Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 22, 1911, Page 7, Image 7

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a Omaha
20 Below Omaha Prices -Not Ono Day, but Every Day
. .7 73 ""J
Step Taken to Launch State Organ
nation in Nebraska.
There la at Gran Lodge wlti Sahor
dlnate Bodies mm Jo.t Kaoagh
eereey to Make the Orii
laalloa Intrreetlme;.
27xj4 Velvet Hugs
Gx9 Seamless Brussels . .
7-6x9 Seamless Brussels
9x12 Seamless Brussels .
9x12 Seamless Velvet ..
a 1
See Our Full Lino of
20 o Below Omaha Prices.
Low Prices on Good Stoves
Acorn Heaters and Ranges
V 1 TV li 1 T -
vuick ivieai Kanges a
1 t- 1 1
f rati
: mm;
in All Sizes
We sell a good 4-hole Range,
for $24.50
6-hole,Range for . .$26.50
Set up in your home.
! '
'Solid Oak Rocker in No. 1
Leather seat ... . .$5.50
Car load of Kitchen Cabi
nets, 20 per
Omaha prices.
cent below
At tha First Methodist church yesterday
I steps were taken to organise tha Metho
dists of Nebraska under tha banner o
tha Methodist Brotherhood. Tho organ
isation in on that was founded at Buf
falo, N. Y., In lrx and haa spread with
wonderful rapidity over the states of tha
east. It haa tha endorsement of tha
Methodist chtirrh everywhere and la now
being taken up by tha churchmen of tha
central went.
The Methodist Brotherhood la a o-
Iclely of men of tha church, or those who
affiliate with tha organisation. It con
sists of a central body that corresponds
to a grand lodge, and t'nen In the towns
I and cities whore there are local churches
there are branches. There la a smatter
ing of secrecy about It, enough, at least,
to Interest all. There are the regular
officers, consisting of presidents, vice
presidents, secretaries and treasurerj.
Then there are numerous committees, the
members of which look after tho sick;
entertainments, arranging programs lor
meetings and many other thlncs.
To become a member an applicant must
be paased upon by a committee, and If
accepted the Initiation follows, and this
la said to furnish considerable amusement.
At least two-thirds of tha members of
any local cnapier mum w iiitmmi v.
the Methodist church In which the chap
ter Is located.
for Mntal Improvement.
The prime objects of the Methodist
brotherhood Is to effect the mutual Im
provement of Ita members by religious,
eoclal, literary and physical culture; to
promote the spirit and practice of Chris
tian brotherhood; to Increase fraternal
Interest among men; to develop their
activity In all that relate to social, clvlo
and Industrial betterment, and to build
up the church In particular by leading
men Into communion and fellowship.
Besides the organisation for men, there
Is a kindred organisation ror tne uoys.
Some of the features are similar to those
of the Boy Scouts. For them there la a
drill manual and scouting. In a general
way they are under the direction of the
I brotherhood.
Chauffeur Shultz
Seeking a Pardon
Al Hhtilts, the charfenr, sentenced to
three years In the penitentiary for man
slaughter in connection with the death
of the late William Krug, killed In an
automobile accident, haa mada applica
tion for pardon to Governor Ahlrlrh.
County Attorney ICnKlish, who prosecuted
Hlnilts, and Judge I.eo 8. Katelle. before
whom he was tried, have been notified.
They will take no action, the matter
being entirely In the hands of the gov
ernor and the Plate Board of 1'ardon and
The eighth lecture In the series which
rrof. 1'aul Urunimann Is giving at the
Toting Women's Christian association
was delivered yesterday afternoon and
the subject of the first hour waa "Lokl,
Vulcan, llephalstoa." while the second i
hour was given up to a consideration of
the Interpi elation of the Tristan ana
Isolde story.
in the first hour the lecturer went into
the subject of drmonoHigy and drew many .
Illustrations from various myths agreeing
In underlying Ideas. The prevalent Ideas
about Uothlc architecture were given a
gentle but firm touching up. rrof. drum
matin contended that the oteeples of
churches were to penetrate Into the realm
of alr-splrlts who were to bo frightened
way by the bells and that the style
was not modeled after the "temples of
nature," the groves, but to give a cov
ered place to worship, with the least pos.
slble Interruption of pillars.
The lecture on Tristan and IboIJo
showed that the lecturer had gone care
fully Into the sources of the story and
his distinction between the story of Gott
fried von Strasfburglt and that used by
Richard Wagner was given with thor
oughness and was full of Interest.
The auditorium waa comfortably filled
downstairs for the second hour.
S -
' W
'li ON ill LmiAltll
One of these
to yunra If yon will secure two
aubsiciiptlons to a weekly .
; - . - ' - l
t f'r : . : ' -. , ' 3
f t ' "Ailiafc itmra i n li S ,
i: hat! i in.... iaTf1 I
Bar Koot Irlnt It.
Bgjftlam CkoooUtea 80c. Myers-Dillon.
Qas, TUo. Futures, urgass-Orandn.
Om. Maob. Wks. Expert auto repairs.
liver Plating, Om. Plating Co. D.Z53S.
Kn Sigma Meeting The Mu Sigma
will hold an all-day ir.eetlng Wednesday
being entertained at luncheon by the
hostess, Mrs. Frank Boyd.
Curranoj Pamphlet by. Tatee "The
New Aldrtch Currency Han," reviewed
and criticised by Henry W. Yates, president-
of the Nebraska National bank. Is
the title of a paper which Is being cir
culated In pamphlet form by Its author.
sTexal Wast Divorces Suits for
divorce as follows have been started In
district court: Maude Z. Smock against
Dean Woodford Smock; Emma Hughes
against William R. Hughes. Andrew M.
Harrold has been granted a divorce from
Lizzie Harrold.
Elleulae Bbeppazd in Beoltal Miss
Iilloulse Sheppard, well known to music
lovers of Omaha, will ' give a recital
Thursday evening at Fearl Memorial
Methodist church. Twenty-fourth , and
Citizens Object to
Coal Yard Location
II. II. Haner, Thirty-first and Boyu
fctreets, appeared before the council in
committee of the whole Monday and de
clared that the cltliens of Ma neighbor-
I hood are prepared to contest In the higher
courts the light of the L. B. McCoun
Coal company to locate In that vlolnlty.
The coal company waa recently granted
the right to build sheds at Thirty-first
and Boyd and a switch track la to be
I constructed.
Mr. Haner with several of Ms neigh
Ibors appeared with a signed protest and
objected to the action of the council In
granting the coal company's request.
I claimed It would result In a nuisance,
smoke from the engines haulln
and lumber- to the yards would be con
tinually blowing into their houaes and
that housewives would be unarfle to hang
laundry on the lines because of It,
Fred F. Shields explained that Mr.
Haner would not be seriously affected
by the location of the yard and that tho
Larimore avenue. Tho recital Is for the damage would be much less serious than
Appointment of a file ciorg, wnose soie
business It shall be to keep charge of all
wills, petitions, orders and other aocu
ments In all departments or me coumy
,..-, win lie made January 1. 1013, ac
cording to announcement of Clyde J
Bundblad. clerk of the county court.
For months the need of such a cierK
v... h..n annarent. uusinees oi mo
county court has Increased to auch vol
ume that a man Is needed constancy 10
nalt upon attorneys and others who wish
to take out papers of one kind or an
other and to look up various matters lu
connection with suits and probate cases
The name of the new clerk will not be
Btven out until the first or me year,
though It Is understood County Judge
elect Bryce Crawford has named ninu
llnlldlnn rerrotfa.
A T Penander. IrtOi Nortn Twenty-ruin
street, frame dwelling, V.m; U It. Cock-
erlll, M22 North Twonty-rirtn sireei,
- ' ' - . M ill 'l ihui
Thirtieth ifr..r. rrsmn uwnuui.i .,vw
v w McFsrland. 1107 Lathrop. fraino
....tu., timil' Armstrona-waisn com
mnv. 1M17 Sherwood avenue, frame dwell
Ing. 12,500.
All the popular Fuzzy ones.
Hniry ones, too, to suit all.
In browna. Oxford graya, blue rt7",
tana and black atylr-a and aliapea to
please a. thousand different Ideaa re
gardinK the proper bat. The prlcos
are, as usual, lower than othern.
$2.00 $2.50
$3.00 $3.50 .
All our caps aro suaranteed to give satisfaction. They are
mado to protect yon and they DO protect you. Tho valnos ato ex
ceptionalall ahaprH In all colors.
Cloth Caps r( 7." 81.00 ' $1.50.
Fur Cap8-$1.50 S.OO $2.50 $3.00 $3.50 Vp.
In ltno with our policy of allowing the largest assortments, our
underwear department la no exception all welphta to fit all wolghta
nil atyles to fit all sites all prices to fit all purBes all values
better and greater than ever.
Union Suits $1.00 $5.00. mn
Two-piece Underwear, per garment, 4.C to $2..
Tho right kind are bore warm and comfortable, mado ,ot
fine worsteds, and wool. Also heavy Bhaker Unit. In all colors,
with or without atorm collara, aomo with pockets and some with
outat our prices you are In your pocket
$2.00 to $4.00
MUFFLERS Hade ol Fine Silk
Theso mnfners aro oxtra large sire and aro a necessity. They
protect the neck and rrotect tho collar they are lull of protection.
Real value 2.D0 to 4.00. J
Special at $1.45
Omaha Largest and Be$t Equipped Clothing Store
mm msML
Quickest, Surest Cough
Remedy Ever Used
tops Evan Whooping Cough Quickly.
A Family Supply for 50c. Money
Refunded If It Falls.
benefit of the Kpwoi til league.
BeT. Xoare Will Speak The women's
auxiliary of Uiu t-pifcopul churches of
Omaha will hold Its regular meeting
Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at Bt.
Mathlas church In addition to the
regular program by St Paul's branch
It was considered by the residents. "The
property holders know," said he, "that
some kind of a building must be -ulti
mately located there and several of them
have agreed that a coal and lumber yard
will be no more of a nuisance than
factory or some other Institution." The
If anmennn In vour famllv has aa obatl
nate, deeu-st-atnd cough even whooping
ooucb wbicli bas yielded slowly to treat
ltev. A. It. Hoare of Port Hope will de- council deferred action.
liver an- address on his exerlsnces in Appraisers reported on the cost of re-
Alaska. moving the Knox Presbyterian church at
Chief Savage la Better Chief of Nineteenth and Ohio streets to make
Detectives John Savage, who haa been wa? or change proposed In the boule-
conflned to his home for the last month
with stomach and heart trouble. Is recov
ering, and Is now able to be up and about
the house. He thinks he will be able to
take up the duties of his office within
the next week,
vard. Objection was entered to the
appraisers' report, which was tt.100, and
the objections were sustained. An effort
may be made to have half the cost of
the change paid from the park fundi.
An objection against paying the special
Mrs. .Tla Waata JMroroa-Georgta fr'"f Twenty-third street frorp
makes dish-washing easy
vt biai.C tieiu.shad Mia
Cried fcuk Willi relsad metal
numeral. maaa venduluut
sisa .u vu...iuu aitlw weiguls,
tuy bail iuum me i.uur
and laliiediul auiig uo iue hour.
hlXfa. '.ml4. l- wura at i.i vaa4
A KupciU Xmaa Gift.
A I'erfccC Tliuakoepe
A handawiue objeut of Aroerlcaa
art. suiiauie fur Hie lineal iion.e
j we I. ear r.uin yuu t.ture Nov.
II, tula ulowU will lie slilvped lo.
It bend u your luiuie uuU a.i
Areas aud we will tail you what
to flu. to gal lk U la wwita inn
aaaltig tor.
Btlau BuUdUg, Sorantoa, Pa.
The use o! a little Gold Dust
in your dish-water will make h"
... IWO
your aisnes wniter, bwcciw ;
and cleaner than tney ever can
be without it. Unlike 6oap,
Gold Dust does more than clean
the surface. It goes deep after
germs and hidden food parti
cles, and sterilizes everything
it touches.
Gold Dust does all the hard
part of the work without your
assistance, because it begins to
dissolve and clean the mo
ment it touches the water.
When you have to wash
dishes 1095 times a year, the
Cold Dust method of saving half
your time and half your labor
means something.
Davia, whoso husband, Henry
was convicted of a statutory offense and
sentenced to twenty years in the pen!
lemlary by Judge wiuis O. Bears In
criminal court lant January, started suit
for divorce in district ouurt yesterday. The
uocieo is asked on the ground that her
nusband Is a convicted felon.
Baort Measure Corn Returned N. 8.
Short, a local commission merchant, pur
chased a carload of corn In sacks from
the Drone company of Council Bluffs
'and began forthwith to retail it In Omaha.
;o:in Orant i'egg, city inspector of
.aUhts, discovered that each sack of
.1-a.ln was from one to three pounds
ahoi t. Uo ordered the car sent back to
iho Ulutrs and Mr. Short Immediately
omplled with the order,
Prepare for Xmaa Rash Plans are be-
. .., u. uuo to hauuie me aJinuol deluge of
lirlHtmas packuges and mall at the
jmuha postoffloe. Arrangements have
jeen completed for the installation of
ut forty big tables within the next
o weeks and aloe for organising about
thirty substitute carriers and clerks,
besides a number of special delivery mes
sengers, As soon hs the prellmlrjiry ar
rangements are mada the postmaster
will give each man special Instructions
aa to his Individual duty during the two
weeks of the rush and will also post in
formation for tha benefit of the public
11.1. I 'J
' holders and as some of the council be
lieved the protest Justified, the city
engineer was Instructed to ascertain
what a proper charge would be.
meat, buy a CO cent bottle of tinex and
watch tbnt cough vanish. If it falls, money
bark promptly, and without argument.
A FX) cent bottle of Plnex. when mixed
with home-made sugar syrup, makes a full
pint a family supply of the most effec
tive cough ratnedy that money can buy, at
a saving of $2. Gives Instant relief and
ill usually wipe out a bad cougu in z-i
hours or less. Rosily prepared la live
minutes directions in packs Re.
P nex Couch Hyrup has a pleasant taste
-children take it willingly. It stimulate
the appetite and Is slightly laxative both
good features. Splendid for croup, hoarse
ness, throat tickle, Incipient lung troubloa.
and a prompt, succesaiui remeay tor
whooping cougb.
Ptnex Is a special and highly concen
trated compound of Norway White Pine
extract, and Is rich in guaiacol and other
elements which are so healing to the mem-
hrinn. Klmulv mix It with sugar syrup
or strnlnsd honey, in a pint bottle, and ll
is resdy for use. ',et in more homes In
the Li. n. sua uanaaa man any uiuer
couth remedy.
pinex has often been imitaieu, hut never
WHEN CAR MAKES MOVE aucrsfully. for nothing else will produ. e
mull mnrvl-o muv E. tb( Mme rrHultn The genulns is guaran-
A Ureal for Liberty 1
from stomach, liver and kidney trouble
la made when a tfio box of Dr. King's
New Life Pills la bought For sale by
Beaton Irug Co.
Cold Dust ia vriW-..
sold la 6C aixe -
and large pack
af ea. Tha large
package meana
greater economy.
"Ut cAe COLD OUST TWINS ate yeerr i
14.000 aorea of Idaho'a beat land will be
sold under the Carey act at Jerome De
cember 11, is". These lands are part of
the Great North Bide Traot (a Kuhn en
terprise, and are considered especially
choice for arple and general fruit cul
ture. Bmall cash payment and long time
on deferred payments; low rate of Inter
eat For all Information write or wire
the Twin Falls North Bide Land and
Water Co., Mllner, Idaho.
curls Bharb, address unknown, had not
a place to lay his head. He was sleepy
and so tired that S.OW glasses of that
universally advertised beverage could not
relieve his fatlKue. He asked In the most
pitiful of tones for a downy couch of
everyone he met. It seemed ho could not
find a person or an Inanimate thing but
that glowered at him and refused hln;
rest. The telephone posts stepped aside
In disdain when he attempted to lean
against them. The sidewalks seesawed
and whirled him Into the gutter when he
lay upon them. And the gutters pushed
and nudged him out when he aeksd
their cobblestones to be his bedfellows.
The very ground Jumped up and slapped
nis i ace wnen ne looaca too pleadingly,
Ho there was nothing for Chris Hliarb to
do but walk. At last, staggering weak.
lie reached the railroad tracks at Twelfth
and Jones tt reels. The soft cinders be
tween the rails seemed quite Inviting to
blm and a box car nearby smiled assent
when he pillowed his head upon a rail
and stretched his body upon the cinders.
As he stared up at ths box car and
breathed tils thanks, he heard far down
the tracks the engine bell the welcoming
chimes of dreamland. Then the low, de
liberate click of wheels upon the roll
clattered in his ears, growing nearer,
louder and harsher. Bharb looked up at
the box car; It frowned and shook with
rage and with a hiss Jumped at Mm.
When Bharb came to In the surgeons'
room at the police station, he found that
his cheeks were bruised and he carried
a cut above his right eye. A Union Pa
cifies switch train bad moved six Inches
In coupling the car, Just enough to arouse
Bharb. He walked away after the sur
geons dresaed bis hurts.
teed to give uhsolute nctlw action or money
refunded. 'ertifif-ate of guarantee la wrap
ped in each package, lour druggist ha
Pinex or will get It for you.. If not, send
to The Pinex Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind.
When You Buy a Ribbon
Do you know that you are going to get the results
you want! If your typewriter is not equipped with
the ribbon that gives the best results you can over
come your troubles by consulting our Supply De
partment. For many years this Company has manufactured
its own ribbons and carbon papers, and their sale
is supervised by experienced men. We have a de
partment that can tell you what your needs aro
and supply those needs. We handle no cheap goods.
Only the best materials go into the manufacture
' of our goods and we do not sell our goods on a
cheap "catchy" scheme.
If you have ribbon troubles call us. If you are not
getting the service you think you Bhould have from
your typewriter ribbons let us consult with you.
Our ribbons sell at 75c each, $3.50 per half dozen,
(16.OO per dozen. All goods guaranteed and replaced if for
ny reason unsatisfactory.
The Smith Premier Typewriter Co.
Branches in
Modern Office SuppUee
19th and Douglaa Sta.
Otnaba, Neb.
TleplHn Doug. 1284; Ind. A-1284.
SEND us a trial order TODAY for HAYNER fine old
Bottled-in-Bond Whiskey on our positive guarantee
you will find it the richest, purest, most delicious whiskey
you ever tasted or it will not cost you one cent.
THAT guarantee is ai fair and
' '.-4 V. Sm i. m:j
C. E. Griffith, proprietor of the Monria
mln hotel In Houlx City, la spending sev
eral days In Omaha on buslneaa.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Roberts of Merrt
inun are spending the week In Omaha.
Ttit-v are stopping at the Merchanta
KdKar A. Waltz, In Hd of the Hotel
I'rut-clie asMix.'latirin of New York, Is
luiip'.ii at the Hotel Ixiyal. He la In
li. liu in titivating lumllliuns lu several
vtul hotels.
Joe Balemo's shoe store, located at
607 South Tenth street, was broken Into
Monday night by burglars and robbed of
property valued at fioo. Two motors.
heating stove, and two shoe machines
were itolen.
square at we know now to
make it. Ic means what it says. It
is a guarantee backed by out $500,000
capital and our 46 years reputation for
honorable business dealings.
Send us your order for four quarts of
this magnificent Hayner Private Stock
liottled-in-Bond Whiskey. When it
arrives, open one, two or all of the
bottles-TRY the whiskey -and if you don't
find it all that we claim, and up to your
highest expectations in every way, send it
back at our expense and we will return
every cent of your money.
we must send you a quality that will win
your instant favor and we will do it.
Note the prir
this b
U. S. Government supervision and every bottle
i prire only B0 cents a qosrttexpreaspaldj
for this highest grade bottleJ-ln-itoiid whiskey -a
vhiikey that It distilled, seed and bottled under
vri ai u vy
shVa lis aa - Jt
mnuM ew"",
aoia i mat, I
ii in mmmim ' " j
LET us show you what a magnifi
cent quality we are producing.
Let us convince you of the great savinj
LERY" plan of selling means to you.
Don't put it off. Use the coupon below
fill it out and mail it to our nearest
Office and Shipping Depot and we
will surprise and delight you with tho
quality of the goods we will send you.
Renembar, you take no chances. WE take all
tha risk -and we stand all tha expense if we fail to
pleat you. A' Itittr it utctuary
Cut Out and Use This Coupon
Address Our Nearest Office.
IkIoms 1.4 ).M Ul wkltkMns at FOUI. Ml n
keiilM ! Hirui Pilvua tiuck BuiUa4-U-aaa4 Whltt.r
timm mU m set ri ll I. ..dmM4 Ua II iblt
vklik.r Is .( Ioa.4 M mpmw4 4 t.lMicMry
.rr wir. ll my Mimset si ini iijtins ml air H.M
U w ke tmaUr nhiaSei, SV-lQg
M ttr.r. ffllt.S for 1... tH.N 4 quarts
sealed with the Government's official bottled-ln
bond stamp- positive atsuranc that It it a
STRAIGHT whiskey fully aged full 100
'proof and full measure and absolutely PUKK
to the very last drop.
Oinresand ShlDDtna DcmM alM at ST. LOUIS. H. St. fill, HI. H'W OBUSITS. U. tTTeil.O. BOSTON. SS. Jll.MXHUl.rii.
Distillery at Troy, Ohl
Oi4n to Aritoaa, C CJoim, kii..Mniiu.lnWi,
Mew Uiih,VVutklifii of v.iut bum Km
Ik kul. si 4 lai 14. at kr S.ich Fi.u4 m J Ubiiii M
lt.) kr glUsUl ri.l4. 4-K
itTtftU3HD iaa
Capital 9800,000.00 Pull Paid
Key to tlie mtuatlon iie Want Adj.