Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 24, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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    Boys' Overcoats
Ovorcoiits made carefully, and
well of the fiuest fabrics money
cau buy coats the boy can wear
this reason, .and next, and always
look well dressed.
Kxperiem'e has proved to us
that coats mad to sell for less
than our prices lack the tyle,
material and workmanship of our
coats a dollar difference; nt
first, makes a coat from here an
investment instead of an expense.
liring the boy in tomorrow and
let us help you to select one of
these handsome brown ' or gray
coats for him he will be am
pleased over a good looking coat
as you arc.
Overcoats for Uovs, '2 to 10 years, $3.75, $5, $G,
Overcoats for larger Boys, $7.50, $8.50, $10,
Friend of Council Bluffi Doctor
Telli of His Condition.
tireater lies Malum (ommlltrr
.SerUe t I'revrnt Ktpaaaloa of
Ki'hixil Dlatrlrt lr ICnJotn.
In Tas Collection.
Theodore Stanisics
Hangs. Himself-in
City Jail in Linpoln
(From a Ftaff Correfpondent.)
LINCOLN. Nov.'3-lKpeclal Telegram.)
Theodore Stntilafe. who was brought to
this rlty early this morning to fact the
eamroeneirnent of a enl:fitiary sentence
for conviction on the charge of amon,
hanged hlmstlf In the city Jal shortly
after noon ortay.
Stanlalca waa convlctrd for Inciting lioy
Wliscam to burn house here more
than a year ago. Both had agreed as V)
division of the Insurance money. He whs
located at t'tlca, N. V., a few weeks ana,
and followlnz tha cancellation of k IS.000
bond In tho district court here was re
turned here to meet the sppeul of his
esse In the supreme court.
He via worth Tha houiie for
instruction of which he Wl convict?
wan blown up with gasoline In a attempt
to fire It over a year ago, arid Itoy Wll-
IVash your clothes
w a v
cam, wlio actually committed the deed,
wi found half dead with burna on a
farm near here a week later.
Ptenlalcs vii placed In a cell with an
other prisoner, who went to sleep and
wa only awakened by tha attempt of
the officer to break In the cell door.
Htanlslcs attempted to commit suicide
with cyanide of potassium In Utlca, N.
V., beforo being brought ' back and a
loaded revolver via taken from him here.
Hie conviction resulted In a nervoua
breakdown. He fled from IJncoln In the
latter part of August and n appre
hended two weiks ago. On being brought
back this morning lie Mated that ha had
paid to.0 to police officiate, Inwyere and
other to escape convletlin and Imprisonment.
(From a Blaff Correspondent.)
DKJt M'INi;, la., Nov. 2.1-tHpccal
Telegram.) The mother and brother of
Dr. Harry Kelly gf Council Rhiffs ap
peared In court today to attend the trial
of Kelly for murder The state crncludd
Its testimony late In the dav. Two po
llcemen, a bartender and two porter re
lated what they knew of the esse, also
a hotel clerk and newspaper r porter.
None of them added anything new to the
The flrt witness for the defense wan
Sergeant Short of the police department
of Council Bluff, who wne Kelly'a clone
ft lend, and he related an Incident a f'W
day before Kelly wa committed to the
asylum, whn Kelly we brought to the
police elation a raving maniac and waa
evidently under the Influence of "dope"
and threatened to kill hla own father.
Short' testimony was not concluded.
( oonlf Hoard Kited.
The county official were today served
with notice of n suit commenced In dis
trict court by members of the Ureater
Ie Moines committee lo put a stop to
the expanjdon of the school .. strict by
enjoining the collection of tasea for this
ynr amounting to Itoe.OflO. This Is levied
for the building fund and the committee
claims it is Illegal. The committee has
been making a fight on the school board
for some time and has especially opposed
the expenditure for a new East High
school building. It Is the contention of
the Ureater Des Moines committee that
the levy Is Illegal because It was not ap
proved by a vote of the people as required
by the lowa law. A temporary Injunc
tion Is alted pending a hearing and that
tho enjoining order then be made perma
(irsy Fatally Hart.
O. 8.' Gray of Sioux City was struck by
an automobile this evening on a business
street and Injured so he will die. He
formerly Uvea In Des Moines and la now
head of a manufacturing company In
Hloux City Tha motor belonged lo
Krauth Wltmer, an Insurance man, and
was driven by Reuben Larson, but Wlt
mer claims the auto did not strike tho
Good soap washes clothes
well ii you use enough
elbow grease; but Gold Dust
washes them more thoroughly
and with little or no rubbing.
Gold Dust saves half your time,
and spares your poor back.
Another great advantage of Cold
Dust us any kind of water you
like. Gold Bust softens the hard
est water, and makes it toft as
rain water. . .
Gold Dust is Just a vegetable-oil
soap in powdered form, with
other cleansing ingredients added
to make it work more thoroughly
and Quickly. than soap ever can.
Just try Gold Dust next wash
day, and see how much time you
BEATRICE. Neh.. Nov. Il-lSpeolal.)-'-Th
replevin cas of Anna K. Hoerr
against Sheriff J. I.. Kohlek. In which she
la attempting to secure possession of an
automobile attached by the sheriff at
Vfymore lHt winter, soon after the
Beattle, Kan., bank robbery, and which
Is supposed to have been used by the
robbera In making their escape, waa tried
In tha district court ycrterday' and wtit
to the Jury early thie morning. "
Tha Nallohal Purely company, If ap
pear, had Insured the Seattle bank
against robbery, and the1 autdmobrUj In
quest ion was founu In the naif el . SA1
Menard, a tarmer, near vt ymore. i no
company began proceedings to hava the
car attached as tke property or ma yeg
men. Schick attached the car and brought
It to' Beatrice, and on "Kebruary t, 1911,
tha court ordered tha car aold under the
attachment. On that date Mrs. Hoerr 01
Wymore filed suit for replevin, claiming
that tha ear belonged to her and that
aha bad purchased It of Clyde Crawford,
who, It is said, la serving time In the
1 11 not penitentiary for bank robbery.' lie
waa arrested in the western part of the
lute laat spring.
On March I of tlila year the National
Surety company filed a petition In Inter
venilon In thla rase ai.d Is really the
defendant Instead of the sheriff.
Tha Jury found for the defendant, the
National Hurety company. Mrs. Hoerr
husband la In the penitentiary In Kansaa
serving tlma for bank robbery.
Gold Dust U
old la Qq.U
ana lfrrgft pack
age. Tha Ur
package mesa
fraa tar economy.
Cct.3 In and select a pair
cf tan or black chess
$3.50 $5
Latest Stylo
Stolen Pig Grows
to Be Hog, but Owner
Recognizes Animal
WKUBTIilX CITY. Ia., Nov. 23.-(Spe-
clal.) Because J. Thompson, ex-
sheriff of Hamilton county, never for
gets a face whether It belongs to a man
or a pig he Is today the possessor of a
big fat porker worth a good many dollars
which was stolen last August from Ui
fa cm north of this city. The occurrence
Is a mot remarkable one.
last, August Mr. Thompson waa out at
the farm looking over hla fine herd of
pigs. He noticed that ono was missing
and made a thorough search of Ate place
for It, but to nd rtf-poxe. The other day
he went to the country to -buy a calf.
While talking with tho farmer, Mr.
Thompson's eye lit on his long lost pig
no w grown to be a large, fat and veiy
rospectablo hog. II Inquired where the
man bought tha hog and was told ha
got It from a neighbor. Thompson called
on this neighbor forthwith and the man
confessed to having stolen the hug three
months ago.
Thompson recovered his lost plgshlp
and the thief reimbursed the man to
whom he had sold the animal.
Seattle's Spiritual
Adviser Believes
He Will Confess
RICHMOND, Va.. Nov. 21.-Honry Clay
Drattle. Jr., awoke at the usual time this
morning on what, by law, was the last day
of his life. Tomorrow, shortly after day
break he will, in the electric chair, ex
plate the murder nf his young wife. There
vcre no signs of a break down this
morning, the prisoner dreslng with the
rame care thst he has taken ever since
he entered the state penitentiary and the
Jeath cell.
Rev. John J. Vlx put In an appearance
raily and probably will remain with
Beattle during the day. The elder
Beattle. Hmigla-t lleattle, brother of th
convicted man, and the attorneys who
defended him In the trial Joined the min
ister soon afterward.
Neither Heattle's attorneys nor his
relatives believe he will confess. His
spiritual advisers are of another opinion.
ihey entertain, the hope, amounting al
most to conviction, that ho will do so.
If he Is guilty, I feel reasonably cer
tain lis will acknowledge all," said llev.
lir. Fix. -To tio to his death with a lit
on hi lips would be sacrilege, and
lieattle Is at peace with hla maker."
The fact remains, however, that
through all the ordeal attending his trta.
and conviction, young bea'tle has sought
in every way to spare his gged father.
The elder Lleattle Is said still to believe
In the .Innocence of hla son. It Is a ques
tion whether the condemned man doe
not consider that he owes It to his
father, to whom he lias brought a much
pain and so much disgrace, to go to his
denth with lealed lip?.
(From a Staff Correspondent )
LINCOLN, Nov. 23.- (Special.) -The
State Bar association will meet In this
city December ZS and 2). This year's an
nual meeting will clof-e with a. banquet
on the evening of the latter date. Chief
speakers at tha gathering .will be John
If. Atwood of Kansas City on "Tit State
as a Rate maker," Jesse L. Root on "The
Other Hide of the Shield" and Paul U
Martm of Omaha on "The Trained
yer." .
' A committee selected some time ago
by the bar association will report at the
meeting In regald to recommendations
as to possible revision of the state crlinl
nal and civil codes. Such matters as re
celve the sanction and endorsement of
the Bar asnoclatlon will afterward be
submitted to the recodifying commission
for Incorporation in the report to the
next ecorlon of the legislature.
(From a Staff Correspondent)
IjINCOIjN, Neb.. Nov. :3.-(8pecial.)
From Douglas county J. CI. Jacobs and
V. M. Maul on one side and Fred L.
Goodrich on tha other have' brought a
case lo the state supreme court in which
title to tha possession of a strip of ground
eight Inches wide and thirty-two feet
long is at stake. The plaintiffs In the
matter set out that Goodrich In con
structing a twelve-Inch wall for a dne
story addition to his building on Fanlam
street, .Omaha, had placed a part of the
wall on $helr property. Old party wall
agreementa and line fencea figure in the
legal Aontrovexsy to a considerable Extent.
Here's an Opportunity to Buy
mmm ' Browning, King & Co. Clothing For
Your Boy at a Decided Saving,
Our Boyt Clothing Stock Mast B Reduced
Prior to Taking Inventory
Friday and Saturday
Note These Reductions Carefully Then Act.
$6.50, $7.50, $8.00 Suits and Overcoats
Jaunty styles in all wotjl fabrics- Overcoats, sizes 3 to 8 years;
Suits 0 to 17 years sjOontlid assortment from Qr AA
which to choose; special sale prjee VwVV
$8.50 and $9.00 Suits
An exceptional value in BmV Two-piece Suits sizes 9 to 17
years all wool fabrics; for .Friday and Saturday, Ofi AA
your choice, nt VVaVv
$8.50 and $10.00 Overcoats
For tho little fellows between 3 and 8 years of age; here's Over
. coat values you seldom see erfualed jaunty styles, CA
well made all colors; choice, on sale VvwU
$10. 00 and $12.50 Suits and Overcoats
Dozens of Rarments in this lot of Boys' Two-piece Suits and
Juvenile Overcoats best of styles; our special' ?Q TA
sale price ..vtJ'tJ"
R. s. wilcox. m8, BrQwningl(ing & Cq
fHylALAl P Jse? ten lUl
f Samuel Holzberg of sioux city, iowa
, is now on sale in basement of
raodets Stores
At actually less than 1-2 its value
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Neb., Nov. 8peolal Tel
egram. )-Mel Ooklstwrry. who la being
tried lit the district court here on tha
charge of embeasllng nearly fl.KO from
an unsophlslcated Kansas City girl whom
he la a'leged to havo promised to marry.
appeared on tha aland today in his awn
behalf, and after admitting that ha had
hid tha money tn tpieetlon In Ma posses.
slon. declared that "he had paid It all
bark. A portion of It. he asserted on trie
stand, had been paid back In the presence
of a woman whom ha later married.
Ho strenuously denied that he had ever
advised Lillian Casey, the woman In the
care, to sell her Hotith Dnkota land and
make Investments In Kansas City realty.
Ho inaintalned also that ' he had never
been enniiged to MISS CasfV. although he
admitted 'that tl.e two had frequently
tatl.ed of msrrlage.
The conclusion' of the case. It Is ex
pected, will be reached within a short
time. After disposition Is mad of the
charge. Ooldnberry will be taken before
the federal court here to answer la the
charge of using the malls to defraud.
A rlen-e Attack
of insist I, liver derangement and kidney
trouble Is easily curod by Cltctrlc Bitters,
the guaranteed remedy. Kor ante by Bea
ton Drwj Co.
Woman Accused
in Black Hand Case
CKDAR UAPIDH, Ia Nov. I3.-Llla,
Zajtcek of Holon was arrested this morn
ing In connection with tba black hand
casa tn which John Adams, a wealthy
farmer of Holon, la., was threatened
unleas ha turned a large amount of
money over to tha writers of black baud
Miss ZaJIcek, who la said to be the
sweetheart of Joo Dvorak, now In Jail
at Iowa City, was given a preliminary
hearing before tha fclergl commissioners
tiara later released on bond. 8he Is
charged with coaspiracy In tha case.
WATKKUIO, la.'. Not. IX (Special
rttegram.)-Henry Phillips, a Hlacklwwk
county farmer, living near luinbeck, was
fatally shot in a quarrel with McCasklll,
sewing machine agent of Waterloo,
last night. Tha murderer says the crime
waa committed In self-defense, but evi
dence Indicates it was a deliberate mur
der. The deceased waa 61 years old and
leaves fix suns and five daughtvrs. He
haa llvtd In this county thirty ycara. The
01 tm was witnessed by two children.
t Ol.US I'tl SK Ilk: A II At HE. '
fJtXATlVK IIROMO Qulmne. the woild
wM ColJ and Urip rcut'dy removes
cause, t.'kll lor full name. l.ook fur slg
i.ntuie K. W. GKUVt Sbe.
Frenzer'sfor Diamonds
"Kreuier'a (or diamonds" should convey to every ear tha
authority tf a rich, pur dUmond'g appeal. The reputation ot this
store as "the I'Uce for dlatnouda" Is so well known that when one
is asked where these precious atones should he bought the repbr Is
"Freezer's for diamonds." The purity of the stones sold here and
the expert knowledge exercised In their selecttcn (Ives to the Krenier
store thst authority which makes lt(tbe best place In Omaha and the
west st which to secure your diamonds. All soil under guarantee
to repurchase at price paid less ten per' cent at any time within one
15 & DODGE.
LISBON. Portugal (Via rKontler), Nov
IS. Advices from Motitnlegro eay that a
small group of monarchists, believed to
be tha vanguard of the main body, had
crossed tho frontier and tried to capture
the town, but was repulsed by republican
troops sent from Chsrv.
It Is declared that the duke of Oporto,
uncle of former King AUnuel, la to take
supreme command of the tnutiarchlst
forces and that he will be accompanied
by tha t princes, Miguel of Bragansa,
the pretender to the throne, and his sou.
LOH ANGELES, Cal., Nov. 23.-A course
In matrimony la Included In the cur
riculum at the Gardena Agricultural High
schooU While partly hidden under the
name of "household economics," five
classes ot girls daily take advantage ot
examination In the care of babies.
mothercraft and domestic economy. Boys
will be given a somewhat similar course
beginning next year. The girls are taught
such plebeian matters aa how plumbers
ara supposed to do their work and are
shown li cssh Just how much plumbers
should be paid.
FAIRBUnV, Neb., Nov. 23.-(Speclal.)-
Mlss Mildred Kawlea and Harry Jones,
both of Falrbury, surprised their friends
by taking a trip to Habetha. Kan., and
getting married at that point. Tha wed-
d'.ng took place at the home of tha
groom's sister. Mrs. George Pace, The
bride la the daughter of Mr. anu Mrs.
Juhn O. Rawles, who live Just southeast
of Falrbury. Mr. Jonea Is an employe
ot the Independent Telephone company
and a member of the Falrbury Concert
band. Mr. trryd Mrs. Jones will go to
housekeeping this city at once.
Thousands of people -will visit our basement Friday, where we will sell the fin
est shoes from the big purchase of the Holzberg retail Etock. You can be correctly
fitted in these strictly new, up to date shoes for women, men and children and you'll
pay less than half the price you would pay anywhere else in Omaha.
choice of all
the women's
and men's
High Shoes
Worth 5 !'
$3.50 1 1
per pair
All the Infants'
shoes, worth up to
$1.50 at,
pv. 59c and 85c
All the Women's and
Men's $2.50 & $3 high Shoes.
Unrestricted choice of all
the Women's and Men's Ox
ford, worth $3, $4 and $5.
All the $2.50 High Shoes
for Boys, Girls and Misses
will go at
All the Martha, Washing
ton Juliet Shoes will go at i
Choice of
Per Pair
choice of all
the women's
and men's
High Shoes
$4 and
$5, pr.
All the Children's.
Leggings; worth
up to $1.00
at, pair 49c ',
Ueorare I'resrk.
KRADHHAYV, Neb.. Nov. (Special.)
The funeral of Ueorge Krench, who
died at tha Soldiers' and Sailors' home,
at Urand Island, early eterday morn
ing, wus held from the Methodist church
at thla plaie Wednesday afternoon at I
o'clock, tha pastor, Rev. A. U. Foreman,
officiating. The pallbcarere were civil
war veterans. Tha decaased waa a mem
ber ot tha Thirty-seventh regiment ot
Illinois infantry, and waa tha color baarer
at tha battle of iea Ktdg. Ark., and
was slightly wounded.
Mrs. t'raak II.- 1 rawer.
M'COOK. Neb.. Nov. IX-Mrs. Krank
B. Cramer of Quick. rYontier county,
county, died at the farm borne, at 11
o'clock Tuesday nUht. Tha Interment
was at McCook Thursday morning.
Scraped Flesh Off Bone Below Knee.
Suffered So She Couldn't Sleep.
Also Sayss "I Believe Cuticun
Soap Is the Best Soap Made."
"Soma thne age I was earning up soma
steps when the board crushed under m Ilka
aa egg thfll, and my right Ihab vent tarouga
iTrv ' ln0 sirr, anu sciacu
(lie neth off the Done jail
Inside and below th knee.
I neglected it for a day or
two, then It beean to hurt
toe pretty badly. I put
balsam Sr on to draw out
tha poison, but when I had
J .i.A it .Mb It ktirt M
CTliCy badly that I changed to
"'s'- einlment. Tost
tnsd tt smart aad burn w
badly that I couldn't use It any more, and
thai was the lounh week after 1 was hurt.
"Then 1 bersn to useCutletire Olalssent
for tbe sore. It stopped hurting Immediately
and bejjn healing iicni awsy. Il was a bad
looking tore before t'utkura Ointment favsled
It and I suRersd so 1 couldn't sleep from
two days alter I fell until 1 began using
Cutk-ura Ointaient.
"Cutlcura buap Is tba best soap I erer
it. I hava used all kind of soap lor h
Ing my tsce. and always it would leave my
laco smarting. I had to keep a lotion to
slop tite smart, no matter hot etpensivs a
soap I used. I and at last In Cattrura fioap
soap tbai will my face and lea re na
smarting, and I do ael hava to use any
latloa 4 anything sire to ease It. 1 believe
Cuttcuta boap I in beet soap niilf "
(Signrd) Mrs. at. E. I alrclillj, BOS Ufajrlt
Bi.. WWrhlia. Kan.. May 8, 101 1.
Cuticura ftoep and Ointment are for aula
throughout the world, but to those whe
have suffered much, lost hope and are with
eol faith I'l any trrstmeut, a litwe! urnp;.
el each together arih 32-p. booklet will be
mailed free, on appt&etlon. Addrns Foliar
Iirug Cheat. Co.p, Drpt. botfae.
Patek Watches
The finest watch made is
the Patek-Philippe watch,
which is manufactured in
Geneva, Switzerland. That
this time piece excella all
others with absolutely no
exception may be news to
you. It is convincing evi
dence to state that only the
leading jeweler in every city
in the world is permitted to
sell this, watch, as, for ex
ample. Tiffany, New York;
Spaulding, Chicago; Shreve,
Sua Francisco ; Hudson,
Minneapolis;, Jaccard, Kau
nas City; Kdholm, Omaha.
When you think of Christmas pres
ent remember the i'atek wat. lu
Bou't Merely Bay Xaraat.
BLxtoenta and Xarnajr.
A FAT mil
The rureat wsy In the world to
take on avoirdupoUi la to dine
here. lrop in here for a meal
some day and find out for your
self. Be loYee.
Belmont Restaurant
IBM Dodge It. O. W. Ball, Frop.
Opea All Bight.
IUI.I...I...I..IS-I i ii.inassiiiiaa...ey
Rug Sale Extraordinary
Tremendous Purchase of High Class New Rugs
Just Received from the Big,
Alexander Smith & Sons
Saturday. Hov. 25th and Monday. Hov. 27
We've offered you remarkable bargains from this
great auction sales before, but nothing, we believe, that
will equal the magnificent assortments and values
shown in this bis sale.
is read by people who want
cold facts in news that is news.
Tonjgbt and All Weak, Mats. Tues,
Yhnrsasy an4 Baturday
Pkiccg aeo oily
KIM IVA LalS and tha
NMt Week "Glorious Fstty
kkOUH SNGL1SI GIA1 Pf ftA (.8.
Tonlgkt Mnv BatterHy at. Mat.
Triday Iaoia Hi X.smmermoor Set.
alight 'IL TkOYAIOgU."
ropular Matlnaa Wad. aad Bat.
Iitta ata. Vfcanisgtvtng Say
S'xact Trom a golld Tear's Baa at
Daly's Taaatar, Vmw York,
frtcea 9lo to 1.80
Vsaalka's l"wa Caatas
Cfts-y t tT7A aU Mmt- o-5-sb
ii't " Svgs, aa--eo.7M
Another tl.W attriv-tlon st our prices
rxTaiTidiiti A' Atmgvrn.A.
Harry Leeier Maion. Elotse Mittinewa.
Jack Conway and 8uper,'or CasL h avl
sung -Kagia and Ulrl ' v' ever audi-n.-;.
Lot. iter HI. Chorus,
Ladles' Dim Matinee Brr Weak Day.
DODg. 404.
Ind. A-1494.
llurmlne Bliona at Co.. v.y.ina urotii-
. era, i'rlinrosa I' oor, Karl ICi'jiX y ami Ills :
i i ts. Croucli & Weli li W'tlliui.l. it hevul. I
i VI. a Three l.iea. iviiietoetoi Orpneui..
! Con. ei t tir.'iirstra. !
I frteaa, vlgktl 10, gr, SOo, 7e. Mat'
' Inaa lOe, taaS seats C&c, aacaow Satturua
.aU auaday. 1
la Xia Tremeadoug Success
"A rOOX. TStgg WAB."
mij mmm -mums "1?
4 e"
wii a tbixie . jrr
Bona of Tamily Barlesqo.
Mat. giSU. Bight giJO- Beat Seats fSOc
Z.adia' Daily Matinee. Asy Seat 10a.
tiorus tjlrl' Conusi ionium
Itedut'.fjl Rilvtr Tea Spoon re
fceulfd to mil luily utteuUuiK th
liihes' liiiia Mat. today. Touiur
iu Mat., lUt I'.oa. Amateur
Night. Tonlclit.