Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 24, 1911, Page 5, Image 5

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    TllH HKK: OMAHA. FRIDAY, MUvr.M'BKU 54, 19il.
Many Wornout People Have Wrong
Idea as to Cause of Illness.
" Debility Holds Coaatlesa
am be re of Men and Women
In It Grasp In F.Terr
I.nrge City.
Kvery largo city In the United States'
contains countlers numbers of worn out.
lislt nick men and women, with poor
fcupetllra and bad digestions. They have
i: snort y, llttlo vitality and aro de
k. undent and nervous.
They have cold feet, (allow complex
Ions, hcadauhee and constipation, and
tliey are ''run down."
The rla-ht name fur this trouble Is
nervous debility and It Is produced by
tho strain and hustle and worry of mod
ern Ufa.
.Many think Indlitcstloii causes the half
bad feeling; which afflicts them and they
talte "aoincthlne" to help dlgett their
feod." Thla Is all wrong-. It may afford
temporary relief, but the cause of their
stomach trouble Is tho nervous debili
tated condition of thu entire system, and
this must be overcome before the
stomach will perform Its proper func
tions. Nervous debility Is a modern .ailment
caused by city life. There Is a modern
tonlo that overcome this trouble like
magic. It is called "Tuna Vita." IT you
are afflicted with nervous debility, don't
wait another Lay feeling miserable. 8top
dosing your ttomuch. Cet this meat and you will bo BNtoniBlied how
milckly your ttrcnKlh and ambition will
return and How your stomach trouble
v.T.l disappear.
"Tona Vita" Is sold on trial and must
bring back your health or the price la
Lee's Rhubarb Laxative la the assistant
remedy and la used In cases of chronlo
constipation. There Is. nothing equal to
Rhubarb as a natural, harmless laxative.
Harsher drugs strain the Intestines and
leave them weak. Rhubarb acts as a
tonic and (fives them strength.
Tona Vila and Lee's Rhubarb Laxative
are sold In Omaha at Brandels Drug
Dept., 16th and Douglas streets. The
specialists will bo at the store dally be
tween the hours of 9 a. m. and 0 p. m
and will explain the nature of their new
tonlo to all callers. They aro splendid
modern remedies.
A' free trial will be given to the first
tOO callers., pi ovlded their symptoms' show
them 'to. be differing ,'from nervous de
bility. Adv. '
Itt&s. Wimslow's Aonntiifo Svarr hs been
used for ovct BIXTY YEAKii bv MILLIONS of
riOTHEKH ."or their CIIII.bXl.N WH1LK
is the nest remedy lor IMAKKIiaiA. It Is eb
tolutel) harmless Be sure and ask fol 'Mrs.
IViasawt toothing Syrup, and take no other
xJcL Twcnty-fivt cent a boUla.
Have Your Ticket Read Durlngton ' . :
To ttli.B " 23oTLi1iIlnu
Daily Until April 30th, 1912.
Jacksonville, Ha., direct routes $50.50
Jacksonville, Fla., one way via Chicago and Washington,
other way via Cincinnati or, Louisville 8558.50
Tampa, Flu., via Chicago or St. Louis . . , $G2.10
ht. Augustine, H,, via Chicago or St.4 Louis 5553.00
Ornioud, Fla., via Chicago or St. Louis $50.70
Palm Heath. Fla., via Chicago or St. Louis $69.00
New Orleans, La.,' via Chicago or St. Louis.... -$41.00
Pass Christian, Miss., via Chicago. or St. Louis..... $42.70
Mexico City, Mex $75.20
Corpus Ciuistl, Te., via Kansas City $42.05
F.l Paso, Tex., via Kansas City $40.35
San Antonio, Tex., via Kansas City $36.05
Houston, Ttx., via Kansas City. . . I .$30.80
Havanu, Culm ' $87.00
First and Third Tuesdays Each Month. '
Corpus Christ I, Tex $35.00
Galveston, Tex $35.00
San Antonio, Te:. $35.00
Houston, Tex '$35.00
Winter Tourlet and Ilomeseekers' Fares to many other destina
tions, eouthwest, south, southeast.
St! Louis Special at 4:35 P. M.
Kansas City Trains at 9:15 A.
Chicago Trains at 7:15 A.
X ilw x awaits
of Six Generations"
Bottled in Bond
Each bottle is sealed with
the U. S.
Its age is guaranteed by the
u. s. Government.
Its purity by the Schenley
Distilling Company.
Its quality speaks for itself.
When you buy Rye, buy Schenley. At all dealers.
Schenley Distilling Co.,
J. R.
Aitken Mnit Also Answer for
Misuse of Mails.
la Areaard of Making K err one
Winner and Then Charalaar
Heavily for Legal !
John R. Aitken, Indicted by the federal
grand Jury last month for conducting a
lottery, has again been Indicted on three
counts, the alleged use of the mulls to
defraud. The indictment was returned
by the special grand Jury which has been
Investigating a number of complaints thlJ
Aitken is said to have used the program
of the Oipheum theater to advertlso lils
scheme, and in each program waa en
closed n, ticket good fr one chance on a
lot 17 feet wide by 100 feet long In an
arid county In Texas. The theater Pa
trons wrote their names on tli tlchets
and dropped them In a box In the lobby,
after which they were collected by Ait
ken, who wrote to every one who dropped
In a ticket telling them thnt they were
winners. These persons who were noti
fied that they had won a Texns lot were
induced by Aitken to give him K'-jO each
as a fee for drawing up the necessary
legal Instruments. The lot which was
given tho "lucky" person was a stretch
of land worth about 45 cents In Chinese
It is not known how many persons gave
Aitken 6.50. but It is understood that lit
did a rushing business. J. E. Schaeffcr.
Beulah Sinclair and W. K. Parker, all of
Omaha, are respectively .named in the
indictments as victims.
Last month Aitken was indicted by the
regular grand Jury for conducting a lot
tery scheme, and he will be placed on
trial next April to unswer to four sep
arate Indictments.
FredVDeCicer of Rushvllle, E. W. Wal
roth and C. A. Henderson of Thurston
and James Sullivan of Tekamah were all
Indicted for Introducing liquor on Indian
territory. All of these men will plead
guilty and will begin to serve their sen
tence at one?. The assistance of the In
dian police of both the Omaha and Win
nebago reservations proved valuable to
the government officials in these cases,
and when the men were being examined
before the grand Jury they gave Impor
tant testimony. One Indian cop, attired
In a faded blue army uniform and a Bilk
hat. strutted proudly about the corridors
displaying his authority, and although he
was treated with deference by the other
Indians who testified, he caused no little
amusement for the government employes.
Key to tho Situation Bee Want Ads.
Ilulldlnar Permlti.
Fred Voxel. Jr.. 8H Leavenworth street
brick garage, S500; W. A. Sigourney, 3U
Ciold street, frame dwelling, $750; Paul
. Horbach, - Twenty-second and Paul
j Ktreets, alterations and addition, lift);
Grove Wharton Construction contpany,
iiotM South Tenth street, frame dwelling,
i S2 MC: James Phillips, 1000 South Thir
tieth street, addition and alteration to
dwelling, M.50U; C. C. Cundy, 23:14 Leav
enworth street, brick store, $800.
M., 4:35 P. M., 10:45 P. M.
M., 4:20 P. M., 6:30 P. M.
Liberal stop-over privileges; write or call for
publications, information, etc., and let mo help
vou plan au attractive tour of tho south.
11. REYNOLDS, City Passenger Agent,
1502 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb.
: 1
We cannot make it better
in flavor, mellowness or
Distilled 4 times in copper.
(Ordinary whiskey not mora than twice)
h 1
Government Stamp.
1 rw.
I.ucesco, Pfc.
Union Pacific Pays
Nearly Two Million
Taxes in Ninety Days
Within the next sixty day. Including
what It hns r'd since the first of the
present- month, the I'nlon I'aclflc Kail-
road company, through Tax Commis
sioner Hcrlbner. will have paid approxi
mately ll.7OO.0tiO In taxes to the states,
counties and cities through which the
line run, not Including- tho $-"35,000 federal
Income tax.
In Wyoming the road pays $:",000,
about one-seventh of the entire tax of
the state. Out there Its valuation, as
fixed by the state board, ls24,773,5!Vi, ex
clusive of the lands and coal properties.
The entire valuation of the state, In
cluding the railroad properties. Is but
In Nebraska the Vnlon raclflc ptiys
$672,000; In Kanras. $400,000; In Colorado,
$240,000; In Utah, $',0W.
In Nebraska $575,000 of the $i:,000 will
be paid during November.
The Utah taxes will be paid this month
and those of Wyoming and Kansas In
December. Tho Colorado tax Is duo and
payable early next year.
Suffragist Meets
Man of Native Soil
There Is one Omaha man who was es
pecially Interested in Mrs. Kmniellne
1'ankhurst last week, but not because he
is a suffragist, for he Is In no sense au
advocate of votes for women.
He Is Itobert Cowell, who halls from
the Isle of Man, the quaint little Inland
on which Mrs. Pankhurst's forefathers
lived for centuries. Mm, I'ankhurst. al
though born In Mancbaster, Is full of
Manx spirit. She was glad to meet a
true Manxmun in Omaha and to Indulge
In reminiscences.
Mr. Cowell'a ancestors are burled In the
same graveyard of the old pait'sh of
Lonan where the parents and grandpur-
ents of Mrs. Pankhurst lie. Mr. Cowell
left the Island thirty-tliree yeara ago, but
has been back to the home of his boyhood
twice since then.
In reference to the subject of woman
suffrage Mr. Cowell says that although
the Manxwomcn were the first In the
world to be given the right to vote, that
they rarely use this privilege. .
"They seem content merely with the
right to vote without caring to put It
Into practice," says Mr. Cowell. "When
I taw Mrs. Pankhurst I could hardly
think of her as militant, but when 1
realized that she hud Manx blood in her
veins I could readily account for It."
Arguments Made in
Albert Law Cases
Arguments on applications for perma
nent Injunctions In tho Albert law cases
of the state against Antonio Iflgrotto
and Grace Woods and Joseph Kolberg
acd Minnie Harris were made before
Judge Kennedy In equity court yesterday
afternoon. The cases are those started last
summer against tenants and owners of
alleged houses of 111 fame: Neither of
the tenants appeared today. Will H.
Thompson appeared as attorney for the
property owners and argued against per
manent Injunctions on the ground that
the houses are not now Improperly oc
cupied and there Is 'nothing to enjoin.
Oounty Attorney Kngllsh argued for the
state and the matter was taken under
Lack of witnesses of the killing of
William M-stx by Harry L. Wooldrldgc,
former humane officer of the police de
partment, will hamper County Attorney
UngllHh'a office in Its struggle for a con
vlctlon when Wooldrldge Is placed on
trial In tho criminal division of the dis
trict court within the next two or three
Mets was killed In a fight on North Six
teenth street near Jefferson square early
last summer. Many of tho witnesses
were laborers of the floating class and
loafers who spent their time loifhglng In
the square and hanging around saloons
nearby. Many of Hum have left town
and their whereabouts are unknown.
Borne witness still are In the city, how
ever, and County Attorney Kngllsh says
he can make a case.
"We shall have to do the best we can,"
he said. "It will be hard, for some of
the witnesses, I suppose, are gono." The
testimony at the coroner's Inquest Into
the death of Met developed the peculiar
situation that no one man witnessed the
j entire affair which ended In tho switch
man's death. Some saw one pun oi uie
struggle; others, other parts.
Wooldrldge Is at liberty under ball.
Mrs. Sally Swift was granted a divorce
from Beth 8. Swift, general sales agent
for the C. W. Hull company, In the equity
division of tho district court yesterday,
though Swift himself was the original
plaintiff In the' action, making serious
charges against his wife. Her counter
claim of cruelty was sustained and she
was held more entitled to the divorce
than he. Swift was ordered to pay his
wife $3)0 suit money and $00 a month for
the care of herneir and their child, cus
tody of which waa given her. Payments
of the tW a month alimony may be
dropped by Mr. Swift if his former wlfo
KrlaTbtrnrd Into Fit
by fear of appendicitis, tako Dr. King's
New 1.1 fe Pills and away goes bowel
trouble. Guaranteed. 25c., For sale by
Beaton Drug Co.
Women's Tailored Mnita io at flO
and CT.VS est fat
Saturday we offer but) tailored eulta for
women from a New York manufacturer,
together with hundreds of suits from our
own stock at hulf price and lets than
half. Thla will be by far the greatest
sale of women's suits In yeara. HulU
worth $J5, $J0 and $35 will go at $15. This
Includes all our "FaHhlonseal" suits for
women suits that are worth $13, $17. 50,
$30 will go at $7.95.
Drandeia bought all the sample lines
and show room stock of high grade
leather and fa brio hags from Herman
Bcheucr of 811 Broadway, New York. We
bought them at a very low figure and
offer them Saturday at one-third to one-
half their actual value. Hv tha windows.
J. U EKAJsDtlb ft HONd.
Understand, ptcaso, that tho romnants
have not boon mado to orderbut aro
in every instance ends of pieces of
desirable Dress Goods, made pos
sible as the result of our great exten
sion sale.
Just 3 Prices 1c, 59c and 39g
Almost every color under; the sun and most every
popular weave.
Goods formerly
at yard....
Goods formerly
at yard
Goods formerly
at yard.
This is a splendid opportunity to buy first class dress
goods for any and every purpose at really absurd
prices pieces will not be cut you must buy the
length. Come early! Store opens at 8 A. M. If you
appreciate values and need the goods. AU will be sold
before noon.
Voting -Machine. Tail to Kegister
the Will of Voters.
Several Instances Are Iveatio;ated
and In KacU Cuue the Machine
Is Found to Have Gone
Conclusive evidence that the voting ia-
chlnea used in Douglas county at the
general election of Noveinbet 7 failed to
work accurately, that they failed In some
Instances to correctly register tho wlllj
of the voters, has resulted from an In
vestigation made by tho official election
canvassing board. Ularing discrepancies
have been found.
Deputy County Clerk Frank Dewey,
chairman of the canvassing board, ad
mitted this morning that the proof of tho
fallibility of the machines has been found.
Me verified Btutenieut regarding three
specific Instances of discrepancy and ad
mitted tli'it there are other Instances.
K. 1-2. K. Hldgway, custodian of 4he
voting machines, blames the discrepancies
to too careless handling of the machines
World's Dispenwiy Medical Association, R.V. Pierce,
Pre (Ehst M CMe
's el
sold up to 85 cents,
sold up to $1.50,
sold up to $3.00,
Cilpafrick o.
In transporting them to polling places
and setting them up.
William II. Rose, one of the republican
candidates for Judge of the supreme court
was beaten out dp a Wad of about 76
votes In the fourth precinct of the Fifth
ward, because tho ratchet wheel con
nected with his space' on tho machine
failed to engage the vote registering me
chanism, Ilaincr, I.clton and Rose were
republican candidates for supreme Judge;
Dean, Oldham and Stark weie democratic
candidates. The machhio recorded 201
votes for Uatner and 120 for his opponent,
Dean; 1!W tor Lctton and 134 for his
opponent, Oldham; only 8 for Rose and
3 for his opponent. Htark. 1 lamer gut a
plurality of 75; lctton, a plurality of 60;
Rose, a plurality of only 3.
It waa apparent that when his col
leagues on the supreme Judicial ticket
received nearly 200 votes Rose must have
received more than five. The cunvasslug
board Investigated and learned that the
springing of an aluminum bar on the
machine had prevented the proper record
ing of votes In column 3, tho column
occupied by Rose and Stark.
Running up and down staJrw, aweepmg
and bending over making beds will not
make a woman hei'HIiy or beautiful. Una
must get out of doors, walk a mile or two
evtry day and take Camberhtln'a Tab
lets to Improve her dlgeaion and regulats
her bowels. For sale by all dealers.
Woman's True Friend
Experimenting Vith new and untried medicines
is foolish, and often dangerous. It would take
a medicine more than forty years, to prove itself
60 universally good as Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre
scription. During all that time it has been wom
an's favorite medicine a restorative tonic, uplift
ing and invigorating the nervous and discouraged
and giving them the final touch of perfect health.
Women use Dr. Pierce's favorite Prescription
In preference to all other advocated medicines
for It contains no alcohol or habit-forming
drugs Is not anything like advertised, secret,
or patent medicines does not claim to be able
to do Impossible things.
Ttin ONE REMEDY for women devised by a
regularly graduated physician of vast experience
In woman's ailments, and adapted ' to her dell
cate organism.
THE ONE REMEDY good enough that Its makers v
are not afraid to print Its every Ingredient on
Its outside wrapper.
You can't afford to allow yourself to be over
persuaded into accepting any secret nostrum as
a substitute for this honest 6quare-deal non-secret
medicine. Don't do it. No honest druggist will
attempt to cheat you in this way. He who does
6hould be rebuked and avoided. Doctors pre
scribe Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription for their
worst cases because they know what it contains
and know its ingredients to be of the very best.
It'i well now and then to gently cleanse out bowel germs
that breed weakness, cause foul breath, loss of appetite, dizzi
ness and headache. Dr. Pierce'i Pleasant Pellet keep bow
cb swert and clean. Recommended br druggists because of
their purity, goodness, and active gentleness.
1 the
Blooded Sheep Are Coming from
-Wisoonsin and Canada.
Mid-Winter Nheep Show Sort llida
Fair to He m Hammer Inter
rat Is Nhono on All Sides
by II reeders.
Some big entries for the mld-wlnter
sheep show to be held hero next month
In connectloi wtlh the convention of the
convention of the National Wool Grow
ers' association, are announced by the
publicity bureau of the Commercial club.
George McKorrow of Pewaukec, Wis.,
will bring 100 Bhropshlres and Oxfords
and William Copper & Nephews, one of
the biggest shep breeding concerns lit
the country, will bring 100 llampahlres,
Oxfords, Costwolds and fat class sheep.
There will bo entries from Canada.
There will be between 7j0 and 1,000
sheep In the show. Secietary A. F.
Stryker of the Houth Omaha. Uve Stock
exchange says the chow will be the big
gest ever h?ld In connection with the
nations! convention.
Key to tho Situation U-e Went Ads.
M. D., Pres., Buffalo, N.Y.
JL The
IhilKiknlh.BaHnf Dlllir
Failures are almost Impossible with
We know that It will give yon better
We know thnt the baking wOT be nnrer
mors wImInm.
We knew that it will be mora evenly
And we Vtf thst Calumet Is more
economical, both in lis una and enst.
We knew the thing, because we
have put the quality Into It we nave
smn It tried out in every way. It ia
lined nowln millions ot home and Pa
ale. are gniwint daily. It '
tuodern bking powder.
H uve run tried it?
Calumet Is highest In quality
moderate In price.
Received Hithmt Award -Xjrid'l
Pare Food Exposition.
Trans-raelflo Serrlca Tia YancouTer,
The Shortest and
Smoothest Route
Japan A China
Shortest by Six Days
and points In
Hawaii-'Apstralia-New Zelanl
Around the World Tours
Bull I ma, Katos and Literature on ap
plication to
S34 iouta Clark Street, CXI0A.GO, XI. X
, Greatest Ilarsalns Ever Offered
In Onittlut. .
Specialty Lump and Nut-(Hand
Screened) per ton... 94. 25
Ideal Lump, per ton ... 85.50
We Make Prompt Delivery.
Rosenblatt's Cut
Price Coal Co.
The Hume of Quality Ooal.
1'hoiiee 1Kuk. 4112, U-M12
I'.-J.J Mcliolus St.
af "T"rr:,,n'1' tw-'w'lffiirleBri
CfcurU (J-rW,, QpSRFZjk (J-OUV.'J
3 boxu.t corn flakea 25o
ilbDlo and cane ayhuu. 4k gal
lon caNM 40o l
tlallon ta:i TSo oi
t'JiliMiii-fc'ilvcr, Gold and lilua fj
nullsh 5o and too sj
While Clover and fruit Honey tti
1 1 it frame lBo
t'er Jur 36o
Cluster ralslna. In cartons . 150 M
Citr hi. oraiik'o and lemon levl, Jt
ler lb BOO U
t-lu.. 10i Jan Uioe 86 1
2ba Can 'Calumet" Bakln t
powder 10 V
(-lb. aatk pancake flour... S5o
Hut cookinK tr eating apples.
at .....l.O0 ft
Illa-k walnuts, per pk 400 U
Imported New Turkish flits. H
per lb ISO and 54 j
New dates, per pka.10o and lao
Ilananas, per aot Je
i.f00-lb. Cheese, per lb.....8E
jrasr caw C0
of 175 tut of unredeemed tkoanebolj
Roods, Kovcutaer 27, its, 9. Otoh
(aN0T mad: BY THE tpJ--wm
Auction Sale