V THi:- r.KH: OMAHA. THURSDAY. XOVHMBKU 12... V.HI. 11 MOENY TO LOAX alary i.H Chattels. TIY USE OUR MONEY! rECAtPT! yott rsn mw it on vour flOl'SKHOI.t FURN'ITCRIC, PIANO!, fUTOMOHII.FR, TiASK BOwKf. iVAHK (OUltt BrXKlPT K KA L F.STATB and SALARrKtS In a few hours' tbae, pri vately and CHEAPKR than arty othei concern. NO M4TTLR HOW CHEAP THKY ADVERTISE, j Yoti may- refund the loan In small weekly or monthry payments that soon get yon out of debt. Our business la as private as, a bank and your friends, relatives and employer know nothing about It. T-.'o delay. Each application given prompt attention. Call on us for money to pay all your bills and you will find It quick and easy RELIABLE CREDIT CO. 5hlr4 Floor. 808 Paxton Slock. tt7 S. 16th. 'Phones: Douglas 1411 SJid A-14H. t?15 PORCA8-6 mom lower fat, modern except furnace, close to llanscom FarK, half block to csr. Only $17 per month, In cluding water rent. J. II. LANDEIIYOU, l45Rr. of Trade R1d. Tel Pong. JIM. KI.N. rooms, first floor, modern except hent, 2Mi Reea St. 81 room, second floor, modern except heat. 2i$ Rees St., $13 each. CUIUS BOYFR, 2M and Cuming Sts. BIOA l"l 1 FVl, LDKUA1 N K. Three and six-room apartments, steam (tea ted snd all modern In every respect: IHl to I1 Maple St. fee these. Douglas .1402. MF.NOF.IH1HT. Webster 1171.1. T1II1KR block A N I 4-KOUM flats. walking distance; modern exoept best: water Included, for only $18.ii0 and $13.50 per mon.ii. A nap for stmnll family. Call at 25-J1 Dewey Ae. See Mrs. King. THA.NKWOIVJNO MONklf. YllUll CRKDIT. Is as food here as your employer's Is at ins DenK. YOUR PLAIN NOTE Xa all we ak, no security, no indoraer. We are making EFECIAL THANKHUIV1NO RATF.3. Borrow $10.00, return 4Jc per week. Borrow 20.U, return bOc per week. Borrow $30 On, return 11.20 per week. Borrow $W.W, miirn 11.60 per week. Borrow JjO.OD, return $2.00 per week. Call and let us explain. OMAHA TRUST CO.. 437 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. lug. Bill. CLOiSU IN. Look at tM R atsth Ht., a 6-room, strictly modern "St. Louis" flat, within easy ' walking distance, Can be seen any time. Vacant December 1. PAYNE ft fLATtiK CO., Sole Agents. Sixth Floor Omsha National Bank Rldg. OFFERED FOB RENT. Board and O. M. K. hauls trunk Rooms, . d. cU. Porrola, family hotel, 2.th Ave, and Har . Rt. James Hotel Steam heat, bath home cooking; winter rates to few couples i ttf tier mo.: dally. II. 21. Near all theaters. WARM rooms and excellent meals. 212 s) K-th Ht. ' lhone J"Hugias 81IW. 31S N. 23d. beautiful furnished rooms, with board; all modern, walking ill. tance. ua iinuniu beautiful furnished rooms, board: convenient; all modern; walking distance. , " FCRNlMiKD room and board for sentlemon in Field club district. Ref erences exchanged. Harney 1.M1. 2111 DODOLAS rates reasonable. M R3. MILLIiR, ami room in oity. . Rooms and board ; bl N. 22d, bett board SL'ITK Of rooms: one large room; ex cellent home cooking; private family. Call Harney 4o. FOR a dainty dessert use Dalzcll s bo cream.' If Mrs. D. O. Curry, 112 N'o. IM Ave., will come to The Bee office within three days we will give Iter an order for a quart brick of this fine Ice cream. t-'omtshrd Rooms. BRIGHT, warm room In private family; close to Crelgliton college; rea eonable. Phone Harney 6238. FINE for two young luaies; good fam ily: very convenient. pnone tiarnry was, Dewey Luiopean Hotel. 13lh c Farnam THE 8URlNi!.K rooms, Miigie una en iilte. tnooern. Dtith and Harney. LAiUiE front room; newly decorated and furnished. Harney 4215. TWO tiicely urnlshed rooms; steam lieat; all anodern. m North 2Uti St, tlat 7. Telephone H. 1833. 2rUtt Capitol Modern two blocjis to car. furnished room DESlltAbLti turnlshed room, private family. - N. 2ith. Phone Webster Wi5, W7 N. 17th 2d floor, modern, furnished, ateam-heated rooms FRONT pallor ior two gentleintn; mod- rn. Phone IKiukibs wit. TWO aeb-iratue ruoms tor four young men. . J01 H. 2ith Ave. ThK,.K all lnoaein, nicely fnrmsntid rooms tor housekeeping. taiH N. 21st. 25i8 VODO&i alcove front room; two blocks to car. Harney 30UO. , 611 N. lKth, moat-rn furnished room, gas, 'bath, furnace heat. . sib s Stii H. large east room, newly d?c orated; Just the thiug for three or four young men; reasonable; oouru, tsiricny modern. 1. 7W7. KV'ERlf ixrson knows who L. O'Brien Is because he has mude Omah famous with his candy. If Miss Anna Thomson, line N. Sad 8t.p will come to The He office tvithln three days we will give her an order for a 60-cent box of O'Brien's enndy free. OKFKHKO VOl ltKNT and six room IHth snd Webster. flats Martls alt n .-room flat on Khermnn Ave. Web. B7iiR. HOT water heated, best system heat. l-room new flat, all hardwood finish. $47.. SOB S. Kd. Fully modern, 5-room heated apart ment In the excellent West farnam dis trict; very choice. JOHN W. RORKIXP, 1W3 FARNAM ST. 1S36 X. rooms. ITBfurnlshed Rnoma. 17th 4 unfurnished basement 119 N. 17th, rooms; bath. 2d floor, 4 unfurnished OrTKKKO I'OU HKXT Itonara and t ottasrea, THINK Ontrnl, cheapet 7-room house With hath, basement. In city. Apply I'm N. 331. 8-1UKIM boussk modern except heat. N. IMth 8t.. $J0. 7-room house, modern except heat, ISIS Charles PL, $lf. rooms. 2d floor. HOC N. Kth St., mod ern except bent. $14. t-room cottage, modern except heat, $9JI N. ZM St.. $.. 6 rwm house, modern except neat, lCIS Corby St., $l'.t -ronm, 1st floor, liW N. tsth St., partly modern, $l!. -room, id floor. 1PX! N. Wth St.. toilet. $13. 7-room house, modern except heat, J90J I sard 8t., $20. CHRIS HOYKTt, 2.!d and Cuming Sts. 2(B& pTuKKiTif., $1. rooms, modem except furnace, and will be in first-class condition; $14 In cludes water. HARNF.S J WII-SON. M Bee, H. 34t. 3101 Wirt. 9-U., garage. 702 N. 40th, opposite Cathedral, S-R. garage. 1.117 Pewey. 6-R. brick, close In, new. 4328 Charles, 8-R.", nil modern, two fam ilies can use. 8203 Corby, 6-R., modern cottage, two corner lots. 972 N. nxth Ave., 7-R., rottane. 3 lots. 1341 fl. Sift, 6-R. cottage, faces park. O'KKBKB REAL ESTATK CO., lfllfl Omaha Nat l Hunk. Ioug. or A-21R2. T-ROOM modern house, good barn, 4a'!! Parker St.. $27.50. 70H N. 30th St., 8 rooms, modern. $27 SO isir. li.iimn fi-room flat, irood condition, modern except furnace, only $17. Northeast corner Mil and Larlmore Ave., six rooms, modern, $22.ft. R. II. LANDERYOU, Tel. Pom-law 441 Board TradeBldg. I.-ROOS1 modern house, 17D1 S. 9th at., $30. rKUst)x.ii MW1"! I ! W Bath, suit glow nromstlc 'lUI fi treatment. Mrne. Allen , 1st Chcao, 0! 3. lTth Kt lr. Burke, women s dl floor, P 7".. scales. 4 1 iug. iuk M VI IV l,"rl ' treatment. H. Brott, 710 aU.MitlU p f:,pr d JM ITflbi iS 1 OH nioi i "Webster hiM. KTT A ( HMTl i S h CI fVTman leu r in g 7 h a lr -drefslng; new parlors. Neville. 1. !;'. f SS ttatm :ts".Mm Steele? r !ll-t opert r. l7K H- 1 lh. MHS SNYPKlt BeedlsirinsssHge, balhlT radiator and vibrator treatment. The PimsHny, Flat 3. l'Mh and llei-ce. P. 43. HA Z KiT. KA F PI l".l5CON KSIleat remedy for ItcMng, bleeding or protrud ing Piles; Mo postpaid; sample free. Sherman McConnell Prng Co., Omaha. N IT K S KRYrs ie", "sin s U clill d'rVVTTeWjT 1IA1HKH to care fori YVebster6u8. KKA I. KSTATK ci r y i it t i i'. it r v urn n ai.k. Bargain Close In KS North Ft . li rooms, balh. tnlfct. g!s. cellar, lot 3xlli, all fenenl, nice hade, inly u mlnuteV nalk to I'. P. hops. This property must be sold. Price reduced from $.',i"i to l,v; terms, small cash payment and balance monthly. All taxes pll to ilnte. Abstract showing good title goes with property. This la a Knap, do see It S. I". HOSTWICK. SOI.K AOITNT, 121V. City Nat I Bunk Halg $2tXi CAS I lw I l.lV 1 o7 6-rmmi, all modern, wltli hot water beat. full lot und near car line. New and Is a bitraain $l,flOftti-room cottage on full lot. on your ow n terms. Is N r. . MKNOKPOH'l- CO . 115 Bea Bldg. Poug. 3402; A-SS4!. MlK SAI.K OK KXCHAXtiK lil NKSS and furniture of 32-rnotn boarding house, ftuo furniture: strictly modem and close In, A paying business. M I tee Kldg. VAXTi:i TO HOKKOW Miss ltng. manicuring, vibratory mas sage treatments. K. 1, 2d floor, IrtOj DoOge. IHfLTKV AXl I'KT STIH'K RtUP easily cured by Bob Whites Roup Cure, Wu box. If your dealer can not supply you, writ us direct, sending dealer's name. BOB WH1TK CO., 211H N. HUh Ft.. Omaha. Webster MS". CON KK Y LA V I NO ToS'lC CONKKY8 ROUP CLUB AUK TUB BKHT. THK N ITtlRASK A ShTKD Ct Phone P. 1S6I. ItiKI Howard Pt. I'oralsbed Houses. FOR RENT Eight room house, choice location, 3th St., near Farnatn, for four mosthn from Peoembcr 1 to April In. furnished completely. Tel. Harney 2f77. Hooaea and Cottages. WTAT.T.PAPYltnttlnt,"K I,aper bang VV AljliX JL LAVlnK BlaBnK picture framing. Monson, 803 Park Ave. H. !.?. 137 fKll'OLAS, 8 rooms, modern exoept heat; SO per month. Tel. Pouglas 15ns. HO'lTSKHOLp' CJOOPS packed. for warded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. F.xpresemen's Delivery Co. Tel. Douglas ZO. City office, 218 8. 17th St., Beo Bid, Houses, Ins. Rlngwalt, Brandels Tl. Hldg. Cm. Van and Storage Co.. packs, moves. stbrca household goods. - Fireproof stor age. 8;l S 16th. Branch. 309 U. 17th. Tel.. I). 41fi2; A-1S85. CO'l'TAtlK Five rooms. K. 20th St. Harney fiOf.4. bath, gas. 010 OMAHA F.XP CO., moving vans and storage. Trunks, baggage del. D, 3M4. 416 N. 17th. IfmiKoa !n B" Prt of the city. uuurea Creigh Sons ft Co., Bee Bldg. SIX and seven-room modern flat, hot Water heat, for $10. Tel. Webster 14!. FOR RKNT Close In,, low winter rats. 514 N. 22d St.. li rooms, all modern. B24 N. 224 St., 7 rooms; modern, ex. heat, 800 Blondo St., 6 rooms, $11. Tel. Red. 5264. 2609 MAPLE cept furnace. 1400. A 4408. ST., $20. 6 rooms, modern. Hall, 433 Ramge. ex- D. $207 rooms, 3528 N. 27th; $28. rooms, 3110 N. 2lth; 1117 Park Ave., modern. $30. Tel. Webster I77. One Month's Rent Free Almost new 5-room brick flat. 18 blocks from postoffice, $25. Tenant taking six months' lease will be given one month's rent free. i J. H, Dumont & Son lflOB Farnam. Douglas 90. FOR RENT. No. ir21 South 29th street, 6-room dwell Ihg, modern except furnace, $26. No. 2921 Pacific street, seven-room modern dwelling. $25. No. 1102 South 32d street, large modern dwelling, with stable, $oO. No. 2710 Seward streot,, ulx-room cot tage, $15. No. 12 North 27th street, six rooms, $1C, No. 2112 Decatur street, modern except heat. 120. ' No. 4: Hamilton street, modern exoept heat, $1F. , 206 First National Bank Building. Telephone, Douglas 722. FOR RENT Eight-room strictly mod ern house, walking distance, $21.50. GALLAGHER ft NELSON, Doug. 2382. . 004 So. &IH-Three rooms, nicely fur nished, modern, walking distance. 61tJ S. 22D Loveiy east room, nice and I clean, walking distance; fireplace; ineuin next door. Only 3. FOR RENT Eight-room, strictly mod ern house: walklne distance: $20.50. GALI.AGHEK & NELSON. Doug. 23K2. ALL modern k-roum house; 6. 27th; best furnace; $52.50. 'Phone Webster 1798. COTTAGE, $2o; six rooms and bath, newtv papered, walking distance. loll N. 17 th. Stores and Offices. For Rent or Lease Kntire third floor Tatterson block V?th and Farnarn Sis., about 8.000 square feet, of will subdivide for suitable tenants. RegEonablo rental. McCague Investment Company Phone Pouglns 41a. Iflth and Podge Sts. WISH to sublet suKo of five rooms In Cltv National Bank Bldg. Call l 4iji. FOR OFFICE OR STORE. The main floor space In the Young Men's Christian Association Ming., now occupied by the Omaha Electric l.lgnt Power Co.. si. 4ZXM, wnn vaun cir. Possession February 1, 1M2. i J. H. PUMONT r stilN, 1805 Farnam St., Omaha. Phone DmiRlna 090. EVERY person knows who p. J. O'Brien is because he has ninda Omaha r.tmous with his candy. If Mrs. J. O. O'Connell, 140 N. 42d St.. will come to the nee office wlthtn three days We will give her an order for a 00-cetit box of KHrlens candy free. KKAL KHTATK AHMTKAt'l!) IIF '1 IT I.E. Abstracts. M. T. Brebnan, 824 Brandels Th. II VI LURKS' INKOIt M 1 ItN. FlectriP gas fixtures. Omaha Silver Co. "ideal Cement Stone Co., 171 h and Cuming. Anler. Buly. Co., roof'g, paints. 1108 Nlch. Fuchs, Son & Hllnd, painting, decorating. WAX T K n TO BUY. WILL pav ' cash for 1(10. S40, or 280 acres Improved, not more than 10 miles from Omaha. Owner only. Address J Bee. LIST your rlty property Vogel, 409 Karbach Bldg. for sala with DESK SPACE. 430 Bee Bldg. CONTINENTAL BLOCK, Fdli and Pouglas Sts., one desirable single office room, secona noor; aiso win room suite. ALFRED C. KENNEDY, 209 First National Bank Building. Telephone Douglas 722. Halls. WASHINGTON HA LI, Lodges, dances, banquets. O. C. Sorensen. D 2-20, A HAfj, SEE Miss Ka Lang with the Wood ward Stock company at the American theater. If Mrs. Ueo. Puyoo, 105 No. d St.. will come to The Bee office within three days ve will give her an order for a pair of tickets. CITY PROPERTY FOR SAl.H. Union Depot Snap $1,W0 buys a nice o-rootn cottage on uaved street, nnvliiu tald: walking nls tanct; block to car; large back yard; nice neighborhood. A few hundred down will handle this deal, balance like ront. Near 111 It and Iorcss Kis. NEW BOULEVARD PARK BUNGALOW $2,950 will buy an east front strictly modern 6-room bungalow, oak In recep tlun hall, parlor, dining room; two blocks to car; In a nice neighborhood; laundry snd first-class furnace; fine cemented basement. If you want a good, honest built house look at this. Near IHtti and Laird Sts. Small payment down, easy terms on balance. CLOWE TO MAJESTIC FLATS New 7-room, strictly modern cottage; oak In reception hall, parlor and dining room; one-half block to car. Walking distance; nice neighborhood; near schools and stores. This house was built for a home. We can sell It on easy terms. For further Information see HCOTT ft HILL, S07 McCague Bldg. Phone Pouglas 8S16, Independent A-17R2. OFFERED FOK SALE. Karslisre, VIOLIN repairing; done and guaranteed all work promptly :4 s. nth st. PIANO, slightly used, at a bargain. Hegerstrom Piano Mfg. Co., Jth und Fainam Sts. OFFICE furniture and fixtures. monHger, 150 Capitol Ave. See Typewriters. LIGHT TOUCH MONARCH VISIBLE for rent. THE MONARCH TYPE WRITER CO., 411 S. loth. Phone D 409. uui'i'ii vm h'.M 1 KKS. models No, 2 or No. 4, In excellent condition, rented three SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER CO.. 9lh and tmugian. FOR RENT Large nine-room house at 101$ Pierce street; modern; In good repau. Tel. Doug. 1149. KQ CITABLE LOAN CCMPANY, la Nebraska National Bank Bldg., ' 12th and Farnam Sts.- , 2234 FARNAM Two front rooms for light housekeeping; (team heated. Call alter 5 p. m. i Furnished Roast Weeping; Rooms. The Manuel and Howard, 21 & Howard, ,8 and 4-rm. Jtpts. $23 to $10. 1 2 IN cheap. light basement, 9u9 S. 2. tli. coxy and warm; 724 N. 21ST, strictly modern, furnished for light housekeeping room. 227 front HARNEY Large room; gas furmtmed steam-heated for coeking. 2U13 HARN t-V Housekeeping room, Oiat floor, sleeping, tl.M up. UdltT housekeeping family. 72 Pratt St. rooms; private ' 3 furnisheu oeairable rooms, modern ex cept heal. Phoue Harney 34s3. TWO houbeKeeping rooms; modern, $4.60; one housekeeping room, $3.6. 80 & 26th Ave., pleasant housekeeping rot ins; conveniently equipped; modern; walking diatauca. Hotels amd Apartments, NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for gen tlemen. THE CHATHAM, 110 . 13th St. Hub Hotel, steam-heated. 1j8 Uuu. M. DODUK HU1KU Uth and Douge; all team-heated rooms; special week rate. Excellent ineais, 203 N. 2otn, So. Omana. Howard Hotel, elegant rs. ll)2 Howard. Elk hotel, rooms 2Cc and iaic. tl N. ltiih. HOTEL ALBA N V ; inoht elegant rooms; iiot and cold water; fireproof; prices reasonable; buth plionci. lill Duuiilas. For Rent Brick House Four bedrooms, bath and toilet on sec ond floor; large family room, dining room, butlery-kitqhen, refrigerator room, hall and vestibule on second floor; fuil cement basement; furnace heat: every thing first-class and strictly modern. Lo cated at lell Georgia Ave. Sea the owner at 16U Georgia Ave., or 'phone Harney 1509. MODERN 6-room huune. Ave. Harney 141. 2710 Capitol FIVfc-ROOM cottage; modern but heat; warm; fine repair. Harney 3044. F1NB 7-ROOM HOUSE, $1MW. N. W. Cor. 2oth and Sahler St., 7 rooms, modern except furnace, $lk; Includes water. This Is reduced for Immediate rental and Is a snap. Good condition. BARNES & WILSON, 4Uti Bee. 1). 3641 MOD. 6-room cottage; fine rep'r. H. 3014. MODERN alx-rooin -house, 2710 Capitol Ave. Harney 1404. Burlington, nice rooms. 1 block to depot. ONLY two left of the fine new bunga lows In Bridal Row, 2031-6 Franklin St.; will be finished this week and (or rent at $22.50. 1712 California, In excellent condition; 7 rooms, $30. 2217 California, modern except heat; 10 rooms, $30. Km S. 20th Ave., modern, 8 rooms, $33. Beautiful DUndy residence, 12 rooms, steam heat, 2'Jllt and Leavenworth. Above are a few of the sixty vacant houses. Call at office and we can suit you to a "T." r . 1' WKAD, liot hurnam St. CASS HOT El nice rooms. Lv.1 Cass St. WINDSOR HOTEl Rooms ix to l.nO. OXFORD and Arcade, special w'kly rate. Council B'luflT RoIrat ),r,pn llnlfl $2 00 to 7.v per week.Uotlel1 -llOlt-l or ( " HI) Apartuieiita and Flats. THE MAKW00D New apartment houso ut Harney and loth, reaoy this inotth. Every kaowa comfort and eonvenlei.ee, highest class service; rale in connection. Apartments Includa living room, re'cpt.un loom, kitchen and bath. Only .Make your selection at once. SeVtial apartments already taken. ERNEST SWEET. 1236 City National Bunk VMi. Doug. 1472. rwiKHt'i'. STEAM-HEATED H1CAGO FLATS, "THE STANDARD." Separate humes, 0 looms, full modern, fireproof stairways, luw d,cui alion, hades, ranve, hut water all year, Janitor, walking distance. M inter, 2, , summer $lu lera. You enn't In e as well or comfortably or cheap elsefthtre. Hefereniea reiu;red. PAYNE & SLATER CO , Sole Agents. Hxth Floor OniHt.a National B.irk Bids I N EX I'ECTEDLY VACATED. SIX-BooM COTTAGE and barn, 21st t.: $17.50. NEAR HIGH FCHOOU roomy, modern houre; new; $27. 5o. Telephone Doug. IM $2u HE VtN rooina, sf, s. 27 1 "hiTij.-i rooms. S410 N. 2Hh. 1117 Park Ave., mod em, Ja, $12, 3524 N. 27tli. Tel. Webster 1011. 573 S. 2lith St., 8 rooms, completely modi ! u, $5.0l. Hall, 433 Ramge. D. 7Ku. A-4S3. wn HAVE A COMPLETE LINE of nil make of typewriters, lactory reDum; . i,u riirht : It will pay you to see us TYPKv It ITER INSPECTION AND SUP PLY Ct., lSW FA UN AM S'f nv.JC'P an Oliver typewriter from the Oliver Typewriter Co. Douglas 2DI9. MlMrllssevn. K1NDLTNG. $4 load, H. Orotw. W 2m. GENERAL contractors' outfit, also teams and wagons, iiuuncii - New Court House j.'OR SALE New and second-hand nrr,Ml mill. IlOCRCl UHUttni kiiu k..u.iinfr u levu ana accessories uar 11 ,f all kinds: easy payments. The 1 ' ' . .. .. i .... ,1,7 O Hroniiwlck-iiaiae-coiiuiiuer v-o., tui-v o 10th St. SIX-FOOT bookkeeper's dusk, oak fin ish, for sale at io. Apply ueorge v, Wright nee t-uuuauing FOR SALE Two scholarships in the Omaha Commercial college and one in n,.vi, colleicu. Business of lice, Omaha Bee. A KNAP Extra mounted grey wolf ward. Miller, 8. D. large, new, full rug. Mark Wood AUCTION SALE of 175 lots of unredeemed household goods November 27. 2K. 2. Omaha an and Storage Co., 111 N. 191 h St KAKH Overstocked with second-hand safes, all sUes and makes; bargains. American Supply Co.. ill" farnam t. 75 B A R R EI "s choice winter apples, hand Picked. $- a barrel. Delivered to any part of city. Phone Dotiglas 6126; Ind. A-I3I2. It)R SALE. 4510 Blondo Ht. Baker Plai'e. 4( X ltt. $fmt00. Itsth and Curtis sts. Hillsdale Add. $ ots, 60 X 130 each, $... SUth snl Redlck. Newport Add. 1 acre lot. $700O. Holt Co. Farm Land. S?0 acres, $26.00 per acre. II. W. NEAL, 1212 Harney St. Phones D. HAS. A-lliVS. K i:fi KSTATK M4MII I.IMI KOIt M.K ,m ACRES olo.. for sale and fins tnnd. Colorado, In the Kan Luis valley, nt a bargain; good terms L. Crocker, Beatrice. Neb. tieorala, GREVT SOUTir GEORGIA Traversed hv the ATLANTIC, BIRMINGHAM & ATIVAN TIC KAll.llllAli Lands ndaptablo to the widest range of crops. All tne money crops of tho south plentifully produced. For lltersttire treat ing with this coming country, Its soil, climate, church and sch'Mil advantages, wnto W. II. LEAHY. DEPT. K, Gcner.1l Passenger Agent, ATLANTA. MA. Iowa. THE easiest way lo find a buyer for your farm is to insert a small sunt ad In tho Pes Moines Capital. Largest cir culation In the Mate of Iowa. 4.1 Owl dullv The Capital is read by and believed In by tne standpatters or lowu, Who simply re fuse to permit ;iny other pnner In their homes. Rates. I cent n word a day; $1.16 per line per month; count six ordinary words to t lie line. Address Pes Moines Capital, IHs Molne. la. (iOYKKXMKXT XOTK I,S. WANTED Private party to carry loan of S i on good security. Address, Z. I lee (if flee. South Omaha, Neb. WAXTKH TO 1UV :'d-h,ind iiooda WANT El - -To buy Clark. P 701. Bee. Klescr, IU20 Center. D. lot near 21st 5ma. and' WILL pay cssli for good 6-pAsenger car; prefer E.-M.-F. 50. Box 73, Allison City. la. Fur Co.. 709 N. 16th. Onmha. Neb. We buy all kinds of raw furs; pay high prices SHAMES WAXTKH TO HKXT '"AMILY of four seeks high-i'Tas boaul- Ing place; must be suitable for cultured people, neighborhood antl house must be hlgh-dnsa; near West Farnam Ht. Ad dress it on, cure Bee. THREE adults and 4-year-old want completely f initialled apartment. Pl do not reply unless neighborhood and sll else ntmllftea for refined people: West Farnam district. Address C J, car Be. WA NTED-- Furnished iuiT near good boarding place, suttnhln for family of three a. lulls and child. No objection to outskirts If near Farnam St. only high grade place considered. Address N K.H, care Bee. have been prepnrrd by rntintle, showing the terms of sale, the description of the various irnrtH anil minimum price. It will bo Impracticable to furnish each In tUlrr nil of these l'sts. and It Is sug gested that persons desiring such Infor mation specify tho locality In which they are Interested. Blue prints of the various counties, showing the location of the land td bo sold, will bo furnished upon appli es t Ion to the undersigned upon the pay ment of $'V.'0 for each county In the form of draft or postal money order. tj. WHltillT, Commissioner to tha Five Civilised Tribes, Muskogee, Okla homa, August 1, lull. FP II fU i AN, CoT-oHADO, NOVENP her JO, IlMl. Sealed proposals. In tripli cate, will be received here until 10:10 a, nt. Peermber 20, 1!M1. for the construction of a' new water distributing system. Hliink orms fir hldders. plans and specif Ica- lli ns may be had upon application. Tha I lilted states reserves right, to Bceept or reject any or all proposals or any part thereof. "Envelopes containing proposals should be marked "Proposals for the 'onMrnotion of New Wnier Distributing System," and addressed to the construe. tine quartermaster. Fort l.ofcan, Colorado- l, T. Filssell, Captain and quartermaster, lA S. Army, Constructing Quartermaster. N. 13-24-26-20. D. 9-10. IT'S an excellent show at the American theater. If Fred Rogers. 12.N No. 42d St.. will come to The Bee office within three days we will give him an order for a pair of tickets. WA XTKI) SITUATtOXS P R A t .' T l (" aTTTi Tirsel Ca iTTlTi So 1 0. A - 2 ; 1 iT MIDDLE-AGED woman would like core Invalid or children. Webster 20JK. S3 10 Jones or an 'phi no W AN"l I'.D-Evpericnced meat culler Wants position at once. Address Y HA, Bee VoI.iNG lady with one year's experience as stenographer wishes a position In firm; salary according to ability.- O 703, Hee. WASHING or cleaning, Thursday, Fri day, sai in day. Well. 42n7. KOREAN boy wants position at house work and as waiter for enfe. Box 104, So, t hnaha. POSITION by third-year high ehool boy; will work from 13 to 6:30 p. ni. M 4H3, Bee. WHITE woman desires day work; nd clean. 'Phone D. 6740. neat CHOICE 7-ROOM MODERN HOME FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 4M2 Parker Pt, Exceptionally well built residence, on choice south front corner lot; large ham, shade .trees. Owner will sell (ti la place at a bargain on easy terms, or will take smaller pruierty or vacant lots aa part payment. R. H. Landeryou 412 Board of Trade Building. Phone Douglas 2161 or Ind. A-21K1. MCST sell my home of 7 rooms, strictly modern and new; finished in oak, best of everything; must be seen to be appre ciated; one block to Farnam car. Price, 4.30o; $1,000 .cash, bal. $10 per month. N 762, Bee. Don't Build, Buy This $40.C00 will buy a pressed brick fashion able apartment house of 70 rooms, with large porches, In good condition; close In; wu.l rented; five year lease, cost voa.zuu. Terms reasonable. Arthur C. Croseman, 208 Boston Store Bldg. Phone Doug. 6107. Mississippi. "Go South, Young Man" RuUd yourself a home n the Clnlf Coast. No extremes of weather, either hot or cold. No drouth. Good, rich lands from $10 up. We own them. Easiest of terms. We want farmers. Write for our booklet. COAST REALTY AND COI5NY CO.. Fascagftul.t, Miss. SITUATION wanted A manager of general store, country town; expurlencod. ij sid, itee. . BY blah school araduiite. stenou-iaoher. clerical or bookkeeping; unexperienced I. 010, Bee. AN educated woman desires work In Omaha or elsewhere In institution or fam ily to nsslat In keeping and taking care or cntitiren. wenster 3177. Nebraska. IMPROVED 2K3 acres black aandv anil clay iifbsoll, closo to 3 towns; nice grove and orchard on place: I7.B0O. Genres Hrokaw, Ininsn. Holt county, Nebraska, SMALL RANCH for sale near town. about 7o0 acres, improved, $16 per acre; this Is a bargain. J. C. Bcrilna, Whit man, Neb. North Carolina. FARM for profit In eastern No. Caro Una nation's garden snot. Leads other lo calitles for vegetables, fruits, staple farm lug on mall capital. . llomeseekers and investors write Oaro. Trucking Develop, metit Co., Kit So. Bldg., Wilmington, N. C. Oklahoma. FARM AND RANCH FOR BALK acres adjoining town at crossing of two trunk Hue railways. Idsal tract for fruit, dairy or general farm and slock ranch. In easy roach of the best cities in eastern Oklahoma; 660 acres suitahlu for any crops grown In this climate; of the remainder li-0 acres Is high ground and especially adapted to ii Uits or tin kinds; balance pasture. All fenced and 2t acres ready for the ulow: balance timbered. 1'rlce $20 per acre; on easy terms; -title guaranteed. This Is an unusual bargain, lieltes Eand Invent mont Company, 203-6 Flynn-Ames Bldg., iniiFRUBrr, UltlH. FOR cream. a dainty dessert use Dalxcll's Ice If Mrs. A. Nelson. Ill So. 42d Hi. will come to The Beu office within three nays we will give her an order for a quart nricH or tins fine ice cream. IN VESTM ENT OPPORTUNITY. IS ROOMS, ALL MODERN. We have a two apartment house, con taming 13 ruoms. two oath rooms, seven bed rooms, with parlor, dining room and kitchen In each apartment, with new plumbing and good heating plant. This property Is too large for personal owner and It Is a splendid proposition for some one who will buy It and divide It into four three-room apartments. Owing to the arrangement of tho house this work can be done at a very small ex pense and when completed the apart ments will rent for $26 eaca. The buyer can llva In one apartmentirent the rest and make a good Investment out of your home. - The building Is welt built and In good condition; only thirteen minutes' ride to the center of the city; one block from the Dodge street car line and In good issl dence district. THE NITMBKR 18 2419 N. 2oTH HT. It la Just north of Ohio on the Flor ence Blvd. A good six or seven-room modern house will be taken In exchange at the right price. This proposition Is certainly worth looking at. NORRIU & M KTIN, 400 Bee Bldg. Doug. 4270. A-4270. BuutU lukvi. A Flvw snaps In Brule county. South wonum, muds; win yay railroad fare to uujero not satisiieu. j. A. Stratisliy Piihwana, d. D. ilACEPllONAL, RANCH AND FARM i'nii'isi i'ion. i,o,w acres tocuieu in east central part of South Dakota, 12 miles from good town, ail fenced and cross fenced, alsu wv klu's leuaeu miiu uuuer letice. Uood comiunauiu ration puddings, guo acres under culiivotion; 0O acres of more good furm land, balance best kind .of iiimnr. anu nay laiui. j- rice ta.ov per acre. Choico half section tuu and naif n.ll.. from town In Kingsbury county for sale at ot.dU per acre, win lake In town prop- wi-iy nu over f.jr as pari pay. Mo but ter quality of land than tins. Address or call on CAKLrtuN At WALLlti. Carth- Mga, a. if. Get In the Game Klectrlo Pianos, $100 each. Slot Ma chines, Athletic and Peanut Machines and bcaieM, new and id-hand. Write for our list of bargains. Belter still ooma and see um. We also do repalilng. ACME MACHINE CO. HI 24 L' ven wort h. Phones: II. 243; Ind. A-24.13. FORBaT.E A $55 carpet loom for $30. Webster 6214. FOR SALE Dry wood; stove or cordr can deliver. Phone South 3520. l'KItHOXAL Tea as. THE HOMESEEKER Is a monthly paiier that will tell you how to acquire a home on asy payments, and also how to make, money out of other uenule win. are acquiring nomes. THE MAOAZ1NE WITHOUT A NAME win neip you to make a pirosant home and will tell you how to make a guod living out of a little land. We will send yon both free If you will genu un your name. AMERICAN TOWNHITK CO., San Antonio, Texas. YOl'NO man wants position tender; experienced. H 01ft. Hee. aa bar WASHtNtl and curtains done. T. H. 74. Book K EEPI NO and clerical work evenings ano Saturdays; use typewriter vooress I. Ml, Jlee. A WOMAN with child would like situ ation as housekeeper. Webster 2004. alter ft: 30 p. m. Persistent Advertising Big Returns. Is the Road to EXPEIUKNCED woman wants day wora; eiennint, aim ironing preferred, Please rail after 1:30, Douglas 2732. SITUATION wanted by experienced janitor. Call Webster 11173. FIRST-CLASS laundress by day. 421$ M. 10th St. wants work SEE Miss Lang In "Are 1 ou a Mason t tho American theater. If Mrs, lieorge lleln. m So. 41st Ht., will come to Tuu Bee office within three days we will give ner an oraer ior a pair of tickets. UXJAIi NOTICES. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Pealed bids will be received until noon. Pecembe I, 1911, at the office of the undersigned, fur tha Construction of a building at Curtis, Nebraska, for tha School of Agriculture. Plans, specifica tions and bidding blanks are ou file at the office of Iturd F. Miller. Architect, 734 Brandels Theater Bldg.. Omaha, and tha office of secretary of state, Lincoln. ADDISON WAIT, NH d-h't Secretary of State. K.iLvAi link CARD I MON TATIO- Tenth and Mason tnlon 1'actflc Popart. a 40 am .a 4:00 tun sn Fran. Ovorl'd L China A Japan F, M. Atlantic Express.... Oregon Express all:35 pm Los Angeles lni'd al2:4.i pm Denver Special a 7:04 am Cenlen'al Slate Sp'e'l.all pm Colorado Express a 3:20 pm Oregon-Wash. H't'd..al$:60 pm Nollli Plalte Uu'AI.,.a S.ln inn tlrnnd Island Local. ..a 6:30 pm Rtromsburg Ixieal M2:41 pm Arrive, a 7:40 pm a 5:46 pnC a (1.45 aiii a 6:10 pirn a s-.rtO ptn. a 7:27 am al2 26 ru a 4 r,o pnb a 8:20 pn, a 4 16 pin all:) Am b 1 :20 ptn Chicago, Rock Island at Pacific EAST. Rocky Mountain Ltd..al2:23 am al0:S pirf Chicago Local Pasa....bl0:3j am blthlO pm Chicago Pay Ex .a 6:45 am a 4:30 pm, Chicago Express a 4:10 pm a 1:10 pm Pes Moines Docal Pas. a 4:27 Pm SJ2 12 pin Chicago-Neb. Limited.. a 6 03 pm a 7 47 am W Cbl.-Ncb. Lmtd to lJn- coln a s nl am a 6:61 pm hl.-Colo, Express a 1:15 pm a 4:i pn: Ok I. A Tex. Express. ..a 5:00 pm a1l:4K ant Rocky Mountain Ltd..al0:48 pm a!3:30 am MUaonrl Pnclllo ' K. C. Ht St. L, Ex... .a P 20 km a 7:40 a in' a 6:60 p:u. a 8 00 am alO tO pni a $.28 pm a 9 :16 am a 1:M am all. 00 ant LIVK STOCK MAKKKT OF WEST Ship your stock lo South Omaha; save mileage and shrinkage; your consign ments receive prompt und careful atten tion. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MER. 'CHANTS. Hyers Bros. & Co. Strong and responsible. K. C. & St. L. Ex. ...all. 15 pin Chicago A Norlhnfitrrn NORTHBOUND. Minn. -ft. Paul Ex. ...b 7:00 am Mllin.-Pt. Paul It'd...a 6:00 pm Twin City Express. ...a 7:46 am Sioux City Ixical a $.45 pin Minn. Dakota Ex. .a 7:00 pm Twin City Limited. ...a 8:46 pm Minnesota Express EASTBOtlND. Carroll Loral a 7:00 am a 6:10 pm Daylight Chicago a 7:40 am al0.i pin Chicago Local al2:00 pm a S:2H pin Colorado-Chicago a 6:10 pm a 3:28 pm Chicago Special a 6:02 pm a 6:49 am Pae. Coast-Chicago. ...a 6:35 pm a 6:23 pm Los Angeles Limited.. a 8:50 ptn al2:30 pm Overland Umlted.,,..,a7:56 pm a h:16 am Carroll Local a 4:30 pm al0:00 am Fast. Mall a 8:30 pm a 3:35 pm Cedar Rapids, Sioux As Omaha a 3:S5 pm Centennial State Llm. 12 40 am 11:13 pm W0HTBOUNO. Long Pine a 8:00 aVn Norfolk-Dallas ,.a 8:00 am lxing line-Lincoln. ...a 1:15 pm Hastings-Superior ,...b !:15 pm Deadwood-Hot Bp gs..a :no pm Casper-Lander a 8:S5 pm Fremont-Albion o b.M pin Chicago, MllvtanVee Jk ft. Paul ' Overland Limited a 7 60 pm 9:12 am ivrry Ixcal a 6:30 am Colorado Express a 0:00 pm Colorado Special 7:42 am Perry Local b 6:16 pm CUIcmko Cireat Wealern WOOD llltus., TM-'M Exchange Hldg. Oreat West. Com. Co., Omaha & Denver. W R. SMl'l 11 Af HUN Just hatiuie sheep. W. l'71"ENNYfe"T't., fcoTEx"ch. TVldsT TA'IO BltuS. handle cattle, hogs, sheep. Clay, Robinson At Co., 2u0 Exch. Itldg. Interststo Co. Better results, ship to us. BCltKE-RICKLV CO.. 201 Exch. Bldg. L. E. RliBEHTH & CO., 22 Exch. Bldg. cox & Jons Com. Co., bunch of hustlers. I-urniers L. H. Com. Co., 2V Exchange. Deposit proceeds Of shipments in Stock Vards Nat I bunk. Only bank at yards. MartlnB rsrfijJo. Alex (1. Kiluhiinan i 30.1-4 Ex. Bldg. Son, ir.4-6tfKx. Bldg. OMAHA, THE GIIAIN MAKKET. WKRK8 ORAIN CO., grain mercbantg; conslcnments solicited. lT'3 Hrandels. ROBERTS OrtAlN Co., gralnco7isl.jn menta solicited, grain bought to arrive. i2K Brandels. Nebraoka-lowa Urain Co., 744 Brandels. GOVERNMENT NOTICES. EXCURSION to Monte Chrlsto (Texasi tne oeautiiui, luesoay, i no a. " i',e righ place' for winter homes or investment. Write for booklet und other information. U. E. Kelloag, Boom 4, Stuart Bldg., Audubon, la. Agents wanted. FOR BENT Four-room cotlage on 2MI1 Ave. between Dodge and Douglas streets. Ste Pexier L. Thomas. 412 Bee Bldg. i:-,l N. 20'1'11-six rooms, modern ex cept f.n nii-.-e, 520. 620 N. Xrt, 6 rooms, $20. 2i''.' i ap.tjl Ave., 7 rooms inodtrn, $,"A MJJi i'IiIluo, S looms, modern, barn. $40. 277 1'aruum, rooms, modern, $12 W. Others. P.INC'IVVALV niww., Biatidcia '1 healer Bldg. DR. MAXWI'.LL fim. Nat. Hk. Bl'ig. I'i'S TAIHS. htS. potjlfla 4 rooms, 7S.U. lo; 20th and A Perauleiil AdvertlMiig Big Returns. Is IPs iioad to SPECIAL. tenants. look ii k re. half Month rkbatk. t r. mod., good repair, well loiatt-d. hlk. t-j car. Urge yard, trjrs, etc., 11.1 Vinton .-t. and ''.' S. i:,'h; ial bargains; rent r.duced 1 li.ni il t i $p; each. 5- i'., now. W-d., 0.5 N. Ce.i. l.lvd , hel.$r 1-r., C. W.. will lejiair: ,;-4 Iifaiicnilt. pj. -i , mud , 2J04 Maple, fA; cholet corner, t-r., mod., elec. Ii lit, Im S. 3ist, !.i. 6- r., iii-id.. 2 Fr.iklin, $20, or f--r sale un rental terms. Ainu 14 others, $ to $2n. RUSSELL & M ' K I T I U rl, 432 Ramgti Bldg. lia.l feud Jlarot). CUBES PILES. 4 PAV WHEN CURED. 63-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Olndlsh Pharmacy, l'.'th and Dodge; Massage, Rlltenliuuse, '3' Old Boston Bid. VOl'Nii-women coming to Omaha as Htiangera sre invited lo vwlt the Vuung Women s Christian association building ui buventecnth and Bi. Mary's Ave., wlieto llicy will be t'liected to suitable buarding places or othi rwtae assisted. ln.k lor our tiavelc i' aid ut the Union station. TAlil.K'i :i will build, brace, BELL Dill l CO. HINDI JO sti cni: then. WE rent and repair all kinds of sewing machines. Ind. A. lifl-3, ln-uglas 100J. NEBRASKA t:YCLK CO., lulb and Harney Sts. U awj , j L' Tieatiiunt. Mrs. Steele, JinOO.itJIi ); K. nil,, Jd fioiir. rm 5. ii ASSAtlE Swedlhh movement ; nothing better f r i In umaii-m ; la-lies. 61; gentle-im-n. $1 ). Apt. z. l-o2 Farnam. 1). 0240. " THE SALYATIijN "ARM Y soiicltrcasU off clothing, in lact. aiiytmng you do not need; we collect, repair and sell, at VM S. llth St.. for cis.1 of collection, to the worthy poor. Call phone Douglas 412 and wagons will call. ADELBiHT hair food glows hair. Mini. Eraser, Mrgeaih Bta. Co., LtU at J'aruxiu. $475 Building Lots In Collier Place Fronting north on Lnrlmore between 31st Ave. and 33d St., where new cement walks have recently been put on, fine homes Just across the street and all around t lie dlatrlct. Lots In the same locality that are not nny potter man these are held at from $T0'to $000 each. The terms tire $10 Cash $10 a Month We also have two front lots left be tween Fowler and I-arliriore, that we can sell for yj each on the same terms. Vou must -act quick If you want to get a lot In this district at the prices we are wffwrlng you. - This' Is a new block and has only been put on the market a few weeks ago and most of them have been sold. Theae Tots arn located within two ur three blocks of r.chool and car line. Hastings & Heyden loli Harney St, I tab. 320 ACHES FUEE. Your homestead right good for 320 acres, and no residence required. We can locate you on some of the choicest traits, t an also buy soma choice Iracls school land cheap. Best land being rapidly taken up. Act quick. Addrces Northwestern Bands Co., 212 Dooly Blk., Salt Bake City, Utah. 811:00 am al0:15 ptn a 6:20 pm I a 6:20 pm a 6:20 pm all :tx pm b 1 :55 pm H:O0 pm 8:25 pm 6:0 am 12:05 pm Chicago Limited ... Twin City Limited.. Twin City Express. Chicago ExpredS..,. Local Passenger Wa bash- Omaha St. Louts Ex.. a 8 SO pm Mall and Express a 7:02 am Stanb'y L. (from C.B.)b 6:00 pm Illinois Central Chicago Express a 7:00 am Chicago Limited a 4.00 pm ,a8:.vpm .... a 8:35 pm a 7:4 am a 8:46 am a 8:30 pm .a 3:46 pm ..a 6:18 pm a J l' am all lR pm bl0:15 am "' i a 3:46 pm a 8:00 am HEAL ESTATE LOANS D. WANTED City loana and warrants. W. Farnam Smith A Co , 13J0 Faiiium St. OMAHA Property and Nebraska Lunds. O'KEEFE BEA I. ESTATE CO., 1010 New Omaha Natl Bank Building. WANTED ity b ans Peters Trust Co? Hi to $lo.oio mud-) promptly, F. Weed., Wead Bldg., lMh and Fsriiam. MONEY to loans on bualntss or resi dence properties. $!, to $k-i,iuo. W. H. THOMAS. !A First Natlliunk Hldg. WANTED- FAUM LOANS. Kluke ln viatmeiit company, tlmaha. I ",o V B A T EH . 1 1 1'. M I S t' A I u7b 'Etta Co., 310-;il2 Brandels Theater Bldg. (lItVl HUOS Loans, $f,-io and up. ti.VIV V 1 JJIIVO. onmha Nat I Bank LABOK UiANH, inunlclpnl biudsmort giiKes bought and sold, h i I'LL BltoH. FARM lAJANS; no commission; optloiial pa'ments; cheap money; quirk service. Orin rt. Merrill, 1213 City Nafl Bank Bldg. FOK SALE OK EXfHAXGE S E exchange luopertles of merit. C. W. Welsh. wU-13 o, N. Hk. Bldg. Doug. 7805. ""FIVE-ACRE SI'IU KHAN HoMKr"7m proved with 7-rooin house; choice loca tion and many takabie features; value K.000 easy terms or will exchange for Omaha or South Omaha Income property. An opportunity. Inveetlgate. IIKIN S. MKHKiLL CO., Huorna 1213-14 City .Nation! Bank Bldg. OOVIJBNMENT SAI.y INDIAN LANDS Absolute Tltlo tllven-the tlnalloted lands of the Choctaw and Chickasaw Na tions of the Five Civilised Tribes In Ok lahoma, and not Including tho coal and timber segregations, wl)l be sold at pub lic auction to the highest bidder at the following terms, times and places at not less than the minimum price stated In the advertisement: Urady county, Chlck- ssha, l,Dt tracts, 37,1-00 actes, November i, 8, 4; Stephens county, Duncan, 730 tracts, 09,300 acres, November; 0, 7. 8; Jefferson county, Ryan, 702 tracts, 40,40 acres, November v, pi, it; live county, Marietta, 854 tracts, 7b, W0 acres, Novem ber 13, 14, 15, 10; Carter county, Ardmore, 1,178 tracts, 113.300 acres, November 17, 18, 20, 21 22, 23; Murray county, Sulphur, 11..: tracts, 21,000 acres, November 21, 25; Oar vln county, Pauls Valley, 021 tracts, 3(,j00 acres, November 27, 2H, 20; McClaln county, I'urcell, 2S5 tracts, 14,600 ucres, December 1, 2; Pontoto;! county, Ada, MM tracts, 4j,!i0 acres, December 4, 6, 6; Johnson county, TIshotnlriKO, Ml tracts, Si, 200 acres December 7, 8, 9; Marshall county, M.idlll. 270 tracts, ls.olM acres, December 11; Bryan county, Durant, nox tracts, 20,100 acrea, December 12, 13; Atoka rountv. Atoka. 1,30H tracts, 124, 000 acres, December 14. 13, 10, IS, It; Coal county, t.'oalgate, fill tracts, iit.OOO acres, Decem ber 20, 21, 22; Hughes county, Calvin, 4.;7 tracts, 60.700 acres, Det ember 20, 27; Pitts burg county, McAlester, 1,630 tracts. 107, 100 acres, December 28, 20. liO, 1HI1; Janu ary 1, 2; 1 1 uakHI county, Stlgler, 411 tracts, 30.300 acres, January 3, 4; laitimer county, Wllburton, 1'Jl trlicts, l.'i.ooo acres, January 6; Leflore county, poteau, 275 tracts, 21.800 acres, January 6; Pushma taha county, Antlers, 041 tracts, 02.000 acres, January 8, i. 10; Choctaw county, Hugo, 6: tracts, 37. -V0 acres January II, 12. 13; Mi-Curtain county, ldabell, 77S tracts. MM) acrea. January 15. 1, 17, IS. i:-l'.'. Not more than I'M acres of agri cultural and 040 acres of other lands will be sold to one person In any one nation. Agricultural lands are those having a minimum valuation of $s 00 or more per acre. Terms are 26 per cent at the time of sale, 2j per cent In twelve months, and to per cent In two years, with 0 per cent interest. Payments must he made In the form of draft or certified check, payable to J. tl. Wrlsht, commissioner, l'pon full payment being made at any time deed will Issue. Immediately after approval of sale certificate of purchase will issue and possession be given, but cutting of timber or drilling ur mining for minerals thereon will not be per mitted until full payment of purchase price. Right is reserved to .reject any or all bids. For information apply to the Commissioner to the Five Civilized Tribes, Muskogee, Oklahoma, or any of the Dis trict Agents as to lands within their re spective diairWU. Lists vi Itirss lauds Burlington Station Tenth A. mason llorllngton Depart. Arrive. ' Denver A California.. a 4:10 pm a 3:40 pm, Puget Hound Express.a 4:10 pm. a 3:40 Pm Nebraska points... ...a 8:20 am a :10 pnt Black Hills...; ...a 4:10 pm a 3:46 pnt Lincoln Mall b 1:30 pm al2:u pm Northwest Express. .. all :36 pm 7:00sni Nebraska points a 8:20 am a 6:10 ptn Nebruska Express... .a (.16 am a 6:10 pm Lincoln. Local a 9:08 am' Schuyler-Plattsmouth b 3:06 pm bl0 20 am Lincoln Local b 8:08 ant pialtsmoiith-lowa .. 7. a 8:18 am a 8:50 am Belluvue-Plattsraouth al2:30 pm a !: pm Chicago Special a 7:15 am all:l& pm Denver Special: all:85 pm a 7:00 pm) Chicago Express. a 4:20 pm a 8:56 pm Chic. Ftaat Express... a 6:30 pm as:0oaiit Iowa Local a 9:16 am al0:3u airr Crestnn tla ) Ixical. ,.b I 30 pot "tilff'TS am' Pt. IOtiis Express t 1:3$ pm all :60 am K. C. ft St. Joseph.. .. alO:45 pm a 6:46 am 1C. C. ft St. Jjpsnph....a 1):18 am a 8:10 pm K. C. ft St. Joseph. ...a 4:30 pm Webster Station 151k and Webster,; Mlssoarl Pacific -Arrive. Depart. Auburn Local b 8:50 pm bl 1:66 am Chicago, Ht. rani, Minneapolis Jk Omana Arrive. b 6:26 pm Sioux City Expresa. Omaha Local , Hloux City Pass...., Twin City Puss Emerson Local tb) dully except only, (a) dally. Depart. bll:6 pm o 6:33 pm o $:26 pm ...b ti:46 am , ...b 6:55 pm b 9:10 anl Sunday, tc) Sunday OCEAtf STEAMSHIPS ArounWWorld TWO GRAND CRUISES HCV. 1912 I FEB. 1913 (From Ksw York) I (From Ha FraacUco) , Hy tbe raUtlsl Cru!!n Steamer VICTORIA LUISE following norm ltluersrj H. 8. CLEVELAND, anrn ud I InehiiHog all aeee-unre ex. bull UP I PaKS staiard and asbora. a jr A few aconoimodtluo attat-le for the iwc-md tr.ii"" uf toe M. N. ll.litKI.AMJ from Han Francisco Feb. ti. lvlU. Ul'RATIOSI OP EACH CROSU 11 DAYS Alt CnUt4 Is t4 Ortesr, Wtif Jniif, burnt k America, Jlaly usg Cgtt', tie. fk-sd fot IUustrsted Book 1st. HAMBURG-AMERICA!! LIKE 150 W. Randolph St., Chicago, or local ggt. THE OMAHA BEE f. 7. prints clean news and clean advertising.