Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 22, 1911, Page 14, Image 14

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Die Savings in All millinery
J Sale of Genuine French Hand Made
1 Muslin Underwear.
Hundreds and nun-,
dred3 of Omaha wo-,
men who prefer tha
real French hand em-i
broldered . tmdermus-
Una, ran buy them
Wednesday at Brandels J
at prleea as ' low as t
one finds In the ordl-i X
nary factory made rar-' u-
menta. . t
Daintiest of French lingerie at Unheard of
Price Concssslons Owing to Delayed Shipment
In noHily thirty years of business I3mndeis never held an
undenim.slin sale so remarkable as this. "We have just received
thousands of exquisite French convent made muslin under-
gnnnents of the daintiest character. The shipment
was so long delayed it was due in August that
French commissionaires allowed us an unheard of re
duction rather than have the goods' refused.
. AVewill give Omaha women the entire benefit,
of this reduction and will place the entir shipment 5
-on Bale Wednesday at ; prices" neveV possible before.
Lingerie made to sell at $1.25 goes' at 79c. Gar- ;
ments made to tiell at $1.50, go at, 98c, .-Lingerie
worth $2, goes at $1.25, etc, etc.
,As a Special for This Sale We
Offer Choice of 100 Dozen
Stunning Domestic Make
These gownsare beautifully
trimmed with fino laces and
, embroideries. They are all
carefully, sized and . made of
finest fahrics. ' ' O
Worth to $2.00 ?J
. each, at. ........ V.,
These are all genuine French hand needlework.
(Downs, combination suits, drawers and corset cov-
ers by thousands are in this extraordinary stock. -
wiiivbi niiv a xikj wuuv ff all J JlJ Ur J
1if.1i a-il ( f '
Sle VtT omen's Untrimmed. Hats
J y JO' Pjy 'j
p J- 4 'lt ! r ytrim ii i
Hundreds of the newest styles in largo
and small, midwinter shapes, all ready
to trim stunning blacks and browns,
other colors beavers,' velvet, satin and
IVlt theyaro extraordinary, values
tliat'at worth up to $4, -. t
epecial' at JJ)!
Big Sale of Fancy Feathers, worth up to SI, ea.
Beautiful hand-sewed wings, aigrette effects, maraboutstick ups, fancy feather
birds, owl heads. Deacock feathers. rom pmi effects nonulnr shndes sf nn'rnln 11nn nlan
black and white every clever fancy feather trimming that ;has found favor this season. J
Miss Virginia White, expert corset fitter, will be in attendance all thisweek to dem-
J i l - iV. ' .i i. Tlf;a i i.
uusirmo tne mauy superior uuwimuges ot jju viaa corsets ior wmcn urandeis is solo
$ agent in Omaha. , . . .; -
4 '
Greatest Shoe Sale Ever Held in Omaha
Holzberg wished to retire from business and he sold us all
his shoes at a tremendous reduction. Every pair is high grade
and made by ,the best manufacturers in America.
- .
The Shoes You Couldn't Buy Anywhere Today for a cent
Less Than $2.50, You Can Buy Here Thursday for 1.25
Z All the Women's and Men's $2.00 and $3 high shoes
All the Women's and Men's $4.00 and $5.00 Oxfords
X from the great Sioux City Stock,' at
t 1!, tbe Men'a RDd Wonum ftrfor all the Men's 'nnd ' W
, 1.1 OUigb Shoes worth $3.50. f , OaJ.D $4.00 and $5.00 High Shoes.
S. & H. Green Trading Stamps Given
Free with all Purchases at This Store.
These $35 Suits at $27.50
Will Cause a Fluriry j f ty
in the women's suit store, Wednes- i xfrs 1
lint' 'fVl ewn L'linti 1 evVSl1 Irtf kytf'''''. t
of them but there vis an nmile ! c, ' .K""' ' slt -i
-- l j V 'j :-'J
range for the woman who comes Vr$Jij
in the' morning. Possibly the sup- C'fif
ply will last out the day. How- r?
ever, it's always best to get first
choice. -. .
- - The newest styles and
they rvbest worman
- ''P are embod ed in
txese pecia) models of
K tht .handsomest mater
, ials at -$35.00
They are per-
fect-fitting m every
respect, and the ansort
, ment of - colors 'and"
styles ivU a'low'you to
' exercise a preference, '
Also, many new coats that will
delight your sense of beauty jand
your idea of a reasonable price have
arrived the last few" days. See them
100 Pktur. s of the Modern Ma
donna on S V Wednesday, $ J . 25
This picture Is also known aa the Knaffle
Madonna and thla ia the first time It has ever
been placed on special sale Jn Omaha. Fin
ished in black and sepia tones, mounted Uj,1
inch black or brown frames with glass and
back; regularly sold at $2.25 each. -Limit of
one, to a customer. Buy now for Christmas.
mmm - ,
VP Pit: :
lit i: ! I- ?!::! .1
mm '
, Dress Goods and SJlc Bargains for Wednesday
One lot of 04-inch dress eonris
suitable or suits, coats and
dreasetf. In various shades of
navy sad gray and other staple
colors regularly prl-' ''
ced atir.60 the yard Q Q g
Wednesday only . ; . . V S
Plaid silks in satin striped ef
fects, checked silks, silks in
striped and block patterns and
broche and self colored .jsllks
that regularly sell at '
? 1.60 the yard, Gfip
Wednesday .(.. ..VOU
Some of Our Best Models of Madame'
Grace Corsets arc Reduced in Price
There are fivn styles adapted to figures
from 'the small, pejite to the extreme, under
priced for Wednesday only. Made of im
ported fabrics and boned with boning that is
second to none in wearing qualities. -
The 'regular prices range from" $'3.50 to'
$12.00. The sale prices .... '
$4.00 to $6.00
K' The sale will begin with all sizes. Make
your selection early in the day so as to be sure
of getting the size and style that becomes you.
Specials From the Pure Food Store for
Wednesday and I hursday
24-lb. sack "Queen of
Pantry" pastry flour
and 40 Uuup .
Bennett's Capitol Coffee
and SO , stamps, ' pound
packase for 300
Ecnnett'a Breakfast Cofi
fee, and 40 atatupH a
I-ib. can for ....... 8So
AsHorted teas, and SO
a Lamp a, lb. , 6So
Tea elftliiKB, and 10
tantpa, lb .lSe
l'IATt:i.8t'OAR for tl.00
Blamark Rilncameat,
Jar fur 85e
J5c bottle Geo. alldet '
niaraachinu clierrlea
for SOo
Full rrram cheeae, nd
10 atainpa, lb .SOo
S Vkta. Bennett's CaDl
tol mince meat and 10
- atainpa 85o
J-lb. pk(f.. Bennett's Cap-
' ltol oata and 10
a tain pa loo
l-lb. pkf. Bonnett's Cap
itol pane-it flour and
10 ataiups 10c
Bennett'i Capitol ex
trait a, ind 20 stamps.
' bottle 180
Snlder'a cataup, and 10
Btampa. bottle ....S3
l-lb. can Bennett's Cap
itol baking- powder, and
20 S4)o
I rakaa York Violet
toilet soap and 10
atainpa 3 So
Bennett's Capitol whole
tomatoes, and fi at'pa,
can ISVaO
Horse radish, ahd 10
atainpa bottle ....loo
1 cans Bennett's Capitol
Country Ocntlemuu
corn and 1 0 stamps S!e
Medium slie can tinkl
er's pork and beans
anu ii stamps ....15e
Quart jar BlHtnark tut
fed olives. 10 st'ps, 500
Seeded raisin and 10
stamps, pkir 18J0
Cleaned currants, and 6
stamps, lb ISHo
3 cans Brockport sliced
pineapple and 10
stumps aSo
Medium size buttle Gall-
i lard's olive oil and 40
' stamps 4V5o
Diamond .Crystal table
salt, and 10 stamps
sack loo
Big Special
All Week
at p. Price ,
Saving of
About Half.
Entire Dankrupt Shoo Stock of the
' Goes on Sale Beginning Wednegdiy, November 22cL
MenX Women 'a and Children's Shoes of all kinds, secur
ed at about 50c on the dollar. Wednesday will place on
sale all the shoes that sold to $2.50, Men's C Vl 0(i
Women's, Boys' and Youths', Women's Pur v vll
Trimmed Juliets, etc., in one big lot, your I Dp
unrestricted 'choice J
Without doubt the greatest bargain opportunity offered
n Omaha for years. Don't miss it.
Uash Gsods Dept.
.Poplins in all the newest shades;
at, yard 25
Plain and fancy-Silk Mixed Goods
and flowered Organdies, worth
up to 39c a yard; at, yd.. . 25
SC-in. Shirting Madras, light and
" dark colors, neat patterns, worth
. up to 39c a yard; at, yd.. .25
Bath Robe . Material, good colors
and patterns; at, yd. . ? . . 28J
36-inch Percales 12
36-inch Flannelettes, and Cotton
Chailies; at, yard ........ 10
Serpentine Crepe," good colors and
patterns ,k 18
Xztia SpocJals for Wednesday la Oar
Famous Domestic Room
1,000 new bed spreads Just received
and tvtll sell them vcrv cheap to
move thm quick, 91.00, S1.35, $1.50,
Sa.OO, 83.88, S3.60. Home 75o and
85o, worth neany double.
When buylnir outlns; flannels, apron
checks, A. C. A. ticking-, etc., wo car-,
ry In all there Rcods the genuine
AmoHkeayr gootU and no other VJait
s rood.'
Blanket and Comfortable Sal.
In order to reduce, our enormous
stock of blankets we will make tho
following; prices which are 60 lower
than anything In the west: '
Cotton blankets. 480. 680, 760, 85c,
1.00, $1.85, and 81.60
Wool Felted blankets.- 41.85, $l.SO,
1.75, S1.98, 83.50. S2.75 and 83.98
All wool .ilankftM. $3.00, 94.00, 95.00,
8.00, 97.00, 98.00, eto.
Comfortables, in all cotton, wool Tops,
half down, full down, etc., 59c, 76c,
91-00, $1.85, 91-60 UP to .v.. SI 0.00
Thouxands of yards of Outinjr
Flannels, Flannelettes, GlnRhams,
Percales, etc.. In long remnants, sold
at about half price , '
$25 Tailored Suits at Q5.95
One lot of Stylish Tailored Suits made to sell to $25.00,
none in the lot but aro worth more than double the sale
price, values which have not previously and QF" DC
probably will not be duplicated again in the V (vv
season, Wednesday, your choice at .'.
Wednesday Specials in Our Busy Hardware Department
$1.50 Savory Enamel Roasters 08c
11.95 L. & G. Enam. Roaster $1.25
$1.26 Plue Enamel Roasters, 89c
$1 Medium Enamel" Roasters, 70c
Genuine Brownie Roasters . . . 10c
Carving Sets of All Kinds. Most
complete line la Omaha at very
lowest prices.
No. 9 Nickeled Tea Kettles ...80c
Nickel Plated Range Tea Kettles;
special at .00c
Nickeled Coffee rots 3-plnt size
at 40c
4-plnt slzeat ,......., 50o
No. 9 Frying Paqs at. . .V; . , .850
Drip" Pans, any size . . ...lOe
Mrs Potts' Sad Irons, 6-piece seta.
at .. . t.
, .... 700
Read Hayden's Grocery Prices for Wednesday. They Are Interesting.
14 lbs. bevt Granulated Sugar ..$1.00
10 bars Beat Km All soap 25a
48-lb. sack Hayden's Diamond H
flour, .nothing like It for the money,
per sack . ., $1.25
lbs. best white or yellow corn nifl
. for 15o
lbs. good Japan rice t5c
i lbs. Japan head rice ; tBo
1 lb. cans Assorted soups '. 7 Ho
011 or mustard sardines, per can 4o
Bromangelon, Jellycon or Jell-O, pkg.,
at , , 7V4o
Liarire bottles Worcester nance,
pickles or pure tomato catsup, bot
tle g'fcC
Dried rraits for your pudding's, pies,
cakes and sauce.
Cleaned cut rants, lb ..10c
Sultana raisins, lb 12Ho
California seedless raiblns, lb 10c
Fancy Italian prunes, lb lOo
Fancy Muscatel cooklnK raisins, lb.,
at 10o
Fancy California cooking; figs, lb. 10o
Seeded raining, package
Diamond C or 11 mince meat, pkg. O'so
The best lemon, orange or cltrqn
peei. iu :oo
The best mixed nuts, lb 16c
Hallowe'en new dates, lb. . ..... . Sc
Fancy Imported dates, lb lii'ic
Kayden s made It possible foi the
people of Omaha to Sat frsab vege
tables the .year round. ,
2 heads fretih leaf lettuce So
I large bunches fancy Texas radishes
for lOo
3 larga bunches fancy Shallots ..10c
8 large junches fancy Texas carrots
for loo
1 lurye imnches fancy Texas fSeeta,
for ; .JOo
3 large bunches fancy ' Texas' tur
nips for lOo
Large head lettuce, each ..10c
Larue cucumbers, each 7'4c
Fancy California Cauliflower, lb. 7'u
Fancy California ripe tomatoes, at,
per lb 7 H
Fancy cabbago. per lb ivc
Fancy Hubbard squash, per lb. lio
Fancy Brussels Bprouts, per lb, lbo
Fancy Cape Cod -cranberries, qt lOo
2 bunches fresh parsley Eu
Jersey sweet potatoes, lb. ......3 Vo
Old Beets. Carrots, Turnips, Par
snips, at, per lb. ., 'ihio
Try HAYDEN'S First
$ All the BoV aud Girls' $2.50 Quality High-1 Shoes go at one price .$1.25
& t TTTTTT PTl a XT nnm a . . ,
J iuuaauai, x XvlUA i ana oATUKiJAY IK . J
Cures Dancjruff, Stops the Hair
from Falling Out and1'
: Makes It GroWi-
There is nothing new sbopt the Idea
of using sags for restoring the color of
the hair. Our greet-grsndmothers kept
tsalr locks soft, dark and glossy by
using a "sage tea." Wlhenever their
hair fell out or took on a dull, faded or
trkaked appearance they made a brew
' of sags leaves and applied It to their
hair, wltb wonder ruiiy banenciai enect.
Nowadays we don't havs to resort to
old-time, tiresome methods of gathering
the herbs and making the tea. This Is
dons by skillful chemists better than we
DH8. rviACH a MAC"
, nsoessors to
Neatest euii'prd driaal office in
Omaha. lllahrst-gratle denlstry at
reajtoti&ble prtvea. 1'urcclaln filllnRs,
Jumi like the l.-xti. All liixtrumcnia
cr-fully svrrllll after each opera
tion. Corner ISth and Varnam 9ta.
Look ior Hayden's
Big Sale of Men's Suits and
Overcoats this week. Watch
Thursday eve papers for an
nouncement. See 16th Street
could do ft ourselves, and all we have to
do Is to call tor the resdy-made product.
Wj eth's Ssge and Sulphur Hair Rem
edy, containing sage lif the proper
strength, with the addition of sulphur,
another old-time scalp remedy. ,
The' manufacturers of this remedy
authorise druggists to sell It under guar
antee that the money will be. refunded
It It falls to do exactly as represented.
Don't neglect ycAir hair. Oct a botjtle
of Wyeth's Sage ahdulphur today, and
notice the difference aTTfr a few days'
use. . v
This preparation ia offered to the puWlo
at fl ty cents a, bottle, and Is reconv
mended and sold by alL druggists,
i Sherman & McConneTl .Drug Co.. Cor.
16th an Dodge, Cor lth and Harney,
Cor 24th and Farnam. 307-CS North ltith
St.. Ixsl Hotsi.
It tuS Lllng AKricultural 1'aiK-f ol tl Ml'J-Wtt
Omaha's Great Home Paper
150 Pianos, Pianolas, Pianola Pianos; slao Electric Player
Pianos with coin attachment, at 13, ft, (5 and up. One year's
rental allowed on purchase price.
Phone Douglas 1023 or Independent A-1623.
SchmoIIcr -G-WucIIcp Piano Co.,
IteiH-aentatlvea for Stein way 4b Sons and tbe Aeolian t'o. '
CSErtv (-fl5RJ3 JS3n7?gjs (JfriftVj
r-. .
men s
i jo
That Arc
"Just night"
Faultless slioemaklng and a
Tery careful selection1 of all the
new styles characterize our
lines of Fall and Winter Shoes.
$2:5Q 'to $5
All the new high tops. ,
high toea and arches, with
high heels, are shown la
tan, patent colt, kid,
suede, pelvet, etc. . .
Our shoes show their built-in
goodness at a glance, whUe our
splendid and experienceJ serv
ice la fitting insures every wo
man that coniej hero a "Just
ttight buoe."
H ii JUL
16th and Douglas Sts.
K OMajKAns rtiii jlj U
ft xood CHUT a a M
tlilWiiuowi SotxTMino Svavr hcn
ed l om hlXTY VKAki ty M1..UONS of
ioTHEKS .'or tjnr HillJUkhN WlilLU
ttl'THlNO. wltn I'KKl-KCT tt:ccKS:t. li
i t-OOThti the C HII U. hi.l 'l Y. NH (he Ol M
I JkLIVb-.! I AIN Cl'Kl-.S WIND COLIC, aud
i the Uct Kiinif t" 1'IAHKIICH A. H i, mlr
ui :tn tsnulc IK 4K anil S In 'Mrs.
I V iBMt;V ToottiiLj Syrup. nj lae Wst UvSOf
Wednesday's Specials.
2 Mammoth New York Full
Ortani cheese, weighing orer
2,auU lbs., in our cheese
department. Extra fins Qual
ity, per lb sso
Fa icy jar cheese, 10c, loo, 350
"Lotus" creamery butter. In
cartons, per lb 36o
Our best country butter. In
sanitary Jars, per lb 350
rresa Fruit snd Tsgstabls
100 boxes extra good apples,
per box 1 1.00
500 lbs. Turkish figs, lb. 15o
2 targe plain lettuce 5s
Fancy large Tokay grapes, I'tr
banUet 800 and SOo
Pannnaa, per dozen lOo J
Year old pop corn, per lb. &o 71
Frevh roasted peanuts, per qt , 51
at ...5o
New black walnuts, per pk. 4Co Hi
4 iba. lOo Jap lice Coo
Ha imported rastilo soap 16o O
10 ilothoj baaltets. heavy nnd tit
! !t sUet C&o y
I ckga Corn Flakes . .i...Eio .S
(J ns 95o
Come in and select a pa
of tan cr blick sliosr
S3.50 $5
Litest Styles
i it t v ti..
C L A R K S- f C RljTSK
tij. ! vt. tat .i e.r, laclnotim .i akMi
jurion, ef. :.!. Oio f-.rk.
hwl." UlO. toil. Ii:. Ktc. w Lamr I.aia.
HANK C i-UliK. limio ll'Jg . .,( Vol.