THE IJKE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 22. 1911. For Comfort Wear Mentor Unions They're comfortable because they fit they fit because they are carefully and perfectly, made. Perhaps you have experienced the discomforts of poorly made, ill-fitting underwear you'll find Mentor Union Suits fhe most sat isfying garments you ever wore they fit smoothly nnd snugly no lumpy, stuffy! feeling, and they never shrink. '. i For Womea, 51.20 to $3.50 For Mtn, 31.C0 to $3.00 .ii 2-pieeo suits $1.00 and $1.25 per garment. For Boys and Girls 50c to $1.25 pants . and Bliirts 20c to $1.00 per garment. mm till Special Boys' two-plcce garments, & splendid BOc value, now 30( Girls' Union Suits, regular $1.20 valu QS mmm. tbi yooko rtonm own arrows - sr FAIttfAK KZST MUNGER SETS MASON TRIAL Nebraska Judge to Hear Against Court Officer. Case PLAN CITY LODGING HOUSE Lawyers of Iowa Bar far Trlbate to the I .ate Carroll Wright la Memorial prrhra at Res Molnri. wltnses If she knew any of the men aha wanted me to turn around and go home," he said. Sheriff Denies Conversation, Sheriff Wolford followed Illcord on the stand. The rlierlff entered a general denial of Rlrord'a charge against him. Benjanitn Painter, one of the four boya who hid behind a hedge near the acene of the attack then teatlfled. The fact that the hedge waa thick and his memory poor prevented him from giving any valuable tcatlmony. Details of a meeting at Bherrlll Clark's Shady Rend mill to plan the attack were recltrd by Watson Ucranton, the nest witness, lie recently pleaded guilty to sssuult and la awaiting sentence. Reran ton aald Bherrlll and Kverett O. Clark, Cheater Anderson, A. -N. Nmms. Jay Kltawater and James boose helped plan the attack. . , The three men now on trial. Rhorriu Clark, John BchmlU' and A. N. Blmins, did not participate In the attack,- Scraiw ton aald, but he met them on the road, headed for the "party." net In the road. Rceoaralaeel Three Me. "Yea, I re oo grilled SherTlll Clark, A. N. Vlmma and James Boose," she an swered. Mlaa Chamberlain waa aaked If aha had stot stayed, at .Green's house whon her another, who Is Urean'a housekeeper, waa absent She denied she had. "Did theae men treat you roughly T' queried Attorney Richie. "They were not very rough, but 1 suf fered 111 effects from their treatment." After a few more questtona the defense losed the crosa-examlnation of Mlaa Chamberlain, with the privilege of re calling her, . (., . . t , The state then rested Its rase. A ,re aess was takes before-the defonse began lUr presentation of testimony. , - i Recpr4 I'ndei-' Iraee-Flre. The testimony yesterday of Kdward Illcord. the barber decoy who betrayed the school teacher, and of Cheater An derson and Rolbert KlndoUparger, has caused a hush to fall Vporr t-orner con claves In which the "tar party" pre viously had been dlacuased largely In the light of a joke. Orlm dota.ll given In evidence have created a . ' generally mora serious -view of What la now often styled "the county's dlsgraceJ' Edward lUcorA resumed hl testimony at the opening of 'court this morning, I'rosecutor MeCandlesa aald alls Cham berlain prebabty 'wsuld take the aland a eoon as HI cord finished lila atory. Rlcord told of meeting Bherrlll Clark, one of the defendants, m the Bunday following the attack. "What do you think they will do to ineT' Rlcord teatltied he aaked Clark. "If they send you to the penitentiary," the witness alleged Clark aald, "Mary will go, too, aa 1 have evidence which Will convict her." At tola point Attorney J. J. McCurdy of the defense took Kloord for croaa-ea- . amlnatlon. The wltneaa again told of Cheater Anderson proposing to him that lie take Miss Chamberlain driving, and detailed a plan thty dlacuased for Rlcord and the school teacher to be found In a compromising poaltlon by the "tar party." An attempt of the defense to question Illcord regarding his previous acquaint ance with Miss Chamberlain waa topped ' ly an objection by the state, "llaa anyone tojd you that If you teatl fled you had Improper relations with Miss Chamberlain you would be sent to prison?" Attorney McCurdy aaked sud denly. lUcord was averse to answering thu siueatlon and asked the court If a reply aa compulsory. Told that It was, Rtcord leplled: "Sheriff Wolford." "Did you know, "asked Attorney Me f.'urdy, "when you stsrted on the. trip that the Intention was to tar Miss Cham- erlaliT" "I did not," he answered. On re-dlrect examination Ricord testi fied that he made two attempta to at lack Mlaa Cliamberlatn while they were In the buggy, but waa unsuccessful "She would not stand for trie putting iny anna around - her and aald ahe (From a Staff Correspondent.) DISS MOINES. . la., Nov. 21.-tSpecls1 Telegram.) Judge T. C. Munger of IJn coln. Neb., today ret the date for the trial of K. R. Mason, over which he la to preside, for December 11. when the gov ernment will undertake to ahow that the former clerk of, tews federal court still owes over $13,000 In feea accumulated dur ing his thirty years as clerk. Attorneya for the defenae were not ready for trial at thla time. iy I.adsle llnnse. Des Moinea Is to hays a municipal lodg. Ing houae and employment bureau. The city council set aside 12.500 for the build ing and to convert It Into a lodging house for Idle men In search of work. The movement Is backed by the social service committee of the men and relig ion forward movement, which presented the matter to the city council. The lodg ing house will be operated In conjunc. tion with the department of public safety nd the. churches of the city. The money given by the council will be for the In- tallatlon of baths, beds and for the sup port of the lodging house. lienor Paid Wright. High honor was paid to the late Carroll Wright, general attorney for the Rock Island, by his associates of the bar this afternoon in the United States court. here a special memorial aesslon was held and resolutions presented by the Polk County Dar association were ordered placed In the records. The session was presided over by Judges Bmlth, Munger and Mcl'herson of the federal court. The resolutions were presented by James R. Weaver, Jr., aa president of the Bar as sociation. Addresses eulogtstlo and remt. nlscent were delivered by James C. Davis, Horace IS. Deemer, William II. McHenry, Charles O. Baunders, Walter I. Bmlth, General James B. Weaver and Bmlth Mc- herson, and a letter from W. W. Ilald- wln of Burlington. Many of the addressee were, eloquent and referred In highest terms to Mr. Wright and his work as a lawyer, cltlaen and friend. The federal and state courts all adjourned for the occasion. BANKERS FOR ALDR1CH PLAN (Continued from 1'age One.) oroner Unable to Fix Responsibility for Logan Wreck LOUAN.. Is.,- Nov. ai.-(Bnocial)-Cor. oners jury. Kred W. Btern Leonard and J. II. ux n-t Case presiding. Inquiring Irfto' the cause of the death of , William J. Jtsvlltfid. engineer of second No. I, found that he came to his death hers last evenlnc about 1:40 o'clock In a head on collision on the Illinois Central road between extra No. west bound freight and second special no. i, the blame of which was unknown to the Jury, The second special No. 1. car- nea eoiuiors from Philippines Inlands en- route to their homes In Illinois, and other points to the eaat, and some nine teen were painfully bruised by the inv pact or the two trulna running at a high speed. Crew of train carrying soldiers asserted that there was no other signal displayed at the station here than for a clear track. However, the operator, Mr. morris, says ne blocked the train at once on receiving orders at 1:07, and that the train crew paid no attention to the algnsl displayed. Catarrh Invites Consumption It weakens the delicste lung tissues. slerangee tbe digestive organs, and breaka down Hie general health. It often causes headache and Clssl nesa. Impairs the taste, an ell and hearlug, and affecta tha voice. Bring a constitutional disease It re quires a constitutional remedy. Hood'sGarsaparilla Radically and permanently cures. In usual liquid form or fit chocolated tablets known aa Barsatabs. 100 doses tl. SAYS IOWA JAILS ARE WORSE THAN RUSSIAN PRISONS IOWA CITT, la.. Nov. Sl.-(Speclal.)- Iowa Jails are worse than Russian prls ons, was the emphatic declaration of Kv. Canon R. Hall of Des Moines, Is., when he addressed ths delegates to the thir teenth annual meeting of the stste con ference of charities and corrections here today. Dr. Judy on the aame platform played the Ideas of higher education. maintaining that they widened the . gulf between aristocracy and derqocracy and tended to make those who came tq con. fill t with them to forget , tbe huqiblor people of the world. ( New Theater at Kort Uodge, Oseas, FOHT DODGE. la... Nov. ;i.-tpec!al.) -The new I1M.O0O vaudeville house, the Prlm-eas. will be formally opened In this city Wednesday evening with the produc tlon of "J. Rufua Walllugtord." There has been a record breaking advance aale of seats because not only Is there a com mondabl booster spirit In the city, but the Fort Dodge public will have Its first opportunity in over two years to se legitimate drama at home In a theater Russell Kobee of Des Moines hss taken the managership of the new house and will occasionally book legitimate attrac tions, aa the atage Is ample In alse to han die all road attractions. The house seat S00 and Is thoroughly fireproof. Perslkleu. Advertising to Big Returns. is tbe Road The Diamond at Christmas With tbe approach ot the holiday season, one's attention turns to gifts. Jewelry Is always most acceptable, and Is the Ideal present. Diamonds, always the most desired of ornaments, are never more in demand than at the gift-season period of Christmas. The extreme beauty and rich color of the diamonds ahown here, cause kctm con sideration of their purchase, for they are the choicest of atones, priced at very low figures. For tbe gift you are to buy you can make no wise r choice than to select one of Krenser's diamonds. . ; All auld under guarantee to repurchase at price paid, less ten per cent, at any time within one year. 15 -& DODGE. tinnal banks to the extent of one-half their capital to accept properly eecured drafts drawn upon them drawn with documents attached, or sgalnst cotton, wheat or other products In transit or In warehouses. It authorises the national reserve association to buy and sell In this country and abroad bills of exchange drawn on foreign countries, based on transactions In American products or to pay for our purchases abroad. It gives in this manner a national and Interna tional currency, a newer and wider mar ket to notes, acceptances and bills of exchange based on the agricultural and other products of the United States. "It authorizes the organisation of banks in foreign countries to assist in the extension of our International trade. "It requires the association to faclllate domestlo exchanges by transfer of bal ances from one branch of the association to another. State Banks aad Trust Companies. ''It admits state banks and trust com panies to membership In the organisation under provisions which co-ordinate the conditions of membership of all banks with reference to the character of tholr reserves against demand and time de posits, and with reference to the char actor end number of examinations and aa to the frequency and character of re ports of condition. The treatement of time deposits Is believed to be equitable to banks of all classes. It Is believed that the character of examinations and the enforced publicity of frequent re porta will prove an Important factor in creating publlo I confidence In solvent Institutions." Men With Burglar Tools Are Lodged inthePenitenary SIOUX KALIX, 8. D., Xor. M.-(Bpe-clal.) Among the first to be prosecuted in South Dakota under a new state law which makes the possession of burglar tools a crime equal with the actual blow ing of a safe, two men, giving their names as James Wilson snd J. P. Murphy, have been lodged In the Sioox Falls peniten tiary by the sheriff of McCook county. Murphy will serve a term of one year, while Wilcox will serve six montbs. The arrest of the two men was brought about In an unusual manner. The fore man of the railroad car house at Salem discovered a package of tools secreted near the csr house. While engaged In Inspecting the tools he was accosted by Murphy and Wilson, who warned him to leave the tools alone, as they were the tools "by which they made their dally bread." Later the two men were ar rested. The tools proved to be a complete burglar's kit, including a bottle of nitro glycerin. Murphy has since his arrest been Identified aa a yeggman named Torke, and has done time In several states, while Wilson waa only recently re leased from the 6ioux Falls penitentiary. Relstlves at the church were the brlde'a mother, also Mr. and Mrs. Burt Brenlxer and Miss Myrtle Barnes. Bey Drowsrd at Oelwela. OELWUIN, la., Nov. 21. (Speclal.)- Anthony Klynn, aged 12 years, was drowned here1 yesterday while skating on the thin Ice on Long pond. Although the water was less than three feet deep, he soon became chilled and floundered to the bottom. Lads who were with him were frightened so badly they could give htm no aid. Jodament Aaalast Iowa Central. HAMPTON, la., Nov. 21 (Special.) Tbe Hampton Electrlo Light and Tower company waa today given a verdict of IS. 000 against the Iowa Central Railway company In the federal court at Fort Dodge for the loss by fire of Its local lighting plant last Msy. The lighting company sued, alleging that the fire was started by sparks from a switch engine belonging to the rallwsy company. The tatter company secured the transfer of the case to the federal court. OTHO COUPLE MARRIED SIXTY-FIVE YEARS FORT DODOK. Nov. 21.-(Speclal)-Mr. snd Mrs. H. W. Wakeman,. of Otho, Run day, celebrated their aixtyflfth wedding anniversary with their seven children, thirty-five gTandclilIdren, and thirty two great grandchildren In attendance. Tbe great grandparents are hale snd strong, rugged people who settled In Webster county in 1868 and reared their family in pioneer days. Mr. Wakeman was born In Saratoga county. New York, In 1S25, and Mrs. Wakeman was born In Genesee, N. T. , five years later. The first six years of their marriage life was spent in Indiana, and then they moved to Tarmersburg, la. The rest of their married life has been spent at Otho. STRIKER STABS MAN TRYING TO STOP RUNAWAY TEAM EEDALTA. Mo., Nov. .21. John I Jones, the striking railroad shopman, who late yesterday stabbed to death A. M. Mac key, will be given a preliminary hearing here on Friday. At the coroner's Inquest last night it was shown that Jones had stabbed Markey while the lat. ter was trying to stop a pair of runa way horses. The statement that Mackey was related to Mrs. Fred Dent Grant and Mrs. Potter Palmer of Chicago, proves to have been Incorrect. HYMENEAL Caahill-Brealaer. FALLS CITY, Neb.. Nov. .21.-(Speclal.) Following the prayer meeting hour at the Baptist church, Miss Beulsh B rentier and Harry H. Cashell appeared before the pastor, Rev. Miner, and were married, what one aptly expressed during the yesr In sayjng that his Institution and allied Interests 'makes dollars out of the general prosperity of the country where they could make only pennies out of spe cial privilege.' The reel Wall street pre fers prosperity , to special privilege, and nowa that they serve themselves most when building np the commercial, manu facturing, agricultural, transportation nd banking Interests of the whole eoun- New York Leads la' Membership. New York still tops all ' other states with membership In the American Bank ers' association. according to the report of Fred K. . Farnsworth ot New York, general sec(Vy of the association. - Of the 12,073 institutions having membership In the organisation,' DID, or approximately one in every thirteen, hails from New York. Pennsylvania comes next with 13 snd Illinois Is a otose third with 7M. Fourth place Is claimed by California with (10, hard pressed by Ohio, with 609, the five state named furnishing 8,549 members or nearly ens-third ot ths entire enrollment. The annual Income ot the association, Mr. Fsrns worth's reort proclaimed, was IM.71'6 for the last fiscal year. Of this Sum, the annual dues constitute 1199,972 having reached that figure from S1Z7.750 In 1U0&. and ll.0fl In 1S73. Mr. Farnaworth touched upon the pro posed National Reaerve association, de claring that the Currency comml salon will hold Itself In readiness to prose cute a vigorous campaign when the pro posed measure shall be framed as a bill and will come before congress." Address of Mr. Aldrlck. Mr. Aldrtch spoke In part as follows: "Among the Important tasks assigned to ths National Monetary commission la that of devising a plan by which this great country may, in tbe Interest of all its poo pie. ot every class snd every section, se cure that Immunity which for centuries has been enjoyed by the people of every other great commercial nation from the disastrous results of monetay panics and acuta monetary disturbances. There is general sgreement smong in telligent students ot the subject that to accomplish these benetlclunt results we must provide a better reorganisation of credit, a thorough reconstruction of bunk ing aystems and methods. Plan .( Organisation. The plan of organisation Includes posi tive provisions: 1. To maintain the integrity and Inde pendence of existing banks, stats and national. The new organisation Is outside Of, superimposed upon, the existing sys tem. Ths proposed association Is not a bank snd Is not a. competitor In any svnss for the business of existing banks. In its ownership and in its domestic business it Is cuallned strictly to banks snd the government. ' It provides clearly for an equality ot privileges and advantages to all banks, great or small, wherever located. "3. It provides equality in rates of dis count or rediscount to alt banks, and these rates sre to be uniform throughout the country. This, It is believed, will Insure steadiness snd reasonableness ot rates everywhere. . "1. Its organisation Is of a form and chaiacter that will effectually prevent the control of its operations by political influences, local or national. "5 Kvery means has been taken, every safeguard adopted to prevent beyond question the possibility of Its control by any corporation or combination of cor porutlons, banks or thcrwlae, by any In dividual, or combination of individuals lu Wall street or elsewhere for selfish or sinister purposes. "6. Tbe dominating principle Is co-op-era tin u snl uot centralisation. We were satisfied that we could not adopt or adapt to our use an organisation like the central bsnks of Europe or the sec on J bank of the United Btstes. Standard nf t'nutnmeretal Paper. "In order to establish a wider discount market In this country the plan estab lished a standard of commercial paper, of notes or bllla ot exchange laaued or drawn for agricultural, commercial or Industrial purposes, which are avallsble for rediscount at the branches of the reserve association; second, it a'loas na- 7 Here's For a Greater and Better Omaha if. ' '"V ''-1''J!,'-V J .. I """f'trS if ''!J 1' '.- ."ass. !- A v Are you interested in Omaha? We are. We bought the "Haunted Church in Kounts Place, that had for ten years stood vacant, and are using It every day for the good ot omaha. We have five gymnasium classes ' every week. 1 ne church Is headquarters for 100 working people and SO Boy Scouta. Tbe church 'maintains an eleo trlo lighted play ground for the public. Tbe membership Is but DO. The attendauce In over 200. Kducatlonal motion picturea are shown every Thursday night, and religious) motion pictures every Sunday ntgnt. Our church bears the name ot ' one of Omaha's best cltlsens. Our creed la "anything to glorl ; fy Ood and benefit humanity." This is our "first and lsst call" the public. If. you believe In V our work help us;. If you don't kick us. Kven a kick aaas em. . Wo 'heed $2,000 for - a steam heating plant. S4.000 to pay on the church building, and lii&OO to buy parsonage. we i ml, X. M. KairOID, are making the largest pos sible Thanksaivina offering to this end by November 26th. 111. If you will boost liberally now the efficiency of our work will be multiplied many fold. This work Is endorsed by A. L. Sutton. Howard H. Baldrlge, K. F. Derision, C. C. Belden. Rabbi Frederick Cohn, Nelson C. Pratt ami inhn .1. Mercer. Send all offerings sealed, to Dr. U. E. Marble, treasurer, sl-22 City National Hank, in time to be opened Hun day, the 2th, or bring the same to the church on that day, morning 10:80 or evening 7:30, that the total vflerings may be ascertained and tbe amount made publlo. We believe In you. We ahall soon know whether you believe in us. Yours for a greater Omaha. , THE HARFORD MEMORIAL CHURCH, 19th and Lothrop Sts. Trustees. C. H. BRAINARD, Clerk JESSE MAPES, Sunday School Supt L. U HALL. Associate Supt R. E. MARBLE. Treasurer. 1L II. SMITH Finance Committee. U. O. XoZ.AvaKX.Xir, Vaetor. II. W. ALLW1NE J. B. GOOD R K. MARBLE D. K. OILLESPIE K. U. SMITH JKecley re 1. Drunkenness, Opium, Mor phine, Cocaine and other drug ad dictions are diseased conditions. 2. Therefore, scientific medical treatment is necessary. , 3. In case of sickness none but the best should be .accepted. 4. Our treatment is known the world over and has proved its merits in over 350,000 cases. , 5. We give value received, and that is the reason we are at the head in our specialty. 6. The only Eeeley Institute in the state of Nebraska is located in Omaha. Send for our free booklet, "What It is and What It Does." CORRESPONDENCE CONFIDENTIAL THE KEELEY INSTITUTE Corner Twenty-fifth and Cass Streets. OMAHA, NEB. Take Harney Street Car From Either Depot. Tioro la Only One Thai la LazzatSuo Bromq Qzainino UMD THC WOULD OVOt TO OUKC A COLD IH CMC DAT. Always remember tbe full name. Look for thU tlgnatura on every box Natural Laxative Water Quickly Relieves? Biliousness, Sick Headache, Stomach Disorders, and CONGTIPATIO r taair-J Br9vning1-in8 WWkLomDaitY Fitacath snd Douglas Sts. OMAHA It's the Little Things that Count! This is especially true in reference to a man's at tire nothing detracts quite so much as an ill set ting shirt, unbecoming tie; shoddy gloves,,, but when his furnishings are well chosen, nothing will do quite so much toward improving his appearance. Wear the superior sort of Furnishings sold by this store, and your appearance shall never be marred. For further particulars look in our 15th St. win dows, or better yet, come in and look over our com plete lines. New V el our Hats Just Received in Black, Dark Grey andv Brown, rich in appearance and mighty becoming $5.00. , Our Special Derby the best $3.00 hat of its kind in Omaha. All the nobbiest effects in Scratch-Ups and plain, felts are shown in our complete hat department. TOOTHACHE Stops instantly ken you apply j DENT'S TOOTHACHE Gur.i Does sot spill or dir sp. Always rsedy AH Orassbt ISe Who makes kick proof fits? :. J. DAVIS HEAVY linULIIiG Stfi Hoisting a Specialty 1818 Farnam Street Tel. Doug. 383 Diamonds at Low Prices It is not often that the oppor tunity comes tot ona to buy pure blue-white . dia monds at prices which reach as low aa $25.00. We are showing an assortment of these stones now. The prlnfs range from 125.00 to 100.00. They are high quality stones at ex- tremely low fig ures. We invite a visit here to in spect these diamonds. Don't Merely Buy- In Test. Albert Edholm JEWELER Sixteenth and Harney. I Candy Specials for Wednesday 25o Home Made Fudge, per pound tOo "Princess Bweets" Chocolates, per pound..., School Day Chocolates per pound (Pennant Free with each Egyptian Chocolates. per pound (Packed In One and Two Boxes Only.) Vermont Maple Sugar per pound .... I5c 39c 80c Box.) 80c Pound 25c Myers-Dillon DrugGo. 16ta and rarnam Sts. BOY'S SUITS and O'COATS Big special purchase on sale this week at Hayden's. See Thursday eve papers for an nouncement. Watch pur win dows - " STOP DRINKING! , We have sold ORRINB, the staadard remedy for the liquor habit, for a num ber of years. You will be Interested In knowlna; ihat thousands of men have been restored to lives of sobriety and Industry by the aid of this meritorious article. Orrine Is a simple home treatment, that requires no loan of time from work rule you are taking- it. tttsrt today and you will be surprised at the quick re sults. If after a trial you fall to get any benefit from Its use. your money will be refunded. Orrine Is prepared to two forma Se cret and Voluntary Treaunents. Costs but tl-te a bos less than a man would spend In a day for drink. Come In and get a free hooslet. We'll gladly tell you of the good ork OHH1NU la doing. A McConnell Drug Co.. 16th snd lodge. 24th and Farnam, 107-t N. lth n.. owl Drug Co., ltth and Harney, Omaha pmi.Tii LEW RALEK Bstraace ea 6oert o. 101a an iu i r 17I1AT THE DOCTOR ORDERED Jackdaw Rye Whiskey, bottled In bond, full quart ..$1.25 Most any standard Bottled in Bond Brand, full Qt., 51.00 Home Made Grape Wine, White or Red, per gallon ..$1.00 White Cross Malt, full at. 75 And a full assortment of all wines at reasonable prices. We Olve Oresa Trading- Stamps. CACKLEY BROS. WINE MERCHANTS 121 X. 16th St. Opposite P. O. Mail Orders Promptly Filled. AMl'SEMEXTS, IbOYDTHMTErT MATZSTZa TO DAT. TOMIOHT. GERTRUDE HOFFMANN AWD ms IMPERIAL KISSl.Y.V DANCEItS ISO -People ISO. stuge Orchestra. Thurs.l Abora Snsllsh Grand Opsrs. TEXT SUHDAT ALL WXEX Popular Matinee Wed. and Bat. Sxtra Mat. Taaaksg-lvlajr Pay BABY MINE Direct 7rem a Solla Tear's Bon at Daly's Theater, Mew Tors. Prices gSo to S1.60 Seats Thursday, S a. m. -Vssens's JTaa Cental." &xujGZiJ "i&sLS: Another I1.C0 attraction at our prices GTeh;t STAR AND CARTER SHOW BXTBATAOAsTSA AKD TATDBTTXZ.B. Harry Lser Mason, F.lolse Matthews, Jack Conway and Superior Cast. The avi ating "Eagle and Girl ' f lights over audi ence. Lobster B1. Chorus. Ladles' Mate Uatlaae Beery Week Day.' AM3KIUAN . THiSATKK Tonight aad All Wssk. Mats, tilt, Thursday aad Saturday. YBICCS 3 So OBLT ' MISS J.VA LABU and the WOODWARD HTOCX COMPACT "ARE YOU A MASON" Next Week "Olorlons Betsy." ADVANCED VAUDtVILLK Hermlne thone A Co.. Wynne Hrolh ers. Primrose Four, Karl Emmy and his Pets, Crouch at Welch. Williams A Segal. The Three Lyres. Klnetoeope. Orpheuiu Concert Orchestrs. Brloes, aighti lOo, 8 So, Me, 7 Sc. Mst Inee loo, best seats SSo, saoept Saturday sad Soaday. KRUO THEATER Besae cf Tamily Burlesque. Mat. SOO, Bight 8:30. Best Beats 00c NEW CENTURY GIRLS Ladles' Daily Matinee. Any Best 100. i