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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1911)
T11H WeAs: O'maIW, FiilDAY. XoYKMBhn 24, Nebraska Nebraska CLARK DOESimUIT BRYAN One More Democratic Leader Put Under Ban by Peerless One. DOUBTS IF HE WILL TAKE SIDES Fear Mlaaonrlnn Will Wnnl n Act tia t'mpire and Thm Stand !u "Way of People'a Onward March. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Nov. 23-(Speral.)-Chnmp Clark ia hut a capntdc lender In the opin ion of William J. Itrvan. who Bets out odltnrlally thla work what ho thinks of the Missouri man as a sneaker of the house and head of that part of the party now In power. Mr. r.ryan aH: 'There Is i nRresidve majority In c onreKR, liut It lacks leadership. Ppeaker W .-. nun m 1. W. . i, , ,,.. J .1 . n Cranberry Frappe will maVe a delicious, atrractlvft croFtnlmn to the turkey course of your Thinks giving din ner, at little cost. hot KnosOflatlne.l ooirt craaherrfet. ntre ot twn lem- eas.l quart cuM water. t cup boUinc water, 2 cpa tuftr. Bnak f-tallne In cup eoid wetcr. Cxk rranberrtra In 3 cupf water till aott. Thra Inrce through llr-ve. Athl iutt, lesion Juice and aeiatlnediasolkatia bvlliaar water. Frnexe, Inmrnved by ataadiaa; iioaa 2 to 3 boart , Every Knox package contains envelopes of gelatine, the Z makinz 2 full quart of Jelly. Our FKEE Rclp Book many olbef Kioi recipes, teal e tor Your grocer's nam. CHARLES B. KNOX CO. 40 Kim Aa., N. Y. ("lurk la the one of whom leadership was expected, liut his usefulness In that capac ity la bring Impaired, partly by fear that lie will be accused of Imitating Cannon, and partly by the mistaken Idea that It Is h's special mission to preserve har mony anion; the democrats In the house, in both cases he errs. Cannon a not a moral leader he was the master of a machine. The appointment of committees enabled him to coerce republicans and corrupt democrats. When the democrats changed the rules they dd not Intend to deprive the speaker of any power that legitimately belongs to a democratic leader. On the contrary, a democratic leader oukM to be the stronger because his lc.-idcrship rests uixn his ability to poisiincle rather than upon fear. "The Ferond errors Into which Speaker Clark has fallen Is still more dangerous. The fijst en or tends to make him a nega tive quantity, but the second may con vert him Into a positive force for harm. If he conceives ills highest duty to be to preserve harmony he will exert his In ihntice to prevent the consideration of Huny measure upon which democrats are divided the trust question, for instance, i'li'icss is more Important than har nony. Tha men who oppose reforms are ilwios quick to threaten a bolt If reined .al ict;!on Is attempted. Tail slay Wit, "The democratic party Is a progressive aity nine-tenths aof the rank and file urn progressive, lut the 'one-tenth is .Hitverful because, it Is made up of men .villi large corporate connections and of politicians whom they intimidate. "The progressive clement In the party .Ti us l have leadership In the house. If, lor uny reason, the speaker refuses to Had, someone should be selected to mar shal the reform forces and lead the fight. Mr. t'ndsrwood has gained undue promi nence because he has been allowed to Speak for the democratic majority. lie nas icu-ino party into surrenders whlcn embarrass It. lie In the head of the re actlonary element of the party the man vhom the progressive leaders will havt :o oppose. "Who will lead? Mr. Clark Is, so fai as Is known, right on all public questions Will he step forward and order a charge? Or will he aot as umpire and watch th fight? He won his spurNns a flghte to-si ?rxT3 tmi e-.v.s j&ma pi mm 'mm km mm The Oliva CloaR, The inspiration for this splendid cloak came from far-off Poland where they are worn, not by the Women, but by the men. ' But the idea, before it reached us, had to cross France and France leaves nothing as she finds it. A magic touch or two and the rather clumsy "talma" becomes a garment of beauty and dis tinction. The Oliva Cloak is one of the most practical winter garments ever de signed. With the big collar turned up it protects you from head to knee. It is warm, light and comfortable. YOU need one. Send us the coupon below, and we will tell you how it is made of Fleisher's Knitting Worsted, one of the thirteen the yarns that your grandmother used, better to-day than . ever made of the finest, warmest wools soft, elastic, wear-resisting. You will be enthusiastic over their beauty. BalMlaJ Worjt.d Draad.a Saxoay Spalb Woralad rioas Gwnialnwl a p k J M-ol4) EUerdawa W.ol FLEiSHER'Si'l AapMior Im Waal SbatlaaJ Zbyr .Spiral ara . la .Sh.tlaaa) Hlahlaad Wool Caabaaara Yarai Aasora Haal D Mail this Coupon to S. B. & D. W. F1XISHER, PhUadelphia 320 Sane OUu ftlatt M Nebraska Are You With the Crowd? If so, you'll have to attend it yan s upemng Friday and Saturday SOUVENIRS FOR THE LADIES Fifteenth and Douglas Streets, Omaha, and he cannot hope to retain the confl uence of hla friends if he turns the leader- ship over to another. If Mr. Clark had exhibited as speaker the qualities of leadership that made him speaker he would now be without a rival n t herace for the presidential nomina tion. He haa time yet to make himself a formidable candidate, but to do so he mut lead. Thare are several planks of the demo cratic platform which have not yet been taken up; are they going to he earrle.I out or repudiated? We have fjught for nineteen years for the election of sena tors by the' people Is It to be killed In conference The people need a champion In the houseto whom will the honor go? TWO PROMINENT NEBRASKA CITY PIONEER WOMEN DEAD - NKHRASKA CITT. Nob.. Nov. :!!.- (Special.) Mrs. Sarah Coe, widow of the late General Jsaac Coe, died tit her home In this city yesterday after a brief Ill ness. She has been In poor health for a number of years, but her death was un expected. She was nearly S4 years of age, being born In Mlddletonn, Conn. She was married to Cencral Coe In 1SI6. and they remained on a farm In Connecticut for six years and then went south, where they remained for several years. In IS." they came, to this city, where they inndt their home all of these years. At thf breaking out of the civil war her hus band was uppolnted brigadier general fot he portion of Nebraska south of tin I'latte, and Ills Jurisdiction extended ovoi .1 portion of Iowa. Kansas and Missouri She was a mother of two children, boll, jf whom survive her Mrs. Eloise Coe Ireland and Frank E. Coe, both resident, of this city. Mis. Henrietta Uurgess. wife of I.. S Burgess, died at her home near Julia yesterday of bronchitis. Her death wm sudden. She was born March 1, l!OS, ii Massachusetts and at an early age mai .led and the young couple came to thi dtate to make their home. She was th mother ot Seven children, five sons an two daughters, all wer at homo sav two sons, who reside in the western pa. of the, state. Her funeral will be he. Friday from the family home and th remains will be Interred In the Lee cemt tery. nF.ATniCrc, Neb.. Nov. 23 -(Special. An organisation to be known a-i the Gage County Alumni Association of the Univer sity of Nebraska was perfected here last night by the election of thes officers: Miss Marie I'pson, president; Antolne Itlllyer. lee president; F H. liake, sec retary. Ororge Kllno of Lincoln, secrc taryof the state association, was here and assisted In forming the society. Twn hundred republicans have signed papers for the organisation of a Taft club In Hentrlce. The meeting for that purpose will be held Thursday night. Tho Chicago, Burlington ft yuincy rail road yeeterday paid Into the county treas ury Its taxes for 1911, which amounted to HT.Tlfi.St. The svmaiint paid last year was l25,rS3.70. Of the totsj amount paid yes terday the . company protested payment of )lS1.3u on account of an alleged Illegal evy In school district No. SO In Adams township. Charles Slems, for thirty-five years a resident of Oage county, died yesterday morning at his home In this city of B'it trouble, aged 70 years. He Is survive! by WMOR OF NEW LINE FROM STORM LAKE TO OMAH, IDA GROVE, la.. Nov. 23.-8pecial.)-da Grove business men have written th ,cf lob, 1. nf the Minneapolis & St. Loui w. naitl th.t If the rumored extensloi i3 to bemade from Storm Lake to Oman thut the line come by way of Ida urov and Penlson. Henry Naeve of Denlaan m his way home from the Dakota:. topped off tn Minneapolis to see the off I :lals df the road, and they told him the. ni.nHd tr hnlld the line from Storm Uike to Omaha as soon as possible. Th. Minneapolis & tit. luis nas a uno iron. Minneapolis to Storm iJike and It end. hra while another line runs from Mln- ...nnii. m na Mnlnea. The Storm Lakt branch was always Intended as an Omaha Ine, and now extension Is proposed, i. anlri twn routes me being considered. hi. nf finhatler. Oalva. Ida Grove and Denlson, and one by way of Schaller, Jdebolt and Denlson. U the tine is dumi Ida Grove will offer every encouragement possible. NOTES FROM GAGE COUNTY I tlirrnllr of .Nebraska I'orni local Organisation S hartra Mfiua Dead. four sons, hi., wife bavins paas4 away a year ago. James Arthur 1-aaby and Miss Kllsafeeth Wilson, both of Chester, Neil)., were mar. lied here yesterday by Raw U. O. Urown. Tattle Hock tilrl 'tart la Hnnnrray. TAHi.K HOCK. Neb., NOV. (Spe cial. )-Mlss CitM Mltehell or this place was serioimly Injured In a runaway ac cident between here nnd Tawnea City. She had boen to the latter place In a bu;gy with Hoy I-avma-'i, and they were returning home when in descending a hill tho shafts came down nnd the hors. commencing to kick and run, the driver lost control and the hor.n ran quite a distance, when the buggy upset. Roth were unconscious for a time. Mlsa Mitch ell was carried to the home of I. T. Mil ler and a physician was Immediately sum moned. Her face and forehead ware frightfully cut. the flcrh from too latter dropping down over her eyes, and It took several stitches to close the wound. Her eyes are both swelled shut, t'nle.s In ternal Injuries develop sho will recover. Mabt School for Mrt'nok. M'COOK, Neb., Nov. IX (Special.) Mo Cook's Roard of education has do,dixl to open a night school In cont eotlon with the publlo school system with one teacher employee! at tho start. Tho board hat also ItiiKrurted Sntterlntenr.rnt Davis to Inti-oducr the Crete plan of domestic sci ence In the high rchcol as soon as practicable. Kiil W. Itottmaa Improtlnt. NKIISASKA CITT. Nov. 23. -(Special. Fred W. Rnttmann. cshlr of tha Otoe Count National bank, who was so seri ously Injured In the Missouri t'aclfla wreck at Fort Crook ' some time since, when his wife, daughter .and father-In law acre killed while aiming near him, la ala to bo out, but as yet ho la far from bolnt a wall man. Cooralaai at tire nil lalaad. (WAND ISLAND, Neb., Nov. Mv (Spe- 11.) Three hundred and twenty-mp paid avdmlastons was tho report of the uttend ance at the coursing meet which onencd here yesterday. Quite a number of the best hounds of the state art aald to bo bere. It Is, however, not a state cham pionship event. A Hlnodr Affair la lung hemorrhage. Stop It; and cure weak lungs, coughs and colds with Dr. King's New Discovery. Mo and $100. For sale by Reaton Drug Co. rerelstent Advertising is tho Road to Rig Returns. f TWO CHILDREN NEARLY FREEZE WHILE ON TRAMP (From a Staff Correspondent.) . LINCOLN, Nov. 23. (Specl:il.)-Startlng out on a country road last night. Charles and Paul Stalder, two youthful tyts of li and 8 years, respectively, strayed into a country house south of town this morn ing, barely able to talk and tell a t aim er's wlfo that they were nearly frozen to death. Both had spent the night on the road and, although thinly clad, had attempted to Ho down and sleep a part of the time. A Ki-year-old girl, the Bunt of the boys, was with them and was tho cause of their straying from the detention homo, whore they had been held until last night. The children's parents camo here from Curtis some time ago In a covered wagon. When taken In this morning at the Con ley home south of this city the two little lads were In , a serious condition from exposure, but this afternoon it was thought that they would recover from the effects of their experience. DOES THE IRRIGATION BOARD RULE WATER POWER RIGHT? (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Nov. 23.-(Cpeclal.) 11. C. Mead of Coiad and several other men from his section of the state, who filed the first Irrigation complaint with the State Railway commlsshm under the en actment of the lato legislature, mu be compelled to go to court to obtain the relief asked. The Coxad Canal company, the respondent In the complaint, alleges in Its reply filfd today that the act passed at the l'Jll session, whereby the commis sion Is given control, applies only to the tales to be chai-ged. The (supply and power prices of water distribution, the company maintains, are still under the ,.r......l M.t Vif. Ktate Irrigation board. Mead and the other complainants allege that the service or mo. . oxaa v.aoai com pany haa hc-i-u bail and that parlous parts of tho ditches operated by It have been out of coiiiml."lon for seine time pust. Joint Ilincrgeiicr Hospital. GRAND ISLAND. Neb., Nov. 23. (Spe cial.) The members of the county board and tho officers of the city are negotia ting for the establishment of a Joint einer b'ency ho;-pltttl on the poor farm, two miles north of the city. The need of a county Institution haa often been 'Jell At such times application haa been made to the city, which Itself has an inade tjuale and poorly at ranged hospital for contagious diseases. It is expected that some arrangement will be made whejjeby the maintenance is prorated In accord ance with the number of cases admitted Heal Hatate Urals at Deahler. DESHLIiK. Neb., Nov. 23 (Special. ) William Othllng sold his eighty-acre farm, four miles southeast of town, to William Doehrlng Tuesday, consideration 18,000. William Doehrlng sold hla place of 1W) acres southeast of Hebron to Wll Ham Othllng for $13,ouo. I .- , . Carey Act Land Opening M.WiO acres at Jerome, Idaho. December 11, 1811. This land Is (art of the Great North tilde Tract, which has a record of THREU YEARS FROM SAGE lilU SH TO ULUli RIIiUONS AND BWKEFSTAKE8. Fur all Intormation. write or wire the Twin Falls North Side Land and Water Co, to dream you're fonnfl far and wide Scenes new and stranqeto view Means when you walk you must decide To wear The Stetson Shoe. When Wandering Wear The Stetson Shoe A stranger to the majority of people you meet, first impressions will be made by your personal appearance,- by your clothes, and especially by your shoes. Then travel in footwear of quali ty, The Stetson Shoe. It gives you a distinctive tone. The Dickey is neither too loud nor too quiet: it is just right, a gentle- mans stylish model. Look it over today. I HAYDEN BROTHERS 16TH AND DODGE GTG. "Stet$on$ co$t more by the pair but U$$ by the year" III I I a- r ii 8 i m m 4 r r In i ---P-rtr3 aits THE FINEST BEER EVER! 1 BREWED ! The Triangular, i Label means the most) delightful table ;. beer known to i mankind. Insist : on Blatz and see that yon get It BLATZ COMPANY S02S10 iNsnhi StnMl. OaMaa. Nik. rawi.- Dottglu 663 .1 SE3 i,ons Suits Cut, Fitted and , Tailored in tho "Cresher Way" ' Sa!o Starts Saturday Now then, sprues up Drcshcr, The Tailor 1515 Frrnam Street The Biggest Department Store in the World OU can buy everything it contains for 15 cents. You do not have to go to I it; it comes to you. It will come to you every month for a year for $1.50. In it you will find your gowns, hats, recipes for cooking' and menus for dinners, help in the nursery, suggestions about entertaining, what to give for Christmas in shopt, you will find every question answered that a woman has to ask. It will supply you with a choice assortment of reading matter. It will furnish pictures for framing and hanging on your walls. It covers every department of a woman's life. The name of this wonderful department store is WOMAN'S HOME COMPANION If you haven't It. It Is no farther away than your nearest newsstand. If you are subscribing (or It, it ii no farther away than your reading table. What to give for Christmas That's the question. Christ mas need not be marred by racking your brains for appropriate Christmas presents. 15 reni's spent for the Christmas number of the Woman's Home Companion will give you more sufrges t ions than you fiave people to remember. There are sugges tions for presentsyoucan buy and presents you can make. There is something for very memWor of the house hold. The presents to be made are all practical and comprise full directions. A made present has a personal; intimate meaning that no bought present can have. The very first purchase you make against mas buying should be the 15 cents you spend for WOMAN'S HOME COMPANION 15c Some good stories at bargain prices "The Five O'clock Train" is the story of a eirl who could not make up her mind. : She promised the man who asked her to marry him, that if she was there to meet the five o'clock train to go home with him and get acquainted with his father and mother, it would mean "yes." But there was another man. Me, too, was going home on the five o'clock train. The question is, which five o'clock train did the gin take. 1 his story and the Woman Home Companion, "When a Man LoveH This particular man was about to marry one girl, but within four days of the wedding he fell in love with her bridesmaid and she with him.- What could he do, and what did he do? This is a three-part story, and the first instalment is in the December number. Complete story, witn three numbers of the Woman's Home Companion, costs, , 13C "The Boarding House Graphophone" Royaie wanted it, and the boarders dtdn t. Roysic gave it up, and the boarders got it. What caused them to change their point of view? Thi.i amusing and appropriately 4 f illustrated story with the December IOC WOMAN'S HOME COMPANION pammmmp ' iw iiiaaaaaaWai The best of it is for the ' ' children . , Children arecertainly woman's home companions. There ara some in nearly every Comjjanion home. A certain part of Woman's Home Companion is edited expressly for children. In the Chriatmas number there are Christmas presents that you can make for thechildren; there re Christmas presents children can make for you and their friends; there ia a whole page of dolls' clothe, designed by some of the, best fashion designers in the country (they sre the very lateM fashions i, dolls' clothe. I; there in a depart ment for t, others of young children entitled. "The' 1'ioftJ-' atonal Mother." There ia eomeUilas for children of all stel In every number vl lia WOMAN'S HOME . COMPANION The Jack and Betty Book has delighted every child "who has seen it. In EVERY number of the Companion there inbound in a page which can be made into a cut-out book, The Adventures of Jack ahct Detty." No child has U-en ablcto resist the fascination of this book. First comes the pleasure of ma!dng the book, next the pleasure of fol lowing the adventures of Jack and Betty through the book, ami ti-jally the pleaaure of (Ivtng the book to sum. lew fortunate iliild. Your Ifttle - folks ainiply roust see "The Adventure 4 Jack and llcuy' In the t lm.tmai number oi tat WOMAN'S HOME . COMPANION Books and other good reading matter You pay from $1.20 to $1.35 for a standard novel. The Woman's Home Companion gives many every year, simi lar to "The Poor Lady," Mary E. Wilkins' story now running, as well as many two and three-part onts, like "One Day" by JcfferyH'arnol and ''When a Man Loves" by Mary Hastings. These in addition to half a dozen short stories ill every nurntier would make several books of short stories. Cutting out the departments and special, editorial and other art Miles, you could not buy the fiction reading matter contained in a single volume of the Woman's Home Companion for less than three times thepriceof a yearof the WOMAN'S HOME COMPANION Hang good pictures on your walls The Woman. Home rumianion contain, full-pase pictures for fraiuiii,. reproriuied by a special pro cess on rutich art taper. Theae picturciaue a. good in auhjert mid exei ution as many that are told In art uorea fur the (nice of a yser ' .uLutxiytloa la WOMAN'S HOME COMPANION The woman who makes her own clothes" ! at well as the woman who wants the latent fashion suggestion, for. use in conference witb her own dressmaker will find the departments of fashions not only helpful but a necessity. (Ir.icc Margaret ou!d, the editor of the Kasltion Department, is one of the fashion auiiorities of the world. What, she says is right. The. ideas lurnishcd ior gowns, hats, wraps, underwear and other belongings of dress are frequently any one of them worth the cost of a year's subscription to the . ' WOMAN'S HOME COMPANION Get the Christmas number of WOMAN'S HOME COMgAglOiN It is a whole department store full of bargains. There are a hundred suggestions in every number worth 15 cents. Some of them could easily be worth IS dollars. Economical buying is spend ing money in the right place, where you get the largest amount for your money. 15 cents spent for the Christmas number of I r thcWoman's Home Companion will be a good investment. IOC 381 Feurth Avanua, New Vork ? Uliluar, Idaho. v