Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 23, 1911, Page 7, Image 7

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Save Koot Irlat It.
Bgyytiaa Cboeolate 804. Myers-Dillon.
Oa, Ble. matures, Barrs-randn.
Oa. XmI Wit. E.tperl auto repairs.
UTer FUtBf, Om. Plating Co. D IS.
S"w DlroroeS O-rent.d Divorce de
crees as1 follows have been (rented In
district court: Seth S. Smith against
Belly Ewirt; Amelia J. Davis against
William C. Davis.
Would Join Beat Estate Exchange
Bcott & Hill, the Armstrong-Waiah com
pany and the Thlppen Real Estate com
pany have applied for membership In the
Ileal Estate exchange.
lew Boy for K-hotweU Real Estate
exchange members smoked cigars at the
expense ot Fre3 Shotwoll of the Payne &
Slater company yesterday, Mr. Bhotwell
Is the father of a new 'boy.
Beport oa Commercial Congress
Henry T. Clarke reported at the Real Es
tate exchange meeting on the doings of
the r stent Transmlsslsslppl Commercial
congress at Kansas City, to which he was
a delegate.
Solas; His Shipping1 Early Secretary
Orlgg of the Omaha Builders' exchange
Is doing his' Christmas shopping i early,
because he Is going to send a present to
his- wife's niece. Mrs. Foster Wood,' a
missionary in the Congo.
Will Award Contract Soon Bids are
in for the F. U. favis building on the
west side of Sixteenth street, just south
of Jackson, and the contract will be let
within a day or two. McGowan & Jacob,
berger are said to be low bidders. The
building will be two stories, WxiOO feet.
Will. Sold Monthly tnaeheons
Alumni of the Vnlversity of Nebraska
' will hold monthly luncheons this winter,
and the first will be held Thursday noon
at the University club in the Barker
block. Among other things, the alumni
will make plans for attending the Nebraska-Michigan
foot ball gam at Lin
coln Saturday In a body. , . ( .
Missouri Paclflo Settles . Ca'sa The
Missouri Paclflo railroad has settled with
Mrs. Isabella Moehan ' for'1 the "death of
her husband, Joseph W. Meehan. for
3,000. The stipulation of settlement has
Just been filed in district court and the
suit formally dismissed. Meehan was run
down and, killed while, working as a
switchman In the Union Paclflo yards.
"Fun for Silts Members of the Heal
Kstate exchange have made up a purse
of $16 to be given to Prank R. Silts, the
aged real estate man who applied - to
the county for help a few days ago. W.
Hi Oreen, who started the subscription at
the exchange meeting, said Silts lost all
his money In a bank in Ipwa twenty years
ago and has had a hard time ever since.
Bates for Blf Meetings All of the
transcontinental lines have agreed upon
a rate for the numerous conventions to
bo .held, in Paclflo coast cities next sea
son, among which will be the Shrlners,
Elks, Women's clubs, Grand Army, the
Commercial Travelers and others. The
round trip rate from Omaha and other
Missouri river points will be $55; from
. Chicago, 65, and. from St. Louis, $0.50.
The time limit will be sixty days from
date of sale.
Temptation Too jOreat J. McTaggert,
driver for the Merchants Express com
pany, testified In police court that It Is
impossible to move the contents of ,'a
saloon without imbibing too much, "fife-
J. C. Bailey Describe Execution in
England Forty-Four Years Ago.
McTaggert ' was . arrested for
being drunk. 'IWe was tftoving the con
tents of a saloen . from one location to
another and said he-got. drunk sampling
the various kinds of "wet goods In his
wagon. He was discharged.
Carlsless Auto Driver rifled Thomas
Foley, an employe ,ot the Cadillac com
pany, was fined flO and .costs In police
court for not stopping at street corners
to allow passengers to alight from street
cars. Foley about three weeks ago ran
Into Luclen Stephens at Twenty-fourth
and Farnam streets while he was alight'
log from a car, and knocked him down
after running over his foot.' Mr. Steph
ens appeared In police court with the as
ilstance of a cane.
Bothery Wants Hew Trial Ed Both
try, convicted last week of refilling
bonded whisky bottles and reusing rev
enua stamps, has filed a motion for a
new trial. Rothery'e contention Is that
if the stamps were reused and the bot
tles filled again. It was done In his ab
sence by a colored porter, who did so
without his consent. He states that he
had the opportunity of settling the case
by paying 160 fine at the outset, but that
he Is Innocent and he will fight
Bom Miller Computes - Tear Rome
Miller of the Hotel Rome and one of , the
leaders of the Nebraska Hotel Men's as
sociation has returned to Omaha after a
three weeks' tour of the west with sev
enty-flve other Innkeepers. , A 'See
America First" organisation ' was per
fected. Mr. Miller, with. I. A. Medlar,
tdltor of. the Omaha Hotel .Reporter,
represented Omaha at Denver, Pueblo,
Oklahoma City, Hueeton, Galveston, San
Antonio, Fort Worth, Dallas, Texar-
Kan, Hot Springs and Kansas City,
and In all of those towns the special
train of hotel men '. boosted advertising
plans to get persons who intend to go
abroad to see this country first, Mr.
Miller made speeches .at each of the
cities visited and was the principal
flguro at all of the meetings.
Bays that llanalaK Was Horrifying
(Irene and that While There
Was Much Talk at Time,
There Was No Riot.
Employed In the offices of Clilrf Cos-
grove of the Pacific Fruit Express
company In the t'nlon I'ai-ifie hMiluiuir.
tern building Is J. t Bailey, who forty
four yeurs ago today, was a witness
to the hanging In Manchester, England,
of Allen, 1-arkln and O'Brien, the Fenians
accused of attempting to overthrow the
English government and who have been
referred to us the iianchester Mar
At the time of the execution Mr. Bailey
was a boy 15 years of ae, employed as
a messenger with the Lanchastersliire &
Yorkshire railroad, his duty being to
carry telerrrams and run errands.
The morning of the execution, Novem
ber 23, 1S97, Mr. Bailey, together with a
number of the other employes, went to
tho roof of the depot, and from this point
of vantage were witnesses to the execu
tion of the threo men. Describing It, Mr.
Bailey sold:
:! think It was about 10 o'clock In the
morning Uiat perhaps a dozen of young
fellows climbed to the roof of the depot
to look over Into the new Bailey jail
yard, two blocks away.
Reports of ltlottnsc.
"During the night before the execu
tion, there had been reports that an at
tempt would be niade to' rescue Allen,
Larkln and "O'Brien when they were
taken from their cells and escorted to
the gallows. As a result, all ot the
streets around the square In which tho
jail was located, was filled with Boldlers.
A high stockade had been built, around
the Jail and the grounds and no person
was permitted to approach nearer than
twenty to 'thirty yards. If they at
tempted to get nearer, they were driven
back at . the point of bayonets. There
were great crowds in all of the side
streets, but there was little disorder.
There was some jeering, but as the crowd
seemed to lack a leader and was disor
ganized, no attempt was made to rescue
any of the men.
"Shortly after getting onto the roof of
the depot, the three condemned men were
brought out through doors on the ground
floor of the Jail and each accompanied
by two jailers, with a large number of
guards In front and behind, marched to
the scaffold, fifty to seventy-five feet
from the prison.
"I think about six steps led VP to. the
scaffold. Up these the three fnen pro
ceeded, escorted by guards.
The Traps Are Snronnr.
"As soon as Allen, Larkln and O'Brien
reached the Bcaffold they took positions
on the traps. Hopes were tied around
their lefts and tlielr arms weiv pinioned
to their side. Then a black cap was
drawn over the head of each and an In
stant later the noose was adjusted around
the neck of earh man. This having leen
finished, tho Jailers, deputies or what
ever they were, stopped bark. The liang
nian moved a few feet away and kicked
a, lever. Tim I Instant the traps were
sprung and tho three boriles shot down
through the floor of the scaffold, drop,
ping, I suppose, three to four feet.
"The scene was so liorrlfyinn thst all
of us who were on the roof of the depot
immediately turned and huriied down
into the bulldliiK. Of my own knowledge,
I do not know what became of the bodlon.
The harm'riK was not attended by any
rioting or scenes of disorder. There wJ
lots ot talk, but It did not result lu anything."
Wnnann's t'lnh Knjoja Splendid
Luncheon In Honor of Dr. Mary
tilrnrd Anilrens.
Testerdny nooNi seventy-three ladles of
the Woman's club sat down to an elegant
luncheon at the Hamilton cafe. In honor
of Dr. Mary 15 Irani Andrews, an ex
presldent of the club, who Is vtstttng heie.
The dining room was very prettily decor
ated with Klllnrney roses. A feature of
tho seating arrangements was a lon
table, set for fourteen ex-presldents. Tho
ladles thoroughly enjoyed the menu and
congratulated the management on the
service. '
Arthur Knsllsh. receiver of the Omaha
rapllllon Intemrban railroad, yesterday
took over the line In a special ear a
party of friends and Investors In the
securities of the line. This was done to
let those who have put their money In
see how it was spent, and the cost of
the different features of the work was
explained by Mr. Knullsh as the car
preceeded. The first car ran Into Fa
pllllnti on Sunday. October 1. and that
month the rond paid a profit, the first
time sine It was built, t'p to October
1 the line ran only to Ralston.
One new standard Interurban car has
Just been added to the equipment. It
has a bsggage compartment, and all
other cars to be adiled from time to time
ill be built on similar lines. The In
vestors In the perty seemed to be satis
fied with the showing made by the new
road and the others predicted a bright
future for the line when the country be
comes more thickly settled between
Omaha and rail!) Ion.
Persistent Advertising la the Road to
Big Returns.
Particularly the Ladies.
Not only pleasant and refreshing to
the taste, but gently cleansing and sweet
ening to the system, Syrup of Fig and
Elixir of Senna is particularly adapted
to ladies and children, and beneficial in
all cases in which a wholesome, strength
ening and elfective laxative- should be
used. It is perfectly sale at all times and
dispels colds, headaches and the pains
caused by indigestion and constipation so
promptly and effectively tha it i- the one
perfect family laxative which gives satis
faction to all and is recommended by
millions of families who have used it and
who have personal knowledge of its ex
cellence. Its wonderful popularity, however, has
led unscrupulous dealers to offer imita
tions which act unsatisfactorily. There
fore, when buying, to get its beneficiaf
effects, always note the full name of the
Company California Fig Syrup Co.
plainly printed on the front of every
package of the genuine Syrup of Figs
and Elixir of Senna.
Foe sale by all leading druggists. Price
50 cents per bottl?.
Omaha's Groat Home Taper
sin us ssu;.npinii hi
4 ;;
The expression occurs so ssany times ia letters from
siok women, " I was completely discouraged." And there
is always good reason (or the discouragement. Years of
pain and suffering. Doctor alter doctor tried ia vaia.
Medicines doing no lasting good. It is ao wonder thst
the woman ieels discouraged.
Thousands of these weak and sick women here found
health and courage regained as the result of tho lis of
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription.
It establishes regularity, heats inflammation and ulooraa
tion, and cures weakness. ,
Refuse Substitutes offered by nnscrupulooo druggists)
for this reliable remedy.
Sick women are invited to ooasutt by letter, fru. All correspondence
strictly private and sacredly confidential. Write without fesr and without
fee to World's Dispensary, R. V. Pierce, M. D., Pres't, Buffalo, N. Y.
Dr. Pierce's Pleaeant Pellets regulate and invigorate stomach, liver and
bowels. Sugsr-oeatcd, tiny granules, easy to take as candy.
Rug Sale Extraordinary
Tromendous Purchase of High Class New Rugs
Just Received from the Big
Ahxandcr Smith 6 Sons
Saturday, Hov. 25th and Monday, IIov. 27
We've offered you remarkable bargains from this
great auction sales before, but nothing, we believe, that
will equal the magnificent assortments and values
shown in this big sale.
Justice William W. Eastman ban now
not only his office troubles, but also his
domestic cures to take up his time since
his marriage a few weeks ago In Uuffalo,
The Judge appeared at his office bright
and early yesterday morning with a large
upleco of twine wrapped around his third
finger. When asked why he had the string
on hl finger he said. "My wlfo told me
to do an errand for her yesterday and
I forgot to do It. This morning I decided
I would tie a string around my finger so
that I would remember to do It, and I
have now forgotten what it was she
wanted me to da"
1 ti Yw". mil nsi 1 rvtnti In s r, ... .1 ...
the use of Dr. King's New Life Pills, the I
patnlets purifiers. Zoo. For Sale by Bea- j
ton urug to.
Attractive ev store Front
The Fusion block, 18th and Farnam. the
corner of which Is to be occupied by The
United vlgar Stores, has Just been com
pleted In The Kawneer System of Store
Fronts, Installed by the Western Olats
and Paint Company of Lincoln, Ntb.
These fronts are said to be the finest In
the city of Omaha. The Kawneer Hystcra
In tills building la made of satin bronze,
the most expensive of metal, setting on
a marbls Labs, with the most delicate
of trimmings and corner bars, atforjing
little if any obstruction.
The Western Olass and Paint company
are also Installing several fronts for Con
tractor Ilarto at Dundee Place.
Key to the tuuUoo tito act Ads.
130 Christmas Presents
in this number
HERE is a long list of
practical Christmas
presents which anyone can
make useful cushions, em
broidery, stencil, cut leather
and otherattractive but simple
suggestions, all new and all
possible. The best Christmas
present is the one which you
rualce yourself, and into which
so many loving thoughts have
gone. All of the suggestions
made in the Woman's Home
Companion have been tried
and will work out.
. I.t .minute Cift4
A Half-a-Doien Simple Gifts by
be Una York
Tlie llett New Books
The New ChrUtmas Cards
Uvful Cushions by Lucy Throep
Eaaily made Gifts for Men by
. Helen Marvin
Easily made Gifts for Women by
Helen Marvia
Bojsie got the
THIS is an amusing story,
but not too- amusing to
have a real sympathetic touch,
for, after all. everyone was
glad that Boysie got his fcraph
ophone, especially as his goat
tot sick aud so couldn't be
raffled off. Frederick Dorr
Steele's pictures add a nood
deal to the spirit ot the 6 lory
"The Board in Heine Graph-t
lophaoe" by Notvell HunUunJ
V aa siMs mt-wm J
Christmas Bells
TWO pages of sheet music
for Christmas, written
especially for Christmas and
especially for Companion
readers, which would cokt at
leant onedollar at music stores.
"ChrinUnas BeDs," mutle by
Ward btrphenc wordi ty
Marguerite Meriaawa.
"The Flying House"
and how it flew
THE strangest thing ahouc
h flvinp house is that it
renllv flew, with Prinrett Ethel
and I'rince Paul in it, and
Vi'letcmmaand Algernon also.
Thi mra4 itranpe herauhe
Vi'lctcmma "made up" the
' story to keep Algernon quiet.
So Yi'letemtna was more sur
prised than Algernon when it
happened. r'Th Flying Home
Lby Hultwrt rooloer
And here is
a grown
for the
Christ maa
by Grace
A whole lot of Christmas for 15 cents
The Christmas number of the Woman's Home Companion is a
whole department store of Christmas help, inspiration and enter
tainment. A single visit will convince you that you never saw
such bargains anywhere else: 3
Christmas stories, 4 other 6tories,
10 Merry Christmas talks by editors
and others, 7 successful ideas for
Christmas entertainments, 130 sug
gestions for Christmas gifts, 57
advertisements of Christmas
presents, a Christmas full-page
picture, a piece of Christmas sheet
music, a page of Christmas dinners
and a page of Christmas tables
all this without counting the
regular departments, fashions, fads,
foods, women's clubs, how to
handle husbands and babies, etc.
J" It is a great big 15 cents'
worth of Christmas.
How 15 cents will make your
Christmas money go farthest
TH E woman who pays $1. 50 a year for the Woman' s
Home Companion eeis'her money back with every
number and sometimes more. A sinjle suggestion of the
several hundred given in each number could be easily
worth J51.50 to any woman.
A suggestion for a gown, or a luncheon party, or a
home-made Christmas present, or a practical household
recipe, any one may be worth 51. 50 to the busy, anxious
housewife who is trying to solve many economic
problems with a small household allowance. Our
readers write to us every day telling what good they
have gotten out of any one suggestion, and remember
that every number of the Woman's Home Companion
has a hundred suggestions.
15 cents of your Christmas money spent' for the
Christmas Woman's Home Companion will make
your Christmas a brighter, happier and more success
ful Christmas.
Somebody in your house ought to get the Woman's
Home Companion for a year as a Christmas present
A Merry
to all readers of the
Woman's Home Companion
and those who are
going to be ,
What wbbld you do
about it?
TF vou were Mareerv and
S. vmir fianre farter, fell
head over heels in love with
ic had known onlv ten davs.
what wniild van fin?
If you were Isotx-l, madly in
love with Carter despite your
self, what would you do?
II you a re just youracll.wnat
would you have Carter do,
rememlrin? that he is a real
man and the fashionable wed-
rlinir rinlv fmr rtav nff t
it you can t solve the prob
lem vniirtulf imi'll tie in
tensely interested in the way
t no autnor does it.
"Whens Man Ies" by
Mary HttnUiifciBiaUley
THE Kewpies are giving a
A C hnstmas party, the lest
sortol party, to a whole neigh
borhoodf ul of poor children
that the rich people forgot.
You know the Kewpirs, don't
you, those funny little chaps
that do ao much good in such
a quaint way, all told lu pic
tures and rhymes r
f'Ths Kwple' Chriatmu Party"
I by Koac LclU UN till
381 Fourth ATenue, New York City
A magazine just for
the children
tTORIES, pictures, play
O thine and toys for chil
dren enotish to fill a Little
Folks Magazine are in this
number of the Woman ttlome
Companion. There is a "con-
inued-ln-our-next story
about those del'ghtful Island
Twins, John and Jane, and
tbeir Christmas visit to their
rich friends in the city. John
and Jane will be continued for
hve months, so you d better
ask mother to subscribe, but
they begin in the Christmas
r'Th Intend Twtns
I Abble frerweu Brow
Toys mother can
make for you
SEE these many pages of
Christmas presents which
mother can make for you, and
other pages of presents you
can make for her only we
mustn't let her know. There
is a gilt lor everyone in the
family, and just how to make
it, in this number of the Com
panion, which costs only u
cents. I "Home-made Toys"
lby A. Kiuaell feundl
And here's a new kind
of Toy-book
or is it a book-toy, this book
about the surprising adven
tures of Jack and lietty, who
have to cut their way through
from page to page, always
finding something more won
derful on the next page. You
ran play with the Jack-and-betty-book,
or you can send
it to some little boy or girl as
a Christmas gift.
1"Adreatui ot Jack and Betty'
by C Uua swl Caorg WiUttuu J
Quality is easy enough
to talk about, but it is
not so oasy to c'vo-
Probably you'vo been looking for quality
clothes for many seasons. Possibly you'ro
discouraged trying to find them. What's that
old proverb. "Try, try again?" This time wo
want you to try our quality. It's an easy
matter for us to give quality becauso wo
worked hard to get It.
are first of all quality clothes, then they aro
lower priced than elsewhere. Our clothes
aro guaranteed in every particular. They
will servo you well becauso thero is not an
ill feature in them. Stop a moment and con
sider. Men's and Young Men's Suits, . . . $10-335
Men's and Young Men's Overcoats, $10-$ 3 5
Omaha Largest and Bt Equipped Clothing Stor.
China Cabinet, fumed oak -...... .$52.00
Buffet, golden oak $80.00
China Cabinet, fumed oak.. $44.00
Buffet, golden oak $64.00
Buffet, early English ...$54.00
China Cabinet, early English ....$45.00
Dining Chairs
Arm Chairs and Side Chairs. One, two and' three of
a pattern. Some we have In quantities and are going
at a fourth and even a third less than regular. '
Orchard & Wilhelm
. Carpet Co.
BCTXtagWWw'B'"ul 11 HISISIiailSIISM MPJiUMl-LLJH.''.'.!'i,'J!''l'u ihui.i.i mi ima
jr iT
A Beautiful table makes a
beautiful dinner.
The essence of hospitality is that which
leaves a memory of attractive furniture, dainty
linen, and artistic china. .
You must begin with the dining room
fiirniture itself. A Berkey &c Gay dining room
suite is the perfection of furniture making. It
appeals to trie artistic sense, even of those who
are not thoroughly versed in the meaning of
design and finish. We are the sole selling
agents here for the Berkey & Gay pieces.
Their mahogany dining tables and chairs in
period designs, and their famous "Flanders"
pieces in our beautiful American oak are so
charming that you fancy they will be much
more expensive than they are. Their beauty
of line, staunchness of construction and integ
rity of wood insure that you will be able to
hand them down, in your family as your
ancestors used to pass on their olden furniture.
We are giving some most desirable values
in dining room outfits this week; some are
Berkey & Gay pieces, others also have our
recommendation. '
Cures Dandruff Stops Falling
Hair and Makes It
"Pull out on gray hair and a dozen
will tsks Its place" Is an old saylnf.
which la, to a rrest extant, true, If no
steps are taksn to stop the cause. When
arax hairs appear It Is a sign thst Na
ture needs asslatanoe. It Is Nature's
call for help. Gray hair, dull, lifeless
hair, er hair that Is fallng- out, Is not
necessarly a sign of advancing age, for
there are thousands of elderly people
with perfect heads of hair without a sin
gle streak of grey.
When grey hair come, or when tba
hair seems to be lifeless or dssd, some
good, reliable, aelf-restorlng treatment
should be resorted to at once. tipeclaU
IsU say that one of the best prepare
tlons te us la the old-fashioned "sage-
tea" which our grandparents used. The
best preparations or tnis mna is wytxa.
Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy, a prep
aratlon of domestlo sage and sulphur.
scientifically compounded ana later ai
covered hair tonics and stimulants, th
whole mixture being carefully balanced,
and tested by experts.
Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Is clean and,
wholesome and perfectly harmless. It
refreshes dry, parched hair, remove
dandruff and gradually restore faded,
or gray hair to Its natural color.
Don't delay another minute. Start
using Wyeth's Bags and Sulphur at onoe
and see what a difference a tew day
treatment will make In your hair.
This preparation la offered to the pub
lic at fifty cenU a bottle, and la recom
mended and sold by all druggist. Sher
man MoConoell Drug Co., Cor. ltStla
and Dodge, Cor. ltth and Harnsy, Cor.
2th and Farnam, VJ- N. Uih 8t Xxya
la the Leading Agricultural Taper of the MiO-VeU
la the Leading Agricultural Journal of the west. Ita columns are,
filled with the best thought ot the day In matters pertaining to
th farm, the ranch and1 the orchard, and It la a factor lu the
development ot the great western country.
i r
S f