THE 1HK : 0MA1IA. 'NYEDN'KSDAY. NOVEMBER -- 1011. 11 MOXKY TO U) AN Mlarr nml Chattels. WHY USK oun MONEY! PEC AVS7. yon Mn horrow It on your HOVSKHOLD FIMiNITFRE. PIANOS. AUTOMOBILES. HANK HOOKS, WAKE HOUSE RECEIPT, P.iUL KSTATE and SALARIES In A trv hours' Kmc, pri vately and I'ilEAPKR than any other runwrn. NO "MATTER HOW CHEAP Til KY ADVERTISE. You may refund the loan In small weekly 1 or montlny payments that noon Eft you out of.debt. Our business ts as private as a bank r nd your frrends, relatives and employer Know nothing about It. No delay. Each application given prompt attention. Call on us frr money to pay all your Litis and you will find tt quick and easy. RELIABLE CHED1T CO. Vhlrd Floor, 308 Paxton Block. 217 S. 16th. 'Phones; Douglas 1111 and A-1411. v Chattel Loans, AT REASONABLE RATES. Nebraska Loan Co., 230 Bee Rldg. Douglas 1356. A-1356. tllMMIIMI $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ g Money tor LverybouJ ' $10 to $100. I $ LOANS ON FL'RN ITl'Rri, PIANOS, ti bAUAlUES, J1C., M at charges you tan afford, and without the. red tap? and delay you experience- Hli other companies. ESTABLISH YOUR CRKUIT UKKC It's as GOOD AS A BANK. ACCOUNT IN TIME OF NEED. NOTE THESE RATES: 810, you pay back 111.50. Hi, you pay back ai (.00. 26, you pay back $2.oo. J5o you pay back 8-w.OO. NO OTHER CHARGES. Weekly or Monthly Payments. OMAHA FINANCIAL. CO., 309-10 Brown Blk. Opposite Bran- deis. S. E. Cor. ltilh and Douglas. 'Phone Douglas 2J3t. $$$$$$$$$$$ $$ inmmi DIAMOND loans ut 2Mr and 6 per cent, W. O. 1-iiitau, 1,14 Dodge. Red 6bl'J. THANKSGIVING MONEY. . , YOUR CREDIT. 13 as good hcrti as your employer's is at his bank. YOUR PLAIN NOTE . Is all we usk, no security, no Indorse.. We are making SPECIAL THANKScJlVINO RATES. Borrow JtO.OO, return 40c per week. . Borrow 120.00, return Wo per week. : Borrow fciOCJ, return 11.20 per week. Borrow 40.00, return ll.'iO per week. ' Borrow xiu.Oo, return $2.() per week. Call and let us explain. OMAHA TRUST CO., 437 Board ot Trade Rldg. Tel. Doug, bill. ' MONEY loaned salaried people, women keeping house and others, without se curity; easy payments. Olflces in 67 prin cipal cities. Tolman, 003 Omaha Nat'l "liank Bldg., formerly N. Y. Ute Bldg. OFFKKKD tR KKNT Uuaril and Itoouia. O. M. E. hauls trunks. D. 611. A-26U. Porioia, tanuly noiel. 26th Ave and rlar. Bt. James Hotel bttam heat, bain, home cooKing; winter rates to tew couples at WiO per uio.; daily, 11.26. Near all me ters. . WARM rooms and excellent meals. P. 2th St. 'Pnone Doug. 3138. ONE large steam-heated room, witu board ; walKing Qistance. 106 a6th FURNISHED room and board for gentlemen in Field club alstrict. Ref erences exchanged. Harney toll. am DoUULAS-Rooms and boaru; raius reasonable. ' Wl PARK. AVU... mceiy furmaned steam heated rooms with board for particular people. MRS. MILLER, telti N. IBd, best board and room in cltyj l urunliril Roouia. 1708 JACKSON-Steam heated, modern rooms. Bright, warm rcom in private iamuy, close to Creighton college, reasonable. 'Phone Harney 0258. ' NICELY furnished room tor genilemen eOSVi S. 19th St. Douglas 0M4. FINE for two young iadieB; good fam ily, very convenient. Phone Harney bMi. "Dewey Eu1ropTanHotel. ith A Farnam. NICE large south room, suitable tor two gentlemen; strictly modern. Walking distance. 117 8. 25th Ave. D. 7400. FRONT parlor fo? two gentlemen; mod ern. .Douglas 6418. " TWO uesnabie rooiiut for four young men. 201 8. 25th Ave. EAST front room for one or two young moil; well furnished; strictly modern; central. 220 N. 26th. Red 7045. 1.ARUE room suitable for two gentle men wishing good home in private tam llv; walking distance. Call Harney b450. 3 LOVELY trout rooms In new brick home; private family; close in. 626 S. 17ih Ave. THREE nicely all modern furnished rooms for housekeeping. iiVM IV. mat. 2573 DODGE; alcove front roomj,two blocks to car. Harney jvat. ill N. Isth. modern furnished room, gas built, furnace heat. :'!S S. 26T11. large east room, newly decorated, Just the thing for three or. four young men, reasonaDie, ooura, strictly modern. D vs-n. i,16 SO. 22D Lovely east room, nice and clean; walking distance; fireplace; meals next door; only J. n:a FARNAM Two front rooms for light housekeeping; steam-heated and call aHT 6 p. m. 601 S. 2sTH Three rooms, nicely tur pi s li e d .luooenitvjilktnjtc TWO nice, warm rooms in modern new brick flat; private family. 626 s 17th Ave. l'urulahrd Housekeeping: Hoouia. The Manuel and Howard, !l & Howard, and 4-rm. apts. 13 to IIP. 2 IN light basement, cheap. Si" S. 2,th. cozy and waxm; 724 N 21ST, strictly modern, furnished for light housekeeping room. 2627 HARNEY Large steam heated front room; gas furnished for cooking. 2013 HARN EY HousekBepIng room, first floor, sleeping, 1.50 up. i iiHi So. 221) Two housekeeping roonw, modern, 11.50; one housekeeping room, :t.6Q. Hotels uud Ayartmenta. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for gen - t'emen. THE CHATHAM, 110 S. )2th 8t Hub hotel, steam heated. Uu Doug. St. ' "TjODOE-110TEU13th andT iTodge; ail steam heated rooms; special week rate. Excellent tnt-als, 'Mi N. lljt li. So. Omaha. ' Howard llotel. elegant rs. wi Howard. Elk hotel, looms Sic und 5x:. 817 N. 16thT 'HOTEL ALBANY; most elegmt rooms; Lot and cotii water; fireproof; prices teason.ible: both phones. llllIijug!as. Burlington, nli e rooms. 1 block to depot 7 CASS HOTEL, nice ruuin. 1,0 Cass St. -WlN'nli6R"lloTEL'ooin iyic to1.5o OXFi'iRD and Arcade, special w'kly rate. ThTiIpII Hlitf'l Cou,'L1' Rooms okutuiiuiti,,,,, , ,10u f)f.T week Auartoiruti uud Flats. Til Mo ii-i.- and flats. Martis b!ok. 16th and -riom flat on Mirnnati Ave. Web. HOT Witer f-rcom new ; i w. 5m s. healed, beM sktem beat. U-dti; all hardwood f.lusii, !:d. SII.VM iu au il u-ii tir.t-ni in new Viuy ljJ Harnev f t.. (.1 -'- . .nis .-alii F i -modern improvement ltlf Jinituf service only teli.rti aitdt r to lyi l. 1, l.'U. 'lUUi. VV. U.UliX, 2t McCauv. L. 1-iw. oi';rKi Kon hknt Aparlutt-uli nuil Flala. Int." DOVICAS 5-rooni lower flat, modern except furnace; cose to Hanacom park, half block to car, only Ii per in.nui, in cluding water rent. 1?. II. LANDEuYOU, 412 Hoard of Trade Bldg. Phone Douglas 2151. COM FOHT STEAM 1IKAT K I CHICAGO FLATS "Til E STANOAKH." Separate homes. -r. full modern, fire proof stairway, new decoration, ullages, range, hot water all year, , Janitor; walk ing distance. Winter, 8J.4, .-: sum mer. 8,0 less. You can't live as well or comfortably or cheap else here. Refer ence required. PAYNE & SLATER CO. Role Agts, tith Kl. Omaha Nati Rk.. Rldg. ti rooms, 1st flojr, modern except heat, 2t Rees St. rooms, I'd floor, modern except heat, 20OS Rees St. ' I3 each. CHRIS ROVER, 22il and Cuming Pis. Fully modern. 6-rooin healed apait- ment In the exclusive West Farnam dis trict : vrrv choice. JOHN W. BOBBINS. 1S02 FARNAM ST. CI.OSK-1N. Irfiok at 5GS S. 2-th St., a 5-room, strictly modern "St. Louis" flat, within easy walking distance. Can be seen any time. Vacant I'eoemher 1st. PAYNE & B LATER CO. Sole Agts. Fl. Omaha Nat'l Rk. Bldg. Furnished llouaea. FOR RENT 8-room house, choice lo cality, SUh St. near Karnam, for four months from Iec. 1 to April 1; furnished completely. Tel. Harney 2577. Hoils. aid Cottaue. W A J J. P A WM PlnnK. paper hang IVJllilUal liltn(!i glttitng. picture framing. Monso. 80S Park Ave. H. 62P0. 2137 lK)i;t!l.A. . I'uoins, modern except heat; 830 per month. Tel. Douglas law. -ROOM house, KhV.i N. 17th at. O. C. REDICK, 1517 Farnam St. MODERN, ti-room house, Ave.; Harney 1404. ,10 Capitol WILL PAY YOUR MOVING EXPENSE. 112.50 for a beautiful 3-room apartment in brick building, cozy and warm, 2210 N. 21st St. $5 for 2-rooni flat In rear of 1702 Clark. ROBINSON & WOLF. Phone Douglas 241S. 4S5 Paxton Block. HOUSEHOLD UOODS packed, tor- warded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. aiH. City office 218 S. 17th St.. Bee Bldtf. FOR RENT Eight-room modern house, cholcu location. Inquire 807 N. 39th St. Phona Harney 178. Houses, ins. Rlnswalt. nrandele Th. Bldg. Om. Van and Storage Co., packs, moves. stores household goods. Fireproof stor age. 804 s. 16th. Branch, a. Tel. D. 41K3; A-1335. 6-r. modern cottage, 3703 N. 20th, 120. U-r! modern house, 231S Spencer, 120. THOS. W. HAZEN, 207 McCague. Phone D. 1800. 8-ROOM house O. C. REDICK, at 155 North 17 at. 1517 Farnam Street. OMAHA EXP. CO.. moving vans and storage. Trunks, baggage del. - V. S3o4. 416 N 17th. 1-Trmana in all parts of the city. Crelgh SIX and seven-room modern flat, hot water heat, for $40. Tel. Webster 14&8. 2509 MAPLE ST.. 6 rooms, modern ex cept furnace, 120. Hall. 433.Ramge. I) i"u. A 4ie. FOR RENT Close in. low winter rates. 514 N. 22d St., 6 rooms, all modern. 624 N. 22d St.. 7 rodms; modern, ex. heat. 2606 Blondo St., 6 rooms. 111. Tel. Red 5204. FOR RENT, No. 1521 South 2oth street, 6-room dwel ling, modern except furnace, 125. No. 2021 Pacific utrtet, seven-room mod arn dwelllnK. 125. . No. 1102 South 32d street, large modern dwelling, with stable, No. i7i0 Seward street, six-room cottage. 15. . No. lwz isorth Z7tn street, six rooms, sib. No. 2412 Decatur street, modern except heat. 20. No. 4506 Hamilton street, modern except heat, 1j. AIa KU.D C. 1VH.P. 209 First iNutlonal Bank Building. Telephone, Dougias 722. . ALL modern D-room cottage, as1 N l!Uh. will be rented until May i, 1012, at a greatly reduced figure. Owner out of town tor winter, ivey at :ui ioturop Phone Webster wo. 2001 8PENCER STREET. Strictly modern, new; seven rooms, never occupied. To first class tenant wll make lease. If desired, at 1 10. C. a. Shep- aid, Webster 2612 FOR RENT Eight-room strictly mod ern house, walking distance. 4.o0. GALLAGHER & NELSON, Doug. 2382. ALL modern 8-room house. S. 2ith best furnace, 122.50. Phone Webster 17m FOR RENT Large niue-rooin house at 1013 Pierce street, modern, in good repair. tel. Doug. IMS. EQUITABLE LOAN COMPANY, lj Nebraska Nationat Bank Bldg. 12th and Farnam Sts. 12-KOO.M modern house, hot water heat. every improvement. i'Ml Harney bt. 17. U. THCS. W. HAZEN, 207 McCague. Phone D. 1300. For Rent Brick House Four bed rooms, bath and toilet on second floor; large family loom, dining room, buttery-kitcnen, rerrigerator room hall and vestibule on first floor; ful oeinent basement; furnace heat; every tiling first Class and strictly modern Located at 1511 Georgia Ave. See the owner at luOa Georgia Ave., or Phon Harney 1600. SIX rooms lor rent, cnuap. iM and Center. Harney 2374. 4-ROOM cottage, gas and electric light siz.m. 4uiu juurcy t. Harney asti2. MOlERN 6-room house. Ave. Harney 1404. 2710 Caplto SEE Miss Eva Lung with the Wood waial stock company at the America theater. If Mrs. C. W. Axtell. 418 4oth St., will come to The Bee office within three days we will give her uu order for a pair ot tickets. COTTAGE HOME S20 Five rooms, modern. In dand shape, walking dixtance. Ltil N. 21st St. Will rent to colored people. ROBINSON & WOLF, Phone Dougias 2418. 436 Paxton Block 6-room steam heated flat in Davldge Liuiinmn, iu- Two steam heated rooms In Davldga Bunding, suitable tor oticcs or llvin looms, uo. 6-room house and barn, 2226 N. 26th St.. 116. JOHN W. ROBRINS, 1802 F.VRNAM 8T F1VE-HOOM collage, mudern but heal. warm, tine repair. Harney 3t44. MOD. fc-romn cotluge. fine rep'r. H. 3614. MODERN six -room house. Ave. Harney 1404. M0 Caplto 5-ROOM coituge, modern. Harney 4174. mi H. 281U. UNEXPECTEDLY VACATED SIX-ROOM COTTAGE and bSrn,' St.. 117.50. 21st NEAR HIGH SCHOOL, roomy, modern house; new; 127.50. J eiephone Doug. 1264 FOR RENT o-ronm conagy iitTd tolle at 2418 Burt St.. JU.00. HALF MONTH REBATE. 8-r.. new. mod.. 135 N. t en. Bvd.. 135, 6-r., C. W., wtII repair, 724 Bancroft, $10. f-r , moo., z-t Aiapie. i.v. t-r., mod., elect It.. 1508 No. 31st, $13. 8-r.. mod.. 2tM Franklin, l.U Alto It others, 16 to f.'6. RUSSELL at MKITRR'K CO. 432 KarriKe Bldg. lith and Harney M (iovm rooms, ,j:.2S ' N. 27th; $J2. rooms. 2410 N. 24th; 1117 Park Ave., mod ern. :J; $12. 2524 N. 27th. TTcl Webste; l'.ll. DO YOU KNOW CHEAP HKNT' Good, full mooern houhe, 8 large room In o. lul.i ,-s. 'tli St., tight and warm front and back stairs, newly decorated iii-nla and out. worth more money, I want guod tenant bo mike it i. Con and s-e tt. If tenanl takeb god care of .iop.-ity. deduct t fi'iru rent of Jai-t inoiith of year. T. J. HuuK, offn.-e I lol N lMh St.. I'AVNi: c fcLATElt CO., O.'.aha Natl BaL,k Lid,. oKiv.UKn 1-oit ni:T II )Bra and I vltaara. .-room hot:e, modern rccrt heat. 1I1X mh St.. $. 7-room house, modern except heat. r.'.s harles St.. 119. 6-iooins. 2d floor. 1106 N. 2otli St., mod- , I . l 4 . . . ...... a-rmini -cottage, modern except m-at, .is'.4 i M.4 st . fit i ' K-room house, mod'rn cvcepl heat, PUS crby tft., $1! 6-rodm, 1t floor, 1'2 N. 2"th St.. itirtt" cdern. $lh. 6-room, 2d floor. l'A'2 N. :M!i St.. li.i.u, W. -room house, modern except heat. S'W lard St . ?20. CHRIS HOYER. 22d and Cuming st. "-ROOM modern house, good ham, 4502 Parker St., $27. 5o. 08 No. 301 i St.. 8 rooms, modern. -..;" 2V15 Dorcas. 5-room flat, giiod condition, odern except furnace, only N. E, Cor. 33d and Iirimoie Ave., ti rooms, mov-rn, $22.r. . H. LANDER YOU, Tel. Douglas. 2151. 42 Bd. of Trade Rldg fix rooms. modern house. 1751 8, 9th St.. 130. stores and Ufflres. Wish to sublet suite of five rooms In City National Rank Rldg. Call D. 412. AXIXIN BLK., 16TH : FARNAM SIS. W. FARNAM SMITH .Sr. CO., 1320 Farnam St. DESK SPACE. 436 Bee Bldg. CONTINENTAL BLOCK, 15tk and Douglas streets, one desirable single office room, second floor; also half ot a hrec-room suite. ALFRED C. . 209 First National Bank Building. Telephone, Douglas 721 STORE at 23US Cuming street. Store at 2106 Cuming street.' Store at B33 North 24th street. Store at Ml Mouth, 13th street. Store at 1506 Harney street. 4-room office suite at 1517 Furnanl St. O. C. REDICK, 1517 Farnam Street. STORKS CHEAP. 716 N. 10th St., line shape, $40. 2575 Cuming tot., brick 2o. 1U50 S. 2oth St., corner $26. KOHiNSON & WOLF, hone DouhiaH 2418. 43. Paxton Block. Halls. WASHINGTON 11 A LL lodges, dances. banquets. C. C. Sorensen. D. i'32j. A-236. OH EULD FOU SALHl I'urnlture. NEW Gustav SUckley library table and electric lamp, cheap. Call Douglas 1817. VIOLIN repairing; all work promptly one and guaranteed. MK4 8. lltn St. "piano sliehtlv used, at a bargain. Scgerstrom piano Mlg. Co. 19th and Jar- im Sts. , OFFICE furniture id Ilxturcs; manager, 1506 Capitol .wentio. tri writers. 4 LIGHT TOUCH MONARCH VISIBLE for renL THE' MONARCH TYPE- W RI 1 lull CO., 411 8. loth. ' pnone v. u. THE ROYAL IS king of typewriters oo. SMITH I'KMIKHH moocls No. 2 or No. in excellent condition, rented three months for $6. SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER CO., Mil and Douglas. WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE ot all makes of typewriters, factory rebuilt. Prices right. It will pay you to see us before buying. TYPEWRITER INSPECTION & SUP PLY CO., U08 FARNAM Bl. Nir.w number ten' RemlnHtoii, visible; $50; costs $100; used less than t monms, 760 Bee. RENT an Oliver typewriter from the Oliver Typewriter Co.. Douglas ana. SMITH Premier excellent condition, $U Harney 6242. ' UlictllaneoH, Kindling, $4 load. H. Orosg. I W. 2SS4. ti-nn Hil.K-Nnw and second-hand carom ami Docket Diuiara lauiuo biw lMlwiln9 si leva nnd accessories oar nx mraa r,f )1 kinds: easv liav men ts. The Brunaw ck-Ba ke-coiianaer -;o. wvi-ra South 10th St. SIX-FOOT bookkeeper's desk, oak fln- sh. for sale at Jio. Appiy ueorge , Wright, Bee Publishing Co. i?ySr SALIC Two scholarships In the Omaha Cimiini nlal collette and one in Boyles college. Business oiiice, umana Bee. a SNAP Extra lame. new. full mounted grey wolf rug. Murk Woodward, Miller, so. oak. , AUCTION SALE OC l , it iois Ol unrwrriiiwi iiuunouwiu r, w .... r,. . ... . .. . 1 1 knIJ awnAm November 27. 28. 2S. Omaha van ana Storage Co., 1120 N. 19tA St. SAFES Overstocked with second-hand safes, all sizes and makes; bargains. American Supply Co.. 1110 Farnam St. Get In the Game Electric Pianos. $100 each. Slot Ma chines, Athletic and Peanut Machines and Scales, new arid 2d-hand. Write for our list of bargains. Butter still corns, and sco us. W e also do repairing. ACME MACHINE CO., SlJIL'venworth. Phones: H. 24; Ind. A-2433. 75 BARRELS choice winter apples, hand nicked. 12 a barrel. Delivered to any part of city. Phone Douglarr 6126, lnd. A-4.U2. FOR SALE A $55 carpet loom tor Webster 6214. FOR SALE Dry wood; stove or curd; cun deliver. Phone South JwJO. EVEnY person knows who D. J. O'Brien is because he has made Omuhu famuus with his candy. If Miss Minnio Luud wenrkarnp, lu Stuntora Circle, will come to The Bee office within three uays we will kivo her an orUor lor a uo-cent box of O nrien's candy free. PliKSOXAL. Hit MAXWELL CURES PILES. 40 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. PAY WHEN CURED. iij-u.u ui-uou'.i'Y. Oladixn i'nai m.icj . 12in and Dodg. Massage, Rittenliouwe. 30w Old Boston Bid. Mrs. Pierce, shampoo, hatidresslng and manlcuilng. 2!.l Farnam. 11. .ml. A-14JH. YOUNG WOMEN comiiiK to omalia as strangers are Invited tt visit the Young Womtus Christian association Dunning at Seventeenth and St. Mury's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable bjarding places or oinerwiso asaiaieu. Look fur our travelers' uld at the Lnion station. HINDOO TABLETS will build, brace, strengthen. 6oc. BELL DRUG CO. WE rem and repair all kin.s o; sewing macmues. I nil. A lut3. Douglas ltiui. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 15th and Harney Sis. At I J !' Treatment.' Mrs. Sti iU.VOO-YUlj m . nth, d floor, r teele, rm c. MASSAGE iiiovemerit; nolhlug heller tor rheumatlein ; ladles. $1; gentle men, $150. Apt. K. liS-J' amain. D 8'!40. THE "SAL VaTToN A R.M -"solicits casiT off clothing, In faci, anything you do not need; we collect, repair and sell, at 1.44 N. Uth St., lor cost of collection, to the worthy poor. Call phone Douglas 4125 and wagons will call. ADEL1GHT hair food grows hair. Mine. Flayer, Mageuth Sta. Co., 15li tt Farnam. Mjvj Wll.1 Bath, salt glow aromatic 4kJi.auu Irtatmeiit. Mint, Allen Chicago. 109 S ,17th St 1st floor. D 7txi5. I) Kurke, women a dlseasss. 41 Doug Blk f A .IV ti'TK ' tr- 'tment. E. Brott, 710 Babies Boarded Cttl,li.ToMio: E li A uokUMlliiy, iiianicuiiiig. hair dresslng; new panura. 8"3 Neville. D. 3M. ! ASS ( i H realm' ts. Mrs. Steele, ex .ii.iii).uiiJ)(.rl oper't'r. VTl S. 17,2 fl. MRS SNYDER, Swedish maasaae. baths, 'odiaior and vibrator treatment. The Dunsat.y. Flat 3. l'Kh and Pierce. D KM. H AZEL LEA V pnTlTtrON Ed - Beit remedy for iching, bleeding or protrud ing piles; i . post paid; sample free. Sherman ft MoConnrll Drug Co.. Omaha. N t ' It S E 1 1 Yc a re 7 s r iTa I t h iTdr i rW f.4 70i MECHANICAL TREATMENT. Snme'hing ii-w, relieves ths nerves, muclea uud allinulaU'S Hie circulation, relief at unce. H C. ROMINGKU. Douglss li. HA p'.th bt. ui:i:s.)Nl "it.vHlKS to cue fir. v h.-ier ivic Hit n ilaimy de.-sert use Pa-li'll Ice li-rcnn. If Mrs. 1 1 . s. Black. 12. N. otn St.. will come to Tbo Men office w.thm .hiee dsvs we will k;m her an order for i i inrt brick of tMs fln li e cream. Mi lhik, munU'Uiinjj. ihrstory mas- .... , ..... 1 1 ).l fl.... 1W..1.,.. ! - ItH I.TUY AMI l'F.T STtH K ROUP easily cured by Bob Whites Roup Cure, 50c box If oiir dealer can not supplv vou, writ ti dreit, si-ndms: dealer's name. BOH WHITE CO.. 2i0 N. 16th St., Omaha. citer htvj. CON KEY 8 LAYING TONIC CONKKYS ROUP CURE ARE THE BEST. THE NEBRASKA SKKD CO.. Phone D. 1261. 161.1 Howard St. FlNE pedlgree Angort kitten. II. $i. IlKAL KSTATK AltS-rnACT OF TITLE. Abstracts. M. T. Hrennari. .124 HrandelsTh. Ill II DI-IIS' INFOftMATlOM. Klectrlo gas fixtures. Omaha SilvcrjTo. Ideal Cement Stone Co., 17th and Cuming "Aivierl Huly. Co., root g. paints. JM" Nii-h. l-'m'lis. SoTrSTTtllnd, pa.ntmB. decorating. M AN I El) IO lll l. WILT, nav cash for 100. 240. or ISO acres improved, not more than 10 miles from Omaha, owner oniy. Aaaresa j 3S, Bee. LIST vmir cltv property for sale with Vogel, 4o Karba.-h Illog. I I I Y PHOPlllt l Y FOU SALE. 14 Rooms and an Acre ON THE FLORENCE POULENARD, JUST NORTH OF FORT ST. A ONLY $4,000. $400 CASH and a balance of " month with 6 per cent. The ground has a Boulevard frontage ot Vi led ami is iu icer. oe-p. All the special street Improvements are paid on this property, i ne nomevaru here Is 117 feet wide, and since tho park bonds are carried It will be macadamised without expense to the property. Tills Is a fine proposition for a specula tion or home. II can bo made Into two or more apartments, und on account of the large ground will adways make a good nental mnoertv. This must be sold to close up the Forbes' estate, hence the low price and easy terms. A country home in the city, with spen- did opportunity for chickens, cow and n gatden and only three mocks ii-om line car service. In two more years the ground will positively be worth all that is asked for the house and giound now. Norris & Martin 400 Bee Bldg. Phone Doug. 4270. 2861 Ruggles 4 rooms, city water and gas, large lot. Owing to vacancy now existing we are offering this for a, short time only at $1,250, just about half what the lot Is worth. House is only 4 years old. $500 will do tho business. A decided bargain Bemis-Carlberg 310-S13 Brandels Theater. Big Bargain Two good lota, 40 by 160 feet each, on SRth Ave., just off Farnam, only $2,650 each If sold together. HICKS, 219 Board of Trad Bids. OWNER must sell his new 6-r., all mod home in HanBCom park district. Pries, $3,650: small cash payment, the rest monthly. J. W. HASP CO., 689 Brandels Building. EVERY plumber Is not a robber. If anything happens, phono Douglas 181a. Good Plumbing Co. Don't Build, Buy This 4u,uuu win buy a .i cased oi..i lasnion abln apartment house of 70 rooms, with large porches, In good condition; close In; well rented; five-year lease. Cost $68,211 icrms reasonauic, Arthur C. Crossman, 20S Boston biore Bldg. Phonu Doug. S107. bargain on JNI. 24th bt iO,mi--. a me no. tiuK.-l loiiier ui 2iln unit aamer streets, liuving 200 it. Homage on i4tn street. with uwelbngs, renting at louo per year. and lou tt. of unimproved H-oiiiao on corner, suitable lor sow ot stores. All special taxes pule One ul ins best bai gains in Omaha. W. B Mn.ih.LE. 2v.i Ramge Bldg. FOU SALE. 4510 Blondo St. Baker Place, 4)1x132, IuOv.00. ' htn and Curtis St. Hillsdale Add. 3 lots, MxLM each, $300.00. jniih and LcOick. Newport Add. 1 acre lot, .ou.oo. Hoit Co. Farm Land ',320 acres, $25. 0u per acre. ' 11. W. NEAL, 3212 Harney St. Phonea D. lll.a. .-l..H. 1- OR SALE small house to be moved, norm side. Web. 412S. UKOOa, uul S. Zd SL FOU SALE By owner, modern 8-room house wriu new hot v.uicr healing plant; guod lietern, oarn auu chicken house; ceiucnl walks; puved street; lull lot; one block to street car uud in lirsl class i.eifc"uorhoou. itkcu lur quica sale ui J.wu.oo. Can use good paii of mules or horses il piiceii i.gni. lerrns, one-nail. leiepnono at iiighi. Harney una. For bALu, Lot in ininucu on Websiur between uctti und iilsi sis. liionc Vv co sier -JiO. l.NVESlMENT OPl'OiiTUNITV. ik iUiOJie. ALL .MoDl-RN. Wc have a iwo-apartinorii house, con- lajning 13 rooms, two ball is louins, seven b-U luouts, with pallor, dining room arid hiuiieu in each upal linelil, Willi new piuiuoing and good ncaung plane 'J his property is too lurgu tor personal owner and it is a splendid proposition lor some one who will buy it and uivuia it into four three-room apartment. Owing lu thu arrangement of the house una work can be dono al a very small ex- pens and wneu coi.ipiuieu me apart ments wtu rem lur -o .a.n. i jie uuyer can live In one apartment, rent ih lest and niaka a guod luvcuunent out ot your Home. Tho building i wen punt and in good condition: only thirteen minutes' ride to th center of the city; one block from the Dodge street car I, lie gnu lu good resi dent dlttrict. 111E IO l N. 20T1I ST. It Is Just north ot Ohio on th Flor ence Blvd. A godd six or seven-room modern house will be taken in exchange at the right price. This proposition is certainly worth looking ai. N'lRKiB ic MARTIN 400 Bee Bldg. Doug. 4270. A-4270. " GO tD eastern NeXraska land for well located flat or other good Omaha prop erly. BtatA location and rental value. Nu agent. E wo, Beo. SEE Mls Ir.g in "Are You a Mason" at th American theater. If Mrs. H. Pascoe. 221 N. 4oth St . will c.onre to The Bee office within three day we will give her an order fur a pair of tickets. HEAL ESTATE FARM A II4M II I.4NO 'OH S4I.E California. BACRAMKNTO valley land, 2 miles fiorn (Irrmantown. Cal., t4o acres at $.-i per uri. ; best kind of soli; 3iu acres now In wheat: will take part tiude. G. W. CuuiaU, Wood River, .Neb. , I ! K A I , Dsf xiK FHM It i M H MMl I 'H 1 olursilu. '.."O ACRES In the Pan t.tils valley. Colo., for sale at n Imrtsiln. good terma and fins land. L Cnsker. Beatrice, N. h. tirnrirlM, G1JEAT SOUTH GEO Ml I A Traversed hv the ATLANTIl', BIRMINGHAM & AT LAN. TIC RAILROAD. Lands adaptable to the widest range of crops. Ml the money crops of the south plentifully produced. For literature treat ing with this coming country Its soil, climate, church and school advantages, write W. II. LEAHY. DEPT. K, General Passenger Agent, ATLANTA. G A. liiwn, THE easiest way to find's buyer for your farm Is to Insert a small want ad In Uie Des Moines capital. Largest cir culation In the state of Iowa. 4.i.iHH dally. The Capital Is rend by and believed in by tho standpatters or Iowa, w ho simply re fuse to permit any other paper in their homes. Rates, 1 rent a word a day; $1 i per line per mouth; count six ordinary words to the line. Address Des Mollies Capital, Des Moines. la. Mississippi. "Go "South, Young Man" Build yoursen a home on tho Gult Coast. No extremes ot weather, either hot or cold. No drouth. Good rich liuids from $10 up. We own them. F.aslesl ot terms. Wo want farmcis. Wrllo tor our booklet. COAST REALTY AND COLONY CO., Paeagonla. Miss. Nebraska. IMPROVED section In Kimball, Neb., and 100 all In nllalfa W hit. and, Wyo. 11. ctios-s, iiUl S. 22d. BIGGEST SNAP IN STATE. 640-acre Improved ranch, western Ne braska, for quick sale. Price $6.i& pel acre, good terms. Act Quick. Box, tit Omaha. IMPROVED 283 acres black sandy soil clay subsoil, close to 3 towns; nice grove and orchard on place; IZ.fiOO. George Brokaw, lumen. Holt county, Nelnsaaa. SMALL RANCH tor sale near town, about too acres. Improved, I5 pur acre; this Is a bargain. J. C. jierrinu, vviui man, Neb. Oklahoma. - FARM AND RANCH FOR SALE. $90 acres adjoining town at crossing of two trunk line railways. Ideal tract for fruit, dairy or general farm and stock ranch. In easy reach of the bbst elt!e. in eastern Oklahoma; DG0 acres suitable for any crops grown In tills climate, of tho rumalnder 150 acres la high giound und especially adapted to fruits of all kinds; balance pasture. All lanced and 200 acres ready ror ine plow; balance timbered. Price $20 per nine; on easy terms; title guaranteed. This Is an unusual bargain, iwiks Land & Investment Company. 203-5 Flynn-Ames Blilg., Muskogee, Okl. Orentuia All person Interested In our Central Willamette Valley (Oregon) colonisation plan aru Invited to tail at our office for free Informal! -ii. All farms within the reach ot every wage earner. You may own a farm In 'M months. Hooker At Beam, K2s Brandels Theater Blug. Phone Douglas 0S7. FRUIT LANDS III 10-acre tracts on easy payments. Large tracts tor sub division from $45 to $60 per acre; on electric road now building in the famous Willamette valley of Oregon. Agent wanted. Ueorge V. Fletcher tt Co., Junc tion City, Oregon. - T Soatb Dakota. A FEW snans In Brule county. South Dakota, lands; will pay railroad fare to buyers not satisfied. J. A. Btransky, Pukwana. 8. D. EXCEPTIONAL RANCH AND FARM PROPOSITION. 2,035 acres located lu east central part of South Dakota, 12 miles from good town, all fenced arid orous fenced, also t00 acres loaned land under telioa. Good comfortable lanch buliuings, duo mures under cultivation; 000 acres ot more good farm land, balance best kind of paslurs and ha) land, price $25.00 per acre. Choi to half, section Jwo and half mile from town 'in Kingsbury county lor eat at 7.50 per acre, will take In town prop erty not over 3,ooo as part pay. No bet ter quality' of land than this. Address or call on CARLSON W'ALLIN, Carlo age. 8. D. , . '1 esaa. THE HOMESEErvKll la a monthly paper that will tell you bow to acquire a home on easy payments, and also how to make money tun ot oilier people who are acquiring homes. 'I HE MAGAV-iNK WITHOUT A NAME will help you to make a pleasant hum and wilt toil you how to make a guod living out of a little land. We will send you both free If you will send us your name. AMERICAN TOWNSITE CO., Ban Antonio, Texas. t tab. 320 ACRES FREE. ' Your homestead right good for 320 acres, and no resluence required. We can locate you on some of thu choicest tracts. Cun also buy soma choice tracls school land cheap. Best land being rapidly taken up. Act tiuick. Ami i ess Mortbwestern ianus Co., 212 Dooly Block, Bait lke City, Utah. HEAL ESTATE LOANS WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith r Co.. 13-0 Farnam Ht. OMAHA-Pioperty and Nebiaska Lauds. o'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1010 New Omaha Nat'l Bank Building. WANTED City loans. , Peters Trust Co. $10ii to $10,000 made promptly. Ft D. Wead, Wead Bldg., ISth und Farnam. MONEY o loan on business or resi dence properties, $1,000 to $5uO,'juO. W. 11. THOMAS. 51'3 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. W A N'i'K D FA R l LOANS. Klok In vest merit company, Omaha, "LOW RATES. BEM1S-CA RLREKO CO., 310-812 Brandels Theater Bldg. (jauvjx;,:; N,aJttn.,?...e: LARGE 1XIANS, munlrlpal bonds, mort gages bought and sold, STIJLL BROS. FARM LOANS; ho coiniijiai'ioii ; optional payments; cheap money, uulck service, orlu S. Merrill. 1213 lityNal'l Bk Bldg. I OK SALE Oil EXCHAXCJE WE exchange properties of merit. C. W. Welsh, .12-13 0.N. BkBIdg. Doug. 7Ko5. AREyoiiatradir? I trade anything whers or time. Kelley. 12 Neville Blk. I WANT to Hell or exchange tho con trolllKK liitcrest In an established IiiihI r.ess with offices in Omaha. Running for years. I ncorporaled . My tiino Is fully occupied and I cannot give this U. attention iiecess.try to protect my hold ligs. Will sacrifice. J his Is an excep. tlonal proposition und unu mat It will pay you to Investigate if you wish to get into business. E Omaha Be, Council 1, lulls. $2 000-Norlh Side, 7-room, modern ex cept heat, cottage, built for a home; ce ment basemen!, water meter, screens, storm windows, nice shade, large back vard, located high and sightly, easl front: will consider a good auto or vacant lot as part payment, balance like rent. Fur further infoi matlon see SCOTT & 11 ILL, poiig. 6S15; A-1752. .107 McCague Bldg. W A NT ED 4 'IT Y RESIDENCE In exchuiige lor I2U acre nn-i-ly Improved farm in eastern Kansas, 4 miles from two uu towns, only oo miles from Kansua City; best of soil, level country. Will give an extra guod deal. Give location and price In first letter. fossil, lily. 4iACHE Improved ranch, western Ne braska. All good hay and farm land. Price $15 per acre, mortgage 12,500; long time. Submit your offer In full. Wall. Bee Bldg. EVERY person knows who D. J. O'Brien Is because lis has made Omaha famous with bis candy. If Miss Margaret Camp bell, 25n5 N. 15th St.. Will lolile to The Bee office within Hire.; days we will Mve her un order fur a tsj-ceut box of O Bricu's candy Inc. UAVIKIt TO llOktlSOYV "WANTED- Pt-lval party to carry loan of $.i. ."!) on good security. Address, . I'ee ( M'f lee. South Omaha. N'eh. WANTKH TO IIL'Y M-hand g is ciescr, l)ln enter D fi2 WILL pay cah fr gHd 5-passenger car; prefer E.-M.-F. 30. Box 72, Maaon ( Itv. la. SEVERAL houses w'liere acant build ing lots, $100 to $S00. will bo received aa part payment, owners or agent. Ad dress re 764. Bee. SHAMES Fur Co., TOW N. I6ih, Omaha, Neb. We buy all kinds of raw furs; pay high prices. WAXTKl) TO Hl'.NT FAMILY of four seeks hlKh-class guard ing place; must bn suitable for culturod people; neighborhood apd house must be lilgn-riars; near est rurnani du Au di ess D 6.1). rare Bee. Tllltl'.i; Hiiiius and 4-year-old want completely furnished apartment. riensa do not reply unless nelKhborliod and all else qualifies tor rerined people: ei Farnam district. Address C 38.. care Bee. WANTED-h urmshed suite near good boarding place, suitable for family of three adults and child. No objection to outcklrta If near Farnam St. Only high grade place considered. Address N Utri, care I tee, A XTK 11 BlTl'.V flOXS MIDDLE-AGED woman would like care of an invalid or children. S316 Jones 'Phone Webster 263S. POM'l lOo by third-year high soJiool boy; will work from 12 to 1:30 p. m. M 4S2, Be. vV HUHi woman desires day work; neat and clean. 'Plume 1 . 6740. SITUATION W ANTED A manager ot general store, country town; experienced. O 613, Bee. ' BY high scnool giaduate, atcnograpiicr, clerical or bookkeeping; unexperienced. L 610, Bee. , AN educaied woman desires work n Omaha or elsewhere In Institution or fam ly to assist lu keeping and taking care Ol children. Webster 31 7. YOUNG man warns position tender; experienced. (4 i.s. Bee, aa Par WrtSlliNG aim curtains none. '1'. H. 744. SITUATION warned by competent lady stenographer; cun lake rapid diotution and can transcribe notes; references to ability, 'l'houe Harney 644. WANTEIv By young lady of refine ment, position In office; have had full charge of business end of offlce.Best ot refcreuces luiuiaueu. sujrcn -i. v-.v Be. vv A N'i ED iJnuuury work by day. Har ney 5503. ELDERLY' lady would like a guod home us housekeeper ror an eioeny num. bachelor. Phone Webster 3U- or call at lt.04 N. 27th St. 'JOl.ollED womnn wants cleaning or laundry work by day. W 5003, M AN'wIH. imi ku and buaav UI S1IUS post' tlon as coiievlor. Can itive bonus, t nuue W. 4110. 1UJOKKEEP1NG and clerical work evenings and Saturdays; use typewriter, Address L-i43. nee. A WOMAN with child would like sIIUt atlon aa Housekeeper. Webster 2B04, after b:30 p. m. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work: cleaning and ironing preferred; please call after 2:30, Douglas ixc. SITUATION wanted- by experienced junltor. Call Webster 24i2. liv kxpkrienced colored woman, second cook or general housework lu small family, w eb. xooUj PRACTICAL nurse, call H. 6(110, A-2374. FOR a aainiy uessert use DalxsU'a Ice cream. If Mrs. W. N.'Slnbough, ItH N. 40th St., will i come to 1 he Bee oleics within three nav a wti w 111 Hive ner an oruer fur a quart brick of till fine Ice cream. LIVK BTOCK MA11KET OK WEST Ship your stock to South Omaha; save mileage and snrinsage; your uuuaigu menla receive prompt and . careful alien tion. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MBit CHANTS. Pyer Bros. A Co. Strong and responsible. WOOD BROS. 234-3- Exchange Bldg. Great West. Com. Co., Omaha A Denver, W. R. SMITH & SON Just handle sheep, W. F. DENNY at Oik, iu Ext I- Bldg TAGG BROS, handle cattle, hogs, sheep. (May, Robinson Co., 200 Exch. Bldg. Interstate Co. Better results. Ship to u. HBukTtfcniTciiLYt-o., 2oiH-Tiuii7iridg L. K ROBERTS t CO., U-S Exch. Bldg Cox & Jones Com. Co., bunch of hustler, Farmer L. S. Com. Co., 200 Exchange Deposit proceeds ot shipment in Slock Y ards Nat I Bunk, only bank at yards. WINN BROS. A CO., Exchange Bldg. LAVERTY BROS., 13S-40 Exch. Bldg. TlaJiTn-Bros. Co., 20H-4 Ex. lYliig7 Alex G. Buchanan & Son, 154-54 Ex. Bldg, OMAHA THE UKAIN MAHKET WEEKS GRAIN CO., grain merchants. consignments solicited. 7S3 Brandels. CAVERS ELEVATOR CO.. Wholosal dealers In grain, hay, chop feed. 731 Brandels Bldg. ROBERTS GRAIN CO., grain consign meiits solicited, grain bought to ar-ive. 728 Brandels. Nebraska-Iowa Grain Co. 764 Brandels, C;OVEKNM-NT NOTICES. PROPOSALS FOR LEGGINGS 4 ;h 1 EK Wuarlernmster Office red era I Building, Clin ago. Illinois, October 7th. lull. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will be received a this oil ice until 12 o'clock in., January 3d 1012. and then opened, for furnishing air delivering at either the Boston, New York. Philadelphia. St. lrfinis or Chlcag depot of the Quartermaster's Depart merit: .VM") Palis Leggings; subject t Incrcaso of not to exceed 50, if de sired by this Department. Right Is re served to reject or accept any or all proposals or any part thereof. Preference will bo given to article ol domestic man ufui tore, conditions of iuulity and price (including in the price of foreign produu Hons or manufactures the duty thereon) being equal. Standard sample can be i-eeri. and specif Icallons, blanks for pro normals uud full information will be fur ulshed upon application at this office. Envelopes containing proposals to lie In doisitl "Proposals for Leggings to be opened January. 3d, 1012." Colonel Jno L. Clem, Chief Quartermaster. NI-K-U-22-2--D--13 25-27. LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bids will b received until noon. December 1. Wll, at the office of the undersigned, for the construction of a building at Curtis. Nebraska, for the School of Agriculture. Plans, specifica tion snd bidding blanks are uu file at the office of Burd F. Miller. Arcnltect. 731 Brandels Theater Bldg., Omaha, and the office of secretary of state, Lincoln. addison wait, N14-d-Kt becr.tary of State. ItAILAVAY TIME CARD jNioN STA I ION lentb M l'noa Pacific Depart. Arrive. Fan Fran. Overl'd a 7:40 pm China ft Japan F. M..a 4:06 pin a S 45 pm Atlantic Express a 6:45 am Oregon Express all :36 pm a 6:10 pm Iis Angeles l.lm d....sl2 4b pin a 6:30 pin Denver Special a 7:4 am a 7.37 am C'enleii al State Sp c'l.all 30 pm all. 36 arn Color ado Expr ess a 3 30 pm a 4 5c pm Oregon-Wash. Liri't'd.al2:50 pin a6:3oprn North Platte Local. ...a 8:15 am a 4:46 pm Grand Island Local... .a 6.30 pin alo 30 am Slromsburg Local bl2;41 pm b 1:20 pin W a bush Omaha-St. iSjuls Ex. ..a 6:30 pm a 8:15 am Mall und Express a 7:2 am all 15 pm biarrb'y L. (fr om C. B )b 6:00 pm b 10: la am ....uui I'rutrsl Chicago Express... ..a 7:00 am a 3:45 prn ..a C;oOpui a .ooui Chicago Lrnll.d.. JANITORS SUFFER WAGE CUT School Board Will Deduct for Empty Booms in Buildings. SUPPLIES FOR ATHLETIC MEET Fall l ine ( nslimeat Ordered ' Ilnaaht far .Sprln Gather- Ior Plan o ell aeant I.ola. ' The Board of Education stuclc re trenchment streak last Bight when tho buildings ami grounds committee, through halrman Courtney, submitted a propo sition to reduce the salaries of Janitor buildings where there are vacant rooms. The motion was adopted. Tho reduction will ho for each vacant roomt In eli,tu and ten-room bulldlnts., M per month. In twelve-room buildings, 3 50 per per per per month. In fourteen-roorn buildings. $3 month. In slxteen-room hulldlnas. W. 50 montn. In clghteen-room buildings. S2 montn. With one dissenting vote a motion to buy supplies for tho spring athletic meet was carried. The supplies to be bought will Include nine stop watchet, $7.50 each; one stop watch, $J0; one reryolver, $5.50; one metallic steel tape line lot) feet. $4: one metallic tape line of twenty-flvo feet. 2; 1.000 blank cartridges, , $7. Ten re volvers will bo rented for the meet. To prevent unauthorised employes from buying supplies for the schools, a reSo- ution was adopted providing that here- tier no supplies bo purchased except on written order from the secretary. Dr. R. W. Connell, health commissioner. reported that th health department Vhm aken proper precaution to prevent a va cant lot near the Saratoga school froto becoming a clumping (round, that slgtia have been placed and that It the nuis ance lias not been abatext the only thine be dono Is to arrest the offehdeTs. la also reported that the engineering department's attention has been called to the open sewer at Thirty-first and Sprague streets. - , . . A resolution was submitted aettlBB forth that as the school funds are not sufficient to provide for tiro constructioi- of two or three needed school buildings, some ot the numerous vacant lots owned by the school district be disposed - bt and the money derived from their sale onvcrted to this purpose. After a brleC discussion the plan to receive "reason able offers for the purchase of the va- ant lots, tho same to be sold-It the offers made are found satisfactory," wasi agreed to. Location and description oC tho lots are to be fuTnlsTted by tUe sec retary. ' PORTSMOUTH WOMAN HURT WHEN CARRIAGE TURNS OVER LOGAN, la, Nov. 21. (Special.) Mr. W. 3. Service sustained many bruises and spinal Injuries as the result of a team becemlnc frightened at the Reese auto in . a Barrow road seven miles west of Portsmouth yesterday afternoon. Vfhen th team bad run, but a short distance th tongue of the carriage came down and struck tb frosen ground and broke. Th. remaining portion caught In the frosen ground and the carriage was consequently lifted up and turned over. While Mr. and Mrs. Service were caught in the wracked carriage, th doubletrees broke and the badly frightened and unmanageable team most fortunately left the conveyance lit the road. Mr. Reese stopped hi car and after assisting Mr. and Mrs. Hervloe from the wreck took Mrs. Service to her home nearby. Mr. Service escaped Injury, not withstanding th nature of the accident.' It Al LAV AY TIME CARD. Mlaauarl Pacific K. C. & Bt. L. Ex.... a -:50 am a 7:40 am, K. C 4 bl L. Lx....aU:l& pm a 6.50 piu tuivasu t NsrtSMiatersi NORTHBOUND. Minn.-St. Paul Ex. ...b 7:00 am '.,, MUin.-St. Paul L'l d...a 6:00 pm a (1:00 era Twin City Expres.v..a 7:46 am i10:2 via Sioux City Local.. .....a 1:45 pm a:-, pirn Minn. c Dakota lx..a 7:ou pn a 1:1. am Twin City Limited. .. .a g:46 pm a):30ata Minnesoia express au:oo ant EASTBOUND. Carroll Local a 7:00 am a :10 pm Daylight Chicago a 1:40 am al0:M pra Chicago Local al2:00pm a;2Spii- Colorado-Chicago a 6:10 pm a S:2J pin Chicago Special a :02pm a:4au Pao. Coaal-Chlcago. ...a b: pm a 3:m pm Los Angeles Limited.. a 8:60 pm alf:80pm Overland Limited a 7:66 pm a:16aii Carroll Local a 4 30 pm al0:00an Fast Mall a.8opoi a 1:36 pus Cedar Rapids, Sioux 6 " Omaha aS:8Spm Centennial Stat Um.. 12:40 am l:lpru W EST BO UND. , , Long Pine a k:00 am ' all:00 arm Norfolk-Dallas a8:ot)arn al0:16pna lxng line-Lincoln a 8 16 pm a60ptu Hastings-Suerlor ,...b 2:16 pru . b 6:pirs Deadwood-Hot bp'gs..a 8:56 pin a 6: JO pm, Casper-Lander a8:65prn all:00 pru Fieuiont-Albion ..b 6:30 pm b 1.56 put tklesgo, At t. Paul Overland Limited a 7.50 pm J:13ai Perry 1ocal a 6:80 am H:oOpta Colorado Express a 6:iai pm 3:25 piu Colorado Special a 7:42 am 6:60 ari4 Perry Local. b 6:16 pm 13:06 pra Lklcaao, llsck Island A Pavifla--a t EAST. ! Rocky Mountln Ltd.al2:28 am aJO OS prrs Chicago Local Pass. .. .blO S5 a.m blO.l.pja Chicago Day Ex........a 6:45 am a :30 pii Chicago Express a 4:10 pm a 1:10 piu Des Moines Local P. ...a 4:27 pm sll: pia Chlcago-Nli. Ltd a 6:es vu m 1:47 aus W EST Chl-Nsb. Lmd to Lin- ' f coin a 8:01 am a 8:08 pin Col-Cal. Express a 1:16 pra a 4:00 poa Okl. Ac Tex. Express. .a 6:00 pm all :46 aia Rocky Mountain Ltd..al0:46 put al2;30 aa laii'tfti tirwai wuntrra Chicago Limited a 8:30 pin . . Twin City Llmllud....a 8:36 pin a 7:4Sata Vwlii City Express. ...a 8; ain a 8:0 pm Chicago Express a 1.46 pa. 1 I -...... .ic - ib--i;uw . -.w Uarllnsioa g tatlon Teatb Huns, It ur Han ton Depart. Arrive. . 8:46 put . 8.46 piu Denver & Cullfornta..a 4.i0 piu a 8:46 put Puget Sound Express.. 4.10 pm a 3.46 pm Nebraska pultiia u im a6J0pra uiack lilils a 4.10 pin a 8.V1 vua Llncoin Mall bl;3upm aii.lapra a Sao pra a t.U piu pru a iiw am Nurtnweai express. .. .an. pui Nebraska polius... Nebraxka Express Lincoln Local a 6.;u am a 6:10 pin a 8:16 ani a 8:10 piu .u aru Schuyler-Plaltsmuulh b 8:06 pni Lincoln Local bl0:Ml am b 8:0Saru plattsruouth-lowa a.T.ani as.5oaui Bellevue-Piuusmoulh al2:J0pm a 8:40 pm Chicago Special a 7:16 aru ail:16 pru Leuver Special all.) pm a7:U0pm Chicago Express a 4:20 pin a 3:6e put Chicago last Expiess a 6:30 pro a 8:00 am luwa Local an. 16 am aio:oaia Ciesioii lla ) Local. ...b 3:30 piu bl0:46 aru St. Lsolb Express a 4:35 pm all:) aiu, Iv. C. u pt. Joseph. ...alo:4o pin a 8.4a aut K. C. 0. cl. Jopli....a B.ii aio a UM pus K. C. 6c (it. Joayh....a 4:30 piu Webster Station. -lOtU aad Webster, Mlssonrl Pacific Arrlv. Depart. Auburn cal. b 8:60pm bll:66ni Chicago, St. Paal, Mlaneayvlla A Omaha i Arrlv. ' Depart Sioux City Express.. ,.b 1:86 piu bu.oipm Omaha Local e 6.26 pin bloux City Pass 0 8-2 pus Twin City Pass.... ...b 8:46 am Emerson Local b 6 65 piu b 8:10 am lb) dally except Sunday. tc Suuda only. UJ daily. i 0