Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7
0 . lu . , THE OMAHA SUNDAY HKK: NOVKMBhli 1M. lsill I ONE LONE MAN AT LUNCHEON 'Strange Case of an Old Man's Double Baffles Attorneys All Other Lords of Creation at Pank harst Function Protected. HE ISN'T A BIT FRIGHTENED British Nr(rRl.t li Central Flcore Amid nn Anarmtilna of Ilepre. rotative AVnmrn of Cltr at Home Hotel. The only unprotected man to attend the Fankhurst luncheon at tha Rome yester day was Ilonry F. Curtis of Worcester, Mass., thn play around authority, who has been lccturlnic here, and whose wife Is visiting In Michigan. All the other men who braved t;ie f .Ms of the suffra gists wero accompanied by their wives. Mr. Curtis wns cepprlnlly Interested In the affair and asked the chairman of the lum-hron committee his name be not overlooked. Mo Is an advocate of woman suffrane nnd Is deeply Interested In the British militant movement. He was not Irt the least deterred when he learned that he would be the only unes corted man present. Mounted on an ordinary sonp box tn order that all might ee her Mrs. I'ar.k hurst argued and pleaded for woman suf fiago In America to more than ljO per sons at the luncheon at the Home. Prominent American Women. Mrs. I'ankhurst pointed to Jane Ad oams, Ella KluKg Young and other emi nent American women In support of hot' contention that woman should have the ballot. These women, she said, have risen to high places, are potent factora for good. Kach Is doing a great and In estimable work in advancing the world to better conditions morally, mentally and politically. Their services gladly are accepted, their abilities 'and their value to the state are recognized, yet they are barred from citiacnshlp by an antiquated legal system. Jane Addams, Klla Ftagg Young and other noted American women have told Wis. Pankhurst that they desire the vote he said; that their efforts would be inert) Cfective If they possessed all the rights and privileges of. citlaenshlp. "They need the ballot and they should havo It," said Mr. Pankhurst. "It is accessary to malie their vote more ft lectlve; to make It more effective- than U ever can be so long as they are denied Xull citizenship."-; ' Kin borate Decoration. ' For the luncheon tho U-shaped table was decorated with baskets of flowers xi d ferns In the colors of Mrs. Pank kurst's militant suffragette organization purple, green and white. At the head of the table, where Mrs. Pankhurst sat was huge basket of English violets, swan onla and ferns, tied with a broad purple .ribbon. At this section of (he table were seated Mrs. M. D. Cameron, president Omaha Woman s club, who Introduced the peaker, and was chairman of the gen ral committee In charge of the luncheon; Mrs. W. - E. Shafer. . president of the Omaha Woman Suffrage society; Mr: A. K. Gault, national vice president of the Daughters of ttte American Revolution; Mrs. llalleck Rose, member of the .Ne braska Woman Buffrage advisory board; Mrs. "Clara E. Burbank, president of the American Woman's league of Nebraska Mrs. 1 Mary -Gerard Andrews of Minnea yolls; Mrs. D. C. John, president Douglas County Woman's Christian Temperance union; Mrs. George Tllden, president Toung Women's Christian Temperance vnlon and chairman of the invitation committee; Mies M. E. Pe thick of the staff of "Votes for Women," London. " 'Sherlocko the Monk.' tha greet detec tive, whose adventures are being pictured dally In The Pee. at no time In his career ever had anything on me," said I'nlled States Attorney Howell. "I had an ad venture the other day that would make Sherlocko look as much like a detective as Dan Iahey, only something In my adventure . bobhtd tip and spoiled my chance to break Into print. Watso Dick inson and myself arc investigating that 'something' now and when we discover it we will have a great yarn for the reporters." Several days aso I received a telephone message from Assistant rnlted States Attorney A. W. lne of Lincoln, telling me to be on the lookout for a man ahout 60 years of age: deaf: long whiskers; who had escaped from the Old Soldiers' home at Milford and hud appeared In Lincoln, stating that he had been robbed of his property and pension money by some church. The old man claimed to bo a personal friend of President Taft and threatened tjjat unless tho United States attorneys took a hand lu his case he would report the matter to tha chief executive. "The day after I received the telephone call a man answering tho exact descrip tion of the escaped soldier appeared In my office, complaining that he had been robbed ly tho church and threatened nie with Impeachment unless I helped him. He was deaf and his whiskers tallied ex actly with tho ones Lane spoke of, bo when I had heard his story I lost no time In notifying the authorities In Mil ford. Tho reply I received from them stated that they had found their man and that I had mado a mistake. Now, I wonder how .1 happens that a man who must be the escaped soldier's double, would liavo the tamo complaint and threaten the same punishment as the replica who appeared In Lincoln." Mr. Howell believes that the Milford authorities are right, for they have known their man for years, but he Is at a loss to account for the man who appeared at his office, and the affair has mado such an Impression on 1:1s mind that ha Is Investigating It. Elevator Kuns Wild: Tears Hole in Eoof The elevator In the Commercial club building at Sixteenth and Farnam streets tossed a violent fit yesterday, when the motive mechanism was suddenly thrown out of kilter. The car shot up ward like a go-devil and lodged In the roof. It was occupied at the time by Richard Morley, tho elevator boy, and one passenger. Mall Carrier Jack Staf ford. Neither was Injured, though they were badly frightened. Janitor Ijiurlti J. W. Fllas was at work In the bottom of the shaft when tbe elovator went wild, and the counterbalance came down with uch terrific force that he was frightened out of his wits. He was not hurt, but It was necessary for another Janitor to drag Mm out of the shaft. More than an hour was required to dislodge the ele vator car from the roof. UNION PACIFIC INSTALLS TELEPHONE SWITCHBOARD The Union Pacific's telephone system has been Installed In tho new head quarters building and fa In operation un der tho direction of MIbs Mulvchill, chief, and bIx operators during the day. At night, the force consists qf four opera tors. The system is as complete as any In the world, and Is as large as would be found In a city of several thousand Inhabitants. The Union Paclflo system consists of six party boards, besides the desk sets of the chief. It has a capacity of 400 lines, besides thirty trunk lines running to the Omaha exchange. In addition, there are four composite, long distance lines operated over the company wires giving unbroken connections with Chey enne, I.aramlet Rawlins and Oreen River, Wyo. Besides these, on the chief's desk, there are long distance connections with Fremont, Grand Island, Beatrice, North Platte and all other Important towns on the Nebraska division. LATE CLUB WOMEN'S NOTES Mrs. C. Vincent, leader of the current topics department of the Woman's club, has planned the following program for the meeting Tuesday afternoon: Rev. Mary Gerard Andrews, talk; Mrs. George Covell, review of Mrs. Pankhurst s lec ture; Mrs. Emmanuel Oehrle. short sum mary of lives of noted people who have recently died;. Miss Winifred Traynor, vocal solos. Mrs. R. E. McKelvy will give the first of a series of lessons on parliamentary practice which she will conduct at the meetings of this department. Preceding the meeting, a number of the members will have a breakfast at the New Hamilton In honor of Rev. Mary Gerard Andrews. ; TWIN-CITY SLEEPERS " TO COAST VIA OMAHA J The Northwestern, the Union Paolflo and the Salt Lake roads have formed an t alliance and beginning December IB, for I the first time in history, through stand , aid sleeping car service will be put on and maintained between Minneapolis and I Ft. Paul and southern California points via Omaha. It Is contended that this ervlce, which will be dally, will be of treat commercial benefit to Omaha, as all westbound travelers will be required to remain here five hours In order to make their connections. The new service will consist of a stand ard sleeper, which, westbound, will leave Minneapolis at 9:30 and St. Paul at 10.10 I each evening, attached to the Northwest ern express, which reaches Omaha at 7:3) I o'cloc k the following morning. Here the sleeper will bo attached to Union Pacific train No. 7 and carried to Salt Lake, where it will be. ome a part of the train to Los Angeles over the Halt Lake route, reaching the Pacific coast city at :30 in the ufternoon of the fourth day out and saving the traveler an even twelve houie. Kastbound, the standard sleeper will remain In Omaha but fifteen minutes be fore continuing on Its northward Journey. 'J'lio i-pace in the sleeper will be equally divided between Omaha and the Twin Cities. That Is. one-halt of the capac'.ty will be sold In the Minnesota towns and tho balance will be reserved -for Omaha truvelers and those farther west. WILL TRY 10 tinlNQ THE TEACHERS' MEETING HERE Trof. I C. Itusmlsel, head of the high school commercial department. Is plan Ii I n if to attemt the convention of the Mis Sourl alley Commercial learners asso ciation, which will bi- held at Kami! Cliy, lircember 1 mid 2. While there Prof. Itunniikel will make a Btrotig effort to land the 1!12 convention for Omaha. At the recent ktate teachers convention held tn Omaha there wus m section de voted to commercial work In the s.hools and the MUitourl Valley Cor.ferenre txltei the place of ihee sectional dlvlslcns in Nebraska, Iowa. Kansas, Missouri, Colo iado and Arkansas. F. J. Kirker, of the Central High school in Kansas CUy, is presldsnt of the association. A miscellaneous program In charge of Mrs. Louise Shaddock Zabrlskle, will be given Thursday afternoon by the music department of the Woman's club. Pre ceding the program a social hour will be held, at which Miss Portia Swett will give a group of aesthetic dances In cos tume. The program will begin promptly at 3:30, and will Include viol'n numbers by Mrs. Zabrlskle and by Wallace Lyman; vocal numbers by George Mclntyre, ac companied by Mrs. Mclntyre; piano solos, by Miss Margaret Damm. Rev. Mary Gerard Andrews will talk on the ethical value of Marie Corelll'i book. "Life Everlasting," at the meeting of the philosophy department of the Woman's club Tuesday afternoon at i o'clock. Philosophy will be the topic of study at the meeting of the University Kxten ston club Friday evening at the Omaha Commercial college building. The mem bers will respond to the roll call with quotations from liniernon. The subjects for discussion will be: "Pope as a Phil osopher;" "Herbert Spencer s Theory of Punishment;" Emerson's "Compensa tion." , Rev. Mary Gerard Andrews will be honor guest at the all-day meeting of the Frances Wlllard Woman's Christian Temperance union Wednesday at the home of Mrs. C. C. Andrews, 1720 South Twenty-eighth street. I. Ketone Bondage to dyspepsia, liver complaints and kidney troubles Is needless. Electric Hitters li the guaranteed remedy. &0c. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. Afler the Afe of F.ftj From this age the human system gradually declines and the accumulated poisons In the blood rausn rheumatism in Joints, muscles and back. These warnings should be promptly relieved and serious Illness avoided by using the following prescription which comes from a noted doctor and Is said to have no e'iual In curing rheumatism and restoring physical vigor. Oooi results come after the first dose. ' From your druggist get one ounce of Tons com pound (In original sealed package) and I ime ounce of syrup of r-arsapa-'llia coin I pound. Take these two ingredients home and put them Into a half pi:it of gixid whiskey. Khali, the bottls and I lake a tabletpoonf ul before each mtol and st bcd-tiu.e." If your drugkist djei I not have Torls compound in stock l:t win get it tor you in a lew pours rroin his wr.oietale houso. Don t be Influenced to tsk a patent medicine Instead of this. Ii.aist en having the genuine Toils compound In the urglnal one ounce taleJ, )ailavr va-ka. Adv. if"" -it" -mm ' ir i ii iriBTTiBsnwisii i . Mm mm miniir str ,rta i wi r i l .t.-Trirmrvlim inni ii gist imMmi nig iissMr III y,KjmiiMM J 50fl . V I hi. rS- IV , .711 -TLX" .JT II itraw,,,-. iUn i : : , - Putting Holiday Spirit Into the Home Of all places in the home the dining room is the one that must have most attention each year when Thanksgiving and Christmas come round in the cycle of time. This room must radiate hospitality ami good cheer. Nothing can help so wonder fully in bringing about this atmosphere of geniality as furniture of solid character and comfort. We have a very beautiful selection of dining room furniture that not only gives an atmosphere of comfort, good cheer and hospitality, but which uIro reflects the charming spirit of those olden days when our forefathers trod through snow clad fields with the Thanksgiving turkey over their shoulder and came up. to those rugged houses, where were bred the staunch, free-spirited men who later built up this most perfect of nations. .This funiture is displayed on our floors, and even one or two pieces of it will add dignity and comfort to the dining room for tho home-coming days of those who shall return to get their turkey and to hang up their stockings. $65.00 Dull Mahogany Buffet Large linen drawer; 48-inch top; French bev eled mirror, 40x12 inch; reflects the dignity of ancient households; won derful quality $55.00 $42.00 Mahogany China Cabinet Neatly curved glass front; four wide and high shelves; majestic appearing and very durable $35.00 $7.50 Mahogany Dining Chair Gen uine leather slip seat; very exquisite chair with every proportion gracefully detailed $G.00 $21.50 Mahogany Serving Table One large drawer; size, 17x11 inches; heavy article; very well cons'ed; neat design $18.00 $75.00 Mahogany Dining Table Size 54 inches; 8-fbot extension ; heavy base; attractive model; built up to endure and give excellent service. . . . $55.00 $50.00 Oak Buffet Iarge linen drawer; 48 inches wide; French plate mirror, 42x10 inches; roomy, nnd dignified $38.00 1 $40.00 Fumed Oak China shelves; beveled mirror in top shelf; cabinet is inches wide; and one of best bargains in store. . . $75.00 Mahogany Buffet Largo linen , drawer; French plato mirror, 24x6; 56-inch top; spacious silver drawer; constructed thoroughly; staunch articlo $60.00 $65.00 . Mahogany Dining Table Colonial base; 48-inch top; 8-foot ex tension; very dignified and full of good quality $50.00 $60.00 FumedOak Dining Room Table Massive base; 54 inches; 8-foot ex tension; will wear for years and years $45.00 $63.00 Fumed Oak Buffet Five largo drapers; two big compartments; size, 5(5x25 inches; French plate mir fis i n but II ror, 54x14 inches; grand character.. $50.00 $5.00 Fumed Oak Dining Room Chair Genuine leather slip seat; strong legs, graceful back; durable $4.00 $40.00 Oak Table Heavy base; diumeter, 54 inches; 8-foot extension; highest quality and very pretty model $32.50 Cabinet Four wide 50 $32.00 $4.50 Oak Dining Chair Genuine Spanish leather slip seat; comfortable; graceful lines $3.50 Oak China Cabinet Colonial model; scroll base; five wido spacious shelves; thoroughly constructed; very excellent " $22.50 Rbmember, Good furniture may be cheap "cheap" furniture cannot he good. Miller, Stewart eatom Co0 The Tag Policy Heuse Established, 1884. 413-1547 South Sixteenth St. 1 . af f v J r W 7 1 II -I 1 'I 1 r W i 2C rv -1