Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 8, Image 8

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5 1
njlih Woman Describes Battles
Fought b7 Suffragettes.
Doa to Compel Attention of CiOT
erament to llrmamli () Con
llanal Round of Iteoaffa
from Those In Tower.
ftefor an audience, thorotir.nly repre
sentative of Omaha cttlxrnrlilp. Mrs.
Tmoline rankhurM. leader of the militant
suffragettes, pliaded on.l argued for
woman suffrage and told the story of the
struggles ,,f the suffragettes at the Boyd
theater Friday. She r.howrd herself
a cultured, w II informed, and an able
and charming woman. Hor address m
plain story told with grat accuiacy
and carrful choice of Inr.j-.iagc; a simple
argument In favor of 'votes lor women."
Mrs. Pnnl.hi.rM preceded lur story of
the recent rlruggles of tiio suf t u;-,cilo.i
with a brief history of twe li.ovcii,.nl l.i
Ureal BrlUlu.
"The movement Is more than fifty veaia
eld," the raid. "Karly In the last century
the battle was begun, i'.i tore thu rcfur.rt
act of U32 there nui i.o law to prevent
women's voting other thun that which de
nied suffrage to nut men. It n a
high property qualification. Alen fouml
difficulty In meeting It and the difficulty
was so great that comparatively few en
joyed the right of suffrage. Vumtn v. no
could meet this property uualificat.i-n
were prlvileKd to vole.
"The first suffrage society was ersa-
Riled by John Htuart Mill In my own
home, Manchester, In I hi '(Or, though
there had been afxltntlun lor a number of
years prior to that time. .
Will (Mart Movrnieal. .
"In 1S67 there was another reform bT
and Mr. Mill moved an amendment that
would have extended the suffrage to
women. Those who opposed the amend
ment declared that the bill In Ha original
. term would extend suffrage to the sex.
The word mnio did riot occur In H. Tin
words man' and 'person' wets UB"d
It was contended that tho word -'man'
'was used In Its broadest renso and that
; there could bo no question but that 'per
son' Included both tcxes. After pnasago
f this bill 1.000 women In I.nncnstershlre
registered, but tho revision courts struck
' tkelr names from tho books, holding that
... Um y were persons In puylnt taxts, suiter
Ing penalties und pains for violating
laws, but wcro not persons when It cume
u exercising tho rlfcht and privileges of
tlUenshlp. I'mkr tnu university suffrage
women graduates of our universities
ought to vote, but the houxu of lords
" a recently as a year ugo held us d.d
lb revision courts In ls-is."
t'omiaandtuit .".Mention.
""Mrs. Pankhuist followed with an argu
ttienl for woman suffrage and continued
' wlthMie story of the more recent strug
gles of the suffiagettes.
"We found we had not gained ground,"
-lie said "We studied tho Hlluailon and
Sound that thu movomcnts that hud pro.
..foresaid had been those that forced tnclr
way to puhllc consideration. Iiefore the
'. aci of li&i thcro was noting and tnu city
f Bristol was almost burned aown. The
' till was passed. There was rioting ut
viner times and olhur reform acts were
kassod. All the parties had lavored
-woman suf ti age for jems, but they had
tot put it among their working jiviu
., iifies-
"Wo started out to win the liberal party
lecause it was apparent It was to go Into
'power. At tiier meetings we simply asked
tnvm whan they vera going to be truo to
their principles nnd five vote to women,
meetings. Hut we were rotouiceful. Whun
they they hud kcjl us out the
question would comu, sometimes from
among the orgun pipes, sometimes from
a- remote corner of the building, some
times from a window. I have known
women to May In hiding thirty. six hours
before a mrttlrs to ak thut quint Ion and
1 have known them to search a building
us often as six times a Cay to make sure
we were not there."
Uaaggerated Iteporl.
Mrs. I'anl.hurKl declared reports of the
stone-throwing have been exaggerated,
not more than 100 stone having been
thrown sinco the ttrugglo was atarlud.
The women simply wrapped around stones
slips of paper on v.hleh the question was
written and threw them Into the build
ings where the liberal!) were meeting, tak
ing; care to send the stones where they
would strike no person;.
Finally the suffragettes reported to their
. right to petition tho premier for votes,
lie refused to sec them and It was he-
1 , cause of their Insistence that thy were
arrested and Imprisoned.
''lie received a deputation of working
men." said Mrs. rankhurt. "They had
votes and he didn't want to offend them,
but when we went to se-J him he called
out t.M pfiliement to U.ei thirteen wo
men from' gelling through the door."
A year ego, Mrs. rankhurst. raid, the
premier and Parliament no lunger could
lefuse to consider live suffrage move
ment and tho conciliation bill was de
cided uon. The premier assured the
women this bill, extending the suffrage
to all women who nre heads of house
holds, would bu freely iliacuued and
aaed If there was a mujorliy, and for
years there hai been a majority for suf
frags In the Housj of Commons.
Kul In Manhood Illll.
' ' "Totlay 1 have a cable from my daugh
ter." taid Mrs. Pankhurst, "telling me
that they have refum-d to Include women
- lu the mwfiiiotd sufiragu bill, which will
extend the suffrage to all men who are
"1 years of ae. They have played a
contemptible trick on u. but we yet shall
May not interest n
you but they do the fj
, Wo Aro Exclusivs Western Agents for
IcgTooIs, Snow Scrapers, Run Iron, Etc.
;eisjd for latest catalog
1511-13 DODGE
win. Relying upon the promise of the
premier, wo have dono nothing to further
the caue for a year. We see we bad too
much faith."
After her address Mn. Pankhtirst an
swered several questions propounded by
I'pcn her own Initiative and without
consulting the Omaha Woman Suffrage
society, which brought her here, Mrs.
Pankhurst asked that a collection be
taken to help defray the expenses and
replenish the treasury of the local or
ganisation. Before the informal rcccpU'fti
was ended Mis. W. 12. Blister, head of
the society, announced the expense had
bten more than met.
Tor half an hour Mr. Pankhurst re
ceived In the foyer. Hundreds of women
and many men Krasped her hand. Home
women tailed her "dearie" and "honey."
A fi-w who had lived In states where
women enjoy the privilege of suffrage
told her how they hnj been delegates to
political convntiuns and hud voted.
Sufrroe Debute ItrealleU.
Victor Koscwater was chairman of the
evening. With a few words he compli
ti.ented Mrs. Pankhurst and the many
ab!o women who are forwarding the suf
lago movement, lie recalled the detmta
let.. tc.i hi father, the late Kdward
itopcwatrr, and Miss Busan 11. Anthony
thirty years ago, spoke of the lasting
triicn.!rhlp between his father and Miss
Anthony and ot his own admiration for
the famous suffrnglitt and others who
v.eio aakoclatcd with bar.
In the audience were society men and
women, burlness men, school teachers,
itmperanie workers, socialists and phil
osophical anarchists, tfome. of the two
laxt named classes asked question, t..e
socialists cnlKng attention to the fact
that thc!r party Is th only active party
In the I'nlted States which champions
equal suffrage. ,
Magnates Would End
Betting on Base Ball
SANT ANTONIO, Tex., Nov.' 18,-Dettlnf
on base ball games was scored as of the
greatent detriment to the gams before
the National AsFxclation of Professional
Pane Hell Leagues today. At the sug
gestion of President Ijaum of the Pacific
Coast league, the attorney geneial of the
I'nlted States an well as the legal au
thorities of thu states will be petitioned
to exercise their power to stop pool sell
ing, lotteries and other gambling devices
affecting bare ball.
Terrltoilal Jurisdiction and players' con
tracts were discussed today. It was
pointed out thflt tho ii.'es, with respeot
to minor and major leaguo territory, con
flict and tho national board of arbitra
tion was Instructed to adjust the matter
with the National commission
That negotiations are under way look
ing to the replacing of Hal Chase as min
agcr of the New York Americans next
season by Harry Wolverton, now man.
ager of the Oakland team of the Pacific
league, was persistently reported todsy
It Is undorstood that Wolverton will
confer with directors of the New York
club in Philadelphia next week.
. None ot the persons Interested would
ba quoted definitely.
Milwaukee was selected as the meeting
place of the association In 1!H2 and annual
"umpire" and "pluy grounds" days were
Tomoriow old time stars will play ball
for charity.
Kor the fluid the batteries , will be
George l.eydy and "Jim" O'Bourks and
for the West "BUI" Dalley and "Happy"
Others who will be In the lineup (or
Uie Kast team aro Charlie Carr, first
Illll Clymer, second: Dick Phelnii, third;
Jim liurke, short: Horace Kogel. center,
and Charles Kbbctts. right. Tho left
fielder lias not been derided upon.
Kor the Wert team Jack Holland will
bo on first base; Krank lahc-II, second;
Hurry Wilvcrton. third; "Tip" O'Neill,
center, and Charles Murphy, right. A
short stop and left fielder arc to
Extra Hour of Marie
An Expensive One
For Aboroties
Bteve Aboroties Is tho proprietor of a
candy kitchen. In his employ he had
Murle Whalen. One night she put In au
extra hour, working after ll o'clock.
The laws ot Nebraska prohibit females
doing any kind of labor after 10 o'clock
nt night. Wilt Mattpln of Lincoln, a
former deputy commissioner of labor,
heard what Murio had been doing and
filed a complaint, alleging that Aboroties
had been compelling her to violate n
ftute law. In court yesterday the candy
maker admitted the .truthf ulnesi of tho
charge and was fined tZ'i and costs.
Associated Charities
Hold Annual Meeting
The Associated C'harltirs of Omaha held.
Its annual meotliiK yesterday afternoon
at the r ! of tlis convention of tha
I .rain of Nebraska Municipalities. Tlis
delegates to the nunlclpal convention
were Invited to hear the work of the
churUleii dlscursed and many accepted.
Mrs. K. It. J. Kdholm outlined the work
ot the rhuiitlcs and Mrs. (luorce Tllden
dtrousaeri the value of the Old People's
Hume. The program was In charge of
the Nehraska Society for the Prevention
of Tuberculosis and the Young Woman's
X'hrlKtlan aorlstlori.
ill!.! IJ..II1-
Miracle Cure Doctor Sued by Masseur
for His Wages.
Yon Physician Tells How He
Made examinations and Vena
Took tho Money and Pre
scribed Treatment.
TJr." Dudley N. Veno. alias "the Mar
velous Mayo," alias the "Hot Pprlngs
Doctors," who has been advertising him
self as a miracle doctor for the last few
weeks In Omaha by means of faked tes
timonials. Is In trouble. Three of his as
sistants have left him because they would
not countenance his fakery any longer
and one of them, O. Koevary, has
brought suit against him for wages and
attached all his office furniture arid ap
pliances. Mr. Koevary brought, suit yesterday In
Judgo Altstadt's court for tM and got
out a writ of attachment on Veno's ef
fects at lf Kerns m street. Ho also re
plevied rome Instruments which ho suld
Veno had kept from him.
Rent Knme Dickinson.
It developed that the "marvelous doc
tor's" real name Is Dudley N. Dickin
son, and the ult was brought uKulnsl
"D. N. Dickinson, alluj Veno." The
"doctor's" bank account Is In the name
of Dickinson.
The case Is set In Justice Altstadt's
court for o'clock Monday morning. For
mer employes ot Veno raid last night
they thought he had been getting ready
to leave Omaha, as The llec's exposure
of his faliory had cut his business down
to almost nothing, but as he has about
1100 worth of furniture under attachment
and lias put up a cash bond of 1100, he
may stay and defend the suit.
"1 quit Veno because he wus robbing
.people," ald Koevary, who Is an expert
in electrical treatment, "lie takes any
body lor treatment, whether tho disease
s Incurable or not, and gets all the
money ho can out ot tho patient.
Short Hhrlft for Patients.
"One deaf man came. I found that
the drum of his ear was broken and to.d
Veno It was no una for us to glvo him
treatment. He told mo nut to suy any
thing about It to thu deaf man. Then he
told him he .could cure hlrn and look his
money. Ho kept growling at me and the
other assistants because we took so much
talns with our work.
' "Put them through faster,' he would
say. 'You are wasting too much time on
ilium. We'll get their money and make
room for somebody else'
When i left he refused to pay me and
kept my electrical Instruments. Ho said
he needed them In his business. I had
no money. It I had, 1 wouldn't have
worked fur him as long as 1 did. I hact
to promise (1.1 to a man for putting up
a lluv canh bond so I could go Into court
to get in money and instruments."
Veno Is not a doctor," said a young
physician who was employed by Veno.
"He gets around the law by hiring a
real physician, who Is supposed to do the
actual practicing. It Is all u farce. Veno
had me moke the examinations, but lie
extracted the money from the patients
and told tne What treatment to give
them. i
"I needed, money and was willing to
tako almost any honest Job when Veno
offered ins employment. When he per
sisted In bleeding poor people for their
money when ho knew lie oould do notn
Ing lor them and didn't intend to, 1 had
to quit."
Masseur Qnlts Uninlojr.
Another employe who quit was a
masseur who worked for Veno when he
was hers fourteen years ago. Its said
Veno assured him he would be "on the
square" this time, but tho "doctor" didn't
live up to the promise und tho mas.ieur,
having tho reputation to sustain, quit
These ex-employes ray Veno liai made
several thousand dollars during his pres
ent short stay In Omaha, practically all
of It before The Men called public at
tention to his methods. They suy that
Veno boasts that he took l.'S.OOO out of
Omaha after his visit here fourteen years
ago. He took In S12.0U0 in eleven days
in uutte, they say, soon after leaviug
Omaha In 1S37.
If Veno cannot get cash In advance.
according to them, lie takes a note for
$100 or 1150 ot whatever ho can get. ray
ing lie v. Ill hold the nota until the pa
tient is cured and gives the patient a
guarantee that he will be cured or his
note will be returned.
Convicted of Using .
Whisky Bottles Twice
The jury In tho federal court In tho
case aculnst Kdward Uothery, a suloonlst
at 111 Mouth Fourteenth street, charged
with refilling bonded whisky bottles with
liquor and reusing revenue stamps, re
turned a verdict of guilty yesterday after
Jlothnry was Indicted last March upon
Information furnished by a dissatisfied
customer, and the cas came to trial
Wednesday. Whisky experts from the
distillery at Connellsvllle, Pa., which
made the lhiuor which Uothery was said
to have sold under false pretenses, testi
fied for the prosecution, and - It wils
largely on thulr testimony that the con
viction followed.
In his defense Uothery claltne'd thut he
was Innocent of refilling the bottlts and
reusing the stamps, and said that If the
bottlea were used again it was done
without lils kituwlcdge anJ consent by a
porter discharged hv Uothery and whom
the govtrmufnt officials were unable to
Hogan Has Better of
His Bout with Brown
NEW YOHKV Nov. lH-"One Hound"
llogan easily had the better of seven ot
the tn rounds In a bout with "Knock
out'' Drown at the Madison Athletic club
tonight. It Is the second time that Hogan
has been credited with a victory over
Although at their previous meeting
there wss some division ot opinion, th
I'allfornlan. undlsputedly hud the popular
decision tonight.
llogan began to get his man In the
third round, when he ren; a left upper
cut to Krswn'i right eye. Thereafter
Brown's eye as pni' tkally closed.
In the seventh llogan got ut lirown's
bad eye again and sent three lights In
quick succesklou to the New Yorker's
In the eighth Urown made -the belter
ihuwltig and In the ninth sent a left to
Hogan's face, llogan came bak, with
tnu lights, me on the body und one on
the jaw, almost sending Urown through
the ropes.
perslnteiit AJrei Using
H i Heturs.
U'e Hoad to
i7 r
Wo do not believe that such values were over offered
before in Omaha. FJoto the value statementsmade
without any extravagant inflation.
No. 14 Black Willow Plumes, value
$13.00, nt
Xo. 16 Black Willow Plumes, value
$20.00, at
All $2.50 and $2.75 Comforters,
at, each
All $3.50, $3.75 and $1.00 Comforters,
at, each
All Outing Flannel up to 15c yard, at,
jier yard
$4.50 White Blankets, silk binding, at,
per pair . . .
, St. Mary's $10.00 White Blankets, at,
per pair
Corduroys and Costume Velvets very, very
scarce. We have a good assortment of both, .but
' they won't last long.
Advertising man waiting for copy We will only add:
"The Great Extension Sale Will Soon Be Over."
nn n7nn n n () i
iiig)s AnBpfirnK (Skj
Mayor Dahlman Sayi Members Seek
inj Control of City.
Executive of Omaha Declares Orsaa.
iaatloa Mas Not Proved Anr of
Its CharsresAddresses tea- .
teal Labor Unlou.
Mayor James C. Dahlman. In an address
before the Central Labor union last night,
denounced the Citizens' union as being
a body of men who have organized purely
for the purpose of gaining control of tha
city government for the next three years
at the polls next spring. He declared
they were working under the guise of
making clean politics by ellmlnutlng
illegal registration.
"What Is the Cltlxens' union anyhow?"
asked tho mayor. What have ' they
done? I will tell you what they have
dune. They have put a blot on the good
name nf Nebraska by sending out broad
cast reports to the effect that the city
Is swarming with men who registered
lllegully. Although they have sent out
these reports they have tailed to prove
a thing. Not a single conviction has
been made. What, then, is their object?
Simply to get control of the city govern
ment. Wo will go out and organise tho
struggling mosses of humanity In this
cily and seo ho will tun this govern
ment (or the next three years.
'We clon't prvposo to have this city
ruined by this body of v men. We will
elect who we want, at tho next election
and not who the Citizens' union wants.
Since I have been mayor of this city 1
challenge any man In the Cltlxens' union
to, point out a dishonorable act that I
have committed."
.la to Candidates.
Although the mayor did not say lie
would be a candidate for one of the seven
commlsslonershlps at the coming election,
he got about It In u roundabout way. Tho
word "we" was used by him profusely
tvhen ho entile to the point ot the coming
election: Th mayor suld he wus In
favor of orguulzed labor and recited In
t lances where he had done irgood turn
for labor. The mayor closed Ills speech
by saying: "1 have beet, us frletully to
organised labor as uny man you may get
In the city hall for some time to come,
efpectatty If you elect Citizens' union
candtutvtes. I um not ufrald to go before
tha tolling n.asiics und tulk. because I
huve not taken a penny which did not
rightfully belong to me since I have been
the chltf executive ot this clty and 1 I
will do tha tame In the future It 1 seo
fit to take another try at It under th
commission luini of goverBmeut."
Coiinctlmen Schroedep and Kugel, who
were also present at fhe meeting, made
liort talks on behalf rf th barbers'
ordinance, as also did C. M. Keldcr, na
tional organiser for the barbers' union.
Anniversary of the
Manchester Martyrs
With Ir. Mullen. P. C. Ileafey. M. P.
O Conner. J. TePoel and . M. Hogan In
charge of the arrangements, th members
of the Km nut Monument association
next Thursday night at the Crelghton
university auditorium will observe the
forty-fourth anniversary of the execu
tion of the Manchester martyrs. O'Brien.
I.urkin and Alien. The address ot the
evening will be by Father Shine of Platts
n.outh, the Ancient Order of Hibernian
band of teoulh Ouiuha furnishing the
Plumes For
Railroads Denied
Right to Increase
Their Sand Rates
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Neb., Nov. (Special.)
Representatives of the Burlington,
Northwestern, Rock Island, Union Pa
clflo and Missouri Pacific railroads, who
applied to the State Railway commission
for permission to ra!so rates on sand
from various pits which they serve to
South Omaha, Omaha and Lincoln, have
been denied their request. An increase
of from V,i cents per hundredweight t
2 cents per hundredweight was asked by
the roads concerned.
Freight agents who testffied before the
commission during the time that the mat
ter was under advisement declared that
the 1-cent rate existing at the present
time was hardly compensatory and that
In some cases of short hauls the receipts
did not justify the expenditures of carry
ing the sand. '
In the order denying Xho request the
commission sets out that, taking Into
account the value of the commodity, the
tonnage moved to the. points named and
that claims are rarely presented or paid
and that tho tracks serving the sand pits
ore usually constructed by the shippers
themselves, the petition could not con
sistently be granted. "Further," reads
Uie order, "when it is taken Into con
sideration that the applicants are carry
ing tilts commodity on their lines at
many points in other Mates where the
traffic, is heavy at as low or lower rates
than are now lit effect to the points of
South Omaha, Omaha and Lincoln and
that they are carrying many other com
modities of greater value ut an equal
or less earning per ton per mile, the
prayer ot tho petitioners tthou'.d not be
Mill Chanters Haada.
DENISON. Ia.. Nov. 18.-(Speclal.) The
Itoyor Valley Mills at this city erected In
1k97 by George Menagh have been sold to
the Uoud Milling company of Manning
The mill has . modern machinery and
capacity of 125 barrels per day. George
Menagh, tho head of the firm, has been
engaged In buying stock and grain ut
this place tor thirty years.
Breaks a Cold in a Day
And Cures say Conga taat Is Cur
able. Jfotaa Doctor's Formula.
"From your druggist get two ounces of
Glycerins and a half ounce of Concen
trated Pine compound. Take these two
ingredients home ami put them Into a
half pint of good whiskey. Take one to
two taspoon(uls alter cacti meal and ut
bed lime. Smaller dotes to children ac
cording to age." This is the best for
mula known to acienie. There are many
cheaper preparations of large quantity,
but It don't pay to experiment with a
bad cold. lie sure to get only the gen
ulna t(alobe) Concentrated Pine. Kuch
balf ounce bottle comes in a sealed tin
screw-top case. If your druggist dots
not have it in stock he will get It quick
ly from his wholesale house. This has
been published here every winter for six
years and thorsanda, of families know
Its value. Adv.
i iiiijiji.rLnru"ifiiirtiwii-ir -!
Here Is quickest and
Bunions s
urett cure known
for corns, callousos., frost-bltea.
iweaty and aching feet. "Two table
ipoonfuls of Caioclde compound in
not foot-bath, gives Instant relief and
if repeated aaily for a short time,
ermanent cur results. Oet a box of
thU remarkable Caioclde from any
irugglvl or direct from Meolcal For
mula laboratories of Chicago.
jijij-ij rwif " '' -- - r -
1 9
Xo. 18 Black Willow Plumes,
' $25.00, at
No. 20 Black Willow Plumes,
$30.00, at
Dress Goods
We are going to throw on our counters on Mon
day every piece of Cream All Wool Dress Goods in
our stock. A few pieces are very slightly soiled.
Note the prices if you can use CREAMS 8 A. M.
is the time of the sale, and you ought, in your own
interest, be on hand promptly.
All Cream Dress Goods, formerly sold up
to 75c, at, yard
All Cream Dress Goods, formerly sold up
to $1.50, at, yard
All Cream Dress Goods, formerly sold
up to $2.50, at, yard v.
Cream Serges in this lot also, and Creams in
serge are not only scarce, but no color is quite so
'popular.- As diamond dealers would say HERE'S
AN INVESTMENT. Not really a purchase in the
ordinary sense.
President Is Likely
to Retain Secretary
Wilson in Cabinet
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON,' Nov. 18.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) Unless unexpected contingencies
arise President Taft will retain Secretary
of Agriculture Wilson In his cabinet
through the present administration. It
in possible to say this with authority.
now that the row over Dr. Wiley has
settled down.
While undoubtedly there have been In
fluences at work adverse to the retention
of Secretary Wilson In his cabinet, they
have not In anywise affected the presi
dent's regard tor his secretary of agri
vulture and according to reports Mr.
Wilson has done the president some good
Round Trip Winter Tourist Tickets on Sale Daily
Illinois -fill Central
Jacksonville, Fla. ..
Jacksonville, Fla. (via
in one direction)
Tampa, Fla. .
Dnytonu, Fla
Kissimmee, Fla.
St. Augustine, Fla.
Fort Myers, Fla. .
Orlando, Fla
Palm Ueaeh, Fla $69.00
Ormond, Fla $56.70
St. Cloud, Fla $60.00
St. Petersburg, Fla $62.10
Havana, Cuba . $87.00
Rates to all other principal points in Florida proportion
ately low.
Tickets good returning until June first, 1912.
Round trip Homeseekers rates, first and third Tuesdays
of each month to several Florida points
, at reduced rates.
All tickets good via Chicago.
Liberal stop over privileges.
Write for folder or call and we will be pleased to assist
in planning your southern trip.
S. NORTH, District Passenger Agt,
409 South 16th Street, Omaha, Nebraska.
SI 9,95
political turns recently which have made
the president more partial than ever to
Girl Charged with
Riding Away Finest
Wild Horse in Herd
BOISE, Idaho, Nov. lS.-Marion Kirk
patrlck, a handsome young woman of ii.
Is under arrest hero on the charge of be
ing a daring and successful horse thief.
It is alleged that, unaided, the rounded
up a large baud of wild horses belonging
to a cattle company In a lonely part of
Owyhee county, selected tho best horso
of the ' band, roped, threw and saddled
him and rode him Into Butte where sha
sold the steed for fii.
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