Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 23, 1911, Page 10, Image 10
10 1 i i 1 f t j i s t ( I I ! I M Desperate Desmond "C'tfi MT,AwM (TU 4HAke""l t m fuH f-Lrjk "UL THE A ft- f,, f ' I Mil TTT TuZTTgv ' B T c Si. '. 'L T '" 1 1 Vpml dewa and laabed t roaaot tret Suea la k uaeaTlaal peeltloa la ! tar her, Claud Erlalre, gads aim elf aa tela chapter la a la hlatery , Weea w add kat aar a ere la la 1ka mldat f a trackleae deaert, laaablted uly fey wild kraut a, yea will realta at vary f kla lat la aat likely ka faaad la aar heart. Met Tea la that af a weald-ae antrls. p 1 1 - ,. , - ' : i'hmii ir-inrifi a i a P r a I o. aema aeacrt nunroa. ICIaadeT Ok, for t-morrw'a plctarea. WANT ADS Want add rerelTrxl at any time but inaure proper clarification must ! prewnted before lit o'clock m, for ilia evening edition and before 7:30 ), ni, for uiornlng and Kunday exli Mona. Want ada received after auch boora will have tlicir.flrat lnwrllon tvader the heading ' 'Too Iate to .Lajslfr." CASH IMTES run WANT AI9. lUXilX.It CLAbSlUCAJlON Oae Insertion 1 i cent per word and 1 cent per ord for eacu aubseqiient tnaertiou. Each Insertion 0180000 dd days 154 cent per word. nlU Vet line per month. lUlea apply to either The Dally o Sunday lice. Always count U words a a Uue. Want ads lor This lice may be left at any of tho following drug storea- Is your "corner uruggist"- Uey re at I branch offices lor The lie nd your ad will bo Insetted just as promptly and ou the same rates as ut too ai.aun ortice in 'lhe liee building. yenteenth and Farnani streets i ut un Pf'nimcy. lioii-jn, Neb. iil'? I'iiarmacy, .id and Cuming. Oiiake-iiradiali, bti.riuan Av. cauoao, c. li.. vj, ixBv.nworth. V"' . Kmll. a a Uih 8t. J-ufion Hill inai aic-, JUi Military Av Cooney i'lmrniK. , b. isih bt. L.riaaey Hiiuuicy, i4tti aud Ji-hier ft Co., mi L4VbiioU1i, ' oaier U AiuoiiJl, at t. latli Bt laai Vruti Co., Isoi is. Will Bt. loreuvs iJtus Co., loraiice, Neb. Ureana l'ia4iuao, l ai Ave. 6 1'aclflO. Ureeiioufcli at Co., b. mt bt. Ofeanoufcli ot Co., luin aiid Hickory. DEATUI AND ITMCIUL AOTICK9. BAHUKE-Herman O., aged 12 years. i-Muarai (privaie) from residence, 8003 Coutk MnU street, 'ihuraday at p. ni. JtOBINSON-AUen IT at Los Angeles. Cat., 'i'uesduy, Woveiutitr 21. Leaves a wit. IHeieu Caay-Kobiuaoii, ana sou, JJean. fcerviccs at !!; buiurday After noitn at the remiicnc ul lr. Ho bin. eon's mollirr, Mia. Jlejiry cady. Muriel M'lvaia at oreai Luwn. . slarriaa l.lceaaea. rermlls to wed have been rrantsd tt the tullowlntf couplca: ' Name fciid Addreaa. Age. Jprneat M. Uttio, bliver Creek. Neb.... it Ainiia Withoy, Omaha.....! ilenry Iolcral, Caney, Kan iJinnia. C'okley, buutlk Ontaiuk. 34 i .over 21 .ovvr il ...... 2.1 M f 'hestcr E. Hunter, Omaha (Delia, Axill, uumlit yvank W. Oaga, Kromont, Neb., iekala B. Miller, Fremont, Neb.. lllit'lllS ASU UUA1US. Births Charles and Blanch Henry, Omaha General hoap.laJ, girl; C. It. and 3ura Mitullough, HlV u(h Thirteenth irTi, boy; W. C. and Anna Martin, 4ii houth Twmity-flftli avenue, girl; Mr. and Mr. Tliomua Peteraon. Lake avenue, boy; ld W. and fcdlih Midner, 1110 ilur dette street, girl; Hu txrt and Laura ISaundera, 14S2 Mouth "thirteenth attwt, girl; Henry II. and Una VVatterman, liii btuth Thirteontti atrevt, girl. 1--Hlli r'rank Troubs, 10 years, S91t Oold Kireet, Florence; I Smith, ti year, WM North Twenty-third alreet; Lloyd '. Ji:aitkeiinl), lt yara, 'l'wemy-arcond and Howard strejls; Charles Madden, Hi aars. Fortieth and Puppleton avenue; Mlk Delaiir.y, 72 yeirs, tit. Joseph's lioa lital; Mrs. Ai nSeda A. v llcox. Si years, eol Mouth Thirty-third atreet. 'LOUUei AOllClsl. Attention, SI. W. A. Members of tamp No. .124 are urged to attend Una evening meeting. Bpeulal leaturea of Kifat lulu tut to all. C 11 T. Rltpen, CU-rk ANAOt'NCKMKNTS J.A.UEMTLLLiAi, TAKKK. emhalmer. 1K14 t'hicnKo St. D. lVt; b-liuJ. Moved to Ml r'aiuani. A. S2&j; 11. a . iiltl.Mi on your grlnuuig to 14i7 Doug In. VVK l)U T11K WOIIK ItltiHT. FREE Colored l'ortrait with each wedding or der tl.ia month. UIXIttNIII HEYN AND HOWARD 6 T K K H T a LmjI'CILAS l'riuiing Co. Tel. 1'oug. Ml. t. K. Water, cement coll., I jib N. H. MOV1NU picture tnnclimea and auppliea. Nftirafka Film Co.. 131K Karnam bt. .'. K. bmiih, an y at law. il T UraTi). 4m,1. MONEY p TO LUAN-LOW aum to , 81U Hee Ulda. l'n.tna Iltiukf ikl UNION LOAN CO. btraniBhlp Tlvketa Foreign Touii W. K. 1KX K, 1611 Farnam Ut. K. H. Cola bign Co. D. 3768. Uli Karnam. l'.'li fre, iwm-iifi o. l?ul Lav. button liuUa (or home made garment Anna Hmtek. la.) if a' tailor. 115 City Natl. Upholmermg. .ino, furn. reu. 2H Fat 1 DEAL h"lr P',r''; lJiea St children uniy. m ieviue HltK-k. I). Ult-S. bolOAbi ia.'NxlItilior In our beautiful downaietis lunch and soda water ruum at lath and Uodga we are aerving dainty luuches and hut and cold drinks. Try them! ElltUMAN A McCONNELL ' 1)RL'U CO., Five Uood lri,g titores In Omaha. I jU LL alaa U, happy if your wed- oiij ru.K cuuira from brodegaard'a. Hi r i'mu di. n me aiKn ot tne crown liai l''"''. pler lianKing, pall. I g. Ic ulMl. i. t yoor d amooda al brodngaard'a. ii -iu muu 41 doui a. WuiilU. W. let aar her aeepa kla nil) afceat klai. Tk llttl poet af sealer, sear wale a Dee. moad kad tied kin aa aa added tsrlnre. la aat af kla reach, knt Claud taluk af a alaa a relieve hi, talret. By aaaklne- tka tree vlaoreualy k JlaUdgea a reaaut, wale falla lata tbe p aad aatarally aplaahta tk water arer Claud, tkaa at aaa tlm both re-lleTlaa- kla baralag tblrat aad ceellag kla I Ivvmrvri'Mwra nucivi'na nrnrt-M I . .1 TJIH IlTTTiK H'iown At OmKha T('"rlT A TlT tlirTugh'the Eaat IVlJUAlV man Koilak Co. xj-vj null. t)e. f)f amate,ir photoKraphy. Your Xtnaa trip, your trip abroad, your hunting- trip, will not b complete without an Kaatnian kodak. . 1KI.V1S Farnam. Twenty per cent In ihan omnha prices. IIOMK Kt'KNITL'RE VO., Twenty-fuurlh and 1, Hta.. Wouth 6maha. Ed Hwirnk. giavei, tar roof 181 h . lnke. Waggard Van oT8torase. l,acirnove7 atora and ship H. II. Kola. D. 1, 11-21. KLA8T1U atoi'klnga, supporters and bandages; stock always new, becauaa w sell o many. Truaaea fitted. Everything guaranteed. W. tl. Cleveland Drug Co., the largest surgical supply house, 1410-12 narney ni. M. K. Morrill, china paint. K.IS lirandels fh F. O' Leery for shoe. 412 N. 247Tlo. Ora. WKDUINU announce. Uouglu Fig. Co. 1'Kit FKCT tvuewritten lettera mada til luiht.'dt weatein letter fnctory. Mmgum t co., iTintmg. iiu i(iue. lioth i-nones, Nnb. bfieil Co., IMih Jones. Itolh Fhone. lOIATTIri'TJl W manufacture and V rUHLXjLia r.noVate all kinds of pillows, mattresses, and buy feathers. Omaha Pillow Co., 1721 Cuming. HOILKK. sheet Iron and tank work. Omaha Mtructural Kteel Works. ILEIi GRAND Plnnat In the west. Turkish Baths Wl houth litlh Htreet. KVEKV neraun knowa who I). J. O'Brien la becauae he haa mad Omaha famous with liU candy. If - Mrs. K. 8. rinley, 621 H. 4d bt., will com to The He offlc within three days we will give her an order for a 60-cent box of U'Krlen's randy free. AUTOMOBILES HONK S Szl HONK EnE'8 TUB BUST PLACE IN OMAHA DRUMM0ND isth and Harney Ht. - . WHUI.1XALK: prloes on oil. loiI. bixi. LK1HCOLL, auto palming. tM N. tf'th. Auto lampa repalral. Omaha tiilver Co. I'FEIFFEU iSSuSTSS'.ESSKr MITCHELL MOTOR COM FA NT want UOOO ItEfl'ONfilBLB Atlfc.N'lH. tan make Immediate delivery on LIITLU blX. Have acme EXCEPTIONAL bargains In lame and small eecond hand cara. MITCHELL Mo'fOK COMPANY liltuKli.N water Jackets nestly brased Without Injuring oo o( cyl.nuai'. Work guaranteed. Kanxas City 11 raiting Works, IM w. liith Bt., Kanaas City, Mo. McliNTllitj Auto Cu- 0ftl'"i aid HIWUAIUU M,.r, knl.l.l' k.p,.in. In used cars. lu Farnam. Doug. a. AllUJuOulLK atorage, fireproof build ing, down town; very reasonable. Ftione Uouglas 42H4. IthlUAL 30-horse pownr, lour-psaaengnr demoiiairalor, alightly uaed, will sacrliioa cheap fur Inuiuuiate aal. Nebraska Kegel Pules Co.. Farnam Pt. i Murphy Didlt'SH AUTuMunlLhS jtrd l a sx-oil rate for the winter. Auiomobilca lumulit un.l sold. OWL QAUAOn CO., Telephone Douglaa jli. 1313 llsrnoy. r rr ,, ,i lit'SINKSS CHANCES To gel in or out of buainsas call on QAMiKtiTAU. 404 Bee Blug., Tel. U. 147;. MOIITUAQES, 6o ON GOOD FAilMS : Savin ga bonds, secured by first mortgagee and our capital and aurplua of tiouuuu, NO SxVFKll INVESTMENT Bonds for fiou, t2L0 and up, as aiitta your aaviiiKS. Alske your uionay bring you a good income. Ask for particulars. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 15th and Farnam Sts., Omaha. Neb. FOK SALK Clean etock of grocerloa S"d ijueenaware iox As Harvaid, Neo. 14TH BT. BUolMitm 4 KKAl, Jtbl ATai EXCHANOS: CO. -Hardware. grocers, hotal, pool rooma, barber ahop, aaloona) etc., (or aale; miiiii good baigauia In real mate. Ill H. 14th bt., aecond floor, rooms I and 2, Kd Kolhery. 1'realdenc VVAN1K1 A doctor; good buaiiiaaa Neb. town; Pop. ). Address K 46. car Uee MOTION Picture niachlno snd film bar gaina. Omaha Film fcaih., 14th tt l,ug. TO BUY Olt tKLL a buaineas, call ou Wllllama, 4ll McCague Kldg. FOU BALli I p-to-ll cufe; a bargain If takeu at once: town 6.O.0: ornr nai other buslne; burry. Address Y ta, care 5U-1UU ,ekly paid scenario Writ are. t laskons and sell your acenarlos ou com minion. Iteaulia guaranteed. lNTtKNATlONAL MOTION riCTL'BE bt-'HOolj ' Bee Bldg. ' ' Folt tiALL Flrat-clasa iinpleiiieiit buai noaa, no competition; will stand Investiga tion; beat farming community 111 slate. Uniena you have about f4.0oo do not appiv, Addre Drawer K. Hurdvllie. Neb. BTOCK of book a. atalloiiary and wall paper, located fourteen years In county seat town irt southern Iowa; only book and stationery etoie In the oountv; doing a nice buaineas and making money; reason for selling, 1.1 health. J. J. C. Bower. Coryoon, la. A BIU SNAP IN UtSTALHANT. fc-qulpuienl mahogany top oountero, tahiea, linen, ellverware, etc., of the Vvhltehouse cafe, formerly The hanson. Be tiuick If you want a bargain. If not sold place will be cioeed and equipments moved out- Charles Vols, 111 8. loth Bt Omaha. Alteuaalata Imu I aat. MT N. lTH-s:s-rooia furnUhed house, complete lor lou. i. Tkea aaatker theaght eeate ta Clang, traag laa't It. whea aa keclaa tblnktag, bow aa tbaaabt leada ta aaatker. If yea barea't atled tkla, beat a tblablaa; risk! aaw, aad a If yea daa't t at leaat tra tbanabta. Hewerer. Claad aeea la tk eeea. anta a way af baffling tk ferclaa beaata which earn t tka peel t drlak. knt wealda't refaaa a free Aeoualtu 4 umoaalea. GENERAL ACOUSTIC CO., 4B OMAHA NAT' r BANK BLDG. Fsrtoi v K. Oeneral office, Jnmalra, N. T. EI.WTKICAI, HKAHINtl HKV1CKS. Amnaements. BtrrOtlB and after th shows visit th oi.iRiriA lor ic cream and candles. "ATM ff OR TUM roller rink, mtialc by resn'l ban 4. akatlng Saturday and Sun day nlkhts, tilso on Hunday sfternonn; doors open 7:30; admission lOo, skateg 2"o. Architect. - C. 3. Powell, architect, 671 Brandwls Bldg. ArlcaUta Walla. I B. NERERQAU,, 1011-13 City Nat" I. JhJd Bo we. well boring. Tel. Benson 246. - Asphalt, uravtl aad Hoounit. MtCAROOriNQ ft'O., 100 S. 10th. Attorney. O. Shield, attorney, 8J7 B of Trade. IJ8TON L. HALL, LAWVKR, 42 Bee. AVTBiuaa auU Tenia. OMAHA TENT CO. Tel. 822 Douglaa. Has Slanafaetarere. DRMlB OMAHA BAO CO., Omaha, Neb. Boa aaa aaa l asloabe. THE ONLY WAY. RSJfraaa checked Hi.tlnllnn T.vl. cal and touring car. Tel. louglas 2'j5. . Uakerlee. Domestic Bakery, quality. 2106 Cuming. UnildlBK and Loan Aaaoolallona. NEBRASKA Savings and Ixian Associa tion has never paid less thsn. 8 per cent dividends. Investments from tl to, to, you rerelved. 16 Farnam St., Omaha. llarber Shops. Ps Dldg. barber shop, toneorlal artists. loe S. 8. Stewart, hair cutting. 117 .-!!. Boa and Package Maaufaotarera. Wooden Box Ik Package Co. 1514 N. lth. tarpeatere and Ceatractora. W. P. Deverell, contractor. Ramre Bldg. slteveneon. carpenter, cunt. Both phones. A. l.lnbuig. carpenter, contractor. H. KUil Carpeia. It aaa aad Lrperia. P0LCAR & COF,uf ' ruR!' ear i , PorOers. csrpst cleaning. ira 8. 14. D. tlil. A-4JI5. tMtropudiata aad Mauluurlag. DR. ROY, chiropodist. lfW. 1'arnsm. C'laara aad Tobacco. TKH) Sanitary Crown Pipe, 15 R. lth. ' Clutbiua Maaufaotarera. War Ideal dreas shirts. M. R. Smith Cte. Coal Healers. Powers-TTeafey Coal Co.f Tel. D. m ISutier reeu Coal Co. iiw2 Far. 11. 645. tJpdike quai.ty yu., 4 t iiotige. H. la;. C. B. Johnwon, coal. lMh lsard. 2 phonea. COAL by ton or biHket. five buah J100- Hone I). i. U-ls els 1644. CITY COAL & SUFplTcO. All kltiilof beat coal. P. arm, lnd. A-14. $5 V.01 ,or Bov or furnace. Try It. yjlarmon at Weeth. Webater Ml LKT m tell ou about Heeder Furnace Coal. 11. KS. C. A. Weaterfeiq. A-lfoJ. Col and kindling. Wagner, (01 N. Id. W. K; VVAtKKH, banket coal. l)oug. epmee aaa avaar. Moyune Tea Co, N. 16. Both phones. Creaaaerlea, Uairlea aad Sappllea. Fairmont's Diadem but ter. Alwava an.w4 TA Vlb t:ol,K t UK AM r.HY t OM HAN . .1.Ln bamtary Juniry. iipperaon Bros.. Proprietors. . Cwllevilna Ageaelea. RUSSELL ADJUSTMENT CO.. a-3 rliTt Nsllonal Bank. Douglas J941. ' . Coraiv a.Md Steel tellluas. CARTER SHEKT metal worka Omaha. Itvattata. JlalJZi.n!?ntlB, 706 City Nat l. D. e Math & Mach, ld""fl. Paxton. D. 105. Dr. Fhkea. 7:4- City Nat l Ilk. tiidg. Dr. Oeantner. over Merrhania n Km.. lit. O. Alaantner, Tlft-il City Na, D. 4d3, T'HTTLaILEY. W3 Branoela Bldg. p. 11 6b. Int. KLSTEK. Su2 City Nat l Bk. Bldg. Taft'a Dental Uooiiih. 1517 Doug. D. ai Daarlaa Acadriule. Mockie's Dancing Academy, 1816 Harney. Dally claaaca M011., Thur.. Sat. evening. Miii Mary con VvifaTiSJ; Uaaelag Acadeutlea. Morsnd'a, 16 A Harney. Dancing leseons Monday and Friday. 1p.m. Both phones. Ml Jewel blmioon. Tel. VVebater 24HI. 1 lieteetlvea. Omaha secret service Aetec'tlve agency, he. bonded, 4-V Paxton Bk. D. 1319, A-1JU JAMF.S A1.LFN. Neville Bl"k. Tylor WSA. Ureeaaialilng. Terry's IreMinaklngC'ollege. M k Fsr. lireaaniakliig by day. Ptunie Web. STiiT Jainiiaklng home or fainlilea. Bed 7S.i. 1HKJM A K 1NU by thada71 dTTuT 4- N. la. M. bcoulau. alteiatluna rir.aT making. Uraaulata. DRVaa at cut vlce: freight paid on 1.0 ordera; cataloau free, bherinaa 4t ioConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. Kverytalac Kleetrlcal. Purgeas-Orandon Co., I'M Howard, n. 651 Flaolrio lighting fix., wholiaqie and retail! ligcOND-HAND KLKCTHlifl.A3ia7" dynaiuo. igniting dynamo, motor, re Phs. Le Bien. HI 8. l.'th Pt. IKiug Sl.j. M J. Cl'KRAN'. wiring. D. 4.41. JohiiMtun Flc. Co.. 411 lot 11. 1. Xji. 1'Ulli tlec. Cu. Mulul fapairiug. L, w" ow.iftM 1-n.iKHixAia UL8IKESS IERSOAL8 . tlL-fltKITAO PKllKOVAt a i. .,.,,aw 0 There's a Lot of Things with Cocoanuts if You Bar eaagh a larg tiger da eaaaa ta tk l ta drink, knt tk brat, kewerer keen rd, eaaaet ae tkrenck tka eocnaaata la wklekdanda la net reaeealed. Oar ker ea kear tka have keaat taeniae; tk water nlte ela alaa;ald klm. aad kaewlaK tkat eeeeaaata are kat a feckle aretePtla agalaat tlaera, be eaaaet kela ba. fc at naeaaw ludeh aa tka aide, fertable aa a fraakfvrter at a alealo, Feed Mill aud Mores. Feed, all kinds. Olehcoe Mills. 231 Tsard. rlorlato. A. Donahue, 1037 Farnam. D. 1001, A-1001. HKS.-4 BWOBuiM, 1415 Farnam St. Niewart's, tlorlst A seedamen, J 19 N. 1. PA I ; l.HKN, florist, 112 Brown t. BliA N I2K19 FLOitlaT, Brgndels Bldg. L. HKNDiCltrtON, lSlTFSrnam. D. ViS. BATH'S FLOBliSTS. Boyd Theater Bdg. 1.N N hlTT B, cut flowers. Doug. 137. PROSPECT Hill Florist. W 44. Feaudrlea, McDonald brass and bronse foundry, alu minum, tin, lead castings, 15th A Jackson. Furaaeee aud Stove Hepalra, FURNACE AND STOVE REPAIRS to fit your stove or heater. New f urnacs, laundry tank-heaters, gag' heaters, ther mostat and combination warm air and hot water heating-. Omaha fftove Repair Worke, 1206-1K-19 Douglas bt' Tel. Uouglas tm. lnd. A-8H21. A. MONROE, Akt. for the Modern Nov elty warm air furnace;- eatlmates cheer fully given. Doug. 4Wfl. 406 8. 18th. Olaon Bros., furnace repairs. 2670 Leav'th. W. 8. Heaton, Amer. furnaces. H. Siito. Kara. West Fur Co., repairs, remodels. 114 Far. Urocerlea aad Meats, . Chapman's quality meats. J408 Cuming. AHA MO Coffee, 1-Ib. tins, c.. Auk grocer. Haraee, Saddlery, Leather Uooda. Wlchert, harness, leather Roods. MO 8. 11 ItAKNKSS, saddles and traveling goods. Alfred Cornish U Co., liflO Farnam bt. lioapttal. WISE) MEMORIAL. 34th and Harney. Bethany hospital, 2ji;4 Marcy. D 2H64. laaaruuv. John Dal & Son, Ins. 310 Ramg Blk. 1NBUK1C IN THE GLEN'S FALLS. Rhodes. Montgomery Co. in. Ramg Blk ALFRED C. KENNEDY. Fire and Tornado Insurance, Firet Nat'I Hank. Douglas 723. Iron, aud Wire Feuclua. Anchor Fence Co., f07 N. 17. Tel. Red 614. Jewelry, lUaiuonda aad Walcaea. OPEN up a charga account with us. A. Mondelberg, Jeweiur, lfi23 Farnam. Jewelry and clothing bargains. 201 S. 13. Lauudrlea. FRENCH Hand Luundry. Tel. H 60J4. FIRST-CLAS laundry; guaranteed de livery; call 011 Short notice. Harney 6371. EMERSON Laundry, . 1U6 N. Botu phones. 24lh St. GUARANTE13 Laundry. High-grade woik. uouglas SI7S. FAMILY washing; all work guar. H 11H0. LlaatuiuaT ituda. Nebraaka Lightning Rod Co. fOS N. 17th. Lumber. II. Gross Lumber A Wrecking; Co. Bar gains in lumber, plumbing, machinery and steam tilting. Hist and Paul. Web. txt. Macaroni Juauaiautarere. Skinner's macarohl and spaghetti lOo pkg. Movta., storaae aad CteaalaK: EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co -Moving; furniture packing; fireproof storage. City on lie, no k, inn. uoug. iti lnd. B-U4. OMAHA Vau ami blorage.Co. cleans your carpets on your floors; eleotrlo vacuum c.eauera. Au4 a, luth.; )U0 6. 17th. Doug. 41til. i,i Twln.'UyExpre!a, U14 Howard. Both Tel. CALL Vernor for moving andflre proof storage. Office, A-ilo7 and Doug. 2168; WAREHOUSE. Tyler HIS. B-olU. Furniture mov. ; 2 men 1 per hr W. 2746. Maele, Art aad Laaguaaa. L., teacher of clarionet a. ZS. H. MtR. STRAWN K t""" teacher sight Mlliluery. PENNELL Millinery. Paxton Blk. Latest fall millinery, hauber, 1J4 S. 16th, Alouuuieuia aud Mausuleasna. J. F. B'.oom & Co., 17th and Cuming Sts. Uatropulby. Alloa Johnsun. 3u- Biandels The. Bldg. Kstheryu Nikola, Brandeia Theater. Uptlclaaa. R F. Wurn, fitting tt rep'g. 443 Brandeia. tlyatera. David Cole Oyater Co. Wholeaale only. Plumber. Plumbing and Heating TRNtfs REPAIR WORK. 1708 Jaokaon St. D. 1477. Omaha Plumbing Co., 2SU Sherman AveT Plumbing lall Weaamwn H. JUKI. A-3027. F. Balfe. piuiubinf and heatlna. 17 Howard St. D. 1 43. lnd. A-2741. Paper I out pa a lea. Western Paper Co., lMh and Howard. Patents. HIRAM A. STURUES. patent lawyer, U. S. and foreign patents, trademarks and copyright. ii yeai' expe.lence. w4 D. 6. Barnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. HedTllT Wlllard Fddv U. S. Pat. attorney and ly Nat. Bk. Tyler UM. solicitor, liio Cit Paenoarapka. Edlon phonographs, fhults Bro , 1406 raj f kutographere. j?lfnrjPj'!l0'rPhr- 1sth Farnam.. dloiJL?' ,ln- Tass elev. hembrandt studio; Hrtralt. So AF'arT I'latlua. OMAHA BlLVtR C04 1 S. UUt, You Can Do Know How aema deacrt I'latlng Web, bating A Orlnding C0..I8H Howard Prlatlng. Lew. W. Rabcr, PTinterP"?"; PEE BLDO. ENTRANCE ON COURT. TIMES PRINTING CO.. 320 S. 19th7DT SM6. AM. Prtntlns; Co,, l&H Cuming. D. 6847. Phone lnd. A-3620 for good printing. Lyngstad Printing Co.. 16th A Capitol Ave. Ries-Hall Ptg. Co. 109 8. 14. lnd. A-3a24. Kestaaraate. Baxter a fine quick lunch. Wis Farnam. GET the habit; eat at Cneeda. Cap. Ave. OONZALES, Spanish cafe. 1016 Farnam. Sporting; 4oods. NEW shopworn guns st low prices. Town yen d Gun Co.. ir.14 Farnam. Stammertms and Statterlng. STAMMERING and stutterlna; cured. Julia Vaughn. Rnmge Bldg. Steel Task and Calvert Compaaice. NEBRASKA and Iowa Steel Tank Company, 14th : and Nicholas. D. SHB9. gtenoaraphera aad Coart Heportera. Myrtia A. Klley. 706 Bran. The. D. RfiS2. Storm Door and Windows. Omaha Window Sern. Co. 624 N. 16 D. 469J Gulous A Ledwioh, D. 476. Inl. B 1476. Tailoring. Dunham A Dunham. $15 suits. 118 a IS. R. A. Williams, c.othes aittred. 24 & Lake. TONliE, m ile -Kenla' tailor. 809 Pacific. England 'tailoring CO. 14oo N. 24. W. UsM. Taxldermlata. Aulabaugh, 1701 Leavenworth. Doug. S221. Tenia aad Aeralnga. OMAHA Tent Co. Tel. 828 Douglaa Tranka aad Salt Caeca. Frellng A Btelnle. 1803 Farnam St Well Ilorlac. ED ROWE, well boring. Tel. Benson 848, Wig Manufacturer. P. a Griffith, wig mfr., U Frenier Blk. Wlaea aad Llquora. MAY A CO., family liquors. 1303 Douglas, ED. ROTilERY 15 "t"' aie in connection. Ill H. 14th St. WILLOW bpring beer, liquor, cigar, sandwiches. 1 Aiex Jetea, 1802 Douglas. Loitmau, tt-yr-oiu Why, loc drink, 14 & Har. Hanaen lamny Liquors. 13 Chicago, Meyer Klein, wines and liquor. (32 N. 16. Virginia Dare wine. 6&c large bottle. - AFTER a day's work a little recreation Is welcomed. We will give Mibs Anna Byers. 13 No. 30th St., an order for a pur oi seats to tne woodward Stock com pany at the American theater If she will com to The Be office within thre days. EDUCATIONAL THE FALL TERM OF Boyles College i.S NOW OPE.N DAY AND NIGHT. STUDENTS ADMITTED ANY TIME. Complete courses in Business, Bookkeep ing, blenogrsphy, Telegraphy, Civil berv ince and salesmanship. The catalogue Is ready and tree for the asking. Call, writ or pnone for It at once. Address H. B. Boyles, president, Boyles College Building, Omaha. OMAHA SCHOOL OF MUSIC 18th and Farnam; ail branches ot inusl'o taught; send stamp for prospectus. SCHOLARSHIP FREE to you If you will bring us a shorthand writer of any system except th Mosher, no matter how experienced, who can write shorthand aa rapidly us some of our students now In school. Mosher-Lampmaa College, Dili Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGIA "BEST IN THE WEST." Day and evening seaaiuns all the year. Shorthand. Typewriting) Bookkeeping, Agriculture, Civil Service, Salesmanship. E. A. Zartman, Pres.. 11 h snd Farnam. EVERY person knows who D. J. O'Brien is because he has made Omaha famous with his randy. If Mrs. E. S Edholm, 401 S. 4'd St., will come to The Bee office within three days we will give her an order for a GO-ceut box of O Brian a candy free. EVEHYTIUNG Mill WOMEN. THE IDEAL PLEATING CO., dress pleating!!, buttons covered, all sixes and style. 2U Doug. Blk. Doug. 1930.. A-D36. HOUSEWIVES wanted to bring their bid shears and knlvos to be sharpened by expert workmen. 1407 Douglas. 8 HERMAN, Isdies' tailor. Hayden Broa. WILLOW plumes made from old or new feathers guarantee !. lsfe3 8. 11th. D. 7ki3. V 1 TC HES from combings, Sl.oO; puffaT 1S. Special attention to mall orders. Ce cilia Burns. 336 Faxton Blk. D. a3. 3d ft. FoH SALE Dark brown switch, guar anteed to be human hair. M 7U1, Bee. FOR a dainty dtwaert use Dalsell's Ice cream. If Mrs. W. A. Cody, lus N. 4Jd St.. will come to The Bee office within three days we will give ber an order lor a quart brick of this fine Ice cream. FOU CHHHISTMAS CHINA PAINTING DYB ALL'S g inaha exclusive candy shop Th home of home made csndles. Specials dally. 1613 Douglas. GWiTtiLINGS f'. nd urlu Falataff Buffet. Board of Trad Bldg Hand-painted ohlna cheap. irTui Cum. H.&10 White's Loan Office. 14 Douglaa: ihm lal aale on overcoeta left In pawn, 3 up. special nargains in waicnes and diamond nnvNEY's for X ma. Saratoga Drug to, H Anw. REDUCED price on ladiea' aulLa and cloaka thla month. Bulla and coat modeled at rearonabl coat. Anna 8iattk. laulea UUor. Hi City Mat. bldg. D. it By Anetber tbeackt far Claadel If tk (i eer klm. why net make 'en eorer aa tka keaat af preyt Km reaaea at all why tbey akaaldat. da a abake and wrlle and aver aroea tbe wkel nil af the eeeoannta aa the naaaapeetlas aalmal, wblek eialta a rear at anryrlaa aad raa;e. Tkla aleaae Claade, tar ke Bueabea that the aela may attract Nlaarod. Claadet BARKER BROS. PAINT CO. 1609H Farnam Bt. Doug. 4750. Ind. A-3821. A beautiful assortment of stencil out fits and Sherwin-Williams good. We do glazing and picture framing at moderate prices. SuitatOriUmcieanlng' dyin- pressing; or rent. Sugarman. 818 8. 20th. D. 45S7. CANARIES for Xm; best sIniTirli: w , case8' w " and dogs. Msx Oeisler Bird Co., 1617 Farnam. LAMPS vh not ave money for kiii in Xmag by cutting your gas bill In two with our house lamps? They make long evenings delightful; 1.75 de livered. Doug. 1700. JOHNSON LAMP CO.. 621 S. 16th Bt. 15i LAB1NET PICTURES tfco Basaett Studio. 616 8. 16th. D 7408. V CHINESE LILIES. 10c. 3 for 26o. PAPEE NARCISSUS, 40o per dosen. THE NEBRASKA SEED CO.. Phone D. J2bl. wig h, Howard. LUXURY M5,JJTIL1Ty Bre com" j CHRISTMAS GIFTS. Everyone, men or women, young or old. will be glad to .v,.. i, eiecnicai gut ror Chriatmas. YOUNG WOMEN WolflJ 'Predate the Y. W. C. A. as a ennntmue girt. KVKBVHfMiv . I,,... , . the Woodward Stock company. If Charles Horn, 41b So. 42d St., will come to The Be office within three duys we will give him an order for a pair of tickets. HELP WANTED FEMALE Factory aud Trades. Hoaaekeepera aad Domeatlo. ,H,rl6ERVANT GIRI' PROBLEM 80LVED-The Bee will run your Domes tic Help Wanted ad FREE until you get the desired results. Bring your ad to Th Be office or telephone Tyler 10U0. WAN! ED A young girl Irom 1 to 6 o clock to care for a child 4 years old: references required. Tel. Harney 172. GIRL for general housework. Small family; best waxes: Innuira 9R' r.m...i Avenue. YOUNG girl to aasiat with housework and help care for children. Mrs. Martin Jet ter, 623 8. 31at St., Souh Omaha. nmnLi-njuM mnia wno can sew anu is expenencea witn Children. JalS St Mary's Ave. Douglas 471. WANTED Good girl for general house- wora; uer ween, aza Harney St. THIRTY handanmo well ilnnul for tho ocean steamship scene of Robert nuuuras j tool There Was." Apply stage door Brandcls theater Thursday, i.u.aiuuvi p. rn. wanted An experienced girl for general nouseworg. Harnev. 3082. WANTED-A girl for general house work; small family; good wages. Tel. Harney 2WM or call at 1339 S. 3oth. Bllacellaneous. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building st St. Mary's Ave. and 17th St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at the Union Station. Apprentice girls to learn hairdressing! Oppenheim, 226 City Nat'I Bank. WANTED-Experlenced bindery girl at once. I. M, Medlar Co., 414-416 8. 14th St. EVERY person knows who D. J. O'Brien Is because he has made Omaha famous with his candy. If Wm. Monsky, 1006 N. 24th St.. will come to The Bee office within three days we will give him and order for a GO-cent box r O'Brien' candy free. HELP WANTED MALE Agent, saleaaueu aud Solicitor. CITY salesman. W. A. Hlxenbaugn A Co.. 1H1I St. Mary's Ave. Tel. lJ s7. SALESMAN to call on doctois. Eatab lUhed trade. Clean, well-paid work for hard worker. Also one for central Ne biaaka, P. O. Box 121. Philadelphia. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. Look, see. The Little Wonder gas tuaUer being demonstrated at lull Farnani St.; own your own gas at one-half uauul cost. SOLICITORS The lilt of the season, Orthail Mfg. Co., room 404, Bee Bldg. Clerical and Office. "CANO" High grade positions. 600 Bo. GOOD, experienced clothing salesman wanted; steady portion; reference re quired. Raphael-I'red Co., 13th and Far nam. WANTED 6.1X0 men to brlna- their dull razor to Undeland . 1407 DouKlas. Factory aud Trades. Drug store (snaps) Jobs. Knlest. Bee Bldg. 3 good, sober, colored barbers at once. Address Profossor W. Robert B. Alex ander, 313 S. 11th St.. Lincoln. Neb. BARHK.R shop, bath, no waits. 34) luiii. WAN ! ED Union bricklayer at Crof- ton. Neb. Two-story brick building, EOxkO, ut started. All material on ground; 70a per hour; board and room $5 per week. w. f. Koese, crorton. ieo. . COATMAKER wanted at ones. F. Holmes. Ames, la. POSITION open. Employment steady. First-class paper ruler. Nonunion. Write or call, Lewis Sears Printing and Binding Co.. Seattle, Waeh. Salary 6oo per hour. M tact'llancoa. GOVERNMENT positions open: list showing eatariea free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 313-K. Kochester. N. X. ABLE booted men wanted for the U. S. Marine Corp, between the ages ot 13 snd Si,: must be native burn or have first papers; monthly pay $16 to $t; additional couipenaatlon poaolble; lootl, clothing, quarters and meaicai attendance free; after 30 years' aervlce can retire with 75 per cent ot pay ana allowance; service on board ship and ashore In all parts of the world. Apply at U. B. Marine Corpe Recruiting Office. Hot Farnani St.. Omaha. Neb. WANTED, for U. S. army, able-bodied unmarried men, between oaea ot 13 nnd cttisena ot lulled Stales, of good character and temperate habits, who can sprak. read and write the English lan auane. For information apply to Ke- cruittng Officer. 13th and Iniugla Sia , Omaha. Neb.; il 4th St., Sioux City, la,; YM N. lotn ni., Lincoln, isen. FaulUea Cleaners. 1U fl- bib. L. wi. Hershfield "I'aa the ker!" erlea Deeaerate Deanaad, bnt I eaa't back the t literal" la the Tel ret blaekneaa af a deaert night, kefere tk Tll aad kla eaptlv appear many pair af baralaa; eyea. Darkneaa by Haelf la an. canny, but darkneaa apaaaled wltb tler-yea I poaltlvely alarmlns. What will happen ta Roaamead? What te DeemoadT What ta Oh, for te-morrew'a plctare. Mlacrllaneoua. THIRTY well drefBed, . fine appearing; men for the ocean steamship scene of Robert Milliard's "A Fool There Was." stage door Brandt-Is theater 4 p, in. Thuisday, November 23, DRUG clerk, young man, unmarried, all around, experienced; reference re quired. C. R. Woodworth, McCook. Neb. YOU are wanted for government Job; per month; send postal for list of posi tions open. Franklin Institute, Dept. 216 K, Rochester. N. Y. MAN wanted with rig to take charge of sale of our medicines, extracts, npice. soaps, perfumes, toilet articles, stock and poultry preparations, etc.. In your county. One man made t'JO one week. Steady work guaranteed. Work healthful, pleasant, very profitable. References required. Write us. We mean business. Shores Mueller Company, Dept. 19, Tripoli, la. MEN of Ideas and Inventive ability, write Greeley c Mclntire, patent attor neys, Washington, D. C, for their list of Inventions wanted, and prises offered by leading manufacturers. 500 MEN, :0 to 40 years old, wanted at once for electric railway motormen and conductors; y,o to J100 a month; no ex perience necessary; fine opportunity; no strike.. Write immediately for application blank. Address Y 60, care of Bee. Ut $100 MONTH AUTOING. AUTO SCHOOL. OMAHA, NEB. "Guarantees more actus repairing than any three other schools. Some see. TELEGRAPH position guaranteed you by both Union Paclflu and Illinois Cen tral railroads if you gain your training in U. P. Training School. Practice on R. R. wires. Address, for particulars, H. B. Boyles, Pres. U. P. Telegraph School, Omaha, Neb. STOP! RuAD! f , ' -....- profession. Learn automobile engineering In our large training shop. Hundred of suc cessful graduates. Complete equipment of automobile and machinery. Address National Auto Train Asn., tm Brands' Theater Bldg., Omaha, Neb. MEN wanted to learn tbe barber trade. An important announcement just now. We teach by free work and save years ot apprenticeship. No better work. Jobs always waiting. See our offer. Molar Barber College, 110 S. 14th St. THE best treat for wife and baby Is a dish of Dalsell's Ice cream. It N. B'. Krleb, 211 So. 42d St., will come to Th Bee office within three days we will give him an order for a quart bride of this fine Ice cream. f- - . LIVE STOCK FOR SALE ltoraea aud Vehicle. FOR SALE All kinds of good horses. 918 N. 21st St, 'Phone Douglas 6000. FOR SALE A good driving mare. B. A. Simon, ifcU5 South 32d bt. Harney 4101. FOR SALE Fine spun of dappie-gray geldings, 2,D00 pounds. Inquire at Creigti ton university, 2ith and California. YOUNG Arabian stallion, combination saddler and driver. E. F. Pratt, Thayer, la LOST AXD FOUND FOUND The best place In town for switches made of your own combings. Mrs. Fisher, 606 S. liith. R. 6. Doug. 17in. PERSONS having lost some articles would do well to call up the office of th Omaha & Council Blurts Street Railway company to ascertain whether tbey left It In the street cars. Many articles each day are turned In and the company Is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug las 48. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. MEDICAL BEST bracer for men, Gray's Narv Food Pills, $1 per box, prepaid. Sherman. & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. MOXEV TO LOAN Salary and Chat tela. $$$M$$W($$$$!$m4$$$$$$S$$$$$$$$$l t$ H tt it $10 TO $100 LOANED TO ANYONE $J n tt $ tt $$ it u $$ it n 3$ $4 J! 3$ 11 Mi il 43 We will procure a luau for any 4$ body who owns furniture, pianos. horses, wagons, or anyone holding 4$ a steady position at the most rea- 44 tollable charge. Ail we ask is your 4 1 rum. He to pay. ,Vo red tape. No $$ delay. Quickly, privately, cheaply. M in iiiKiallinenia of tL&. 4 J'x In installments of ILfci. t $uu in iimiallmems of $2.46, 1$ No other charges. ti Loans made Hum on month to 4$ $$ one year. Terms to suit you. It GU-ArtANTEE LOAN CO., $ 43 (Small Loan Department.) 31 44 204 Withnell Blk. Over Neb. Cycle Co. 41 33 N. E. cor. l.'th and Harney. $3 43 Douglaa &M6: Ind. A-1.K. i HStmnmiifciinwwHiiifflitnniiimoKi Chattel Loans, AT REASONABLE RATES. Nebraska Loan Co., r 230 Be Bids. Douglas IK. A-13S6. 4 $ 4 4 ( 4 I $ 4 4 4 $ 4 4 $ I I I I 4 $ I $ Oioney Xor tu very bod) $iu to $1U0. 1$ LOANS ON FURNITURE. PIANOS, tt It at chargrs you can afford, and without the red tap and delay you experience with other companies. ESTABLISH yOUR CREDIT HERE it s as GoOD AS A BANK ACCOUNT IN TIME OF NEED, NOTE THESE RATES: 410, you pay back $11.60. Hi, you pay back $17.00. IJd, you pay back $JS 00. 300 you pay back $.5.00. NO OTHER CHARGES. Weekly or Monthly Payment. II $$ 43 U $t 44 n i$ $$ $$ 4$ 1 44 OMAHA FINANCIAL CO.. 309-10 Bro ad Blk. Opposite Bran Otis S. E, Cor. 16th and Douglas, 'phone Douglas 3oj6. $$!$$$$$$$$ tttttttttt t t It MONEY loaned aaiaried um. . - keeping house and others, without .i. curity; eaay payment. Offices in 67 orin. cipal cities. lolmaii, 6u3 Omaha Natl Bai k Bldg . formerly N. y. l.ifa Bldg. DIAAIOND loans at i..l i - I 1 1 i - i. i i i . . W. C. i'latau, 114 Doug. lUd Lia