Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 24, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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Jeff Ought to Hit the Soft' Pedal When Talking Personal Matters
By "Bud" Fisher
this oamc .?Y?y9r
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SrVfc viTTt THW. .
Fr.tCT to cjn ,
to mevson j :
Baw Ball Mtgfnate Retnrni from
Lonj Trip to Texei.
Ball Mrs
City of
Am Uarili of th
T Rourk has returned from Joplln.
Ho., whvre' ,4 ' cnmplettd rranRrmnt
for Ma ban tm.. tmln and proctlc
for twnty-fjv 0y, tx-fintilng March IS.
H I'M made tentative rraneraent elo
tor tb Rourkra to mct ium iif the
Jtojor teamn whIJo n Joplln nfxt aprln.
Mr. Rourkit' f lit to Jopltrf. Immfdlatrly
Mlowlnc the . a3Journrtont of th Na
tSonal - baae ball naoclatloA tnoetlng In
Man Antonio. Trior to rolnir to Ban An
tonio tba Omaha raasnata attnnard th
irtln of th Wetrt loasuo at Chi
cago, at whlrh mplng (t waa decldrd
to opi tli imp aranon tjn Apfll J9, Th
HiiDor oi (tim-i lo urn piayea in in
Vitrn league next araaon haa not born
1dd upon, but will na at the meeting
r tha achoduU commltU. February 17,
M Dtnar. While In Cltioago, r bought
tw promlrlng 'piti-lera for - next year'a
team. They, are Lou(el and Cabot, who
were laat year with tha Mlonrapolle
Another player "wae also aecured by Pa
Rourke while 'h wan away from home.
Tha new-me'l"a ca"tcnr and' ha wa
aecured fropi pttrott. ' Hls,na.n li Hack
andorf, and Ta Hourke doea not hesitate
to say that tha joungnter looks good to
Pa Rourke was full of enthualaam over
tha trip from 8t. toula to n Antonio
and of tha treatment ha received while
In the Texaa city.
When they arrived 'In Ban Antonio the
whole town turnad out en maaaa to meet
the vMtor. ISanda were' preaaut, men
and women with banners al)4 flout. The
ball men wera taken to the Ht Anthony
hotel, where they were gueets of tha city.
Tha first night a banquet waa held. Tha
tables In tha hall wera shaped Ilka a
diamond, with a pitcher's box, home
plate and the baae. Tha baaes were red
tabla. JJlrectly .behind hotoa plat waa
a scree representing a grand aland. At
each plat waa a, miniature baa ball and
glove. Tha banquet consisted of nine
courses. Speaking fallowed tha banquet
for five kours, during which time every
prominent baaa ball man in tha country
made a abort talk. Including Pa llourke
Tha only Important measure reoonv
Blended for adoption Was that of limit
lug tba number of players a club may
carry, ocordlng to the . class of the
league. , Tba . minor leaguea ahail limit
, their playing, luta aa follows: Class
AA.J thirty reserved, twenty during the
aeasou; Clana1 A. tWenty-atx and six
teen; Class B, twenty-four and sixteen;
C1aB CI twenty. two and fourteen; Class
A, tweqty ana, thirteen.
' FORT RUSSELL Wyo., Nov. l3.-Ppe
11 ) Aiiot her flsths carnival will ba held
'i"tW,Jl'i"bs already mad are as fol
W. firlm. Klnth nviirv ' Vnrl
ell, and Wob lUrrU, Kurt lUley, twenty
ruurrai, wtlKni IN pounds.
' Sergeant larrle. liaticry K. Fourth r
tlllery, and eWrsettnt 'Smltn, Troop L,
Js'tiith oavulry, fliteen rounds.
I rlvaio J k JIII. I'ompany U K'.eventh
miantry, aul I'rlvate Williams, unas
ulirned. ten rounds.
Corporal Kellley.. Company A, Kleventh
jiiiarury, ami (ierieint J arra, Troop li
i-.Vliu qavaji), pi roUUUB.
Tha combatants are all In active train
ing at the pout riding hall, where dally
boxing la witnessed.
Yoit Begini Journey to Lincoln
with Hit Michigan Flayers.
Farnoas Fallback Will Play Aaalast
Corahaskers Patnrday la Oara
lost aya Will Be Aaythlag
bat mm Kasy One.
A.VN AilBOn. Mich., Nov. 23. Speclal.)
With every man but Wells and Pontius
In the bent of condition for the bl(f game
at Lincoln Baturduy, the l-'nlvernlty of
Mioninan foot ball suuad left here at 9:30
o clock this morning for Lincoln. In the
rarty are thirty-two men, Including
Coach Fielding Yost, Kranefcloln, Woro
ger and liearmouth.
'llottles" Thomson, famous fullhnrk of
tha Wolverines, who wna out of the Penn
sylvania game becauMc of the death of his
brother, was with the team and will be
In the lineup agnltut tho Cornhiixkers.
Thomson arrived in Ann Arbor Wednes
day hlKht and announced that he would
play. Tho return of the bl fullback will
rreatly etrcriKtheit the Wolverines, as
ThoniFon Is a likely candidate for an All
American berth this season. He In easily
tha best fullbaclt In tha went and his
charges against tha CornhUHker Una will
ba very hard to stop.
According to the Plans of Coach Yost.
the Michigan squad will hold light signal
practloa at the Country club grounds In
Vincollt Friday afternoon. Th ohedula.
jin inp win permit tno party to reach
Macoin early Friday morning. A rally
Whlrh Is to ba held In Memorial hail at
Ueooln will ba attends by Yost atT his
playera. A special Invitation was r
cwlved from Lincoln vesterdav hv
I Heublo and Carpel will probably be
started at half and end In place of Tor
bett and Wells.
Coach Yost stated, before his dovartur.
mat He expected one of the hardest
games of the season. Ha regards tho
(.oruhuskera aa tha class of the Missouri
valley region and lias warned Ms men
that tha task Saturday will be anything
Zbyszko Accepts Challenge
Zbyssko, the giant Pole, who has for 10,000 a side and a percentage of the
tentatively accepted the challenge of the gate receipts.
Invading Italian, Ralctevlch, to wrestle
Tommy . Johnson, ' Famous Kansas
Quarterback, Has Tuberculosis,
Ills lilacs,, AcKravated Uy lajary
Received lis Uaaket Ball Uam
ad Colleajre Wrrstllaa;
Th billiard and pool tournament at the
Commercial club haa aumed euoh dl
inrnslona that the house commlUea has
doclded tf keep the billlurd room; open
Bights, beginning Thursday and continu
ing thrqugh the remainder of the month,
exclusive of tiunday. ...
As there are forty-five rants In tha
pool tourney and twenty-ni..e in the btl
lld tourney, each pool ahok muat plyy
ferty-fobr game In the preliminary
round, while each bllHardist must play
twenty-four games.
Big Crowd of Fans
. Will Attend Game
That 4..0 Omahans have bought tickets
for the foot ball gain In. Lincoln Sat
urday between Nebraska and Michigan
waa announced by Amos Thomae at the
first monthly luncheon of Nebraska uni
versity alumni at tha University club
yesterday. Mr. Thomas also announced
that a Cornhusker-Wolverlnt banquet
would be held at the Lincoln hotel Bat
urday evening at SI a plate.
Besldea talking foot ball the alumni
heard a abort addreaa by Ucorga Coup
land of Klgin. regent of tha university,
who urged tht oollege graduates .to em
brace every' opportunity of epreading
tha gospel f intensive farming. Clement
Chase, who presided, said the North Da
kota Hankers association la spreading
broadcast among farmers circular urg
Ing them to plow deep.
Frank L. Hailtr. cf Omaha, regent of
the university, spoke of the opportunity
of the alumni and lso tho new Valvar
aity club of Omahl, to do good for tlio
alato university.
Indications are that Omaha will send a
great crowd to tha Mlchlgan-Cornhusker
foot ball game at Lincoln Saturday. At
lcaat the Hurling ton baa advices to this
effect and Is making arrangements to
carry a big bunch of rooters.
To handle the crowd the Hurllngton will
run a foot ball special, leavlna- the Tvmi.
atreel station at ; tiaturday morning,
rcacning Lincoln at 11:15. The only flop
will be at Ashland. 11 la expected that
this train will carry twelvo to fifteen
coaches. Returning, the train will leave
uncoin t e: in the evening.
sinoiuer epeyai train, carrvlna- h.
South Omaha local contingent and the
aioca yard people, will leave that city
at a o clock In the morning. This train
win make but one atop and that at Aah.
land. There will probably ba twelve
regular train, leaving the Tenth
street atatlon at 9:U o'clock In the mom
-a. "in irora six to eight extra
It Is announced that too tickets to tho
game nave Dcen sold In Omaha.
KANSAS CITY, Nov. 23,-Thomaa War
wick (Tommy) Johnson, famous quarter
back' of the Kaunas university toot ball
team for the seasons l'JMS-10 and widely
known in college athlctlo circles through
out the Missouri valley aa an all around
athlete, la dying of tuberculosis at the
Kansas university hospital at Rosedale,
a suburb here. Johnson waa unconscioua
this morning and his physician raid tha
end waa only a matter of a few hours.
Johnyon is 6 years old. Ills Illness is
aggravated by an Injury sustained In a
buaket ball game In BU Louta to IM.
l.atci ha waa seriously hurt in a, collego
wreftllng match.
When Johnson attended Kansas uni
versity he was to that Institution what
Poe was to Princeton and Kckersall waa
to Chicago, lie was Kanaaa' athletic
hero. During his four years la echoo.
Johnson was a member of every athletic
team at the university, lie was a promt
nent "fret" man and a leader In college
dramatics. Ills mother, Mrs. Francia
Luther, live at Lawrence and a brother.
Edward Johnson, at Omaha.
.Tli Athletic foot ball team would )U
to schedule a game for Thankaglvlng day
with some out-of-town eleven. The team
must average In the neighborhood of lit
pounds. For Information call U-Zttsg, or
addreaa F., Greene. 612 North Twenty
third treet, Omaha. , .
. . slaskea with a Hasar, . .
wounded wiui a gun or pierced by a
rusty nail, Uucklto's Arnica Salve heals
the wound. Guaranteed, t&c For sale
Ivy Baatou Drug Co.
Kraja-Mlela .. Alasaal
. - v Hall Special
T ill Uava Ornish trtS a. m. Saturday, No-
vtoiLer S.. for Inf jln via the Burlington.
Itclurn special fium lincoln 6 SO p.
i.d rvturix regular trains' at i.ZO p.' uu
4.4 p. in.
Norfolk Lawyer
Rolls 300 at Tenpins
NORFOLK. Neb.. Nov. Il-Ceclul Tel
egTa m. d. D. Robertson, a law.ver. la ft
night rolled a pvrfw.t score of SOU at tou
t ins, getting tavlve straUht strikes.
Word has been received by Prof. C. li
Reed, athlctlo director at lite high school.
from Wendell Phlllla High of Chicago
In regard to the officials for the game
which will ba pluyed Thanksgiving day
at llourke park between the local high
school and the Chicago team.
Tha referee will be either Coach Kwald
O. Ulchiu of Ncbiusk or Ccdrlo Potter
of Union college.
Paul glrtaon, formerly prominent In foot
bull at Ohio U'euleyan, has already beao
agreed upon as umpire. Ixjon Cullahan
of Lake Forest will be field Judge. Cal
lahan has acted In this capacity on tho
local gridiron for the lat two years and
hue always been agreed upon as one of
the best officials in the west.
McFarlaad aai Marshy Hatched.
BAN FRANCimXI, Nov. .-Harry
Foley of this city has been choaru aa
rifere of the TuaukaKlviii day puailietic
vent, in which Packey McKarland and
Tommy Murphy are to be tha rlnclals.
and articles v.era elgned Uniay nmklng
the Weight 1M jounda four hours before
the coolest. The training quarters of
both men have been crowded wttli ad
mirer and vbth aru working hard.
Phataa of Ball Players.
Individual photographs of all the play
ers on ttie local IiIkIi school elevvn have
been lkcn ami are. altracllng ctnisulcr
able altsiiliuit auiung the followers of
the aua at the kchoul. The Vlrturea
alll be printed on postcards and sold
to the members r the team and frtende
us intrmcnius of tbe local gridirun seaaou.
As a follow-up on the Pankhurst lec
ture ou woman suffrage the local auf
fraga society have written tha Univer
sity club, Cltlxcn's union. Ad club. Com
merclal club, Central l.abor union, Trl
Clty Raraca aoclety and other men's
organisations asking them to give their
stand with regard to woman suffrage.
Tho members of the suffrage society
are planning a precinct canvas of men
and women In order to weed it the
"anU'a" and convert them. Thla ia
preparatory to the submission of tbe
questiou of woman suffrage at the next
starts Kglalature.'
Ryder Says tabor
Laws of Nebraska
Are Being Enforced
Judge Katclle'a statement, mad in a
talk last Sunday, that 10,000 children are
Illegally, employe In Nebraska was
sharply called In question by John J.
Ryder In an addreaa to tha students of
tha University of Omaha yesterday morn
There are not that many children em
ployed in Nebraska in all the industries
aside from agriculture," said Mr. Ryder.
There ia not 1 per cent of that numbei
employed In violation of the law, la my
Judgment. A an Inspector under the
ciilld labor law I frequently pass through
the dopartment stores, and have ques
tioned separately children who have the
appearance of being under age. with no
employer or box present. It must be
said for tba department store that they
are trying earnestly to live up to the law.
They are Imposed on occasionally, beyond
question, but Truant Officer Oepaon keeps
pretty close tab on the working children
who may belong. In school, and those
working under permit are comparatively
'Within recent month 1 have been In
about every factory In Omaha, quietly
and without warning In some Instances;
In other cases on business, and not known
to tha proprietors aa an Inspector under
tha law. My conclusion ia that Uie Ne
braska child labor law la being compiled
with to a tnoat encouraging degree. Where
It 1 being violated it 1 by the connivance
of parents much mora than through the
fault, of the employer. Of the i.000,000
children employed in tha Industrie of
thl countryr-and deprived of educational
opportunities, a negligible percentage can
ba credited to Nebraska, Legal advisers
of the large concern have co-operated
with' the state Inspectors In discouraging
the employment of children under age,
but suiu children who took much older
than they are do fool the managers once
in a while. , On the whole, though, the
condition In Omaha la clean."
Mr. Ryder' talk to the students was
mainly devoted to a dismission of the
growth of child ' labor and compulsory
education laws in tha several states. As
secretary of ' the Nebraska child labor
committee, he Is kept in touch with tha
work of the national organisation all over
tha country.
Wiley Tells of Effect of Law
Against Adulteration.
Statate Waa Enacted Only After
Determined Fight Lasting
Quarter of a On
. tary.
Arrested . at , tba . Union, station by
Patrolman Cunningham for bains drunk,
William Bruckbauer of Sleepy Eye,
Minn., was taken to the police station
lata Wednesday night when It was found
he carried 1774 In hi pockets.
laruckbauer had - been carried In
buggy to the depot by Mrs. Anna Burke
when sha found, three negro habitue of
the Burke aaloon, Ntnrn and Davenport
streets, trying to persuade blm to take a
walk with them.
The three negroea wer arretted by
Detective Devereese.' who found them
making their way In the direction of tbe
deuot. They gave their name a Wll
Ham Vfdwaids,- ara Crus and Waller
Williams. They ar nald auspicious
character. .
PHILADELPHIA, Pa.. Nov.' :a.-"Tbe
effects of the pure food and drugs act
have been moat salutary," declared Dr.
Harvey W. Wiley, chief chemist of the
Department of Agriculture, principal ad
vocate of that measure In an address be
fore tha American ..codemy of Political
and Social Science here tonight.
"Not only ha it Inspired a new code
of ethics in the trade of pure foods."
continued Dr. Wiley, "but It has made
It possible for honest dealers to conduct
a business without the ruinous Competi
tion of adulterators and debaaers."
The theme of Dr. Wiley's address was
the pure food and -drug act which he
strlved for many year to have enacted
by congrees. Ha told of how tha 'Special
interests" got together and blocked the
enactment of the bill, which .sometimes
passed one house of congree only to be
killed in tha other. Friends 'of the legis
lation, he declared, had waited . for - th
education of a publio opinion which would
emphasise o strongly the necessity for
Its passage that even its opponent could
no longer obstruct.
Thla great fight," he said, went
on for more than a quarter of a century
before tha passage of tha act of June
30, 1908. :
Effects Far-Reach Inar.
Dr. Wiley eptomixed tha result that the
pure food and drug act has had on the
business world. Tha unethical spirit of
commerce In foods and d-ugs. Hie aaserted,
had been wholly reformed and the
character of foods and drugs offered for
consumption had been Immensely im
proved. "These effects have extended not only
to foods and drugs," he averred, "but
to con elated bualnee Interests and now
the people are crying for enactment of
'pure food' lawa for all forms of mer
chandise. The hope la not Idle that ere
many years all form of buslneea will
be controlled by tbe ethical spirit which
animate tha food and drugs act:"
Dr. Wiley opened his address with the
assertion that the primary causa of the
pur food law waa tha cupidity of com
"Tbe keen competition of trade," be
said, "lei men to debase tba ware which
they hoped to sell at the price of tha
genuine article. If they did not debase
tha genuine article they made an Imita
tion of It, which they offered under the
name of the genuine article. If they
did neither they misrepresented the qual
ities of tha article, ascribing to It. virtue
of all kind which it did not possess.
Canapt MrV Stand Toa-ether.
"Tha fight for pure food waa a fight
against the communism of greed. All
tha interests stood together. They felt
that If one was sacrificed all might go,
hence every movement which waa made
to correct this condition of affairs by
legislation was met with th united and
thoroughly controlled lobby representing
the Interests of every description which
were thriving on me sale of adulterated
and mUbrandcd jjooda and drugs. These
Interests did not fight lu the open ex
cept en rare occasions. They tried to
conceal their Identity and their purpose
and usually appeared as friend of pure
food and drug legislation and thus urged
certain amendment or verbiage, which,
If adopted, would have let out tha of
fender one and all.
If they coukl not succeed In thla they
brought substitute bill with, a show of
honesty and yet full of flaws favorable
to corrupt practices. They never far a
moment ceased their active apposition.
and to tha legislator who did not look
under tlte aurface their arguments seemed
somewhat plausible and wer for many
years effective."
Baby Grand Pianos Will Also De
light Children This Season.
Real Golf get for Small Boy that
Cost ' 3.SO and Ball Bearing;
Aatoeyrles Are from f
to f 10.30.
Young Omaha will be delighted by the
new toy in the Christmas displays this
Among the new mechanical toya are
whales that swim and spout water, ducks
that swim, Teddy bears that prowl when
you shake them, baby grand pianos and
fantastlo giant bugs that run all over the
table without falling off. Tba bugs are
only SO cents each. They are made in
Nuremberg, the famous toy town of
Bavaria, You can buy a baby grand toy
piano for from $4.50 to $4.98.
A set of real golf sticks, with bag, for
the' youngster of from 3 to 8, can be
bought for $3.50. Ball-bearing autocycles,
with automobile steering wheels, are from
$9 to $10.50. There are also planing sets
and printing presses and a new cash reg
ister savings bank, which register the
amount deposited - each time and which
can be opened only when a certain
amount of money haa been accumulated.
Crown Prince Haa Appendicitis.
STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Nov. 23.
Crown Prince GuBtav .Adolph of Sweden
was ' operated on today for appendicitis.
His condition Is quite satisfactory.
Persistent Advertrslng is tbe Road to
Big Returns.
A Venetian program was carried out
by the Llnlnger Travel club u the high
school yealrrday afternoon. An attractive
gondola poater by Mary Ooodland was
awarded honorable mention. (
The program:
Piano aolo. "Oondlerl" Herll.a Klklas
Heading. "'hilila Harold "... ttllh Me.Nett
Story of tb picture, "A Traitor to
Ills Country" Mary Johnson
Violin tolo, "ilonxoiia Amoroaa"
Mary Day
Acciiinpanlnt. llacel Day.
Reading. "Tha Hi Miie of H
Mary Uoft'.land
Recitation bertha. OJrlou
The key to auoces in business I the
Judicious and persistant us of newspaper
advertising. :
Tbeaa outside railroad men are spend'
ins the day lit the city: It. V. VaJiVhet
auuei'lnteudent of tht Milwaukee at Mar
lon, la : .O. ii. Krledle. general freight
aaint ot Ik Laka hore. Cleveland: It.
r". c'ary. eiM-ral paaaeng'T agenu Wash
ington, and 'J. '. Hun, )r., aal.lunt gen
eral peiuifmcer asant, St. I.ouln. both of
the BVmihern railway. J. C. Lovrrtu. dlvt
b'.iM .paner agent of the Chicago tt
Key to the 8ituatun-Uea Want Ads.
Minister's Appeal
Didn't Save Darnell
Rev. ' C W. Bavldge delivered- a hort
ermon In polio court, when he appeared
to testify la behalf of Charles Darnell,
who was arrested for the theft ot a dresa
fromNa clothe Una In the vicinity of tbe
People church. Saturday. It waa proven
In court by two of Mr. Bavldge' s friends
that Darnell waa working all day Sat
urday at tha church and could not pos
sibly have etolen the dress. Mr. Bavldge
said: "Mr. friends have testified that Mr.
Iamell could not have taken tha dreaa
and I believe them. I think that It a aa
essential that wa tell tha truth before an
earthly tribunal' aa H I before God At
mighty." Despite the fact that th,e evl
dence was all In favor of Darnell' inno
cense Juctlce ot tha Peace Aldstadt.' act
ing a polio Judge, fined him' $J3 and
coats. "I fiD you on your face." said
der abudge.
Th key to succea ut business is th
Jutictovia and parstateM use of ncwapapc
He Says Government Should Take
No Steps to Prevent Monopoly,
The Shonld Be Strongr Caaagh to
Protect tho Interests of Cn
eamera and Iw
WASHINGTON, Nov. tt.-Walter 1
Fisher, secretary of the Interior, stated
before the National Waterway commis
sion today that the government should
take no nteps to prevent combinations or
monopolies In the development, of elec
tricity from water power. Instead he said
federal regulations should be made strong
enough to protect the publio Interest. In
vestors should be assured a large enough
return to attract capital Into the develop
ment of water power, said Secretary
Co-opcratlon between the national gov
ernment and the states In the control of
water power electrlo plants wa advo
cated by former Chief Forester Clifford
Plnchot. Mr. Pinchot said the pubno waa
entitled to accurate Information a to tha
cost of operating power plants, and that
while the operators should be afforded a
fair opportunity to obtain adequate re
turns on Investments,, the publio wa like
wise entitled to every protection tn the
way of eqivil service and . fair prices to
the consumer. He believed In a tlma limit
on franchises and also suggested" tho ad
visability of the consolidation of Mich
plants, because ha believed better servic
would bo obtained.
VWgtwVif BSSnanMiaairWT'r
I09-211 . 16th Street
Scotch Fabrics Load
This Season
On. our table you will find displayed most Inviting ar
ray of these smart and serviceable fabrics
modestly priced at
. $30 and $35 the Suit
Tailored in the Satisfactory NICOLL WAY.
Overcoats at $25, $30 and $35.
Expert Overcoat Tailors are at your service here.
' But you'd better get on our books, while the assort-'
meat is at 1U best. THAT'S TODAY.
Dandruff and Falling
Quickly Stopped,
From time immemorial, sage and sul
phur cava been used for the hair an
scalp. Almost everyone knowna ot the
value of such a combination tor darken
ing tha hair, for curing dandruff and.'
falling hair, and ' for making tha ' hair
grow. - -
In olden times tba only way to get a
hair tonlo of thla sort was to brew it In
tha hrnna flraplaoe. a method which was
troublesome and not always satisfactory.
Nowaday almost every up-to-dt drug
gist can supply hi patron with a ready-to-uao
product, skillfully compounded tn
perfectly equipped laboratories. Tho
Wycth Chemloal Company of New Tort
put up an Ideal ' remedy of thl sort,
called Wyath' Saga. and Sulpour llaJr
Remedy, and authorise druggist to Ball
It under guarantee that tha money wM
ba refunded If It falls to do exactly a
If you have dandruff, or If your naif
la turning gray or ooroxng out. don't
delay, but get a bottle of thl remedy
today, and saa what a few days' treat
ment will do fos you.
This . preparation. 1 offered to Uia
publio at fifty cant a bottle, and 1
recommended. and gold, by all. druggists.
Sherman at McConnell Drug Co., Cor.
ltth and Dodge. Cor. Uth'and Hamar.
Cor. Hth and Para am. Xft-t No, Mta 8V.
Loyal Hotel.
asaanaaaV . .. .
Family Traam'buuiMieU u.
c'ha. butrz, fhoaea Webeiar
ladrjrcaocJit U-lVUi.