Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 20, 1911, Image 1

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    he Omaha . Daily
Our MapzbB Fntsres
-. ttasssT. Brttw ud
(tcHTM t t f tTA
siNci.i; c urv two u-:nts.
D. N. Dickinson Was Sentenced to
Two Years at Deer Lodge,
Operated in Jiontana City the Same
as He Had in Omaha.
It to Face Trial This Morning for
Wagei Due an Employe.
Operates la OnakR lnder Ik Name
of Me.jro" anil tbe 'Het Nprlnga
Hectors,' sue Last 'Tae
M.r rises Vf., I
DKIiR LODGE, Mont., Nov. 1J.-D. X.
Dickinson, physician, entered July ,
chechanred order of court. December 12,
1. Charge, griuid larceny, sentence,
two years. FRAN TC CON LET. Warden."
The foregoing telegram received
from Warden Conley of the Montana atate j
prison at Deer Dodg. Mont., in answer i
. t'i an Inquiry aa to whether or no D. X.
J Mcklmciu, aba "Tho Mrvlue . Veno."
Vied been In hie Institution.
It haa developed that IMckinaoa wa ar
itsted after noma operation in Butta. in
n. soon after leaving Omaha, where
).! boasted he had cleaned tip I.OOa lie
van operating In Butta tha same sort of
nk. medical cure ha had operated in
umaha. Jiiet previously and tha earn Kind
he has been maintaining again lo Omaha
for tha last few weeks.
A man who worked for him in IMS auyt
Dickinson took In 112,000 In eleven days
in r.ntte. retting his psr. either In cash
or notes In advance and giving guaran
tees that ho would cure tho patient or
refund the money. According to lilm Plck
tnoti was attempting to leave town with
tho money n'ben he wae arreetedT"
So far as known his present us of the
n.ima 'Ven'' Is tba first he haa made
r It slnre 19(13. He has at tiroes ueed the
name of "Mayo" and "The Hot Springs
DoctorH," and bis operated under both
these names In Omaha,
Dickinson .Is scheduled to appear in
Justice Altsudt's court at o'clock this
morning, tn a ault .brought by O. Koevary,
former employe, to recover SM for aerv
Ires, for which h Says the' "doctor" re
fiibed to psy. All the furniture and ap
pliances in the "doctor's" office at 1408
Farnam were placed under attachment
The "doctor" does not claim to be a
physician. Tils plan Is to hire some im
pecunious doctor with a real diploma, and
let him make the diagnosis of disease and
prescribe- remedies. The doctor who has
recently been working for him and who
quit tsys, however, that he would bs
ordered to , hand , put a . bottle tt oMt .
- wncn aiways on nana for, tho patient.
Mother Powerless
to Rescue Her Son
From Drowning
SIOUX I AXJ..S, S. V., Nov. IP. (Spe-
nal.) rurtlculais have reached here of
tli drownlns of Alexander Fatrburne, a
young man who Uvtd with hla parents
near the Sllxnourl river in the northern
part of Charier Mix county. The drown-
l(iK had unusually pathetic fea.tu.res. The j
young man bad gone to the Missouri river i
for a pall cf water, and ventured too!
f r out on tli ic, which broke, pteelp taU
In him Into the rirer. lie manased to
Ki'tiep tho edge of the ice, and was hold
ing on for dear life whim his mother.
alarmed because he was gone longer than
usual, hurried to the river bank and dis
covered his perilous position. She used
hr utmost efforte to rescue her son, who
wits fast becoming bonumbod and weak
ened, but her strength was not equal to
Hie tusk. She hurried to the horn of a
neighbor for astlstance, but this neighbor
chanced to be away from home and
valuable time n:u lost In summoning as
slstsnce from another neighbor. When
th distracted mother returned to the
liver with help her son had disappeared,
having been unable to hold on longer,
ari'l hart sunk to his death In tho Icy
waters. Hie botlv has not yef been re
covared. and probably will not be until
M'niarl Rabber Dies.
GAr.UrlRVRO. III., Nov. lA-feter
llltl-. 23 years old. confessed member
"f a band of robbers that for month
lrrorlied merchams of Galenbuig and
vicinity, died today of a bullet wound
Inflicted a month ago by Heputr Hherlff
1'iank Honker. The fatal ahot was fired
while Wihtls was attempting to escape
rret. A eoronere jury' today held that
Hookar shot WHIM In rierformance of
his duty and exonerated the officer.
"orcart for Monday:
ixir Nebraska air.
i'or Iowa Fair.
I'or Missouri Fair.
For Kansas Fair.
For North and Suuut Ia.oi-Fair.
Tewperatar at Uraukit Yesterday.
tuusarsilia local Record.
111. I'MO. 190 m
tl J) cti dS
-4 It o4 41
M S 4 lu
.CO ." Mi .W
Highest yesterday..
Low est yesterday...
.Mean temperature..
I rw lpila.tlun
Temperature aui prtcipuat.on depart
u:f from th normal:
Normal piecipiiaiion .. W Irch
Deficiency for th day '3 lU'-h
t'r;lpltailon since March 1 lii .'7 tm hui
Deficiency ni Mir .'i I... .14 M l-.:ciis
Deficiency fgr ior. pe.icd. lii .14 13 li.--hea I
I All t.,krl AI 5a.
I iv.-iiiu I a. m -
I ttbRojie I a. in zt
I Lit r..tuin. I g a. m j,4 I
Hev -J a. in ; I
7 jiL ;
i r 11 a. m At
m !'.;!'.;'.;;; w
1 P- ni 7
- P- ni yj
S ra 49
P- m 4 J
i p. in 4g
t p. tn 47
i ai
i-iscea for cor. period, I'X-s L'.4 Inches
U A, WLL-Jli. '.jval If ci tea! itr.
Roosevelt Attacked
by Henry as Advocato
of Real Absolutism!
WASHINGTON. Nov. 18. -Declaring
llll iiirouoiw riuj Tit Uiaur .IHJI' j
anoer nanimon ioor iiko a novu.e a an
advocate of absolutism, representative
I Henry of Texas. chahroAn of the hoiis
I committee on rules, Issued a formal state
ment tonight In answer to the former
president's views on the trust question In
his recent edltorfal In tho Outlook.
Mr. Henry asserts that Mr. Koosevclt,
through his "message." Is feeling the
pulse of tha American people for a third
term, that be ts "discredit Mr.
Tuft and Mr. Wickarsharo.' and predict
that he will "find th road te the presi
dency 'rocky' while he Is running for a
third turn) with the steel trust snugly
sitting aatrido Ills shnulde'.s."
The damouratio congressman, who re
cently mado public proposed ainendnienu
to the Sherman law, providing that trust
criminals be furred to wear "felons'
stripes," aassils Mr. Hoosevelt ;)ufly for
what he terms his advovacy of "legisla
tive courta" aod "legislative executives."
ilr. Roosevelt's attack on the tobacco
trust, llr. Henry doerrlbea as "a terrific
Indictment of the president, Department
of Justice and circuit court In New York."
"It looks like Mr. Roosevelt Is right
here," lie continues, "and I say 'lay on
MacDuff "
Charging that tho trut commission It1
Mr. Roosevelt's issue, tbe Texas con
gressman says in conclusion:
"This will make him the candidate of
tbs steal trust, which he defends, and
the advance agent of the reactionaries,
not th progressives. In my opinion he Is
harnessing himself up with tha wrong
crowd and on a mighty bad ivsuA,and
even Mr. Taft and Mr. Wickersham can
whip him in his part ."
Ambassador from
Russia in America
NEW ' YORK, Nov. 19.-Jeorge V.akh-
metieff, the' now Russian ambassador to
tho United Suues. arrived In New York
today and left for Washington. The com
ing of tha new amiaa?ador Is of greater
Interest than ordinarily attaches to a
shift of diplomatic representatives, for
he arrives at a time when a wave of
popular - and official protent is at. its
height against his government because It
refuses to honor American passports with
out discrimination against the Jews.
It ix understood the ambassador comes
empowered to negotiate a revision of the
treaty of friendly relations of eventy-nlne
years' standing between this country" and
Russia, ihe abrogation of which Is advo
cated liNresolulions now pending In con
gress. "I cannot discuss anything until I fcrve
communicated with the trtato deprtment
at Washington," he said. "You see, I
have been at sea for a week aod I am
not In touch with affaira."
As. timely information it was volun
teered that an interejttina' nutM hr.
mad last week, charging indirectly that PA tBe l13. probably ' III become
John Hi.a Hammond had acted as agent 'CJ "ifst1on of siege and starvation,
for the Russian government In certain lather side has an over abundance of
activities because of the Influence It waVf'"1 auppllf.
believed he had with President Taft. Tt;jTArh0 revolutionary forces armroncning
niiii?.uuur aiienroa lnieremeu. Dllt ue-
olared he was In no position to "criticise."
With the ambassador was his American
wife, tho daughter of th late General
ffdwnrd F. Jlcale, whom he married while
he was secretary to th Russian legation
at Wafhlngton, many years ago.
Eastern Capitalists
s Get Railway Line
(JHKYENXi;, Wyo.. Nov. V). (.-pedal.)
The reported sslo of the Chtyeune elec
tric street Railway to a company of east
ern capltaU'ita." bended by W. J. Marker,
president of th Northern Colorado Power
company f ...Denver, waa confirniod to
day. Too price paid was not made pub
lic, but it U understood Messrs. T. A.
Cosgrlff, Dr. !! M. Bennett, Gcors K.
AblKilt, George W. ,HoA. Idelman Bi os..
A. I. Kelly, Governor Carey, Fred War.
ren and other stockholders V 111 obtain
all that they put Into the company and a
little more. The new company buys the
outstanding stock, paying something like
'iO.W the -efor, which stun represents the
approximate cost of tho line to dato. The
property ia bonded to an amount In
of SSO.OoQ, and the new company aj?Hume.
responsibility for the payment of Interest
on same and the final tailing up of the.
bonds. Tbe eastern syndicate obtains
this valuable line, a twenty-two-year
franchise aud other Important couJdora
tions for approximately JUi.O'A it is an
nounced that th new owners will take
charge In a few dsyp, whfji a S-eent fare
between Cheyenn ami Fort rtuc!J v. Ill
b announcod.
W1XXIPUG. Man., Nov. :s.
come among people tinto jrhed by civlllra
tton and hitherto unknown, according to
a report received here by tuo Government,
Vilsjalmur Kteafanson. explorer, at the
head of a jdnt expedition for tho Ameri
can Museum of Natural History and the
Canadian geological survey, will not re
turn to dvilUation this winter as
been planned.
I Th expedition Is In charge of H tea-fan -'
sun and liaa lieen exploring the arctic
wild In the intereats of antropoloty for
the lat three yeais. Kteafsnaon will re-
c.aln in th north to study tha habits arid ,
conditions of th newly dUcoverc J pw-
ALPI.NA, Mit-li.. Nov. H. The bsy here
46 1 Is dotted with a doen or more vessels.
crippled in yesterdays siorm- ins
schooner. W. A. Young, a as sunk and
a deckhand was drowned.
Tha ciew reached land atm- a twelve
hour struggle ln the storm.
A chang of wind undoubtedly pre
vented a long 1 l of marine ditasten.
the storm being one of the worst ever
known on the Great l-ahe. i'ome anxiety
!s felt concernlrig te strainer, foffln-bei-ry,
at.-l to barges nhiih tl'-ared
- r,.v i..r,n. .1 . -, , .. .
I, '.'ill , 1 1 . j . - ' - ' ' - W ..''I I.,
aaruiugs i displ)ti.
Mable Cro'vx
j, ie to Oi'ganize
nent in Time to
Avoid Disorganization.
Newly Appointed Premier Believed!
to Have Deserted Teople.
Both Sides Directing All Efforts to
Important Center.
Hevulationary t'ore Appraehlg
Aaeklac uasrr Maar
saada tlthla !' MHklag
lla.c r CM;,
SHANGHAI. Nov. 1?.-Th aituatiun In
southern Cblna Is becoming more Involved
each day. 'The republic ana apparently
ar determined to secure their Independ
ence from tho Munclm dynasty, but thue
are grave doubts of their ability to estab
lish a stable government in time to avoid
the consequem-en cf continued disorgani
sation and the abnr of revenue and a
competent administration.
The loal organlratlons generally ar
preaeu-vlng order. Shanghai is the cnter
of business for the entliw Yang Ts val
ley, which la stagnant while tbe military
operations around Wu Obang and Nan
king are proceeding. Tbe situation at
Peking has llttlu Influence on th retfl
of the country.
The power or yuan ni ivai s ram is
waning, because It I believed He has
deserted the cause, of the people.
Maar eprat! State.
. The provinces which have declared In-
depundenco are organ! ring gonarute gov
ernmonts, but each refuses rwogiiltlon of
th respoiuslblliUcs incurred by tho cen
tral government. Nanking, the ancient
capital, Is still firmly In the piPseHi.lon of
the Imperialists, therefore the anortlotf
of southern supremacy Is not taken aerl
ously. Even th reformers re'OBnlse the
importance of Nanking, and both they
and the Imperialists ar directing all their
efforts to this Important center, where
th result of a hattl may mean either the
end of the Afanchu dynasty or a aerluus
setback to th revolutionary cause.
The reformcra do not conceal the
tremendous strain upon their financial
resources (n conducting tho ' campalKn
against Nanking and maintaining their
position at Wu Chang. The fall of Nan
king will possibly mark tbe real com
mencement of the final act of the drama,
but even then entire unity may be lm
poMibl. The outcome' of 'th attack
which th reformers are preparing to
.mak on Nanking is problematical, bu,
NUnklng number many thousands. From
Anking, on tho north side of tha river,
4.W0 revolutionists, with forty-ono guns,
are marching to Pukow, a-hlch lies op
posite Nanking.
From Wu Hu, on the south side of the
river, Z,(KX) men ar advancing. Above.
CliinMang there Is a force of t',000 revo
lutionists, lth 109 guns, and It Is Mil
mated that 11,000 more are proceeding
down, the line of th Tien Tain-Pukotv
railway. Fifteen warships, now In the
river under command of the rebels, are
awaiting th signal for the sitae!:.
Tho Imperialist garrison In Nanking,
under command of General Chang, num
bers about H.O00 men, well trained,' well
armed and strongly entrenched and forti
fied. It is believed that ail the republican
forces ar within on day's striking dis
tance of tii city.
Vardaman Asked to
Account for Money
FACKSOX, SAirM., Noc. U.-AIUglng
that when l. retlrcvl frcm office In Wh
j seversj tho:iK:nd dollars !r. itste lunds
were ro full?' accour.tC for. suit w
filtd in Hinds oounty rourl today,
staking to have former governo. now.
Eeoator Jauiei K. Vardamar, make ex
planation. Th suit wae flied by Attor
ney General A. S. H;.don.
The M'.sslislppl Rank and Trust, com
pany now suspenoeil, as tue luetltutlon
In which Mr. Vards.vsti kit his peisonal
as well a.s oftVcal d'iioHf, ! made co
defeudrt. The bill allesea ti).u t!:e former kj-error
made overcharges ai d ih uble charsei
in rendering txpens accounts for viklu
to state Ir.stltutim.i and t:,a'. pjhllc and his private latrK ncfrtuit
vert ra'.iiii.
Governor Willson's
Chickens Poisoned
I ptthbeus, aged Tt. one of Hie wealthiest
FRANKFORT, Ky., Nov. P. Police- land oai.ers cf Knov count., as mys
men are guarding the execuMve maiisioo j tertously shot to death at his home near
of Kentucky to:.liu, aitigncd there at j
the request of fluvwnor illson. Fears
that th historic boLKe may be set on
the - that food for tr.e use of the gov
ernor's household may h poisoned arc
: eponk. ble for the g-iard.
t-'oti.e time agj Governor Wil!a-a hs-
'vhatged an employe vho had .orKe4 on
'the place. fma employe continued t-j i
get his meals from tl. executive kitchen
ut.til 'he governor found it out ar.d he
sii ordered from the place. ,
lie 'xl dtevelopine.nt ias tae poison
m of tne gvvernor'a clilcUent. follneed
tci.U:.t '' bolting the guard.
Trunk Laden with
Cash is Missing
A. Vt iiietein. Javkson st.eei, a..-.
I exotesa driver, reported to ihs police that
a truLi, had beu stolen out of hia wagoi.,
i l i-'li was In ill back vaJri, SuMiidny
nu-ii. . lie tru.iii, among oth. r Uiii.t.a,
contained l' ln cash. He e;tl:njite-:
loan of t'uc UutiU at !
rz - - ... I
s? X'ssfe?' Trss, fe) -S Ji
i m . j - mm
The Fuel Man: "How
Krooi the 8pokesman-Rvlna-.
Petitions Partially Circulated and
Many Names Secured.
Organisation Jlay Be Completed la
Abont Ten Da ye, or mm Smma mm
the I. lata Are More Gen
erally Circalated.
A inoxo to organise a local Taft club
with the avowed purpose of promoting
th reuomlnatlon and re-election of Presi
dent Taft Is well under way In Omaha
and may b expected to' com to a head
within ten days or two weeks In the
forw of a publlo mooting.' , .
Th tUll far audi a. meeting has been
pot iittA UTutatmrfgnfl'ls being rapidly
signed dp by republican of every Bias.
Th wording of th call Is es follows:
We, the undersigned republicans ' of
Omaha and Douglas county, Nebraska,
believing that the Interests of the re
publican party aud general publlu and
buslnrea welfare will bent be conserved
by th renomlnation of William How
ard Taft for president of the United
States, do hereby agree to become
members of a Taft republican club
and to attend a public meeting when
cillcd for the purpose of affecting an
Only s few of tho pa pet s hav e leen re
turned rlgiied up, but the strength of the
movement may be iatbered from the
names already in. Among tueim the sub- j
Joined: ,
Wilson II. Akins
Nl J. At.rterun
Kanuioi A. A. .-kin
H. A. Alklro
Peter II. Parshallo
11. K. Hraile.y
V. Burost
IC. U. Hanlis
S. C Harriet.
!t. I. Fltieh
J. M. Haker
I. oula Ilerlia
M. T. Ba.loy
1. II. IiHXton
H. 1L Paldripe
W. H. Puchoia
Frank llovd
J. V. ChtsK
C. '. Co Hun
O. W. Church
Frank O. Clark
If. U. t'ouimniin
Huwut i i, "onk llu
H. V. I'owduruy
i.'. I.. Carlmiu
Jttdricli I'i-tutbJer
bhii Y. l1!lon
I' l ank ll:ivega
.1. V. Dvaiirt
b". 11. DMVta
T l Davis
tV. U Datts
H. It. Drost
!,uther rruke
leorg IBlliot
.louathsn lldward
. K. Kant man
Guy f Fleming
Ira Flanagan
Cnrnellus Farrell
(Continued on Second Page.)
Russia Demands .
Shuster's Dismissal
SY. I'inKHShCUO. Nov. 1J -According
to the ft. PelM-uburg new spatei s ihv
Itueelan demauda contained In tbe .ittl -
mmum to tvraia. ineludi. i OimUv.l ni
II. Morgan Shunter, th A mallear, truas
J re r general of Vert la. and th pa,vaicnt
jf S:,6W'.0 t'i cover th claims of Rus
sian subject. The Novo Vromys, com.
menting on the !ti:atl.n. says tint more
nords will not stay the advaDce e Htis
elun troopp.
PKTMItaiiwRG. In'l . No. 1' -George
here lat rlgl . Mr. H.nbbeiis had goneiiand and Nor'h I'Utte, Nh bar bteu
to h burn to loo'-: af'er th stock. Wliooia,;n allowed or. additional letter cantor
he dM not return, t s family tygitn a
sear ii and found oody ii a Uui'et
hols t' the forr-iead
Jl s wallet
and wat'lh wet Co, tot- hed.
The Only
Sec Sport Page.
Tho Coal Man Srailos
Beautiful is NatureIn the Good
Eighteen Men Killed
by Explosion of Coal
Dust in Virginia Mine
VIVIAN, W ., Nov. ir-Kltbteen
men were killed In a coal dust explosion
which occurred today In th Bottom Creek
mine, of the Bottom Creek Coal and Colt
company at this city.
More than 1W men were In the mine at
th time of the explosion, but all oscaped
except eighteen out of twenty-two who
were In the explosion sone. The other
four war rescued alive. All but two of
th bodlta had been recovered at mid
night .
Among th men killed were Knslneurs
W. IT. Henderson of Knckvllle, M1.; K.
H, Hery C Phliudelphla, Taivln Wtl-
llajns'of' Kystonti,W VK.J. asdTbktrlsa
I)rwer of MIOiorn, W. Va,, who w ere in
a party of five making a semi annual
survey of the mine. Alexander Williams,
tbe fifth engineer, was saved. The others
killed were negroes nr foreigners.
Son of Congressman of Sioux City in
Washington Hospital.
! Mil Iteportesl Not In Serloaa
Condition Vhraslia Pettsiaderi
Given Additional letter ar.
rlcr by Kpevlal Order.
(B'rom a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Nov. W.-tHpewial Tl
egram.) Representative K. II, Hubbard
and nlfe of Sioux City, arrived In Wash
ington yesterday, coming as fast as fly
ing expresses tuuld carry theui lo lee
Uilr son. Klbert If. HutHiard, Jr, who
Is confined In th Provtdeuo hospital
with an attack of dlptherla. Mr. and
Mrs. Hubbard got Intii Washington
rather lot yesterday afternoon and went
directly to the hospital, but were not
allowed to visit their son, who It Ln the
"oontaglous dlseas" ward.
They airangt with th ho nil t a: authority-,
however, so that they might
atami ln tb area to th rear of their
son' room snd hold a few moment's con-
'. vorsatlon with him f.oiu tb outride,
j Young ilubhsrd lii a butliviiLe
i wboeled to a window and corvrrd
(largely with signs cm his lart for soui
nve u,",rt ' tn ,U P'enta on th
1 1'0'""3, fifty fort boloMr. Ilubfard
: etrlcken vltn diflheri several days sso.
) but today It Is said that ti e caxs la a
comparatively mild one and tbm no s -
lous rsu'.( a anticipated and uiUeaa
uniis unruraeon compllcatioiut shou'it
aiine, lis will b dl.cbaised from the
hokpltal within a week or ton oaya.
In the meantime, lpitt.;ruu v aid
Mrs. Hubbard will remain In Washington
to as every car Is glvn th young
Nrn Dakota t'ustnsuaters.
Houth Duiiota uustmasters appulnteA.
Grludhtohe, Mtxi.ley county, II. W. lit owe,
vlca J. I". I 'owron. teslgned; BtnaJ, KroU
liits C'.ialy. Ai'ton IKuarold, rti-e N. (.).
lioravoM, rel,T'.eJ.
Th voitinafctote at Fremuut, Grand
1 f ron, rceinbcr 1.
I civil service examination 11I be held
. i)ef.. .,,..
nuaJ caj tiers at Madl-
sun and Lcka, Neb.
Ct.arlcs V. 11a. rhigt jn of C'lf uvl. la.,
has Let) a,ioliued veter Ir-ai lan ln lh
Phlllpp'ne Itlar.da.
l'Or.AAIU, naslu. Nov. U. t'tm lotn
of Forward hits bsi-n slopped mid ay
lu Its career, and aa a ruault of tb re
cent snow and culd wave Is scattered over
a rnlis of territory, Home time ago It wa
dttcided to remove U. town from the old
site to another one a mile awa. boms of
the buildings bad Ix-en moved, others
neis In tiKi..'. Slid still otheis wcr-j on
'their old location, tvhen winter cai..o and
la'opped all op. ration until nett spring,
i One i tstaurant. no- s'ai ds hslf-ay he-
ten Cis ttvo hal'-loMiS, tu ;'ie n.!-is
of a ind srv e;r f'ai f.eM
Old Summer Time."
Socialist Labor Delegates Appeal to
American Federation.
Herniation Committee Will Ttmt Re.
cjneat . Gnmpers aad Other t
neslgn from National
1 Ivlo Federating,
ATL.ANTA. Ga., Nov. m Alleging that
the enemies of organized labor had mad
los Angeles th battle ground cf a move
ment designed to crush and Intimidate
unloolsm, aoolallat delegates today ap
pealed to th convention of th American
FedarM,Uoa ;f Labor lo help tbetu sleot
b 'JfrtrrlToati tnayor of tha' California
City. The nocJaltsta submitted resolution,
touching on th matter irhlnb wer re
cently adopted by Uie executiv commit
tee of their party at the suggestion of
Congressman Victor I.. Perger.
The resolutlotiH set forth th allegations
agaliuit th so-called encmien of labor and
dsclara that a victory would materially
help th cos of tha McNamara brothers.
President Gompers assured th Social
ists that the organisation would do all
in it power to elect Ilarrlman.
Tho convention of th federation was In
session but a short tlm today, adjourn
ing early to penult th committees to
work. Jt I understood the laiolutlons
committee has dectdnd to report adversely
on tb motion requesting Go m pecs and
several other leaders to resign from th
National Civic foderaflmi and th resolu
tions ' proposing loltlatlv in elsutlon of
federsalon offlner. I.lttl hop of an
agioement between th carpenters and
building trail department Is entertalntd.
Untermyer Assails
Tobacco Decision
WASHINGTON. No. "Cotitrest
should fore th government to to pea I
from th 0 seres In the Ainarlcan 'fohacco
company rase," said Ksmtiel L'ntv'-mysr
of New Tork today, before th senatorial
committee on Interstate commerce. "Th
court should t forced to say whibr
I Oi dissolution plan aireed upon Is
It meunL by an order of disintegration."
M.". Uutemiyor said he tmdestood the
attorney giuiaial had been to soma ex
tent consulted In th formation of the
plan cf dissolution, but In thought thelss applied lo lodges. fratenittli,-bsnevn
toba:co company bad "dor" III attor
ney general. (I ssid tb tobatKO liiiat
las simply "changed Its ohrthsi."
'The pitiful sri4 luimlllatlng f'sco l:i
the Aaicrlcsn Tbhaccn comiMoy cua ha
ktrencthened hy belief that supplemen
tary I'.-lhlaU.m In nnoesaaiy for tbs tn
forcetiieit of th Sherman antt-lrust
law," said Mr. I'Meririyer, who Is chair
man of the aub-isominltte on tnist legts
la'lon of tbs National Civil fsderstlon.
"i'ha lourls ar not adapted to the
enforcement of decrees of disintegration
ngalnat big ciMiihlnatioiis. Thsy liavs no
inachlno;y lo cai-ry tliein out."
MkW rorur, Nov. n-wii:iatii b,
i'Bttos. alias William Runs,', couatwr
fe'.tor and tiaif-ae-.tiatd murderer, was ar
retted today by poetofflos luspevtor.
who cl.argsJ hl" lhg written
lattsrs dsinandtng I'-UO under penalty cf
death from Posfir.aster Kdward M. Mor
wan. Pcttu admitted hts gi'Ht, ths tn-
pscUiis say. dsclarlnu lis was starving
and i.eedwd "a big bunc h of mrnsy to put
mo cn essy stieet."
BUUXUVIIJK. HU Nov. It.-Kurgiar
who blew opeu th reserve vault In tbs
puetoffic here and obtained SH3 lu casta
ai d i In stamp ar being sought to
night. They did not try th doors of
another vault which contained $4,'I00 la
inor.ey s.nd stamp. The robbery was 6le-
' covered mar y l.ojrs sf-tr the b-rglar
J eir.-apsil.
Fraternal Order Contract Pliysiciam
Resolutions Previously Passed bj
County Medical Society.
Larpe Numbers Were Receiving Fret
Treatment in Iowa Town,
y Free Treatment by Lodge
ef Member mmd l'amlltes Is
' t nfalr in Patients' Otber
Dol-iovs of Oimtha who sell the.r s
lees at whohal to f:atrnal orgfinUs
tlnns at mucIi low rMea as to prrolud
th poyslblllty of rioper seivice. In tht
mltida of their fellow physUJans. ar
threatened with ofltrsclKm by Uielr fel
lows of t.hc Omaha-Douglas County Msdi
cal society.
Members of the society consider thai
lapld fir visits mad In suoh boat si
to render It Impossible to furnish valu
able or scientific treatment ar unworthy ,
of sanction by a body of representative
mrrih-a! innn. '
Th Omaha-Douglas County Medical
society, having already parsed resolutlont
against th practice, Dow proposes ti
tak steps to stop It. A committee Inn
been appointed to consider th metier
and recommend a ponalty to be Imposed
en member of the society who do not
respect th purpose of th resolutions.
This penalty probahly will be expulsion
from tho society, tn case gentle corrcc.
tlon fails.
War Harts in Itlaffs.
Th present altuatlun uroB from the
BliuaUou in Council F.luffs, wber fra-
ternul lodges sprung up In such numbers
that 12.000 people, or more than one-third
of tha population of the city, wet lin,
given free medical troulmont by th phy
sicians of their ordota. These pliyulcutiiH,
it is said, were for the most part mors
lads, soiling thnir services to the fra
ternal order a low aa 23 cents per cull.
The Council niuffa Medical society went
on the warpath and decided to expel
members who insisted on remaining In
tli employ of tho lodges. This stopped
the practice aa far aa resident physicians
of Council muffs were concerned, but
the fraternal orders thereupon Imported
young doctors from other towns.
TUfs yonng doctors sought the advice
of th resident doctors as consulting
physicians,, and through th Influence of
the medical society wer refused. So now
they ar consulting Omaha, physicians.
This Is what lias moused tha lHiujIn
Ceuuty iloycsi aqislety,, ,,.,,.,, 'i
Corporations Are Toerbral.
Th formal revolutions, besldus pioteti
lng against contract practice aa applied
te lodges, male some suggestion aa to
contract service aa' applied to Industrial
corporation. .The resolutions follow:
Your committee appointed by the
Dmaha-Dougius County Medic.! - society
lo InvextlgHto tha broad subject of con
traat practice, deHlre to state that vva
huv given this subject caruful study and
discussion. Kaon membsr studied no mo
phase of th iiueetlon. and your commit
tee, as a whole, have analyzed without
prejudice, our combined Information. We
herewith submit for your oviialdoratlon
the following conclusions:
L "i'uur committee recognls th right
of Industrial corporations employing Isbor
to aiigag th ssrvlcea of akillud phy
sicians, surgeons and specialists at rea
sonable remuneration, to examine em
ployes as to their flttisaa tor hervlce u
well a car for snld employes In caas
of Injury or acuta sioknaoa when on duty,
or to car for llioas to whom th cori-ota-tton
may bs umlar oUlgatloa becauso of
accident. This la but a just and fair pio
lectlon against danisg suits brought he
th unscrupulous. Howsvsr, It would ba
diatlncUy understood that audi seiviia
should not bs si landed to apply to any
member of an employs' family.
i. Wm believe that Industrial corpora
tions oiploying physicians, surgsons and
specialists, nhuuld limit th aervic of
said pbyalcla-oa, siiigsona and spsuiuliKts
strictly to th car of thlr emploves dur
ing th tlms of actual aervlce. We al
belleva that direct representatives and
officials of a corporation, should not l
Included In such niedlcai. surgical and
special attendants, or In anv way cun
strus.l ss coming under tli conditions of
thl i lata o servto.
t Ws believe that all corporations fur.
nlalilng medical, and special i
ttfndanc to their employes should do s
entirely at t.icir own eapan&e, or if ti.s
empioves ar ohll,;sd by usseasinent !.'
th axpanus of jih iiedhal. vniir.l
and speojal attsndancs they should is
untranunelsd In tl-.e oholre of tl.eif pii..
siciajix. surgeons and specialist
4. We believe that .ontract p, a'.lcet
lent and benefit oisanuatlnua, 1.4 Jeiii-
tunntal to UiO Lost luleiaii of the medi
cal profeasloo In gweraJ, and pei.!.ill v
lo the pliyuiisn employed: that It in
especially unjust to all physicians ho
a. subiect to ordinary cooipetmon. and
that It pauperUet. the lay public and rir the medical rofesl"n m gen
eral, teaching the lormer to expect medi
cal, nurgical and special tars for pr. -ticaJly
iiothiug, lertsns tUelr lespect f"i'
Hi skill and .Utrnlty of our profession
ar d irmlts c .grung men lo traffic ami
commercialize Hi practice of medicine.
u. believe that ucu lodge, fia
ternal, benevolent or benefit onrsnita
tion and cojitra-it pranilie. as eraltiariiy
In oparatloit. is emliieiitl unfair, becaune
It buvs madicsl services at wholesuts
from tbs physician, then compsls him tti
peddls out his service at retail and ls-
Dalzell's Ice
Cream Bricks
Tickets to the
American Thealer
Boxes of
'O'Brien's Candy
All a
re given a ay frs to
no find their name lu th
those rh
want ads.
Read tbs wast ads evsry day;
jour nam will appear some tun
uiayb mors than onis
N fuaalss to s-olv nor sub- '
Tiptlons to get iut re.i us
eaul and.
Turn to tl- want ad ti-'W -there
you will f-.ntl nearly -tr-bualiiea
bojao in ll.s ..i, v.,"u
son led.