Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 24, 1911, Image 7

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    . 11.
Km Boot I tint It.
XSTptlan CboooUtei 80c Myers-Dillon.
Caa, Slto. natures, Burgess-Qraadsn.
Om. Macli. Wlf. Kxj-ort auto repairs.
fcil PUtlay, Oni. l'latins Co. I. 2525.
r. Rlchola Wants a Divorce Anna
Nichols hns Martcd nut lor divorce
.gamut Charles f. Nk-lu.l in district
Daley Oo to Bock Pila .lames I'uley
has koiio to tin- ruiK 1 11a ior thirty ous
tor tho theft of 1111 pxprrsn package from
llio Union Mntlon. i'ulry not ilmy
the charge.
Setter Writ tliat Cheek for the llur
f:ra 'Memorial 1 timvli, ; i;n l nih una
Lothrop streets, mvl tnut; .. Limy. They
ro ralMii lio.two, Stiniluy, tho iNth, for a
Lireuter Omaha.
Triad for Env)?i:7nnt t'hui Ics
5hUHer, a ihaufreur. wu l'med $;0 ami
:osts in pnllco court for embezzlement.
Bhldler wan alleged to h-nc mlsHpito
trlated $6 belonging to V:. .M. I'aseoc,
!or whom lip was a driver.
Junior Publish Year nook eVUowlng
Die customs of other colli yea and unl
rersltles. thn Junior claps of the t'nl
rcrslty of Omnhu v!ll publish a year
ook. This will contain pi. 'tines of the
'acuity, various classes, ulhletio lams
ind Ptudf-nt organizations of the school.
There will also be a short history of the
iciiool and classes, - The work of gcttina
o"t this number Is In the hands of O. A.
IVrclvnl, Krrne Nicole and Olnriya Solo-tnni.
Warm in the West Reports to all of I
the tallroad office Indicate that the
had weather that l as Iwn blowing; In
from the 11 oihwi's:, m eoinpsnled by a
stiff wind. Is to be ..f !-lio:t duration. In
western and northwestern Ncbiaska this
nioinltiK. the weather uas warm and
nijri Lot Cor k Home M. T. Harlow,
president of the I'nlted Plates National
bank, has bousht from A. It. Kline,
through A. I'. Tukey & .Son. 1;0 feet of
ground on th" ea; t side of Thlrly-nlnth
street, just sout'i of lnveiiport. He ex.
peels to build a fine residence on It In
the rprlnir. The price Is said to have
been approximately Hi.OoO. This Is the
laKt vacant (cround for p:ilo t. Crescent
auilUlon. said by many rial rstato men,
to be the 1il!'.ct 1 rlccd lesidenco section
of Omaha.
Keep Store Oren later I'cor people
of Dmnha have suffered for want of aid
b'cuuao of their Inability to reach the
ounty rtoro and secure provisions be
fore closing time in tho afternoon, ac-i-ordinn
to Hiss Ida V. Jonta of the
Associated Charities. Therefore she has
(quested the county commissioners to
have the store kept open until S o'cloch
every afternoon, Including Saturday. It
l as been customary to clone the store at
noon on Saturdays, and frequently on
other days It has been closed as early as
i o'clock.
ilOSifmVe riiin Biueti"?
ir.i cuEAm a
aw. fcii' Wf1-" fl
The Skin
Sold at 60c, 75c, $1.00 ALL DEALERS
)t Beautiful CJmstmas
1 mi ii 1" 11 urn '
By- Henry w&n
wHalf-Told Tales." Full of poetry and fancy, and
each with a lesson for the times. Beautifully
illustrated by Garth Jones.
By Ricfo&rdf Hording
3?3WXJ "The Invasion of England." What
happened when the Germans were
reported on the English Coast. Illustrated.
By EdMz Wkarton
MXingu." A witty and most amusing satire on
certain seekers after " Culture."
A series of four paintings by Jessie Will cox
Smith, beautifully 'reproduced in color.
A Bsfcsfos Winter
by Walter Prichard Eaton. The coming and tho
passing of the snow in the New England hills.
Illustrated by Walter King Stone, printed in tint.
Other Short Stories, Poems, etc.
If you are in any doubt
about your reading for
112 a glance at the new
Scribner Prospectus, sent
free, will convince you
that there is at least one
magazine you will not
care to be without.
Hundreds are subscribing
every day, beginning with
October, to have the first
of A. E. W. Mason's new
erial, " The Turnstile."
Superintendent of New Bailvray
Mail Division Hai Arrived.
i:prrts to Have HverMMne
Itrmllaraa (o Open In Head
quarters hp tho Plrat at
Neat Month.
$3. 00 a yari 2S emit m number
Superintendent John A. Maatens. b.'id
of tho new Kourteenth division of the
railway mail eervlee, arrived In Omaha,
with Frank V. Johnston mid Cjtln W.
P. Kelt t-t fhlcngo, who nre to net In the
capacity of a!Util superintendents,
and preparations for the opening of the
division, which were stopped by Mas
tens' failure to appear, have again started
with a rush. Some of tho furniture In the
twenty offices to be occupied by the new
division has already been Installed and
the remainder will be put In thla week.
Mr. Masteiis expects to have everything
In readiness by November , and he
says he will start the work of the new
division promptly on December 1.
Approximately 915 men will be employed
In the Fourteenth division, and of this
number, perhaps fifty, will work In the
Federal building, the rent being employed
on trains and elsewheie. At present there
are about 177 person In the Omaha
branch, which has heretofore been a part
of the Ninth division, with headquarters
In Kansas City. When the new division
start operation the Omaha branch,
which has been In charge of J. H. Met
tlen. will h merged with the Fourteenth
Frank D. Johnson, who Is to be one of
Mr. Mastens' assistant superintendents,
was formerly chief clerk In Omaha, and
lived here for three years. In 1SS4 he was
transferred to Cheyenne, and wa later
sent to Chicago, where he was also chief
clerk. Chief Felt wns formerly chief
clerk In Denver, but was also transferred
to Chicago. He is to have a position
similar to Mr. Johnston's.
Relics of Bobbery
Gathered by Howell
Following the affirmation of the ruling
of Judge Munger in the cases against
Jack Bhelton and William Matthews,
sentenced to life Imprisonment for the
holdup of a I'nlon Pacific train. United
States Attorney Howell Is collecting all of
the evidence used during tho trial and
distributing It to Its owners. Thirty dol.
lars In marked, mutilated money, which
was in an expreB package being sent
to Washington, has been sent back to
the owners, and a number of othor bits
of evidence secured by the attorney from
wltnrsreg has been given back. Several
pocket knives, a dollar watch and some
cigarette papers belonging to the robbers.
but for which there was no more use,
are adorning Mr. Howell's desk as souve
nirs of a remarkable case.
Claim Agent Whitcomb of the Roek Is
land road is in town, having come up
from Topeka to try and unravel the in
tricacies of(a cfalm presented by Ueorge
Jenkins, a farmer, residing near Washing
ton, Kan.
Jenkins shipped some hogs to the
Omaha market and either before ahlp-
rnent, or while enroute, they contracted
cholera and a number or them died. The
others were condemned, and Instead of
being converted Into hams, shoulders
and loins, went Into the fertilizer vats.
Of course the owner realised only a frac
tion of what they would have brought if
they had been sold at the market price
paid for pork. Consequently, he holds that'
the railroad company should pay the dif
ference, contending that when nls hoga
left the home farm they were healthy,
having contracted the disease by having
been fed on Infected corn, or come in
contact with hogs that had cholera.
CTas Commissioner Crowley has trans
ferred the clerical responsibilities of his
office to lil assistant for a few days.
The gas commissioner was making pre
paration for Thanksgiving. Ills best
carving knife he found In need of a
keenar edge and forthwith had it sharp
ened. In an absent-minded way he
slipped it in his overcoat pocket with the
blade pointing toward the north pole.
Then he discovered that he was in need
of a technical book and went to the
library in a hurry. Jammed Ms hand Into
his overcoat pocket to find his library
curd and halt amputated his finger.
Senator C. M. Hitchcock of Omaha ad
dressed the student of tho South Omaha
High rehool at the high school auditorium
yesterday on "The National Uovern
mint." The senator explained the work
ing of the various governments from that
of the city council to the three branches
of the national government. The address
was the first of a series of public lec
tures to be delivered to the high school
student on nutlonal government. Tho
senator was presented to the students by
Superintendent Graham.
Long dlslanco connections between
Omaha and Chicago have been Just com
pleted by the Independent Telephone com
pany. Trior to this time St. Ixhi.h was
as far as the line extended. A year age.
work was commenced on connecting thu
linn at St. boulx with Chicago. At the
present time there are over tO.O-JO Inde
pendent-phones In use In Chicago.
'i'ho Postal Telegraph company a Has
w',11 be used by the telephone company.
This will make a direct line from Chicigo
to Omaha via St. Louis.
Few, If any, medicines have met with
tho uniform success that has attended
the use of Chamberlain's Colli-, Cholera
and Llurrl:oeti Remedy. The remarkable
cures of coile and diarrhoea which It has
effected in almost every neighborhood
have given it a wide reputation. For
sale by all dealers.
. iwi of Idaho's best land mill ha
...j i.r the Carey avt at Jrn:i. ri..
U1U U - - w-
cember U. Wll. Thega lands are part of
the ureal v nuun n.
terprlse). and are conaldered especially
choice for apple and general fruit cul
ture. Small cash payment and long nm.
on deferred payments; low rate of Inter
est. For In'0"""0" "' or wire
lbs Twin Falls North Sid JLan(1
Clearance Sale of Drapery and Curtain Remnants
(Prices at Fraction of Cost)
THE dominant feature of any home
beautiful, is furniture; but the next
feature that attracts the eye, and without
which no home can be handsome, is the
drapery and curtain decoration. For
those homes which need, new curtains,
portieres and draperies to put them into
an attractive atmosphere for the holidays,
we are making a special clearance sale
in our drapery department, where prices
have been cut to bottom rock. There is
a large assortment of remnants of drap
ery silks, over-drapery goods and por
tieres. These go on sale tomorrow morn
ing. The prices are right down to cost,
and, in some instances, are only a fraction
of the cost price. Here are a few of the
11-1 WM
Drapery Silks iu ull color combinations ns well as
plain, 32 inches wide on lengths from 2 yards to 0 yards,
worth aa high as $1.50 a yard, for boo a yard.
..Japanese, Korean and Shaiki Silks, in 2 to G-yard
lengths, worth up to $1.75 a vnrd for 85c.
$4.00 SHAIKI FOR $2.50
Figured Shaiki, 50 inches wide; worth $4 a yard, for
Sun Fast Over-Drapery Goods, 2 tq G-yard lengths;
worth up to $1.65 a vnrd, for $1 a yard.
Colored Madras, worth up to $2 a yard, 10 to 15
yard pieces, for 50c a yard.
$4.00 REMNANTS FOR 50c TO $2.00
Remnants of Over-Drapery and Portiere Goods in
Armures and Damasks; 2 to G-yard lengths; worth up to
U a yard, for 50c to $2 a yard.
$1.50 NETS FOR 75c
. Nets of three to six-yard lengths; worth up to $1.50
a yard at half price. "
Large lot of Silk, mercerized and cotton edging?,
cords and drapery fringes in plain and combination col
ors; worth as high as 75c n yard, for 5c a yard.
Cluny Lace and Small Edges for net or Crctonuo
curtains, from 3c to 25c n yard.
Shirt Waist and Cedar Chests
Every home should have a sterling quality cedar chest or box, suited for skirts and shirt waisU . Wo have a largo
line of these chests, priced very low. The r.ange of sizes is extensive. Some of the boxes are covered with matting;
the cedar chests have copper trimmings and are the highest type of these designs. These boxes and chests are so.well
arranged and fit into any corner so easily that tho homo without one or two of them lacks one of the modern conven
iences that add to the enjoyment of homo life.
i Strong BoxMatting covered, slurt waist sizo $ 2.70
Commodious Box Matting covered 4.00
Large Box Shirt waist size, Cretonno covered,--
- Irimmed with birch on edges and lid. 6.00
Cedar Chest Skirt size, with tray, covered
with matting 11.00
Cedar Chest Skirt size, solid cedar, covered .
with matting, with mahogany trimmings on
corners and lid for 18.00
Cedar Chest Plain strong article, 40 inches long. . 9.00
Cedar Chest Solid cedar, copper bound, skirt
size 1G.00
Extra Size Cedar Chegt Heavy brass hinges
aud lock, on castors, copper corners and trim
mings . 25.00
1 . J" U a i iJ I'll
Window Shade Department
Our Shade department makes a specialty of good shades manufactured of rich material and put up in a
satisfactory manner. If you are tired buying new shades of the so-valled "best goods" that crack and break in
six mouths' or a year's time, let us show you our best grade of extra quality shade cloth. You can fold it and
crease without its breaking. It costs u few cents per shade more than the ordinary kind, but it lasts. Call us up
and we will send a competent man to measure your windows and submit you prices.
Renumber -Good furniture may be cheap, but "chtap" furniture cannot be goo J.
Miller, Stewart it Beaton Co.
Established 1884
413-15-17 South Sixteenth Street
Secure Ninety-Nine-Year Lease on
Douglai Street.
Tha flit car of Ixmlnlana orange ever
received In Onmha In now on tha inarl.ul
Ttmv .iii tt fine iiiimIIIv and uia c he.iLja.
WILL BUHD ON IT IN THE SPEING Hhn California navelH. but aro poorl
rUCKFCI, Hie ur.HK. iiiuuniry in joutn.u:iu
btlnff o new that Hioho engage tf In It
have not learned how tu puck l't tho best
Tbta U the Flrat I'ropertr lloldtn
of the llraadeU' Kant of -tecHth
Sirect -Leaaa front
J. L. Kennedy.
-ter Co., Mllser, Idaho.
J I.. Urandel tt itona have taken a
njnety-nlne-year lean on tbe property
at 151 6-1518 DouglM alreet, now occupie :
by the L)yball candy atora and the I.trni
tey jewelry vlure, and announce that tlicy
will erect a new building there next
The trrouud dlnictiRlone are 44il.:3 reel,
and the prtBt-nt b'nlldliiK la an antljuafed
two-atory atructure. 'J he fli m nay It la
yet too early tu determine tiie naiur of
the new building, except that It will be
of a character well auilea to the loca
tion. The lower floor will be rcnti'd for
ictall more and th Uipr floor will de
pend on the reijulrementa of tenants.
The leaae waa bought from John L.
Kennedy. It repreaenta Brandela1 flrat
property holding on Pouglutt atreet euat
of alxteentli- Th property Is alxly-alx
feet east of the corner of Sixteenth aud
This Lotion Will
Improve Complexions
' i-'ew women realize what a great aid
to beauty a plain apurmax lotion U,"
wrltts Mm. Mae Uartyn. In th Haiti
more leader. Thla la i-aslly prepared
merely dUaolv 4 ounces apurmax In H
pint hot water aud add K teaapconfula
gljcerliio. If wltch-huiel la uaed It will
dry quicker when applied.
"Employing thla lotion Instead of pow
der rids the kkln of pltnplea, blackheads
and olllness and gives a gi-ntlllty and re
finement to the complexion obtainable
no other way. Aside from making th
akin soft and velvety, and of exquisite
texture, th apurmax lotion 1 Invisible
when go od doe not rub or blow off."
An Unusual
Business Opportunity
The manufacturers of the leading liuo of Gasoline Motor
Trucks in KurojK) nud America will entertain proposi
tions for representation in unoccupied territory, full lino
1 to 7V1 tons. For particulars, address
P. 0. BOX 1088, NEW YORK CITY.