Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 23, 1911, Image 1

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Daily Bee
Our M2gazir,3 Features
Wit, humor, flntin ana conil
plcf nr the best Of eatxnrtaln
meat, lastroitios, uwhbmI
Fair; Colder
i!Mi-H)Uirn:i;N p.u.ix
Vessel Bearing Nebraskan and Wife
and Eighty-Four Other Pas
sengers Ajjround.
Will Be Transferred to Ward Line
Steamships at Once.
First News of Wreck in Wireless to
New York City. .
Rif totter Aloufiala Will
Take' Off Pn(rn, If Nnh
arr Tnaa WI1 Be Sat
from Nearest Port.
NEW YORK, Nov. 21 William 3.
Bryan, his wife and grandchild, and
Igbty-four fellow passengers on .the
ateamer Prina Joachim, ashore on' the
rocks oft Samana island, will be trans
ferred today to the Ward line stoam
hlps, Eegurance and Vlgllancla, accord
ing to an announcement made here by
Hamburg-American lino official. The
eguranca is now along side the Print
Joachim and the Vlgilancla Is on its way
fjpuaa Nassau.
News of the wrecking of the Prlns
Joachim came In a wireless dispatch to
this city. The steamship is In , no . im
aaodiate danger, but requires assistance.
Wrecking tugs will be sent from the
attost available ports. The last wireless
part received said that the ' passen
gers w"ere calm and the steamship resting
easy about a mile off shore.
Wireless communication with the
teamer was practically broken when
gay came, the wireless operators report
ing they could not get a long distance
anessago as far as Samana Island at
The New Tork office of the Hamburg
American line received a report of the
vreck early today. The Prlns Joachim,
Mder command of Captain A. Fey, sailed
n a cruise to Port Llmon and return.
The first port of call was Fortune
Island, where the Bteamor was due today.
Bryan Bars All Are Safe
LINCOLN. Neb., . Nov. !2. Charles
Bryan, brother of W. J. Bryan, received
a wireless message picked up at Key
West station, from W. J. Bryan this
morning. The message reads:
."Ship aground, mile from land; no dan
ger; do not worry.
(31gned.) "W. J. BRTAN."
Revenue Tatter Rent to Aid.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 22.-AB scon as
word of the accident .to the .Prlns
Joachim reached the Treasury depart
ment, cable instructions were sent to San
Juan, Porto Ktco, to dispatch the revenue
cutter Agonquin, now on -that station, to
Bamana key to assist Ui stranded
steamer' and' to take off Its passengers
should that be necessary. ---'-
Manchus in Nanking
Surrounded and Are
Short of Food
LONDON, Nov. A news dispatch
from Tien Tsln today says the imperial
v 1st forces at Nanking, under General
Chang, was surrounded and short of food,
with their retreat cut off. The fall of the
city before the revolutionists Is apparent.
Manchus in Peking are fostering an anti
foreign propaganda. '
. ,
SACRAMENTO, Cal., Nov. 22. Attorney
General U. S. Webb today ruled against
women serving as Jurors In this state,
the question having been raised as a re-
suit of the adoption of the suffrage con
stitutional amendment.
"Under the common law," says Webb,
a jury consisted or twelve iree ana law
ful men and under the same law women
were not eligible to Jury duty. I think our
code did not change the common law rule.
"I don't understand that the constitu
tional amendment extending the right of
suffrage to women has affected the ques
tion of eligibility for Jury service."
Splm.Ce4- Attempt Suicide,
NKW YORK", Nov. ?J. Miss Laldee
Quirk, a Bchool teat her, years old, tried
to commit uaktilc. tcxiay by tubulins ga
because, so i-he. t ild the police, all her
friends were. Krtti:ij; married and she was
lonely. Mini yuirli tiald a brother, D. A.
Quirk. llveHj!iCliicago. ,
The Weather
riiR NE3RASICA Generally fair, much
KUK IOWA Cene rally fair, except riln
or snow east puitlon; colder turn portion.
Temperature a I Omaha YrttertlH .
Hour. Dcg.
6 a. m ti
6 a. in
V a. in v
K p. ni ;,j
" p. in i
li a. m -
n a. n .$
12 m il
1 p. m. .
z p. in..
X p. 1.1. .
4 p. in.,
u ii. ut..
1 (i. in..
U p. in 3
1-Ui.l 4. ....-.
191L ihio. vj m. i:vt.
'I US V.j C7
i-J !; ii i
Highest yesterday
Lowest yeaiciuAj
jscan terapcittiiiro
i'l wulpltuli ill sst .jj x'
Tempviature and precipitation depart
'.nil Hum ths iioinirtl;
Nc.rrao.1 temperature ;
j..xce.. fo n.e. ua; 3
'J uiii exce .in ; .Viarcu 1 . . . . . . D. ,
Normal pi ecipitatlen 03 incii
Deficiency lui lua day 4in.ii
Pieopitaiiou siiue Mrth 1 i..41i,.s
lu4ic..ll- tallica I .ji. til l.ic ft
i'l-ni'leii'.-y no., poin.d l!'l- 4.S1 li.ciit
k.xurbu cf. ptiutl IX' J. hie. ics
ttrtor(4 It ruui hl.illuu 7 i, .u.
Station and State
fit Weather.
"heyeiine, clear ...
Davet.port. raining
Temp. JIIku. Raln
1 it. 111. em. xail.
... iJ U T
Jiiver. nwui aj
ln Muines, cloudy :.4
iMiugu City, clear U
.siiiit r, el'-ar 24
Is 01th i'latu-, c.ear 24
i ni ha, ti tuiiy 5
I'utblo. clou.iy ,"4
Jtaptu 1'ity jlear tt
Salt Lake City, clear..., Jo
hanta Ke. pari cloudy., -hi
M.erldan. tleir i
biouu 'ity, rh-ar ;
01 llnu. part cloudy.. 1:4
1 irtKBiei. t iv . or pru iriltallnii.
A. i tLoti, v rbtt r.
Senator Reed Tells
Jury of Buying of
Cyanide by Dr. Hyde
KANSAS CITf. Mo.. Nov. 2J.-nator
Reed resumed his opening statement for
the tat when the Hyde trial was re
sumed today, and the Jury heai',1 for the
first time the story of the alleged buy
ing of cyanide by Ir. Hyde.
Senator Reed outlined graphically how
Dr. Hydo, at the drug store of Hugo
Rreckleln, as Senator Reed said the
state would show, ordered six five-grain
capsules of cyanide of potas.Munv-thlrty
grains In all; of how amount and
kind of poison ro surprised tho clerk, an
the state would prove, he would not sell
the drug until he had eonxultcd Mr.
Drecklein; of how Mr. Jtreekletn refused
to deliver tho cyanid( even though Dr.
Hyde was a known rustomer, but told
the physician to call at the store for It,
and that when Ir. Hydo did call, that
Mr. Urcckleln cautioned him to be care
ful in the use of such a powerful poison.
Senator Reed said the state would
show that Dr. Hyde told the druggist
he wanted the cyanide to kill dogs.
Senator Reed told agan of the sick
ness of Colonel Swope and described in
detail the death of the philanthropist,
and as the prosecutor toid of how, as he
said. Dr. Hyde had bought a coffin for
Colonel Swope before he died, he paused
dramatically. Then Senator Reed
launched Into other parts of his state
ment, A deathlike silence luiug over the
crowded court room 'as he told how It
would be shown that 'young Tom
Swope" had seen Hyde throw awaycap
sules, portions of which, on being
analysed later, were found to have con
tained "that deadly and damnable
Forgan, Schurman -and
Reynolds Make
Talks to Bankers
NEW ORLEANS, La.. Nov. 22.-Leaders
of men In several big lines of work talked
to delegates to the American Hankers'
association when 'the convention organ
ized for the. second day's session, here
this morning.
Most of the speakers discussed their
topics from a technical standpoint, James
B. Forgan, president of the First National
Bank of Chicago, talking about "The
Mobilisation, and Control of the Keeerves
of the Country." ,
President Schurman of Cornell univer
sity, taking the public's side, so far as
viewpoint goes, spoke of "Public Opinion
on the National ReserVe Association."
Another Chicago banker, .Oeorge M.
Reynolda, president of the Commercial
and Continental bank, talked about "Re
discounts and Book Credits."
Many other speakers from all parts of
the country contributed to the program.
Xt Is predicted on the face of a "straw
vota" , that Arthur Reynolds of Des
Uolnts, now treasurer of the association,
will .beoom.ofceitrrnan of the executive
council. There are oontentanta whom
Mr. Reynolds must sweep out of the way,
however, beforo his election Is ensured,
If he succeeds his place as treasurer will
probably be filled, by J. Fletcher Farrell
of Chlcaga.
The delegates to the convention are
looking forward to their cruise to the
tropica, which begins Saturday.
Lorimer Witnesses
Will Be Prosecuted
For Alleged Perjury
CHICAGO, Nov. 23. Definite recom
mendation as to possible perjury charge
in connection with testimony given be
fore the senatorial committee investi
gating the election of William Lorlmr
as United States senator may be made
after the oommltteo concludes its ses
sions In Washington. That the commit
tee already had considered the aubject
was made known today, but It was said
the committee considered it Improper to
take any Initiative until after all the evi
dence is closed.
The Investigating committee ended Its
Chicago hearings today end adjourned to
meet in Washington, December 5.
Taf t to Give Dinner
For His Cabinet and
Republican Leaders
WASHINGTON, Nov. 22. At one dinner
President Taft plans to give In the
Willie House this winter lie will be
host to the republican national committee,
mot of the well known leaders of the
party and to many of his cabinet at
once. It promisis to be the largest gath
ering of republican leaders ever held In
the White House. The national coinmit
iift 1 to met In WaMhlnston December
1 11 to choose a chairman and the pluce for
holding the national convention.
Wealthy Farmer
Killed by Agent
WATERLOO, la., Nov. 22. Henry Phil
lip!1, aged CT, a wealthy farnn-r lfvlng
I Kcvcn tulles east of here, was niiot end
t.Mtantly hilled this afternoon by J. T.
McCii! kill, aged 25, who Li In custody.
MeCaskill is d fewing machine agent and
rte'.ntly came from Sioux City. He says
tin! tragedy resulted from discussion of
U'lins 'f t-ettieiiient lur a machine and
ay3 Phillips Bttar!cJ h.m with a poker,
tiiiKlng him over llio head. Phillip' -yiur-oUi
gill is tuid to have been ths eyewlineb.
I MARPHALLTOW.V. .'a, Nov. 22. (Spe
ll lal.i Mr. and Mrii. .1. D. inith v.ere
j burnt d, the former b:id!y. wtn kii alco
ihol stove cxploutd in their home lo.lay,
beFjaterlriK Mrs. tmlih's clrtMiitf with Abcrdten, . 1.. charging her with fraud
the burning tlu'd. Mlie faved from 1 1 1 cei.uect 0.1 vi!n a land Uraing In !Hi.
prohable death by her hupband. who t uelT'ie wuinnii r.-fiifel uixk .my iiiie
htr clothing off and was burned on Ui : i.-enl. Aw otnpanieJ by s I nitej Stato
cn'.i and rms Wh'la do 113 Co. mna. xl slia stalled for Aheidcen
More Than Two Hundred British
Suffragettes Locked Up on
Charge of Rioting.
Nearly All Carry Grips Containing
Extra Clothing.
These Who Break Windows Must
Answer to London Sessions.
Militant Leader, Now la I'nlted
, "tates, sWya Government Vio
lated Truce- an,d lesprrat
Stratcul Is Oa.
LONDON, Nov. 22. Unrepentant suf
fragettes to tho number of 22. many of
whom apparently are still In their 'teens,
appeared si Bow street police court today
snd were sentenced to fines, or alterna
tive terms of Imprisonment, varying from
a fortnight to a month. The women In
variably chowe prison Instead of a fine.
, Counsel tor the public prosecutor said,
in rpeaking of the charge, thnt he could
not adequately describe the "disgrace and
discreditable scenes of organised disorder-'
of which the accused were guilty.
From the evidence it Is certain the mili
tant suffragettes acted on a concerted
plan of campaign. As soon as they were
repulsed by the police drawn up In Parlia
ment aquare, they dispersed Into small
groups, who mixed with the crowds.
These were kept in constant movement
by the police. Occasionally a missile was
hurled from tho middle of the throng, but
the police were unable to detect tho
This gave the militants more confidence
and as they came within reach of the
government offices In Whitehall and on
ttio surrounding strets the throwing of
stones became more frequent and shouts
Of "votes for women" were raised. ' It
was here that most of the arrests were
At the National Liberal club on
Thames embankment the . excitement
reached Its height. The club was full of
mombers and their friends. These flocked
to the windows as the crowds appeared,
but were soon forced to retreat in order
to avoid the showers of well-aimed stone
which crashed through the tower win
dows. Many more arrests were made here and
also along the Strand, where the tele
graph office was attacked as well as
seevrs. latores.
Raiders Itlde la Cabs.
Borne of the suffragettes rode In horse
and motor . cabs, from which . they
launched stones when opportunity ' af
forded. .Officers sltuateU a mil frpm in
House of . Parliament .suffered. In, . this
way. In some . Instances, the assailants
succeeded In escaping, but In others tliey
appeared to aetk arrest.
Somerset house, where the public rec
ords are kept, aljo"wa the object of the
attack, but Us dist trice from the side
walks and its formidable walls prevented
much damage:
Most of the women were arraigned In
court carrying grips with a change of
clothing, In anticipation of spending a
period in Jail. Several of thein who
had broken windows of a value exceeding
(50 were committed for trial at the
London sessions. All of these, however,
were allowed out on ball.
A poster circulated by Mrs. Pethlck
Lawrence calling on women to assemble
In their thnuiands and "see fair play and
protect women from being brutally vic
timized by the police In uniform and
plain clothes, as they wero on black Fri
day, 1910, when, as a result of ill-usage
one woman died and many were seriously
injured," was produced In court. Counsel
for the government warmly condemned
this a 8 a disgraceful and unworthy ef
fuslon. Mrs. I'awkhnrat May Go Home.
KANSAS C1TV, Nov. 22. "The action
of the Ixindon police courts In sending
suffragists to prison this morning Is the
enemy's declaration of war," declared
Mrs. Kmmellne Pankhurst, a leader of
the nilllltsnt suffragettes 111 F.iiglund, in
this city today. "It means that the truce
vlileh has been 011 for practically a
year is ended and a mo.-o desperato strug
gle tiian ever before Is to begin." v
Mrs. Pankhurst, inoth.r of Sylvia and
Chrlstobul Pankhurst, the latter 0110 of
those Imprisoned today, is touring this
country in the interest of woman suf
frugc Sho addressed two meetings here
toduy. She left later fur Cincinnati.
"Another twelve hours' developments
may show the situation grave enough to
call me home," Mrs. Pankhurst said.
"The putting of my lieutenants In Jail1
may make It necessary for me to go
straight to the front without collecting
any more supplies."
Persia Yields to
Ultimatum of Czar
LONDON, Nov. 22. The 1'einlan gov
ernment this afternoon notified the Hrit
tiili government lliat, acting under tho
latter s advice, it would comply wltli the
demands nf the 'tlutMan ultimatum.
Orueis hav. been 4:lveti for the wlth
o'rawul of tliu tmiilarmeu, who were
Kent hji V. Margin rihuntor, tho Persian
I reujui er-snim:, at the InKunce of the
iatU;)4l council, to sUe the property of
rihuae-Kultaiifs, a brother of tho ex
,'i,V.i of l'n j.u.
The Per.!! Kovernment will apologlno
to 1 lunula. A now i'ciKlan cabinet will
I bo foi me tocLty.
TOLKIXl, U., Nov. 22. Susie K. Pres
flcr, M years old, a pc iihIoii agent of this
city, was arrested today by C'utted Hates
official. en an Indictment returned in
"The ttme Is cortalnly comlDR." say3 Postmaster CU'uernl Hitchcock, "when we must depend upon tho aero
plane for delivering mall."
From the Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Prosecutor Charges Mis. Patterson
with Deliberate Murder.
State Sara Mr. Patterson Ilnd Dis
covered ICvldenro that Would
Prevent Her tirltlna; a
DEN VIJK, Colo., Nov. 22. Special
Prosecutor Horace O. Benson today out
lined to the Jury the case of the state
against Mrs. Gertrude Gibson Patterson,
accused of the murder of hor huaband..
Dectailng thut the state expects to ihow
that Mrs. Patterson, after being surprised
by her husband undor circumstances thai
threatened to Jeopardize her chances lor
success In the divorce action she had
brought, armed hrself,lay' in wait for
him at a spot which she Knew he was
ecustomcd to pasa In his morning walks,
Inveigled him to an Isolated place and
shot blip In the bacUteUbeTately and
preinedltatedly. He a;,d (or a verdict
of .first -degree murder It tlMiae-things
were proven totha ssVisfactlon of tiio
Jury, .
Knrly History Excluded.
In the case as outlined by Prosecutor
lienson lawyers say there Is no lo.iphole
for the defense to Introduce testimony re
garding the life of Mrs. Putterson before
she and her husband came to Denver
forjiis health In OctobeiJ910.
On the Saturday night preceding the
shooting, which occurred on Monday
morning, the state would thow by wit
nesses, he said, that Patterson, accom
panied by a friend, whom the state has
been unable to find, paid an unexpected
call at his wife's home. He found her,
the prosecutor asserted, Hitting on the
porch with George YV. Strain, a young
Denver man, and that when Mrs. Patter
son saw him she ran Into the house, cry
ing, "My Godl there comes my husband."
''The state would show," said lienson,
"that Mrs. Patterson had told Strain of
her husband's temper and that Strain
had come armed.' '
Husband Ttefusctl to Meet Her.
Mr. Benson said he expected to show
that on the next day Mrs. Patterson tried
to arrange a meeting with her husband
over the telephone, but that he refused to
meet her, and that on Monday morning
Mrs. Patterson, taking with her Htralri'a
revolver, went to a spot near the sani
tarium and waited si a place she knew
her husband was accustomed to pass In
his dally walks; walked With him and
shot h'.m twlco( once whin "he wss lying
on the ground.
Three Challenges for
Cause Are .Denied the
McNamara Defense
LOS ANGKLICS, Cal., Nov. 22 The de
fence In tho McNamara trial lost thrtc
legal points today in lapid succession.
Two challenges for cause preferred be
cause of opinions expresnod, by talesmen
were dlxallowed and a third challenge
directed cgaintt Talesman Hi ode because
one of the firm of his personal attorneys
Is doing work for the state In this case
also was disallowed.
Judge Walter Uordwill's fuling on the
challenges brought up to r.ine the number
of sworn Jurors and taleimen accept d
as to cause.
Chicago Butter and
Egg Board Under Fire
CHICAGO, Nov. .-Government offi
cials were prepared today to begin the
presentation of t hell" must Important evl
dtneo agaliiKt I lie Chicago (Sutler and F:g7
buurd, lliu local organization which it i
alleged, arbltiui'.y flcs lli-j pileis of the9
rommcditles. 'I'liis e iiienctj, It Was raid,
would Include the market quotations In
butter and eggs for this morning and
peverai other hundred other ni'ii iilngs.
v.llh tho l'l a l view of showing alleg ed
unwairuntud fluctuations 1-4 p.i:eM.
Kviilence In the m.'.e Im being heard he
roic a iiiaMcr in cl.auci rv. At luni I 'In
trlet Alt(-rney Welch, who Ih In charie of
the government's a' laid l iVay;
" We are goiiM to try to prove tliat tho
board has tlx sola excu-e fur exLitciuo In
the im nipu allun of pi'lees of butter and
; 'Iho g-ive. ninent 1 ti')liiv li li nhf
j the LOiiiJ
Defendants in Tar
Case Deny Having
Parts in the Assault
LINCOLN CENTT.K. Kan.. Nov. 22.
Tho defenne In the "tar party" cae
eloped Its direct testimony at the morn
ing session of court und the state then
began to present evidence In rebuttal.
The attorneys cpre.ieil their opinion
that the testimony would bo In the Jury's
hands before night and that probably
some of the closing arguments would
have been heard.
All of tho defendants wero on the
stand ut the morning session. A. N.
b'lmms, who benan his testimony yeHtof)
day, was excused In a few minutes and
was followed by John Schmidt and fihur
rlll Clark In turn.
The defendants told the same story.
They admitted knowing of thevplans to
"tar" Miss Chamberlain and starting for
the place where the crime was com
mitted, but they denied having a hand
In the assault or ever Intending to have.
A touch of romance was Introduced
Into the trial when Homer Hotllck was
called by the state In, roluittnl. He has
bean very friendly with Mls Chamber
lain durlntf ill Issr five ur six -months.'
In rant, he fald h had beqn "keeping
company" steadily with her.
Doctor and JJurse
Held in Connection
With Four Deaths
DKTROIT, Nov. 22. A Journal special
from t'hly, Huron county, says that Dr.
Robert McGregor and Mrs. Margaret
Glbbs, a nurse, were arrested today and
taken to -Jail at Dad Axe. It la charged
they did not tell nil they knew In tholr
testimony at the L'bly Inquest regarding
the deaths of John Werdey Hparllng and
his three sons. Husplelons of arsenic
poisoning have been raised In connection
with the four deaths.
Tho coroner's Jury today reudered a
verdict of "death by arsenic poisoning"
In the case of Allxirt Sparling. Dr. Mc
Gregory and Mrs. Margaret Glbbs of Lou
dim, Ontario, were taken from tholr
rooms after they had retired for tho night
and hurried to Had Axe In an automobile.
Fifteenth Infantry
Probably Will Be Sent
to China from Manila
MANILA. Nov. 22.-Th I'lftcnth In
fantry which Is due to arrive here oil
December 1, probably will bo sent ut
once to Chins. The soldiers will arrive
on the transport Thomas and will leave
for China on tho name boat.
The regiment will be reinforced to full
war strength by trancfers from o(hr
regiments and will be prepared before
departure for a long stay In Chinese
territory. It, will be accompanied by 11
hospital corps nnd by detachments of en
gineers, Mlgnal mini, field artillery and
possibly cavalry.
Army officials conferred here today re
garding preparations for tho trip. In
cidentally an order was Issued directing
all officers In the vicinity r Manila to
take a sperlal physical test Immediately
Express Train
Jumps the Track
POrOHKKKPHK, N. V., Nov. . 22
Ten cais of tho American exprevs train,
bound from New York, were derailed
early today on the New York Central
railroad, about one mile south of Ithlne
beck. It is reported that the engineer
and fireman are fatally Injured. The
train cairleil no pannengerg, but express
niiMHenKci4 and a crew numbering eight
or ien men.
KICIiMiiND, Mo., Nov. 22.-In the
presence of many higii church dlgnitarle.i
and f.0 members of the Moriinui churc h,
who traveled fro.u I'tah in fpeclal trains
lo le prtwint. U huge grnnlte. shitft
ireeted to the memory of Oliver Cow
dery, David Whllmer und Murtin Ilairln,
the thiee apiintles w!io wltnessrd the
liai.Mlutlin if the Dunk of Mormon, Kan
erivtipd here today. Pilie- J. Giant,
iifid i'l I ne of the u'hhIu; iuc r 1 .,,
. . ...!, il
nrt :t r
INS NllV- Vot5
War Department Asks Less Than
Thirty Millions for Waterways.
Only Tints Projects Approved by
Army lOnalnerra After t'nretol
Inv'rstlitatlon Are) on
tho 1. 1st
WASHINGTON. Nov. 22. Katlmatcs for
continuing tho work of river and harbor
Improvement throughout the country,
made public at the War department to
day, ami covering the fiscal year ending
June SO, 1P13. show a strict adherence to
the new sdmir.inti n'.lun policy of asking
congress to appropriate only for those
Improvements which have received the
approval of the army corps of engineers
after the most thorough Investigation. No
new projects of any great Importance
are provided,, for In the estimate and
unless congress takes the bit In Its teeth
nnd disregards the recommendations of
General W. H. Hlxby, chief of engineers,
the "pork barrel" method of river nnd
harbor wqrlt will have been allminnted
for a second year. - i
l:stlnates ArJ.rrer.
The Appropriations asked for agftregnt
as against I.TO.OM.Cls for the
current year. The estimate wilt be sent
lo congresn by the secretary of the treas
ury, and President Taft In his mesung
will 111 go rhat they be strictly adhered to.
They are divided as follows:
Under rontlnulng contracts..' $12,1H,!)SR
Rivers und harbors (general, In
cluding Mississippi River com
mission and examinations, sur
veys nnd contingencies 17,S46,ri9
Under California Debris commis
sion 'expenses) l.'i.Wfl
Prevention of deposits In New
York harbor..., lJ&ifiO
These estimates. It is explained, are in
tended to cover all the minimum require
ment for the prosecution and mainte
nance of the various Improvements. They
were made up from estimates prepared
nn the same basis by the various dlHtrlct
cpglnocrB, this being done to keep within
the limited total estimate deemed advis
able fur the fiscal year of 101.1 and on
the supposition that river and harbor
work will be provided for hereafter by
annual appropriations. The estimates are
to be divided between tho river and
harbor and sundry civil bills nnd are to
be applied to 3Vt works.
Money Needotl far nnauarlniT.
In connection with the estimates Gen
eral P.lxhy, chief of engineers, says In
"Liberal appropriations aro considered
proper and desirable for snagging and
oilier work nccpHKury to make natural
channels avullnhl.i wherever water-borne
commerce exluts or Is reasonably prospec
tive. It Is believed that expenditures fur
such Improvements are almost always
useful and advantageous to the general
public, evpnclally since tho Introduction
and rapid development of small gasoline
motor boats for combined freight nnd
passenger transportation. In many cssus
It Is apparent that the failure to usi a
waterway is due not so much to lack of
channel depth as to the presence of snags
end other obstructions which cun be re
moved at comparatively small cost, Hint
making the natural rhannel depths fully
available throughout the yenr. When the
boat commercu develops or its reulre
tneuts become greater tho existing clear
channel will be In its best condition for
further and more expanslvo improve
ments." The estimates In part follow:
Mississippi Rlvgr b'rom heud of in's
to mouth of Ohio river. .t.fjn.i)iK); between
Ohio and Mlxxnuri rivers. JlllHDH); ,.
tween Missouri river and St. Paul, Minn.
Sl.ZnC.ODO: tx-tween Ht. Paul nnd Mlnnu
spoils, t-'j.i..
Htale of Missouri Missouri rlec-r, from
Karma City to mouth. fiUJO.oiii): Osage
river, $15.(XW; Gasconade river, IIO.OUO.
IOWA CITY, la., Nov. 22.-8peclal.)
Frank J. Sessions of Davenport mas to
day chosen president of the Iowa confer
ence of charities and corrections, which
I as JuHt closed Its thirteenth annual meet
ing In Iowa City. Miss Minnie Fletcher
of Cedar Rapids Is first vice president
und Prof. K. II Huynes of Sioux City Is
second vice president. Prof. John L. Gll
I in of the Ciilvrrslty of Iowa was chosen
secretary Slid treasurer. Cedar Kaplds
will be the next meeting place of tho
Name if Prof. Drop item Itrjeeted.
HUSTON, Nov. Si The nom'nation of
I Prof, (inrrett Droppers of Williams col
! hue and former prrMhUnt of the Univer
sity of r'uulh Dakota as Marsaehusettk
niliioaii oinm Nsloiiei wss relucted t liav
h tiis Ij.'islsUv comic. I by a vets a!
cvtll til lol"
Ore Pioneer Says He Was Asked to
Help Freete Out Other
He Refused and Loan on His Own
Stock Was Called.
Witness Says He Did Kot Have
Enough Money to Get Home.
Masuntr Tolil Him (hat as He fifr
Jlierulneil, lit Wonlil Take
Honda f Consolidated t'out
lnny Instead f stoeU.
ASl'fNGTON, Ndv. iM.-Wiln a bit-'
term's thut lent emphnilsxto his utter
ances and at times f.-lrly tie.tdc himself
with pentup rage. Leonldns Mrrrltt told
the Stanley steel truiy committee today a
personal narrative of his dealings with
lolin D. Itockcfallcr and how the latter
had forced hlin out of tho Iron ore busi
ness In Minnesota.
Mr. Merrltt declared thut It wa.i odor
ho had turned down a proposition from
Mr. Ilockef oiler which ho characterized
as "Mealing" thut Kockefeller called on
him to pay a II,Oio,Oo( loan an.l brought
about his downfall. The proposition, Mr.
Merrltt said, came through Itev. Pr.
Clates. Mr. Rockefeller's almnner.
"I listened In amaicment to It," said
Merrltt. "It meant that several men
would be thrown out of the company and
their stock taken. I turned to Hates and
sold: 'Mr. Clates, you cams from John'
D. Rockefeller. Oo back to John D.
Itorkefeller nnd tell him that when t
steal for a living I will ntcal for myself.' "
At one time during tho remarkable re
cital of his dealings with Mr. Rockefeller,,
an encounter between, tho witness and
Oeorge W. Murray, counsel for the Stand
ard Oil magnate, wu narrowly averted.
ya Treacher I.led. ,
Mr. Merrltt said that Oates told him
Rookefe'.ler wns ' hard up." He believed
It at the time, but today he said Mr.
Clates "had lied."
'During a controversy between Attorney
Murray and the witness 'Chairman Stan
ley said:
"Mr. Rockefeller ought to be sum
moned here, and will be summoned. "
The comniltfe, however, up to the
luncheon recess, had taken no formal
Representative Danfurth, republican, of
New York,' at the conclusion of Merrltt's
testimony moved that all the testimony of
the Merrltt brothers be stricken from tho
record on the ground that ' it was
Irrelevant. .
The motion was lpst, Itepreientatlvea
lney, hta and McOlllcuddy, demo
urate, voting 'no" and Bupresentatlves
Danforlh and Gardner, republicans, vot
ing "gya."
Mr. Littleton, the only other member .of
tho committee In Washington, was not
rWiSry of Other Merrltt.
Iionldas Merrltt, brother, of Alfred
Merrltt, who yesterday told the story of
the family loss of valuable ore and rail
road property to John D. Rockefeller,
reiterated today many of hta brother'
statements. In detail he described how
his father, back In the 'toe, bad predicted
a great future for the Mesaba, regions
and how ho and his brother sank the
first ore pit In that country In 1SD1. . Later,
he ald, there was a rush to the territory.
Soon afterward, Merrltt said, experts
went over the range and condemned the .
ore aa useless. That prevented the.
Merritts borrowing money. But ' they
worked away on their own resources and'
began negotiations with capitalists to
build a railroad, which led up to the
subsequent dealing with Mr. Rockefollcr.-
"These transactions described by my
brother yesterday," Merrltt ald, "caused
the downfalt of our family."
He further testified that among the tncii
ho tried to interest In the or properties
and railroad projects without sucrose
weie H. C. Frlck and Andrew Carnegie. ;
"Frlck, who was then In ' the Carnttfie.
company. Invited. nio to see hlin," euld
Merrltt. "Ha bulldozed ine, cut me off
short and ridiculed my project"
After the completion of the road in
1132 sumo of the officers of tho company
tried to sell out 51 per cent of the stock
In the n:ine:i und railroad to thu Minne
sota Iron company, a rival cunccrn. That'
deal was blocked.
Interview nllh Rockefeller.
At that time Henator Cllpp, who was
a stockholder with the Merritts and their
attorney, urged them to soli, but they
did not. It wua at this time that they
first had Mr. Rocefeller suggested to
them as the niun who might be Interested '
in the project.
Merrltt relatid how in 1VS he went to
New York with Rev. S. D. Gates, Mrf
Rockefeller's almoner. Clates was hi a
constant companion and urged h'.m to
Dalzcll's Ice
Cream Bricks
Tickets to the
American Theater
Coxes 0!
O'Brien's Candy
All are given away (ni to
those no find their name in the
want -ids.
Read the want ada every day:
your name will appear soma tune
miybe more titan once.
No 1'uxxles to solve nor suik
acrlptlons to get just reiid t.10
viant .nds.
Turn to the wact ad pagv
there o.i will fmu utarly .. i
l,ulae-. houttf iu the .11., n,,t.