Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 5, Image 5
THK UMAHA SUNDAY HKU: NOV KM It Kit li. ltU. CHARLES B, KOUNTZE IS DEAD Tioneer Denver Banker Fasses Away After Six Weeks' Illness. HAD LARGE INTERESTS IN OMAHA He Was Brother of the l!ae Her mam Koanln and of Lather Kowntie of ct York lt-. Charles B. Kountze. rresldent of the First National bank of I'enver. uncle of T. Kountxe and Luther Kountxe of Omaha, died yesterday of pneumonia at his home In Denver. Mr. Kountze became ill while In New York about ilx weeks ago. I'hysiclans then declared recovery do'.btful, and a eon. Harold Kountxe chartered a special train on which to travel from Denver to New Tork to reach Mb father's bedside. Jtr. Kountze, however, recovered strength and returned to Denver a week ago. Since his return his condition had shown con tinued improvement until yesterdsy after noon. In addition to the Colorado national bank holdings and his New Vork Wall street interests as member of the firm of Kountze Bros., Mr. Kountze was a large shareholder and director in the Flint Na tional bank at Oniahn. He had interest:! In the Denver Dry Goods company and various other mercantile enterprises and controlled huge mining; properties a:ul ex tensive tracts of land in several western and southern states. About Seventy Years of Air, Mr. Kountze was about "0 years of asc. lie went to Coloiado In J8ii6 from his boy hood home In Ohio and became associated with his brother, Luther, in the banking firm of Kountze Bros. In 1S71 he organ ized the Colorado National bank and has been Its president continuously ever since. He was one of four brothers, the others being Herman of Omslla, Augustus of New York and Luther of New Yo:k, tho latter being the only one now alive. Ho la survived by a widow, one son and five married daughters. ' C. T. Kountze, president of .the Flrfct National bank of Omaha, will go to Den ver to attend the funeral, which will await tho arrival of New York members of the family. Aged Woman Struck by Passenger Train Mrs. Sarah Livingston, aged 70 years, an old resident of Council Bluffs, was elxuck by Northwestern passenger train . No. 7 yesterday afternoon at Avenue B and Eleventh street, receiving Injuries Which will result n her death. bhe walked around behind a train which had just passed the crossing and stepped In front of the pasuenger train, which she aid not see approaching from the oppo site direction. She was taken to the hospital, where the doctors say there la no hope for her recovery. Motorman Hurt in Head-On Collision A rapidly moving automobile crashed kaad-on Into a street cat1 at Thlrtv-thlrd ; and Franklin strict at . 11 yjsteiday morning.. The pilot of the street car waa laved in ' and ' Motorman Ilently was slightly Injured. The auto was also badly . damaged, but the driver escaped unin-I'-ln-d. ' . STOLEN SUITCASE WITH BIBLE IS RECOVERED The suitcase which was stolen from O. H. Davis of Sulphur Springs, Tex., in this city four days ago, haa been recovered by the police. . Jt was found by Deteotlva Heltfeld" and Donahue at t15 South Fifteenth street. When the suitcase waa stolen it contained a blblq, a peck of apples and a check book. Everything was Intact when the de tectives found the grip, with the excep- ...... . . f .Via at, ulna whlnti i O (1 tmnn n propriated. IF CAUSE J it is time for you to take Hostetter's Stomach Bitters The stomach Is weak overworked he'.plesa an3 needs assistance promptly If you wou 1 avoid mare serious trouble. A dose of the Bitters bsfore msals will soon set things right again. It will tone, sweeten and, strengthen the stomach, stimulate tha flow of gaitic Juices, keep the liver active. No'hlng can take its plare for genuine goodness In case of Poor Appetite, Sour Stomach, Heartburn, Flatulency, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Constipation, Biliousness, Malaria, Fever and Ague. Try a bottle today but get NV THE GENUINE HAS OUR PRIVATE STAMP BRIEF CITY NEWS sts Koot Srtat Xt. Et-yptlaa OliooolaUa 80c. Myers-Dillon. Gas, Slto natures, Barf ees-Orasdea. Om. Mach. Wka. Expert auto repairs. liver Platlnr, Om. mating Co. D.S5S5. Xeap Tour Hons? and Yainables in the American Safe Deposit vaults in The Bee building. Boxes rent for tl per yeaf. rrssted for Wife Deaertlon An drew O'Knne was arrested by the po llca early yesterday on complaint of his wife, for deserting her. He waa arranged in court and took a continu ance until November 22, in order. to 80 ciirt attorneys. Ponr Pair Wan Dirorcai Suits for divorce as follows, have been started In district court: Etmlra Sharp against Charles L. Sharp; Harry U Brown against Anna B. Brown; Tallamogo R Brown against Helen C. Brown; Dora lluyt asuinst Ellis V. Hoyt. Seeks Lost Daughter Mrs. E. C. Fettle, 2014 Tierce atreet, reported to Iho police that her 17-year-old daugh ter, Maud, disappeared from her home last Friday and has not been' heard from since. She rejuosts the police to help locate her. Dentists Bold Basque Nearly a score of Omaha dentists enjoyed a quiet tan quet at the Hotel Millard Friday evening. Discussions of refractory patients, tooth diseases, etc., occupied their at tention after the banquet. The dentists hold similar banquets once a month. Pay Boies on Karrey line The Har ney street car line Is now equipped with pay-as-you-enter-cars. The cars were first put on Friday morning. Al though the cars afford greater conveni ence to the cur crew, the passengers profit little by the change in the cars. Kaw- Tenant in Barrtmaa BnUdlng-t Tha Pacific Fruit Express company is one of the latest tenants to move into the new Union Pacific headquarters, occu pying rooms on the eleventh floor. This company is an auxllllary to the Union Pnclfic and has formerly liad offices In the old freight depot down on Ninth ttreet. It has to do with refrigeration and refrigerator cars, and Is in charge of O. J. Van Kensgalar. Arrested for Bootlegging1 United States Deputy Marshal Hayes has re turned from the Winnebago reservation with James Sullivan of Tekamah, who Is charged with Introducing liquor on the Indian reservation and who in de fault of $1,000 bond fixed by Commis sioner Slnghaus of Tekamah wan or dered confined in the Douglas county Jail until his cone can bo brought to trial. Sullivan, it is alleged, has been taking u cheap grade of whisky, mixing It with water nnd molasses and retail ing It to the Indians nt a great profit. Complaint by tho reservation agent re sulted in his arrest. Big New Six-Story Building is Planned A company Is being formed, at the head of which is said to be the Baker Manufacturing company, to erect a six- story building covering a quarter of a block at the southeast corner of Ninth and Douglas, for several Implement houses, which are In inadequate quarters or which will be compelled to moye within a year. . . " An option 'haa been taken on the two lots, except a corner tract, 22x&) feet, be longing . id the Schlltz Brewing com pany, and tho closing of the deal de pends upo'n the willingness of the Schlltz company to Sell the remaining tract. J. E. Bekins of the Omaha Van & Storage company is the present owner of the lots. The Baker Manufacturing company, with headquarteia at Jenesvllle, Wis., and a branch houte at 813 Farnam Htrect. Is u wealthy concern, and It is thought plans to furnish most of the funds for the proposed btructure. The building would be an implement transfer house, and an institution which Omaha has long needed, according to Implement men. There Is at present but one small transfer house In Omaha. Teralstent Advertising Is the Road to B'g Returns. YOU R HEALS ANY DISTRESS STSTTIEP? WILL OPEN VOTING MACHINES Errors Are to Be Corrected Before Returns Are Sent to Lincoln. CANDIDATES TELL OF EXPENSES O. J. rlt-kard, Uelentea lanmaat for County Commissioner, Pols In the Largest Aerosst Home nay, Nothing." Twenty-five' voting machines tued In Douglas county at tho general election of November 7, will be reopened by tho official canvasHlng board to verify and correct the official returns of the Judges and clerks of election In the precincts in which these machines were used. The work be completed and the grand totals will bo announced about '1 hursday evening. Some of tho returns are Ineonect on their faces," said Deputy County Clerk Frank Dewey, chairman of tho canvass ing board, "and In order that our re port to the secretary of state may be correct we must reopen the machines and correct the errors. In several cases votes have been credited to blank spaces on the machines; In others candidates for small offices have been credited with much larger votes than candidates for more important offices. The errors, 1 suppose, are the result of too much hurry in taking the totals off the machines. 'There are no error sufficient to make uny changes in tho general results, but in order to make our report accurate w niuet reopen the machines." tnmpaigu Kxprnara. Statements of campaign expenses of candidates poured Into the county clerk's office Saturday. The expense of Robort Smith, republican, elected clerk of the district court, according to his state ment, was $277. His statement Is Itemised, advertising and card distribution being the heaviest expenses. Mr. Ackerman was paid 15 for distributing cards. Among the expense statements filed are the following: District Judge Candidates Itepubllcans: Abraham L. Sutton, $214; Howard Ken nedy, 304; Charles Leslie, $202; A. C. Troup, $610; George A. Day. $227; Lee S. Estelle, nothing. Democrats: George V. Cooper, $211; Robort W. Patrick, $193; Haxlcy O. Moorhcad. $273; John II. Gross man, $202; Charles Hoffke, $424. Treasurer: W. G. Ure. republican, $270; M. L. Endres, democrat, $215. . County Judge: Bryce Crawford, repub lican, $210; William P. Lynch, democrat, $234. County Commissioner, Third District: A. C. Harte, republican, $lfS; O. J. Pick ard, democrat, K85. Coroner: Willis G. Crosby, republican, $2f0; Leo A. Hoffman, $207. Police Judge, Omaha: Charles K. Fos ter, republican, $199; J. J. Mahoney. $170. Surveyor: George McBrlde, republican, $168; Murray Schwarts, democrat, $67. Sheriff: F. J. MoShane, democrat, $258. County Commissioner, Fifth District: Frank C. Best, republican, $1S7. County Clerk: Frank Dewey, republi can, $273. . Superintendent, of Instruction: W. A. Voder, $257. University Regent:' Frank L, llaller, republican, $158. Dcmocatrlo County Central committee: $688. Constable: Jlra Casey, republican, nothing. JURY IN INGLEHART CASE FAILS TO AGREE After 'another struggle In district court Byron K. Inglohart haa not yet secured Judgment for damages against the street railway company for Injuries to his wife In a street car accident. Mrs. Inglehart was hurt two years ago. She sued for JlO.ono damages. In the first trial tha Jury disagreed and the John Kemmerling bribery caso resulted. The case was tried the second time and Mrs. Inglehart secured Judgment for $3,500. This case now is pending In the supreme eouVt on appeal of the street railway company. Inglehart started suit for $10, 000 damages for loss of hts wife's services. Tha Jury has disagreed and was dis charged. Tha case must be retried. I 1 OVER NECK Retired Minister Dies Friday at tho Age of Eighty-Two Rev. William R. Adams, a retired Tres byterlan minister, dlrd Friday after noon at the home of his daughter. In the eighty-second year of his age. The funeral will be conducted by Rev. F.dwln Hart Jcnks of the First Presbyterian church, Sunday afternoon at 'X o'clock at the home of his son, James II. Adams, 1134 South Thirtieth avenue. Interment will be In Forest I .awn cemetery. The pall bearers are Judge Howard Kennedy Alfred C. Kennedy, II. A. Doud, W. A. Yonson, Ray C. Wagner and F. J. Mor ton. Rev. William Richards Adams waa born August 1. 1KS0. In New Boston, N. II., one of a family o flhlrteen children. Ho graduated In VvD from Dartmouth col lege. From 1863 to 1S79 he preached In churches In Illinois. In 1S79 he moved his family lo Blalrstown, la., where he remained until 1SSS. In that year Mr. Adams was sent by the Bcnrd of Home Missions to Cheyenne county, Nebraska, a new coun try, rapidly filling with homesteaders, but with no churches. FrOm JSSD to litOO Mr. Adams served churches In eastern Nebraska, his last church being at Osceola. He was honorably retired In vm, when 70 years of age. after nearly forty years of active service In the ministry, since which time ho has lived with his children In Omaha. Mr. Adams Is survived by his son, James II. Adams, and two daughters, Anna T. Adams and Fannie P. Adams. Fritz Insists on Getting Free Lunch Arthur Frlta Friday held a crowd of men and women at bay for over halt, an hour with a gas pipe at 1210 South Thir teenth street, after having smashed up the lunch wagon belonging to Louis Bauni at the same place. He was ar rested on a charge of being drunk and for maliciously destroying property. Frits, while .under the'influenee of the amber fluid made his way to the lunch counter, where he Insisted on getting something to eat on his good looks, lie was refused by Bauni, whereupon he proceeded to destroy the place with the piece of gas pipe. Baum attempted to save bis property, but was threatened by Fritz. A crowd gathered with the . in tent of helping Bauni, but was held at bay. Baum notified the police and Frits was fined $5 and costs In police court which he paid. Cars to Papillion Are Running Hourly Patrons of the Omaha-Papllllon Inter urban electric line will bo given hourly service from new on. Previous to this there was but one car on the line which mude the round trip from Omaha to Papillion every two hours. Another car has been put on the line by the com pany, which gives the patrons of the line hourly service. It is contemplated by the company to run a oar from Omaha to Papillion about 11:30 o'clock at night so that people. Hiv ing out near, or at Papillion, may attend the Omtvha theaters and be able tp re turn homo the same night. ' ELSASSER OBJECTS TO PRICE OF AUTOMOBILE Protest against the expenditure of $1,(100 for a new automobile for County Sur veyor Oeorge Mcllrlde's department was made by County Commissioner Peter K. Elsasser at the meeting of the Board of County Commissioners. Despite the pro test, the four other county commissioners voted to allow the purchase. The car was bought from Guy L. Smith. When the matter of allowing Hmlth'a claim came up Mr. Elsurser declared he has Investigated automobiles and Is sat isfied that a ratlsfuctory car oould be purchased for $'900. "It is too much to pay for a car," said Mi 'Klsnsser. "1 am Informed that for practical purposes an $s00 car Is good enough. For Joy rid ing a higher priced car might be neces sary. We passed a resolution a long time ago to buy Omaha made goods as much as possible, and I am informed that there are several Omaha dealers that could put up a good car for us for J&X)." No reply was made to Mr. Elsasser's argument. Early Shopping is to Be Discussed Omaha inerchsnts will meet Monday afternoon at 4:30 tit the- Commercial club- to Inaugurate a movement for In ducing people to du their Chrlslmus shopping early. The meeting In called by C. V. Heatim, chulriiian of the retail trade committee of tho Commercial club. All merchants Interested are in vited. PUBLIC LIBRARY IS TO BE CLOSED ON SUNDAY The public library will be closed all day Sunday, November 19, In all depart ments. This Is made necessary to enable the workmen who are Installing the new book stack to get the Interior In shape for opening on Monduy. This is the first time for many years that ths library has been closed on Kuwlay, and It will bu open as usual on the following Sunday In the reading and reference departments from 2 to 6. ONLY THOSE WHO PROTEST CAN GET TAXES BACK Only saloonkeepers who paid their tax assessment on liquor licensee under pro test can have their taxes refunded by the county commissioners under the recent supreme court decision that licenses are not taxable, according to County Attor ney L'ngllh and the Hoard of County CommlHiioners. Several taxe.s have been refunded by the county cuniiulsloners upn showliiK that they were paid under protest, but In others ntumlH have been refused because pioleuts were not made when the taxes were paid. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS W. J. O'Brien, state fish oinniljt loner Is In Omaha. Klrst Class Private John S. Webber ol inn fim k i wi i wiicim nan ttrr- oideied lo report for duly us Irknuii operator to the commanding fhct-r ut Fort Mlley, t'alirornia. W. M llogue, traveling freight uueut. Pes Moines: 1''. R. Ulunt, superintendent, Clarion, la., and A. W. Hattey, special Kervlf-e RKent, Chicago, all of the Chl ago Ureal Western, ure spending tl.s Ujy m (be ally. OU1R AND GEME1ROU r: Advanced 0Fi(D) At Lower prices than were ever offered by any reputable piano house in the country, and on these remarkable terms: NO HONEY DOWN! FREE STOOL! FREE SCARF! Free Life Insurance. 25 Year Guarantee Look at this array of Superb Pianos from which you can make a selection. STEINWAY HARDMAN ALSO T1IK l OIXOWINU SMKIITLY I'SEI) PIANOS J. & 0. FISCHER ESTEY HARDMAN STRAUS & SONS KNABE SCHAFFER CHICKERINO & SONS HALLET & DAVIS Also the AEOLIAN lino of PLAYER PIANOS, including Weber, Steck, Wheelock, Stuyvesant and Technola and our own Schmoller & Mueller Player Pianos, made in seven different styles. EVERY INSTRUMENT MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. Remember, we are FORCED to remove these Pianos and Player Pianos from our building by January 1, 1912, in order to make room for the workmen to begin repairs on our damaged building caused by the excavation of the Woodmen of the World build ing. THE CONTRACT HAS BEEN LET. Free $50 Coupon Tills Coupon will bn norppted as first pay nirut of iftno on any MOW Pliino or IMayr riano In our storerooms, If presented before January 1, llMli. If you ar nnuMo to tall In person, please write for our Free. Catalogue and Price List. You ran make no better tllirlstmas pmibase tlinn u Piano or Player llano. It will bring Joy and pleasure to the entire household and your friends as well. SCHMOLLER & MUELLER PIANO GO. Manufacturer Wholesaler MYSTERY BAFFLES POLICE Violent Death of William leppin at Council Bluff Strange. FOUND WITH BULLET WOUND Drrolrrr I, lea Mrar ami a Short Distance A war lit Home Kntlrrlr Consumed tr Fire. Council Bluffs police are baffled by an unusual ohalu of clrcumntancra surround, ins the violent death yesterday morning of William Leppin, aged 70 yeari, who liai been employed in the Milwaukee roundhouse. Ieppln's body was found shortly before noon about 200 feet east of hi ahack in the Milwaukee yards. There was a bul let wound In his head and nearby a re volver was found. At 4:40 o'clock In the morning: the shack There uct and one of these luff you along these lines, bear in mind the fact that there is more than a half century's good' reputa tion for purity and well doing behind Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey that it has been used by the Medical Profession, the Hospitals and in the Homes with beneficial results all these years. Then tell Mr, Dealer you want Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey that nothing else will do. You are always assured when you use Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey whether it be as a tonic stimulant for the sick and run down pat ient, or in a little water at meal time, as an aid to digestion that you are using the best that can be made. Duffy's I'u re Malt Wliikcy is sold by druggists, grocers and deal era in sctUttl bottles, juire Vl.tNt. If you ran't procure It, let us knot and we will U-W )u how to obtain it. Write for dot tor's advice and ImioL of receipt for Isblo and sickroom. Tin: m i rv mai.t 4. CREATE MOST olidav Sale PIANOS and PLAYER PIANOS STEQER & SONS EMERSON MEHLIN & SONS McPHAIL ItctallerH 1:111-13 FAltNAH 8TIU2KT,, OMAHA, NIC It. " WrWBr in which Ieppln and lila son lived waa burned. When the firemen arrived they did not find the place occupied. Leppln's son, Martin, aged about IS yearn, uuld to be weak menially. Is iiiixrtlriK. and both Omaha and Council llluff are being searched for lilm. Whether ' I.cppln committed suicide or was niuriltied and robbed, the police are unable to say. Kvlileiues at the spot where the. body waa found Indicate that the aaed mult might have been murdered and dragged to the place. The absence of Hie von lends further mystery to the tragedy. The robbery theory is given strength In tho fart that three days ago Ix-ppln drew from the Milwaukee $80 In return for his services. When founj the only money on his person was $2.11. The suicide theory is given some strength by the fact that a few days ago Leppin waa laid off by the railroad com pany, and since that time he spent much time brooding over the forced inactivity. The key to success in business Is the )ultclous and persistent use of newspaper advertising. is no Substitute for y's Pure Malt Ohiskey Some dealers who think more of their profits than of their service to their customers may try and convince you that there is that something he has to offer you is "just as good" as Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey. When you ask for our prod substituting dealers talks wiiiskkv it)., kociikstkh, n. v. ST OFFEM WEBER Schmoller & Mueller KIMBALL DAVIS & SONS ARION $25 On Used Pianoc Tbls coupon will be aerepted us first pay ment on any NMUtnXY I'SKl) Piano or Player Piano in our storerooms, If presented before January 1, 1012. Will of Anna Wilson is to Be Contested Informal notice of contest of Miss Anns Wilson's will, bequeathing her fortune to charity, has been filed In county court by James II. i'alt of St. Louis, who claims to be a brother of Miss Wilson. Hearing on the petition for probate of the will, which was set for November was In definitely deferred by County Judge Les lie to give Fait and his brothers time to prepare for their contest. The notice of the contest Is In the form of a letter to the county court. Mr. l'alr say s; that he and his ' brothers, thougli poor men, propose to securo at leist a part of Miss Wilson's estate, as they will have no difficulty in proving their rela tionship. He asks for the names and ad dresses of Abraham L. Reed, named as executor by Miss Wilson, and W. J. Con- nell, attorney for the estate. Formal contest will be Instituted by the Pstts within a few days. to v '.-' .. mm i " s