'run TIKK: omatta. TUESDAY, NOVKMREU 21. taraywirjgiawMtgj caascsnnsmEszsaBi "ImSEI r- In spite of the serious damage by fire, we are still in business; we will deliver all contracts on time 35XS2233B5 BW Xennipoipairy Office: I WOODMEN OF TME WOKLD BUILDING 9 CORPORATE ' I ' I WESTOVER TO CALL INQUIRY Grand Jury Will Inquire Fully Into Selleri Case. JUDGE WRITES OPEN LETTER Says OpportB-Uy Will Be Glre Flly to Ivrtlt Mmrder ad to FIs. Blame tf 8cfc Has Hot Beeu Don. (From a Statt Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Neb.. Nov. M.-(Speclal.)-A special grand Jury may be called by Judge Westover in Cherry country to investigate the Seller murder ce. for which tour young men are now aervtng life sentences in the penitentiary. This ii the information which baa come to Lincoln from Valentine. Popular agitation against the releaase of Eunice Murphy, who was alleged to have had a part in the plotting of the crime, ia the reason for Judge W est overs action. When George and Alma Weed, Kenueth Murphy and Harry Heath were allowed to plead guilty be fore Judge Westover to second degree murder, the girl was automatically re leased from the charge of complicity, since second degree murder does not include a presumption of premeditation. The state's attorney objected to the acceptance of the plea of guilty and the people of the vicinity have expressed much dissatisfaction over the result. . Since the trial at least three petitions have been circulated, urging Governor Aldrtch to Interfere in the case. These stated that "we claim that we had an unjust hearing and our officials failed to bring out or try to bring out any HOW TO CURE BLOOD POISON Contagious Blood Poison is a viru lent enn, and like most other bacte rial organisms is very diffcult to kill or destroy within the system. It would therefore be useless to endeavor to cure the disease with some strong medicine intended to destroy the dis eased blood cells and virus. The proper way the only way is to RKMQVE the germs and poisons from the blood by purifying the circulation. Thousands have cured themselves of this powerful disease by the use of S. 6. 5., the greatest of all vegetable blood purifiers. This is a medicine of unquestioned ability in the treat ment of Contagious Blood Poison. For more than forty years it has been prepared and sold as a cure for this trouble, and not only its efficacy, but the fact that it does not contain a par ticle of mineral, or other harmful drug, should be an inducement to any Contagious Blood Poison sufferer to begin it use. S. 8. S. goes right down into the circulation, and re moves every trace of the destructive virus. Jt heals ell sores, stops falling hair, and by cleansing and enriching the blood, aoon clears the body of every symptom. S. S. S. cures to stay cured; there is no future breaking out of the disease. Home Treatment book and any medical advice free. . S. S. is 6old at drug 6tores. VIE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Aifunlo. Cav v-M..n vhirh ' lid un to the murder. and wo believe that tt)r were other parties Implicated which should be brought to Justice." .TiMo- WMiflvnp hua written an ODen letter to the Cody, Neb., Cowboy, as fol lows: To the Editor of tha Cody Cowboy, Cody, Neb. Dear air: Will you kindly state In your nest issue of your paper lhat arrangements have already been made for the calling of a grand Jury in your county at the next regular term ol court, in the year Mil. wnlch will be within the next ninety days? This grand Jury will be Instructed to make a thor ough and complete investigation of all matters pertaining to the bullets murdor case, as well tne conduct of some peo ple In your county since that cane wn disposed of. At this Investigation, Mr. fcditor, you and all others In Cherry county will have an opportunity to ap pear before tne grand Jury and furniHh any and all evidence which may be in your possession, and I do not doubt but what you have an abundance o( evidence whlth will tend to show that otner parties besides those convicted are guilty of participation In that murder. You will also have n opportunity to present evi dence, and all of the evidence, which In any way will tend to snow any Irroeju tarlty or wrongdoing on the part of any person In connection with the trial and disposition of that case. I trust that with this early notice of the opportunity that you will proceed to gather your evi dence and get reaay to pi stent the same, so that the ordering of this Investigation will not be a useless and unnecessary ex pense. Very truly yours, W. H. WESTOVER. HALL COUNTY CLUBS MUST STOP SELLING LIQUOR STEWART FOUND NOT GUILTY Accused Beatrice Institute Official Given Clearance. JURY OUT HALF. AN HOUR GRAND ISLAND. Neb.. Nov. tO.-(Sp-clal.) Growing out of the recent granf Jury session In this county, It is asserted County Attorney Cleary yesterday noti fied John Hunn, the owner of the Lion Grove, and Henry Sander, the owner of the Midway club houso, that they must stop doing business in the dispensing of liquor to presumably club members, until a legal organisation had been perfected and there was assurance that the law relating to the sale of liquor were com plied with. It ll rumored that this action Is the result of the declaration of some prominent citizens, whose Identity is not known, that they would appear before the grand Jury unless some other action were taken. The action of the attorney la meeting with the general approval of the public. Accneed of Kinbesitltna SI.3aT.0O of State Fonda, Which Juror Foond Waa Not Directly Traced to lllin. BEATRICE, Neb., Nov. 20 (Special Telegram.) After being out thirty-eight minutes the Jury In the case of the state of Nebraska against Thomas E. Btewart, charged with the embezzlement of the funds of the atate amounting to 11,337.00, while bookkeeper at thu feeble minded Institute, returned a verdict of not guilty this evening. The Jury retired at 4 o'clock. The caaa has been on trial the last four days in the district court, and the prosecution was represented by Assistant Attorney General Ayers and F. O. MeGirr of this city. Judge Kretslngcr of Beatrice and George HaHtlngi of Crete were attorneys for the defense. Stewart was bookkeeper during the administration of Dr. O. L. Roe, an ap pointee of Governor Shsllenberger. When Dr. W. M. Thomas was assigned charge of the Institute as superintendent Stewart was reappointed by Governor Aldrich. ilo had served but a few mouths when trouble occurred between him and Dr. Thomas and his resignation was asked by the governor, who sent State Accountant Tulieyn here to check up his books, which showed that there was a shortage of S1.3J7.60- Ho was In structed to put It back by the state executive or he would be ariented. GOVERNOR URGES THAT NEW MAINS BE INSTALLED (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Neb., Nov. W.-(Bpelal.)-At a meeting of the Board of Public Lands and Buildings today Governor Aldrich urged that all the plumbing at the institution for the f-eble minded at Beatrice be replaced In the hope of checking the epidemic of typhoid fever there. The board decided to follow the suggestion and to put in some new water mains. The work of replacing the plumbing may coat the state about K,0uu. A deficit may be created, but the board estimates lhat the l,0 now being drawn for re pahs at the Institution will be sufficient to put in the new mains. ftnvdlsh Church Burned. BT. PAKL. Neb.. Nov. 0. Hpeclal. The larpe new Hwedlsh Methodist pu. copal church located about fifteen mllre north of here was totally burned yester day noon during hundsy school exercises. Loss about $3,000; insurance. $2,Q In t'on ili.tutal of. New Ywrk, Every woman's heart responds to the charm and sweetness of a baby'a voice, because nature intended her for motherhood. But evea the loving nature of a mother shrinks from the ordeal because such a time is regard ed as a period of suffering and danger. Women who use Mother's Frieud are saved much discomfort and suffering, and their systems, being thoroughly prepared by thia great remedy, are in a healthy condition to meet the time with the least possible suffering and danger. Mother's Friend is recommended only for the relief and comfort of expectant mothers ; it is in no sense a remedy for various ills, but its many years of success, and the thousands of endorsements rc. ceived from women who have used it are a guarantee of the benefit to be derived from its use. This remedy docs not accomplish wonders but sim ply assists nature to perfect its work. Mother's Friend allays nausea, pre- - - , - vcuis caking oi the breasts, and in every way contributes to strong, healthy motherhood. Mother's Friend is sold at drug stores. Write for our free book for expectant mothers. BRAD FILL) REGVLATVK C0.t AtLmta, Cm. Mothers 1 CZZ3 CD ) J LTW 13 Howard LT destroyed our plant at 121 Itreet early this morning, but the. efficient work of the fire boys savei our office with all records. We wish to announce that we are taking care of our customers at the same tand 0) 1216 Howard Street .r in Boost You Business With Bee Want Ads old U Un sa.