Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 23, 1911, Image 14
Till: WEE: OMATM. TITUnSDAT. NOVEMBER 2.1, 1011. v'OM ii Never Hiv.. a Blrvjcr Bannia Buy That Overcoat NO'.V! Men's $1.00 Pant3 at .. Fxtra. heavy all wool worateda. rasxlmeres and c-bevlota. S5 1 Men Mimi 4 mxmn tr IS mm Rnv An Ovproat or . 'in Suit at About One- fi? . - - . r Third Off Its Actual Valuel $11! Men's $2.00 Pants at . . . All wool material hravv weight n a. t stripes. A SPECIAL SALE OF CLOTHING! " BBBBBBBBBBBB HBBMBBlMBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaaBBBl BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB, MBBBBBBBBMBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHMMMBBBBBBBMBBMM Drandeis Bauht An Eastern Wholesale Tailor's Stock -s Overcoats and "Suits AT LESS THAN THEIR ACTUAL COST TO. MANUFACTURE Mill, i;'f My'meM'f i 1 1 I'&tM-fflMi' $ IF 1 1 ? t" f f 'I I III lllit lllll lllLIII V l'l v I M VBT, l'alIIlaT al - mww i or. w -. arm-s '7 fiVri'i! F. -r ' ' II'' B - manufacturer needed ready cash and sold us all his stock oThand at a big 'sacrifice. .3t ...l.. . "'7 cu,t m W1B Purco " grade In every way. New styles desirable pattern ri7 ' Every m s won- All ffkp 7W i OVERCOATS and SUITS . Overcoats with, con 2? vertible collars Isomo O extra loner cut suits arc well made and extra heavy. ; : Worlh op (o 510.50,. All the Hen's Suits and Overcoats $M90 From the Eastern Wholesa er'i Stock, Worth up lo $25, at . . These are the finest clothes in the purchase. Overcoats are high grade ma terials and newest, classiest styles. Butts are all hand tailored and Include all wool blue serges and faricy mixtures. Newest Btyle ideas for winter 1911. IWttUdcia Old blorer All the Men's OVERCOATS . Hlnck Kerseys with Astrakhan collars, fan cy velours with velvet or convertible collars. Suits are new winter styles and patterns. ' Wctth cp to $16.50, lr wM rta iBaJS1 rt..Vl Vb S. & II. Green Trading Stamps. Given Jt rce witn ali Purchases at This Store. TO V The Recent Cold Snap Caused Prices in Boys' Store to Tumble When the "cold spell" came mothers had to buy the right kind of winter clothing for their boys and, naturally,' they came to Ben nett's. They found great assortments hero and only garments-that are made to fit, wear and give satisfaction. , Many makers say Bennett's aro too fussy, about the way their boy.'s clothing shall be made-pay too much at tention lo the letails. Nothing short of the very be&t' money can procure 13 good enough for this store. That's why many makers do not supply our boys' store. Well. thl3 extensive selling resulted In many broken lines, and since we never allow odds and ends or broken lines to accumulate we have fixed a price that will move them out Thursday. Suits in Lot No One are made of high grade all wool materials in medium and dark patterns--not a suit worth less thin $3.50 ' and from that price up to $3 all 'sizes in the assortment for boys from 3 to 16 years, Thursday while they last Lot No. Two consists of about seven-ty-five suits from $3.00 lines that have been good sellers all season. To close them out, .Thursdav. we have m-irk! mem clown to your choice at $1.95 the suit. Little fellows' all wool rompers in plain blue and grey shades, neatly trimmed, guaranteed fast colors-the $100 kind at 75c. 1U rlllinren's felt and Tel- . Itnva' lulimaa In a vtrUlv nf vet hats worth up to $1.60 each, to close out, Thursday, at 40c each. patterns and colorings; sizes 4 to 16 years; ,N9c, Sl.OO, $1.25 and $1.50 the suit. GOING TO. r. MOVE February 1st, 1912, we will move to,221V4 South ICth street in the Paxtou Block,, 3 doors " north' of Farnam street. S, W. Lindsay, Jeweler 1616 Dwiifflas Street OU RREMOVAL, SALE NOW IN PR08RESS BUY YOUR XHAS PRESENTS NOW () . . SPECIAL SALS ON OUR MAIN FLOOR A New York Wantifictarcr's Samples and Sarpltn Stock Vomea's High Class Novelty Neckwear THEY ARE WORTH UP TO $1.50, at 50c EaC3 Fancy lace and net fichus, jabots, sido frills and nW. yokes, Dutch and tailor collars inVeuiso and crochet ef- med with fine Oriental laces, shadow embroidery, real cluny, also crochet and .Veniso effects. All the very latest novel ties for street and evening wear, also very appropriate Xor Christmas gifts. ' None of This Neckwear is Vorth Less Than $1, and Many 61 Them ire Worth Upto $150. Thorsdiy Main floar 50c j Thursday Special Brandeis Cloak Dept. Women's Long Plush Coats $H 1)50 m Colored Satin Linings, at . . . .&. fYj Here aro the stunning long coats that are so wonderfully ml ,i.uji uuh tsensoa. iney are oi excellent quality ana nre tins season. made in beautiful styles that are in high favor fcV, lucre are scores to select from. Women's Heavy Long Mixture Coats,$8 ,V , t The myst practical coat a woman can buy this season, Vf-'Teh coat, is .a new. model. Made of heavv winter fnhrit-s with Soft .9Sc Special new group' of .Women's Hweater Coats, colored and wkite. ' high, or low necks. a i 91a; $1.50 V the lnrge reveres and other strictly new style features. . V Special, lot of Women's .Tailored rr, waists and those popular ?J . Collar FlaBnel Waists. U'-X. a ni, .i p . . juuuBiuiuB oi me genuine French, hand made and hand embro'dered hi muslin underwear atprtcea never before orrered la Omaha. I3eautirul ft gowns, corset covers, .drawers, skirts and combination garments. This , ueiBjea smpineni on which we were given a big allowance. We 1 OuriGreat Sale of Hand I-Iade Lingerie give onr customers the entire benent of thU great price reduction. Ik"" ' to i I: - J! yan's Fall Opening Starts Today Lady visitors will receive an imported cup and saucer of the genuine Wedgewood make, selected by Mr. Ryan on his last European trip. You are not requested tp buy just come in and look around. , , RYAN JEWELRY CO. 15th and Douglas Sts. TO QtJftgp C9JR?$f (J'liJ tQQo crjrrra. n A. .v. , Next Saturday Is Our Remarkable Sale Tomen's Tailored Suits at $7i$15 Thursday Specials S Mammoth 2,(00 lb. Chw. . pel- lb ii6o Swedish Cheese, Sato Clieeaa, Iinjiorivil and liumtHio Kwian ( hrese. Hixjuefort I hvrHe, rtup Siwo ttueKi l'uncy Jar I'lifeB. llluw LaLcI C'h!e, V.i!liii Ctiteo. Caaiuiu bart L'fieoao. Dill pickles, per do. ISO, SOo Celery ralLsh or Chow-Chow. I f i- it SOo fctrl.'tly froah .eg); a, euaran- (eeu, per uoaen ova 100 tKixea rooklns or eating appleu. per box SiXW Tokay t rapes, txtrA fancy, or tiutiiel SOo aa4 too Turkish ftga, per lb. 13o Catawba crapea. per tanket SOo lycr ralalna. in cartona 8So 1 ancy baskets, all kinds, col ors anil aliHpea, wltb anl without covers, each . ...S6o to 93.00 Ke Imported aardines, per tin. at to rakes "Mario W aulier" aonp. doea all th work ..Sao lo freh, crisp l'retvls. per lb So rjl S ram "Nabob" soup, asorri 1? at 85o j yt. .'ara Cjui-en Olives . (jt. JarH Mime Meat 2jC, tflowjjk Qf&sk ( gawg J For ' a "Man's Shoe - ' Three-fifty can bur mere lu shoe value at our store in our Young Men's Shoes than yon csn usually get for 5.00. The mark of quality is found In these shoes styles, appear ance and fit. These three found elsewhere only in higher priced shoes. It's worth jour time to look fcr these shoes will set a new standard of shoe values for you. fThey are made In velour and bos calf, vlcl kid and Russia calf, high toe. button or late tan or black, for , ' S3o50 V . Drexel Shoe Co. THESE SUITS ARF. WOriT AT.T. TTTW WAV TTT Tn'eiKrn A, I W A A J SlUU.bU. .8tecial purchase of samples and gether with your choice of all these suits in our ttook that have hHn bellinir up to jft Sl.' flt $7 (inil oil T- uul cuii a iiiui uotc Dl'lT reiuii up to t.ij.lKJ at iflO.lX). . i. r r a P" r3 r rn tras na n tza r rw w ch - i ' i ' L. . INI jJtm II ! Ban t U U L- A U J L Lvia H I Via BOB 1410 Fitrmam Si. THAT NO LOSS can coma to your Jewels or PrlvAa t apeia ny Bccuiina u nicely locatod krtvata Mia of your own in our Aiou trn Hit; unj MurKlar t'roof aultj. To luaka sure ot Home liluc u a lurJ ii.m.rr; lih this. it' alinply a i w of taylnif than Oae Cut a Day fw u ear's rental OJIAHA SAFE DEPOSIT & TRUST COMPANY. treat Satiaaco to VaoJta. . l14 rAXsTAU msiT. Auction Sale of 175 H'ts of unredeemed lKuehold gtKd, .November 27, "K, Omaliit Van and Storage Ca., 1 ICO X. lttli ht. Rclfablo Dontlctry AT Tali's Cental Rcras Big Special Clothing Purchase, the Entire Floor Stock of P. GOODmAH. Mow York Secured for Cash at 50c on the Dollar. ON SALE BEGINNING FRIDAY 1 See Display In Our 16th St. Windows. F-LIAfJt..r,TOP:- Watch Papers for Special Bargain Offerings. Vomen's and Pisses' Winter Coats An entire manufacturer's stock, .secured at a splendid bargain for cash offers matchless Sav ing Opportunities here in Thurs day's big sale. - 2C0 New Coats in black and fancy mixed fabrics, many worth $15, all latest models, nt n-i 130 Handsome Coats in Kerseys. r . ; "'U"wiuin8, xingnsn Suitings, etc.. made to sell ntifcv choice Thursday 11.95 Genuine Seal Plush Coats Skinner viVLned,' ni $25.00 XXXX Sealette Plush Coats $23.00 values, Thursday at $17.50 Long Russian Pony Coats Splendid ly marked, regular $50 values, on hoi.ce $29.90 Children-. Heavy Cloth CoaU-llncludlng bearskins, values to ?5.00, In all sizea 2 to 14 years, at i o- Children-B riaid DrewsRegular' vake up to 2.00; on sale at cqJv Silk Taffeta and Messaline UndersVirMu all colors, regular $5.00 values; In Thurs days sale, choice o nr sale Thursday at, choice... 4 v 1 1 " Dress Trimming Sale Thursday Thursday We Continue Our Wonderful Sale of Hijrh Aiuiiiiiugs, uiienng you 10 DISCOUNT On all Silk Fringes, Gold, Silver and Crystal Bands, CMounng lieserved 257o DISCOUNT On all Fancv Garnitures, also Silk Bands and Garni tures IJig Assortment. i r ?uijv. I.IUVL See These Three Grand Snecial Ra ?Ci on saie at, yd. . .5 0n sale at, yd. 35 Exceptional Millinery Bargains Bargains, in new nnrl mnet sirable untnmmed shapes never before equaled in Omaha. 100 Untrimmed Hats-Felts and velvets, values up to OC $2.50, at, choice 150 Trimmed Hats Values to $3.5p, your choice . . .39c 100 Trimmed Hat3 Values to $6.50 , your choice S1.50 Big Special Purchase of Fine .Wit iow riumes in plain colors or shaded effects, 67 Cfl 00 OC values to $20, at. 0 lOlrOUi J J All Millinery Marked in Haiti Figures. Underwear and Furnishing Bargains Thursday Vou Get Guaranteed Quality at ITice Saving Almost Half Here's """o opcinny ijooa v aiues. IiAdies Winter Welglit Hose Fleece lined or wool, valuer to ,BOc 12H and 23 Iiadies' Wool Jinlt Shawlu Black and colors, $1.00 and. $1.25 values, at 40 Ladies' Outing Flannel Gowns $1.00 values; also Aien's and Children's Gowns; good heavy weights, at -...4 Angora and Ire Wool, ukciii. .5 Ladies' Fleece Lined Underwear Vesta and panis, in white, gray or cream, values to $1.00, ,at 49S 30 and 25 Indies' fl.00 and VLCO Inion 8ults--All styles and colors, all perfect goods.. 75 and 49 Children's Fleeced I'ndcrwenr Vests or pants, all sizes, values up to 60c. 25S 20 and 15 German Knit ling Varu,' skelr Extra Specials for Thursday in Our Domestic he-cm OUTING FLAXNF.LS. There are various grades of Outing Flannels, but there U on)y one standard that Is the Amoskeag 1 921 and wc .Bell i tr a yard. The Amoskeag mllla makf the b goods in the world The Amoskeag Apron Checks, the Amoskea;: A. C A. Ticking tlfe lm"tatl"f.'Den,m8' etC-aU C8rrled by v. 0?S'iS ricearorJi;V"d!r.W.?. .!UnE. F,Dnne1, SOld hy "tUnt 10c; cur We carry the Superfine FlVnnVleVtes doublV fold', fino 'pa'tfeinf r.o''i.x.'or """"" ' - 26-inch Challlcs. fine Persian deslgns-lVr' klmVnV' - wrapnc'rt&or waists; always sella for 15c, our price w,UI,',cr" f RKADY MAUK SHLIJTS Thursday SpeiiVls 0 A fine, heavy Sheet. 72x90. worth 75c Ka. A fine, heavy Sheet, blxao, worth fj5c. . . " " " Sheets. , ... 3S, 48t 5sV75'iud 'si oS Our Tlii-eo-Hay Itlanket and Comforter Sale In SHU O.. Also see our Bed Spreads at 31 OO. "I i rji . $1.98. Nothing to beat them. 9l'vu and Attend our Thanksgiving sale of Fine Linens, Napkius To-r ings, Towels, etc. . . ' lllu'' Eead Hayden's Grocery Prices for II lbs. bet Urauulatd Sugar ..$100 Jo Lars Meat' tJn All oii Jio 48-lb. sack Jlyliin liuuond li flour, .luthinic 1Ik it for ll.e money, pvr UKC 9 IUh. best white or yellow torn int-ai for a! ( lbs. aood Japan rice 2ju 4 Ins. jupiii linad rlca Z5u 1 lb. cans saorted soups ...... j'-ic Oil or .nuitaril surdities, per cSn 40 ttroniantieljn, Jellycon r Jell-O, ikf., at Ttto Lttre liottlea Worcester uauee. t ickles or pura tomato catnup,. bot tle Mio Srlad TfUtm tot jroar paddlcfs, piss, vAkes and sauce. Cleaned o rants, III. in,. Kultuna irfltli'K, li l alilorrila eedleas raihlna, lb itlo l'ancy Italian prunes. Ih 1O0 emy Muscatel coukinK raisins, III., at 100 Kanry California cooking fiiia, lb. 10c Seeded raisins pu.rks.xe 8'-,o Ilajuund C or H uiiut e meat. pkr. kjc The e-t lemon, orange or citro.r pel. To -1'0 Thursday. ' They Are Interesting. The licut Mixed nnta, lb. . iE Halloween new dates, lb. U ancy luipoited dutca. lb. ... ,'2V"" Majden a made .t potlbl. '('. taaiea xua year round. T" S heads :ru tHl ieUuoe . for" t,U'uhe" Un'-' xa ladisnes S lare buiiVlu'a fa illy Sh'ul'loli' ! ' vt for'" ,u''t'he'4 ,ttUl' ''u carrots for1" "UIM'nea Texas Beets. 5 large bunches fancy Texas r.ips for Iarxe lettuce, each, ..'"'.' cu'-uilllXTN, eai Ii ; i. la-iiurma cauliflower, ib. yc I DC tur . luc . luc I amy I'allfo: ini t ur lb. rainy .uinac. i er n IVc 1 ancy iiulnj.o-.l n.iukFli, 4 ,.r li,"ii.c Fancy liruaai-U sprouis, i er lb j'Sc . Miiuerries, Clt. luc 3 bunrnei fresh (, Jersey ttaeet potutoc lb! j i. u tld Heet.1. i.'arrota. Turnips., 'par anlpa. at. per lb. .. Try KAYDEW'S First 9 y i