Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 23, 1911, Page 9, Image 9

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    m.E: omaha, Thursday. November 23. 1911.
Captain Howe of Yale Getting Off Long Punt in Game with Princeton
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Her la mont remarkable picture of a punter In action, and the rest of hie team working to make the kjck good. It aliowe Howe, tho valiant Yule quurtertmck and caiuain, letting orf one of lili aciuallonal punU trora tnldfleld In t w l'rlaccton game. Itomelalw, Tale'a fat
Hrbt end, la tho player pureuloc tha ball Into Princeton territory. Pendleton is atartins over to Interfere with Bomolaler, while Vaushau. In the background. Is waiting for th boot.
Michigan Cripples Laugh at Doctors
and Hospital Nurses.
Team Btarta Wcat Todar ia EUvgat
Shape and Will Praetto la
Secret at Lincoln Tomor
rorr Afternoon.
ANN ARBOR, Mich., Nov. .-Tha
Michigan foot ball eleven completed 1U
aeason'a worK on Ferry field tula even
lns, after a. double practice session
which began early In the afternoon. The
aquad leavea early tomorrow for Lin
coln, Neb., for the game with Nebraska
Saturday, the last contest Michigan plays
this aeason.
Fearing Nebraska and at the same time
fearing new Michigan cripples. Tost did
not eanctloa a fierce scrimmage today.
That part of the practice was more to
accustom the regulars with Nebraska's
style of play. The rest of the work con
sisted of hard signal drill and the polish
ing up of plays yet untried In a regular
There is still some doubt as to whether
Pontius will play against Nebraska, but
It is deemed almost certain that Wells'
weak right ankle had mended satisfac
torily. The Michigan players are sched
uled to arrive at Lincoln on Friday In
time for an afternoon workout. Barring
last minute injuries, Yost's men will be
in better physical condition than tbey
were a week ago.
Coach Stiehm Demands Cornhuskers
Handle Oral Cleanly.
Task of Wolrerlnea Will Be Harder
tl Cornhualcera Can Hold Spher
oid and Resnlt May Fa
vor Nebraekm.
Fierce Scrimmage Practice by Corn
huskers on Nebraska Field.
First Eleven Itestalus Old Form and
riaya with Spirit tbat U Ex
pected to Accomplish
Great Things.
Scrofula is a disease usually mani
fested in childhood, though some who
are victims of the trouble reach man
hood or womanhood before there is
any manifestation of the trouble; but
no matter at what age it shows, the
disease germs are iu the blood, and
until they are removed there cannot
be a healthy condition of the body.
The ordinary symptoms of Scrofula
are swollen glands about the neck,
scalp diseases, kin affections, poor
physical development, etc. S. S. S.
has cured thousands of of Scrof
ula. It is the greatest of all blood
purifiers, and by going down into the
circulation and removing the germs
and poisons, and enriching the biooa
by the creation of nutritive corpuscles,
S. S. S. makes a permanent cure.
S. S. S. is a purely vegetable remedy,
made entirely of health-giving roots,
herbs, and barks, and la perfectly safe
for persons of any e?e, or those ia
delicate conditions nf health, one
need fear to give S. S. S. to a child,
following directions, and the health it
will bring to frail, delicate children
will be a blessing to their parents. If
j'ou or your child have Scrofula, write
for our book on the blood and ask for
any medical advice. No charge for
cither. S. S. S. i3 sold at drug stores.
For a limited time this dis
count will apply on our fine
asaortruent of Uathrobes, com
pr.slug, many JiUnlvet Kobea
und a few Terry Cloth Kobes
iu practical colors. This cuts
lor me t prices to from
$4.00 to $12.09
A Bathrobe Is all but indis
pensable has brought unlim
ited comfort to tnauy a man.
This is a fine chance to make
early Christinas selections.
Tom Kclley Co.
81S Bo. 16th St.
Tom Xsliey Jack McQuillan
Clean handling of the ball will give the
Cornhuskers an opportunity to show
Michigan one of the hardest battles that
the Wolverines have experienced this
This statement la the opinion of Coach
Ptiehm and his assistants. Princeton a a
er.ablod to whip Yale and Harvard be
cause tho Tigers held the ball and be
cause their oPDonents fumbled it. Ie
braska suffered severely at Minnesota
because It muffed the oval so many times.
It gained at Kansas because the Jay-
hawkers were remarkable for their fum
In the Princeton-Yale game the Tigers
won, though they had ho creditable run
ning attack, no forward passes and no
ball-carrying tricks of any commendable
caliber. Tale had the best drilled eleveu.
the finest offensive machine In the coun
try. With this game In mind, the Corn
huskers are at practice this week, hoping
tbat they will be able to hold the oval
in the game Saturday, and through this
means show tho Wolverines a terrible
The Cornhuskers have a strong running
attack, however, and are good at thu
loose-ball game. They are fairly strong
In the kiuklng'garne, too, so they will not
be as badly handicapped in their attack
as the Tlgera were In the contest witli
the 1311s.
Nebraska's Defense Strong;.
Nebraska always has been famous for
Its defenklve qualities, and the contest
Saturday should show tho local men play
ing a dogged and stubborn game when
Michigan has the ball. All this week tho
coach la teaching his pupils to hold the
oval. He wants clean handling of the
spheroid, and any man who fumbles early
In the contest will be rushed to the side
lines. -Coach SUehm declares that no
player on his team must give Michigan
a chance to score through a Nebraska
error. There may be mistakes In goneral
shlp, for they ara likely to be made on
the beet elevens, but there must be no
flagrant errors of muffing the oval or
dropping It when player Is tackled or
when he Is running down field.
Michigan's preparations for the game
Indicate that Yost expects to gain a great
deal by off tackle plays, in which Meek
and Craig will be used. Minnesota's ex
perience with the Cornhueker line has en
couraged the Wolverines to think that
their own attack will be Just as effec
tive as that of the Williams crew. The
Gophers found the Nebraska line very
weak. Off-tackle charges netted many
The Cornhusker forwards have been
strengthened since the Minnesota con
tent, however, and they should be able
to stop the charges of the opposing backs.
They will have to fight lew and keep the
Wolverine forwards from getting the
Jump on them.
(e1g Is to bo featured In runs around
the Nebraska ends. He is the center of
the Michigan attack, and there la abso
lutely no doubt that Yost will order his
n.en to try the Nebraska ends often.
Coach Stiehm will do well to perfect a
new defense for Craig, In whlcu special
assistance will be given the extremity
men, Lofgren and Chauner. The Ne
braska ends work bard la going down the
field under punts, and with a large num
ber of attempts at charges around their
wlnge they will become vt;' tired.
Yost will use all his end runs in the
belief tbat he can wear down the defense
of the wing men. Unlets the Cornhusker
ends are given great assistance from the
backs and tackles this may result, and
then the Wolverines will find that they
can ra.-e down tho fled with a running
'attack, mixed well with forward paast.
IaU Cornhuskers hope that the'Nebiaska
lends will be able to stop the pUys of
'Crslg. He Is a wonderfully fast man. In
'ad'lli.on he has a force and drive to hid
' .t. -rt v him far lflM li la
I runs m, . - -
i playa . t '
LINCOLN. Neb.. Nov. SC-(Speclal Tel
egram.) Fierce scrimmage practice and
stiff signal drill was again In order In
the Cornhusker camp and Stlehm's burn'
up methods would have made Fielding
Yost feel very much at home. The fresh
men, varsity and scrubs were kept at
it for nearly an hour, the ecrlmmage
being preceded by a stiff signal drill In
which Stiehm outlined a number of new
formations which ha expects to use
against the Wolverines.
The plays which nathbone has taught
his freshmen team, and whlch were used
with so much success Tuesday night,
were easy for the regulars Wednesday,
and it again looked as If the varsity had
rounded Into form. The freshmen were
unable to do anything with the same
formations they used last evening.
Directly In contrast, the varsity tore
through the first year men at will, mak
ing big gains around the ends. After
desultory scrimmaging In the center of
the field, Stiehm gave the varsity the
ball on the five-yard line and told the
varsity to carry It over. The first play
requited In a touchdown. Ten times this
was repeated and eaoh tlms the varsity
made the remaining distance without the
slightest trouble. ' Finally the freshmen
succeeded In holding the regulars on
the five-yard Una. The freshles and the
scrubs were i then turned loose and the
first year man were able to advance
the ball about sixty yards before they
were held. The scrubs then took the ball
and with Purdy Iu the lineup, carried the
ball over for a touchdown.
Nebraftkans are preparing a special do.
fense for Michigan's speedy Craig. The
Cornhuskers fear this mau more than
any other playrr in the Wolverines
lineup, and the fear bus been increased
wun tne knowledge that the eoeedv
Racely will probubly be out of the game.
l he ends and backfield men are being
stationed In positions where It Is believed
they can cut off long end runs and pre.
vent Craig from breaking loose.
Preparations for the Cornbuuker ban
quet are going forward under the direa'
tlon of Oaria VanDusen, and thu biggest
gathering In the lilatory of the school is
Twelve Teams Enter
the Inter-Varsity
Cross-Country Run
IOWA CITY, la., Nov. :2.-Speclnl.)-Entrles
wero practically completed at the
University of Iowa today for the big In
tercollegiate cross-country run, which is
to bo held here next Saturday just pre
ceding tho Iowa-Northwestern fame.
Twelve schools are to send rummer" here
and alt but I'rake university have mallei
entries to Manager Kellogg.
The coureo has been mapped out to he
completed In two laps on Iowa field
shortly before 2:30 o'clock Saturday aft
ernoon. Tho entry list iouows:
Iowa Cornell, fladhury, Mullenberg,
Preston, Heydel. Smith, ,Ktelnbejg, Yar-
cho, Vestal, Jans. -
WlBconHln Cleveland. Dieter, Heaton,
Bradish, White. Perry, Graff. Nelson
son of Fairfield made tho presentation
speech, presenting l Mr. Christy a fine
and valuablo table silver set as a pruHunt
from the bar. Mr. Christy has lived at
Udi;ar for twenty-five years and has been
actively engaged In the practlcn of law.
He luaves pie profesr.lon to take up farm
ing and fruit growing on account oc nia
and IiIh wife's health.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Nov. 22. (8pe.!lal.)-AdJu-tsnt
General F.rnest II. Phelps has ac
ccpted the resignation of Lieutenant
rjeorge D. Galloway of Company B. Sec
ond luglment, Itoldrege. The adjutant
general has approved the election of tha
following officers of ths Nebraska Na
tional guard: First Lieutenant Fred C.
Kanaler, Second Lieutenant John W.
Chapman, Sergeant llalpli W. Iluddlngton
to be captain, first and second lieutenant,
Eddy, Held, Cunningham! Krey. Michel-, respectively, of Company A. Second regl-
Benson High Trims
Florence, 12 to 0
The Benson High defeated the Florence
High school In a fast game by the score
or 13 to 0, yesterday afternoon In Flor
ence. uurnu made the f!rst mjrh(i,.,n
for Benson, making a forty-yard run
Sullivan kicked goal.
The second touchdown came In the sec-
ona quarter when Mclluuh niim..j
uirougn ilia line for fifteen yards. 8ul
llvan again kicked goal.
ur me reimunuer or the game the
ball kept moving up and down the center
of the field, neither side being able to
gain. The Florence aggregation made
meir rains principally on forward passes.
Mciiugn, wurns and Huntington star
red for Benson.
dcrrer. Wasson. lailor. Eaeler. cleve
land, Roberts.
Indiana Thompson, Morrlnon, IloD.n-
ton, Moudebusli, riper, muazy, mum,
MuCirirr, Oarber, Dui.ald Uarbtr, Mollctt.
Northwestern lilair, Hosby, Cobble,
Cockrell, Hawthorne, Hubbard,,
McCullough, Bheperd, Smothers, Mlionitn.
Minnesota Anderson, St. Marie, llibb,
Nlssen, Llndeberg, Mcrdink, Tydeman,
Stadsvold, Meddall, Wuaet, Olson.
Chicago Lunde, Baird. liunlap. Bishop,
Gilbert, Chandler, Lunghors, Caluwutt,
L.UOBS, Hunter.
Kansas iaitemon, Murray, eutra,
ana. Brown, llautman.
Nebraska Anderson, Kennedy, wan-
son, ttoge, Calca, ppauiuing, niaitr,
Wohlenberg, jintner.
Ames Anderson, Apple, Bonn, Brown,
Brunhall, Copper,, Crofoot, Doty,
Missouri' Hermond, Shockley, Moss,
Wick ham, Ferry, Meyer, Hogun.
Gopher Coaph Favors
Dropping Wisconsin
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Nov. 12-An at
tack on the rule of the conference which
prohibits the playing of summer base
ball and an argument that Minnesota
should stay In the conference, but should
attemDt to set Michigan to return, was
the sntlment of the speech of Dr. II. 1
Williams, coacli of the University of
Minnesota's foot ball team, at the mass
meeting of students here.. today. Presi
dent Vincent, who was scheduled to
speak, was unable to ba present. Dr
Williams declared that ths summer base
ball rule was making many perjurers and
that if strictly obeyed many of the uni
versities would have no foot ball t-am,
Dr. Williams, In his address in connec
tion with the return to athletic relation.
ship with Michigan, said:
"Another point which Is thought ad
visable by a great many In the university
la, for the present at least, to drop Wis
conirln from tho schedule. Thcie are the
things which we are particularly anxious
to have brought about."
The Minnesota squad left tonight for
Rloomlngton, til., where it will practice
until Saturday morning, when it will go
to I'rbatia for tha gams with the llilnl
that afternoon. All members of the team
are said to be in good condition
ment, at Kearney, ana me election or
Sergeant James II. Lowell to be lieuten
ant of Compsny D, Second regiment, at
Considerable Interest Is being taken by
local business men In the Thanksgiving
same which Omaha High will play with
Wendell Phillips high school of Chicago
at Rourke park.
Nearly all of the twenty-four boxes at
th park have slready been sold or re
served by various local organizations
which have united to make the game
the big event of the gridiron season In
Omaha. The university club will be repi.
sented by about 200 members and the
Ad club by about half as many. At the
executive meeting of the Commercial
club held Tuesduy afternoon It was do-cli!-d
to Indorse the game and alsa to
recommend club members occupy
boxes. Kach box lias a veatlng capacity
of Xioui fifteen to tweuty-flva.
SILVER CREEK. Neb., Nov. 22.-Spe-
clal Telegram.) High wind and chilly
weather interfered with the blue rock
hoot hers today, causing low scoie.
However, many shooters were present and
a fair crowd of spectators. The six liliih
Dcorea out of 00 targets were:
K. W. Farrier, Adams 17b
ij. D. Bray, Coiuinbus 1
rf. A. 11 an (ley, bioux City 1
c. D. Uiiderniaii, Lincoln 1
C. L. .baker, Linouln 11
W. A. Brown, fcloux City li
CLAY CENTER, Neb., Nov. 22-fBpe
clal.) The Clay County Bar association
gave a banquet last night at the itsi
dence of Ueorge A. Allen. The guest nf
honor was t. W. Christy, an attorney of
Kdgar, who will leave next wetk fm
Riverside, Cab. to make his perinunent
home. Twenty active members of the bsi
wore present, together with tha court
officers, district clerk, nln-ilff and court
reporter. JudKO Kurd was toastmaslrr
and all present responded tn appropriate
subjects for the occasion, bsitaiur ppij
State Auditor Asks j
Opinion Upon Bonds
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Neb.. Nov. 22 -(Bpeolal.)-
In a communication to Stats Auditor
Barton tha Lincoln Bonrd of Education
today requested that official not to regis
ter bonds for (XO.QOO Issuod for tha pur
pose of erecting a new high school.
The board Is seeking to test the validity
of ths bonds. It Is asking the auditor to
refuse to register them, so that a man
damus suit may bs Instituted against
him that a test case may ba made.
Tha board Is of the opinion that the
validity of the statute under which the
bonds were voted Is tha most lmisrtant
question Involved, and that a mandamus
suit Is tha most expeditious method of
determining tha point In the supreme
It is held by the board that the bonds
are valid. Its attorney holds the sams
Auditor Barton does not desire to re
fuse registration and in view of the
fact that ha believes the bonds ara valid.
ha has asked Attornsy General Martin tl
give an official opinion on tha sole,
question of the right of tha auditor t
register the bonds,
Bishop Tihen Lays
Church Cornerstone
HASTINGS, Neb., Nov. 2t.-(Sptala
Telegram.) Tha cornerstone of St. Cece
lia s new fX),000 church was laid thl
afternoon by Rt. Rev. J. Henry Tihen,
bishop of tha Lincoln diocese of tha Cath
olio church. He was assisted by slxtecs,
priests, including Rev. Father John Fits.
Patrick of Omaha, who preached the ser
The building will ba roudy for dedlca
tlon next July and It Is expected to b
the finest .Catholic house "of worship 1
ths Lincoln diocese. It will have a svat
Ing capacity, . of 1,000. The design 1
Oothlo throughout, facing of brown tapes,
try brick and whits stone trimming.
Mosaio floors and marble pedestals, cot.
umns snd pendants will be notable fea
tures of tha interior.
Men vho never
could smoke
a pipe are
one WOW!
GtZrd "Prince Albert"
will teach you the
joys of pipe smoking
fit,. :.
Mmrlll'm HUXI I' m
s 71 'W' '.',''&"' i
with it a
pulled out
if can t
ti v-
-W7 J i
Men. here's tobacco that chances
notions you may have against pipe smoking
"stung" tongues, unpleasant taste, keeping
tobacco lit and like worries.
Prince Albert is a revelation a fresh deal all
around. It simply can't bite the tongue ; it leaves
no unpleasant taste; it is long burning and holds its
fire close. It tops every criticism ever made on
pipe tobacco.
Tnkp our word for it. vou '11 swear bv Prince Albert if you
give it a chance to prove its quality. If you haven 't smoked
a pipe for years, you'll smoke one now with utmost delight.
... - . ... , , P i i
natpntpfi nnd controlled exc usive v bv its manuiac- jj
turers. No other tobacco in the world is made like
Prince Albert, or can be. We had the nerve to
spend a fortune to perfect Prince Albert tobacco.
It took three years hard work. We are spending
11 L . . aVv si 1 1 hah nttAni it
anomer lonunc iu icu yuu auuui u.
m. J
F Bit
Have you the nerve to go into the first tobacco
store and invest ten cents in a liberal tin? Qfc
Alto in Me bag; half-pound
mnd pound tin humidor and
pound $laas humidor$.
R. J. Reynolds Tob&cco Co.,
Winston-Salem, N. C.
So.--'" I:l .... S
& u jut