c::.hA. t;';,..)ay. :vi; r "3 TAR STORYJOBERS TOWN loiture of Girl No Longer Rcjarded i as Joke at Lincoln Center. RICORD IS UNDER CROSS-FIRE llsrhrr WUo Took, blrl for ltrlve X Attempt Wmm Made to Cot Him t Modify III Trullmsn). r 2L r- Bt I.I.KTIN. LINCOLN CENTER. Kan.. Nov. Jiary Chamberlain, the Shady Hend school teacher, facing Kdvcard Rlcord, lrr decoyer. and the three other men charged with complicity In the attack iipon the young woman, took the stand this afternoon and began the recital of her terrible experiences on the lonely :oadway on the night of the now famous "tar party." Contrary o the general expectation, .Mini Mary Chamberlain did not take the witness stand In the "tar party" case nt the morning e.-lon of the trial here today, After th'j noon adjournment, Pros ecutor Mi:Cunlcs said he iMruded to close his cac with the testimony of the school teacher victim of the assault. Jler story probably will be heard lute to-uaj-, he said. A new feature In the conspiracy ygninsl the K'rl devt loped today In the cross examination of ICduard Rlcord, a con fessed assailant of the young woman. Vie testified he had planned to commit an immoral act before the eyes of the mob at the point selected for the staging of the "tarring." The band was then to l.nvw attacked the girt. Miss Chamber lain repulsed him, ho paid, and thus the icheme was 'oiled. Long lines of teams were hitched auou. tho court house and curbs were lined with automobiles two hours before court convened today for tho second session of the trial of Sherrlll Chirk. A. M. Blmms and John Schmidt, charged ' wltb com plicity In the tarring of Miss Mary Cham berlain, the young school teacher. The possibility of Miss ' Chamberlain telling her own story on the stand today at tracted visitors to court from thirty miles around. ' ' ' . Peglnnlng with this morning the jury will remain together. Judge Groves has Issued an order to tWs effect at the te chiest of the prosecution, und a special bailiff has been appointed to remain day and night with the twelvo men who ar to decide the case. The testimony yesterday of Kdwurd Rlcord, the barber decoy who betrayed the reboot teacher, nd of Chester An derson and ltclbert Klndclsparger, has caused a hush to fall upon corner con claves in which the "tar party" pre viously bad been discussed largely In the light of a joke. Grim detail given In evidence have created a generally more serious view of what Is now often utyled "the county's disgrace." Itlcord I'uiler Cross-Flre. Edward itlcord resumed his testimony nt' the opening of court this, morning. Prosecutor McCandless said Miss Cham berlain probably would take . the stand us soon as Itlcord finished Vils story. Itlcord told of meeting Sherrlll Clark, one of the defendants on tho Sunday following the attack. "What do you think they will do to me?" Rlcord testified he asked Clark. "If they send you to the penitentiary." the witness alleged Clark said. "Mary will go, too, as I have evidence which will convlrV her." " ' '. AX this point Attorney J, J. McCurdy of the defense took Rlcord for cross-examination. The witness again told of Chester Anderson proposing to. him that ho take Miss, Chumberlatn driving, and detailed a plan they discussed for Rlcord and tho school teacher to bo found In a compromising poultlon by the "tar party." An attempt of the defense to question Rlcord regarding his previous acquaint ance with Miss- Chamberlain was stopped by an objection by the state. . "Has anyone t'M you that vf you testi fied you had 1... proper relations with Miss Chamberlain you would be sent to prison?" Attorney McCurdy asked sud denly. - J Rlcord Wan averue to answering thu question and asked the court If a reply was compulsory. Told that ft was, Rlcord replied: ' "Sheriff Wolford." "Did you know, ''aaked Attorney Mc Curdy, "when you started on the trip that the Intention was to tar Miss Cham ber lain?" i "I did not," he answered. On ra-dlrect examination Klcord testified- that he made two attempts to at tack Mlas Chamberlain . while they were In the buggy, but was .unsuccessful. ".She would not stand 'for. me putting my arms around . her and said she wanted me to turn around and go home." he said. .- . i '. sheriff Ilrnln (mrnnllon. Khesiff Wolford fallowed Rlcord on the stand. The . theriff .entered a general denial of RIcord'B charge against hlni, lM-nJamln Patenter, one of the four boys who hid behind 'a hedge, near the scene of the attack then testified. The fact that the hedge was thick and his memory poor prevented him from giving miy valuable testimony. . Details of a meeting at Slicrrill ( lark's hady Rend mill to plan the attack were recited by Watson Serantun, the next witness.' He recently pleaded ' guilty to assault and is. awaiting sentence. Soian tou said Sherrlll and Everett 4.1. Clark. Chester Anderson, A. N. -Slmms. Jay I-'ltzwater and James Boote helped plan the attack. Tho three, men now on trial, Sherrlll Clark, John Kchi.iltt and . A. N. Slmms. did. not participate In the attack, Scran ton said,' but he met. them on the road, headed for the "party." ran Mil a in a AD Mi U We have a off extensive large. force at work opening up and marking and important importations of CHINA. Each year thousands wait for our opening sale. We have been delayed this time, owing to our new addition and the alterations NECESSARY BEFORE MOVING IN. flight and ay Wodinien Eniaw Been llysiiiiinig Thin Almost ready now. In a few days we will an nounce the opening and sale of the greatest collection of choice China ever shown by us. ' Instinctively ! Intuitively! Inevitably! Those who know think of Kilpatrick's when their minds turn to fine China or glassware. Forget Hot, the Great Extension Sale is Still in Full Blast Rushing business has caused us to overlook notifying you that we have a splendid assortment of the new two-toned and plaid back heavy wool goods, now so popular and so very scarce. Corduroys too, in most colors and the finest costume velyetas. ThSa K5!pa(rflk x cm pa ray " hi - i i ' 1 ,; ' . .,. - j i PERMANENT ADDRESSES of Chief Attractions and Thlair of Iatrtt Seen at the Land Slion Arizona California Ilooth of the Mtf duck and th loud noise; where they gava away five sires or orange land to the lucky guesser on the Jar of nut. The land of flower. oranges, grape Inilt, lemons, flga, dates, nuts, olive and alfalfa the year round. Address, North Salt River Valley Irrigation Co.. I'hoenlx, Ar. 1,om Angeles. Sau Dtt,-i. The Uooth where you fw everylhltiu wortn whllo and then nome! lncluilliiR (llmale and opportunity. Addross l.oa An(tele I'linintier of Commerce, or Ban L'le;o Chaniher of C nm.rrce. Uetter atllk S out and nee for yourselves. 13 s-1 California California California Colorado Colorado Colorado I Where )ou tiw the lainous Hacramento Valley l.Mill.lt Inoulra about the next excursion to Una lieautlful country. Nov. li. Trowbridge & liolster. 404 t:ly National Tank Building. Omaha, Nebraska. . Booth you saw the big .rm ih.iainen. or' . iu iivmuni w .c hims. AUo the fin. oraiiKcs, lemons and citrus At the T"lar Coutuy raches. potatoes, iliims. aiho trie tin. oraiiKe. lemun. ViVV Vriills. You i'n farm lor pleasur. and profit In 1 ulae I'ounly. Aildrcin, Tulare County JloaM Vihulla. California Record of Lorimer Fund Not in Books . of TildenorHines CHICAGO, Nov. 2t. Neither Edward Ulnea, the lumberman, nor Edward Tll den, the packer, was tin custodian of 1100,000 fund, or any other fund which waa to be used to pay off the expenses of William I,orlmer. to. the United Plates Henute, according . to experts' reports submitted to the aenatorlal Investigating committee today. Tho evidence for . tho "defense" came In response to previous testimony of C. 8. Funk, general manager of the Inter national Harvester company. He testi fied . that after the election of Larimer to the senate. Mr. HmeB had jsollclted a contribution of ' $10,000 to a I1C0.000 fund to pay for "putting Mr. Lorimer ovr, It being suggested that Mr. Tllden' was cuxtodlan of thin fund. An expert after examining the books of nines and Tll den reported there was no evidence of their having handled any such fund. ,Tho report also confirms the testimony of D. W. Holetlaw, former state senator, who confessed to having received ,500 in July, 1903, for i his vote for' Lorlmer. Holstlaw .said he received tho money from John Brodertck, another state sen ator. .', '.. ..' .- -' ' NEBRASKA STATION EARNINGS Business of All Roads ' at Omaha More Than Eleven Millions. SOUTH OMAHA SIX MILLIONS Lincoln tomes Third nllh More Thau Three Millions Uraud Island Only Other Illy Above a Mllllou. - 'I Key to the Bituatlon Be. Want Ada. QUEEN ESTHER GIRLS . GIVE SURPRISE PARTY 'The Queen KmIiht- girls ni the boys of the Hanscom Park Methodist church gave Mrs. Wayne Ualcolm a very pleas ant surprise, party at her home last evening, the occasion being her birth day. The evening was rpent In various gnmes and light refreshments were served. Those present were: I'crslstent Adveituim; is the Koad to li'll Ketuine. Misses Kertha Pratt. Kleanor Stallard. Huth Hhort. Alice Kedgew'.cU, lieorgla Wllllums, I.ui'lln lievertea. Puullne Peltlngill, Annie Barnes, Nfllle Wood. HkicI Clark. Messrs. John Harrlso:). Allen leavers. Hubert rtandbei'g. IUIh Hilcy. Kdwin Partridge, Ftobert laly. Howard Over. Walter Willlaiiis. M isses NelllB Weir, i'lon:D'e lioodland, Mary tiooillaiid, Mary Virtue. Iluldit peternon. Kdlth Weeks. ( Henna Peaki. Ceclle Cornish, Alice Williams. Kveline Pettlnglll. Messrs. I.uclen Pettlnglll, ICiiK'ene May, Hay Keel. Segurd KJoberg. l.loyd Pickett. Melville l.urson. Walter Wyerman, Walter Jaculius. LINCOLN, Neb., Nov. (Social Telegram.) Tho railway commission has completed a report of the business done by all railroads ut all stations In Ne braska for the year en-.rng June "20. lull. The business done by al) roads at Omaha during the flscul year . was ll,C4"..2:ii.2t. The business dono at South Omaha amounted to ti,lr7,633.S7 and that at Lincoln, 3,3y5,244 .2. The. following state ment shows the revenues received by all roads at the junction Ktatloiis In Nc braska for the year ending Juuq SO: Albion ..,..$ la,92!l.2 Lincoln .. Auburn ... . W4.41 1.Ui ioutsvllle 64M,.&i Loup C'y. K,$2.73; Lyons S,f7il.42'NeU. C'y. 46.2. 10' Nelson .. 42.iHi7.a7 Nlckernon 2W, 1X4. 15 1 Nora .... 427, 311.411! Norfolk . ii..7'J!.44 Oakland . 3J0,HTtl.ffiiOmRna'. .. ir.K744;f20 Nclll . .. 40.2.V.ini Ord llf.;?i.:w I'aiillllon I!.7h.s7iluuilne .. 2D,i70.XJI Pawnee . 1IiPi(lnvleV li.iw. In'I'lattPtnth Sl.4.fl).:fi KiUiitoinh 2Sh.l..24 ILaveuna. fl.s:t2.4l;lto'l:fird 2i;(.lK.,:: Schuyler 7!7.4.!i7 Kcwaid .. Kt).li.Vj.2l Shlckley ieanlce .. i i.nu I e Sp'gs lira) nerd-Cr-n'l C'y. Columb's Cra'ford v , I'rete '..:. Dak'a C'y lav'uort lavld C'y D?wJtt ... I Minbar. ,.i Kdn:ir .... Kndicott Kxeler ... I'alrlnirv . Fairfield . falls i."y Fremont .. OeneVu of commissioners at . tho senerut or regular election, but there ls a clash of legal learning over tho question of the number of men un elector may cast his vote for at the in lmury.. nominations. . The law provide that this fourteen men receiving the highest vote at th primary phall have their names placed on rno urncial ballot and for seven of these each voter, shall cast a ballot.. However, they say thre Is no clause In the law which determines whether a voter shall taut his voto for seven or fourteen men ut tho prlmury. S-everal lawyers arc Investigating tho stututes In an effort to determine if they can whether tho ballot at the pr. mary shall havo "vote for seven" i.r voto for fourteen" Inscribed on it. Other lawyers who havo already Inves tigated declare that the voters can-cast their vote for seven men -only and yet oth.rs who have also investigated assert that each voter has the right to assist lu selecting each of tho fourteen nominees. company aska an accounting and an older oommandlng the Cleveland concern to pay over all the profits It has made by selling oil under thn 'Trench' Auto Oil ' trademark. An Injunction restraining 'the Atlas company from further use pf the trademark also In a.skeil. A temporary restraining older, to remain In effect pending' hearing on the application for permanent Injunction, was Issued. U. Island. 1,12.1,78.02: Sidney Harvard llastlns'S . Hebron ... Hickman . Hum'rey . Inland .... Junlaia . r Kearney. . Laurel ... La'rencc . f'l).NIi4.2i! So. i'nd.. S.3X.2H.G2 lnl.01i7.4l ' UU,l,i..t rf, tj.i) . M.iM.'h I -- Ill !2'l.o2 21 4 II. Ho a,His.B4 341.liS7.ll 7K.X, H 11.010.2J". HI 153.812. J2 ltii.lias.'Jt 17..V2I.7 'n.7s4.r.s Kt.'.KI.i.liU SH.173 IM ' K'.hW.7t 111, 214. 44 , Jjrt. Jt.. I.' 12.244.'.'; , 211. 511). 77 14'),.",4.'i.iy: 5.2'i2.sl 2t2,12l .71 7.275.12 OIL COMPANIES HAVE CONTEST OVER TRADE-MARK TWO ARMORED CRUISERS ORDERED TO SAN DOMINGO WASHINGTON. Nor. il.-To saic guard American Interests and prevent a state of anarchy In Santo , Domingo as a result of tho assarslnatlmt of President face res, the cabinet today decided that the armored cruisers Washington ami North Carolina of the Atlantic fleet I should be dispatched With all speed lu Sail Domingo City. "The '. vessels huve been reached by wireless and , will tvimc Into Hampton ltuuds to pick up Mr. Kus- sell, the American minister, and convey him to tho Dominican 'capital. ' Patterson inthe Knniom 8.111 Joaquin Vl Icy. Why tiot go with utf and ee this Par, tllso for rialn I'cople. Vayno Invemrucnt Couipany, Omaha, Nebrsaka. Where yon aw the Flatte Klver alley t.xnim, ihowiug wheat, oats, Ilax anu corn raisen on sno rrlRated soil: land that paya fof Itself In two years. . We sell this laud 011 terms ox oiie-iiuii i one-liair asii, caianie o u Platte IMver Valley Lund Co., Sterling. Colorado. AppleH, Apples. Ulg lied and Yellow Apples, nice clean polatoos, sunar neets, aralns as grown at Itotchklss, Delta Count7, Colorado. "Vou rernaiu liert Ituineinber sImo lands from IMl per and upward. Address QotUd anl WlUoaghby, Motchklis, Coleraao. Where ynu saw the San Luis Valley KxliiPit. showing especially the big grain ana nem unr.nioMed for hog feed; heard about the new .uiT,r furtorv: and vliera you learned that you .,, ii-riff-i.i lanrin In this rich valley on terms of one-tenth. A mires -O. A. rtoblnson. lstlt'l rank, nenver.olo The Klo Cranile Home Co., of Alamosa, Colo., oc cupied Pooth No. 1. This I whore you saw tha fine cnbliuge. celery and other v'f ",,,,"Vii ,i ' SO varieties of Colorado grasses oat that yielded M1U bushels Per acre. 72 1, bushels of wheat, won.errui aiiaira. .. ti.natoes. etc.. 10111 the Kunny San Luis Val lay. Colo. Wrlls i.?.l. Where you suw PBpeclally the fine Apple. I utaiura and grain raised In Marsh Valley, the "Uarden Spot or Idalio." Atldresi Dowcoy Improvement Co., Downey, Idaho. Where you bought those Ta Be Oaa fof a Mlekel and the I.a Trndaa for a Dime. 10a Jtememberl Traey Bro. o., who sell mora clga'-s In Omaha thou any other house. Why? Uuallty. All first class dealers aell our good. Tracy HrosCo ,14 1 & Doug. St.. Omaha, Neb. KI 1 1 i nI JlKl it lifn K Hods, the boonh thut In torcstcd many ahowlng the (Trade Mark) cf tho beat In Lightning Protection. AddreHB, W. C. Bhlnn, Lincoln, Nebraaka. COLORADO Idaho Nebraska Nebraska Northwestern the beautiful alfalfa and You remember! lr If interested stock raising ex .......rainA nt f'St In alfalfa raising .vrlta to tieneral Passenger Asent Chicago and Northwestern H. H., Omaha. Nebraska, for pamphlet. de.Mng fi.JlthJ supjact. Wnero you saw tno anrcn jwi ... bT1..mm of Salem and the WUlmaa aUe created by Oeo. I Irnnrntl I. " 'rellr Tho artist U IdemineJ with leading art III MU llll .i..hs in Chicago and the ountry. He is also super- ill UcfaUII v " ? ol lrawfng In the Bal.m grade and high school. W0B Al?,f. ueo. l" Hchrelber. i0 Dlv. ft. Kaletn. Ore- Kaniously fertile Willamette valley uooii, waa ina biaiest iirrlcultuml and horticultural display. Woa- Xrrti-atad fruits, nuts and vegetable- wo Miisaios, oads . Write to Commercial Club secretary at Corval- ls, Albany or saiem, wregon. Iet u explain to you how to own a 6 or 10 acre fruit and garden tract. Albany, Oregon, on of the heat towns In Dregon, and In tha very heart of th famous Willamette Valley. 11.250.00 for th entire tract on eiiv monthly nasnvnts. No taoies, no inierei. gooa mirmii, t Vr.L Huker it Heam ,1128 Hrsndel Theater llull.llng. Omaha- Oregon 1 OREGON South Dakota Where you saw the two-headed call, the large -abbage. the flax grown on oil, ami th wheat grown without Irrigation Address Ardmote Oonusac cial Club, rdtnore. South Dakota. Utah No boom prl 1 0 Ne housi Wyoming "TheTSwHi -with ih Bl-toot what: Ihe 100 buhl oifi. ncmtipetlt'un against, th fruit and farm ae. lion f h world The famous Gunnison Valley In th heart or Utah, cea vet. Alfalfa s natural horn. Kpaidlng, Livingston Inv.Ce., HIdg., SaJtlK "y. ' t y "' "" v You don i nave to uo ncn to iit iiunu. Land aold on crop paymenta. Kemember the fine products of this year'a crop. Address C. L. Beatty. Pine bluffs, Wyoming. Yellowstone Park e YHB FSBMAXKIT? CAMTIJTO COMJASTT. tlTWOMO Tho Wylle Way.'' where the ticket given away dally. Our new ur will be published Deo. 1. No Be. Write for ' U today 6'U,;i.K5 So. Omaha. .107.iiU.Ki i'l.XW.iil Ht. ' Paul... 1 17,'i'.: 21.;wt.7HtroniMb'g !r,lll.3t' (fc",.iM7.'5Siieilor .. 2IM4.(i2 .'-l.4.-7.42i Verdun ... 22.IM.ft4 4!i.Hi.47 Virginia .. :";,5fi'i.iti 4M.07l.:l Wiihuo ... ?5.3.I.SI 7:i lJ.ii". York 2i.iri 4 ;v.',tU)...l Vutun .... 22,4'J.7) Mr. and Mrs. Ualcolm. -hi: Remedies are Needed Were w . perfect, which.' we are aot, medicine would not often b needed. Hut sioce our system have be come weakened, impaired and brokaa down through iodiscretioas which have gone oa from the early ages, through couotlett geaerations, remedies art needed to eid Nature ia correcting our inherited aad otherwise eoquired weaknesses. To reach the scat of stomach wroknets sad consequent digestive troubles, ther it nothing so good as Dr. Pierce's (.olden Medical l)ioov try, a glyceric compound, extracted from native medic inal roots told for over fort ytart with grest satisfaction to all user. Fdi , Weak Stomach, Biliousness, I-ivcr (Jomplaint, Pain ia the Stomach after eating, Heartburn, Bad Breath, Batching of food, Chronic Diarrhea and other Intestinal Llcrangcmeots, the "Discovery'' is a time-proven and most efbetent remedy. The genuine has on Its outside wrapper the Signature You caa't afford to accept a secret nostrum as a tubstitute for thii non-alcoholic, medicine op inon commi tion, not even though the urgent deeler may litercby make little bigger profit. Dr. Pierce' Pleasant Fellett regulate and invigorate ttotrach, liver an! bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granule, easy to take as car.d. UNWRITTEN LAW ON TP.iAL IN PHILADELPHIA COURT PHILADKLPHIA. Nov. 21. Whether a father Is Justified In tiikitx the life of u man who betrays- his daughter und re futes to marry ber Is a question ..thai will come up In the rase ot Frank . McMahon, who was placed on trial here today churged with the murder of George A. Leary. McMahon Is o ialoon keeper and- Leury was u well-to-da dealer in real estate. Leary was ahot dead on a street coi ner In West Philadelphia last May. Mc Mahon when arrested made a btutement that Lesry liad betrayed his daughter and had Insulted him when the subject of marriage was mentioned. At the coroner's luum'Mt McMahon minis a statement regurdlng hi daugh ter's troubles and the coroner promptly dlschsrged him on the ground of Justifi able homicide; but he was rearrested or. a warrant sworn out by Lcary'a relatlvrs charging him with murder. McMahon's counsel refuses tu disclust what the defense will be until he pre sents It to the Jury. , 3 nf rlngement of trademark . Is ' charged afcaluxt tho Atlas (Ml compay of Cleve land, O.,: by. the Marshall Oil company , of Marshalltown, la., lu u suit for damage and recovery of profits. ' started .by Jhe Marshall-company In district court. It is alleged that for a year the Atlas company has been selling an automobile oil under the Marshall company' trade mark. "French Auto OH." The Marshall Drnf Pays Uo'-to lovt. The lraf Institute eleven will Journey ver to Atlantic, la., Saturday, where they 'will clash with the Atldiitic high school warriors In what Is expected to be the hardest Same of tho deaf mules' 1UI1 ,schedul. . Coach Keely Is- working his men hard In "preparation fr this game. Lives Hundred aad One Years. LA rAHOK. Wis., Nov. 2t. -Polly Jean, aged 101 years and ti days, died at the home of her son here yesterday. 8 he was th first settler of La Faigv. . Cheery Office Environments . . The liee IsMiIaiiug MILLIONS of FAMILIES - uSin syrup & Figs oa ELIXIReSENNA CITY HALL IS STIRRED OVER COMMISSION LAW Lcg.il circles of Ihe city are in tur moil of disagreement over an Interpreta tion of a part of the cujiimlsslon plaii law. Proper provision Is made In the law in u lui id nisiuitr for thu dwoMui FOR COLDS AND HEADACHES, INDICATION AMD SKIR STOMACH, CA3 AND FERMENTATION, CONSTVATION AND BILIOUSNESS. WITH MOST SATISFACTORY RESULTS. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. IN THE CIRCLE ON EVERY PACKAGE 0FTHE CEKUINE THE WONDERFUL POPULARITY OP THE GENUINE SYRUP OF DCJ AND EUX1R OF SENNA HAS LED UNSCRUPULOUS MANUFACTURERS TO OFFER IMITATIONS. IN ORDER TO MAKE. A LARGER PROFIT AT THE EXPENSE OP THEIR CUSTOMERS. IF A DEALER ASKS WHICH SIZC YOU WISH. OR WHAT MAKE YOU WISH, WHEN YOU ASK FOR SYRUP OF FIGS AND ELIXIR OF SENNA, HE IS PREPAR ING TO DIXE1VE YOU., TELL HIM THAT YOU WISH THE GENUINE, MANUFACTURED RY THE CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUF CO. ALL RELIABLE DRUGGISTS KNOW THAT THERE IS BUT ONE GENUINE AND THAT IT IS MANU FACTURED BY THE CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO ONLY NOTE THE NAME PRINTED STRAIGHT ACROSS, NEAR THE BOTTOM. AND IN THE CIRCLE.NEAR THE TOP OF EVERY PACKAGE. OF THE GENUINE ONf SIZE ONLY. FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS REGULAR PRICE (0 PER BOTTLE. vmm. mTf mm few! !' j T.sri?'v.r t! i 'f' 1 1 wiut cortrnno, ll MwjVMMH-BOwtLi. r I llll' E 1 43 ' Iuiis oiie of the moat pleasant. atmotsphores of any, , office building in the ivest. Tho beautiful court, . . with the new decorations and the large fountain and the substantial appearance of tho wholo structure, ninke the offices here full of cheer and give pleasant surroundings in which, to work. The building is one of the most modern, with new elevators, high class janitor service nn exct'llent heuting and lighting equipment. ' Tho location of the building, in the heart of the business section, with up-to-dateiiess in arrange ment and service, makes. this an ideal place for the particular man to havo his office. A few offices on the court outside are vacant now.. Boom 640 Kize Sxl9 C, having a frame and glass partition across c.uer of room making two good vised office with every convenience, and th rental pike only, par month , S1S.00 Jtoom 44 Having 221 square feet makes a very pleasant office: having J4 SBt exposure urtu uem nvar i-ariiAiii nwi iiua ui in uuu'niiN . rsufou n in Kent very reonuule. Per month Koom 619 -Don't pa for desk room space when you can rent a private office for the same amount This room is 8x14, haa a large window .'on the court, affording plenty of light and ventilation. Price per month , ... 10.00 Boom 44S Directly opposlt th new court house facing Farnam Street. Our front offices ar much In demand on account ot the prominent location. Thlo room Is lil'uxlaw ft in si is. and Is -subdivided ' with frame and glass partition, giving two offices In on. Kental price, per month - ,B 30.09 3oou 320 Ik u hol corner office having a, north and west exposure, making this tjone attractive at any season of the year, On account of good light ami ventilation. We will arrange this space, suitable lor tenant, and there being a vault in th room. It affords extra protection for valuables. Kent per month .....B40.00 THE BEE BUILDING CO. Business Office. 17th and Famam Sts. Bee ears QBjQSCi miniatusi rurruai or PACJUfic, SYRUP OF FIGS AND ELIXIR OF SENNA IS ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO THE NEEDS OP LADIES AND CHILDREN. AS IT IS MILD AND PLEASANT GENTLE AND EFFECTIVE, AND ABSOLUTELY FREE FROM OBJECTIONABLE INGREDIENTS. IT C EQUALLY BENEFICIAL FOR WOMEN AND FOR MEN. YOUNG AND OLD FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING DRUOGUTS. ALWAYS BUY THE GENUINE. California Fig Syrup Co. YOST-High Grade Furs jj EXPERT REMODELING Lte 4 'orner "Otli anil Farnam. Telephone Itouglas 3040. a3S3aW Comic Section The Sunday Dee .sTOrrs-HiTO.sis-m-.-is-r-.-a With Happy Hooligan, Z'tt7 Nemo, the Katzenjamiu KiJ-i and the whole interesting famj