Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 24, 1911, Page 6, Image 6

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THE UKK: OMAHA, Kill DAY, NOVKMttEtt 24, 191L
! IMf.I) HY KirwATilt
Vlf ioil Ht v VI KK. KMToll
KiMered nl Omaha ololfii an st-vond
! mullcr.
Fnndai- Mfo, oni year ?-.."
Saturday Hre, imo year ?l
1 ' Hie Mindayi. on year Ml"
I'elly Hrf ami Honda v, on fi.iK
ITVfnlnit He (llh Sumlavi. per month. !i."o
I"al!y Mff itnriuillns Pumlav i. r tno.6.K!
Iwllv Km t without Sundayi. per mo 4.V
Aitdre nil complaint of lrreulnritlo
In delivery In "iiv cirrulatlun lrjt.
Kewlt by dtaft, expres or poatal order,
fftvable to The Heo Piiliilxhln: company.
Only l-cent ftampa received m payment
of rmnll accounts, l'rrennal rhevka, ex
cept on Omaha and eastern exrhangH, not
tiinahn Th I'ce Holldinir.
South Omnha-rtll N HI.
found! Fluffs' 15 Hcott ft.
Lincoln M Utile Hiilldln.
t hlrairo IMS Marquette i'.ulldliig.
Knnrna rity-Hellimce ltulMlnK.
New York-:; -t Tlilrty-thtnl.
Uaahlnmnn 72". Fourteenth 8t.t N. AV.
'( HMtK.Sl'ONI KN'i:.
t'omniiliilcatlon relating to tii nnl
editorial matter nhnuhi 1 addreescd
umaha ft, Kdltnrlal Pepertment
ocrontn cmrrr,.vnoN.
Etnte of Nebraska. Ciiimty of 1 M3i:r1.i, .
IttvlKht William, circulation maniiKr
of th llee Publishing coinpmv. beum
lnlv sworn, ay that the average daily
rirc-ulatlon, lea spoiled, unused anil re
turned rople. for the month of Ortobe-r,
i:!l. wast W.7i'3.
t'lri-ulatlon Munaixer.
nulncribed In my Presence arid sworn to
before me tills lrt elav of November, Mil.
NoUiy Tublio.
Soborrlker leavlns tba rlr
temporarily ahonld liar The
Iter snalWet tkrm. Address
will be chanwed as
The long And short of It Is more
business for the railroads.
December, January, February,
March, Ap "Play ball."
Sllll, It U not the first time that
Bryan has been on the rocks.
Kansas City is to get- another
$600,000 for Its river work. And
Omaha how much?
The clergyman who refers to Eve
ns a model must have got his im
pression from Adam.
England propose to infuse new
life in the Jamaica's defenses.
Ginger up. as It were.
George Fred Williams Is grooming
himself like a man who Intended to
become a dark horse candidate.
A runaway helreas turns up in
Qulncy, 111. She is not to be blamed
for Imagining herself securely hid.
Another thing we Americans have
to be thankful for this Thanksgiving
season is that we do not reside in
Colonel Bryan's ship once more Is
stranded, but the colonel comes off
as usual unharmed, ready for an
other voyage.
Champ Clark boasts about pad
dling his own canoe. Doubtless he
finds it slow paddling through the ice
floes this winter.
' "Will Attack Nanking Soon."
Flash from Dr. Wu. Do not expect
loo much; the doctor Is mowing 'em
down as rapidly as possible.
One really wonders what dire
calamity would have happened If our
red-Ink reformers had not issued all
those proclamations and warnings.
Waller Camp has lived to seo the
day when a western college can beat
an eastern college at foot ball, a
day that came as soon as the con
test. The Taft republicans In Nebraska
are coming right out in the open. It
la up to republicans who favor other
presidential candidates . to do like
Use. ,
If" you ever feel the demon
jealousy creeping up in you, kill him
quick with be first weapon at band,
or be will soon kill the most that Is
good in you.
, . Uy the way newly elected officials
are being chased by bond underwrit
ers, the -official bond business must
be regarded as tho cream of the
surety trade.
It is up to tke other fellow to set
tle It first with Governor Aldrlru as
to whether or not In his speech at
lloldrege he followed his manuscript
without variation. , ,
Uubble, bubble, toil aud troutle,"
"Trouble, trouble, boll and bubble."
' Uubble, trouble, toll and trouble"-
any way you fix it, it makes a good
democratic shibboleth for . 1912, -
A recent photograph of Governor
Harmou shown hl:n picking posies in
ItU flower gardeu. He is liable to
find something besides posies strewn
along bis path during Uie current
There must be a hen on, for other
wise our Confressmaii Lobeck would
iiot leave for the national capital
without waiting for the turkey-feet
at home. We shall toon see what we
shall see.
Juat th same, Los Angeles,
China. Mexico, 1'ersla, Tripoli and a
few other widely scattered seaports
have had the run of their lives to
keep on the front page since Kansas
got busy with its tar pot,
Its Larger Significance.
While, Omaha lias been officially
designated as tho headquarters of
tho new railway mall service di
vision comprising the states of Ne
braska, Wyoming and Colorado, for
which congress m,li!o provision ef
fective July 1 last, the reorganiza
tion In proprepg In the department
has retarded tho actual work ot
Inaugurating the new division,
which, however, Booms now to be ap
proximate. It In doubtful if many people here
reullzo what tho establishment of
this new mail service division with
headquarters hero means, or ap
preciate tho added prestige It will
givo by accentuating Omaha as a
traffic, center. It is not so much the
local office force that will be main
tained, nor the reporting hre of
Feverul hundred postal clerks, but
rather the Importance of the di
visional arrangement of the 1'ostof-
fico department, which is constantly
growing and spreading out. The
railway mall service headquarters
means recognition of Omaha as the
natural and most economical operat
ing point for postal business in the
territory included within the three
states named.
Tho action of the great business
nrmy of the government which con
ducts the postoftlco ought in this
respect to have a tremendous influ
ence upon the groat private business
organizations that cover tho entire
country that must work in territorial
subdivisions through branch houses
or agencies. If Omaha is the pre
eminent vantage point for thq post
office in the tributary territory, the
same considerations must, and
should, govern a great corporation
for example, one for the manufacture
and distribution of automobiles, or
for the handling of agricultural im
plements, or for selling the thousand-and-one
industrial products that
look to the whole country for their
market. Omaha ought to be the di
visional headquarters city for all the
big business institutions that supply
trade In this and surrounding states.
That Is the larger significance of
Omaha's new railway mall service
On the Mexican Border.
Did Tresldent Madero overthrow
and uproot the Diaz reglmo com
pletely enough to prevent it from
flopping right side up again when the
lever of a counter revolution is pried
under it? If he did he is safe, but If
not the Vnlted States. may yet be
called on to effect peace and order in
the southern republic. '
Some there are mho believe that
another outbreak in Mexico will force
action on the part of our govern
ment. The Iradero revolution cost
us a good deal in money, , ,to ' say
nothing of the trouble and anxiety.
It is not certain we would bear as
patiently with another border ' war
within a few months.
Madero avows his intention of
using tho iron hand against
the Reyes-Gomes-Zapata triumvirate,
should it attempt its alleged purpose
of deponing him aud taking over the
reins of state. That is no more than
'lils illustrious predecessor did when
he galuod control and when he re
sisted its surrender. Suppose Madero
is attacked from these three corners
of opposition in Mexico, from the
adherents of Reyes, Gomes end Za
pata, which, in the end, will embrace
practically all the antl-Maderlstas.
will he be able to repel them? Is the
following' he built up In his recent
conquest firm and faithful enough
for that? Did this young leader, ris
ing out of the ranks of the antl-Dlax
party and overthrowing this old
power, win over to himself all the
old elements of his vanquished foe;
so as to accumulate strength suffi
cient to stand out against the com
bined pssnult of new foes?
The United Rates government
manifestly is taking no chances on
the cohesive power of the Madero
party. It has backed up the aggrestlve
action of tho Texas governor in sta
tioning a vanguard along the border
aa a w urnlng to Mexican forces. It
gives every reason to believe that it
will not tolerate a repetition of the
disturbances that went on along the
boundary line beforo.
Federal Aid for Good Boads.
It Is doubtful whether the govern
ment will appropriate very llbeial
sums of money for good roads as
long as it has the Panama canal, its
waterways and other heavy sources
of expense to provide for, so that it
remains to bo seen just, how much
of a triumph tho federal appropria
tion good roads men achieved In
getting the Richmond convention .to
adopt their resolution. This plan is
to have the federal government con
tribute equally with the separate
state governments for "building good
roads. It also contemplates the use
of convict lubor In the road work.
The demand for federal aid. net
new at all, received its chief Impetus
from the south, where good roads are
more needed than anywhere else just
now. The south Is to be commended
for its enterprise, but at the same
time it must not become Impatleut If
its plan Is somewhat delayed. It
might find some warraut for delay in
the fact that the south's action In
this matter is hardly consistent vith
Its general attitude toward federal as
against state enterprise. The south
from tradition objects to anything
like federal subvention or Interven
tion. It Is especially Jealous of Its
states' right power, but willing, ap
parently, to iet the federal govern
ment take the lead when It comes
to the distribution of benefit.
So good road, essential and de
sirable as they are In the north and
south, probably will have to get In
line so far as congressional help goes
and take their turn with the Panama
ranal, rivers and hsrbors, battle
rhlps and similar enterprls.-s de
manding money for their promotion.
When the government Is ready to
go Into the business of building good
roads It Is likely to have Several
plans presented to choose between.
Commmion Plan and Short Ballot.
One hundred and sixty-four cities
scattered through thirty-four states
have now adopted the commission
form pt government. Theqp states
range from Maine to California, from
the Dominion line on the north to tLe
Gulf on tho south. The Idea Is local
to no district fr sectlen, but Is rap
Idly spreading.
Omaha's addition to this list of
cities has occasioned much comment
far and wide. The Equity and other
similar publications ball It as one of
the most noteworthy turns of the
movement. This must be because of
Omaha's well known conservatism;
that Is, its practical way of looking at
all public questions. A few other
titles, even larger in population than
Omaha, have gone over to the com
mission plan without arousing much
comment, but Omaha's conversion is
made the subject for wide congrntu
lation. Omaha must prove further
in its selection of its seven
commissioners next .spring t. hat It
made: no mistake in choosing this
new method of city government Vn
less !t does that, the acceptance ot
the plan amounts to nothing.
Hand in hand with the commission
form of government goes the short
ballot. That, in principle la the es
sence of the whole thing. The short
ballot simply means the curtailment
ot the list of elective officers, the
elimination of all not Important
enough to arouse a real interest. This
tends to give the election ot each
man on the ticket a more discrim
inating attention of the voters.
The commission plan of municipal
government and the short ballot,
then, are preferred mainly on the
theory that they tend to fix respon
sibility and encourage Intelligent par
ticipation by all the voters In a city's
government. On their success In ac
complishing these objects they must
both rest.
President Mohler of the Union Pa
cific, predicts that the road will in
ten years, be a four-track road' for a
large part of the distance traversed.
Good, and tho sooner the better. In
cidentally, Omaha is tho eastern
terminus of the road through which
its transcontinental traffic, must fun
A lot of mighty good men are
beiog suggested as eligible for com
missioner sudor Omaha's new plan
of city government, and a lot more
are coming. Evidently, the difficulty
is not going to be to find good, capa
ble men, but to get them to run, and
to get them elected if they do run.
Of course, If thoso Mesaba range
pioneers think Mr. Rockefeller Is not
entitled to their measly little old
million and will ask him for it in a
kind, brotherly spirit, he will give It
back to them, for he has said, him
self, that he no longer cares for
Nothing to stop those who have
made suggestions as to commission
ers to follow up with additional
nominations. As seven places are to
be filled, a man may have two or
three, or a doiten, preferred choices
without disparaging any of them.
Every company that is trying to
write official bonds to be paid for out
of the public, treasury demands the
Identic!) percentage rate of premium
But, of course, there is no combine
amoug the surety bond folks, much
leas a gentlemen's agreement.
"Why should those lumber Jacks
complain at losing their million to
Bre'r Rockefeller, since It probably
went to cducato ambitious youth or
kill off a few hookworms down
Omaha's city health commissioner
wants to score the restaurants on a
similar scheme as applies to dairies.
We thought the patrons were scoring
them every day.
llsaaa Mad Auimaaltloa.
Pittsburgh rMapatoh.
Concerning the rropoaUicm to wipe out
lbs commerce court, the movt powerful
arguments for It ate furnished by aome of
the members of the court.
Why Not Ever) body f
lirooklyn Kagl.
Judge Knapp favora letttnc railroads get
together to abollab, destructive oomtetl
tlon. It railroads, why not everybody?
Every bualneas has Its troubles. Will
Judge Knapp settle tham?
- I.amlauae Klaahea ( War.
Cleveland I'lain Dealer.
The moat glorious page lu China's hia
tory.M aays Wu Ting Fang, -has been
written, with a bloodleaa bruah." Wu
deprecates the anulent Chlneae faahlon of
ualng a whitewash bruah Inatead of a
fountain pen when writing a letter to the
(uaaervat In af I.We.
New York Tribune.
Dr. Wiley' declaration that "every per
son whe dies of a preventable dlaeaae la
either a sulfide or a victim of murder"
may seem extravagant. Put Into another
form, that all preventable dleeaaea ought
to be prevented. It becomes aa ludlamj
table truism.
tOooklncfBaclwanl i
IhbDay inOmalm
NOV. 84.
Tlilrtjr Years Ago
Everything wan quiet about the city
during the d, haalneae being generally
suspended In honor of the turkey.
The. birthday of Mra. W. It. Birrns was
celebrated at the realdenr of Mr. and
Mra. W. J. Council on Ht. Mary's ave
nue. The gueata were Mr. and Mra. W.
It. Hume, Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Hqiilres,
Mr. ajid Mra. M. Sheltnn, Mr. and Mr.
J. Wilbur. Mr. and Mra. Cheater K.
Davia, Mr. and Mra. J. I... Webnter. the
Mlxae Connell, .Alary and I'hlllle Mor
gan, Freeman, Taft. Carrie and little
Congdon, Wilbur and Fervloe, Meiwrs.
Barr, Congdon, l'atleraon, Hullock,
Annln. A. M. Chadwklt. Frank and W.
Shelton, J. Carrier, llogle. Dr. P. M.
C had wick, Coe, Freeman and Troup.
At the erformaiice of Harts, the
magician, at tho lioyd. a man named
Itarton, connected with the Kt. Klmo
Variety theater, held the ticket which
caught the aewing mathlna In the after
noon, and In the evening Mr. Huberman
drew the watch.
ThaDkaglvIng weather wa a cold on,
with the thermometer aa low a i dc-
greea and the highest record 27 degrees.
Mia LouIko Goratlne, teacher of vocal
and Instrumental music In Ht. Itarnabaa
parish echool, dt-slre a limited number
of private puplla.
A lurid tale of a crazy man assaulting
County Jailer Jo Miller lets the Jailer's
llXo be aaved by the timely succor of
Charlie D Oroat. being held there await
ing on his lawyer's erforts for a new
Kreah oysters at Elliott's, alno Ice
cream, all flavor, 412 North Sixteenth
street. .
The Women Christian Temperance
union notlc la signed by Mr. J. Jf,
Burroughs, president.
Twenty Years An.
Th city council after much wrangling
fixed the official bond of City Treaaurer
Bonn at $i,ox,oua.
J. 8. Urown approached Chief of Police
urennan of Boutli Omaha with a terrlbl
tala of wo.. II had bet hi pant a on
dice game and Iost( and the chief ad
mitted that th bare fact moved him to
Aaked If he had been getting special
rate on atone shipments from his quar
ries, rate that might conflict with the
Interstate commerce law. Hugh Murphy
declared he knew nothing about uch a
Mia Mary Poppleton, who advent In
th haute tnonda ha been the signal for
o much gaiety at Elisabeth Place, th
nome of the Poppleton on Sherman av.
nue, gave an afternoon yellow chryaan
themum luncheon, which remained th
talk of society for days. Her guests were:
Mlsse Sinclair. Chandler. Emily Wake
ley. Kennedy, Hall. Hamilton, Hoagland,
Skinner, Doane, Iaura Hoagland, Hock
well. Mabel Balcombe, Parker. Brown.
Hughe and Mr. Will PoDDleton.
Mme. Muenteferlng and a number of
her pupil gave a thoroughly artistic
piano recital at Loravilla, the beautiful
horn of Mayor and Mr. Cuihlhg on
Twenty-fifth avenue. These vry promis
ing pianist Wer Introduced: Miss Clara
Uawley, Miss Lara Cashing, Mrs. 3. R.
Buchanan. Ml MoShane. Miss Brodar-
Ick and Miss Grace Detwlier. Those who
attended wri Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Buch
anan, General and Mr, and Mlsa Hawley,
Miss Clara Hawley, Mr. and Mr. E. P.
Peck, Mis rck. Major and Mr.
Wheeler, Mr. and Mr. Adolph Meyer,
Mr. and Mrs. Whltmor. Prof, and Mra.
Gillespie. Mr. and Mr. George Barker,
Miaa Barker, Mr. Ktlpatrlck, Mrs. Mo
tihane, Mrs. Byron Keed, Mr. and Mrs.
Bnyder. Mrs. MoAualand, 'Miss McShana,
His Ogden. Mrs, Wick. Major Bell,
Usutsnant Klnsle. Mr. Brown, Mis Crod
erlok. Miss Detwiler, Miss Keene, Mr.
Martin Cahn, Mrs. K. A. Cudahy, Mrs.
Kpencer, Mr. and Mr. Allen, Mr. Slid
Mrs. Barstow, Mr. and Mia O'Keeffe,
Mia Crelghton, Mis Sadie Crelghton,
Mia Hughe, Mrs. Detwiler. Mlsa' Det
wiler. Ten Y ears Ago--Tha
local branch of the McKlnlny Na
tional Monument association Issued an
appwal through the paper for larger
and more popular subscription from th
people of Nebraska toward this monu
ment. Th local branch committee con.
slsted of these: General Charles P.
Mandcrson. president: Count John A.
Crelghton, vice president; Kdward Rose-
water secretary and treasurer; J. ster
ling Morton, Ivorenso Crounse, V. D.
Klohard. K. J. Halner, A. 1 Clarke,
Silas A. Holcotnb.
Senator Joseph II. Millard and Miss
Jessie Mlllfpd left for Washington to
remain until the opening of congreaa.
William Coryalt, left halfback of the
Omaha High school, who waa laJd out In
th foot ball gam with Lincoln with a
concussion ot th spine, showed marked
Improvement, having regained th power
to move hi legs.
Ed fcwbb of Chicago spent Sunday in
Omaha. Mrs. Swob returning to Chi
cago with htm.
Mr. and Mr. W. II. Thompson of Grand
Inland wer at th Paxton.
Warren KwtUler pok t Low Ave-
nu Presbyterian church on Mormonlam.
the services being of a home missionary
People Talked About
Daylight collecting of refuse In New
York City was worth from to 7 extra
a week for every man on th Job. The
change to night .htrts relieved house
holder or the petty graft and provoked
the awful "boiler" of the men who went
on a strlk that failed.
Nankin, th beleaguered city of China,
la 1) mrtea west of Shanghai and Sue miles
east of Hankow. When the great Ming
famuy ruled in empire befor the com.
Ing of th Manchus, th city waa the cap
ital, and near by are th tomb ot th
natlv ruler whose descendant are fight
ing to drlv th uaurpers from th throne
A Michigan woman whe persisted In
dieting beraelf to the point of starvation,
so anxtoua we she to shed eurplu flesh,
realsted th eUert ot friend until a
foxy cook sent th persuasive aroma of
ham and egg upward to th chamber of
the hungry, and raised th aleg. The
antlfat party took tb ban later rout to
th kitchen.
Chicago' claim as a hewltn resort so
strongly boosted by th late Fernando
Jonea, I further strengthened by the
record of who has lived there sine
Th feminine wonder of th Windy City
la Mia EUsabeta Out bet, a "grand old
settler" Of .
Around New York
nipples An the Current of l.l'e
urn Seen n ,, Ureal American
.letrnVoll from Day to Day.
(nadlllon f Labor Market.
Returns of . Uie New York btate Bu
reau of I-abor Slatlsllcs from 9) repre
sentative trade unions with 130,000 mem
ber, as to idlrnefa during the first half
of 1U, show a less favorable condition
of the labor market than in any recent
year except 1308. The mean percentage
of member reported iiW at Uie close
of cai.'h month waa U.i . this year as
compared with 19.! laat year and 22.3 In
1909. In 1, when th buaine? depres-
alon following the panic ot 11)07 was at
Its worst, the moan percentage was S1.7,
the hlKhext on record since UalL But
from vm to 1!07 the mean for the first
half of the year waa below 30 in every
year except 1904, when It waa 30.2. Tbe
foregoing figure refer to all form ot
t naanltnry Ilakerlca.
The exlatence of shockingly unsanitary
conditions In many bakeshops In New
York City l dtocloaed by the Investiga
tions of'the Btate Factcry Investigating
commission here. The first hearings de
veloped testimony that of more Uian 200
bakerlr visited by Inspector for the
consumers' league, SO per cent were In a
filthy condition without proper light and
ventilation, in one shop, which w-as a
fair example of the others, the sweep
ings were allowed to sttlo on the bread
material; rata were abundant and a rat
was found to havq given birth to kit
tens in a bread pin. Seme of the white
pastry material was so black from drip
pings of water from above that the in
spector mistook the mixture for choco
late.. The commission hopes that the result
of Its work will bo legislation providing
for thorough and systematic Inspection Of
manufacturing establishments.
Kallghleatna- a Lawyer.
Leaning not sinuously like Mme. Hi
nione or Mme. Naximova, but more on
the order of the Tower of Plsu toward
the table at which sat reporter, Lillian
Russell, In th New York City Court.
"I'd rather do a whole preformance
than go through that again."
The "that" referred to by Mis Russell
Was om two hour which she put in on
the witness stand beforo Justice Green
and a Jury. She was , witness In a suit
brought by tho Mrs. Oeborn company,
dressmakers, to recover 11,717 from the
Bhuberta for dresses made in 1904 for Miss
Russell for use In the production of
"Lady Teasle" at the Casino theater.
In course of questioning by one of the
attorneys, Mis Russell was asked:
"How did you come to select Mrs. Os-
"Because," Miss Russell answered.
thought her name on the program would
lend eclat."
"Er what?" queried the lawyer.
"Why, prestige, you know."
"Again, please, Miss Russell."
"Oh, class, class."
"Ah, thank you, Miss Russell; now I
understand. - i
Reviving sv nine Law.
Suburban lot developeis in New York
are worried over a new application of an
old law which seems to make It a crime
to take a prospective customer out to
see a piece of property on Sunday. The
practice ha grown with the radiu of the
city, for Sunday offers the needed lelaure
for a long Junket to Loneaomehurst or
Wayoff heights. It is expected that the
Issue will be taken to the court of ap
peal. A curious feature of the case is
that the law directs that articles offered
for sale on Sunday In contravention of
the law shall be confiscated and sold and
the proceed turned over to tho overseers
of the poor. But in th recent case which
came before the court this provision was
discreetly not enforced. The fight against
taking customers to see lots on Sunday
la being pressed by the Sabbath observ
ance ast oeiatlon of the borough of Kings,
which may take up Sunday advertising
Oar rive Kooaevflt.
"iArry" Gallagher, a sporting men who
divide his time between Long Branch
and New York, believe Theodore Roose
velt Is still alive politically. Friends wer
twitting him the other day on hi Judg
ment, reports the New York World. He
tetorted that if the odds wero good
enough he would show hi confidence by
betting that th colonel would bo elected
tb next president of tbe l.'nIUu Males.
Somebody asked Gallagher what odds
he wanted, and be said lu'd tuk) t 1.
Jacob Field, trok operator, heard the
story ono afternoon la it week at the
Waldorf. He Jumped into hi auto, sped
to Long Branch, ar.d found Gallagher.
"Still want that Rooso.-vlt Let?" aaktj
"How nbou'. tr.,000 to $1,000?"
"You're on," said Uallasher. Fields
was exultant. "An ear th.iusjiM i," lie
Ten minute after , a,.' Coore Bcucnle,
a lawyer of New Yoik. called u; Gal
lagher to bet wltr. him. When h found
he had been forextalled, lu was r . visit
aa he. too. (.oiuiJ. r.a Unl;she; 's bit a
bet a gift.
Ulaa Doors la Stoves.
A New York department store mana
ger looked over a sea of heads about a
basement exhibit the other day. "They
ar watching the new stove bake." he
explained. "The oven door is of clear,
heavy glass, and all ot the mysteries of
a day' baking are revealed. Cake and
pastries liae, brown and bake to a turn
In full view of the public gaze. It proves
to be a fascinating light, for we haven't
had aueh a crowd In day, and the men
seem a Interested th women."
Asthma Catarrh
JTllMt tT .
4 aaacU.a Utuaaal HI St j
calal imkUa, without ol U Keaick am
Siuri. tit silk Mccao m Ulrit yaank
Tke air ism atraatly uitwyoc, taaelr
wit a iwr aiMik.sukM raikii( ay, swikaa
U wit Uiui, ass tuft tk tvsfk, amnif rtM.
nU BisfcM. CMm k iaruukia araikfa
Kk vaaag aauaica aa m m aims na
aa f stl tot ecacrlk'rK basliWt.
Try A all.
tpiK IkrMt TMtk
for ik Irtlui UfW.
TWf era iapi.kct
h aa aaiiMeMc Off
f , anicfiMM ahMeaSj
loa la Sufi.
Vse Crcsokse Co.
J VartUaal Sk, N. V.
flv rear. Thks ssust saake a fairly r
spsctahle table Iteaa la the tavareas-d erst
of living of the community, which finally
reaohei Itself Into the cost of living fir
the individual.
Baltimore American: The Fediatlon of
Women Club, In l hi Nw York.
ha put Itself on record aa vigorously
uppoalng the deadly hatpin. This reso'.ti
tlon la timely and the reverse of tMval.
Women w-lth long hatpins are a positive
and deadly dally menace. Ixs of sight
and Iof of life have already been the
penalty of this 'foolish fashion. When
women themselves take It up, it la to be
hoped the whole sex will see the danger
and erase wearing these sharp stilettos
Methnsaleh had Just broken a window.
"Boys will be boys." explained his
parents to the Irate owner; "the little
fellow Is Just going on a hundred and
ninety-eight." New York Sun.
Willie Did baby come from heaven.
Nurse . dear.
Willie Fool kid: He didn't know when
he was well off. Boston Transcript.
'Mv bnardina house mistress would be
a very popular railroad official."
"Why sor-
"Becaune of her recurring; Inclination
to cut down the fare." Baltimore Ameri
Willis Then you think It Is possible to
top the divorce evil?
Glllls Certainly. Merely let It become
common enough to be unfashionable.
Puck. ,
"The, trouble with you," said th liter
ary editor, "Is that you write over tli
heane of tne people.
"It's mldhtv mean of yon. Nanus." In
dignantly exclaimed the struggling author,
"to throw it up to me that I have to do
The new Adventure of
Sherlock Holmes
is a thriller
Why should the two mysterious
.... "missionaries" bury Lady Carfax
when Lady Carfax wasn't dead?
Dr. Watson did not know. Nobody
knew but Sherlock Holmes. When
the great detective had Worked it all
out in his old manner, it seemed so
foolishly simple to Dr. Watson, just
as it has to all of us so many times
in the past. "The Disappearance of
Lady Carfax" is a real Sherlock
Holmes story, in the old, brilliant
manner, with a new problem, a new
method of solution, and a new thrill
at the climax. In the December
Where Gears
On Good Typewriters.
After operating a typewriter, the carriage of
whicli is pulled along by mean. of straps or bands
that bend or break, you will welcome the simple,
practical and efficient gear driven carriage of the
Smith Premier Typewriter
It drives the carriage just the right distance
at just the rig-lit time; there is nothing to buckle
or stick and nothing to detach iu changing from
one carriage to another.
This Smith Premier feature should be seen to
be fully appreciated. Examine it, it's a featuro
not to be lightly passed over.
Phone to th city office and one of our competent
men will call and give you a demonstration at your office.
Just a demonstration, t' ,t's all not a daily effort to
pound you into buying. You will never be " bothered.'
The Smith Premier Typewriter Co.
Branches in
miserable attic T" Chi-
Nathan M. Lflvy In New York Sun.
I know maid for whom I have a serious
Bhe'a handy and tan broil a steak In
manner that's perfection.
She hna taste that's excellent In dress
and decors tlon,
And she can make a dollar go beyond
your expectation;
And though she In not stupid, she In fact
Is o,ulte discerning,
he Isn't very dejply read or famous for
her learning.
There I another maid for whom I show
much Inclination:
She's clever and betray at once her Won
drous education.
Mistress she Is of languages and ologtes
so many.
Her knowledge I to mine as Is a dollar
to a penny.
But see her In the kitchen, so unhappy
she is looking.
The average maid would ridicule her rasli
attempt at cooking.
A third Is Just between the two; to her
I've had some leaning.
On certain days you'll find that she W
very busy cleaning:
And though attractive dishes she' not
given to Inventing,
Yet with a rook book now and then she
goes experimenting.
But, too. she likes to read and she for
knowledRe breathes a yearning.
Although she ne'er will set the Thames
on fire with her learning.
I've wondered much with Just which on
I'd go through life contented,
And schemes to make her happy I have
frequently Invented.
I've wondered over It so much my brain
begin to scatter:
I cannot tell you Just how much I've
wondered o'er the matter.
I'm wondering still; I did not think the
fates would so forsake me.
I've n."ked them all, not one of them e'er
felt inclined to take me!
Are Used
my writing In
cugo Tribune.
19th and Douglas Sts.