, .THE r.KK: OMAHA, WKDNKaSIUY, XOVKM1.KU 22, 11)11. lit 1' A Comfort Shoe that is Neat and Dressy These remarkable shoes give lasting comfort to all woman kind who want to enjoy real foot ease, because they, arc made on specially constructed lasts and patterns that will fit every foot. If your feet burn, ache or become tired or swollen, from standing or walking, you will find grate ful relief in Mayer MarthaWash ington Comfort Shoes. In addi tion, they give your feet a neat, stylish, attractive appearance. i i ' ViiU 2 i ' VYacmiiYUiuii ComfbrlShbes They are made without buttons l-EE-Ev SHOPPING SEASON IS NOW ON Open Season for Christmas Buyer Outlined by Merchants. EARLY TOURS ADVANTAGEOUS By Visiting; "hops lie fore thrlatmae Itamh noyrn Have More TIM and Arc Ulvrn l;sperlere of Expert Haleapeaple. or laces-you crin easily slip them on or off at will. Rubber at the sides gives with . every movement of the foot and insures a perfect fit over instep without binding. Get, a pair of Mayer .Martha Washington uomtort .rsnoes ana learn wnat real foot comfort is. Tliey come in alt sizes and three heights. 111 17 tf ' $mJ A. let P .V .... tfI4 LT Washington Comfort Shoes, but lack 111 . .. 'lr- WARNING Laeti Nr tk "MwthvWuUafiM"' sad Ik (lrer Trsd Mark Ike sole. Be aura von omt tha vmuM. ' Thara ara numerous Imltatlnna ' motto to Inah HVm M.m M..,h. Waahinvtoia Camfnrt fikn... ti tka comfurl, woartttr qualiiut. fit and rv. Tha ri Martha WtulUnaton hat tha nam Martha Wathtngttm" ami Mayor Trad Mark on tho sol: KrUl any comfort shot offrrod tvtihout tho "Martha Washington" namt and Mayor Trodo Mark. - i , '-- Th beft shoeroerchuits handle the genuine. .If you can't ilnd a dealer, write to us. ' Wa alM auk rka la.MMMM J Sorabl. Mater HeaarMIt SftOM lot Man, Wom..n UUdr..l.cldn' l.dltd. Spaclal Mailt" enaaa, aa aUo Maja "Vara" CwaaiaaakoM. F Mayer Boot & Shoe Co:, MilwaukeeWis.i f iito iMixiir J,AKWo0l) STRAIGHT ?SP PRocr Wa know all th Irn fend out ol the whlakey bualuoaa and raknowlllfpoaalbleto iirnksand I1 the hluliral graUa wlila key aunaaaour lAkerwtaiJ X Htrauatino-l'roof lor only t l.M iialloii. '1 ho.rujtaon tl Any wblakcy dlatllter. If lie would tall you tUa truth, would have toatlrult tbnt tba actual coitof uiklngBlloapt wh1ky,p)vylim tli internal rav enua tut oil it. atKjroiiM, oontjilurr, ahlpping apiia, ato., f i only about I l.M. Air dlaUllnr tlioubl ba antlailod with a pro (Hot loo a mtUon., That la all tba croftt wa tiiiMtaml iiit. J I1 to tba nt Poat at $!., mikoi our trloo to Jrou WMMMMM thcraany reaion why you" ahould allow nnacnumlouaa. eealt-ra to plunder yon any loogarT Any raaaon why you 1 ahould pay thira tt.Oft, W.M. 4.00 craven more for wblakay tli I very peat of whlpli coata them only fl.Hrt a r:I1oiiT OrUlnly not especially when we offor you the awry bfit whitkmy it it pvnblm to product for only 11.96 m motion. Krery drop of JjikewoodX w blakev la Aaect In Hnml Himlilit Wl.l.u.v fi,n ih .Z h?. ltu-proot wanu Drink aa - uch of It aa you pinaaa. If yoxi don't pro uounoa It the bvitwhlakv ?nn n.itKH J ..r.n... . -ri!;.f-K!VWU!?rompU?,uni,5rou,ra,", AMyonrordertoday. lJonotaeud WHIWOOB DIST. COMPANY, I topayexobanKa whan we iellour uoorta sq low, Deaartmant l0 KANSAS CITY, MO. aaaaaak By MARGARET BOUVET (Author oi Sweet William.- etc.) '.. "v.; ', . A Sweet Love Story of. the Ola Fashioned Type Illustrated in Galor Fishing Burglar ' '- ; Makes Good Catch KlahluX was t-4"d t, tbo .. (Tiath.im apartment, Thirteenth and .. ,l l)oi!? Ktreeta lunt nlKht, according to a report made to the police, v J. M. , Graham, the eliM'trU'lan lit the - new lnon t rurlflo heHdiiuailera" ...bulliiinK, told 'the polloa that a mun with a pole ftxhed halt of iiln vulualilea out of his room. Uraham Uvea un. the first floor and It U Ma cuMdiii to leave hN window opeij at itlKhta. Hometlnie during laat night a burglar poked a inile through the win dow with A hot 'on tt. With, tills Im plement lie managed to hook' a pair of trouaers. a put kettoOok- confkliilug fit and a dliunond ring; valued at fir). ' Mr. Uraham awoke i JUKt' ai ' his pari ta ( were dlaappearlng through the window, . ; Tm Die uu the Hraffold " U painloti, compared with, the weak, lame bark kidney trouble i-etiNa. JRIeetrio lor la the remedy. I4V-. -Fr eale Ufa ton l)ru Co. , ' Omaha ahoppefa did o 'milch belter by themelve and by the nalenpeopla In the Rtnrea by early ahopplng lat Christ man ae.iKon that they will be asked to repent thla aeanon. It look three or four Jear.a of ronatant repetition of the aloaan, "Do your Chrlaltnaa ahopplng earli"," before peoplo took heed, but laat aeanon thpy took heed to aueh an extent that condition were noticeably Im proved and the mnrchanta hope thejr will do even better thi year. At a meeting of retail merchant a Mon day afternoon at the Commercial club, ut the call of Chairman C. t. lieaton of the retail trade committee of the club, Kobert Manley. of the - IJrandels Stores and C. B. Black were appointed a com mutes to outline a campaign of adver tising calculated to Induce Omahana to do their shopping early and. Jeasert the mad rush of the laat few daya before Christina. ' lleneMt to Shopper. About -the best argument brought, out at the meeting, . from the standpoint of benefit to the shoppers themselves, wa this: "If you shop during the last week of fhe season you will perhaps be waited upon by extra clerks who are not famil iar with the stocks. If you shop now, you will be waited upon by tMe regular clerks, who are thoroughly familiar with the stocks and who will give you the bent service possible." Other arguments which will be used are: "If you shop early you will get your pick of the holiday goods; If you put It off the best may be gone. Tou can shop now with much mora comfort than you can Just before Christ mas. "For the sake of the salespoeple In the tores, whose energies wilt be taxed to the utmost just before Chrlxtmas, do your Christmas shopping now." There are now but twenty-seven mora shopping days before Christmas. Judge Scott Fails to Make a Citizen of W. J. B. Sherwood Because of peculiar ldeaa naturalisation of the late District Judge Cunningham R. Bcott pf Omaha. William J. B. Hherwood of Lamalnsr. find that he never has been naturalised and for seventeen years baa voted and lias enjoyed all the other privileges of an American .cltJsen;,.whlleJui , has been a lunauian ..subject, . t; ... In response to stsreoueet Vf Rharwnvi tnr a certificate of his admhiiflon to citlsen- snip Asel Bteere. chief deputy clerk of the dlatrlet cotfrrM1WrlWiC8 Can niminxi.; of the naturalisation ' recorda.' whfCh re veals that Sherwood'! -. admlssion-lf he ever waa admted-never has been en tered In the court journal. In his letter to tha clerk nt t, cotlrt Sherwood says ha waa Viimitt. cltlsenshlp liy Judge Scott in IBM, At that uuio na was a resident of Omaha, con ducting a school of telegraphy. t'nder present laws naturalization mat ters are In charge of the United s.... Department of Commerce and Labor, which delegates the naturalisation powers to district courts thoughput the coun try. In those day th dimrlpt-.TPourts had full power to naturalise. Sludge Scott was of the peculiar opinion that 'the "judge themnolvea must attend to all the details of naturalisation, district court clerks and deputies not being permitted to do the clerical work. ' Mr. Steere's Investigation allows that in me onerwooa case judge Scott entered on the affidavit book the affidavits of witnesses that Sherwood had lived In the 1'nlted States the required time and also Sherwood's oath of allegiance; but there Is no reprd of actual admission to cltl senshlp. either on the affidavlth book or the court callendar or In the journal. Mr. Rteere has advised Sherwood of the situation and said he will take up the matter -with the Impart men t of cnm and Ibor and see what can be done If Micrwooo so c, wires. Sherwood's letter does not k . doe-Ires 'his citizenship certificate at this lime, i ... AT ALL BOOKSTORES A. C McCLCRG at CO.. PUIUkm Nw York tilCAGO Su hrawco Key to th HituatUin-beei.VlUit(-Als. Culled from the 'Wire, A fuUe cry of fire In a moving picture theater lif I'lttHbui'tih revolted In a atam p.H of the riuwd for tli iiih. t-een clitldrrn 'ie Injurml. none eetioUHly. Hrnator Hoke Hinltb'a u ceaaor aa k eiimr of 4ieorKia will be chom-n January 11. i'.nZ, at a apeclal ele lion culled by Covvi nor-pru-tei John M. tjlaton. Mother of Baby Emperor Elopes !' SAN I'HANCISCO, Nov. ' a.'-Princesa Laid, mother of the baby emperor of China, and" wife of the prince regent, has eloned With an arlnp -., ui... . ........ -j . . , oiiu ljiit cordlnaf to Clilncso newspaper dispatches r:elvcd here. . A number of newspapers published In China refer to .tha. "diaara.... h. come to th royal family," but only one. ..... mm ,u.i-o. t ne largest newspaper published' ln4 China, gives the princess" nam and an account of, the elopement. The mother of the says, fell lit love with the actor . and corriKnuea with him f for some tlni. prevloua to the rebellion n - ... -... paper arewe the couclualon thatMh. prluce CVJ ne xuaacnu cause was lost and decided to flee. The prlnoea lnd to havw taken o fortune' m jewels with her and to be livliiar with Yn. i ... - -an iuuk. 'An actor and.a barber are eomiideied as belonging to tha loae.f ne'-. . In China and. Chlneae. here 'aaUl- todur that fli. al,,. . . . . - 1.. ' 7 """ii ocine princess was the greateat disgrace that could come to the Manchu dynaaty. ' ' 4 DOY'G GUITQ and O'COATS Bi special purchase on sale this week at Uayden's. See Thursday eve papers for an nounceiaent. Watch our windows. ox want fulV X ipice value. 'Ilien M in Li oa (mil spices ,caI,1 air-ught package. ( tout rcar'-4.r X TOI. Bitot, avJlTlir blsnan ot Ika (aiaoaa OIL COMPANIES HAVF CONTEST OVER TRADE-MARK Infringement of trademark la charged esuhu-t the Atlas oil compay of Cleve land. O.. by the Marshall Oil company of Murshalltown. la., In a ault for damages and recovery of profits, started by the Marshall company In district oour. It is alleged that for a year the Atlas company has been selling an automobile oil under the Marshall company's trade mark. 'Trench Auto Oil." The Marshall company aaka an accounting and an older commanding the Cleveland concern to pay over all th profits It has made by selling oil under th 'Trench Auto Oil'' tradnmark. An Injunction restraining tha Atlas company from further use of the trademavk also la asked. A temporary rtstialiilng older, to remain in effect pending hearing on the application for permanent Injunction, waa Issued. Fitting Home for Thanksgiving and Christmas qHE near approach of Thanksgiving suggests dining room furnishings, and J- the closeness of Christmas there are only 27 shopping days left calls attention to the purchase of gifts. Lifetime furniture makes the most ap- . propriate gifts for Christmas, and our dining room furniture adds the much desired air of holiday spirit for turkey day. The assortment of dining room ; pieces offers' buyers the widest choice at the lowest prices. This is furniture that will give service for years and years, and will add to the beauty and harmony . of the dining room. Our Christmas suggestions are almost num- " berless. The prices on some of the most exquisite Christmas gifts are so moderate that sagacious shoppers will recognize the wisdom of buying with-" out any hesitation. We invite inspection of pur holiday furniture offerings v, and challenge comparison for quality and prices. , : , Sectional Bookcase, 313.00 't'k llaaaviiaaBSasaaaaaa ,'j Iff"'"'-' ""' ' " 'n JlliMi'JfTj ; li ' " MlWiaiiimilliaiiiijiaiiul , .ihiMi,.iiaiiii.iiiiiiaifcHiuaili7Jbi,, "1 If Li mil 1 ' aaji' "ei;"'"! i ffl.SSj-j .J: - aaasaaflawaasaassamaaaaswaaj This magnificent sec tional bookcase, either a Gunn or Wacey, in golden oak, imitation mahogany or fumed oak is priced nt only $13.00. t is a rare bargain, and think what an excellent gift for Christmas it will make; The artistic lines along which it is built and the detailed construction mark it as a selection for a practi cal and pleasing present. Colonial Mahogany Poster Bed, $20 .Nothing adds so ' . , ', ' . much charm" to the", bedroom as a beau tiful four - poster bed like-the one represented here. There is a very in viting air about it. The graceful lines and modest beauty are very attractive to every eye. This bed is made in rich mahogany, and is durable and comfortable. It will be a most acceptable Christ mas gift. Kemember it is priced at only $20.00. ' $15.00 Library Table Pretty Mahogany; size, 1x38 inches; heavy top and strong legs; grace ful lines; detailed construction $11.50 $42.00 Bed Davenport Strong golden oak frame; rich upholstering; strongly made, ma jestic in appearance : ''$28.00 Lady's Writing Desk Pretty Mahogany; heavy writing bed; neatly arranged compartments; strong and serviceable $10.00 ' Beautiful Oak Cellarette Four handy compart ments; revolving tray; convenient and durable $15.00 $45.00 Colonial Clock - Selected' mahogany; . .beautiful, model of Queeli Anne period; ac curate" and durablo . . . . . $35.00 umea oaicea Cellarette Tabourette very neat ly designed; strong and serviceable Fumed Oak Arm Rocker Spanish leather seat; heavy runners; roomy and very comfortable . . " Fumed Oak Drop Leaf Table Size, 36 inches;' strong legs; heavy top; graceful lines, charming design ; Brass Candle sticks Size, 15 inches; they have a charming atmosphere and are very service able $1.25 -$8.00 $7.50 $2.50 Fumed Oak Magazine " Stand Four - wide shelves; Bize, 12x17 inches; strong; roomy and pretty $3.00 , Brass Umbr6lla Stand Arranged to hold many ( .'. ,; umbrellas; decorative and durable $3.00 '$6.50 Oak Desk Chair Dainty design; it speaks ' " beauty and charm from every line . . . ...... . $3.75 $34.50 Mission Clock Cellarette attachment; ' , . ' . 7 7 strongly made; attractive and accurate. $25.00" Fumed Oak Pedestal Thoroughly built; strong;' ... ;.' , high grade in every way ; ......'..; $2.25 Italian Marble Bust " Beatrice V; the carving . 7 7 is extraordinary: the lines of the figure are ' 1 beautiful .7 . . '. . ',. ........... ... ; ... . , $7.00 ' Italian Marble Bust "Aphrodite;" the beauty ; . .of ! this figure and the grace of. thb , lines are 7; 7' 7,77 striking '. .. , , . . ... .... . v. : . . . . . $7.00 1 iUlian Marble Figure " Tiger 'Lily;''! notiiing.'77. t,', : ' so beautiful is' designed for so 'low a price! . . $10.00 ' 'Italian' Marble '' Wanda ;"' carved attractively; - ' "7 : very beautiful and attractive . . .$10.00'v Mahogany Drop"Leaf Table One 'large drawer ; , ' strong; legs; and heavy top; serviceable , . . $20.00' ' RememberGood furniture may be cheap, but "cheap" furniture cannot be good. MilleEY Stewart . & Co. Established 1884 THE TAG POLICY HOUSE ""''"" ' 413-15-17 South Sixteenth Stret7 MINNESOTA HAS NEW PLAN WJ1 Attempt to Induce Michigan to I Return to Conference. WISCONSIN WILL BE DROPPED VnlTfrsitr of Stlcb.la.aa Balte-4 M1I Satlaflrd AVIt Proaprct cvf Uosikirra BreaklnaT Away froaa Oranlsatla. MINNliAPOUS, Nov. Jl.-That th Unl vrrtlty of Minnesota la planning to Induce Michigan to return to the Western con ference was--asserted In university cir cles here today. It Is said that with Michigan back in the conference. Minne sota and Michigan will begin a battle for a general reorganisation which shall tend to better athletic conditions In the Wrest. If Miolilgantdoes not deckle to re turn , to the conference ft "IS considered f rotable that Minnesota will withdraw rum the conference and refuse to "meet the University of Wisconsin In athletics, as sentiment against WtseonMirw strong as the result of the protest against Cap tain Karl Pickering a few days . before the Wisconsin-Minnesota fame. ;Ught work was dons "by the tNim today isj preparation for the gam with Illinois aext Saturday. . .,. ; . i ' .' - IMIrhlgka-Aot Wllllnaj. -ANN AKBUK. Mich., Nov. Jl.rNo ac tioh on tha part "oi the I'nlverslty of Michigan authorities sine the opVnlng of tha present foot .ball season haa been con atrued to JJnan'l'mt Mlohlesn waa willing to return to the Western conference." On the otlxer. hand, recent' rumors that Min nesota had decided to break away from the conference caused what seemed to bo general satisfaction -in' university circle her.' ' .' .... 'Michigan students in general ar not anxious for future airuKglea bn the grid iron with Minnesota. The Pennsylvania gam haa torn, to be regarded as a popu lar fixture. The games with . Syracuse and Yaiudrb'" especially the Utter, are considered strong featurea of th scheU ule. . : Lancaster County ! Republicans Will Form Big Taft Club (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Neb.. Nov. 20. (Siwclul Tel egram.) Lancaster county ,Taft rcpubll ans will hold a big meeting Tuesday night for the-'purpoae of forming a club. Several petitions calling for the gathering were,puaed around today and were filled with several hundred names before night. Indications point to a big gathering, and more enthuslusm has been displayed in the matter than In -any political event for some time past. Several of tha leading , citizens, of the city, are behind tha movement, including A. W. Meld. J. T. lorgan, S. W. Hum ham, H. H. Freeman, J. liaer, II. li Wells and J. K. Ilumpe. JUSTICE EASTMAN BRINGS. -' BRIDE BACK TO OMAHA Justice William W. Eastman returned to Omaha last Saturday night with his bride of a few weeks. Mrs. Kustman was. formerly Mrs. Sarah J. Uieen of Ilulfalo, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Eastman iiv-e at W30 North Twrnty-elxth stroet. The Judge Is 71 years old and slates that he is good for another twenty. Slrce his marriage li la mikiiy friends have dubbed hlni "Kid" Kustman, and he saya that he feels as young and spry as he did fifty year ago. j r Th boy' appetite la onen tb source of amazameat. If ycu would hav such aa appetit take Chamlierlain'a Tablata. They not only creat a healthy appetit. but strengthen th stomach and enable It to do Ita work naturally, i'vr sU by all j iealeia. , Dessert Book FREE Out llhtatiataa Kacia oak. tTU ndpa tor a.aa 100 ataeita, aaUaa aa4 caikUaa, arat on raccipt af yuui trauil una. ( ucaa'i aU Kaea Oala Una aritl aaad you a full iat aaaipla foa ic la M sa4 oti uui, CkaHM B. Kaoa Co. .tiMKaaiAH. Jucmalo.a, N. Y. mm b M IBs Tl tamaatlvi.. avstna bft a s-jj , S a 'i , ti 3 ' .t, juannmiurnJ ZX I ' I 1 SI , 4 1 ' '" ; CUARANTCtO UNDER Tttf. ;' 'oac FOOD ACT 0TTLC0 MP DISTILLING CO ' , T. LOUIS,iV0. I Z "Howe Pleasure'? JascaRtoPillj and are a pei feet clea and llgain and thla la hy thay do not pain, an km or gripe, but cause a cirlluht ml and aluioat eeataile leaaiirbie Mosenaeat, In he moat wataral way and without creating a bad uublt or weakenliiK the svateu. In any av. If you'll try them. ,-howel rjleas are" na regularity will b yvara Iwffcreaia. 10 cents. 5 cents. All Orujglsts. I'l.KAk R AH! a,! ...a . . . Tha Blackburn Prodjcts Co, Payton, Ohio. Best Sport News in The Bee, ne Full Quart WHISKEY' FBEEI Try It At Our Expense 1 k There is so much rubbish weak spirits and adulterated stuff sold for whiskey at all prices these days, that iit order ' to nrove a really good straight whiskey, we C tid it necessary to let the people try our.celebratedBrookland Club Whiskey to find out for thenjselves the difference and we therefore oner to send, I RtK, a Full Onart of Brookland Club Whiskey to test, and this is how we do it : We will send you one full quart bottle pf Brook land Club Whiskey, absolutely free, along with your first order for 8 full quart bottles of Brook-land Club Whiskey for f SJi and we pay the express charges. After you receive the 9 full quart bottles, open, one of them, test it anyway you like and if not entirely satisfactory, you have the privilege of returning to us the remaining 8 bottles and tlie one extra bottle you may keep free and we will immediately return your f5.75. .Or send us fJ.15 for4 full quart bottles of Brookland Club Whiskey, express prepaid, and we will include one test bottle free. Test the free bottle and if not absolutely satisfactory and the best whiskey you ever tasted at any price just return to us the 4 bottles and keep the' free' bottle and we will refund your $3.15 without question or argument. Brookland Club Whiskey Is straight whlakey no blend no mix no imitation pure, with strength and Lcelleut for medicinal purposea. Kour quarts of Brookland Club Whiskey with tha earns amount of water added will make eight quart of better whiskey than these cheap mall order gooda try It We will cheerfully return your money If you ak us to! VToull gladly aend out free samples to teat but ao many take advantage of the offer by getting mauy samples. We Pay Erpreis Charges ' Agdrea V. W. KAMP, Sae'y or ' KAUP DISTILLING CO., 4B7 NORTH MAIN , T. LOUIS. MO' 1