Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 21, 1911, Page 14, Image 14

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Tin: r,KK: omaifa. Tuesday, November 21. 1911.
I Orandeis Stores i
I Sale of Genuine French Hand Made 5
4 H
Muslin Underwear
4. 1 J ;
, Hundreds and hun
dreds of Omaha wo
men who prefer the
real French hand em
broidered tinderrnus
Hna, can buy them
Wednesday at Brandeis
at prices ua low aa
one flnda in the ordi
nary factory made garment.
Daintiest of French lingerie at Unheard of
Price Concessions Owing to Delayd Shipment.
In nearly thirty years of business Brandeis never held an
underinuslin tiilo so remarkable as this. "We have just received
thousands of exquisite French convent made, muslin under
garments of the daintiest character. The shipment
was so long delayed it was due in August that
French commissionaires allowed us an unheard of re-,
duction rather than have the goods refused.
Wo will give Omaha women the. entire benefit
of this reduction and will placo the entire shipment
on, sale Wednesday at prices never; possible before.
Lingerie made to sell at $1.25 goes at 79c. Gar
ments made to nell at $1.50, go at 98c. Lingerie
worth $2, goes at $1.25, etc., etc.
Aa a Special for This Sale We
Offer Choice of 100 Dozen
Stunning Domestic Make
These" gowns are beautifully
trimmed with fine laces and
embroideries. They are all
carefully sized and made of
finest fabrics.
' Worth to $2.00
each, at
These are all genuine French hand needlework.
Gowns, combination suits, drawers and corset cov
ers by thousands arc in this extraordinary stock.
Special Sale Women's Untrimmed Hats
mm m z - -j rm t
Hundreds of the newest styles in large
and small, midwinter shapes, all ready
to trim stunning blacks and browns,
. other colors beavers, velvet, satin and
- felt they are extraordinary values
inai are wortu up to $4, (j 4
special at
I Big Sale of Fancy Feathers, worth up to SI, ea. 1
Beautiful hand-sewed wings, aigrette effects, marabout, stick ups, fancy feather
birds, owl hejids, peacock feathers, pom pen effects popular shades of purple,, blue, also
J black and white every clever fancy feather trimming that has found favor this season.
t Miss Virginia .White, expert corset fitter, will bo in attendance all this week to dem
I onstrate the many superior advantages of La Vidn corsets for which Brandeis is solo
J agent in Omaha. . .
I Greatest Shoe Sale Ever Held in Omaha
Holzberg wished to retire from business and he sold us all
lus.hoes at a tremendous reduction. Every pair is high grade
and 'madu by the best manufacturers in America.
The Shoes You Couldn't Buy Anywhere Today for a cent
Less Than $2.50, You Can Buy Hero Thursday for 1.25
All the Women's and Men's $L50 aiid $3 high shoes
All the Women's and Men's $4.00 and $5.00 Oxfords
from the great Sioux City Stock, at ,.............
SI 75 ';V":the aud Women's
$I.IMl,gh Shoes worth $3.50. - 0.flD$4.00 and $5.00 High -Shoes.
All the Boys' and Girls' $2.50 Quality High Shoes go at one prico $1.25
Fishing Burglar
Makes Good Catch
Ftahl:u( 30d hi the Chatham
parttuerita. Thirteenth and Lnxlgt
tirMta last ulgbt, according to a report
uutde to tbo police. J. M. Graham, II.
latriuioa at. the ucw L'uluu Pacific
headquarter' buildlug. told the police
that tuaa with a pole flsued ball ot
lii valuable out of I. In room.
(Jrttiam Uvea oil the fiit floor at) J It
Ik Ms tuatoiu to Iravt Ilia window ope a
lt iitabta. bviucUuni during last Uitfbt
a burglar poked a lol through the win
dow with a hook on tt. With thla Im
plement ha managed to hook a pair of
trousera. a pocketbook containing- ftf
and a diamond ring valued at $150. Mr.
Qrabam awoka Jut aa hla panta were
disappearing through the window.
A Turn ! Ovid
couid buy nothing better for female weak
nesses, lame back and kidney . trouble
than Kleclrlo Hitters. Wc. fur sale by
Beaton lrug Co.
I'erslstrrit Advcitlaiug la the Koad to
t!g Kcturni.
Key to the K'.'.uation Be VS ant Ada. j
Look for llayden's
Big Sale of Men's Suits and
Overcoats this week. Watch
Thursday eve papers for an
nouncement. See 16th Street
S. & H. Green Trading Stamps Given
Free with all Purchases at This Store.
These $35 Suits at $27.50
Will Cause a Flurry
in the women's suit store, Wodnes- f
day. There isn't such a great lot
oi iiiein but there is an ample
range for the woman who comes
in the morning. Possibly the sup
ply will last out the day. How
ever, it's always best to get first
The newest styles and
the v rvbest workman
ship are embod ed in
these special modsh of
tht handsomest mater"
you ever saw at
$33.00 They are perfect-fitting
m every
respect, and the assort
ment of colors and
styles will alow you to
exercise a preference.
Alwn mnnv now nnnia 4linf will
delight your fense of beauty and
your iaea oi a reasonable price nave
arrived the. last few days. See them
mm m
i l i . . .
mm I
WO Pictur. s of the Modern Ma
donna on Sale Wednesday, $1.25
This picture Is also known as the Knaffle
MarloDtia and this Is the first time It has ever
been placed on special sale In Omaha. Fin
ished In black and sepia tones, mounted In 6
lnch black or brown frames with glass and
back; regularly sold at 12.25 each. Limit of.
one to a customer Buy now for Christmas.
Dress Good and S1 Bargains for Wednesday
One lot of 51-lncli dress goods
suitable for suits, coats and
dresses, In various shades of
navy and gray and other staple
colors; regularly prl
ced at $1.50 the yard 12
Wednesday only .... S w
Plaid silks in satin strlid ef
fects, checked silks, silks in
striped and block patterns and
broche and self colored isilks
that regularly sell at
11.50 the yard, . , Qfit
Wednesday . , ' w
Some of Our Best Models o Madame
Grace Corsets are Reduced in Price.
There are five styles adapted to figures
from the small, petite to the extreme, under
priced for Wednesday only. Made of im
ported fabrics and boned with boning that is
second, to none in wearing qualities. :
The regular prices range from $5.50 to
$12.00. The sale prices
$4.00 to $6.00
The salewill begin with all sizes. Make
your selection early in the day so as to be sure
of getting the size and style that becomes you.
Specials From the Pure Food Store for
.Wednesday and I hursday
24-lb. imck "Uueen of
J'antry" paatry flour
and .40 utampa ..SI. IS
Uennett'a Capitol Coffee
and 20 alainpa, pound
package fur 30o
Bennett's Breakfaat Cof.
fee. and 40 atampn a
2-lb. ran fur 63o
Axxorted teas, and 6u
lanin. lb B8o
Tea airtinica, and 10
atanipx, lb 15c
for 1.00
Dlmnark mincemeat,
jar for 9Se
jr.o bottle Geo. !alldcta
inarakohlno cherrlea
for SOe
Kull cream cheeae, and
10 atuiiipa, lb 80o
3 pkga. Bennett' Capi
tol mince meat and 10
n tamps B5o
1- lb. pkir Bennett's Cap
itol oata and 10
atainps 10a
2- lb. pkg. Bennett's Cap
itol pancake flour and
10 Mampn IOo
Bennett's Capitol ex
tra (, and :0 stamps,
bottle iso
Snider s catMin, and 10
stamps bottle ....03c
1-lb. can Bennett's Cap
itol baking powder, anil
20 Htan.pM S4
S cakes York Violet
toilet aoap and 10
stamps flSo
Bennett's Capitol whole
tomatoes, and i Ht'pn.
ran 1SV0
Home radish, and 10
stamps bottle .,..100
2 cans Bennett's Capitol
Country Gentleman
corn and 10 Btamps S5o
Medium slice can Snip
er's pork and . beans
and 16 stamps . ...lBo
Quart Jar Uismark stuf
fed olives, 10 st'ps, SOo
Seeded raising and 10
stamps, pkg lSVio
Cleaned currants, and &
stamps, lb. . ..lSVio
3 cans Brockport sliced
pineapple and 10
stumps 8 So
Medium Pi.e bottle Gaii
lard's olive oil and 411
stamps 45o
Diamond Crystal table
salt, and 10 stamps,
sack IOo
Remedy Mado from Garden
Sage and Sulphur Restores
Color to Gray flair.
A feeling of sadness accompanies the
discovery of the first gray hairs, which,
unfortunately, are looked upon aa her
alds of dvanclnc age- Gray hairs,
however, are not always an Indication
of advancing age, for many people have
trray hair a quite early In Ufa. Of course,
It la unnatural, and indlcatea that there
la something wrong- with the Individual,
and that Nat jr needa assistance to cor
recting the trouble. The same la true
of hair that la constantly falling out and
become thinner every day. If every
thing la right with Nature, the hair.
ven ln comparatively elderly people,
should be lung, thick and glossy, with
out even a streak of gray.
The Ideal assistant to Nature ln re
storing and preserving the hair Is
Wyeth'a -Sage and Sulphur Hair Rem
edy, a clean and wholesome dressing for
dally use. It not only removes dand
ruff, but strengthens weak, thin and
falling hair and promotes Its growth. A
few applications will restore faded or
gray hair to ta natural color.
Get a bottle today and let It do for
you what it haa done for thousands of
Thla preparation la offered to the
public at fifty centa a bottle, and la
recommended and sold by all drugglsta
Sherman Y McConnell Drug Co., Cor.
Kth and tMxlge, Cor. 16th and Harney,
Cor. 24th and I'arnam. 207-J No. 16th
Hi., Loyal MoteL
150 Pianos, Pianolas. Pianola Pianos: altso Electric Player
Pianos with coin attachment, at $3, M. 15 sud up. One year's
reutal allowed on purchase price.
Phone louglM tr Independent A-1025.
Schmollcr & Lluellcr Piano Co.,
Itepreseatativea for 8telnvaw it Hons and the Aeolian Co.
DiC Savings in All Millinery
Big Special
All Week
iwnwripe ii ii in urn iw
uxiimnr ..a i ,Meiiy..-fcinln.l m .
at r Price
Saving of
About Half.
o Ank if v : VI I J ix
E ' Myyil m ID E
Entire Bankrupt Shoe Stock of the
Goes or Sale Beginning Wednesday, Noyember 22dL
Men's, Women's and Cliildrcn' Mioos of nil kinds, secur
ed at about .jOe on llio dollar. Wednesday will place on
sale all the shoes that scld to $2.59, Men s & n
Women's, Eoys' and Youths', Women's Fur V
Trimmed Juliets, etc., in 023 big lot, yonr
unrestricted choice
Without doubt the greatest bargain opportunity offered
in Omaha for years. Don't miss it.
Wash Goods Dept.
Poplins in all the newest shades;
at, yard 25(
Plain and fancy Silk 'Mixed Goods
and flowered Organdies, worth
up to 39c a yard; at, yd. .23p
3C-in. Shirting Madras, light and
dark colors, neat patterns, worth
' up to 39c a yard; at, yd.. .25
Bath Robe Material, good colors
and patterns; at,' yd.; . . . -28
86-inch Percales 12Ms
36-inch Flannelettes and Cotton
Challies; at, yard 10
Serpentine Crepe, good colors and
patterns - ; ....... 18
rstrii Sreolols for Weilueaflay ln Our
Famous Domestic Room
1,000 now lied spreads just received
nml will sell them verv cheap to
move thni quick, 91.00, $1.85, $1.50,
. .fS.CO, $2.23, S2.S0. .Some 75o and
Etc, worth neinly double.
Wlien huylnB uutlnir flannels, apron
checks, A. O. A. licking, etc., we car
'ry In all thee (roods the genuine
Amowkeaif guods and no other "Just
as grood.'1
Blanket and Comfortable Sals.
In order 'to reduce our enormous
stock of DlanketH we will make the
.following prices which are 60 lower
than anything In th west:
Cotton nlankets. 48c ' 59o, 730, SSo,
l.OO, $1.25, and ....fl.SO
Wool Felted blankets. $1.35, $1.50,
$1.75, $1.98, $8.50. $2.5 and $2.SS
All wool olHiiketx. $3.00, $4.00, $6.00,,
$8.00, $7.00, $8.00. eto.
Comfortatiles. In all cotton, wool tops.
half down, full down, etc, 58c, 75o,-
$1.00, 41.25, 81.60 no to $10.00
Thousands of yards of Outlnfc
Flannels, Flannelettes, Ginghams,
Percales, etc., in long remnants, sold
at about half price . . .
$25 Tailored Suits at 5.95
One lot of Stylish Tailored Suits made to sell to $25.00,
none in the lot but arc worth more than double the sale
price, values which have not previously and W QP
probably will not be duplicated again in the Vivv
season, Wednesday, your choice at .
Wednesday Specials in Our Busy Hardware Department
11.50 Savorv Enamel RnnKters OHe.
$1.95 L. & G. Enam. Roaster $1.5
$1.25 Plue Enamel RoaBters, 80c
$1 Medium Enamel Roasters, 70c
Genuine Brownie Roasters . .10c
Carving Sets of All Kinds. Most
complete line in Omaha at very
lowest prices.
No. 9 Nickeled Tea Kettles ..80c
Nickel Plated Range Tea Kettles;
special at . . . ,60c
Nickeled Coffee I'ots 3-pint size
at ' . .40c
4-pint size. at v. .. . , 50c
No. 9 Frying Pans at,, y,' . . -23c
Drip Pans, any size . t 10c
Mrs, Potts' gad Irons, 5-plece sets,
t 70c
Read Hayden's Grocery Prices for Wednesday. They Are Interesting.
1 lbs. best Granulated Sugar ..$1.00
10 bars Beat' Km All aoup 25c
48-lb. tack Hayden's Uiamonil H
flour, .lothlngr like It for the rmtiey.
per sack ?l-
t lba beat white or yellow corn meal
for Kio
6 lbs. good Japan rke 25c
4 lbu. Japan head rice 25o
1 lb. cans assorted soups ...... 7 He
011 or :nuitard sardines,, per can 4c
Bromangeljn, Jcllycon or Jell-O, pkjr.,
at ....7V4o
LarKe bottles Worcester aauce,
pickles or pure tomato catsup, bot
tle SVtc
Dried Truita for yonr pudding's, piss,
cakes and sane.
Cleaned cat rants, lb 10c
Bultana raisins, lb. 12Ho
California seedless raisins, lb 10c
Fancy Italian prunes, lb IOo
Fancy Muscatel cooking: raisins, lb.,
at 10c
Fancy California cooking fls, lb. 10c
Seeded raisins, package K4'
L)lamond U or H ml nee meat, pk.' SV30
The best. lemon, orange or cltryi
ft'ei'i, iu .dOC
The best Mixed nuts, lb 16c
Hallowe'en new dates, lb c
Fancy Imported dutes, lb 12 o
Ksyden made tt possible for the
people of Omaha to eat fresh Teg-eta
bias the year round.
'i heads fresh leaf lettuce Be
3 large bunches fancy Texas radishes
for 10c
3 large bunches fancy Shallot . .10c
3 large punches fancy Texas carrots
for loo
3 large ounches fancy Texas Beets,
for ,10o
3 large bunches fancy Texas tur
nips for 10c
Large head lettuce, each 10c
Large cu'-umbers, each 7V4c
Fancy California Cauliflower, lb. 7Hc
Fancy California ripe tomatoes, at,
per lb : . .' .7Hc
Fancy ;-abbage. per lb.- ......... .1 He
Fancy Hubbard squash, per lb. 1 ic
Fancy Brussels sprouts, per lb. Joe
Fancy Cape Cod cranberries, it- 10c
2 buncher fresh parsley fc
Jersey sweet potatoes, lb 3 He
Old Beets, Carrots, .Turnips, Far-,
snips, at, per lb. 4,.' .',2 Ho
Try HAYDEN'S First
omen s
That Arc
"Just Right"
Faultless sboemaklng and a
Yery careful selection of all the
new styles characterize our
lines of Fall and Winter Shoes.
$2.50 to $5
All the new high tops,
high toes and arches, with
high heels, are shown iu
tan, patent colt, kid,
suede, pelvet, etc.
Our shoes show their built-in
goodness at a glance, while our
splendid and experienced serv
ice in fitting insures every wo
man that'. comes here a "Just
lliglit Hlioe."
16th and Douglas Sts.
aiV i wuvj QUlUrjt fftrjj
rooo ccrriK
Wednesday's Specials.
2 Mammoth New York Full
Cream cheese, weighing over
2,.i00 lbs., in - our cheese
department. ' Kxtra fine quai
, lly, per lb SSo
Fav:y Jar. cheese, 10c, 15c, 850
"Lotus" creamery' butter. In
cartons, per lb - ...J60
Our best country butter, In
sanitarv Jars, per lb SSo
Trash Fruit and Vegatablo
100 boxes extra good apples,
per box $1.00
500 lbs. Turkish figs, lb. lb
yi targe ilalii lettuce 60
f ancy large j osay grapes, per
bucket , 30o and 6O0
Hanan.m, jver dozen IOo
Year old pop corn, per lb. So
Fresh roasted peanuts, per qt .
at 60
New black walnuts, per pk. 40o
4 lbs. 10c Jap rice ........ S6o
l.fl 25c imported tactile soap 16o
5 100 clothes baskets, heavy and
K '-.'If nsket SSO
!" 3 pks. Corn Flukes SSo
D ng SSO
JiOWgJk TSCrg (frwrvrj (SCWJJ
Coma in and select a pai
cf tan or black shoei
$3.50 $5
Latsst ttyU
5 Christmas Cards pnee
hnd only Zc stamp and receive I ' I ILL
I very linest lold tmbosted Chrtstinaa fust
I'ards H!KK to Inlr.Mluce card offer.
Capital Card Co Sept. 888, Toyeka, Xaa.
Omaha's Great Home Paper