Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 23, 1911, Image 2

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Trial cf Council Bluffs Phjsician
Well Under Wtj.
F flu
Yon Can't Buy Better Tlian Pest
You Can't Get Wore Than Most
The best styles, best leuthera and workmanship
the mot value because the most wear and service the
most styles from which to choose there's our Boys' and
Girls' shoes in a nutshell, and the reasons our expert
dioo fitters ure busy from morning till night.
Shoes in all leathers; button or lace styles, but only
ono quality, the best.
Boys' sizes 1 to fi $3, $3.50
Little Men's sizes $2.60, $3
Children's sizes, 8 Ms to 11,
at $2, $2.50
Big Girls' sizes
2Vi to G $3, $3.50
MisffV sizes
11 to 2
..$2.50, $.1
stir " . -
W TO)t
ww-icao fArnam zrxzzn
8 .V
accept tho consolidation cf Interests pro
fntri by Mr. Rockefeller.
"Oatea took ma lo Bockcfeller," mUU
Verrltt. ' I felt honored ( being called
befor such a msgnatr. Ha seemed to bo
a kindly, brotherly aort of a fellow. Ha
talked about tha weather and aMted aftor
my family. He mid ma that my brother
and I were all right, fur he had looked
via up and that we had done, a great'
work In Minnesota. Me laid If w would
agrr to tha consolidation h proiwaed
ha would taka cara ut u. II Mid he
would be proud to be my partner and
backer. He also said he never speeu
lated and for that reason would not take
sny stock In th consolidation.
"Ha would Just keep tha bond In the
propered Iek Superior Consolidated Iron
Min company that w wero organising.
Hla talkapturd me and I. told tilin I
would agree, Then 'ha turned me over
again to Tier. Dr. .Gates."
Gate told him' that rtocktfeller mi
hard up.
"By golly!" aald Merrltt, "I believed
him then, but now I. know that Oatea
a." .
Uwrfr Drltra Anion.
Arrangements for tha taking 6ver tit
tha bonds by Mr. Rockefeller -wer le
la.ved Inr aom time.
It wua brutal." said Merrltt, f'.tha way
v.a wera held back by George Vllworth
Muriay. ,ilr, . IUcktrfellrr' counsel, and
1 readier Uetes. In the meeting Gut
tnetaly tried to talkithe time away.
"I didn't Nnllae htl the dvUy were
jut .an excuse, to hold ua off. Finally
1 went to. one vt the directors of our
company, Vn lioiu-et vor.dmiin whom I
had known yearn before. He had ben
to see Mr. .Rockefeller and this man aald
to me: -1 '
"'I went to Rockefeller I.on, and Kara
A Friend's Adviaa Sates life.
I wish to apeak of the -wonderful eure
that I have reo!ved from your noted
Bwamp-Koot, the great kidney and blad
der cur. . Last summer 1 wan taken
with severe paina in iny back and. aides,
1 could not . braalhe without difficulty
1 tiled all the doctors from fur
and near, but they aalti.,' 1 1 waa no umu
to doctor aa i would, dlu-anyway.. i wo
at tha end of my rope ajul ;a au ralo
uaM with la.n aud the thought that I
must die that .words cannot tull . how 1
felt. One day a friend told ma of the
wonderful help she had received from
lr. Kllmer'a Bwamp-Koot. kiho gave mo
one of your pamphlets which 1 read ami
determined to try Swamp-Root. After
taking a half bottle 1 felt better. Have
now taken ten bottles and -am well ai
ever wan, thank to Swamp-Ilool.' I wish
to tellS.I sum-rink people that hare kid
ney, llvar or bladder trouble, that Tr
Kllmer'a 8-wamp-ltoot la -the beat mvdl
cine on the market.
Alt iieraona doubting thla atatement
i an write to ma and 1 will aniwer them
Yours very truly,
Kosalla, Wash
Suuauribed and eworn to before uie ihla
d day of July, 1J.
Verne Towne, Notary Public
Dr. kuiur Co.,
jutfiiMiwa, at. a.
Wkat Swtmp-K;t Will D lot Yu
bvml to ur. n..tiei' aV. Co.. lllnirttain
ton, N. V., tor a aaiuple bottle. It will
tuuvtiite anyone. Vou will alao recalra
a booklet of valuable Inf orn.atton, tell
Intf all about the kidneya and bladdc
When writing be aure and tnanllon Tn
Omaha' lwtly Ue . lUuUtr fifty-aant
and one-doll. ir alee boll lei for aala at
all druf alorta.
him a certain number of daya to do what
ha hud agreed to do . with you boya,
Today t went to aea him again and he
refund and I have quit.' "
At thla Juncture. Attorney Reed, Conn
er! for th ateel corporation, teked Chair
man Stanley If he all 11 theught thla Una
of tettlmorry competent In tha inquiry.
"Tha chair feola that right at thla
minute he la performing the greateit
ptibllo aervlro h ever did In hla Ufa,"
Mr. Stanley replied.
"'In connection with tha Interstate com
merce law?" Inquired Mr. Raid.
"To humanity," was Mr. Ptanley'a
tern reply. Here Mr. Merrltt took the
thread of hm atory again and deaortbed
ahother Interview be had with ftv. Mr.
Offer to I. el Him lar In.
'Thla Interview, waa while hla atock
waa atlll up at collateral with Mr. Roche
feller. '"Oatea cam to me," aald Mr. Jtarrltt,
"and aald, 'I come from- John I). Rocke
feller. Me he made up hla mind Jut
what h want dona and I have come to
tall you about It and am proud to do It.
Tha ether day I took ; ILOOftooo of Mr.
Hockafellcr'a money to Chloago and gave
It to th Chicago, tmlvwalty. t thought
that wa th proudant . moment of my
lire, but I am prouder now." "
Th with aald Gate outlined to htm
how Mr. Rerkefeller and hla tntreata
eouid throw him and hla brother out of
the company to proteM other tntartata.
but aa they had born th "burden and
fioat"-of lh day, h believed they would
reap tn benefit.
vaiea taid .that Mr. Rockefeller
would rathee rtfal with tu." Merrttt oon.
tlnued, "and 1f we would dal with htm
we could remain In the fompany nd be
taken car Of. In order to do that he
aald w would Irnv to do the will of
uociioreller. I llatened In ajmaaement
when he aald.tht If llorkfeHr pro
tected u th atock of other would
be thrown down and h mentioned the
ame of averal men. My brother, who
waa proaant. turned to Uatea and aald:
Mr. dates, we've got lawa in our
ountry. To do what you -want to do
would land ua In jail. Mr. Rockefeller
with hla rroo.COO.OOO can't mak ua do
"1 turned to Gate and aald: 'Mr. date
you cam from John D. Rookefoller. tin
back lo John 1. Rockefeller and tell him
that when I atoal for a living. I will a teal
tor my eel f.'
loja (saliva Had!.
' "It waa toon after thla Interview that
waa itMlfled that we woud Have twen
ty-lour hour to tak up our loan.
There I wa with all my tock tin
atocka that I have never arrn since. I
didn't hav money enough to get horn
with, (late aeemed to-be amaaed to
think that 1 wouldn't do whit h wanted
n to do and at on ttm told m I
would hav to walk horn on th tie."
Mr. Merrltt grew elicited aa he told the
tory and turning udenly in hi chair
and facing George W. Murray, Mr. Rock-
efeller counsel, pounded th table aa ha
I couldn't aea how In h I could have
gon to New York with mllllona and In
thoea few month hav loat them all and
wa standing ther contemplating th
wreck. I had gon . there piscina confi
dence in Mr. Murray aa counsel "
"I would Ilka tu Interrupt here." said
Mr. Rockefeller's osunael, rtsfaag to hla
feet. to hav th wUnese kd If I
ver acted aa his counsel. Any auoh atat.
ineut Is an abaolut faUahood.'
Til answer that." aald Mr. Merrltt.
"Weren't you th rounael for the Con
solidated company T And dtdrt't you act
with me thmuKhout theae tfoteedingar'
Iter Cliairman Mianley tnterrupird and
suld he did not propose to hav wit
nvsses Insulted, but bo Permitted ba
question aa to whether Mr. Murray had
ever acted aa Uerrttt'a rVrsou! cuunvvl
ami tha witness said he had not.
Allegation Made Defendant Wa,
Ward of the Utate and t
la Reapeaalble tondl
tlen. (From a Staff Correspondent)
DE3 MOINES, Kov. 22 Siieolal Tele
gram.) Taking of testimony was begun
late today In the trial of Ir. Hnrrv Kelly
of Council Fluffs for double murder here,
the first wltneisea being the doctors who
fit st eaw the murdered deputy sheriff.
Wootman. and Rtarzlnc. the bartender,
after Kelly had killed them.
The Jury waa Impaneled after most of
the day wa used In finding right men.
The county attorney detailed to the Jury
the w!l known fart aa to the manner
In which Kelly killed the two men, and
John Mulvaney, ftir th defense, outlined
what th defense would be. In effect he
aid It wouM be shown that Kelly wa
wholly Irresponsible, that hi mind had
become dlHuied and he waa subject to
faaMuclmitlons and was impelled by In
sane desire to kill people, even hi father
and mother. Tie denied some of the state
ment made aa to what really transpired
which would Indicate some conflict of
testimony, but In the mnln the defense
will rely on 'towing tlit Kelly wa
Insane and Irresponsible and at the time
waa In f:ct a ward of th state end In
custody of a deputy mho was banrelv re
sponsible for his crime. Twenty witnesses
hove lieen summoned for the tate and
thirty for the defense.
Mraln Men Confer.
Grain shipper of 1 Moines and tribu
tary territory assembled here for an In
formal resslon w'.ilcli ha been devoted
to a discussion of more efficient methods
for the chipping and handling of RrHln
In Its transmission from producer to the
consumer. One of the Important que
tlons considered as that of buying and
elllni com on th moisture test basts.
To End Prison Probe.
The prison probe commission will go to
Kort Vindteon tomorrow to conclude It
Investigation of the penitentiary. Oeorge
Corson, attorney general, chairman of th
commission, made thle announcement to
day. Two sessions of the board have
been held. Th board will take evidence
at th penitentiary during the remainder
of the week and II work at the Institu
tion will be concluded.
& .i-;,sf--,A:- ' '-.-:.t- jai.J.l: ',mmtd&mk
a. w. bchkoedkh.
Three Physicians Testify ia Stehr
Korder Cue at Madison.
OLEXWOOD. la., Kov. 22. 'Special.)
Deputy Sheriff A. S. Kdward brought
In from T'nrt Wortli, Tex., Krl Men
denhall. wanted her and under Indict
ment for criminal assault. Thomus Fogel
and Cliff Hooker are In custody her
upon flie same charge. Their case will
probably come tip at this term. The of
fense charged waa committed last
August. Maud Rodman, a young gVI
about 14 years old, a member of tha
family of 8. If. Peter, South of Ctlen-
wood disappeared from her horn and It
wa several day befor she wa found.
It developed that eevera? men and boy
war connected wlifl he 'abtenfle, that
she hsd been seen In several localltlea.
When finally found her ' condition wa
uch that Tor several daya she was .under
a physician' -are., .
Other indict menu war , founa agslcs
other supposed to1 be Implicated In thla
offense, but offlcnr hav so far fallod
to locate ' them. Deputy' Sheriff Edwards
located Mendenhall at Sulphur. Okl., fcut
It waa necessary ffor hint to follow the
fugitive to Fort Worth, Tex., be for slop
ping him.
Atory of Nsrae Tends to Hboa that
Ike Cklld Waa lleaten and
II raised After III lel
Hrrf Froirn.
CEDAR t'Al.1,8. ia, Nov. I2.-(8pecial.
Two more death of student of th
Iowa But Teachers' college of typhoid
fever hss caused what almost amount to
ooneternatlnn among the pupils nnd the
faoulty. Following the death of . Leslie
Compton at Klllduff, where he had gon
oon after being taken kick. Ml Beside
U Dial and Ml Mary I. Gregory died
at th college hospital here. Miss Dial'
home 1 In Waukon. She was a senior.
Miss Gregory wa born In Chins, Th
body Is to be taken to Ellwood for buttal.
MADISON, Neb., Nov. 22.-(ipeulal
Telegram.) The trial of Henry Stehr,
charged with the murder of his 4-year-old
stepson, Kurt Htehr, wa resumed at i
o'clock this morning with Dr. Tashjean,
who had oliarg of the operation In the
witness box. II stated that in his Judg
ment the bruise and other marks on the
boy's body did not , contribute to th
child's fever, which wa caused wholly
by gangrenous feet. Dr. Salter, who as
sisted In the operation, testified that
one foot dropped off at the anklo whll
amputation was progressing; that - the
boy' system was affected with gangren
ous pulson befor amputation ami. he
would have died without the amputation.
Dr. Verge testified that he was called
to th Stehr home by Mra. Stehr, Jan
uary 19, two days before the operation.
and found the boy' feet gangrenous and
one foot practically rotted off at the 1
Okie; that the boy's body was greatly
emaciated, while Dr. Tashjeau testified
that It waa not enuclated. I)r. Pllgera'
testimony substantially corroberated the
testimony of Dr. Verges.
Two Naameo Testify.
Mrs. Krnestin Klanta, nurse, was re
called to show th conversation whlob
took plac between Btehr and herself.
Ml KUnt and others at her horn
when h brought the child tlrer. fih
aid that h told them that the boy's
feet War fro en In th blizzard about,
January 1. Whsn asked what he had
don for th lad he replied the he placed
th boy' tct tn warm water and after
ward after consulting a Uerman book
ot remedies , had TSrocures some VAeelfmi
nd rubbea u oo .th fco-: feet. . j-
Mils Kltntz, " thV, professional aurse,
bavin f charge Of th 'cfcse, recalled
and tastttled of th.e ca-se( : was .reoalkid
Stehr, substantially as given by Mrs.
ICIents, her mother. Who stated further
that there wa a cut aero the boy'
tblgh six Inches long of recent Inniction
and stripes on his abdomen, extending
half way across the stomach, ther being
vral of therru appearing as if made
four or flv day before. The testimony
of both nurses calculated to show that
th child had received Inhuman treatment
after hi teet had been frosen, a well aa
before, could not b shaken by the cross-
examination on th part of the defense.
Tha defendant sits In the court room
upright,' With scarcely a change of ex
praialon, but thsr Is avldenc of ner-
Wotaaea to Proaeot Play.
LOGAN, la., Nov. Special. )-The
women of th Methodlut church of Logan
will glv a play, "Mary Jan Cummin,"
at the opera hooao hero Friday trenlng,
November J4.-C. W. Hunt, I'r. M. a.
Humphrey, "J. C. Mllllman, M'.ss Klenor
Mllllmsn, Mra. I. C. Wood. Jlru. C. A.
Kennedy, J. H. Jonson, men Btearna,
Frank Stearns, Mra. J. K. Van Scoy,
aorgt Stan and Fred Seabury ar
among th different one who will appear
In tha play. Mrs, V. K. O'Conaer of
Woodbine. Mr. W. H. Jonson ot Logan,
Mr. O. r. Sooner, th high school or
ohestra "and tho city bund wt.. furalali
vocal and Instrumental mun.e fur the
7ii (m w
Of Tear Old SioveW Credit If
Taken in fochangejgU You Wish
9 DtEJSEBS B . fe
for nearly half a century acknowledged
THE BEST the make your parents used and
our Grandparents before them. Don't experi
ment with unknown nnd nntriotl makes when the
4 Peninsular M costs no more. They have larger
and longer fluo base than txther makes have
greater radiating surface and enables one to heat
any given number of rooms with one-fourth less
coal than any other make of Heater you can buy
-s "1 Tills Heater
at only
is one of our great Peninsn
lar Base Burner specials
a powerful base heater
perfect self -feeder; large coal
magazine with air-tight gas-proof cover: has hot
air flue for heating upper floors, esxra largo
base flues, best floor wanner, everlasting
firebox, largo ash pit, superior in every de
tail, elegantly trimmed in nickel, full nickrl
dome. Better see this splendid lloater it is
a value that can't be equaled.
ke ot neater y
y. 6))
r; is a I "J
H 75
no TtiM t& morns cnair
All Omaha. Solid quarter snwed oak. rich
In either golden oak fumed oak f.n'sh, arenulna
or mahogany fl ilnh; leatner cnshloas. Positively the
four larxe drawer, best Morris chair wne ever knew
aaiuara bevel mirror, to be Bold at an equal price; a
Other big dresser heavy substantial chair, patent
special this oale at adjantsble back, uack ana went
lii.7R, fM.85 and aet with oil tempered uteel
fit. 76. rrice M fl f springs; ana upnoi-
of dresser t mWtl "tered In gen-
her shown ilrr leather,
la only This sale
'en -pieet
Stool Rango Lt-
Yes. tha famous "Pen
insular" Bteei Kange
and tho prlc is only
sKv.Tb. it is -noie
with high warm
close t, mad
throughout of licavy
araauire c.oia TOiieo sree
plate, riveted together
like a st earn.' boiler
guaranteed to heat,
cook and )ake to your
entire oAtrsf action
Is a big fuel raver,
scientific eonstruetton.
smoke -onumln
flues, ventilated fire
box, duplex grate for
roal or wood. ln.rre
nven tl oven baok,
nobestoa oven lining,
I balance oven door,
making a shelf; brnad
flue bottom, circulation
of hot air around en
tire oven, tiatitomo
nickel trlmttilnww all
over. The blgireet val
ue you ever aaw
Peninsular Oak
A handsomely designed
neater, full nickel trlmn.ed.
nost flurahlo fire box, pat
ent -draw renter grate, Screw
draft reclsKor, air
tight swing top,
absolutely goaran
'tewk I'rlca onry - .
j15l3-1515 HOWflRl) STUEET
Hot Blast Heater
An absolute urn ok e oonsum
ing Hot Blast; burns alack
coal, soft coal, hard coal,
.coke. Wood or rubbish; ti.ost
aconomtnal otove; mwny new
real urea ; nama
somely nickel
tjoeclal at . '
nmny new
vousness underneath , his xpresKinies
?rw Postal Banks.
WASHINGTON. Nov. K.-tSpodal Helo-Kram.)-Poatal
savings banks Will' be
established December N20 as follows
Nebraska-Hebron, Pierce, Silver Creek.
Iowa-Buffalo Center, Medlapolls, Par
kereburg, Whatcheer, Williams.
South Dukota-Artealan. Parkston.
f AXATIVK BROHO Jtnlne, the world
wUie Cold and Cirip remedy romoves
cause. Call for full name. lx.ok for sig
nature K. W. GROVK. fee.
Suits and Overcoats to Order 20
fcnowv day are "just over the edge of tomorrow.
The nftde-to-measure Overcoat that your own
tastes and your own good judgment urges you t a secure
should be secured without fail and without further delay.
And unquestionably-you know it should bear the
MaeC?arthy-Wilm label -the label that warrants the
verv highest order of tailoring service.
Kverv cannent guaranteed peneci m m uuu cvj..
7 $2Oto$50
MacCarthv- Wilson Tailoring Co.
804-800 Houth 1-th Virt. H 8tP- uth l FrttAn,
tilrl Get Big Uaaaaasea.
DENISON". la.. Nov. ZJ.-tSpc:al.)-A
Jury which had been considering tha caaa
of Loulea M. Miller against John Weiss
fur three day gave her a verdict for
2,000 damages on a statutory rharge. Th
defendant la a young man living en a
farm eight miles south of Charter Oak.
The case attracted much attont.oa, both
.n th country where tha young peopl
lived and In Ienleon during th prosree
of the trial.
Heaviest November
.way rp ' .; MgrJfi
ragymrpvircB Biiowtaii in Wyoming
Uiintcr is Here!
It ua Uelall our double
Weather Hlrlp on your win
dows. Can be put on botu
Old and new houses. Keeps
out the cold and dust. Your
window will uever rattle.
We also strlu doors, making
them cold and wind prool.
We will bo pU-ased to call
and ijlaln the merits of
the American weather strip.
Hole AReuts Anericaa
WVitlMT HtHp Co.
Voug. 45l. 3;l Ware Ulk.
Sayder to titve Lrrtsre,
IXUAN. la.. Nov. XL (flpnal.)-0. W,
Hunt, secretary of the organisation of
Harrison county, promoting the short
course, received 'word this morning from
A. H. Rnyder. a professor In the Ames
Agrteultursl college, that he will be In
Uoran Wedneday, November 23. and will
address all of thosa Interested In a suc
cessful short course at 10 a. tn.
' Bl'XIJUHT, Wyj.. Nor. Ji-(
Traffic through tht aectlon ha bron
stoppad, twlng to th uuuaual tlepth of
snow .n the basin. Thvre 4. 3 ..
ket of enow un the lre4 unu lu tuv
mountains ficm four to six iret Is re
portil. This ts the hearleat Novihrr
snowfall tn the ra-rolltctlon of ths ploiiic.'
fcaow ta so aleep In the big game coun
try south west of Cody and cloee iu ths
Vellowetotre park that hunter are un
lablo tu bring out tht.r ginie. E!k and
othiT big game, Mnce the t-loae of the
hava lcoma uutte sociable and
now mingle Mlih th hurxes at several
hut.lers' camps and t tha ranche. wkst-e
they help themselves to hay and ;iain
j Trails have been luado through llie deep
'snow stid the lust of the hunting paritoa
ar now an rout to Cody.
Vetvrlaaetaas la Coart.
OLICNWOOl), la., Nov. .-48pekl.
Judgv Woodruff convened dlxtrlct court
In Olenwoad, yesterday. The first cse
l that of OMIey agalmrt Humphrey.
These gentlemen are the two veterinary
suigeona of XUIvrrn. Dr. Oldley com
plains that he bought Humphrey's prac
tice and residency under an agreement
that Humphrey would not again lake up
the praftlr at Malvern. lr. Humphrey
baa resumed practice there and Gtdley
asks damages for thla alleged violation
of contract.
JO ! I
Mi y!
Here Is t Brand You
Should Try
Hillcr's Straight
Smooth palatable ana tvMl
to moat 41.00 kind. The lliHer
atiusp on every bottle is a
foHitive goarantee of it pur
ty. Prefe rrel by some of the
most illucrnnlnatUig wblakay
Toll tjuart 80a
Half tllon. 1.60
Tail Orssl-m 3.00
ttallnu or more sent express
Oilier Liquor Co.,
130 fMRMt pT.
If It Cot X-rom KlUr'fe
It Must Ve Oood.
South End 16th St.
Homo of tho
"Long Ton"
Key to the Bltuation Jief Want Ads.
IstsrUtr ton Trwauptra Weaass.
IOWA OITY, la., Nov. 8p-ial.
Mr. Frank West wa nearly killed this
vvtnlni; when an infuriated ovw turned
suddeaily upon her, knoohed her down
and trauiplad her. The woman waa res-
cuod by her tiuband, who suoceeded in her from th cow' reach. Th
Injured wuuinn all) live.
For Christmas-a Piano
... ry r Tsa m-ata
Xo more frtttn ami praencat wnauM 'Z
than that cr piano- Kvery hormo ahouU ptssw i pfitnoa-ool
niano. Kvcry homo Intend to we wo. 7 f?
mike nr1urn . dm. tn rttthte ta.tnrmem sunt Hci.i. Ut
iter at which to bu. It!
Hoiue will give you more piano-depend ability.
Hospe U1 glTe you greater and richer piano tonal u-M7.
Hospe wUl pre ou more for yturr money and maVce jor
piano fhristmat fltt the bt that roa possibly n Nr.
Hero r a list of hlxh grade pianos at pncea ahleh are tow.
when Uie quality ot th Instruments U considered.
HUoaan Hiui-.Un. Kmnlrh it IUrt. Ktish I r-- lble-XeU
on, ITror V Co., KrcmUa Saw, Ilalla-t-liavU and Hosp.
llraiH'lt Store, 407 llroatlway. Council lUuffs, Ioa.
1314-1515 DOCGluVS HTKEtT, OMAHA.
The Best Christmas Gift
No gift for
man or woman
Is ao accept
able, ao much
to be desired
or so perma
nently valu
able as a really
fine diamond.
If vou wish
i'fi!- to please any-
. '?:. " ono you can
make no better
choice for
Clirtstinas thu
a beautiful dia
mond from tho
Kiiholni ctillec
iim. or If you
Wt.111 to 11M.VC U
diamond for
vour own uatii
you will find
no better stamea
than those li
t.layeo hei e.
'i'ho price ra:iK
is certain to
give you a dlu
niond to suit
your taste at a
price that will n.eet your put-so
Don't Merely Bay Invest
sittuitk and Barney. Omaha.
Tonight kbas Butterfly Bat. Kat.
Friday Iiucla dl tammermoor at.
Migkt "VU laOVaTOat."
Popular Matinee Wed. and Bat. .
Estra Was. Thanksgiving Day
Direct From a Rolld Tsar's Kan mt
Daly's Theater, Jt.w Tork.
Prlo 96o to Sl.BO .
uniaba' ran Oaatar.
Another $l-tO attraction at our iiioea
liarrv Lltr Mason, Klolse Wauaowj,
Jack "Conway and Buperlor Cast. The avl
aling h.aKle and Olrl" flights ovtir aud..
ence. Lobnter 8q. Chorus.
Ladies' Din Uatlae svsry Wk Day.
Tonight and AU Wk, Mat. Tn,
Thursday and atatuxaay .
rios as Osti-y
U38S liVA I.AMU and ths
"Next Week 'Glorious Betsy."
Dong. 484.
Intl. A-14t4
a nvANrr n vaudlvilli-.
licrniln Blnn fe Lti., Wynne broth
ers. J'rlmrose Kour, Karl Knnny ami hi
I'eis, Crouch St Velcli. Williams St. Setal,
The 'Three i.yrea. KiiiCtoncope, Oryl;uiu
Concen urcheHtra.
Prloea, night: 10s, 35c, 60o, 75s. Mat
Ine loo, best at B6o, acyt tlatuvoaj
tut Sunday. .
Bom cf Tamily Burlsaqoe.
Wat. 3:30, alight 8:30. Beat Beats 5Co
Ladles' Dally atatina. Any Beat 100.
Cliarus lilrio ton it si Tomht.
is tho home paper of Nebraska, j
Ycm reach people who bnyj
whec von advertise in The Dee j
A tudf i . uuejf, Mavuroay
H.lw a Ihlacssr rssentg
In Hi Bl- nocesa
"A rooL TXtki mil"
Btatlna Saturday.
Bandayi Tha Mweetaat Girl In Vau-t.