 Kmmet .St., will come to The Bee office within three, day we will give him am order for a 60-cent .box of O'Brltn's candy free. WALL V VpFHl'Kntlnir. rpor hnns- framing. Mnnwin, Sl park Ave. H. f.fl". lifi DOUOI.AS. t roonu. evpent heat; $.:0 per month. Tel. Doualas HOUSEHOLD HOODS racked. for warded; cheap freight rates: moving and storing. Expr smens lel!verv Co. Tel. Douglna SH. City office. 21S 8. 17th St . Bee Bldg; OFFERED FOR KALE Houses. Ins. Rlngwalt, BrsndelsTli. Rld. Om. Van and Storage Co.. packs, moves. stores household goods. Fireproof stor ae. H S Kth. Branch. 3t S. lTth. Tel.. D. 4103; A -J .VS. COTTAI1E Five rooms. N. Hh St - Harney fXA. bath, gas. ld OMAHA EXP CO.. moving vuns and storage. Trunks, baggage del. D. JSi. 41H N. 17th. Urinous ,n larts of the city, uuuatii crelch Sons Co., Hoe Hldg. BIX. and seven-room modern fist, hot water heat, for $40. Tel. Webster 14CS. FUR RENT Close in. low winter rates. 614 N. 22d St.. rooms, all modern. 624 N. 22d St., 7 rooms; modem, ex. hent, M0 Blondo St., S rooms, $11. Tel. Red. 2t4. 2o MAPLE ST.. cept furnace. $20. 4U0. A 44urt. & rooms, modern. ex Hull, 432 Ratng-e. D. tM rooms. at N. 27th: $22. S rooms, 8410 N. 24th; 1117 Park Ave., modern. $JJ. lei. Webster 1S77. Davenport, i rooms, close In $10. ft) 1123 Davenport, 3 rooms, close In Vi.w XH) Seward 4 rooms, city water 10. M 1715 H. 83d, 4 rooms, mod. ex. heat... IIO.OO 1X14 8. 27th. 5 rooms, all modern 2V00 21-4 N. ltith, & roomn, part modern... 12. H) 2641 Cap. Ave., 6 rooma, close In 17. Manderaon, ( rooms 15.00 511 S, 24th Ave., rooms, close In... 1 00 aw S. 14th. 7 rooms, all modern 29.00 2710 Parker. rooms mod. ex. heat.. 1?.I1 30ii3 Franklin, 6 rooms 10. On 17 8. 25th Ave., 7 rooms, part mod.. IS. 00 217 N. U'th, moms, close In IS.OO aud Davenport. rooms, part mod 18.00 TUB BYRON KF.KD COMPANY. Douglas 27; Bid. A- 212 H. 17th. 1 senrllrH, VH IIAVR A COMPI.KTFI T.tNn of all makes of telewriters, factory rebuilt; price rlsht; It will pay you to see us hctoro nnving. TVI Kv RlTK.RINfrrCTtON AND SUP PLY CO.. If" rAKAM PI. Miscellaneous. iriXDI.lNO. t 'owdlt.Orosw.yjiSyt. 'TlhiK K'RA L. ooiuractors' ouillt. also teams and wagons, taiuwen ew I'ourt House. I OR HALK-New snd second-hand carom and pocket omiara imrs mm txiwiliiff mIUvh nrid liccessorics; nsr rix- tures of nil kinds; easy payments.- The bimiswtck-JRalke-Couenuer to,, wi-i o. lmh St. . . .. SIX-FOOT bookkeepers dcplc. onk fin ish, for sole at $1". Apply ticorge VV. Wrlrtt, Hoe Publishing Co. .- - .R SAI.B-Two Omaha Commercial BoylBS college. Bee. scholarshlpa college and Business oTltco, in tlis on In Omaha A SNAP Kxtra mounted grey wolf ward. Miller, S. D. laiKe. new, tut! t rug. ; Marie . YV ood- AUCTION SALE , of ITT, lots of unredecnied household goods, November 27. 2S, 9. Omaha. .Van' and Storane Co.. 1Q N. IPth St. , 8AFKS oversrtocKetl lth eeivnd-twnd safes, nil sixes and makes; lar(:iiis. A merlrmn SutiplyhJParn a'nst. "75lTARRkl.S choice winter apiiiea, hand picked. i a barrel. Lellvered to any part of city. Phone Douglas SUft; Ind. A-4ai2. One Month's Kent Free Almost new 5-roora brick flat, IS blocks from postoffice, $25. Tenant taking six months' lease will be given one month's rent free. J. H. Dumont & Son 1005 Farnam. Douglas !W. FOR RENT Right-room strictly mod ern house, walking distance, $26.w. GALLAGHER A NELSON, Doug. 2M2. Furnished Rooms. BRIGHT, warm room In private family; close to ?rwgliton college; rea Sonablw. Phone Harney 62j8. FINK for two young ladles; good fam tly; very convenient. Phone Harney 6258. l)ewcy buropean Hotel. 18th at Farnam. THIS SHRlNfeR rooms, single and en suite, modern. 2Sth and Harney. l.AROii front room; newly And furnished. Harney 215. TWO nicely furnished rooms; steam heat; all modern. 221 North 24th St, flat 7. Telephone B. 1832. :V09 Capitol Modern two blocks to car. DES1RABLK furnished room, private family. gbli N. 10th. Phone Webster BiriS. WIN. 17th id floor, modern, furnished, steam-heated rooms. ' FRONT parlor for two gentlemen; mod ern. Phone Douglas 4ls. i FOR RENT Eight-room, strictly mod ern house: walking d stance: Kb.&o. GALLAGHER NKLSON. Doug. 2SS2. FOR R1SN T Large nine-room house at 1013 pierce street; modern; in good repail. 'lei. Doug. ins. EQUITABLE LOAN COMPANY, 15 Nebraska National Bank Bldg., 12th and Farnam 81a. For Rent Brick House Four bedrooms, bath and toilet on sec ond floor: large family room, dining furnished 'room; room, buttery-kitchen, refrigerator room. hail and vestibule on second floor; luil Cement basement; furnace heat; every thing flrst-ciass and strictly modern. Lo cated at lull Georgia Ave. See the owner at laM Georgia Ave., or pnone iiariie la. Get In the Game Electric Pianos. $! each. Slot Ma chines, Athletic and Peaaut Machines and scales, new and id-hand. Wrlto for our llst ot bargains. Hetter still come and see us. We also do repalilng. ACMtt MACHINE CO. MML'venwoth. Phones: It. 243; tnd. A-.4M. F( )R S AlVk A $06 carpet loom for (36. Webster 614. FoR R Ea T Richmond electric vacuum cleaner. Webster 24. L' . k iiurmn knows who D. J. (Vki-Imii oin aiise he has made Omaha lamous is 1th his candy. If Airs. James i-i-nu-. ins h 4iiih St. South tmahn will A ti.. via ..rt-K-A within three days .VII lu V . 11. VI -j . . - her un older for a 00-cent box of O Brlen's candy free . TKUHOXAIi DR. MAXWKLL CURES FH.KS . Om. Nat. Bk. tolug. PAY WHlvN CURED decorated fii-DAY BlJOD REMEDY. GladlEh l'harmacy, 12th and Dodge. Massage, RTltenhouse, Old Huston Bid. OK( HIGH YOUNG will not be rewpon- ii. i.. h .ii a contracted bv his wife bo left him August it, anu an i-nnirx-ied hv hei from and after aate recorded will not be recognised by me. voiimi women coming to Omaha rangers are Invited to vmu me Women s Christian association uuuumg auvUnimmh ana si. jn&iyi avv h thev will be airex-tea 10 buiibuio h, arriinir nliu'Bs or otherwise SSSIKIWI ok tor our tiaveiers mu ai ioo jih station. WE rent and repair all kinds of sewing machines. Ind. A. low, ln.ugias iww. KEUKAJSKA Ull-L.ri l&th and Harney Sts. MASSAUESd TWO desirable rooma men. 301 8. 26th Ave. for four young $15 S. 26TH. large east room, newly dio orated; Just the thing for three or four young men; reasonable; board; strictly modern. D. TWf. 04 So. 2KTH Three rooms, nicely fur- nisned, mooertt, walking aistance. S16 8. 22D lively east room, nice and clean, walking distance; fireplace; meats next door. Only (a. 22ii4v FARNA-M Two front rooms for llgnt'' housekeeping; steam heated. Call after i p. m. AFTER a day's work a little recreation Is welcomed. We will give Mrs. Ed -J. Brown, 132 N. 41et St., an order for a pair of seats to the "Woodward Stock company at the American theater If she ! will come to The Bee office within three days. Famished Henae eeping; Roasua. The Manuel and Howard, 21 & Howard, t and 4-rtn . apta. K3 to w. M3 8. 28TH Modern housekeeping rooms. Harney 4W4. 2wil Parker, 7-r., rood. eX. heat, (IS. 2h23 Caldwell, ft-r.. mod. ex. heat, (18. lut5 Amvs Ave., 3-r mod. ex. heat, $10. 12 N. 47th Ave., 6-r., mod. ex. heat, $16. 8716 N. 2Jd St.. 8-r., mod. ex. heat, $21. ZNU6 N. &th. B-r.. mod. ex. heat, 11117 Ohio St., 6-r., mod. ex. heal, 17. 1314 H. 26th, 6-r., mad. ex. beat, (3U. i; Dorcas, 4-r., part mod., iMV Sprague, 7-r., mod. ex. heat, $20. Zfiio Sprague, b-r., mod. ex. neat, -i K21 Rees, 6-r., mod. ex. heat, (111. 2ftl Rees. 4-r . r-art rood., (la. foi Mason, 8-r all mod., hot water heiit. oak rinlsh. X45. 2u Sherman Ave., .4-r.. mod. ex. neat. UIKKinT 423 Bee Bidg. Phones D. 47&4. A-1764. MASSAGE Swedish movement; nothing better for rheumatism; laoles, $1; gen US' men, (l.oO. Apt. ii, 1S02 Farnam. u. fun SALVATION ARMY solicits cast- off clothing. In fact, anything you do not nued; wn collect, repair anu sen, at m N. 11th St., lor cost of collection, to tne worthy poor. Call phone Douglas 4126 and wagons win can. NEW 6-room Rent $21. 617 N. house, strictly 33d St. modern. 8-BOOM house, 3ai0 N, Tel. Webster iS2. 22d; all modern. ModKRjn 6-room house. Ave. Harney 1404. 2,1V Capitol FlVb-ROOM cottage; modern but heat; warm; una repair. Harney iihi. MOD. 6-room cottage; line rep'r. II. $i14. t IN rheap. light basement, cozy bo S. 27th. . and warm; ItUU HARNKY - Housekeeping room, first floor, sleeping, $1.50 up. LIGHT housekeeping, rooms; private lam ny. ZE72 Pratt St. 3 furnished denlrable rooms, modern ex- cept heat. Phone Harney 34S3. TWO housekeeping rooms; modern. , $4.60; one housekeeping room, $3.60. E30 8. 26th Ave., pleasant housekeeping , rooms; conveniently equipped; modern; walking distance. MODERN six-room house, 2. 10 CepUul Ave. Harney 1404. i: n KXPEC'l EDLY VACATED. SIX-ROOM COTTAU-3 and bam, 21st fit - 117 M. NEAR HIGH KCltuuu roomy, mouirn house; new; $2.W. 'lelepnone iog. ta4, 672 8. 2Kth St., 8 rooms, completely modem. $6.U0. Hall. 433 Ramge. D. 740U. A-4403. . FOR RENT Four-room cottage on 28th Ave. between Dooge and Dougias streets. See Dexter Ii. Thomas, 4H Hee Hing. FURNISHED apartmeuts. Phone Harney 4$48. heated. I NORTH 23D, fit Strictly modern rooms, I furnished or unlurnlahed, for housekeey- Irtg. p. 47B1" lietrls mad A part meats. 1 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for gen- tleinen. THE CHATHAM. 110 fl. 18th St. Hub Hotel, steam-heated. IJuH Doug. Sy. DODGE HOTEL, 11th and Dodge; all sleam-heated rooms; special week rate. Excellent meals. 203 N. tiitb. So. Omaha. Howard Hotel, elegant rs. 1002 Howard. " Klk hotel, rooms 26o and 60c. 8)Tn. 16thT 2S41 S. 36th St., new 6-r., all mod.. $. 8114 Taylor 8U, new 6-r., Anod., $17.60. 818 Corby St., new 6-r., mod., $20. 473(1 N. SKth St.; new 6-r-, mod.. $16, 2114 N. 27th Ave., 6-r., barn, $13. 2124 N. nth St., i-r. mod., barn, $17. J W. RA8P CO.. (9 Brandels Bldg. and . UPSTAIRS, 4 rooms, $10; 20th Sts. Douglas 73. 'r H I Nhc Central, cheapest 7-room house with bath, basemeDt, In city. Apply 220 N. 2Sd. HOTEL ALBANY: most elegant rooms; hot and cold water; fireproof; prices reasonable; both phones. 1111 Iouglas. HOTEL FLORENCE, J7th and Capitol Ave. modern rooms, Burlington, nice rooms. 1 block to depot. "CASS HOTEL, nice rooms. 17US Cass 81." 'WINDSORIjOTKL OXFORD and Arcad Rooms 60c to $1.60. special w'kly rate. N- 17th' 6-RooM houe, modern except heat, 1418 J "llh Ht - tJU. 7-room houKe. modern except neei, Charles St., $19. , . 6 rooms, "1 floor, uos xx. win tn., moo rn evi-ent heat. 814. 6-room cottage, modern except ucui cvn V BSrl St.. LU 6-room house, moacra except neat, itiia Corby St.. 1V. ' -room, 1st lioor, luvs is. aoui ot., parny moiiern. ILIL 6-room. .d noor, lisw f. vut bw, iohsv, 113 . . i . nruw 7-room house, modern except neai, .jw leard St., t?l .... CHRIS BOYKH, IT-'d ana turning bis. COTTAGE. Uu; lx rooms and bath newlv pauered, walking aistance, loll Council Bluffs. Roonu.(),lon fntpl I .HI . t- l,i riA- u.. L. V AJ.Vi.Vl Apartments and Flats. 1915 DORCAS 6-room lower flat, modem furnaoe. dose to Jianscom i-arn. half block to car. Only $17 per month, In cluding water rent. Ii. 11. LANDE11Y0U, 442flr. of Trade Bldg. Tel Doug. 8151. SIX rooma. first floor, modern except best. 2wi Rees St. . Six rooms, second floor, modern except heal. 2MM Rees St.. $13 each. CHRIS BOY ER. 22d and Cuming Sts. B K A UtTfU L LU RRA I NE. Three and six-room apartmenta steam heated and all modern In every respect; 1111 to 140 Maple St. See these. Iouglas 3402. MEN GEDOHT. Webster ?713. THREE and six room flats. Martini block, loin anu wepster. CLOSH IN. Ixok at 668 S. ftth St.. a 6-room, strictly modern "ft. Louis" flat, within easy walking distance. Can be seen any tune. Vacant December 1. PAYNE & SLATER CO., Sole AKcnts. Sixth Floor Omaha N ttlonnl Bank Bldg. -room flat on SherniaJi Ave. Web. &7ii. HOT water heated, best system heat. 8-rootn new flat, all hardwood finish. $47.00. 608 S. 22d. Fully modern. 6-room heated apart ment la the excellent West Farnam dls- trti-t- verv ehnice JOHN W. BOBBINS. 12 FARNAM ST. 6-ROOM cottage, private yard, walking distance, $20. tut) S. 2th St. lied 6J. nodersf except D-ROOM cottage. 723 S. kth St., $li. heal, 'Plione Harney 236!. 8003 DODGE, 8 rooms, all modern, $37.50. Iouglas 3MS3. 6-ROOM modern houso. $:. J701 S. ilh St lai SEVEN rooms. 8C2s N. 27lh; $2 rooms, 3410 K. sit ig ' ' -i mow $:W; $12. 3o2 N. 27th. Web. PU. FIVE-ROOM house. Tel. Douglas 6351. 1703 Mandersou. 76 VACANT houses, 3 parts city. Come and 'them. F. D. WEAD, to 12 rooms, make offer 1H01 Farnam St. 7-ROOM modern house, Hanscom park district. Will rent all or share with I'O' fined couple. Tel. tlarney .a. Stores aud tU'lees, WISH to sublet suite of five rooms CUv National Bank Bldg. Call D 4128 Halls. WASHINGTON HALL Lodge, dances, banouets. C. C. Sorensen. it A 8 OI FKKKI) Vm HALE. VHNIXMl TABLETS will UUiiu, oiwce, tiengthen. 6H:. BELL ijklu Mrs. Steele, floor, rm 6. ItKAI KSTATK "Tt"" Tmopkhty Ftn JI.K. Homes on Easy Terms $tm to $.W ca.h for a 7 Twm Modem.' well Kxated home on pared st.ret. nenr SAth and Jseksen, price $i.7.v. ' fcvm enjtli for a -room cottage, niodnti except heat, on boulevard, -between Ohio and Lake Sis. Want otter. ltloe. 2.M. $liO to (.'i cash for a 5 room- citta". all modern, except heat, nearly new, east fii.tit lot, on coiner, near 2Mb and SnaMIn: Pi Ice. tl,M. 1 $H10 to xTOO-oash. for a new 8 room modern house, oak ' finish, south front lot, hear I 27th antl ' Plnkney. Price IX.0HX AVIH take good lot ss part payment. - . , $ii0 ensh- for a now (-room cottage, all - modern, with large artlo anu stairway to 'me; fitll , cemented base ment, south' fiont lot, one Mbck from c;ir line, near IMtli , and Hrown St. price $2,i. ,1 louso will be completed in about $0 )ays. A good loea - linn. Can show exact duli ate of house now ci tnp eied. 1'alance of purchase pi Ice on above propel ties payablu monthly, about the same as rent. DUNDEE 1101' -S OX EASY TER1S (ViOO cash for brand new C room all modern house, 1 block to car line, high and sightly locution, fine shado trees. Oak flnlnh on first floor; hard pine finish on second floor; good stairway to attic; full cemented haxe ment. Balance of purchase price can be arranged on monthly payments. $100 to $ cash for an other 6-r. all modern house, having east front and only half block to paved street. This house Is Just completed and we can give you Imme diate possession. Arrange with our salesman to show you this property. Key at our oflce. Here your chance to buy a home In splen did residence district, where prices are rapidly advanc ing. George & Co. Phone Doug. 756 Ind. A-ITM. 902-12 City Nat. Bank Illdg. llKAIi I'.STATK. FARM A H4NCH I. AMI FOR a,K t.evrala. GREAT SOUTH GE0KGIA Traversed hv the ATLANTIC, BIRMINGHAM A ATLAN TIC RAILROAD. Lands ndni.tnhle to the widest rnnpe of crops. All tne money crops of the south plentifully produced. Fcr literature treat ing with this coining country, its soil, ellninte, church and chol advantages. rite . W. II. LEAHY. DETT. K. General Passenger Agent. ATLAN $A,-JlA. Iinvt, THE easiest way'to find a buyer for your farm Is to insert a small want ad In the Des Moines Capital. Largest ctr- ulatlon In the ststo of lown, 43. ono dally. The Capital is read by and believed In by the standpatters of Iowa, who simply re fuse to permit any other .paper in their homes. Rates, 1 ent a word a day; $126 per line per month; count six ordinary words to the hiio. Address Das Molnea Copttal. IVs V.XTi:i SITiATIOXS Call II fi6, A PHACTR'AL nurse V ANTElC-Exiei fenced meat cutter wants position at once. AddveHYf, Heej Yl'l'NiV la.ty with one years experience as stenographer wishes a position In a rirm; salary according to ability. O 763, Hee. WASHING or rlennlng, flay, saturdsy. Web. ioi Thursday. Frl- KOIIKAN boy wants ponition at house Work and s waiter for tale. Box lt4. So. Omaha. to nuti.i Coast. M Isslealppl, "Go "South," Young Man" PtiSITION bv third-year htgh school y; will work from 12 to 6.J0 p. m. in- Bee. ' ' WHITE woman delres day work; neat nd cleah. 'Phone D. ti74. 'sruVATION wanted A manngsr -of general store, country town; experienced. O (113, Hee. ..... "itYhlgh school graduate, stenogrshher. clerical, or bookkeeping; unexpui lein;ed. 1. 610. Bee. ' ' ' SITI A TION wsnted by coniiet'iil iaV stenographer. Can take rapid dictation and mn transcribe notes. References ,aa to ability. W tils. Bee. AN educated woman desire work'lri Omaha or elsew here In Institution nr Hh lo BK'Mhi in KMiing anil inaiua it yourself a home on the Onlf No extremes of weather, either hot or cold. No drouth. Good, rich lands from $10 up. We own them. Easiest of tonus. We want farmeia. Write for our booklet. COAST REALTY AND COLONY CO., 1'aacagoiilH. Miss. Nebraska. IMPROVED 2S1 acres black sandy toll. day subsoil, close to 3 towns; nice grovo and orchard on place; $7,iiW. George lliokaw, lunum. Holt county. Nebrsska. SMALL RANCH (or sale near town. IBlH.ut 700 . acres. Improved, $lfi per sere; this Is a bargain. J. ('. Renins. W hit man, Neh. NEBRASKA and Oregon land, DilH Kranriels Blk., Omnha, Neb. $3 up. Make Me an Offer on the 8-rootn modern house at 16.11 Georgia Ave. (2!th St.). lust one block east of Hanscom Park. House In fine condition; fine east front lot, With some splendid shrubbery, etc. Terms. SELBY 43i Board of Trade Rldg. Phone Douglas InlO. Oklahoma. FARM AND RANCH FOR RALT3. f!K aires udjolinng town at crossing lot two trunk line railways. Idosl tract for fruit, dairy nr general farm and steak ranch. In essv reach of the best cities In eastern Oklahoma; 6Ti0 acres stumble for any crops grown In this climate; of the remainder 1M) acres is high ground and especially adapted to fruits of all kinds; balance pasture. All fenced and 200 acres ready for the plow pawnee iimueron. price jo per acre; on easy terms: title guaranteed. This Is an unusual bargain. Bettes Land 4k Invest ment Company, 203-6 Flynn-Amns Bldg., AlUHHOgee. 4.IK1U. RAILWAY TIMK CAMV alraao Great Wrstera Chicago" Limited n.S:SSpni .... Twin City Limited a 8:36 pin a 7:48 am Twin City Kxprei'S....a 8:43 am a 8:W pm Chicago Kxprees 5:45 pm I.ocal I'assenger "....a 6:10 pm imlKah Omnha St. Louis Fx. .a 6 50 I'M a e iS am Moil and Kxpress. .-. ..a 7 -2 am sl:15pin Stanb y L. (from C.B.)b 6:00 pin blO li am Illinois leatrnl" v ' ' ChtesRo nvpri'os,..,.. 700 am a 9:45 pm Chicago UmltiM, a 6:00 pnl a 8:00 am ehlldi n. ehster 31T7. (sisitlon ; moderate LDV' stehograiiher desires experienced, goid references, Halai-y. A 7ts, Hi. POSU'ltlN waiiud by stenographer, 8 months' experience; use any machine and will give reference W iU Bee. STUDENT wants to work for board. Phone B 2100. Walter Nlowedde, 2.-10 Davenport St.. umahii. Rnrllnaton tatle -Ten th A Masos. RurllngMn - - '' -i' ! ' V ' rpiirt. Arrive. Denver ' CaliTornla' .a 4;10 pm: a 1:4S pm Piigef' Sound Exprca 4 blpin .' a 3:46 pm Nebraska- tKilnl...l..a V IM ami a 6:10 pm Black illll's. a 4.10 pm a-R 46 pm Lincoln, Mali ...b 1 :.'f pm ,al2:1R pm Km thwest i press .'.kill pin- a 7:00 am Nehgskiu points i. u.8 20 amt a 8:10 pm Nebraska jC8preas....iv.B:U , 6:10 pm LItuN'lH-I-o al i .r: am 6ohuv4er-l'hittsinoutlv-D S OS m ' blO 10 am Llm-oia Local ' J! -. . b R.0H am plntlMnooth-Iow a 8:18 am a 8:W) nm lieilcvue-I'lattsinouth U;:l phi ia'!.4i pm t hlciigo Specla l ........ a T ..ii. am, an:i pm lenver Special, Chicago Express a 4:'J) pm Chic;. haft Expre.ts...a ::W pm tinia Local ....a :15 am Creston tin.) 1oeal...h pm St., Louts Express a 4:36 pm K. C, A St. Joseph. ...alO:45 pm K. C. A St. Joseh....a v:l- am C & 81. Joseph... .a 4:30 pm a 7.U0 pm a S Tk. pm a 8 0Q am al0:i am hvfMK am all :H0 am a 6:46 am 8:10 pm Webster Station 1 IVtU and Webster, YOUNG man wants position tender; experienced. 8 616, Bee. as bar-1 Missouri WASHING and curtains done. T. H. 74-J. BooklvEEi'lNVr and clerical work evenings anu Saturdays; use typewriter. Address L 7411, lU'f. "lTV(7MXN'w:lth child would like situ ation as housekeeper. Webster Z0V4, after 5: SO p. in. EXPERlENClt woman wants diy work; cleaning and Ironing preferred. Please call after 2 .:. Douglas 2732. Sltt'AlrloN wanted by lanltor. Call Webster 2472. Fl RST-CI .ASS hiuhdress by day. 421:1 S. 10th St. Auburn Local Chicago, ti Oniabn Pacific Arrlvai Depart. '..b 8:60 pm bll:66 am Paal, Minneapolis A Flonx City Kxpress.. Omaha lxa-al Sioux City Pass '. Twin City Pass Emerson Local Arrive. ,b 6:26 pm experienced wants work lb) only. .t 6:46 am .b 6 66 pm dally except Sunday, ie dally. Depart. bl2:0S pm c :2i ptn c 8:25 pm b 8:10 am tc) Sunday Yol'NG man Sunday. B 161', wants work evenings Bee. ind TAFT FORCES' ARE TO MEET LADY want In small hotel house; experience Bee. position as .housekeeper Mag. Convention Called for Lincoln or i speetanie rooming - , on Jjecemoer itf. and reference. U FOR a dainty dessert use Dalxell's Ice cream. If Myrtle Teslddnn, 4:C4 Farnam St., will coma to The Bee office within three days we will give her an order for a quart brick of this fine Ice cream. TO FORM LOCAL TAFT CLUBS FOR a dainty dessert use Dslxell'a loa cream. If Mrs. A. Nelson, 111 So. 42d Sl.. will come to The Ueo office within three flays we will give her an order tor a quart hrlck of this line Ice cream. lupled. Com- $:Xt CASH. $30 monthly, buys 6-room home, full two stories, strictly modern, oak finish, brand new, never occui near Kountse- Place. Price. $3,660. plete In every way. Phone Owner, Har ney 6J10, for more Information. MUST sell my home of 7 rooms, strictly modern and new; finished In oak. beat of everything; must be seen to be appre ciated; one block to Farnam car. Price, $4.$UQ; $1,000 cash, bal. $40 per month. N 762. Bee. soutU Dakota. A FEW snaps In Brule count v. South Dakota, lands, will. pay railroad fare to buyers noi ajtlsfled. J. A. Strunakv. pukwana, S. D. -XCKPXIONAL RANCH AND FARM FKOPOnlTlON. 8,635 acres located in east central nan ot South Dakota, 12 nines from good town, all fenced and cross fenced, uiao 800 acres leased land tinner fence. Good cuuuortnuie ranch buildings, ; acres under cultivation; vuo acres of more good farm land, balance best kind of pasture and nay lann. t ru e a.uv per acre. Choice hall section' two and half miles from town in Kingsbury county fur sale at si7.Mi per acre. vlil take in town prop erty not over $3,0(1) as part pay. No bet ter quality of land than this. Address or call on CARLSON At WALLIN, Carth age, 8. D. ADEL1GHT hair food grows hair. Mme. Frayer. Megeath Bta, Co.. 16th t Farnam. l A WW M Id' Baih. suit glow aromatlo Mi-O&AU treatment. Mme. Allen Chicago. 109 8. 17lh St.. 1st floor. DW05. Dr. Burke, women's diseases. 41 Doug, it IK MAIINh'TIC treatment. E. Brott, 710 Babies Boarded Call Webster 6430. GOOD HuMd, ETTA GOLDSBURY. manicuring, hair- dressing; new purlora, 308 Neville. I). 8ua3. M ASS tieaim Is. Mis. Steele, ex- MRS SNYDER. Swedish massaue. baths. radiator and vlbiator treaimeni- The Ih.nsany, Hat 3, luth and Pierce. D. 4:i0. HAZEL LEAF PILE CONKB lieSL remedy for Itching, bleeding or protrud ing plies; 6oc postpaid;' sample free. Sherman McConneii Drug Co.. Omana. NURSERY caie, small children. W. 64. 0. BABIES to care for. W router but. Miss Lang, manicuring, vibratory mas sage treatments. H. 1, d floor, lboj Dodge. l"OULTltV AND IET STOCK ROUP easily cured bv Bob Whiles Roup Cure, 60c box. If your dealer can not supply you, write us direct, sending oeaiers name. Jioa w iutk go., 9o4 . Kith St., Omaha. Webster 6637. THE best treat for wife and baby la dish of Dalxell's Ice cream. . If A. L. Patrick, 107 N. 42d St., will come to The Bee office within three days we will give him an order for a quart brick ot this una ice cream. FRESH GROUND BONE MAKES HENS LAY. WE HAVE IT. Ttrw viriiuiUL-i Bc-cr-v rv PHONE D. 1201. 1613 HOWARD ST. 1 IK AL KSTATK AUSTHAt lt OF TITLE. Abstracts. M. T. Brennan, $24 Brandels Th. HLU-DEllS' 11 POHMATION. Electric gas fixtures. Omaha Silver Co, Ideal Cement Stone Co., 17th and Cuming. Anier. Suly. Co., roof g, paints. 11 "8 Nlch. "Fuchs, Son ft Blind, painting, decorating WAN'lED TO BUY. LIST your city property for sale with vogei, nu Kariiacn Miug. Don't Build, Buy This I $40,000 will buy a pre.ised brick fashion able apartment house of 70 rooms, with large porches, In good condition; eiose in; wed rentea ; five year lease. Cost $68,300. lernis reasonable. Arthur C. Crossing n. 208 Boston store Bidg. Phone Dong. 1107. MR, RENT WASTER! Why not Imve over halt your rent paid back to you? These properties will mora than do so: $20 tier munui. $100 cash, or can sell on Isrger monthly pay men is and $26 cash, a good 8 room house, in best condition. nicely arranges, oil finish, modern except furnace will Install latter If desired full cemented cellar, large trees, full lot. south front, well situated, about 29 blocks from postoffice. Very cheap at 2,7(W. We have several others similar to above. Cull or phone Douglas 667. RUSSELL & McKJTRlCK CO.. 432 Rauige, ttiug. luth and Harney Sts. Texas, TH13 HOMESEEKKK Is a mnnthtv paper that will tell you how to aciiuira a home on tasy payments, and also bow to make money out of other puupie who are acquiring homes. . THE MAGAZINE WITHOUT A NAME will help you to make a pleasant home and will tell you how to make a good living out ot a lime lano. We win send you both iree if you will send us your name. AMERICAN TOWNHITH CO., San Antonio, Texas. . LIVE 8TOCK MAUKKT OK AVKHT Ship your stock to South Omaha; save mileage and shrinkage; your consign ments receive prompt ana ourciui atten tion. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MEH- CHANTS. Call for Lincoln Meeting? .Will 'Ia4 rlnde Reromrnewdatton -for Their Organlsatlea and Ckoloe e)f Delegates from Them. Ryers Bros. Co. Strong and responsible. WO(ll) BROS., .'14 -MS Exchahgn Bldg. Great West. Com. Co., Omaha A Denver. W. R. SMITH HON just sheep. W. F. DENNY CO., SIX Kuril, Ultlg. TAGG BROS, handle cattle, hogs, sheep. Clay. Robinson A. Co,, IWiQ Exch. Bldg. Interstate Co. Better results. Ship to us. Bl ! KK E-RICK L Y CO.. 201 Exch. Bldg. L. K. ROBE RTH ft CO., 829 K x oh. Bidg, Cox A Jones Com. Co., bunch of hustlers. Farmers L. B. Com. Co., Exchengw, Deposit prooewls of shipments In Stock yards Nat I bank. Gniy nang at yaras. Martin Bros. Co., W-4 Ex. Bldg. Alex G. Buchanan & Son, 164-66 Ex. Bldg. OMAHA, THE GIIAIN MAKKET. WF.KKfl flRAIN CO., grain wierchants; consignments solicited. 7W J4randels. EXCURSION to Monte Chrlsto (Texas). the beauuidl, Tuesday, Dec. 6. "The right plaoa" for winter homes or Investment. Write fur booklet and other information. G. K. Kellogg, Room 4. Stuart Bldg., Audubon, la. Agents wanted. ELEGANT building site, one block from new cathedral, 86 teet frontage un two streets. (7.(i0. 7-rooi.i, modern nouse, omit iih, across street from .uuntxe Place, l.tniU. Ideal location for apartment house, 3Va blocks from court house, fii.ziiu. F. D. WEAD, im Farnam St. linn. 320 ACEES FUEE. Your homestead right good for 820 acres. and no residence required. We can locate you on some ot the choicest tracts. Can ilso buy sumo choice treats school land cheap. Best land being rapidly taken up. Act quick. Address Northwestern Lands Co., 212 Dooly Blk., salt Lake city, Ulan. REAL ESTATE LOANS ROBERTS GRAIN CO., grain consign. ments solicited, grain bougui to arrive. .! Hranileis. 4 Nebraska-Iowa Grain Co., 764 Brandels. GOVERNMENT NOTICES FORT LOGAN. COLORADO, NOVEM ber DA. 1911. Sealed proposals. In trlpll rntf. will be received here until 10:10 a. m December 20, 1011. fur the const ructl n of a new water distributing system. Blank forms for bidders. Plans and specific lions may be hed upon application. The United States reserves right to accept or reject sny or all proposals or any part thereof. Envelopes containing proposals should he marked "I'l-onosaUi for the Construction of New Water Distributing Svstem." and addressed to tho construe. tins aiisrtermaater. Eort Logan, Colorado T. T. Filssell, Captain and q jarterniaatnr. U. B. Army, constructing tjuariermasier. iS. a-H-t-ZK U. S-iV. The movement to organise ', Nebrsska republicans who favor, tho re-electionof President Tsft moved one step forward at the Taft-conference held at-the Roma Wednesday, . attended by nearly ., forty representative republicans from 'all part of the , state. ... . . . ' V The conference was an enlargement of meeting held st Lincoln-a week ago to devise ways and means ot centering the Taft forces . In ' anticipation ' ot tho coming ' spring primary that will deter mine the .choice of the Nebraska delega tion to the national nominating conven tion. The' meeting celled Upon Captain C. K. Adams 'of Superior 'to preside. , ana IS. M. Pollard ot Nehawka to act as secretarr.' ''.. After free discussion It was decided to call a muss convention ot republicans In the Interest. ot Mr. Taft to be held at Lincoln Tuesday, December 18, when M permanent organisation will be perfected. The formulation and, distribution of the call for the convention was left to a subcommittee -consisting . of Captain Adams, Mr. Pollard, A. W. Jefferls, A. K, Cady.snd II. C. Lindsay. The oull is to Include a recommendation for the formation of local Taft clubs to send delegates to Lincoln. Those Who 'Attended. The names of those present taken down were: Name and Postoffice. ' County. Lancaster ...Nuckols ...Douglas Douglas C. rl. Allen, Llncdln. C- K. Adams, Superior R. S. Anglin .' Omaha Benjumln A. Baker, Omaha. Beck, Blair.... II. llerger, Omaha... Buruham, I.inooln. t'ady, St. Paul Eberly, btantan VVaahlngroti .DOUgllUI ....Lanuasirr ......HowarU ntantou WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith at t o., l.t.-o Farnam St. Jr'nrnliure. VIOLIN repairing; done und guaranteed all work promptly 3"04 S. 14th St. CITY PllOPKHI V OR SALE. Union Depot Snap $l.SO0 buys a nice b-room cottage on paved street, paving paid; walking dls tanct; block to car: large back yard nice neighborhood. A few hundred down will handle this deal, bulance like rent Near IHh and Dorcus Sts. NEW BOULEVARD PARK BUNGALOW $2,900 will buy an east front strictly modern 6-room bungalow, oak In rece llun hall, parlor, dining room; two blocks to car; In- a nice neighborhood; laundry and first-ciaas furnace; fine cemented basement. If you want a good, honent built house look at this. Near 1Mb. and Lslrd Sts. Small payment down, easy terms on balance. CLOSE TO MAJESTIC FLATS New 7-room. strictly modern cottage; oak in reception hall, parlor and dining room; one-half block to car. Walking distance; nice neighborhood; near schools und stores. This bouse was built fur a home. We can sell It en easy terms, tor further Information see SCOTT &. HILL, r; McCague Bldg. Phones Douglas 6Mn, independent A-17T.! INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY. IS ROOMS." ALL MODERN. We have a two-apartment house, con taming 13 rooms, two oath rooms, sevsn bed rooms, with parlor, dining room and kitchen In each apartment, with new plumbing and good heating plant. Tula property la too largo tor personal owner and it la a splendid proposition for some one who will buy It and divide R into four three-room apartments. Owing to the arrangement of the house tbl work csn be done at a very small x pense and when completed the apart ments will rent for $26 eoVh. 'The buyer can live In one upartmenrr rent the rest and make a good liiveslmuut out of your home. The building Is well built and In good couditlon; only thirteen minutes' ride to the center of tho olty; one block from the Dodge street car line end In good lesl deuce district. THE NUMBER IS 261 N. 20TH ST. It is Junt north of Ohio on the Flor ence Blvd. A good six or seven-room modern house will be taken In exchange at the riuht price. This proposition I certainly worth looking at. NORR13 - MARTIN. 400 Ree Bldg. Doug. 4270. A-4270. OMAHA Property and Nebraska Lands. O KKEl' E HEAI, ES TA TE CO., 1016 New Omnha Nat'l Bank Building. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. $100 to $10,000 mail") promptly. F. Weed., Wead Bldg., IKth and Karnam. D. MONEY to loans on business or resi dence properties, ,0ti0 lo $AJ,ouo. W. U. THOMAS, lu first is at i nana mag. WANTED FARM liOANS. vestment company, Omaha. Kloke Jn- LOW RATES. REM 1S-CA RLBERCJ CO., $10-312 Brandels Theater Bldg. fl AUVIN liliOS ,'"". $ ooand up. UiVJ.V V JiM BUOiT. oniaha Nat I Bank LARUE IiOANS, municipal bonds, mort gages bought and sold. Hil l. I, HHuS. FARM LOANS; no CiiiiiuiitiSiou; optional payments; cheap money; quick service. Orln S. Merrill, 1215 City Nat 1 Bank Bldg. POirHALE Oil EXCHANGE WE exchange properties of merit. C. W. Welsh, 612-12 O. N. Ik. HI. Ik Doug, 7M6. $100 CASH. Three-room house, partly modern; lot, flOxVO; corner spencer ana an n Hts. ; pav Ing paid; permanent walks; has good fu ture value for home or business. Good location for small store; dose to Jjiks street school. Price, $10. Cash re quired, $loo, balance, $3) per month. Owner, Webster 2612. WANT city property for land; owners of oity property, brli hotel or buildings and store buildings, etc., to exchange for lund. Write full descriptions and prices of It to A. Nelson, 1. O. Box J'X, Hold- rege. Neb. "lU'SINESH and furniture of 62-room boarding house; fmu furniture; strictly modern end close In. A paying 4uslrie. bin Bet Bldg. t, $."i,0U0, $7,uuO, $10,0u0, UlM, $J0,000 stocks of dry goods and groceries to ex change for land or lown property. Fie- Charles en LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICH TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bids will be received until noon. December 1. lull, at the ofrioe of the undersigned, fur the construction of a building at Curtis, Nebraska, for the School of Agrloulttire. Plans, specifica tions and bidding blanks are on file at the office of Burd F. Miller, Architect, 74 Brandels Theaier Bldg., Omaha, and the office ox sscreiury ot state, Lincoln. Auuinun wait. N14-d-16t ' becreiary of State, A. J. S. W. A. III. G. A. W. I. Parley, Auroro... .....Hamilton. A. f, rlcld, Lincoln ........Lancaster F. M. Hall. Lincoln LsncutM 1. C. Hedge. Hastings Adatn?t It. R. Howe. Auburn.,.... Nemaha. W. N. Hiine, Norfolk Madison William Husenetter, Unwood.. Butler A. W. Jefferls, Omaha Douirlaa George C. Junkln, Smllhfleld Gosper A. L. Little, Plattsmouth ..Casn H. C. Lindsay, I'awnee Pawnee C. J. Miles, Hastings.. Adams A. J. Morris, Iilucoln..... Lancaster N. I. McDonald. Kearney. .......Buffalo John F. Nesblt, Tf kamab..... Burt Clark Parkins, Aurora HarrHltou Ernest M. Pollard, Nehawka Casn R. 11. Rankin, Csuibrldge... Furaaa V. V. Reavls, Fails 7lt. ......Richardson lUILWAVi TIME CARD I IS ION H I A HON l enlU aud Mason I A rrl ve. a 7,40 pm a 6:46 put a (:46 am a 6:10 pm a $:U0 pm a 7:27 am B12.2S am a 4:60 pm a 8:20 inn a 4:46 pm 810:30 am b 1:20 pm FOR SALE. 4510 Blondo SI. Laker Place, 44 x 132. 3ith and Curtis sis. Hillsdale Add. t lots, 60 X 130 each. $.1n0.00. atith Biid Redlck. Newitort Add. 1 acre lot. $700 Oo. Holt Co, Farm Land, 320 acres, $2o.00 per acre. 11. W. NEAL. 1212 Harney SU Phones D. IU. A-lliS. REAL ESTATE KATlM HAM II I. AMI ION BALE PIANO, kilkluly used, at a bargain. Segeratrom Piano Mlg. Co., mn and r ai nam sts. 07 N. 17th St. J. W. RASP 7-r.. heat and Jault r, CO.. htt Mrandeis num. OFFICE furnliure and futures. meriicer, imjo capltot Ave See IKA N rooms. Unfnrnlsard Koouts. 17th 4 unfurnished basement 'I ) pewrltvn. TOUCH MONARCH VISIBLE Monarch tvpe- S. l.rth Phone D lis N. 17th, luums; bath. Id flooi, 4 unfurnished t' Hunst-s. VOR IlKXT-Eitht roion Imuw. hoh location. Kt4i St.. near par nam. for four nnnltis from December 1 to April 1 furid coinpleiely. lei. Harney 77 LIGHT for reft. THE WP.11 ER CO.. 411 "sMITH PREMIERS, models No. 2 or No. 4. In excellent condition, renlad three inonGs for j .SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER CO.. luih and Doiigigs. "RENT an Oliver typet -utr fioiu the Oliver TlrlU'r Co. touglas Sili, 1UIU)1N(1 LOTf See a fine one on Ike street, 60 feet west of telephone exchange. All specials paid. The best lot In Oniaha fur small flat, two small cottages or home. Two car lines; growing slues here. Price, $l.:0. Or this: In Florence, iforthwest corner Main an'l Clay, east front; fine for bust nets or home. W.'JhU. No cash down; $lgu per year. Cull owner. Webster L't)2. DUNDEE BARGAIN. Eight-room modern I.uumi ; toilet on flrM floor; sleeping porch; fire place; finished In oak and hard Pine; birch and white enamel. This goes direct from owner to purchier. Tel. liainey ba lUrry Jl- l'uintiu Lauada. Do you want a farm In western Canada, v. hero the crops (his year are In advance of anything grown on the continent? For wheat growing, dairying, mixed farming and cattle raising the province of Alberta Is unsurpassed. Lands are now offered by the CANA DIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY at prices ranging from $10 to $J0 an acre un I-ONG TERMS of payment or on the crop puymeiit plan. This Is paying for your farm with a portion of your crops each year. Land values have Increased 20 per cent In two years. Great opportunity for the homeeeeker. Call or write for full particulars, book lets, maps, etc. E. S FI.OR. ln. Agent. Canadian Pacific A Iberia, Land Co., 4to Board of Trade Bldg. Excursion every Tuesday. See me for rules. monl S. Gllison, ty, Is. WANTED TO HOIIHOW Union 1'eelfl Depart. San Fran. OvcrI'd L..a 9:46 am China & Japan F. M...a 4:06 pin Atlantic Express Oregon Express all:T pm Iis Angeles e.lin'd....al2:46 pin Denver Special a 7:04 am Centen'al State Sp'c'l.all :Bo pm Colorado Express a 3:H0 pm Oregon-Wash. l.l't'd..al2:W pm North Platte Local. ..u H:15 am Grand l.iland Lorul...a 6:30 im Stroiusburi; IaicuI bl2.41 pm I hit-ago, Rock Island i l'aclflc i:ast. Rocky Mountain Ltd..a12:M sm a10:53 pm Chicago Local Psss....bl0:U am bl0:10 pm Chicago Day Kx a 6:46 am a 4:30 pm Chicago Express a 4 10 pm a 1:10 pm Des Moines Local Pas.a I 27 pin a 12 : 12 pm Chicago-Neb. Limited.. a i 0$ pm a 7.47 am VV EST. Chi. -Neb, Lmtd to Lin coln a $ 01 am a C:M pm WANTED Private party to carry loan ot $:i.6m on good security. Address, Z. Bee office. South Omaha, Neb. WANTED TO RUV 2d-hsnd goods. WANT EI To buy Clark. P 764, Bee. WILL car; City Kleser, 1020 Center. D. U,L lot near 21st and nav cash for good 6-paesenger prefer E.-M.-F. . Box 72, Mason la. VM If Shames Fur Co., i N. r Uiio omaha. We buy all kinds of furs; pay high prl 10th, raw cee. Colore t. ii, $X ACRES In the San Luia valley, Colo., tor sale at s bargain: good terms and line laud. X I'rovker, ilea trite, Nb. E VERY iiersnn knows who J. J O'Brien is because he baa made Omaha famous with his csudy. If James Rjnh- urilaon, HD N. 4lat St., will come to The Hee office within three days we will give him an order for a 60-ccnt box ot O'Brien's candy free. WANTED TO RENT ram 1LY of four seeks high-class board ing place; must be sulluble for cultured no.ii.le. nelghborho'Ml and bouse must be high-class: near West Fariiaiii St. Ad dress D t-'O. care Bee; "T II RE hi adults and 4-yer-uld want roiiipletely fuiiilshud apartment. Please do nut reply uulens neighborhood and sll elsu qualifies fir retined people; West Farnam district. Adilrees t: , cats Bee. " WANTED-Furnished suite . near good boarding lilac.-, suitable for family of llireo adults and child. No objection lo outskirts If mar Kiimain St, Only high grade place considered, Addiess N cars Lea, Victor Rinewater, Omaha.. .......Dougl' R. B. Schneider, Fremont... Dodge W. A. Selllck. Lincoln '....Lancaster Franklin A. SbutwelL Omaha.. ..Douglaa la. A. Varner, Sterling Johnson J. R. Wilson, Papllllon i Sarpy L. Wllmoth. Lincoln ..Lancaster T. E. Williams, Aurora.: .Hamilton John . I Webster. ' Owaha.KCfVUIsouglas Storage Eggs May , Be Had for 22 Cents 'People who -have 'to par (0 cents a. dozen for eggs and $9 cents a pound for butter should do a little shopping," said a retail grocer today, referring to the prices quoted in a "high cott of living"" article by a local paper. It Is true that the supply of fresh eggs is very small, but where you find them at all, you can get them for $4 cents a dozen, except those from poultry farms which have established a big reputation. . Kgge from the : Brandels farm and perhaps one or two others sell ut 60 cents a doxen and eggs from soma other farms at 60 cents. Storage eggs are sold at retail all the way from ti to 30 cni.-coto. express a i n. pm i :. pra ccnXn; the W-cent variety being No. 1." Okl. Ac Tex. Express... a 6:00 pm all:4a ami ,,, m ,.. .mr k v-.v ...... -. ... j " - . m , 86 cents a pound; No, I creamery at $0 Rocky Mountain Ltd Missouri Psclfic K. C. & St. L. Ex..,.a 20 am K. C. 4t St. 1 Ex....all:li ptn I nlcago & Norlhsveatern NORTHBOUND. Mlnn.-St. Paul Ex. ...b 7:00 am Mlnn.-Ht. Paul L t d. ..a 6:00 pm Twm City Express. ...a 7:46 am Sioux City lxical a 1:46 pm Minn, & Dakota Ex. .a 7:00 pm Twin City Limited. ...a .4J pm Mliinesula L press EASTBOUND. Carroll Ixiral a 7:00 am Daylight Chicago a 7:40 am Chicago Local aJ2:00 pm Colorado-Chicago a 6:10 pm Chicago Special a 6:02 pm Pac. Coast-Chicago. ...a (:26 pm Loa Angeles Limited. .a H:M pm Overland IJinUed a7:66piu Carroll Local a 4::i0 pm Fast Mall a 6. JO pin Cedar Rapids, Sioux t . Omaha Centennial State Llru. 12.40 am WESTBOUND, 10:46 ptn oi:.30itim a 7:40 am a 6:00 pra a 6 :00 am al0:'JO pm a 1 28 pm a W : 15 am !:) am 011:00 am a 6:10 pm aio 40 pm a 1:26 pm a 3:2 pm a 6:4 am a 1:23 pm al2 :30 pni a 1)16 an al0:oo am a 3:26 pm a 8:35 pm 11 :U pin cents and dairy butter at 25 cent a But terlne sells all the wy from '12V cents to 2i ceuts a pound. It Is yet a question what the Thanks giving price of turkeys will be. Martin Rcliu , of . Ilayden Bios.' meat deports ment, on a recent Kansas trip, found Kansas turkeys quoted at 23 cents a pound, in car lots, but he hopes to find Uiem elsewhere at a figure that , will allow them to be sold at a reasonable price to consumers' in Omaha- lie has some tnllkfed chickens from the Faplo View farm. Space is in Demand ? A ' -Mil -esl ej ' ' ' . lor Uement Bnow i i H. C. Milord of Columbus, Neb., preac- Long Pins... a $.00 am all OO am ,.. .,, ,h41 Mid-vCeafCVment show i asuoatn aiois pm . , , ----- -. Norlnlk-Dall Ixing pin-Llncolii...-a 2:lu pm a 6 20 pm HaBtlngu-Mipcrlor ,...n z:!i pm a A M pm Deadwood-Hot Sp'gs..a 8:1.6 pin a 6.J0 pni Casprr-I.andnr a 8:o6 pin all 00 pin l'reinont-Altilon b 6:W urn b lo pni ( blesso, Mllweokse Ht. Paul Overland IJmlted a T 60 pm (:12 am perry ixieol a $:H0 am 11:00 pm Colorado Express a 6.00 pm 8:6 pni Colorudo Sietal a 7:42 am S 11 sol Perry Local b i lj pin 12.06 pin in Omaha Wednesday lu connection wkli arrangements tor the alio w, which w)il be hold In the Auditorium February I t 10. Mr. MfrCord says tlie show will 'be a matnmoth' affair, that already as much epace has been sold as was sold last year up to the opening day. . ( '" J Key to the tltuation Bee Want Ads.