Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 22, 1911, Image 1

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    Daily Bee
Everybody reads
The Dee
VOL. XL1-NO. IS").
Alfred Merrett Tells How John D.
Rockefeller Got Many
Millions for One.
Property in Mesaba Range is Put Up
as Collateral.
Land is Now Property of United
States Steel Corporation.
Securities fiorr Paring Ttto Hi
drrd Per Oat Dividends Dle
. poaed of at Tklrir Dl.
lara a Share.
WASHINGTON. Nov. il.-How John
D. Rockefeller gained control of the
valuable Duluth, Mesaba Si . Northern
railroad through a loan of ll.OOO.OuO; how
the value of the railroad property la said
to have been "padded" to make tt ap
pear worth more than 17,000.000 and how
the road 1b now earning more than $300
a share In dividends were told to the
Stanley Steel trust investigating com
mittee today by Charles II. Marts,
formerly chief engineer of the road.
Ur. Marti, with come bitterness, told
Low he once owned forty-nine shares of
the stock In the road, but had lost It to
tiie Rockefeller Interests for 130 a share,
In order, It was claimed, to make his Job
Alfred Merrett of Duluth, first pres
ident of the Duluth, siesaba & Northern
. testified that he and his 'associates
turned over, to John D. Rockefeller In 183
property In the Mesaba ore regions as
collateral for the loan of the $1,000,000.
Tbls they lost , later on call and the
property, Merrett declared, Is practically
the same as that now owned by the
United States Steel corporation and val
ued, according to recent estimates of
Charles M. Schwab, at $700,000,000.
Rockefeller Takes Over Road.
Mr. Marts said the Merrett Bros., who
built the Duluth. Mesaba Sc. Northern,
borrowed $1,000,000 from John D. Rocke
feller in 1892 to extend their railroad Into
lie testified that through this loan the
road was extended to Duluth and that
the total coat of the road and docks
amounted to $1,700,000. -Soon . afterward,
In ISM, Mr. Marts declared that the con
trol of the road was taken over- by Mr,
Rockefeller. When the Minnesota Rail
road and Warehouse' commission, brought
suit against the road for a reduction- of
ore rates he said that he, as chief en
gineer, was directed by counsel for the
.. road. In the preoenee of Mr. Rockefeller'
counsel, "to 'make 'a report (hat .the total -TV -
The reioit Mr. Marts made at that
time was submitted to the committee.
Chairman Stanley said he expected to.
show that abnormal rates are - charged
by this road and that last year It- made
a profit of more than 2M per cent.
Ordered to Give Vp Stock. '
Mr. Marts testified that he had owned
forty-nine shares of stock In the railroad,
Officers of the company borrowed nine
teen shares which they said was for the
purpose of raising money in New York.
This stock Mr. Marts declared he never
saw again.
"After that," said Mr. Marts, "Mr,
Rockefeller sent the general manager to
Inform me that it was against the policy
of the company for employes to own
stock In the road and asked me to sell
for 130 a share. I did sell and that stock
is now paying a dividend of $200 a share."
Mr. Marts said that the total valuation
of the. railroad was nlared at irmaom.
in his report to the Minnesota Railroad
commission he said he had "padded" the
cost considerably and had placed It at
$4,382,000. The road outside of equipment
could have been reproduced for $3,500,000.
Marts said he made his report under
direction of Joseph B. Cotton, attorney
lor the railroad.
"But Mr. Murray, private counsel for
Mr. Rockefeller," he added, "first told
me mat it was necessary to show a valu
ation of 000,000 for the road."
Mew Postal Muke.
WASHINGTON, Nov. n.-tfcpeclal Tele
gram. Postal savings banks will be
established on December 19 as follows In
Nebraska: Dewltt, Osmond, South Au
burn. Iowa: Conrad, Dayton, Grundy
Center, Lake MNls, Tripoli. South Da
kota: Hartford, Planklnton.
The Weather
for Nebraska Generally fair, wanner
eastern portion. ,
ror Iowa Increasing cloudiness and
probably unsettled, colder west and
central portion.
' Temperatare ot Omaha Yesterday.
Hour. Day. Hour. Day.
6 m sz l . p. in u
a. ni 31 2 p. m 60
I a- m 31 3 p. m i,i
31 4 p. ni Ut
a. m 34 6 p. m 4s
'0 H. m Zi 6 u. nL 4i
H m in, 7 D. m 4
12 m 4i
S p. m 42
t oiu nam tlve
Local Heeord.
,,, w . 1911. 1310. 19119 13US.
Highest yesterday 61 43 33 ti
l-owt yesterday II 7 a :o
Metn temperatuie 41 3rf s, o
Precipitation Oil M 25 .Oj
Trin,eta:iire and precipitation depart-'"v-h
trom the normal:
Normal temperature 35
Kxcess for the day a
Total excess since March 1 ...i.Ooj
Normal precipitation 03 Inch
Deficiency for th day 113 inch
--f PrVt'ipitalion since March 1....1T:'7 In. hi a
Deficiency since March 1 14 Kg inches
leflcleni'y for cor. period. 1910.14.ks inches
Excess for cor. period, 19 9 2.40 inches
Henorla from tlutiuua vl 7 1. M.
Station and Stata
of Weather.
Temp. Hluh. Kain
7 p. 111. et full.
Cheyenne, cloudy 44 !A
I avenport. clear 'J 3S
Denver, clear M ti
Dee Moines, clear ;i 43
Jmder. clear 40 51
North Platte, clear 4S M
Omaha, c Itar 44 r,l
Pueblo, pt. cloudy &i
Rapid City, clear H M
Salt l.ake City, pt. cloudy 44 M
Muita re, clear So r,i
eiiertdart. laifiing 34 in
Sioux City, clear 42 4
Vaiuutine, clear M is
L. A. t-i-ili. Lvcai Forccablur.
Southeastern States
Lead in Construction
of Good Highways
RICHMOND. Vn.. Nov. Il.-Thc Postof
flce department's Interest In highway Im
provement was made evident at the tlnort
Roads congress today by Fourth Assis
tant Postmaster General It. V. De'.lraw.
Mr. DeUraw is the active head of the
rural free delivery system.
There Is a movement In the convention
to ask the Postofflee department to upend
some of Us appropriation fur rural free
delivery on the Improvement of post
roads, but officials of the department
think this Impossible. Rursl mail carriers
from the southern districts form a largo
delegation at the convention.
Senator Cullom's hill, calling for the
construction of seven national highways
between Washington, D. C; Buffalo,
Seattle, Ban Fruncleco, Ban Diego, Austin
and Miami probably will receive unani
mous endorsement.
Evidences of the progress of good ro.ids
building In the south has surprised the
convention. It Is said that In 1911 more
than $30,000,000 was available for road
building in nine southeastern Atlantic
states, which represented 32 per cent of
all the money spent in the Vnited States
for this purpose In that year.
North Carolina led with the greatest
expenditure, Virginia was a close second
and Tennessee, Alabama, Kentucky and
Georgia followed In the order named. It
Is estimated that the total expenditures
In the United States In the current year
will amount to more than $140,000,000.
The convention was turned over to the
highway engineers and practical road
builders for discussion and Interchange
of views.
Record of Lorimer
Fund Not in Books
ofTilden orHines
CHICAGO, Nov. 21. Neither Edward
Hlnes, the lumberman, nor Edward Tli
den, the packer, was the custodian of a
$100,090 fund, or any other fund which
was to be used to pay off the expenses
of William Lorimer to the United States
senate, according to experts", reports
submitted to the senatorial Investigating
committee today.
The evidence for the "defense" came
In response to previous testimony of C,
S. Funk, general manager of the Inter
national Harvester company. He testi
fied that after the election of Lorimer
to the senate Mr. Hines had solicited a
contribution of $10,000 to a $100,000 fund
to pay for "putting Mr. Lorimer ovr,"
tt being suggested that Mr. Tllden was
custodian of this fund. An expert after
examining the books of Hlnes and Til
den reported there was no evidence of
their having handled any such fund.
The report also confirms the testimony
of D. W. Holstlaw, former state senator,
Who confessed to having received , J2.5O0
In July, 1SOJ, for hi vote for Lorimer.
Holstlaw' said Br -received " the money
from John Broderick, another state sen
ator. - - - '
Suspicion that Man
: and Three Sons Are
f Victims of Poison
UBLET, Mich., Nov. 21.-The in
quiry Into the Btrange death within the
last three years of John Wesley Sparling
and his three sons was begun here to
day and ' aroused Intense interest
throughout the entire section because of
the prominence of the family. It Is alleged
by the authorities that the deaths were
due to poisoning.
John Sparling, sr., granduncle of the
young men,-declares the deaths were un
natural and it Is due to h'.s activities
that the investigation now Is being
cyjsed. On the other hand tho mother of
the dead youths Is convinced the deaths
were entirely natural.
The Inquest today concerned only the
death of Albert Sparling last May and
a representative of the state chemist's
office testified: that Indications of ar
senlc poisoning were found.
Government Takes
Spokane Rate Case
to Supreme Court
WASHINGTON, Nov. 2l.-Counsel for
the government late today filed with the
commerce court a writ of appeal In the
transcontinental rate cases. The appeal
is from temporary injunctions granted
by the commerce court in the cases in
volving interpretation ot the long anJ
short haul provision of the law. A mo
lion also was filed by the government's
counsel that a final decree making per
manent the injunctions be granted by the
commerce court.
Avery Plant in Peoria
is Damaged by Fire
PEOrilA, III., Nov. 21 The Avery
Manufacturing company,' makers of trac
tion engines and threshing machines, suf
fered a loss of approximately IIM.Ojo by
a fire which consumed a block and
half of their structures early today. The
plant Is located In Averyvllle, which ad
joins this city and employs about 11!
men. Peoria's fire department together
with the Averyvllle equipment aucceede
In controlling the conflagiatlon after
hard fight.
KANSAS CITY. Nov. Il.-Wlthln si
hours tfur he had broken into a hou
lu an outlying district of tills city carl
tixiay hiki attempted an attack upu
Margaret Armstrong, a 19-year-old white
giil, John I,e, a li-year-old neio, was
ui) ' sciilenct d In ti.ii criminal court to twen'y
.' ; ycais in the state penitentiary upon a
JJjJ I plea of guilty to buiglary. Miss Arni
0 j strong awoke to find the negro
! a chloroform-soaked glove over her fat e.
He had broken down Ui e door to the
Judge" Carpenter Allows Nine In
dicted Men Till Monday to
Get Stay Order.
Mast Take Chances Before Jury if
Efforts Are Unavailing,
Kohlsaat's Order Quashing Habeas
Corpus Writ Entered.
Plant to Save Defendants from
Facing; Jtiry Shifts from Chicago
to Washington as Iteenlt
of Dny'a Development.
CHICAGO, Nov. 21. Further delay in
the criminal trial of the Indicted Chicago
packers this time until next Monday-
was granted counsel for the defendants
ate today by Judge George A. Carpenter
In tho United States district court. As
result tlio fight to suvo the packers
from facing a Jury probably will shift
from Chicago, to Washington, where ef
forts will be mude to obtain a stay order
from a Justice of the United States su
preme court.
Judge Carpenter said that unless he
had received such a stay order by Mon
day he would order the packers to trial
without further argument.
Counsel for the packers effected the
delay granted by Judge Carpenter by
first appearing before Judge C. C. Kohl
saut In the United Jtates circuit court,
where the entering of an order quashing
the packers' habeas corpus writ had
been marking time since Saturday. When
delay was granted Saturday by Judge
Kohlsaat It was agreed that formal enter
ing of this order should take place on
The defendants' lawyers caused some
surprise by appearing in Judge Kohl
saat's court at noon In company with
counsel for the government and asking
for the Immediate entry of the order. At
the Fame time the order granting an
appeal from Judge Kohlaaat's decision,
also handed down last Saturday, formally
was entered.
Aravaments of Defenae,
Three hours after these orders had been
entered in Judge Kohlsaat's court counsel
for the defendants appeared In Judge
Carpenter's court, where tho trial was
scheduled to open tomorrow morning.
Attorney John 8. Miller informed Judge
Carpenter of the proceedings before Judge
Kohlsaat, detailing each step from the
time of application for the writ of habeas
corpus, which was Issued and then
"Legally,". Mr. Miller suld. "our appeal
from Judae. .Kohlsaat's rullnor Ih now
PcHBIngpTn" the" federiri supreme court,'
and counsel for appellants conceives that
this court ought not to proceed with their
trial on the Indictments while the appeal
Is in the supreme court, or at- least not
until that court shall have had an oppor
tunity of passing finally on the ques
tions Involved there in tenting the valid
ity of the criminal provisions of the Sher
man anti-trust law.
Operates as May.
"Tour honor ought to stay your hand
until that court has determined these
questions. It Is our contention that the
pendency of the appeal as perfected
operates as a stay and prevents this court
from exercising any rights In the case
until the supreme court proceedings are
disposed of.
'However, if it Is too long to wait until
the supreme court finally passes on the
matter, we ask that you stay the pro
ceedtngs In the trial until the appellants
have an opportunity at least of present
lng the question to a justice of the su
preme court."
Levy Mayer of counsel for the defend
ants, after delay had beeji granted by
Judge Carpenter said that the appllca
tlon for a stay order from the supreme
court would be made before Chief Jus
tice White at Washington, probably on
Thursday morning.
Superintendent of
Dam Charged With
COUDEltSPORT, Pa., Nov. 21. Freder
ick J. Hamlin, superintendent of the Hay-
less Pulp and Paper company, the burst
ing of whose dam on September 3
brought death and destruction to th
town of Austin, wus served today with a
warrant charging him with manslaughter
He was not arrested and left Austin fur
C' to consult his attorneys.
Gas from Auto is
Fatal to Chauffeur
EAU CLAIRE, Wlr.. Nov. 21.--James
llavaird. chauffeur for W. K. Coffin,
president of the Kuu Clalie Nutlonal
bank, was found dead In the Coffin barn
iiere today, atom re:ng cued by ya
from the exhaust on an iiuloiuoliile. A
horse, two cows and fitly chickens in
the turn were nUo killed by the gas.
l.avuird v. as kneeling and leaning up
agulnfct a wheel of thu automobile, hav
ing been engaged in pumping up a tire
when overcome.
MIDDLi-:SBOKO, Kj'.. Nov. 21. -Three
persona were burned to death today In a
fire that, destroyed a business building in
ti e ci titer of toi,. Thu tieaj are.
KI.HKIt i' HAI'WKl.I..
NOKDHAUKN, Prussian Faxony, Nov.
21.-Klrvrn niineru killed 1.1, J another
badly Injured by the fall toduy cjf rock
in a potdth mine In tills UUlrlct beloinjinj
to the Prussian government.
From the Washington Star.
President Watts Says it Can Be En
acted if Kept Nonpartisan.
Fmmr Thousand Bactkera. Can' Keen
duration Oat of Politics If
The- Karnestly strive
to Do So.
NEW ORLEANS, La., Nov. 21. If the
proposed plan for the reform of ilia cur
rency and banking system of the United
States be kept nonpartisan, Its enactment
Into law will be an' easy accomplishment.
And It could be kept a nonpartisan issue,
If the 4.0,0 bunkers here would work zeal
ously to that end upon their return home.
Bo declared 1'. O. Watts, prusidcnt ef
the American Hankers' association, .n ud
dressing the conventljn of its meml.tis
here today. Mr. Watts strayed, Ik? said.
from the beaten path of precedent, to uls
cuss the theme whleh,h-in beet mu.le the
keynote of the conventljn proceeding:!.
"Surely there Is no good reason why
the question should a Dnrlli-.'ii
one," he said, "'mere is no puny princ-
ple Involved In such a co-upiratlvj ngeiicy
and nothing but prejudice or the cMi-cm-ity
for an Issuo, which certainly dues i.ot
exist In this day, could cause either of
the two great political' parties to tieat
the subject differently from what they
should proposals for good health or pure
food, or river Improvements, or tho bund
ing of a great canal. J by any .banco
It drifts unavoidably by the bankers and
business men Into a partisan Alignment,
the only hopo of making it a:i effective
issue to the party opposing tho I lun
would lie in Its ublllty to appeni to
prejudice through talk of centrullzutlon
nd control by special Interest. Nillher
proposition could bo maintained befoic
the thoughful citizenship of thl.i coun
try, and when the light of reason en
tered, tho party making ,such an appeal
would suffer as such purtles hive ulwaya
suffered In the past.
KraJly Means llecentrullsatloo.
"We can show that msteud of being
ceutrallzution the proposal Is decentralis
ation, the power coming to the central
agency for all banks in JUht such a way
as the power is placed In the chief execu
tive of the nation. The pieMdent become
the coinposlto of Aineican idea, and
when iiot so, thero occurs a shifting of
authority. o the Ceiitral Kcucrves atso
elation would alwuys bo the composite
of the shareholding banks, und, theiefore,
standing for the. best In our buMnees life.
"The currency commission und of'l'iit;
of your aneociation have been In a num
ber of conferences with the chairman und
members of the National Monetury coui
mlKfiion. snd those having tho responsl
billty of forming a plan showed reinark
ulle wlllliigueFii to luar and adopt any
suggestions tending to keep the control from speculative marts, keep It
apart from political control or pievei.l
its being at any time a political Issue,
keep the Investments of a character that
would make any control of little value
compared to .Jin uu outlay as neccstury
to acquire It.
All Are vitally lutcrolcd.
"Undoubtedly tho?o Interests vth;ch, ac
cording to pushing speech and huirltd
composition, are designated as 'Wall
aireet' favor the National itetcrvu aso
cvthm or hiiv plan of monetary reform
making for stability and prosperity and
leiieving the best;. of New York
from t tie gieat uraln of crop uunein .nt-
tiade expansion and I anu s. l'ai--iii,; tin.
KlulUel smull nuinlicr of siojk tum
blers round New York's tt'icit ex
change, no find there bunks, bii.-iiieis
houses, Inuustilal anl lailuay cniporu titaily Interested in every tectlon
of the country end who buve learned
(Continued uu r-oonj l aje
They Learn Fast.
hen China Becomes a Real Republic.
Another AttaGk on
White Woman Stirs
Coatesville, Fa.
COATESVILLE, pa-, Nov. Sl.-Another
attempted outrage by a nK!i;m a white
Woman- occurred ItWre toda'5vlA'ttd. a posse
headed by Chief of Police Udistead U In
pursuit of the man In the woods north
of this place.
The Intended victim of the negro Is
Mrs. James Campbell, the wife of a mill
worker In Coatesville, Mrs. Campbell
was walking along Chester avenue to
the farm of her brothor, Frank McLueae,
and while going over lthick Horse hill
was attacked by, the man. She fought
him off and utter lis had twice thrown
her to the ground a carriage driven by
Miss Johanna Irwin eamo view and
the negro was frightened away. Ho es
caped Into the woods.
Miss Irwin drove Mrs. Campbell Into
tewn and the police were notified. Chief
UmstCHd 'summoned severs) other police
men und these, with some citizens, Imme
diately set out to find thy negro.
Captain Plunkett
of Chicago Police
Resigns Under Firo
CIUCACO, Nov. Hi. Ono hour before
charges against him and three other po
lice officials were scheduled lo bo heard
Pollen Captain Willluni J. Plunkett, com
manding the Desplalurs street dint not,
filed his resignation with Chief McWeeny.
Plunkett, with Inspector Charles C. Dor
man and Lieutenants William D. Am
brose, and Thomas J. Howard, was to go
on trial before tho civil service commis
sion chUrged with fuiluie to obey ordcia
regulating vice 'conditions In the West
Aeroplanes Drop
Bombs Into Turkish
Camp Near Tripoli
TItlPOLI, Nov. 21. The Italians report
tliut the Turks ivuro repulsed In their out
posts yesterday with tfrfnty-nlna killed.
I'lvo aeroplanes, returning to camp, re
ported that there had been no clisngo in
the Turkish position. They succeeded In
dropping bombs lnpidii the Turklt-h camp,
which ws (icstroyed.
Miners' President
is Visiting Boone
l:'MiNi:. la., Not. 11. (Special Tele
gram.) Joha P. While, intcrnutlonul
iii i .iiouiit i f the Mine Workers of America,
W. II. Kegels, John (.lay anl Kiank
Culm run, Hate otflceis, ui e In the city
trying to end tlic ttrll.e In Ogden, where
nt ki t-s have been unpol led. The Kitua
tiuu is one of the lnost icrlovs In the mill
lug iiiinals of ttie nation, as a vital prln
lpal of unionism is involved. Courts
have granted liijuiictiuus atiainst negioos
being thruwu out ot the union.
Nine Hurt in Wreck
Near Tulsa, Okl.
TUI..-A, il.:. Nov. Jl -A Midland
Valley lallroail I aie:iger tiu.n leit the
track i tar Pixby, fifteen miles souih of
Tulsa at nocn unlay, seriously injuria?
nine persons. Two coaches turned over
anil rolled down the einbiinktnenl. It Is
thought none was fatally hurt,
fccuL,i. . -V. XX.' OV .V J I SB-
1 1 1
Loss Now Estimated at $152,500,
Mostly Covered by Insurance.
Current. ?ia.lubr ( Tata TweBtUtJS
I'tstarr Farmer Destroyed-
' Utter KaKravlac I'aat ;
Alao ilarna. f
A. I. Boot, bnUdiar, partial loss.. $ S 1,000
A. I. Hoot, Printing company..., 60,000
Woodman of the World 50,000
Baker Bros. Engraving company 85,009
Otis Blevator company fl.BOO
TotU ,.
The foregoing Is the approximate loss
by fire that swept through the three
story brick building on the north side ot
Howard, between Twelfth and Thirteenth
streets, at a lata hour last night. The
building occupied the numbers 1210-14
Howard street and was occupied by the
companies named.
How and Just where the fire started Is
a mystery, ss the third story of the
building is practically burned off, Indlcat
lng that the blaze might have originated
In any one of the threo large rooms on
the upper floor.
On the third floor of tho east third of
the building, occupied by ths Woodmen of
the World mulling room, men wero work
lng until after 10 o'clock, and at the
time when they quit work everything- was
in the best of condition.
Minolta Seen Karly,
At 11 o'clock, It Is said that nartica
passing the entrance of the alley on
Twelfth, between Harney and Howard
streets, saw smoke issuing from some of
the back windows, but made no report.
Jt hits been Impossible to locato the par
ties who told this story. However, shortly
after midnight an alarm was turned In
and a portion ot the department re
sponded. When the firemen reached the
scene the entire third floor was In flames,
having broken through the roof at the
north end and over' the portion of the
building occupied by the Woodmen of the
World and Laker Pros.' Kngravlng com
pany. Seeing that it was to be a hard fire
to cope with, a second alarm was turned
In end the entire downtown portion of
the department was called out, liy this
time, the fire had gained such headway,
being fed on paper and other inflamable
matoriul, that thu north end ot the roof
over the east and west liulfs of ths
building fell in. scatteilng a shower of
brands, that for a time threatened the
destruction of other buildings in the
vicinity. The flumes shot Into ths air
hundreds of feet, carrying along par
tially burned bunches of piper, which
were caught tip by the wind and being
tanned until they blazed, were carried
blocks away.
I'or thiee hours the firemen had a
hard fight and It was not until almost t
o'clock this morning that tho fire was
brought under subjection. Two companies
remained all night to take cure of any
fire that might break out again.
Much llamuue hy Water.
Wbllo much of too damage was caused
by lire, the damage by water whs also
lurgu, for for three hums a dozen streams
were turned into the building, wetting
everything on the first and second floors
of the entire building and flooding the
basement, where the machinery was kept
and much of the stock stored, to a depth
of eight f'.et. It waa not until this morn
leg that sewer plugs were pulled sad
tho water permitted to flow away luto
tho river.
Temporarily the fire throws close to iM
people out of employment. Tho Wood-
men of tho World kept elghty-rUn
I ie ut work In Iti mailing room; the A.
I. Uoot company about lirt; the Uuker
; brothers 23, and the vlevator company 10
j to li.
Miss Chamberlain Recites Story of
Her Experiences Wlien De-; k'
1 toyed to Lonely Spot.
Saw Three Men on Trail as She Was
on Way Home. -. , ;
1 i
Persecution of Young Woman is No
Longer Regarded as Joke.
Barber Mho Took lrl for lirivu
Rays Attempt Was Msile to t
Hint to Modify Ilia .
Mary Chamberlain, the Shady wena
chool teacher, facing Hi ward Klcord. her
decoyer, and the three other men charged
with complicity in the attack upon tho
young woman, took tho stand this after
noon and began the recital of her terrlblo.
experiences on the lonely roadway on tho
night of the now famous "tar party.
wttlt lt rtnrlatnra. Who CrOWdtll '
every Inrh of space in the court room,
listened breathlessly. Miss Chamberlain
told with minute detail the story that,
men and women In this and adjoining
counties had both dreaded and anxiously
Tho crowd that surged Into the court
room during the morning session waa
augmented by at least anothe hundred
persons In the afternoon. It was no-'
tlceable that not a woman besides Miss
Chamberlain and her mother waa In the
room. The rule regarding the exclusion
of minors waa strictly enforced. Judge'
drover being especially desirous that none
be present when the plaintiff took the
None of the witnesses who testified dur
ing the morning session gave any detailed
testimony regarding the actual act ot
The prosecution used the witnesses sim
ply In an effort to establish a chain ot
evldenqe showing the three defendants
now on trial were Involved in planning
the attack and actually started out to at
tend the "party." It is tho contention
of these three men that they took no
part In spreading the paint and wore not
present when it waa done.
After telling about her employ mem in
a store at (Shady Bend she plunged Into
her story. ,
Did Soma ona call you up on August
IT' was asked.
"Yes. Kd lycord." aha replied.
I'Wh.l : jS I Jl U aa.v1"
"He Joked rrte a little bit and then said
thera was a dance at . liavarly, and
wanted ia to go with him. "a akt we .
wtra Invited, and I told him I would go.
ii. , arrived, about t:0 o'clock and wa
started to Beverly."
."What did ha say to you7"
'He spoka about the people that wera,
going to be at tho dance."
"How was his conduct toward you?" .
"His remarks were indecent."
"What did you say?" ,
"I told him If he was going to act that
way I wanted to go back home. Wa
talked a little and then we turned around
and started back toward 8hady Bend."
"Whnt happened at the top of tho lull
on the way back to town and a short-
. . m .1 atta
distance from whera you turnea arounui
Five Masked !.
"Five masked men took, me trom the
buggy. Three of them carried me around
behind tVe buggy, threw too down and
smeared tar over my shoulders nd uiy
lower limbs." '
"Where was Ricoil.'"
"Ho was over by the fence."
"Did you call Kd to help you?"
"Yes. two or three times."
"What happened then?" . .
"One of the men then raised my clothes .
over my head. Another poured the lar
on my lower limbs and two smeared It
Did the treatment you received mat.
night make you lame?"
"How did you get back Into the buwy V
'"I do not remember."
"Did Klcord accompany you back to
"He did."
"Did you see any men In the lead ss
you were going ni i wmu (
'Yes, four of them.
Did you call Klcord's attcuticn to.
"What did he dor
"Whipped up the horse."
The prosecution thou went back tf ob
tain a more detailed story of hum much
tar was applied to MUs ' Chutnberialu'a
The witness said not only her shoulder.
and limbs, but also her breast and arms
wore smeared with tar. Her clothing, siia
testified, wus ruined.
Keturnlng to the ride homeward with.
Klcord, Prosecutor McCandleas aloi the
Dalzeirs Ice
Cream Bricks
r -
Tickets to the
American Theater
Boxes ot
O'Brien's Candy
All are given " away free t
those wno find their names in the
Want -ids.
Read the want uds every d.y:
your name will appear i onitj tti le
maybe more than once.
No muzzles to solve nor sub
scription to got just read u,
want nJ.
Turn to the. went ad pa?
there lou fi1"' nearly every
business house In the city rapie-auulou.