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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1911)
10 TUYi JtKK: OMAHA. MONDAY". XO'KMBKU l!u. 1911. Jeff Lost a Lot of Time Learning Foot Ball By "Bud" Fisher JWT W 6 TO r-rm- j . r- m nv&Kt So X " vev CUft to xnti SmmaML VT rV4D TV rvJteVM Ct PtXv. QUMCTdtl C J '.J sNUY PVCM - NOW i LT NAN "YOlJt WAT( M 1" r NO TM 4VT CAf.t TH AaLU CIK6 TV CeTR. Vj?t THy 6(MJ. (SCK TO si- WkW. J i A a j . - I.J J til A Wf " . . . wntt WIT J sw , -1 - , , nrltT H t T.vr. , ATTACK OF TEAM EXCELLENT Cornhuskers Show Kansas Beit Scor ing' Pluyj of Several Year. MUCH DRIVING POWER IN BACKS I. liar mf fnrnprilii Itlaplara Attaoklntf J'ot-pc that Mhatlrra MprlaMr Prrpar4 Orffmr aatl Ulvra ' Hole, for fiala. Not i.lnte tb Oaya of '-Btimmy" Kooth , Imva th CornbvwkerB had an elvn tlit I worked wo smoothly, no pronliely and thitt v. o rura of Itsoif a thai loam tha.t j k hipped KMikaii on MoCook field Hatui--iln. Thera ma a lift and rirlva to tlie ; aiic k that cniialnly never waa 'en on . a ('oruhimker elovsn coa:hed hy Colo. and It ai unllVe anything that haa been ; dlaplayed by tbe Comhurkers In any ; game thla fall. In the MlNsoort battle the C'ornhuckera ran away with the Rama teiuaa they . had ativolutely, no (iiipoiiltlon. It waa ' airnply a case of taking the ball and .running throut;) a aliattered Una or round two extremely waak lendn. But la the Kunmia Ram. It took brain, apeed . and conconttated efforta to win, and the ,' t.'ornhuakera had alL I Tbe Kaniaa line waa torn to piece ' airnply becanae the Nbnink forward took the Jump on their opponent every ! lima and ahored tlicm out of tlie way. i Tte . Netiraaka, tacklea did not wait for I the Jayhawker opponent to come at j them; they went Into the Kanaaa tackle mid bowled them over. The guarda r.t , tbaXebraaka aide ripped through. Elliott at center. aye had hi man out of the i way, Thla big Cornhukor playod wtth ' aoctt abow of auength and ginger that he j 4eaenrei a high plare In HlWaourl valley feot ball record thl fall. Harkflelat Kaat aad (. IB the baukfleld the Comlnmker liad ! a attack that could not ba checked. ' Owia Frank, who proved the etar tt tb ' gam, waa a marvel. Ilia ability to j earry tUa ball through any pait of the ' line or around end waa astounding, j Frank, did not wait for openings to be point, out; h found them hlmanlf with t romarkable qulukn and ducked Into them. It charged agalnat tacklerr l eluded them and puahad on for gre! . galua. He tnuat have averaged fifteen ! yards en hi ball-carrying attempt, a ' moot remarkable feal ' fo prove that hla work wee not alnurfy ' that oecaaloned by sudden atrengtb In the ! opening half. Krank went back Into the i (una in ina iinm m touchdown. a aoon aa he entexea toe game the attack of the Cornhuaker be. rffetK-a and the ball waa ruahed j down the field for a aoora of six more j points, I Little Ernie Krank dianlayad bis excel ' lent dodging and runtng qualities on two ' brilliant occaslone. One of theae was hla ! ncnaatlonal return of a punt for a touch i down. The aecond came at the klckoff ; or the second half. The little fellow j caught the ball and raced It back fifty frve yards before he could be brought to i t he turf. fetbeeia Kick. tustjclteally. tilbeun. playing at fullback In the open ing half, waa never ao brilliant ua la thla same. Hla puma were very long and of the wurt that is hard for bake to handle. They went off quickly. Olbaon did better than ttaual In carrying the ball, and his plunge with the oval for the ar-ond louchdown, after being tackld. waa on of the really good featurea of the gains. Nebraska's endjt were atars. Their rapid down field work prevented galua on the return of pirota and time after time Quar- lerback Hell or tbe Kaaaaa eleven waa tackled where he caught the oval. Warmer' a gtmeralahlp maa the best he has ever shorn n. The plsya he called In he fir at quarter could not have ben bet ter, and to him inucli credit for the first touchdown must be given. The succees uf the forward paaaea of the Comhunkera, encouragea Nebraska aiipporterm to tbe belief that the team mill ia able to soore on Mirhigatr. 'When the Curnhuekors really wanted to'cruaa the goal 11 ao of the Jahamkera baturUsy tbey uaed the'pauaa and majn good. tVar ner and O. 1'riuik both pazaed the ball accurately, and the receiving playera al ways gTaaped tbe oval, and with three exceptions, held It. ajtrfraM Heart mt I 'all. Nabraaka'a interference was tb beat of the fall. It funned rapidly and there was a deul of 11 belore the runner. The game waa free from fumbling, and Belt bur team lost much through thla fault. The rn hubkera held the ball aecurely all the and were the gamma om-e through a bad fumble new U.e a'aneaa goal. era mm a hard one, not a member on (lie aquad Buffered serious Injur!;-, and the plnyer nhould be In the bcHt of con. dltlon for the final game of tbo tr.aon. Omen Frank suffered ft aliaht Injury In the lart few inli)tita of play nnd the real of the pluyerg wrre rllchlly hruMnl, hut In belter ahape than on the day following uny big game this peaeon. 'reparations are going rapidly forward for the hlcg-t game of the nhedule. For the flrat time In It htntni; . Michi gan will af-nd team trmt of tn M. aourl liver and frotn all appeivancee m-lll he greeted mith a tomai-ible iralberins of foot ball enthusiast-.. .Manairv ISager has completed th ar ratigementa for the niAatlng apace and evrry available foot of ground ori the athletic fMId will be utilised. Stands have been erected for the full length of the field on both eklea and alanila, slightly elevated, have benn erected on both ends to occnrnmndatA Ihoae, holding genentl ad mlaalon tickets. The Michigan alumni have completed arrangement a for a hlg banquet at which it la expected that fully IK) graduates of the Maine and Blue school will be present. The Fort Crook hand has bven secured to furnlah music for the occasion and n number of prominent men In the middle went will rexpoml to toavta. On the same night the annual Corn huaker banquet will be held and it I. ipected that a larger crowd will attend una arrair tnan In recent years. With hundreds of alumni returning Saturday to wltnesa the Michigan game, the man. agement In cbarao of the h.n.,.,.. pects upwords of 4C0 in attendAnce. Many novel new stunts have been arranrx.i ro ths banquet. HEgnitkA I'LIVKBI RKTl KN Luaab.aal.era la Utccllcat Iwadltlata . . for l-laal Praetlee. LINCOLN, Neb.. Nov. U.-hp UI Te.e gram. Tbe Co.iiuucker foot ball aujjl leuirned huma SunJy morning and waa oust at the d'-pot by a crowd of admlrera. Ariaugemruta are now ou fdot for a ape c)aj calebration for the Kanaaa victory on Ue university campus Monday morn log. The Coriihussers are In excelleat shspe for the final week of practice In tbe foot ball acauion of U1L The meek will be apent hv the hardst scrimmage and signal work of the reaeoni. fcUehm being Intent bpon whipping hla Uam Into the best of condition for toe big game with Michigan (.eit fiaturdsy afieruoou. ' . a tit Vat Us with the Jajbawk- ATHLETICS INJHE GRADES Boyi of Omaha School, to Be Con erted Into Athletei. CLASS A1JD TEAMWORK STARTED Cwaalatl..; ( Medal. tbe iadle t be ahTC Greatest Ameaat mt Kfflrleany. tendeT ' i? m-work by Superin tendent Qraff and Prof. Carn.-tr!.yi out for tb. flrat time thl. f.,, ,ltt, vk most satlafortory results and ! -u-.pended inning ., "h" SJSn ,Way" who ontered tba 0m.ha ,chooI b give thanks for the healthy and mell-de. veteped bodies they will p0lll,M,. oMtt!!.ib"-ta,,,,,B of t1"4 "rh001 year ,h H...?T "tontly printed ItaeJf for solution. Should all the boy f . " Blv,n th Unt "f an thleuo tralnln, or should all attention " on a lavoied few? a raff and .rL?!. mVOlld 5,,m competitive -v.,,.llc. wnerein all boys lrreapeotlve of their apparent physical might oompete. Thrme eUaees of athletic, were organlaed and a badge for each tUaa-goId. allvmr and bronse-offered to the winners In dividuals were Impressed with the nec.s alty that their class work should bs of the brat. Kacl, day Prof. Carna conducts hi classes In jumping, running and lifting. Tbe whole school corneals. 1' the Jede. Only the boys whose effort, attitude and deportment are satisfactory to the prln clpal are allowed to enter the tct The principal. Is the sole Judge. The system haa Increased the popularity of principals tenfold. In order to win one of the badgea a boy mtiet qualify In all four event In the rta-s In which he entere. j ne standards are: f'laaa 1-C.old filled hariar Vn'?1. ".L,!,""Twr",y.:,,,,t "onds. :. v"""""ai ine limes. Inche'a? Kh J uu",ou- f-t four lncheadlnS: Brf J"np-Sevn feet thrv. Class S Kilver badge. 0-Vard laah-t eeco.iiln. riill-up HIM tlmna. Itunnlng Hla-h Jump-Three Inohe. Standing Hroad Jump (' Inches. Claaa Hionae badge, i v V rd Iah-7 tmvndi. Pull-up Four times. Running High Jump-Thte feet four Inchea Slandlng Bread Jump-Five ft nine Inchaa. Following are the rule governing the events: Trials-There shall be only une trial In running and churning, three ttiala In Jumping. If needed. Chinning The boy may take any hold on the bur, he ahi.ll exieud himae'.f to Id full length before and after each pull-up. and ahall be obliged la raise hla body without a kick, snap, Jeik or sing, to auch a height as to bring hla chin higher than the bar. Jaaaplaa; mm tlaawtag. Jumping The stand ng broad Jump. Two parallel lines, tl.e right dtarK-o gpart. afjul be marked oa tns g;ound. or on a mat If held Indoors. Tue con testaat must toe ous llns aud have boiU hel enUiely over tbe other line at Ui end of his lump. Crow-hopping Is not perraJtttd. Itunnlng High Juinp The bar shall be started at a point .Is Inches below tits standard and raised two Inches at a time, the contestant to t glxtn three trial (If besaar t each height. Three Crack Members of Yale's Defense Gridiron Corps t : '".'I I t ::'.'.'-'" i'$ l m-a-m. a ""f s r 't ' 1 L r.-'v-'i: V'K',;'f'.'y'' I I 2 i j, ' i; 1 : V4' .' " Z ( )'. - 1'AivV JJ .... mw Ik ' : , - fx V; r fu ; - i ' ' )J Cl":- . SCUL.LT,. Tackle.; Clvarley Iaut, a veteran of Tale's line and one of Us most dependable men on defense, who Is expected to rP great boles in the forward column of the Har vard machine when the big game of the year take, place next Saturday, Novem ber :i i MICHIGAN, i lr PENNSY, 9 Craft of Yost and Speed of Craig: Overcome- Visitors. TRICK PLAY ' BRINGS VICTORY Uame.aa VVhol Indlcalem 1 here is l.lHle to (boose Between Two Eleven Mercer Able t rierve ' lefroae. reet feet C4 alx ANN AllUOU. Mich., , Nov. W.-The craft of YokI and the speed of "Jimmy" Craig, overcoming the wonderful Indi vidual playing of Miner and the deadly right leg of Marshall, enabled Michigan to defeat the I'nlveralty of Pennsylvania foot ball team. II to II, in an ley blltiard on Ferry field yratmday afterncon. MU hlguji scored a touchdown in the I econd quaiter and Couklln missed goal. The tm hdown wlili-a won the game was the result of a double pass during the la-M few minutes of ploy and Craig carried the ball over after a twenty-Blx-yai d sprint. Conklin nutdo inn, goal, Two thrilling inns by Captain Mercer, totaling iiKie than lidy yard, gave I'ennaylvaula a touchdown In the third quarter, and Mloda kicked goal. In the final period, a. few tntnutea brf.jro Micl.t gan won the game, Marshall was substi tuted for Thayer and he executed a per fect drop kick fron the twenty-five-) srd lino. Uefeu.1 waa starlug MJcbiagn in tbe face when tho trick play brought victory. Michigan's interference atarted to tbe right and the red and blue secoiidary de fence followed It. Then the ball was shot to Craig, maltlug far to the left, and after dodging two men and outsprlntlng an other, he croaacd the Pennsylvania line. There was little to choose between the tmo elevens. Mercer, tbe star of the game, maa the only Pennsylvania man able to pterve Mi-hlgan'a defense, and he also out punted Meek by using better Judgment In placing his ktrka. Michigan made gain afler gain through the Penn sylvania line, one touchdown coming a. a direct 'rU Mirhlgira orf.tnsrlve and de frnsive l-.n-o. Tha gutuc mas clean and nappy. mina Ivaula aufleivd mo. e from peualliea, u. Ing ullty of holding on two or three critic! occaUns. Unoup: M ICl 1 lO A N P I : NX'S VLV A MA. BOWElSLLn, Guard STOYE LEAGUE WAITS FOR PA MARQUETTE FIGHTS TO WIN He Will Bring Back Interesting Creifhton, Though Outweighed, Puts News from the South. Up Plucky Battle. SWIFT WORK IN BACK FIELD TO TELL OF HIS LUCK AT JOPLTN Con Mti Uulmi , Kaynoi' . Pm tenon linnet . itul ... TvriMl .. MrMUlan treig ... Walla'... Mek . . -1 r.. 11 K. , ...L.O . H.U... c. .. UJ. ,..., ...U T.; .. H F.. I.K.... ...4 M l y.H... ...I..II 1 it H... . It II i l-H... ..F II r F. It. Slay He Able tu Aatioaaee tbat srlns Meetlaa uf the Western l.eaa tVill He Held Here. The key to .ucceee to 'ous'.ness is ths JuUcious and persistant uce of utmtpapcr adrertlalbaV Jourrlei I'lllOJI 11ru)lel.ii Monia .. Wolferth Hell Touru; M.i.d .. Kenned .... Thayer Nlereer it ' . M.Dstttuttona: tor Michigan Cnrpel fur Torbeti. Itueucl for WcIIn. For Pennavl vaniaSpruai:e f..r Youna. Maratuii for lhajei. Touchdowns: A'ill, Craig. Mercer. GokI fr.nn toilchitown: Conk lin. Mind. Field Koul: Manhall. Frlshtfal Spaaaaa uf the aton.a p. Hcr torpor, lam back and weak kldnea are overcome by Kl-c-tno Klttera. auaranteed. tV For sal by ataatua liug Cw Spoil gokxtp urouud the P.uuiKe smuiil house la n-aroe these day and the round er sre anxiously awultlng the return of Pa Rourke from San Antonio, miiere he has been attending tho meeting uf r'o feaeioiuil baie ball men, for it la known tbat he mill hate a burnt, of real hot tuff to hand out for the nrxt few day. Chief item among this same hot stuff 1. what luck Pa had in closing the deul whereby th Kourtie will spend a full month In Joplin prior to the opening of th Western league season next year. It has been suited that Pa mill train In Joplin next spring If he can complete ar rangements wit It the powers that be at that place. Before h left for the south Pa said he was sure tbat things were atlafactory aud tbat th terms which ha offered mere O. 1C, and all that re mained wus for ll in to take a glance over Hi grounds at Joplin and cloee the doal. It la the intention of Fa to take hla whole squad about March 10 to Joplin, where he mill remain with the bunch until April 10. The Western league e:,on will, In all probability, open on April 1) and therefore the Kourkes mill be able to play a few icamea on the may home. That tb trip Pa made to Sun Antonio ma not trultlea maa evidenced by th fact tbat tmo new pl'.chera were acquired by him from the Minneapolis team for the team. It 1 understood that Mr. Rourke whl'e In the Tcxae city, maa working hard to locate the meeting of the Weatern league owners next spring . In , Omaha. , At .thla meeting the schedule will be drawn up and several other Important l.-vjurs rel i tlv to th mi season will be broiwht up for discussion. It Is understood thst the Western league managers and oeners at split up regarding tbe 1-Ji-gJin sched- MllvianUce Men Hall l Forty-Fear Points Agaiust Sevrateea "cored by Omaha Team One-Mded from Start. MlLWACKJiJ-:. Wis., Nov. IS.-iSpe Telegram.) Creighton. although out melglied almost to the man, furnished Marquette with a surprise and gave the sturdy Wisconsin team one of the hard est games of tho aeason. The .core at the end of the first half mas ?7 to 17, and at the finish, to 17, for Marquette, The grounds were hard and both teams depended upon the forward pass for gaining ground, llucgle played a star game for Marquette. A fluke and trick play gave Crelghtou tmo touchdowns In thla half, with Pool, fullback, allowing up In great form. In the laat tmo quarters Marquette tore through their light opponents and brought the acore 41 to 17. l.linlon, who ment in for lluegle, made tm-o touchdowna and kUked both soul. The linup : I CREIUHTON-. MAHOl'ETTK. .... Madden FRANKLIN ACADEMY - PLAYS HASTINGS TO HE FRANKLIN, Neb., Nov. 19 tpecial.) The Franklin Academy and Hastings foot bull teams played a tie game Friday, the score standing & to 5 at 'the end of the game. Franklin made lta touchdown after a twenty-flvc-yard run by Arnold, but failed to kick goat Hustings mude a touchdown about four minutes before the close of the game, and alno . fulled to kick goal. The Franklin team is feeling good over the game, aa they consider It a victory, inasmuch u Hastings has been playing in fast company this year and were considerably heavier thun the home lairs. Franklin now claims the champion ; ship of the Republican valley, having defeated Heaver City, Red Cloud, the high school here, and have only lost to the Norton, Kan., ' county high school team, mho used their coach, who Is a crack university foot ball plsyer, to win the fe-ame. OAKLAND HIGH BESTS WAYNE PRINCETON HEADS BIG FODF One Championship Settled Among Big Foot Ball Teams. GOPHERS AND BADGERS IN TIE If Chicago Defeat IPVIaroaela la Next Saturday's (Verne Mloncaota Will Lead lit HIM, with Maroi.Dn ecoad. Princeton has won the championship of the "Bij Four'' in the east. The Army and Navy elevens, both un beaten, remain to cloah for supremacy at Philadelphia Saturday. Harvard a nd Yale, the ugh still among the top-notchers, must nettle their ancient rivalry this week-end, each with the Htlr.g of tm-o defeats. ' Pennsylvania, four times beater, ha loHt much support as a favorite in its an nual clash with Cornell. Dartmouth has ended its Fcason, de feated by Princeton and Harvard In such close contests thnt it may easily lay claim to a plnce among the lenders. FonnsylvanU State, still unbeaten, looms formidably for Its last game with Pittsburgh anil for recognition by tho.e who peek to define the eastern champion ehip. The Carlisle Indians, too. remain a strong eleven and favorites for the two more games on their schedule Hi-own ami Johns Hopkins notmlthstnndlntr their progress was marred by defout by Syra cuse. Tho Intorsectional championship Is an undefined honor, as tbo defeat of the Michigan team by Cornell In the east was evened when tmo eastern teams foil vic tim to western foot hall Saturday Penn sylvanla at Ann Arbor and Cornell at Chicago. Gopher nnil Iladac-rs Tied. Irf the "Big Kighf circlo of the middle west the situation la complicated by (he tio ganus between .I!unesuta und Wlscon sin, leaving the Gophers und Badgera tied for first honor.- as the games stand. Wis consin meets Chicago on the latter s grounds Saturday and If Chlcogo wins it gives MmnirotJi tho leadership with a record of no defeats and ono tie game. This outcome would place Chicago sec ond and Wisconsin third. If Wisconsin defeats Chicatfo, the present tio wltli Minnesota continues unsettled. Plinoii, Northwestern, lima, Indiana and Purdue stand in tho order named amons the con ference teaniH. i-rinceton .i victories carry with the one name must conspicuous in or. iiKiivmuul stMrs ko lar, that am V bite, the minner of n.ur.y a ball game for the Timers, hut who corning to tho Interesting report, tlcally had io bo dragged -on to the Iron, for he had never liked foot H Is credited with senHiLt ion u I which won both from Harvard arid Yale J he point-to-point atandlnr of thn i-o.i ln eaatern teams to date is: Team. Prlneeton . - - Tale ", Harvard Arinv Navy Cornell Pennsylvania Pennsylvania state... Dnrtinoutli Carlisle Scored. 17 IM .... SW ,.119 . 5S .110 .1W .121 .w7 t hem the of biwe uc- pi uc-gi'M-1 all. pUy.i Opr.. 15 K. S II " J 1 Administers Ms tu otbin shuteat t'pon Slippery Field. OAKLAND. Neb.. IVov. 19.-(?pecial Telegram.) Oakland High school defeated Wayne High school, C to 0, yester day on a very' slippery field, two Inches of .now falling Jut before the game. Tli local scored on a trick forward pass during the third quarter. Punting was resorted to. as long rungs mere some what out of the question. Harry Larson, Oakland's midget end, featured In acv eral long run In . the snow. Oakland plays Norfolk soon. LIGHT, OMAHA BARBER, IS SUCCESSFUL MAT ARTIST That wrestling Is not a played out game because there seems to be no one able to cope with tho champtou Frank Gotch le pi-oven by Jack Light, an Omaha barber, mho In the laat week haa had three matches and has been victorious In all of them. Lijfht returned from Decstur. Neb., Thursday, where lie defeated "Gent' Mc.Mai.l8at, a youth who has won considerable prominence In tbat rectloi of the state, and Wednesday evening lie grappled witU one "unknomn- in Wood bine, la. At Sprlnghlll, III., a suburb of Rock Island, over 600 sports from Rock Island, Molino aud Davenport turned out to see the Omaha maareur who mas the principal attraction. Utht ha tmo matches In Iowa for this meek. Desperate Khoetlag; pains In the chest require quick treat ment with Dr. King's New Discovery. Prevents pneumonia. IQc, $1.00. For sal by Beaton Drug Co. Itrennan Wood worth ... Hollh?lev Weteriibsgen Mci'usKer UK. R H. UT.ft.T.. .L.l.ilt.(i.. . . .O.iC .KOjLO.. Taylor .... Stapleton Hanley Hopkins Morgenvaller Heller Miller ... Balderon piiscba Tom.eaon Vater K.T. L.T. Ci.rtlb KH.,U... s hller-Capweil..o. y.... W notion IM. I.H. Il'ieftle 1..H KH. Munsell-Ttiack y..F.iK.... r'ubHtituttoua: Cupmt-il for Hcballer. Wolf for Murdell, Lludon for Hueale. Toucli. idowns: Miller (.'I. Madden. Ituetrle. Wood tmoiib J), Waldrun. l.lodon u'i, Capmell. Gol from field: Schaller. Ooala from touchdowns: lJi.uon cJi. liu.gla (ji, Toml i Kit. Referee; Korbler of Chicago. L'm pire: Hannlflu. Field judge: Fox. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS Mrs. C. W. Itruce of Atlantic, la , is visiting relatives here. Theodoio C. Woodbury of New York, pirmdt-ui of the Omaha Water company. M In Omaha, atopiaiia; at ti.e llenenuw! ll Is here in the lnia-ret-t of the W star cotniaay la its fight with tn city. BBmmm.VBSBnBBBBBBBm VA TRIUMPH IN THE ART OF BREWING 1 THE HADING BEER IH THE KIDDIE WEST I-'ainilr Traama bupptjoU b, Cbaa. bturc. Phones Wcbatar