Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 20, 1911, Image 6
1 1 I! !': 1 I Desperate OVCS WILL. hi win. kjCT Jb0 W BATTL CAMiP i ir J i " - - i i ft jti. ii.i.r ii n - m- . . - - i in n i m. i m - r m i . i-- v'j t e w . i r in.i . j i mm .m aa. - ri ii - rj r m t i tw T- vil'ain Dtmon(l l now up agilntt It 1 ftrfatr. neloitd in an bndened building, l fee a prly ef Turt(lh traepa about to fTr volloy hat muttondhlt mloorablo lift. Claude and Roaamond at laat axpact to tfa their l.vea freed from the Ineobua of the International erook. WANT ADS Want ads rrrelvcrt at any Uuic but Inftiire proper limslflratlon mnat le preM-nleri lefr t- o'clock ni. for tli ctriilng; clltJon and Iwfore 7::H P. ni, for morning and Sunday Mil lion. ' Want received after ncli lioni-e lll have llielr. first Insertion under. th leading 'Too Lato to t UMlfy." U.811 lLTHFOn WANT AOS.' II Eli t IiAH C'LA SHI K1CAT lO N One Invert ion 1 j cent per word and , 1 tent per word for each aubaequcnt fnacrtfon. Each innertlon made on odd days J cent per word. per line per month. Rate apply to either The Dolly or Sunday IUe. AhT)S count U words to a line. ' ant ads tor The lice may be loft at any of the following drug store ie ia four Vomer druggist" they 'i-e all branrh offices lor The Uee iii.l your d Hll be Inttcried Juat as promptly and om the same rotea as al main office In The Dee building. AetcnteentJi d Earnani atreeUi; muhii, -v. c' Hh and Parnam. ha um I'l-u MM N. Ibth bt.'. - , Hmxon Hharmscy. Hvnsin, Nb. i fcftinia Psrk I'haimscy, JM and Cumlna. ranrk. . A.. 1)2 8. lttli ft. Wsk-Hrsdiih, lid Hl. rtxiui Av. auanan. i". it., v j& Leavenworth. 1 eririaJi, Kinll. KM-d 6. Uth Bt. ' Clifton Hill ftiarma--)', KM Military Av t ooney I'harmary, U-H H. ftth St. , , i'l'iaavy PhHrmaiy, Mth and Lake. Khler II lo-. IS"a Levenwrtli. .V otr f Arnoldl, m ti. Jth Bt. rrfytaii 3. J., 1H14 N. .i'lth "t. l ieKiirlIrUB Co., 1KW N. 16th St. 1' iorrnc Drug Co.. Florence, Neb. . ijreon a Pharmacy,. I'arU. Ava. 4c pacific. Urrenniifh c- Co.. itM. !. HHh Hi. liieenoush Co.. IPtl- ciid Hickory. UMamii Pharmacy; utr. .- Ix-aveuworth Johsneon lm c.,, ,h imrt BpalvUnt. .luhnson riitiinac; , Kinin. . , iiartcooni Park l lur.. i5 1 b. plh Av. ilinterlonf Lrug Co.. list. Ave. i nr. . Holt, Jonn, :i 8. 16ih -Hi. Huff, A. L, !": Lvennoith. Kint, H. 8. rtth and Karnam. Koniits Placs Pharmaoy, i.M N. '.'4th, Lkthrop Pharmacy, J4th nb Hnmliioii. Marea. Fred U., 1.V19 Central Blvd.' Jionniugth I'hw.naev, 33U b Aniev Ave. Katricn l)nw Co., 1M2 N. 24th St. - Saratoga Drug Co.. S4tn and Amen Ava. fcha!-r s Cut Pru: Hrr, ltu Cut. r. J. Vernal. 0J JMerca Ht. xvalton Pharmacy, Hh and Urac. - Walnut ill Pnarmacy, 4tnh Cumins'. A IV KOV X CEM KNT8 .1. A. GENTLEMAN,'Kii- 'i'A It Kit. einbalmcr l14 Chicago Ht. D. 1 ;,); B-Ki3. 1IEAFEY & 11EAFEY .Moved to 2ill Furnam. A. S'X.; 11. X. ' IllilNO on yonrgrlnrting to 14o7 Doug Uk. WK DO Til K WORK RIUIIT. X ' v . I with each wedding or- UCI UIW IIMIIItn, bllTHKN't II A N 1 HOWARD HTKKKT 8." HEYN ""'DOUi'slJkH Prtniina i:o. Tel. l"oug. C4l7 MOYINtl plif ire riai'hliir and supplies. Nebraska Film Co.. Win Farnam 81. 0. L. Hnilth.Vt'r y a iiw7lTrHae. D. t&l. Button boles for home made garments. Anna Hlstek, ladlca' tailor, 2lh City Nat'l. "Cphoieteilng. piano, furn. rep. i.'fH Far. Trip A f hair purlorn; ladles A. children 1 " lJ suniy. ji Neville Block. D. ill Hi Tenty per cent less tlisn ilmaha nrtvea, Hl'MR Fl'HNITL'RK CO., 1 w.ntv. fourth and I. Win.. iouth Omaha. Krt Barrlck. gravel, tar roofs 16th A like. Msggard Van A Plorsge. Psrk, move, store and ship H. H. kooIb. D. 14tM, B-24a. M E. Morrill, c blna "pai T7t. U3Bi raiiderB"rii J. F. O'Uiry foshrnfn"'NT:irHuT(iu7 WI.DDINil announe. 1'nuglas Ptg. Co. PERFKCT lperltten letters niadi: In Iftassl western letter I toiv. Manguiu Co, r'rtntlng. 1I1 Ixaige. Hotli I'ltouvs. Nch. 8eet Co., 15 Jooef. Both Phoi'w. " SOIaTuW Lt'Nl'TlKJ -hoi; in our beau'llol downstalis Unclt aiul soda nstr room t Wth and Dorite s re srvlng dainty lunches ana . ot and culol drinks. Tr tnerr. I MICHMAV McCONNlM.L Dltt U CO., i-'ive Uoutt Dn.g stores" HI MlllJ. 1 lol 'I.I. aiuayt bo bappy !f your wl 1 n rng conn t from In oJegaard's, Hi H 141 h-ti. At tlie sign of the crown. ili .M..r, paper liaiislns. lulnt'c. 11. Mol. l,.'l yotir diamonds at Brob-asard's. Hn;:7"(Vatc7i7 cownt roirTTuiS N" . W.titui MONEYS .TO 1,oAN-1aV rate, :n sums to lull. 210 Bae Bldg. I't.olie Doua. tlo4. I'MOX LOAN CO. .-tcsnml lp Tickets Foreign Tours. W. II liia'K", 111? Partialis St. i I ! TI 1 11'lTS- iVia7ua7-tUieiTno 1 ,"UI"'"'' tenovaie all kinds of 'l-''!!v',' feat i resets, mid boy ttaihsrs. O.iii,: l'iliu I o.. 1.1 Cuming. . II. t'uia Slau Co. I'. jfai. IaIS Kariiaiu. i'ori'a fr.e. -. II 'il i;16 Leav. x sn irilon'M burs. d..g boeriltai. l N. J'Min l. lilnioe, Shlrta. KS t'axii'u i,k. S'.irtn eitb and nintia. IVelrlch. V. IK'ILtil. -hi-t lr.n soid" tank work, (i-iiaha Siiu-tuisl an.! Works. JLLR (J HAND l' i est in the west. ;o; fvo ith.ltith Stret Turkish Lathe 01IA.UBM Omaaa. Neb. We buy I ir.'tj of taw fu: ,ay high pn es. AITOMOIUI.S 1 1 1 '1 ,1 A l.JC pri. es mi oh. Doug. MiA. ' Mj :i S. '. ,1 .1,, auto painting. SuV N. I.'.th. Am..! UnipH mpsirel. Onialia Sliver Co. I I " I ' I l1 l.'l' I .' Auto, tairlufs painting, J 1 Lii I 1 lL :r, j,a,ng. sC Leav'wili. Desmond PAY BJt Deamond. ever alert, notice an am bulance running away and obaerve that It will pae between him and the firing party. He trueta that the Turk will til time ob serve International rule and refrain from . firing. You can't beat Deamond for picking up chance. 1 AI'TOMOIUrEH Murphy did itv; H KPA I III N'4, AINTIN'i. II MM I Ml. HONK HONK IIKIIE H TI112 IIKST PLACE IN OMAHA DRUMMOND Uth snd Harney Sts. MITCHELL MOTOR -COMPANY WANT GOOD ItFPON8IELB AiiKNTH. , an iimK Immediate delivery on LITTLK H1X. Havp some EXfUITIONATj tarnlns In Irrife and nmall Hrcond liana chih. MITCHELL COMPANY" imOKF.Sf iMiirr .lacl.otn nt-ally braiU wlthrmt Injuring bore of ryliiuler. Work snaranterd. Kanpaa City lirazlng Works, 130 W. lth St.. KanKSM City, Mo. AUTO KNOWLICDUK. For Information pcrtainlnK to coimlrur. lion, operation and cara of Rutninutllei1. a enulnnH. adilrrss A. J. P. II. Bert- Hi hy, Coiinnil Hluffa. Ia. Vfrtl K'Tll I)1 Auto Co., Oakland aid wuiunj(i,tlT, KnlBht; barRalns In UHd carK. ZKM Farnain. Dour. $'.. Al.'TOMOBILFvtoran. flrpproof IhiIUI tns. down town; vry reasonablu. l'hone Louglas - Itl'SINKSH OIIAXCK8 Tu set In or out of bualne call on O ANO KSTAD. 404 W Pliltf.. Tel. I. 8477, M0UT0A0KJS, 07c ON GOOD , : FARMS' Faring bonds, aecured by I'lret mortuKes and our capital and surplus of I40U.UI0. NO SAFER INVESTMENT Bnnda for lion. I-V) and up. as suits your savins:.' Make your money brlnit you a good Income. Ask fur particulars. PAYNE INVESTMENT' CO., rtth snd Farnam Hta.. Omaha. Neb. I-1.'H-SALI'X'lean etock of grocerlcH and quwnaware. Hox Sn, Harvard, Neb. 14TH ST. BUtilNLBH Sc REAU EH l'ATK F.XCHANGH :0. Hardware, grocer, hotel, pool roo'nia, barber bop, salouiut, etc., for sale; some good bargalna in real tHtatn. Ill B. 141 li St., second floor, rooms I and 2. 11 Rothery, Prmluont. TO BUY Olt M;LL n bimnu-BH, vail on Williams, 411 MoCagua-Bldg. JtOTION Vlcture machine and film bar gains. Omaha 111m F.xcb., 14th A IKiug. WANTED A doctor: good bundles; Neb, town; Pop. 300. Address Y 4t, cars Bee. FOR 8ALIC Flrat-clus Implement buel- nei"f. no competition; will stand Invrtitlga- tinn: best, farming community in Htaie. Cnles you havn about 4.iMK) tlo not apply. Addreas Drawer H. Ilordvllle, Neb i 'O I H 5b" I IN C iTh ue tTe n i achine and buslnesa; trade eatsbllshed; seaaon just Mlartlng; big profits; price lih. Cannot be duplicated for less than 110. Best reasons lor selling, .o.o cnarics HI., city. 1JUSIXKS8 1'EnSOXAJ Acamllc rHsli GENERAL ACOUSTIC CO., M5 OMAHA NATL BANK BLIX1. Factory A Oeneral office, Jamaica. N. Y. F.LDCT RICAL IIEAltINO DKV1CF.H. Anaaemeata TrflFORK nd aTter the shows visit the OT.YMPIA for Ice cream ami cuntles. AVDITORU'M roller link, music by Oreen'a band, el sling Saturday and Sun day nights. als 'on Sunday afternoon; doors otwn 7'.; admhmton 10c skates Arrklleeti, C. J. IJoweU. architect, fi't Brsndcls Bhlg, Arlrslan Hrlln, L, E. NFBFROALL. 111 12 City Nat l, Aaphalt. Uravvl and Itoollna. MICA ROOF1NO CO.. 109 S. 10th. Attorney a. i. W. Shleldf. ntlnrnoy, SL'7 B. of Trade, I.IS'lXJN U HA LL. I.AWYKH. 4M Beo. Aivntna and Ten Is. OMAHA TUNT CO. Tel. Ki Douglas. Ha Maaafavtarera. BFM1S OMAHA HAtl CO.. Omnhs. Neb, llaaaaa and 'laslcuhs. THH ONLY WAY. Batascs rhevked to dcttUnatlon. Tsxt cabs and touring rate, Tel, Ixiugliift 2y,. Baker lt-. TVimestle Bakery, nualltv. ?l(i Cuming. A. B. CKOS. b.kery. eb.stcr 6141 tiallaHB and l.ona . Aaaut-lattona, NEBRASKA r'avltig.t and Ixan Assocla 'on has never twht less thitn ti ier cent dividends. In extuu'ti'.i from tl to Ij.OX ie,-elved. la Viirnaiit St.. Omaha. Mnruer Sbona. H WK BROS." barber shop. Icav. enwor' n. Bee Bldg. barber Fhop. lonsorlal Hrtt-tts. Iioc S S. Steaart. hair rutting. ?I7 S. p. Milliard and Pool Hall. Till; pea- Ak-Sar-Ben billinid parlors, '40H Hovard. Cha. K. John on. loop. Hag and Parana nnuiei Hrca, Wooden Mos A Pai ksseCo. 1jl4 N. li'.th. farpenlera and tuslrarlori. W. P. ! rH, ronlractor. Hamga Blog. Sttfenon. i-ariienter, coot, Both phonua. A. I.lnborg. rariiettter, runtrai tor, H. ,! arneia, Haaa and tlranertra. POICAR & CO nu,f ru- car- " V (J- pels, allk portiere, ear pet cleaning. 1,Vs 8. u. D. t:i. A-4.j. Flee. Vac. I'leaner. rent. fl.i&sy'Pvi'TlfttJi t klrHdlata and Manlrnrlna. DH ROY, rhlrupwdiat. lHli Farnam. t laara aad'irTbaevn. T!IF fauilary Crown Pipe n S. lHh I TJIi: IM'A-l: OMAHA. MONDAY. XOVKMIiKU U. The Inalde the awaying ambulance the villain are the clothing ef the aurgeon and puta it on. He doe not hesitate to uae the badge ef mercy aa a cover for hie own haaa per son and hie evil designs. ' Desmond I In deed a thoroughgoing villain perhaps the greatest the world has ever seen. IH SIXESS CTIAXCK,S t lotblnit Wr Monl tin- M a n i I act nrer. I h!i In. M. V.. Smith Co. loal Uralcri. Pnwers-Ilcafw fl Co., Tfl. T). J-nS. futtoi- Ipi1 Coal Cp. Far. If. Mf, " CJ Ik unalllv yVi . - I o(1k. II. 7:17 C. H. Johripnn, il. IMh l.irrt. 2 plioneo. Nl'JW roiil yard, L'ltli bikI liraud Ava, Hyorae K. Colib I'oul Co.. V. TiXl. p I , by ton or bui'kat, five bttuhels ll.VIi , m 'Hone J. 2. JI-1M4. C1TV COAL & SLTl'LY CO. All kluilH best ronl. T). 27t. Inrt. A-1402. $5 ; 'oal for Klovo or furnace. Try ll. larmon Werth. Webater 818. LI'JT me tell juu about HeoUer Furnace Cotil. 1). ir,s:t. C. A. WeHterfebl. A-IIM. Coal and kindling VVnuiwr, x"t N. IK. H. K. WATKKH, baMkct coal. Hons. 4li toffee. Tea, Nplcea aad Sosar, Moyune Tea Co., 4o S. 18. Potli phones. t'renmerlea, Italrlra and Hoppllra. Fnlrniont'o 1'i.ulem butter. Al ays Rood. T aTTh COLKC K fVA M hH Y ("OMHANyT KLOIN Hanltary Dairy. KpperHOU Uroa., Proprietor. lollectlnif Asenclea. nCHMKLW AriJl BTMKNT CO. Flret National llanlt. Iioiilai KM1. Cornice and Nteel t'rlllnas. CAItTKU HIIKKT metal works. Omaha. Itcntlala. Bailey, the dentlBt, 706 City Nat'l. J). 2.W. Macli .Mach, 3d fl. PaVton. D. lOtvV. Dr. FIcheH, 7'Jt-6 City Nat'l Ilk. Hidg. lr. llKuntner, over Merchants Dg. Htore. Dr. l. A. Hwantner. 7IH-22 IMty Nat. D. 417 DR. DAILKY, Brundels HUlg. D. S'ili".. DR. KLHTKH. tiil2 City Nat l Kk. Rldg. Taft's Dental Hooiiih, i:!l7 Doug. D. 21wT Danclua Avadrnttea. Mackle's Dancing Academy. 181 Harney. Dally claaaes. Mon.. Thurs., Hat, evenings. MI8S MARY KOI.L. W KB. f,OI. Alorand's. IS A Harney. Dancing lesaons Monday and Friday, H p. m. Both phones. AT ..Iiickln'H academy. 12 leHaons: easy payment plan; Monday, Thursday, JSat urday evenlngx. Miss Jewel Simpson. Tel. Webster 41. ' Detectives. Omaha secret service corrective agency. nc. bonded. 4:-! Paxton Ilk. D. 1:119, A-i:tl. CAI'T. T. COKMACK. ,".17 Karbach Blk. llreanuia kin. Terry's I)reF,niaklng College. M A Far. Di ceiiiakiug by day. Phone Web. 371H. lireMinaking home or famlhe. Red 7', ' I 7t KSS iiiCKlXl4byilit uT iTTr Teta Coulter, dresxmaklug. .MR McCague. 4-rt N. IS. M. Scaiilan, allei ationd, Urtwa making. DruBCiet. RF.X Drug Rtore. liith antlCallfornla. DR1IOS at col Bi'!: frclglit paid ou III) orders; catah'KUo free. Sherman & Mol oniu-ll Drug l.o., Omaha, Neb. K er thlua lilci-lrlcal. Fliirgexs-Oianiloii Co., l.'.ll Howard. P. CS1. F.lectrlc lighting fix., wholesale ami retail. HICCOND-iiAND KLF.CTRIO FANii. dvnainos. iKiiltlng dynamos, motors, re pairs. I.e Hi en. H. l-l r St. Doug ;il,.i. M. J. CI UI1AN, wiring. D. fcSl. Johnaton K.lcc. Co.. 411 S. 10th. D. 4.',(i. 1DTII F.lcc. i'o. Motor repulrtnp. D. 6S:',7, ilrlnsT. tora. Feed Mil la aad S Feed, all kinds, tili-ncoe Mills, T12 Isnrd. Florists. A. Iona!iue, 1007 Parnnm. D. lOOIA-lOnl TiKSS it SwbTlODAT14l."rFaTnuiTiTSt. SteWUl t K, tlotiHl AL' M! d.-lllL'll, 11!) N PAlT-stiilori.st17r.' Hro"n St. 16 "Ti BAN 1 F.7s J;J ."oltlsf. Bt-audels" Rldg. 1. 11 KN DI-:Tl S . . If. i'tTFun am D.l "TlAT 1 1 7tTl : LTi; I S'fsT'lToTdlYoater BdgT "BKNN1"I'T'S. cut ffowein. Doug. lii. PROSPECT Hill Floitst. W. 44!H. Fnrnaera and Muvtt Itrpalra. FI RNACi: AND 8TOVE REPAtU.'-t ti fit your Htovo or beater. New furnace, lauuriry lank healers, gas heater, tber moMat and combination wann air and hot water heating. Omaha Move Repsu Works, liMt-o Douglas ei. icl. i.ouglaa luil. A-Sti-'l. A. MtiNKoE, Agt. the Modern Nov elty warm air furnace; estimates cheer fully given. Dong. S'S S lith. (.'mm Brox., furnace it pairs. !f,70 Leatf'tn. W. S llaton, Amer. furnace. II. I'UHSilrlri, Mi-Donald brusa and bronze foundry, alu minum, tin, had --aMing, Uth & Jackson. I'm-e. Vst. FttrCo., repairs, remodels l'-'ll'sr t;ro-erle nnd Mrala. n,.,.,,'. nualitv meals. ! Ctim'.ng All A M Coffee, f-lb. tins. MK-. A.'k grocer. llarurss, addlcr. I. rather Ooud. ; Wlchert. harness, leather goods. r,IO S. 11. j "HARNESS, raddles and traveling goods, j Alfred Cortilxh Co.. V.'IO Farnam tl. i lluaailtal. WISE MEMORlAL:ithand Harney liethany bH.ltal. S.t Marcv. D I'v-l. laanranre. lohtt Dale A Son. Ins. Mo Raniga Blk. TNlTlTlVriN THE OLE N 8 FALLS. Rho1eit-Mntsomer. t'o. Ins Bamge Blk TA I K TO VF.SY. "me policy placer." Al.FBED C. KENNEDY. Fire and Toi nado Insurance. !OH ?"irt Nat I Hrnia. loualas T"?. Iran nnd Wire Fencing. Aui hor Fence Co., in; N. 17. Tel Red !4 Villain Even Takes of the Red Cross of Ore. )11, Tfmf.vwtV Vtm The noise ef battle arouses Claude and he rushes to Join the Italian side. With hi i gees th beautiful Roeamond, who has be come a nurse with th two-fold purpoee of aiding th wounded and of being near her hero, Claude, where th fighting I hottest. There I n heroism like that of a woman. i nUSlXESS I'EltSOXALS j Jetrelry, IHamaoits aad Watchrt, ! OI'KN up a chaise acenunt with us. J Jewelry anfl rlothlns bargain. '-'! S. Lanadrtea. rrtK.VCIf Hani! Laundry. ToL H MI4. FIRST-CLASH laundry ii cuaranteed de. Itvr.ry; call on short notice. Harney W71, SlKRSiJN laundry, 11 N. 24th StT Ttofh phones. HJAKANTKi) LaundO. High grado orK. I'omiaa zsii. FAMILY waahlns;; all work guAr. H J1W. I.lnlitalaa Ro4a. Nebraska Lightning Rod Co. Mo N. 17th. I, am her. H. Oross Lomber A Wrecking Co. Bar gains In lumber, plumbing, machinery and Hteam fitting. IlHt nod Paul. Web. 2SS4. .Macaroni Mannfaetarera, Skinner's macaroni and spaghetti. IPo pkg. Alovtaa Monte aad tleaalng. KXPKKSSMKN'B Delivery Co.-Movlng; furniture packing; fireproof storage. Cltv offhw. 2I . 17th. Doug. 394; Ind.. B-124. UMAJIA Van and Htorage Co. cleans your carpets on your floors; elect i1o vacuum cleaners. DM S. 16th,; S. Uth. Doug. 411. . Twin City Kxpreas, 1S14 Howard. Both Tel. CALL Vornor for laovlng and fire proof storage. Office, A-21&7 and Doug. 215S; WAKKHOCSK. Tyler 1118, B-6118. Furniture mov.; 2 men $1 er hr. W. 2748. ' Mnslc, Art and Langnages. , IUKSPV1' l-' teacher of clarionet 4ml vi0i. S32 8. as. h. m. STRAWN p- K- pl" trol'r, 'nt oillitHlx reader. S19 8. 27th. D. 14S3. Mllllaerrt PF.NNKLL Millinery. Paxton Blk. Latent fall millinery. Haulier, 144 S. ltUh. Moaauirata and Maasuleaata. J. F. Bloom A Co., 17th and Cuming Rt. Oalenpatkv. A lira Johnson, JH- Rrandels The. Bldg. Katheryu Nikolas. tvH-o Brandeis Theate Opticians. B. V. Wurn, fitting A rep'g. 44.1 Brandeis. l'kologrskrra' "applies. TUB ROBERT DEMPSTKR CO.. 1S13-1 Farnam. In their new store; branch store. V B. loth. Oysters. David Cole Oyster Co. Wholesale only. - Plambrrs. Plumbing and Heating Vros1 REPAIR WORK. 1708 Jackson St. D. 1477. Omaha Plumbing Co.. Xi2 (Sherman Ave. PI i tmbinT-ail Wessman, H. A-nT T. F. Balfe, blur Howar.l St. plumbing and beating, T 1. D. 743. Ind. A-2741. Paper Compaales. Western Paper Co., 1.1th and Howard. Patents. HIRAM A. BTCRUEfl. patent lawyer. V. y. and foreign patents, trademarks and copyrights; ;r years' experience. MS Brandela Theater Bldg. Tel. Doug. 84S. d7B"anieli."pajcton Blk. Tel. Red 7tlT Wlllaid F:ddy, U. S. Pat. attorney and solicitor. 1M0 City Nat Bk. Tyler 1UU). 1'katwgrapkera. r.lne.hnrt. photographer. ISth A Farnam, "Bandherg'w Studio, 107 H. l'lfhTlake eTev" Rembrandt slullo; portraltb. 1-4 A Par. raonograph-i. Edison phonographs. Phulta Bros. 14ng Fat Platln. O M All A gILVi: R C ).. 31 S. 1.1th. "Neb. Plating A llrlndlng i'o.,l!tlS Howard Prlntlnu. Low. AY. IKiberTrrintor7o;'!ph;;)n1S BEE BL1MJ. ENTRANCE ON COURT. TiMES PRINT1NO CO., SO 8. 19U. D. Jl'k!. AM. Printing Co., Cuming. D. 7S47. .Phone Ind. A-2hS for good printing. I.yngstad printing Co.. hith Capitol Ave. RI e sT I Til FF tg7 '(. u. Its-H. 14. Ind. A-Sai" Itrstanrants. Bjvter's fine nutck luiifli. M15 Farnam. UET the habit; et at I'tteeda. Cap. Ave. i KiN.A l.ES. ,anlh cafe. 1015 Farnam. Sporllaa tinuda. NEW shopworn gun st low pricea Tow nsend iliin I'o., 1.I4 Farnam. jitaiatarrlsg anil Stutterlnaj. STAMMERlNCr and stuttering cured. Julia Viiiiglin, H.Miiiif Bldg. ' Mtrel lank and Cnlierl loninantea. . N KHHASK A ! miy. 14th and Iowa Steel nut Nicholas. . D. TanV Uteaefraphrrt and tnnrt Hrnartrra, . Myrt'e A. Kelley, 7(S Bran. The. D. fW-1'. storm Ueura and Windows. C -naha Window 8. m. Co. 6l'4 N. Is D. 41 "liulous A Ledwlih, D. 47S. Inl. B 17C lallnrlng. Dunham Dunham. IU sulta ltf S 15. R. A. William, clothes altered. 24 lke. TO SUE. ladlea'-getits' tailor. M Pacific. England Tailoring Co. 16 N. 24. W. IMiJ. Taatdernttata. 1701 Iiavenworth. Doug. fill. Aulabaugh. lent aad Annlaa. OMAHA Tent Co. Tel. R-T Douglas. Trnnka and Bait taaaa. Frellri 4 Steinls, im Farnam S-t. Advantage Mercy AasHSiUaa, Wla Manafaetarers. P. Griffith, wig mfr., 12 I'Yenjter Rlk. H. Wlaea aad Liquors. MAY & CO., family llnuors. V.W, Douglas. Fl lfOTIIKKY "chills Atla. Full cigars. Cafe In connection. 1H 8. 14th Si. WILLOW .prlngH bfr, lhiuor, clgais, sandwiches. Alex Jet' s, 13W Douglua. liftman, g-yr-old why, 10c drink. 14 & Hansen's family LbpiorH. yea Chicago. Meyer Klein, wlnea and llquora. K2 N. 1$. Virginia Dare wine. 8"x-. large bottle. EDICATIOXAIi THE FALL TKUM OF Boyles College IS NOW OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. STCDENTe ADMITTED ANY TIME. Complete courses in Business, Bookkeep ing, Stenography. Telegraphy, Civil Serv Ince and Salesmanship. The catalogue Is ready and free for the a-iklng. Call, write or phone for It at once. Address H. K. Hoyies. presiaent, Boyles College Building. Omaha. OMAHA SCHOOL OF MUSIC. ISth and Farnam; all branches of muHlc taught; send stamp for prospectus. SCHOLARSHIP FRKK to you If you will bring us a (shorthand writer of any system except the Mosher, no matter how experienced, who can write shorthand as rapidly as some of our students now in school. . MoHher-Lampman College, 1S13 Farnain St., Omaha, Neb OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLUUE BEST IN THE WEST." Day and evening sessions all the year. Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping, Agriculture, Civil Service, Salesmanship. E. A. Zartmaii.t Pres.. l'.HIi and Farnam. EVEHYTHIXG FOU AVOMKX. THE IDEAL TLEAT1NO CO., dress pleatings, buttons covered, all sizes and styles. 200 Doug. Blk. Doug. lKa, A-lHHti. LADIES' Beaver Hats Cleaned and Re blocked. RAMSER, HATTER. 211) 8. 14th. SHERMAN, ladles' tailor, llayden Bros. HOL'SEWIVES wanted to bring their old shears and knives to be sharpened by expert workmen. m I'ougiaa. WILLOW Dlumes made from old or new feathers guaranteed. 1953 S. 11th. D. 7'K3. SWITCHES from combings, fl.60; puffs. 13c. Special attention to mall orders. Ce cilia Burns, 83s Paxton Blk. P. ,6263. 3d fl. WILL shamnoo. curl and dress your hair for 50c at your home; facial massage, manicuring. Kathryn I,ane Daly. D. ft-i". REACT1FUL LORRAINE. 8 and 6-room apartments, steam heated and all modern In every respect; IHl to 1M Maple H. Fee these, uoug. wj. MKNUKDOHT. Web. 8713 FOR Clin RI8TMAS T-v r a T T (O Omaha exclusive IjYRA LL. S ra"dV Hh-on-The A-' A UiAJ-A- V home of home tnsde candles. Specials dally. 1518 PouglaM. CHINA PAINTING f(nd GOOD THINGS ;t acd Jrlnk Falataff Buffet. Board of Trade Rldg. Hand-painted china cheap. 2703 Cum. H.3S10 LOWNEY'S for Xmas. Saratoga Drug Co., 24 Ac Ames. BAItKLR JMtOS. TAINT CO. Ij094 Farnam Pt. Doug. 47J0. Ind. A-3S3. A beautiful assortment of stencil out fits and tilierwin-Williams goods. We do glaalng and picture framing at moderate prices. Snit!ltnrinml'1,,anln' dyln. pressing; DUiiaiouum lull die!,s ult for Bale or rent. Sugarman. Slli S. 20lh. D. 4S7. (JNAIIIKS f,,r Xmaa. The best IjiNVIiarjO plng,.r!,, cage, gold fish and dogs. Mux Oelslvr Bird Co., 1017 Farnam. REDL'CED price on ladies' suits and cluHkN this month. Suits and coats moduled at rraxoiiahle cost. Anna Slstek, ladies tailor. -Ij City Nut. Bldg. D. ;, T, AII'S Why not save money for "lJ11 j Nmas by cutting your gas bin in two with our bouse lamps' They make long evenings dolljrlittul; $1.7i de livered. Doug. 17u. JOHNSON UUP CO.. 6J1 8. loth Pt. -CABINET PICTURES $3 Bassett Studio. 0H S. lth. D 740S. DRESSMAKINU and alteration, first class work; prices reasonable. Mls.i F.l(7ia beth O'Connor. 2012 N. lMh. Webster 1410. CHINESE LILIES. 10c. 3 for I'S.-. PA PEE NARCISSUS. 40c p'- doien. THE NEBRASKA SKEI) CO.. Phone D. IBil. I'.U Howard. Ll'XURY and UTILITY ai CtlxL BIN KD in i:i.ECTHlCAL CHRISTMAS lilFTS. Everone, men or women, young or old. will be gind to receive an electrical gift for Christmas. Y( H T'( I WOAl KY appreciate lUUiNtt U UJ1LA, membership In the Y. W. C. A. as a Christmas gift. II F.LP WANTED FE M.V LE Agent and Malranonaen. WANTEl Christian lady as solicitor. C 7t2, care Bee lloasrkeepera and Uoiurstle. THE SERVANT OIRL PROBLEM SOLVED The Bee will run your Douies tl; llelp Wanted ad FREE until you get the desired results. Bring your sd to The Bee office or telephone Tyler 1I. ..ll. for general bouaework; snisll family; best wages. Inquire ajJ3 Capitol Ave. WANTED A girl for general house work; two In family; good wages. 1VJS Dodge. W A NT ED Experienced 221 Hi. Mary'a Ave. second girl. WANTED Experienced a hit girl for general liousework: no washing or Iron ing. Call &4 8. 40th, or plioue Harney 4.10. W ANTE D A girl for general house work: small family. MS N. th. 11. bon. OIRL for general housework; two In family; no cooking. V N. th. WANTED Smart, neat laundreas for Mondays. Tel. Harney 119. pa 8. S3d St. WANTED irl for general housework; no laundry: 17 week; references required. Apply 4J0 Rose Hill Ave, Benson. Neb. WANTED Young girl to assist In light housework In mornings. Tel. Web. UT. By Hershfield 3 And th noble act only put her Into the power of Deamond. That reckless acoun drel, leaning out from the bounding am bulance, cnatche up th devoted girl and one again has her In hi power. Under the protection of th Red Cross he knew he I safe from Italian bullets. "I'm "and' I some." while UK LP WAXTEW FEMALE Jloosekeepera and Doateatlra. WANTED A woman to do washing In private family. Tel. H. 4SJS. WANTKU-A good girl for trencral housework; isniall family. Mr. it. A. rtlmon, Z.ila H. Sid St. Harney 41'H. WANTKI i A competent girl for fc'en ernl houHework. Harney nH4. WA-NTKl A girl for general house work, $. 1S7 So. St. Harney aniH. WANTED Olli of general housework; three in fatnilv; good wages. Mrs. Thos. W. Ilazcn. 7i'4 Spalding, l'hone W-rf-tl3. t.ll;l. fur ireneral houaework: good waices. Anolv Normandy. Apt. 7. 'l'hone Harney 174X. M-'tT nlrl in hmhIhI In houeework and care of children: good home, good wagea; no washing. inrnarut, uoug. i or Harney Mil. WANTED Competent white girl for general housework. 1304 So. rth St. 31 laeellaneons. GIRLS to learn halrdressing: prices reasonable. Oppenhelni. 2M Sty Nat'l Bit. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at St. Mary's Ave. nnd 17th St., where they wHl be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at the Uuion Station. HELP WANTED MALE Aaenta, Salesmen and Solicitor. CITT salesman. W. A. Hlxenbangh & Co'., 1814 St. Mary's Ave. Tel. D .197. WANTED Canvassers with some monoy; permanent paying business. Burch, Paxton hotel, afternoons. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. Look, see. The Little Wonder gas maker being demonstrated at 1911 Farnain St.; own your own gas at one-half usual cost. Bora. "WANTED A good, live boy who Uvea In South Omaha and attends high school; must be 17 years old. Erie Nelson, 118 Cant. Ave. Phone Doug. 75.'a. Clerical and Offlee. "CANO" High grade positions. 60ft Bee. WANTED 6.O0O men to bring their dull rajtors to Undeland's. 1407 Douglas. WANTED YOUNG . MAN, WHO 13 now railroad stenographer, with experience In handling tariffs. Good position, with opportunity of learning: business. Salary, 8100 per month.. APPLY "TRAFFIC." CARE BEE. Factory and J'radea. Drug store (snaps) jobs; Knlest. Bee Bldg. " shopTTaths. no waits. jp lGth. COATMAKER wjnled at once. Holmes, Ames, la. F. L. WANTED A cooper. Douglas 51. WANTED Union brlrklayers at Crof ton, Neb. Two-story brick building. 60x90, Just started. All material on ground: 70c per hour; board and room 85 per week. W. E. Roese, Crofton. Neb. Miscellaneous. GOVERNMENT positions open: list choultig salaries free. Franklin institute, Dept. 213-K., Rochester. N. Y. YOU aro wanted for government Job; l0 per month; send postal forlist of posi tions open. Franklin Institute, Dept. 21t K. Rochester. N. Y. ABLE bodl.-d men wanted for the U. S. Marln Corns between the ages of 1!) and 4.",; must be native born or have first ..........., ., tl ,.. tU ,,.lll,lnr,nl comrensatloii possible; food, clothing, " quarters and medical attendance fre;; ' after SO years' service can retlro with 72': per cent of pay and allowances; service. oa board ship and ashore In all parts J of the world. Apply at l S. Marine !JJ i 'nrno f?f.i-nmnr I if rice. 14(16 rarnam M.. I t imaha. Neb. POO MEN. .0 to 40 years old. wanted at once for electric railway iiiotormen and conductors: $',0 to $n) a month; no ex- pei li-nco necessary; fine opportunity: no sirike. Write immediately for application blank. Address .. care of Hee. ; WANTED Man to work in store. 2."l Cuming St. grocery DRUU clerk, young man. unmarried, all around, experienced; reference re-ouir..-d. C. It. Hoodworth, McCook, Neb WANTED, for I . arm. v. able-bodied gt-s of IS and iiii.inti-rl...! niHti. between ai X: citlrer.s of lolled States, of Kood character and teiniH-rate liaPlts. who can Meak. read and write the English ln.i guai;". For information apply to Re cruiting Of fleer, JSth and Douglas Sis, onialia. Neb.; ti'T 4th St.. Sioux City, la-; IHl N. 10th St., Lincoln, Neb. ri t ll'iO MONTH AUTO I I J S AUTO SCHOOL, OAIAH-' w,tjuaranleea more actual r ll'iO MONTH AVToING. repalilng than anv three other achoola. Some sei;. fofttirt vo'L'aJ.r vo,i!-lVrnalninV?n I . P. Training School. Pi a. tire up It. R. wires. AO. Ires, lor particulars. II. B. Bovles. pirs. U. P. Telegrapli School, Omaha. Nell. STOP! READ! Get Into a paying profession. Learn automobile engineering In our larse. tialnlng shop. Hundred of sue. eesaful graduates. Complete equipment ot automobile and machinery. Address National Auto Train A?h., 62i Uraudels Theater Bldg., On nth a. Neb. l-aulilesa Cleaner, ll.t B. hith. 1. Tt ELIA BLE young mail to handle i4. -rr attractive propoitiuii for a big land and banking concern. Our assistance and co ots ration assures the success of the right lrty. Ii:r7-4Q City Nat'l Bank Bldg. WANTED Meat for Block room, elec trical auppltea; must have experience; good opportunity. J 'IS. Bee. MEN wanted to learn tha barber trade. Ail important announcement Just now. U teach by free work and save yesrt of apprenticeship. No better mork. Jobs always wailing. Sea our offer. Moler barbel Cobege, 110 S. ltth St. the boy!" crlea Deeperat Desmond, can mak this ambulance travs Away he goes - With Rosamond Claude, with pluck, dashes madly after the fleeing villain. It I a mad chase, and we can't tell who will win until w to-morrow paper. 1TELP WANTED MALE Mlseetlaneoaa. WANTED Twenty-five men at Nelson. Neb., to dig1 sewer trenches. Rogers A Wood Co. WANTED A houne man who uses neither liquor or tobacco; wages $4u per month: references required. Apply p.rownell Hall, 10th and Worthlngton. HKU WANTED MAI.F. Oil FEMALE. ANY Intelligent person may earn steady income corresponding for newspapers; ex perience unnecessary. Address Press Correspondence Bureau, Washington, D. C. BOYS GIRLS E&hET at Sell S4 10c iryf St..( each: keen $1.20: send us fl. !0. Jewe sent free. Schroeder Co., 809 Idaho Columbus Neb. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE lloraea and Vehicles. FOR SALE All kinds of good hors 918 N. 2ist St. 'Phone Douglas 60(0. FOR BALE A good driving mare. B. A. Simon. 2315 South 32d Ht. Harney 4101. TEAM good workers, flS.OO. Gross Wrecking Co., 21st and Paul. ONE team mares, a and 8 years old, weigh 2,700 pounds; sound. Must sell quick. Harney ii-Ji. 47KS Bcward. H. H. Flotb. LOST AND FOUND FOUND The best i place In, town for switches made of your own comning- Mrs. Flaher. 5n S. ISth. K. t. uoug. i IX)ST A white mare, right front Ifbt thicker than rest. Address John Klavlck, on Avery St.. South Omaha. PERSONS having lost - soma articles would do well to call up the office of th Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they, left It in the street cars. Many articles each day are turned In. and the company Is anxious to restore, them to the rightful owner. Call Doua- OMAHA i- COUNCIL' BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. LOST Gentlemalva grey buckskla glove, near Bennett's store. Finder pleaet 'phone Web. 8997. Reward. MEDICAL BEST bracer for men. Gray's Nerva Food Pills, fl per box, prepaid. Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. MOENY TO LOAN Salary and Chattels. VUY USE OUR MONEY? BECAUSE yon ean borrow It on y.n HOUSEHOLD FIjR-N 1 TU Kri, riA.ioa, ItTriMdRIl.ES. RANK BOOKS. WA Ut " HOUSE RECEIPT, REAL ESTATE an SALARIES In a few Hours' timo, pu- i.aii anri rttl'lPKR than any othai. concern. NO MATTER HOW CTIEAP THEY ADVERTISE. You may refund the loan In email weekly or monthly payments that soaa; get you out of debt. Our business Is aa private aa a bant and your friends, relatives and employer know nothing about it. No delay. Eaca application given prompt attention. Call on ua for meney to pay all your bills and you will find It quick and easy RELIABLE CREDIT CO. Third Floor, 208 Paxton Block. 217 S. 11 'Phones: Douglas mi ana a-mii. s TO 5il00 $10 TO $100 i ! 9f LOANED TO ANYONE We villi procure a loan for any- W body who owns furnlturet pianos, l t hnpaaa t. m ...... n .m-nna Vl I ll (i t ,1 S t , fnjy xsltion-at the most rea- $ i w sobs ble charges. All we ask Is your ti t -.,. ... ,,. v rel taoe. No St ( Uelav VI 1 u M n ii iii installments of II. In Installments of fL85. in installments of No other charges. N Loans made from one month to ' one year. GUARANTEE LOAN CO., (Small Loan Depart merit.) 5? 1 1 304 Wltliocll Blk. Over Neb. Cycle Co. IS It N. K. Cor. 1flh and Harney. Us 1 11 liottgias Hr,; mo. A-l c. 1 Chattel Loans, AT REASONABLE RATES. 6 Nebraska Loau Co., 2-J) Bee Bldg. ' Douglas 1366. A-1.C6 MONEY loaiied salaried people, women keeping house and others, without s- Pnk Bid... formerly N. Y. Life Bid. (tlM fffffffffffftf ! St Mjmnv fnr l'fori' iOiK JlOIie IOr lj er) DOU) M U( 41(1 tn ilTkl It It LOANS ON FURNITURE, PIANOS It SALARIES. ETC It at charge you can afford, and as t without the red tape and delay you St M experience wuh other companies. It U ESTABLISH YOUR CREDIT n II HERE, it's aa GOOD AS A BANK I tl ACCOUNT IN TIME Or NttU tU NOTE THESE RATES: t li , 110. yon pay back Ill.V). "JI It 116, you pay back I7.00. I you pay bacg I.H.W. VjO you pay back .!. NO OTHER CHAROES. Weekly or Monthly payment. OMAHA FINANCIAL CO.. H-10 Brog Blk. Opposite Bran- a If dels. 8. E. Cor. lth and Dougiaa l t M J'hon Douglas 3038. A t M V I I I I f I I II I I I t f $ f III II I I DIAMOND loatis at V and h per tenu W. C. Flstau, lilt Dodga. Jitd Hvi. I 'A Ti tfl Hi If t f it SB M IS