Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 23, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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Nuckolls County Man Gets Commu
tation of Sentence.
l.attor Cnmnllsaloner Gir netwrsis
fro mConferenre at Washlaatoa
Sarpy and Dowsjlaa Mrldae
Caae la Coart.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Nob.. Nov. S2. (Special.)
Charles H. Hutrhlnxon of Nuckolls
county, who has been serving a term tn
the state penitentiary for the murder of
E!l Fe&Ael, for whom his mother kept
Jiouse until Ms death, received a com
mutation of sentence today and was re
leased from confinement. Hutchinson's
mother, who was convicted with him foi
the) crime, was released soine time ago.
I'oth were sent to the penitentiary Octo
ber 18, 14. Mis. Hutchinson began to
serve a ten-year term and her son two
yenrs more. The woman's term expired
In August
Since that time the woman has been
working as a dishwasher In a local res
taurenat, and the plea for executive
clemency on the part of her son came
as an assertion that she needed his help
and support. Clemency was recommended
by Judge L. Q. Hurd of Harvard and
petitioners living In Nuckolls and Web
ster counties.
It was alleged at the time of the mur
der that Hutchinson and his mother had
killed Kcasol totid then hauled his body
to a creek, where they threw It Into the
water. The couple denied their guilt, say
ing that Feaoel was a hard drinker ana
that he had often made the remark when
under the Influence of Hquor that he
Would some day commit suicide.
(oontj- Br Id are Olspnte.
For the fourth time the Btate supreme
eourt is called upon to decide whether
Farpjr county should help Cass county
in the matter of a bridge across the
1'latte river at Louisville. The structure
in qeuEtion was erected In 1S90 from
the proceeds of bonds Isued by Louis
ville precinct. Sarpy county at that time,
bad onthing to do with tiie construction
of the bridge,- despite the factt hat after
Us building It served as a highway be
tween the two counties.
nl 1900 the repair of the bridge became
accessary and Cass county asked Sarpy
to consent to standing half the expense
Incidental thereto. Sarpy county refused
avid Cass proceeded to do the. work at
the suggestion of the county commission
ers. Afterwards the board fot the latter
county sued the Sarpy county commis
sioners for the money, claiming that half
fthe brl&ge was in that county.
Meanwhile, during the various turns of
tb litigation the bridge at the root of the
trouble was washed out and torn down
by . a severe storm, but the caae . has
gone on . regardless of that fact. Sarpy
county finally contended that the Cass
county commissioners had let the contract
for the repair to the bridge without ask
ing for bids and that, therefore, the Im
provements were made without legal
sanction. This phase of the case Is now
before the court for a decision and was
extensively argued by attorneys before
that tribunal,'' .. ;
Foot Ball Team la Given Banquet by
Board of Kdncat Ion Two
Pioneers Dead.
BEATRICE, Neb.,, Nov. 22. (Special.)
The Board of Kducatlon gave a banquet
last evening at the high school for the
Beatrice High school team. H. A.
Thompson, president of the board, was
toaitma-iter, aqd toasts were responded
to by tliOFe about ' the banquet tablo.
1'ha banquet was served by the girls of
the domestic science department.
Elbert Oden has purchased a hotel at
Tobias, Neb., and left yesterday to as
sume charge of the place.
Mrs. James Gartr?ll. an . old -.resident
of the Adams vicinity, died Monday and
-was burled yesterday. She Is survived
by her husband and several children, all
erown. j
Herman 'Jones, formerly of this city,
und Miss. Mlldren 'Hwleyvtf Sabctha,
Kan-, were married at that 'place last
Teek. They will make their homo at
Kalrbury, where the groom is employed
with, the Independent Telephone com
pany. ;
Mrs. " Joseph Francl, mother of Mrs.
Joseph Segelke of this city, died yester
day at .her home at Crete. She was 76
years of age and had been a resident of
aallne county for nearly fifty years.
Child Darned to Death at Table Hock
TABLE ItOCK. Neb.. Nov. 22.-SpeelaI.)
The 10-months-old grandson of W. II.
McUuire was seriously burned at the
family residence Monday afternoon and
died from the burns early Tuesday morn
ing. The mother and grandmother of the
child were buoy in an adjoining room to
where tho child hud been left with an
other child, about 3 years old. Hearing
tcreams the mother hastened to the loom,
where tho older ihlld had been stuff ns
papers in the heating stove, and the baby
was enveloped in flames. The mother
was seriously burned In trying to extin
guish the fire.
Wives und mothers find there la one
thing of which uaialia into never tire.
Morning, noon ana nlfiit h a lorushlp"
will cat "Mlnnesotu". spaghetti or mac
aroni and bo duitfa-hud with its rich, nut
like flavor.
If you have tried other macaroni or
spaghetti und have U silked them, the
"Minnesota' biaud will be a reve
lation' to you. Vor every day meals,
for dainty luuclius or for big feasts,
theie U notliliij,' Letter than this health
ful food "irvtu in one of tho many ap
potlzing Whys.
flut If you toant that rich, nut-Ike
flavor Ui sure and get the delicious
".Minnesota" brand mucaronl or spag
liotti muu from tho finest Noitht-ru
Jjurum wheat, with all tho nourishing
tiluten left In. J easily digested and
never gets soggy. All good Omaha gro
cers sell It.
Kearney Disputes
Wesleyan Claim
KEARNEY, Neb., Nov. 21-(S peclal.)
the Kearney Normal foot ball team lins
been making an excellent showing this
season, having been unbeaten by any col
lege team In the state. Thin puts It very
much In the raoe for the Nebraska Inter
collegiate championship. We.ile yan Is the
only other college team not defeated thl
season. Kearney has Feru Normal yet
to play and Wesleyan piays Ootner.
Wesleyan has been making rather pre
mature claims on tho coveted rag, accord
ing to Kearney followers. Some com
parative scores will serve to show that
the Normal has the edge on Wcsleyan.
Kearney's score against Hastings was 9
to 0. besides one touchdown disallowed,
which the officers afterwards conceded.
Weslcyan's ccore whs 12 to 8. Kearney's
score against Urand Island college tvnn
9 to C; Wesleyan's 2 to 0. Kearney's
score against Coiner wus - to 10; Wes
leyan's It to 0.
Kearney Normal team Is ready to meet
the Wesleyan team either here or at I'nl
versity Place, and has begun negotiations
for a game this week. Thus far Wes
leyan has not responded. The Normals
have some exceptional men In their lineup
and ought to make the collegiate state
team by an easy margin. They ure get
ting down to the hardest work of the
season preparing for the game with Peru
at Peru on Thanksgiving day.
GANDY, Neb., Nov. 22. (Special.)
Charles R. Cobb, the democratic candi
date for sheriff In Logan county, and
who was defeated In the recent election
by William Wells, his republican oppo
nent, Is going to contest the election.
Mr. Cobb has filed his complaint and has
retained Attorney H. K. Dress for the
case. Mr. Wells polled a majority of the
votes In three of tho precincts and Mr.
Cobb wants these three precincts thrown
out because of the fact that In Gandy
precinct the polls were open, he claims,
from the hours of 8 to 6:40; that no po
lice officer was stationed at or within
100 feet of the polls; that electioneering
and "campaigning was carried on within
109 feet of the polls; that pamphlets, cir
culars and political advertisements were
allowed to 'be scattered about tho polls.
This case will be tried before Judge
Hogeboom' December 9.
: (t"rora a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Nov. 22. (Special.) The
thirty-first annual convention of the Ne
braska Woman's Suffrage league ad
journed today after electing the follow
ing officers for the coming year: Presi
dent, Dr. Inex ' Fhllbrick, Lincoln; vice
president, Mrs. Anna Rovanda, Table
Rook; recording secretary, Mrs. Ada
Shafer, Omaha; corresponding secretary,
Miss Mary II. Williams, Kenesaw; treas
urer, Dr- Emma W. Demaree, Roca; audi
tors, Mrs. Frank Harrison, Lincoln, and
Mr. Kate Chaplnhouse, Peru.
Resolutions ' expressing sympathy with
the English suffragettes who had been
subjected to various Indignities were
passed unanimously by the women. It
was also voted at the final session to4
memorlaJIze Nebraska representatives in
congress to work with the end tn view
of changing the present proposed amend
ment to the federal constitution relating
to the election of senators by a popular
vote of the people so that Women might
have a hand in such elections.
With regard to the listing of women
by United States census enumerators as
without occupation It was voted to recom
mend that women be listed as housekeep
ers when they can rightfully come under
that title.
1 A canvass of the state for the purpose
of polling those opposed and favoring
woman suffrage waa also recommended
by the convention and It waa provided
that this shall be undertaken by the asso
ciation between now and the next annual
The association will meet In Omaha
nesu year, according to action taken late
today and Just previous to adjournment.
Boy Has Jaw Broken by Kick of
Hone Two Hart When
Aato Upsets.
SEWARD, Neb., Nov. 22. Special. )
Merle Arnold,' a boy of 12, while watering
his father's horse last evening, was kicked
In the face by one of them and had !il
Jaw broken In two places.
John By rum, who lives north of here,
when motoring had something go wrong
with his steering wheel. The car turned
over, throwing all of its occupants to the
ground. Mr. Byrum had three ribs broken
and his little daughter bad her left arm
Judge Corcoran at a special sitting of
the district court here has overruled the
remonstrance ftled-agalnst Richard Hart
wig securing a saloon licence at Goehner,
this county.
Masons Honor Forniei Master.
Dl'NBAR. Neb., Nov. 22.-U"p elal.) -At
a meeting of the Lee P. Gillette ludse,
Ancient Free and Accepted .Vmiuj, of
tli.j i Uco la.t nl(ht a Mann c l,ve fa:t
was held, at which Ir. J. P.. Lcliten
nullncr of Omaha was tie guctl ui
honor. tr. Llchtenwallne:', who fur fmi
Uin ycais was Dunbar's dor-tor. ai d who
hux lecrnily moved to Omaha, has h"!d
the poMtlnn of tvort-hlpful maner of the
Mrirltff. Klnc. Its ftrB Anlznltun fiirn
Three third degrees wera conferred .pun
liiothers John H. West, Arthur and
Junius Money, and the brctlnea had in
vited hlin down to take rharxo of the
work. Hon. K. P. Swa.n In behalf of the
brethren presented Brother Lkh'.e.iwail
ner with a fl'JO psst master jewel.
Ilnslurss t hmian nt Urneta.
GlC.Nl.VA. Neb., Nov. 22. (special.)-A
change vis made yesfsrrtay In tl.e real
eitite firm of Page &. Was. U. S. Stan
ard, the present county clerk, purchasing
Mr. Wets' share. Mr. Stanard leaves fit
I clerk's office to the present deputv, H-rt
mJ I (132)
Tine Womuaini WM
Merely orders "flour."
And the grocer thinks that she
doesn't care.
But she does.
What woman lacks pride in her
But she doesn't know how flours
Else she doesn't think.
And, by leaving the choice to
someone else, she gets the wrong
flour at times.
Gold Medal Flour is selected flour. It comes from
the heart of the wheat.
It is the sifted-out flour the perfect flour which
comes through ten sheets of fine silk.
None but this cream of the flour is ever branded
Gold Medal. Yet lesser grades hundreds of them
cost just as much as this.
This is the flour which has come to outsell every
other flour in exist
ence. You'll get it
always when you
find it out.
0 Isliw i I
ft I
Bold Medal Floub
... Sl-4a-.-UiIt.' .
: it 3 d t
i mm mi ,r in.i.lilai slUJllLki L if.-... . - , ,
O J iO J J bome co,ds are ihnr
JLJLLLl 0UIU,O UU1CTS DUl iney are ail. bad.
Do not neglect them. Treat
promptly, vigorously. First of all, ask your doctor about
taking AVer's Cherrv Pectoral. Then dn
' low. II M
Lynn, who Is cunty rlirk-clect, at the
enl of hU term. -
.nvf HhcU IriiM (iipltal.
Labor t'l nnilKloiipr tJuye lias rvturned
from WuHhliiKton. v.-hcie he has been In
atU'Mltnte at u lubur bureuu aatherlnx
.Mtth'dj wh.K-by Ihfse departments of
i the ariou!i rtates could be bi (Wight to
jKethfi (ur the purpos-s of eonferilng ami
' co-op. ra' io'i were dlx-ussed at smn.
lenKtli. I.ut no decUluiis .eij ajrlved at
in the Inalt-r.
J Cu-oiir-rstiuii bitweiii national und state
, labor lju:caiu In the cainpulun for i"i t-
tlng hoiiii s In the w-ift.rii slate.
lAKJi taktn t:p at coruitl-rbli lnK'h by
the r'.iuiiilHKioiiers.
Aro!linK to thft Mitt, officials the
Washington meeting wus not neurly as
sun en-f ui a the C'IiIi'kko nivetlne. which
CuuunU.lotiar (iuy. bttcrtUvl and
The famous
2d Moor ot MrCrorey'ii Sv ami 10c Htore.
Ill t!i ami I tiriiaiii Streets.
n I
At (he Famous
you will find it
splendid variety of
the Beaeon'a moat, iiishimishin 1 tirh
grade models In nulls, coats, cloulie,
ektns and millinery ut prlcca thut
have made thU iKoro worthy of tho
name by which It Is known.
Extra Special Thursday!
' I 'l'oin V (o 1.,
30 dozen shirtwaists, new advonto
ffyl BprliiK Btylos and fine tailor nialo
faj wtilBls, Inrludllig tho iauh wrmte.l
mannish shirt; real $2.00 and 12.50
valut'B, Thuisday from 9 to 12
50 Dresses of fine Storm and French
:err! In all shades; real 12.50 values;
Thareday, as long as they last
which he altl took up the dUcusslon of
practically the same subjects as thou
f the national capital vathcrliiK.
Ituulrl t olllas Ai'ijultted.
HKATKirK, Neb., Nov. 22. I Special
Telegram. ) Id.nlel ColliriH was acquitted
by a Jury In the district court tonight of
the charge of besting- and robb. tin (ius
!uuer of JJti.'j on the highway near Wy
niore on the night of Jun3 21 last.
Kty tg the K'.tuation Utt Want Ads.
NKKNAII, Wis., Nov. l2.-t'harVed with
ahductititf Mabel KriiKle, li yw:irs old.
from hrr home at i'corla. III , C. Kfl
ler, L'S yoi old, was arrested hue ar,i
taken t i'corla. Miss Ktayle came hie
about a month ago. i'eorla and 'hlca,j
police have bren scarchlUK fur her since
of Chief Attractiona and Things of Interest
Seen at the Land Show
T Hooth of the 1)1 dunk and the loud noise; where
I 1 MIMIAMA they kuv away five cres ot oiauae land to th
F1 CTi7&lIJ fl I1,ky auesner on the jnr of nut. The land of
JhMal BtL&9BHO fuwars, oianaen. ktrape irult, lemons. 11(1, dates
BI HI H ai nuts, o v. init h. i.n.,r ',.
North alt Hlver Valley Irrlifstlon Co., I'hoetiix. Ar!
Aneles. San lleB. Tbe'Vtootli where you
eveiythlnu worm whll and then sums!
iilln cllniate and oiiportm.ity. Address
Ai.Keles L'hamtier of Commerce, or Han
in Chamber of O miii.erce. llftter still, aa
ror ymirwlves.
Where you saw tiie TaniuVsljac-ramentii Valley
Exhibit, lnijulre about the next excursion to
tills beautiful country. Nov li. TrowhrldB
.1 llolhtrr, 404 City Natlorsl Bank Uulldlnc
Omaha, Nebraska.
At the Tulare Countv 1 tooth yo
reiichen, potatoes, con. pumpkins, prunes
the hi
plums. Also the fine nranice. lemons and cltro
fruits. Vou c;in farm lor pleasure and profit in
Tulare County. AddrnMM. Tulare County Board
of Tiaiir, Vlaalta. Csllfornla.
'atterson In the Fauiouw San Joaquin Val
ley. Why not so with us and see this Para.
disc for I'lnln People. Payue Investment
Cotuimny, Omaha, Nebraska.
ff R B Where you saw the Flatte mivar Valley l-Jxhlb!t,
I'ninf nflft HhowliiK wheat, oats, llax and corn ralHed on suh-
Ball III Villi! Itrlnated soil; land lliat paya for Itself In two
rUlBlIBI II III I yrs.. We sell this land on terms of one-third te
taVWaWI UUU one-half cash, balance S to 0 years. Addresi
ristte Hlver Valley l.attd Co., Hterllmr.
terms of one-tenth.
Col'ji s lo.
Apples, Apiles, ltlif Hed and Yellow Apples, nlca
Iran potatoes, suaar oeetx, Rtutns as grown at
Motohklss, Delta Oount7, Colorado. "Ton remem
br Itemember also lands from $50 per acre
nnd upward. ' Address Uottld and WlUoufhDy,
Motohklss, Colorado.
Where you saw the San - Luis Valley K.xhlhlt,
ahowlna; especlully the hie grains, and field peas,
tinetiuullcd for hog feed; heard about the new
suKar fuctory; and vlier you learned that you
t-an buv lrrlcateil lamia In this rich VAtlnv on
Address. C. A. Holilnson. 1st Nat'l Hank, Denver, Colo.
ltio tirande Home Co.. of Alamosa. Colo., oo-
lod Month No 1. This la wtiere you saw tho
rahbace. celerr and other vevetablas: omo
F0 varieties of Colorado glasses cats that yielded
"I! '4 bushela of wheat, wonderful alfalfa, ohotra
Colo, virile tnem touayi
Where you bw oupeclally the fine Applets Potatoes
Rod In Marsh Valley, the "OiMm
Address Downey Improvement
IttU bushels tier acre. Tan,
potatoes, etc.. from the Sunny Kan l.uls Valley
an Where you bw
E'lif 0,1(1 Kln irIrc
B Ell Kpnt of Idaho.'
Co., Downey, Id
Where you bought those Te Be Oca for a
Hlokei and the X.a Trndas for a Dime. You
Kememberl ' Tracy Bros. Co., who sell more
clsai-a in Omaha any other house. Why?
Quality. All. first class dealers sell our foods.
Tracy Bros. Co., 1 4 1 f Onus;. Kt., Omaha. Neb.
blilon LlKhtnlnx Hods, the booth that In
terested many showing the (Trade Mark)
of the best In Lightning Protection.
Address, V: C. Shlnu. Lincoln, Nebraska.
.. . Whet you saw the beautiful alfalfa and
Mm wtKiii Mntnrn stock ratnlnu exhibit. Vou rcinembart Irs
Itlfirilll f MvlMl II panorama of cattle and sheep. If Interested
If UI III II UUlUl II in alfalfa raising .vrlte to Oeneral Passenger
S BWI ui s ww ws is Ai,, Chicago snd Northwestern 11. K.,
)maha. Nebraska, for pamphlet deallnx fully with th supject
Where you saw the attractive cyclorania
Famously fertile W
I IHAIVAn Hxaest agrlcultuial-
Eirijirilll Irrigated fruits, nut
III n V IIIB storms or drouths. M
VI UfsB-UII ruads. Write to t'ntiti
9 lia, Albany or KhUui
the city
of Balem and the Willamette Valley created by tiea.
L, Hchrelbcr. The arlutt la Idontlfled with leading art
clubs In Chicago and tba lountry. He is also, super
vlaor of drawing In the 8alem grado and high schools.
Address Geo. L, Hchrelbor, 'Ot llv. St.. Halein. Ore.
Willamette Valley Booth was the
and horticultural display. Ton
ts and vegetablea. No bliixatda.
..'.No crop failures. Five new rail-
imerciai ciuu uecretary at corvai-
mti, uregon.
Let tia explain to you how to own a 6 or 10 acre fruit
and garden tract Albany, Oregon, one of the best
towns in Oregon, and in the very heart of the famous
Willamette vauey. si.ztio.oo ror the entire tract.
easy monthly paynrnts. No taxes, no Inlereet, good marketa.
Wini Meeker ac Hcam. SZR nrannela Thestnr liiilldlng, Omaha.
An -
Call or
South Dakota
Where you saw the two-headed calf,
the large cabbage, the flax crown on
sod, and the whoat grown without
irrigation Address Ardmoie Commit,
clal Clab, irdmora, South Io.kota.
Tho booth with tho six-foot wheat: the 100 bushel oatx:
tho porfect apples;, the national stiver trophle' Won in
lompetitlon against the fruit and farm sections of the
world. The f am one Gunnison Valley In the heart of Utah,
Utah ;
No boom prices yet. Alfalfa's natural home. Spalding, Livingston Inv. Co.,
110 Newhoime Phi., K'alt Lake City. 113 City Nat. Uk. hlilg, Omaha, Neo.
,You don't hava to be rich to start farming'.
aold on crop payments. Remember the
product! of this year's crop. Address
eatty, Pine Bluffs, Wyoming.
"The Wyfie Way." where the ticket
was given away dally. Our new
folder will be published Deo, 1. No
rharre. Write for It tndav
Ilff !!
rnnimirair Land
J - d C. L. 13
Yellowstone Park
r w
'me new
!tf.' T- d
:fiX f&OklS&rLlM: -the perfect thooting con
'ttlMWi WL fo, .fn..of TVs.
fcWjv U-TXt Remiif Iso Arau-Uaisa MetUlic CsrtriJj. Ce. f i
li ilW- i: VCV m Y"k Ci" 11
Racy beauty of line, perfect balance.
Its appearance often sells it.
And il's as teen a rifle for its size as the most
highly developed military arm.
Built by expert gunsmiths on the Remington
Idea Solid Breech, Hammerless, Take-down.
Shoot J&gtiag&tZ-lIMG Lesmok .22s. Their
accuracy enabled Arthur Hubalek to break
World's Record in 1 00 consecutive shots, scoring
in a potuble Z.5UU.
H 5c
The Bread the Peopl
1 ID ToD hrea.l l.-i l)i. k. , ...
Ours are the oak.MS that take thi bread the
people IUe This Is the b.kery "hit tm.
ploys the bakers toat bake ih. bread trV
peop e like. Th. people of Omaha are th
peop . that su.t.ln tn. bakery th.r.mjlii,
the bakers that hake the bread the pica
like, llemctiiber, Its Tip Top bread.
5c at all grocers
e Like 9
li .
. ' ,.J:lM As. lfiartSiMIIWl,M; dV.TLZJ. TTT-
.it."; ,- u.
Comic Section
The Sunday Dee
Wi'fh Happy Hooligan, JJtVt
Nemo, the Katzenjammer Ki.. i
and the whoU interesting cm
I t
1 1
I ;
-: !
! 1
' I
I i
t r