TIN-; liKK: OMAHA. MONDAY. XOVKMHKR 20. -V.M1. MOXKV TO LOAN kalarr ami mallets, THANKSGIVING MONET. TULR CREDIT. Is as good here yojr employer Is at hit bank. TOUR PLAIN NOTE la all we ask. no security, no Indorser We are making SPECIAL THANKSG1 ING RATES. Borrow ia. return 40c pxr week Boirow i.Oj, teturn 80c per week. Borrow $30 00, return fl.2v per week. Borrow $40.00. return $1.60 per week. Borrow $6u.Oo, return 12.00 per week. Ca.l and let ua explain. , OMAHA TRCST CO.. 437 Board oi l'rade Bldg. Tel. Doug. 6111. OFFERED FOR REXT UuMrd aad iioouia. O. M. K. hauls trunk D. 811. A-Mlt. 1'oriola. lai.ily i.o.cl, &,t h Ave and Hat St. James Hotel huani best, baih. home cooking; winter rates to few couplet at M) per mo.; daily, $l Near all the ters, WAR.Y1 rooma and excellent meals. ilJ S. 2Sih St. 'Pnone Doug. 111. UMi large siea.n-heaied room, wuii board; walhinn distance. 10H ... i'.th St. Fl R.MSDED room and board for Keiuleineu In F.eld club district. Ret rentes exchanged. Harney L.ll. A bUAMi new fumnhed parlor room with bourd fur two; wont bo open long. Mr. Johnson. Harney M. Hill DOLGLA& Rooms and board; raus reasonable. tWl PARE. AVE., nicely furii.shed steam heated rooms with board for particular people. Furumhcii Itoouie. 17ns JACKSON Steam heated, modem rooms. Bright, warm room in private lamtiy. close to Crelghton college, reasonable. Phone Harney 6.208. NICELY furnished room for genllemenj OW't 3. lith c't. Douglas ti814. . FINK for two young ladles; good fam ily, very convenient, Phone Harney 6iuH. DESIRABLE f.ont loom, close to Far nam car. l.'il N. 31st Ave. Dewey European Hotel, eth & Farnam. NICK large south room, suitable for Iwu gentlemen; strictly modern. Walking distance. 117 B i'&th Ave. D. 74fln. FRONT parlor for two gentlemen; mod ern. Douglaa 6418. Hi N. 20TH Nice, modern, furnished loom. "Hit Dougias, warm; well furnished nuxlern rooms. FURNISHED rooms lor rent; privets family, steam heat, handy Sherman Ave. car; single rooms or light housekeeping. 141 Sherwood Ave. TWO desirable rooms for tour young men. Jul 8. Hith Ave. EAST front room for one or two young men; welt furnished; strictly 1 1 iQdern; central. 220 N. 25th. Red 7045. LARGE- room suitable for two gentle men wishing good home in private fam ily; walking distance. Cnll .Harney in). 2 LOVELY front rooms In new biicg home; pilvate family; close In. tj'16 S. 17th Ave. THREE pleasant room, one double. 2 single; hot water beat. Kent reasonable). J22 Ixicust. Webster 238. IRlti California, modem, 2-room suite, well heated for twa KIT. N. liith, nice large well heated room or four gentlAiiiunu or students. FurmsjtcU Jlwuai'Meviltug itoouie. THK MANUEL, 4 rooms, furnished, $3i.0u. 1 he Howard, bed In wall, two room apartments; j.6o. 21st and How ard . The Manuel and Howard, 21 & Howard, n and 4-1 m. apis. 1:8 to $40. THREE large furnished rooms, desir able, modern exceit beat, lis a month. Call Harney MKl. DCNDEE Five housekeeping rooms, modern. Harney 60H1. 2 IN light basement, cozy aud warm; cheap, tfua H. 11.111. TWO rooma suite, nicely furnished; light, well heated, gas range. Iteasonro. am m. 2fth t. - Uuivk null Awrliurnl. NICELY FCRNlSiiKD ROOMS for gen tinmen. THE UIAIHaM, IP) B. loth 8t. Hub hotel, steam heated. U'l Jiotig, 8t. DODGE HOTEL, UMi and Dodge;-ail steam heated rooms; siwcial weeK rate. Kxcellent meals, 43 N. ii.ih, Bo. Omaha. Howard Hotel, elegant rs. KOJ Howard. Elk hotel, looms 2oo and bOc. 817 N. rtith. HOTEL ALBANY; moat elegant looms; hoi ami cuio .tatcr; iiiepioi; prices reasonable; both phones. 111! louglas. Bui IliiKti.n, nl o rooms. 1 block to depot. CABS HO'J'KL, nice rooms. l,k Cass HI. WIXDaUH HU'i LI. Rooms nOc to l.uO. OXFORD and Arcade, special w kly lata. 1 II . I. w.li Ul.a.u U. ..... HOTEL FLOMAR. N. W. Cor. J7T11 AND CAflTOL AVE. Just open for business. New, modein, steam-heated rooms. For rates by day unu (.rionu tougiaa Apartuieuta and Fiais. TIJUEK and -six room flats. Martla bloch, ititli and Webster. 7-rtiom flat on hhei man Ave. Web. 67j. HOT water heated, best system heal, 8-room new flat; all hardwood f.iusn, S47.n. bUi S. 22d. CHEAP, mouern Broom flat, coiner 24th and Fort. Webster 409 or Webster W72. SiEAM heated upaitment ill new Troy Soul hai ney ct.. o. - 'i .ins each. Every modern Improvement with janitor service "II.. tt.lil.-U Ultu. I tt . L tk A, itfli, THUS. W. HA.i;.N. 20, .vicCngtin. 1 . I.AW. Fully modern, 6-room heated apart ment in tho exclusive West Farnam dis trict ; very choice. JOHN W. RDHBINS, 1)2 FARNAM 8T. Inf ornlabe4 Hoouia. PRIVATE home, S large rooms, 1st floor; 'phone, bath and toilet; water and sink In kitchen; cellar, 2 closets; gas in cluded in rent for cooking and light. 2736 barker. B-1S72. Karalikea lloanes. FOR RENT 8-room house, choice lo cality, Kith Ht. near Farnam for 4 months, from Dec. 1st to April 1M Furnished completely. Tel. Harney 2577. Itouaca and C'ollaes. WATT.ll IJL'IJpainUne. paper hang ii.iniii.uiui!,,, glaxins, pioiure framing. Monson, Iv3 Park Ave. H. ri.wdi u. i.ai muuem ... . . i Ritod location; a tnunth, Webster 2j7u, 2U7 DuLiciEAM. ruoiii'i, modern except heat: $0 per inoiith. Tel. Dougias ioH. MODLRN (-room house. 2710 Capitol Ave. Hartley 1404. S-liOO.M bouse, li; N. 17th St. O. C KKDICK. 1517 Fai nam ht. MUDKitN, o-rooiu House, 2710 Capitol Ave.; Harney 1404. UNEXPECTEDLY VACATED. Six-room cottage and barn, 21st St tll.M: Hear high school; roomy, modern house; new; J7.50. Telephone Doug, ijia WILi, J'.iY Yub'R MOV1NU EXPENSE. 11Z.ij fur a beautiful 3-room apartment in brick Luhdiug, coxy and warm, mt N. 21st tit. 6 lor 2-room flat In rear of 1702 Clark. ROblNrfON & WOLF. Phone loi k h- .'41 4W I'axton Block S ROOMS, bath, gas and elect, io lights; no furnace. 131 S. i2d St. one-na r dhjck Irciu 1 oppieton Ave,, near crvaa town cJ. 1 hone Kcd 44. FOR REN'T One of Cauipbeil a 6-room cottages. In fine condition, 2il Decatur ft , 116. Also 4-room sle-axu boated f.al, PUO Chleago St., M. NEW', modern. 7-room houae. fcinl aiarcy. inquire am rv gin ."t. liol'nimiUi oouW packed. for warned, cheap ireigbt raiea. movuig aod FtorLng. ExPrsanieii Uelivery t o. l L Iiouk. Sri. City of Tee tli d. I. in bt-. bae B (g KH RENT Eignt-room nndern house, lioit-e ccat on. luautr -N. JttL i- rhunt Usj-Ley ITS. OFFERED VOn RENT Honn and lottagea. Houses, Ins. Rlngwelt, BrandeU Th. P id g , Om, Van and 8torag Co., packs, move, tores household goods. Flrvproot stor age M 8. lth. branch. Sttt . Uth lei. II. 1K3; A-1335. e-r. uio.lein cottage, 3Mfl N. 2ith, l-U -r. modem house, 2,11 Ppencer, :U THOS. W. HAZKN, 7 JdcCague. Plione D. 10. NEW tt-room cottage, electric light, full basement, good barn, well and pump: nine acres of ground; three blocks from car; jy per month. Ind. B 1118. -KDOM hot.se at liM iNc-rth 17 t. C. RKDlCK, 1M7 Farnam Street. CiMAllA KM'. Co.. moving vans ami stoiage. Trunks, biigsaka del. D. UM. 41ii N 17th. llniKo-j 'n all pa.ts o; mo c ty. C.eUh ""UJls fons Ac Co., I'.eo B dg. Foil HEN 1' Mouern apaitineiil, six looms, t .mi iiui.i iu. s. a, itmtictil 4. The C'a'lnda, Slet and Farnam. MX and eeven-ruoiii inonei n flat, hoi water dent, for $40. 'lei. enster Mif. iiA'J M.tl'LE SI'.. 5 rooms, inuik-in ex cept turnace, f:U 11a. I. 4.U Runige. D 14 A 44 w. 7 rooms, .roi N. 2iin; J2, ti rooms. Olio N. 24ih; 1117 Park Ave., modem. J0. Tel. ebsttr Hi77. For Re.-, i c ium) in. lovs winter rates. 514 N. i.'d St., U room , ail model n iu4 N. 22d St.. i rooms; modem, ex. heat Blnndn St.. 5 room. til. Tel. Red 2101 Ml AM I KiKlil-i coin, mouein except heat; barn; $it per month. J. I. KeJJHr". JtlZ Leavenworth. Dnuu. H. Ind. A-1V1. FOU RENT, No. 1521 South 2jth street, li-room dwel ling, modern except furnace, t-. No. 2a21 Pacific street, seven-room mod ern dwelling. tJ6. No. 1W2 Si-iiih 3?d street, larg riodorn dwelling, with stable, tfm. No. 27HI Howard strtet, six-room cottuge, 13. No. liTO North 27th street, six rooms, 1. No. 2412 Decatur street, modern except heat, tiO. No. 4Wi Hamilton street, modern except heat, tla. JU0 Mrnt National Hank lluiUling. Telephone, Doug. as 722. 7tM SO. Un II, neat live-ioom cottage, modern except heal. Dongias 71iH. ALL modern 6-room cottage, N. liitli, will be rented until .May 1. In 1 2. at a greatly reduced figure, owner nut ot town for winter. Key at 2117 Lothrop. Phono ebster WO. 2001 SPENCER 81IIKET. Btrlctly modern, new; seven rooms. never occupied. To flist class tenant will mako lease. It dPMlred, at HO. C. S. Shcp a.d, Webster 2iu2. FOR REN r Eight-room strictly mod ern house, walking distance. I-ii.oO. UAI.EAUHER r NKLtKJ.N, Doti. 2.tS2. ALL modern d-room house. M. 2ith: best furnace, 22.aO. Phone Webster 17U. FOR RENT Largo nine-room house at 1013 Pierce street, modern, in good repair. xel. D.'Ug. J I4. EQUITABLE LOAN f XJMPANY. 15 Nebraska National Bank Uldg. 12th and Farnam Sta. 12-ROOM modern house, hot water heat. every Improvement. 20 Harney St., J47.M THUS. W. HAZEN, 27 McCague. Phone D. 1300. DUNDEE By owner, new strictly mod ern home; east front. l,Ono required. Phone uarney 4l. For Rent Brick House Four bed rooms, bath and toilet on second floor; large family room, dining room, buttery-kitchen, refrigerator room, hall and vestibule on first floor; full cement basement; furnace heat; every thing first class and strictly modern. Located at lfill Georgia Ave. See the owner at l&oa ueorgia Ave., or Phone Harney 150U. SIX rooma for rent, chean. btd and Center. Harney 2374. . 12s N. SlSi 81'., 9 rooms, brick, houw. with S bath gnome, tM. 27'iT Farnam, v rooms, mod., 42.00. H12K Ciucago, i rooms, mod., barn, (40, 2-.O0 Cap. jv., T rooms, mod., ;)0. 2wm Hamilton, 5 rooms, f 16. 2222 Clark, 3 rooms, 110. Others. RINOWALT BROS.. Brandeia 'theater Bldg exctot heat. Kood repair. Inaulra 2fi2a Charles. 541 B. 27th St. 7 rooma, strictly modern: 2a per month. J. I. KEMP, 2ol2 Leavenworth. Douglas P8S. Ind. A iwi. ti-rooin steam healed flat In Davldge Bul.dmg, 40. Two steam heated rooms in Davldge Building, suitable, for oftces or living looms, 430. ft-room house and barn, at rn. 2tn St.. $15. JOHN V. ROBB1NS, 18H2 FARNAM BT. F1VE-KOOM cottage, modern but heat. warm, fine repair. Harney ?644. MOD. t-rooui collage, fine rep'r. H. 14. MODERN six-room house, 271u Capitol Ave. Harney 1404. 6-ROOM cottage, modern. li41 S. 28ih. Harney 4174. . Stores and Offlrrs. OFFICE to rent. Mulligan, 210 S. 13lh. Wish to sublet suite of five rooms In City National tank Bldg. Call 1). 412s. PAX TON HLK., lhTH & FARNAM SIS. W. FAHNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam St. OFFICE and reception. 404 Bee Bldg. 816 S. 1VTH ST., second floor, 600 aouara feet office .space; steam heal; t-'n per month. OA R V IN BROS.. So4 Omaha Nat l Bai.k Bldg. D E"s kT8 PACE. 43S-Bee Bldg. For Rent or Lease Entire 3d floor Patterson block, 17th and Farnam Ms., about s.'ioo square feet., or will subdivide for suitable tenants. Rea- onablo rental. McCague Investment Company Iith A Dodge Sis. I'hone Doug. 4UI. CONTINENTAL B I AC K , lith and Douglas streets, one desirable slngiu office room, second floor; also half of a hree-room suite. ALFRED C. KENNEDY, 209 First National Bank Building. Telephone. DouKlaa 722. STORE at 29UH Cuming street. Store at 21ut Cuming street. Store at North 24th street. Store at 611 South 12th street Store at V- Harney street. 4 -room office suite at MU Farnam St. O. !. RED1CK, 1517 Farnam Street. IUiil-.n CHEAP. 71 N. ISth St., fine shape, 40. 2fn6 Cum.ng St.. brick JJ loo S. 2itli St.. corner $:;. ROBINS JN it WOLF. Phone Dougiua 4X I'axton Block. Halls. WASHINGTON H.M.i--L'de.i, dances, banquets. '. '. Sorenseu. I), l-i. A 2iJ&, tn f:rki for kai.h axallar. NEW Oustar SUcklsy library table and electric lamp, cheap t all Dougias li.l. T'luLIN repairing; ail work promptly dona and guaranteed. -4 S. 14th Su PIANO-al ghtliT-used, at a baigaln. Segeiamm l iaao Mlg. Co. lKtn and r nam Hta. HARD caaal and auft C'jsvI aiovea tat sa e. Harm jr a'7. REMOVAL BALK. All klrida of slaves aad furaitur at your own pro; making room for new tn.i.'iiiif. Iuvki4 til ore, 16ih axd Cuniicg. Inttm oat aWnUaja. CIFisSimias Suggestions Certainly you will find a reat many timely suggestions for Chrismas gifts un- der the clasf ification "For Christmas" in the want-ad pages of today's Bee. ! UM-KKKU FOH SAI.K Farinlnrr. FOR SAIJC Cheap. Cecillan piano' plaer and about 60 pieces of limine, uan be attaciird to any piano. 2M.t FranUhri. lyui uriii'ti, LIGHT TOUCH MONARCH VISIBLE for rent. THE MONARCH TYPE t Rl lu.it CO., ill S. l.nii. Pnone D. . tuK hiHAI, is king i t lypewr.ieis -iw. biiuilH 1'iv.viij-io muuels No. 2 or .No. 4, III excellent condition, rented three i.ii'ntha lor t. oMltTi PREMIER TYPEWRITER CO., lth and Docgias. WE HAVE A COMl'LCUa LIN rJ o( all makes o( lypewi iters, laciory reouiit. l l li es right. It will pay you to see us beioie bulng. TV PEW Kl i EK INSPECTION & SUP PL Y CO. lMxs FARNAM SI". RENT an Oliver t pewnter from the Oliver Typewriter Co.. Douglas 2l. SMITH Premier excellent condition, Sla. Harney 5242. Mlscei'aaeuaa, K Indiing, $4 load. "FOR HALE-New" it. Orosj. W. ::s4. and recond-hand i m i,ni and pocket hlluaiil tuules an 1 howling ulleya slid ncresiorlts; bar fix tures of all kinds: enny payments. The llrunswick-Halke-Collander Co. 407-41'J sotitn loth ."t. SIX-FOOT bookkeeper's desk, oak fin ish, for sale at ?lo. Apply George W. Wright, PjeI'iibllHhlng Co. ""FOR SALE Two scholarships In the Omaha Commercial college and one In Busies college. Business office, Omaha Bee. A SNAP Extra large, new. full mounted grey wolf rug. Mark Woodward Miller, So. Dak. AUCTION SALE of 175 Iota of unredeemed household goods. November 27, 2S, 2i. Omaha Van and Storage Co., ll'JO N. 19th St. SA FES Overstocked with second-hand safes, all sizes and makes; bargains. American Supply Co.. 1110 Farnum St. CASH RLUISTIOR, nearly new, I cent to t.ui, single drawer; fine condition, at a bargain. Cy Smith, 1812 Farnam. ONE Radiator Htove. No. 7, Acorn range. WMXi Chicago Bt. and one Get In the Game Electric Pianos, 100 each. Slot Ma chines, Athletic and Peanut Machines and Scales, new and id-hand. Write for our list of bargains. Better still come and see us. We also do repairing. ACME MACHINE CO., 3124L'venworth. Phones: H. 243; Ind. A-24.13. OOOD two horse load of kindling. De livered 13. WOODEN BOX & PACKAGE CO. Wehsu-r tifioH. PEKSOXAL Pit. MAXWELL CURES PILES. 40a Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. PAY WHEN CURED. UJ-Ort UUIOU Rt.Mh.DY. Giadisn Pnaimacy, 1ih and Dodge. KARBTON TON8KTH, bwedish move ment and massage; gradual ot Dr. Kelt berg Inst., Stockholm, Sweden; day pnone D. 71W; night, i, S404 ; 403 Om. Nat. Bank Bldg. M assage, Rlttenhouse. Ho8 Old Hoe ion Bid . Mrs. Pierce, shampoo, bslrdressing and manlctnliig. 21 Farnam. H. A-14.JI. YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha aa strangers are invited to visit tba Young Women's Christian association building at Seventeenth and St. Mary'a Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our traveler aid at tba Union station. HINDOO TABLETS will build, brace, strengthen, Doc. HELL I'KUO CO. WE rent and repali all kim.a o. sewing machines, ind. A lixw, Douglas ltk3. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., loth and Harney Sts. M AXXAdH Treatment. Mrs. Steele, MAStAUE Swedish movement; nothing better lor rheumatism; ladies, til gentle men, tl 50. Apt. 2. 1"2 Farnam. D 24'. THE SALVATION ARM t solicits casi off clothing. In fact, any thing you do not need; we collect, repair um sell, at i4 N. 11th St., tor cost ot collection, to the worthy poor. Call phone Douglas 412o and Magons will call. ADELIGHT hair food grows hair. Mine. Frayer. Megeath Sta. Co., 16ih at Farnam. Af SSA(hl th, salt glow aromatic iAik3xJij treatment. Mrae. Allen Chlcat-u, I0t P. 17th St.. 1st floor. D 7Mi. Dr. Buike, women a diseases. 41 Doug Elk. MRS SNYDER. Senlsii maasaee, bains, ran. a tor and vibrator tri-auiient. The Dilnsnr., Flat 3, loth and Pierce. D 4UO. HA.EL LEAF PILE i:oNES-Best remedy for itching, bleeding or protrud ing piles; ii'K: post paid; sample free. Herman ft McCoiinell Drug Co., Omaha. rT7 i VT'"!'' I ( ' treatment. E. BrnttT'lO JlilUiLllU8 Jblh M tUlUr p Babies Hoarded CmllXfitX$& "TTTb"k"s to rim for. rhFTiM. NURSERY i.Hte. sma.l cli.ldren. W M hi. STeCI IAN 1 C AL T R E A l aTeN T. Something new. relieves the nerves, muscles and stimulates the circulation, lilicl at once. II C. ROMINOER, Douglas 7214. 12i7 S. 16th St. I.i'iA tioi ,bBl. ix I', nianiruring, hair oressing; iievv' parlors. 3r2 .Neville. D. 3.3. WANTED The addresses of the to. low ing parties, list known address given below: Bailey, I.. II , Nonpareil, Co. Bluffs. Boig. Elaf. N. Xvl tit., t.'.ty. Brown, 1. C, Klilln liotel Co. Bluffs. 1 1 win, Hoy, C. R. 1. c 1'. R. R., Co. Blufla. Dorsey, Mis., Cass St., City. Flaw ley, MM., Webster St., City. Hagerman, 'I lieo., Vlnti n St., City. lUnsley, Mrs., Capitol Akcntie, City. Hermis F., California St , c ity. Kelfoid, D. tcarpcnieri, Des Moines, la Kroegcr, f has., N. P.th St., city. M'irriM. Philip, Council Blufis, la. Patlon, W. M , Windsor Stables, City. Queriert, Mrs., Cunnng St., (.ity. Rasmussan, Lena, Council Blutfa. la. Reuter B. E. Mid. and Hotel, City Reynolds, J. M., N. lth St., Cliy. Robertson, Jesse, Omaha ice tti.d Cold Stoiage Co., City. bci-aeifer, Mrs., Douglas St., City. Spo ller (express), N. llh St., City. St. ait, R O.. V. & M. R. R., City. Tailor, W. W.. N. lnh St., City. Vaiidcipool, lid. N. lMh St., City. Wells, W. H., N. 17th St., City. Weiulirk, Mis., N 4th t.. City. Weal. C. N., Council Bluffs. Zepp, H. (cook). Council Bluffs. Repiy, ti. 1U. lHe. ItiULTUV A Mi I'lJT KTOCK ROUP easily cured by Bob Whites Roup Cure, auu box. If your daaler can not sjpply you, write us d.re. t, sending dealer a name. BOB WHITE CO., Is. lot ll Bl, ouiaba. WlUr Xfl. PEiilGREE A J Oats puppies, 2.12 kierl deth Ave. phone Webster tu4. COXKEf B LAYING TONIC lOAhr.l J 1401P CUitiS AKK TUK BK9T. THE NEOHASK.A Pr ED CO.. Phona D. 1'. loll 11 .d gt. d.gr. An.' in k- lie n Tba key lu auccaaa la kiusi la the lultcious and persistent jae of urwxpapc.-adrarUklDC flfiMffl'Kai'HHi'lH lUlfMIBiSlTl TTf IfWHiMI'l ffl.HBiil iu;al ksi atk AH III All OK II ILK. Abstracts M T. Brennan !L'4 Brandeia Th. it I ll.utultK' I . r oji .il . I Itl.N . E'ectrlc ga fixtures Omaha Silver Co. Ideal Omeiil olunn l o , li'ih and Cuming Anier. Suly. Co., roiu g. a,ntn.a Na-h. Kticlis. Son & Blind, pa ut.iiK, decoiating. UA.Mkll III III V. WILL pay cash for WO. 240, or 2S0 acres improved, not more than 10 miles Hum Oiiiiiha. Owner only. Address J ;;.s nee. LIST your city property for sale with Vogel, 4ul Karba.'h B.og. CITV I'KOrKHTV FOR S4.I.W. EVERT plumber Is not a robber. If anything happen, phone Liouglas 1!H Good Pltimhlng Co. Don't Build, Buy This t40,000 will buy a pressed brick fashion able apartment house of 70 rooms, with large porches. In good condition; close In; well rented; five-year leae. Cost 9,!i.i. lei ins reasonable. Arthur C. Crossman, jo Boston Store Bldg. I'hone Doug. M07, Cottage Home Five rooms, modern, In dan tne. walking distance, lu.11 N. 21st ll rent to colored people. Robinson & Wolf Phone Douglas 2418. 4,V rax ton Block. BENSON City bonds are quickly purchased by Investors. Benson real estate Is a safe Investment and taxes are low. Buy your permanent home where you can consider It a good, safe investment. Well Built lienson Homes F. S. Trullinger, Benson. Bargain on N. 24th St $0,000 i. us the northeast corner of 24th and Sahler streets, having 200 it. frontag on 24th street, with a dwellings, renting at ttsio per year, and 100 ft. of unimproved frontage on corner, suitable tor row of stoics. All special taxes paid. One ot tho best bargains In Omaha. W. B MK1KLE, 200 Ram go Bldg. INVESTMENT OlTUaTUMTV. 18 ROOMS. ALL MODERN. We have a iu-apai in.eiu house, con taining H rooms, two baina rooms, Sevan ut-u looms, wiin parlor, uniing room and aiiciiun in earn apailmeiil, wiin new iiuiuuiiig and good nesting pianL inis property is too mige lor personal owner and it is a spieuiiiu proposition tor some one who will buy it and divide it lino tour three-room apartments. Owing lo the arrangement ot the house this worn can be uone at a very small ex pense and when completed the apart ment will ' rent tor Uu each. 1 he buyer can live in oiui apartment, rent the rest and make a good investment out of your iiuine. 'J he building Is well built and In good condition; only thirteen minutes' ride to the center of the city; one block from the Dodge street car line and In food resi dence district. THE NUMBER IS 2618 N. 2VTH BT. It la Just north ot Ohio on the Flor ence Blvd. A good alx or seven-room modern house will be taken In exciiange at the right price. This proposition la certainly worth looking at. NoivrUt) t jklARTTN, 400 Bee Bldg. Doug. 4270. A-4270. ' FOR HALE. 4510 Blondo St. Baker Place, 44x132, tliOU.OO. iitUi and Curtis St. Hillsdale Add. 1 lots. DOxlM) each, $300.00. Mith and Redlck. Newport Add. I acre lot, $.00.00. Holt Co. Farm Laud 320 acres, $26.00 per acre. 11. W. NEAL. 1212 Harney fit. Phones D. UM. A-lf.8. FOR SALE By owner, Dundee, 6-room, modern, new home; full cement cellar; floored attic: good terms. Harney 4M)I. ATTRACTIVE COTTAGE By owner, which must he sold before the 2Mh of November, as I will leave the city on that date; willing to sacrifice. It Is all mod ern, electric light, gas, hath and furnace, full basement with laundry room. Call Sunday or Monday after 6:30 p. lit. 24 1 U Caldwell. FOR SALE By owner, modern 8-room houso with new hot water besting plant: good cistern, barn and chicken house; cement walks; paved struct; full lot; one block to Mr.i't car and In rust class i.e.ghhorhood. Priced for oulck sale at 43.2uij.00. I an use good span ot mules or horses If priced right, lerms, one-half, 'leiephonc at night, Harney Im:i. FOR SALE Lot In Dundee on Webster between 6oth and 61st sts. I'hone Web ster Biir5. DUNDEE BARGAIN Eight room modern house; toilet on n.si floor; sleeping noun, tire place; finished in oak hnd hard pine; birch and while enamel. This t-'oe.t direct from owner to purchaser. Tel. llarncy 00. Harry 11. riiinam. FOU SALE bunali bouse to be moved, nrth sale. Web. 412K. l . o up. ..i.fcnl iiousis; will sail am g.v or duui.1t; income $s.4l month, 1. 1. oris, (d b. 22d St. A RARE OPPORTUNITY FOR A bud A 1.1. EN V Eo'i MEN V. 1 can oi.ci a ptoperous and profitable puiiur ii.oi.nwiy bus.iissd, well lucaitd, lor sicau irano, and leu rooma ol lui ti.iuio lui a veiy model ule, pr.ee. My business is reliable, and rooms ail Occu pied. lUluriia lioin im mi pay ail ex penses ot house and eMaoiisumeni. Am leaving city-only reason lor selling. Da lai, s ai d pi ice to Interested parties. Phone , a, n.--ls FOR SALis on REN i one 7-room, ail llioue. n i uir.ll, Zl.-1 llld t' Sis., bOulfl iinuiia. Souiti l'J-1. OOOD eastern Nebianka land for well located ti.it or other g oil Omaha piop eily. btaie )caliun and rental vaiue. .Mo agent. E sou. Hmi. Uld.il.i: rOll S U.E. CHICKEN FARM. 4 ACRES in auouibs of Council Bluffs. LU s on a wen, sunny, protected suipe. Has 4-i oo in collate, guod bain, good new cnic.cn nouses and 1 unci a Inal cost ao .tit V) to tnJO. Large cave cellar, biLit ce..ie..t bti'UKS, al cosi $14) or more. One of I lie best place near either city (or the purpose. $J,iiu, $oUu cash, balaucu long t iTi at & 1-er cuiil. M'GKK REAL EoTATK (H). 106 Pearl St. l ounc.il Bluffs. 11KAL ESTATE KAKM Ht. li !.-, FOR g A 1.11 Cm lit tirsU, SACRAMENTO valley land. 3 miles fjoui Grrmaniown. I ai., 640 aores at $. per acce; La kir.d of soil; JUi acres uo ,u wheal; will lake part Uada, la. W. Coiira'l Wood River, .Seav t slsnlii. llr! ACREd ba Ute Saa Luis railey. Cokx, for sale al a barxajt: guod lertna aad flue laud. L. Crorkar. tfaatrica. Neav J KIOA I, KSTATK I'MIM It Mil l,lll POM a 41.1 I aiimlii. Ivi you want a farm In wilsern Canada, where the cr ips thl year aie In ailvam-M of any thing grown tut the continent? For whent growing, dairying, mixed faimlini and cattle raising the province of Alberta is unsurpassed I .and are now offered hv the CANA DIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY at prices ranging from tin to Mo an acre on LONG TERMS of payment or on tin crop payment plan. This Is paying for your farm with a portion of your crops each year. Land values have Incicacil 0 p.--- . In two yearn. Great opportunity for lb hoiiiescekei . Call or write for full particulars, book lets, maps, etc E. S. FIjOU, Gen. Agent. Canadian Pacific Alberta Land Co., 440 Board ot Trade Bldg. Excursion every Tuesday. See me for rates. tirerg la. GKEAT SOUTH GEORGIA Traversed by the ATLANTIC, BIRMINGHAM A ATLAN. TIC RAILROAD. Lands adaptable to the widest range of crops. All the money crops of the south plentifully produced. For literature treat ing with this coming country. Its soil, climate, church and school advantages, write W. II, LEAHY. DEPT. K, General Passenger Agent, ATLANTA. OA. Kansas, Irtfl ACRES 1 mile from town, 77 acres wheat. t7,ioo; 1!n acres b miles from town, lf.:i, terms; 1WI acres 3 miles from town, tlO.ooo. E. C. Senrles, F.aston, Leaven worth county, Kansas. Iowa. THE easiest way to find a buyer for Jour farm Is to Insert a small want ad In the Des Moines Capital. Largest cir culation In Hie stale of Iowa. 4a,(HK dally. The CaiUal Is vend by snd believed In by the staadpatters of long, who simply re fuse to permit any other paper in their homes. Rales. 1 cent a word a day; II li per line per mouth; count six ordinary wot'tla lo the hue. Address Des Moines Capital, i'es Moines, la. - Louisiana. "Go "South, Young Man" , Build voureelf n home on the 7iilt Coast. No extreme oi weather, either hot or cold. No drouth. Good rich lands from $10 up. Wo own them. Easiest oi terms. We waul farmers. Vrtt for our booklet. COAST REALTY AND COLONY CO., Pascagoula, Miss. Nebraska. IMPROVED section In Kimball. Neb.. and 100 all In alfalfa Whltiand, W yo. 11. oioss. but S. 22(1. For bale 720 acres lmmoved farm and ranch near May wood, Neu. ; l,u acres In good stale ot cultivation, nay ana pasture, j-rice, tu per acre. Owner will consider a good latin In eastern Nebraska In exchange, lull or write FA RM Kits' LAD LO., loll City Nat I Bank Bldg,, Omaha, Nen. BIGGEST SNAP IN STATE. S40-acre Improved ranch, western Ne braska, for uiiick sale. Price $n.;6 pel acre, good terms. Wet quick. Box 40, Omaha. Oklahoma. FARM AND RANCH FOR SALE. 8H0 acres adjoining town at crossing of two trunk lino railways. Ideal tract for fruit, dairy or geneinl farm and aluck ranch. In easy reach of the best cities In eastern Oklahoma 050 acres sultablu for any crops grown In tills climate, of the resnulnder 100 acres Is high ground noil especially adapted to frulta of all kinds; balance pasture. All fenced and 200 acres ready for the plow; balance, timbered. Price $20 per acre; on easy tonus- title guaranteed. This 1m an untt.iual bargain. Bettea Land Investment Company, 203-6 V lynn-Alnes BUlg., Muskogee, Okl. Orrina, All person Interested In our Central Willamette Valley (Oregon) colonisation plan arc Invited to tall at our office for free lnluniiali ,n. All farms within tho roach of every wuge earner. You may own a farm In 8H months. Decker ft Beam, 828 Brandels Theater Bldg. Phone Douglas ts7. Houtii Dakota. A FEW snaps Iu Brule county, South Dakota, lands; will pay railroad fare lo buyers not satisfied. J. A. Htranaky, Ptikwana, H. Dj ExTPTlTlNAI, RANCH ANlJ FaIiM PROPOSITION. 2,6W acres located In east central part of South Dakota, 12 miles from good town, all fenced and cris fenced, also SCO screH leased land under fence. Good comfortable ranch buildings. ;) acre, under cultivation; 900 acres of more good farm land, bulame best kind of pasture and has land. Price $2'.U) per acre. Choice half section two and half miles from town in Kingsbury county for ua.e at 17 fiO per acre, w ill take In tow n prop erty not over $3.0iio as part pay. No bet ter quality of land than this. Addrean or call on CARLSON Hi WALLIN, Carth age, S. D. , lexus. THE HOMESEEKKR la a monthly puper that will tell you how to acquire a li tin r on easy payments, and also how to make money out of other people who are Hrijiiiriiirf homes. THE MAGAZINE WITHOUT A NAME I will help you to make a pleasant home i sic! will tell ou Intw lo make a good living out or a I t tie land. Vi will send you both free If you will send us your name AMERICAN TOWNHITH CO., Han Antonio, Texas. I tab. 320 ACllES FllEK. Your homestead right good for 320 acres. and no residence required. We can loi'ate you on some of the choicest tracts. Can ..lfo buy some cbuice tracts school land cheap. Ilest land being rapidly taken up. .Ml ipiick. Aodress Northwestern Lands t o.. 212 D silv Idook. Sail ltkei lly Utah. Wrsnilag, 100, IRRIGATED, all In alfalfa; land, Wyo ; sec tion a. I Improved. 11. GROSS, uOl B. 22d. Whlt- HEAIi ESTATE IX)ANS WA..iED-City loans W. raiuaui bmlih at I o.. and warrants. 1J.U Farnam St. OMAHA Pioperty and .Neo a-iW Lands, O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. I01S New on. aha NatJ Bang Budding. "viTNTKI- '1 1 y loans. I'elers Trust l.'o. tMto $lil.U made promptly! V. 1). WeJd. Wead lililx. . lith and Farnam. MO.EY to loan on business or resi dence properties. 11. Ou) to L,)Ml W. 11. lliO.WAS. ti Fist Nat l B..nk Bldg " WANTtli --FARM" M No, KJuka In vestment eompaay. Omaha. " !XW RATES. LF.'M I .S-CA H l.HERG CO llttl! Brandels Theater Bldg. FARM I)4.NS. no cuiniulaslon ; optional pa.nu-ms: rbeap niuney. quick earvtca. Ona S. Merrill, 1ZU lily Mai l Bk Bldg. FSTATF. LOANS UAIfVIV IM.'flSJ ianari'urand' Tip" "l.AUOK i.OANs"miinli'lpsrii..nlsin.in" gales liiniglit ami sold. H IT'LL 1IIUI4. IDIt HAI.K OH K( IIAolO WE exchange piopeilies of merit. C W. Welsh. M.'-n o N l.k. Ulilg. Doug. 7J1. Exchanges Jeweli, li d of I rails, ll. Ini;, AUK you a tiadrrT 1 trade anything where or (line. Ixrllev. 'Jil Neville Blk, 1- IN H . li t ik lit piano and nikan w.tn for sale or xrhanui. ust huvs mil ror ,oi ,i rorm in n it.i i iu'- iiuiii or koiki oiivins team or two gond vacant lots In Mieiiiil aueji , i n ir niim nae onr Aiiurt'sa A. Wharton, Wooiiolne, la. Ma.MM I.I. . toui.HK car aa null l.a. imnt mi hmise. auto machine simp and iitilncss. What have you? ll.oii mil equity in lex.i ',. What i.ae ynii; Mil cltar, 2' miles from town In Kim- nail t o , cheap at i.i per aore, for Oinalu , 1 1 pel ly. J. . RASP CO., W Brandeia Bldir y a n tT: i -1 i ty r c.s i brTivuic in exi liaugH lor l.n acre nicely Improved mini In eaniein Kmii. us, 4 mdea fnun two nice towns, nnly m in, loo from Kansas ty; best of Bill, level rmintry. Will sle an exlui good deal. Give location and price In first letter. Box 47, City. wo-ACRE Improved ranch, western Ne- hiaska. All gooii hav and larm land. I rlcii $h per acre, mortgage ta.isw; long liiuo. Submit your offer In full. Wan, I'ee Bldg. 1 WANT to sell or exchange the con trolling Interest In an established busi ness with offices In Omaha. Running for years. Incorporated Mv time Is nnly occupied, and I can nut give this I altenilon neccssaiy m p...iei my hold ings. Will sacrifice. This Is an excep tional proposition and one that It will pay you to Investigate If you wish to get Into business. E Omaha Bee, Council Bluffs. WANTED TO HOHItOW WANTED Private parly to carry loan of $.4,(i on good security. Address, ., Kee iu I ice. South Omaha. Neb, WANTED TO lWY !d-baiid go us. cieser, itoi enter. 1 '. fri2. WILL Pay cash tor good o-naasenaer car; prefer E.-M.-F. JO. Box 72, Mason ( Ity, la. W ANTE1 To A 7(e). Bee, buy, bulchrr'a outfit. SEVERAL houses where vacant build ing lots, $100 to $."i00. will be received aa part payment. Owners or agent Ad dress E 764, Bee. WANTED TO KENT YOUNG lady employed, -desires loom In modern home, with or without hoard. References exchanged. M 741, Be, FAMILY of four seeks high-class board ing place; must bo suitable for cultured prople; neighborhood and house must be high-class; near West Farnam St. Ad dress D ti, cars Bee. 'lllKr.K nil ii i la and 4-1 ear-old want completely furnished apartment. Tleas do nut reply unless neighborhood and ad else qualities for refined people; West Farnam district. Address C XM, care Bee, W A N'l ED r- urnished suite near good boarding place, suitable for family of three adults and child. No objection to outskirts If near Farnam St. Only high grade place considered. Address N 88, care Bee. WANTED SITUATIONS FOR a tlrst-class, practical nurse, call Mrs. Boynton. 11. 1473, A-W.4. WaSH UNO and curtains done. T. H. 74W. POSiiiO.M by third-year hign sonooi boy; will work from 12 to 8:30 p. m. M Bee. Willi hi woman uesires day work; neat and clean. 'Phone D. 6740. SITUATION W ANTED A manager ot general store, country town; experienced. O H13, Bee. BY high school giaduata, stenographer, clerical or bookkeeping; unexperienced. Ij 0, Bee. AN educated woman desires work Omaha or elsewhere In Institution or tarn y to assist in keeping and taking cars of uhildren. Webster li7. luund man wains posmou aa bar tender; experienced. S $15, Bee W AN i ED-vt position by a young 4y with one year'a experience aa stenog rapher; salary according to ability, li U4, Bee. REFINED and capable lady would like situation as governa or nuise lor email children. Reierencee exchanged. 1' 114, Bee. EAP. In undress desires emu. lu laundry. B 7(.l, Bee. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work; cleaning and Ironing preferred; please call after 2:0. Dotigiaa 2is$. BY EXPERIENCED colored woman, second cook or general housework In small family. Web. 2U. SITUATION wanted by competent lady stenographer; can take rapid dictation and ran transcribe notes; references as to ability. Phone Harney 044. WANTEI By young lady of refine ment, position In office; have had lull charge of business end of office. Best of references furnished. Address F-7D6, care i.ee. W A. s i ED Laundry work by day. Har ney fii03 ELDERLY lady would like a good home as hnuaoKeepnr for an eideily man, a bachelor. Phone Webster 3134 or call at liiol N. 27th St. Ol.oul-.il woman wants cleaning or auiidry work by day W fWKl. MAN with horse and buggy desiies posi tion aa collector. Can give bunds, i'hone W. 4419. BOOKKKKI'ING and clerical work evenings and (iaturdayi; use typewriter, Auaieas L-742, Bee. LIVE STOCK MAltKET OK WEST I-hip your slock to Soutn Omaha; save mileaga and shrinkage; your consign ments receive prompt snd careful atten tion. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MEIt CD ANTS. flyers Bros & Co. Strong and responsible. WoofriuTl)S. 234-ii5rExoliaiigeBldg. "Great West. Com. Co., Omaha A Denver. W. R. SMITH at SON Just handle sheep. "W. fTTiENNY at CO., ia8 Each, bldg! TAGTiri(S. handle cattle, hogs, sheep. i::ia7rilirb'TiSOnAiCo., 20u Exch. Bldg. lnteistate Co. Butler resu.ls. Ship to us nTTu RlhTER KlTvt P.. ivl Exch. BldgT l M. K7BEKTa 4 CO.. t Exch. Bldg Cox & Junes Com. Co., bunch ot bustlers. Farmers E 8. Com. Co.. M Exchange. Deposit proceeds of shipments In Stouk Yards Nat'l Bank. Only bank at yards. W I NN7i RO SA Co., Exchange BldgT" LA VER'I V BROS 13 40 Exch. Bldg Bldg. Martin Bros, tk Co., 203-4 Ex. Alex G Buchanan A. Son, IM-iA Ex. Bldg. OMAHA THE (iHAIN MARKET WKKKS GRAIN CO., grain merchanla, consignments sollulted. 793 Biandsla. Nebraska-Iowa Gialn Co. 104 Biandsla. CAVERS ELEVATOR CO.. Wholesale dealers in grain, hay, chop feed. 731 Brandels Bldg. RoBkRTS GRAIN CO.. grain consign ments solicited, grain bought to arrive. 73 Braudeta. LKf.AL NOTICES. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bida will be received until noon, liecember 1. 11 1. at the office of the underaignad, for the construction of building at Curtis, Nebraska, tor the School of Agriculture. Plauis, specifica tions snd bidding blanks are on file at the office of liurd F. Millar. Arciutect. 734 Brandeia Theater Bldg.. Omaha, and the office of stazretary of state, lauooln, ADD1.-40N WAIT, N14-d-lr Secretary ef bis la. UO Kll.NMK.NT .NOT1CKH. PROPOSALS FOR MANUFACTURE ol Clothing l hlef y usriermaster's office, Prneial Building, t h.rago. 111., Octul.er W. loll.-Sealed piotXinns. tn triplicate, subject to th usual conditions, will ba received here until I o clock p. m.. No vember -I, mil, and then opened for tiianufnrtui Ing and drl.ver.ng at e.iher the .New Voik, Philadelphia or Chicago depot of the Cvuhi tei master s Department: Si.i'X) Olive Drab Cotton Coats and I0..'HJ pairs Ollva Drab Cotton Breeches. Foot. 1 ha Olive Drab Cotton I nlfoini Cloth, Olive Drab Sl.evls, Pronxe Buttons and Split Rings will be furnished by this Depart ment, uuantitlea to he subject to In crease of nut to exceed fn per cent, it desired by this Department. The right is reserved to re.lect or accept any or all pioposals or any part thereof. Prefer ence will he given to articles of domestic manufacture, conditions ot quality and price (Including In the price of ioreign productions or manufactures the duty iheteoii) being eotial. standard samples run be seen, and specif cations, blank for pinpovals and full Information will be furnished upon application at this of fice. Envelopes containing proposals to ha endorsed "Proposals for Manufacture of nothing, to he Opened November 23, lll.- COL. J NO. L. CLEM. Chief Quar termaster. O31-N1-2-J-30-21 RAILWAY TIME CARD l .MUX SIIAllu.N leaist A Masesi I n Ion Parlfl Depart. Arrive. San Fran. Overl'd I., .a 140 em a 7 40 pm China & Japan F. M..a 4:06 pm a l:4K pm Atlantic Express a 4:4 am Oregon Express all:S6pm a 10pm Los Angeles Llm d....al 4 pm a 1:30 pm Denver Special a 7:04 am a 7 :17 am Centen al State flp c l.ell . pm al am Colorado Express a t HO pm a 4 HO pin, Oregon-Wash. Um't'd.aU:6o pm a 1:20 pin North Platte Ixieal . , . a 8: lis am a 4:46 pra Grand Island Local.., .a &:M pm alO tfl am Strouisburg Local bl2:41 pm b 1:J0 pm Wabast,. Omha-t. rtils ICx., Mall and K i press Staub'y L. (from O. B .a $.90 pm a D:1S am .a 7:ot am all.lt pm )b $:00 pm blt):16am i raelflo . C Bio are, Haek fslas EAST. Itoeky Mnunttn Ltd.al:? am aJO SS nm Chicago 1ocel Paas....bl0:3S am bin:19pm Chicago Day Ex a :45 am a -to pm Chlcagn Express a 4:10 pm a 1:10 pm Des Amines Lsvcal P. ...a 4:27 nm ailrll m Chicago-Neb. Ltd a t.-os pm a 747 am WEST. Chl-Neb. Lmd to Lin coln a :01 am a 3f pm Col-Cal. Express a 1:18 pm a 4:00 pm Okl. a Tex. Express. .a 6:00 pm all-45 am Rocky Mountain Ltd..al0 4 pm all:30 am Chicago A N orta westers. NORTHBOUND. Mlnn.-St. Paul Ex,...b 7:00 am Minn. -St. Paul L t d. ..a :0o pm Twin City Express. ...a t:4 am Sioux City Loral a S:4t pm Minn. Dakota Ex. .a 7:00 pit. Twin Cily Limited. .. .a :4pm Minnesota Express EASTBOUND. Carroll lineal a 7.00 am a 8 en am aio 20 pm a I:M pm a 1:18 am a 7:80 am all :W am a :1 pin J0 40 pm a 1:28 pm lay light cult ago a 7:40am Chicago Local all:0o pm c onn suo-i nicauo a 0:10 Dm a pm inicago opeciui .... a t);i2 pm' a 4 am Piiu. t Has tin lift xo pin a 8:2s pm Los Angeles Limited.. a 8:60 nm all:S0 pm a :16 am aj;(H) am a t :36 pna a t:S5 pm H;h pm all 00 am a)0 Itpna a :20 pna b :no pns Overland lsmited a 7:o pm Carroll local a4:80pm Fast Mali a 8.30 pm Ceuar tvapida, Hloug si Omaha Centennial Slate Ism.. It 4u am WESTBOUND. Long Pine a 8.00 am Norfolk-Dallas a8:o0ain Long Pine-Luicoln a l.U pm Hasiings-Mupertor ....b x:1d pm Dadwood-Hot BD'gs..a 8:6 un a e:su pm wasper-Lsuitier a:bopm all;0 pna reuiont-Albion d m pm b 1:61 pm llllaols CeatraV Chloago Express a 7:00 am a 1:41 pm Chicago Linuiea a t:ou pm a 8:00 am Mlasoart Paelflo K. C. 8t L, EK....S l:Mim a 7:40 asm K. C. A hu L i.g....aU:l pm a 1:60 paa Chloage Mltwk as , Pawl Overland Limited ......a 7:80 pm Perry Looal a : am Colorado s.xprees,,..,.a ;im pm Colorauo Ispeatai.,,,,.. Ii8 am ferry Leoal..... ktiapm tlal Uiotpm pm ' a warn U.V4 pui Iktoaujta OimI Westers) Chleago Limited 4t:atpm win City Laiultd.w..a put Ttam wiu City Express.... ;4 em e.t4r" Chloago Expi...,.,. a ;! pot lxoai FasseusT........ sm put arltswt Btatl ts 4 sUanptesii.. Cepart Arrive. 8:44 pes a li pnx 48 .I0 peg 4 (4A$Met Utile pea 48 l.-vsaag 48 f -m paa 48 l.iu pm .-vaa UIIN4XI 18 ItetajH !4san et lie pes UltUpaa tl IWtCMM 41 evieiesasg tMMIIMB) aUlieu e.aa 4.-44 aiai apa Denver 4 California.. a 4.i pm Pugel Sound fcipreee.. 4 as ptu Nebraska polnia a s.m am liauw cults. ....... ..m.. a 4.1 pm Liuooin Mail ....i lies pm fNonnweat s.Epreaa,,..aviis pox Meureaka. points.. ...,a ; am feettraaks) aixprese..,..a t)M am Linooia Locei........... , toenuytarrAlismouUl sioe pin Ulnnnin lK-al .,.,..,, Piailsmouin-lewa a k.i am stetlevaa-riaiiamouui u; pi Caiosge Jipeaial... aluaexn Lenvtr special nu.es pn CAloage) s-xpiwas a4:Mpm Chicago aai Sikprsss a giss peg town Locxu asiuaaa Crestoa Oa.) Loea4,...b l.ae am DL Loidg express. ....a 4, peg kL. C. ot. Jumps). ...4US14S put K, v, 4d sC Jomk8.. e:Uam fci, 13. es Ml. osesl.,.A tuatpm Webster gtatlaa ttn aal Weketee NUMSri Pweltle Arrive. Depart, I D8:64)pm bUieVasa I. rmm, Mlnaeijts as Auburn Loo4U laUasra, M Uasaksk ArrtT. Iee4vrt. 8too City Eijnss....b .spm WUepsi Omaha LocaI :88 pm bioux City Pass a.sl psg 1 win Uty Pe t it am , Emerson Laoai ft lit pot fttJeam b) dally except Sunday, ici Kuagay oDly. ia daUy. Women to Conduot Workera' Institute The Young Woman's Christ lag asaooltw ttnn will hold an association workers Ins tituts Wsdneaday, Thursday and Friday of neat week. Miss Lilly Strong, genaral eerstary, says It will ba the moat lm portent eduoallonal event th local aaso oiatlon has ever had. Mrs. Fmma Uyers of kllnnsapolli, UrrV tor.al eaeautlva of thi midwest atatet, formerly general secretary ot th local organisation for many years, will preside, and seven national effioera will $n tha programs. Tha Oeaaell Bluffs Younfj Wemea'a Christian gsaoatatlea Will epsrata with tha local assooiaUon, Judges Solootod ' for Big Shoop Show Ths premium Hst hag beea oompiled for the Mid-Western Sheep ekow to ba held heie In connection with the convention next month of the National Wool Orow. ers association, and tha total cash value la ITJOO. Judges have been selected as follows H. L. Cnmpton, Kyis, O.; E. L. Bhaw ef ths bureau of animal Industry, Washing ton, P. C; F. al. Cleaver, Delaware, O secretary of the Amerloan and Dslalns Merino Bheep Breeders' association, and J. J. Casey of Uouth Omaha, hsad sheep buyer for Armour 4k Co. Mr, Casey will Judge ths fat classes. The bay to sueeeas 11 business la tba Juliolous and persistent use sf newspaper advertising. i