Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 3, Image 3
TiiK OMAHA SUNDAY. H1011: NOVUM UK1J 1!). liUI. V Nebraska Nebraska Nebraska POSTAL BANK HAS FINE START Postmaster Sizcr Deposits $6,000 in the Lincoln Banks. BIG SUIT FOR PATHOL RIDE heehrn Death Aerldental Doty Talks at Lincoln Onlarliu IJles at Capital One Socialist Elected. ) ,i n'mm a Ptaff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Neb., Nov. 1S.-I Special.) Pi.f (master Sixer today deposited l;,000 from the Lincoln postal savings bank in local banks. Today's deposit was Die first made since the postal bank was established In Uncoln. The first de posit has been held, awaiting the ap proval of the surltles by the department in Washington. Hereafter depoclts will s bo made each day. i vi wing itivu &i jju iirr iiuuiw iu u patrol wagon on the street . In front of the house. Mrs.vMary Smith today filed lult In district court for $25,004 against Counctlmen Yungblut and Meier and Offi cer F.oi'gh. Phs alleges that she was greatly humiliated by the action of the defendants. When workmen, under the direction of city officials started to change the s'.de walk on South Eleventh street as di rected by tho council, the woman Inter fered with a broomstick. She was placed under arrest, but neighbors persuaded the Dl fleers not to bring her to tho, police nation. Death Is Accidental. -V coroner's Jury this afternoon decided that the death of John Kheehen, who was killed In the Hock Island yards yesterday ac HoVcby, was accidental. No blainu was attached to the company or to any of Its en.pluyes. was thrown from a cinder car Mien a coplmg was made. He fell under Iho wheels and was badly crushed. Assessors Uultj Uneastnur. That assessors i-hould ijuit guessing at real estate valuation' and that they hould adopt Home uniform system in ilnlr work of valuing property, was the kiessage brought to the Lincoln Com- lieiclal ciub by K. W. Doty, a tax ex pert from Cleveland, O., w!i fpoke at ilie rwonday luncheon today. "There must bo a unit of valuation !rum which to work," he declared, "As. lessinent is slxply a comparison o: ralues. There la a mathematical relation Ittween tuu vuiue of tne different pieces II property that can be accurately ar- & dved Aldrlvh la Better. had known the history of the 1 n . . . . .. , . V Xf ransmissistippi congress, inai. it nao I ased lesoluilons for free sliver and ud opposed railroad rato regu.ntlon by tougre8, 1 would never have given It i chance to crowd me. off Us program," leclared Governor Aldrlch today. The governor was u( his office today, laving recovered from an attack of ton llilUs. However, he did not appear to lave recovered from his trip' to Kansas City. ... . Aged Man Dies. . WU.'l&m leiiu.-ttoiv.Mcl'eak, one of the HJmI cliUeua of Lincoln, died this tiouuns. Death was due to pneumonia, tie was ninety-eight years old. One year ago Air. McPeak moved to Lincoln Horn Omaha, where he had re dded for several years. At one time he fas engaged. In business In Omaha. ' The I uncial wiH be held Sunday after tooo. A'etT Postmaster at Haveloek. Wonalur brown has announced that loutge W. Amierson will be appointed (oilu.oater at Haveluck to succeed A. A. Hyera, who has been elected Sheriff of ilia county. Mr. Anderson Is a machinist ti the Havelock shops, has been a resl ler.t of that place fur years, and has otn a republican worker of considerable I J&luer.ce. Mr. Hyers, the retiring post- uaeter, has held the office for nine years. e socialists elected one county offl- In Kebiaska, so far as the returns r . . . ... . . . . lave Dcen aigesteu nere. jacoD juamnacn If Hayes county was elected coroner. The lepub. leans had no candidate In the field. Slow Progress Making iii'the Stewart Trial ItEATIUCE. Neb.. Nov. lS.-S'pcclal.)-The trial of Thomas K. terart, charged with Menllns l,3C3 while . employed as bookkeeper at the feeble minded insti tute, Is progressing slowly. Kvery Inch of ground la contested and every scrap of evldcnro carefully scrutinized before It Is accepted. Dr. tJ. L. Koe on the stand yesterday Identified the check for J:7.7" which had been raid the Klein Mercantile company. The entry on the cash book' showed that the figures had been changed to $1,337.77. C. I. Underwood, bookkeeper nt the In stitute, testified that he heard Stewart tell Tulleys that he had totalled the column. Mr. Underwood also testified that lr. Thomas, present superintendent, had given Vr. Ttoc a receipt fur $70 more than was tinned over from one admin istration to the other, and that Stewart hnd come out to the Institution snd of fered to replace the amount, but that it was refused by Thomas on advice of Accountant Tuileys and attorneys. Tho receipt had .been written out by HVw art and the face of the book showed Hiat It was correct. H was shown by Underwood's testimony that several checks which had been .outstanding when tr. Hoe's administration terminated came in fo:- payment after Thomas took charge. The state finished its side of the case with the exception of one Enes; IDLE ACRES jAND IDLE MEN Louis V. Ouye Says These Are Factors in High Cost of Living. FARMS ARE BECOMING TOO BIO Labor lontinlsslnnfr Advocates Scl entitle: Inalrnetlnn that Will luerease Profits of Small Farmer. Kdvcd at.' If I 1 I -af an Sltf The Hal I CUSTER CANDIDATE FOR SHERIFF ASKS RECOUNT BROKEN BOW, Neb., Nov. 18. (Spe- llul.) John Craig, republican candidate ior sheriff, who was defeated by Joe Wil- n with, a majority ot 26 votes, .has de- llded to ask for a recount of the ballots, Vhlch' will be done in the near future. Jialff and his supporters base their claim in the fact of there being two candidates ly the name of Wilson for sheriff on lie bullot. Joe Wilson of An?ley being Ihe democratic pandldate, and John Wil ton of Calloway, the soclallst'candidate. The contention is that similarity of names ould be liable to cause a sufficient niim ler of mistakes In the various voting pre (Incts to overcome Joe Wilson's majority. This, of course is purely speculative and t will take a recount to determine H'hether or not Craig's claim Is well tuur.ded. Injured Woman Hecovrre. GENEVA, Neb., Nov. lS.-(Special.)-Urs. R. A. Matteson, who was thrown Irom a buggy Wednesday evening and lad her nose -broken, is recovering. Key to the Hituation Bee Want Ads. Custer County Fair Society Reorganizes BROKKX HOW, Neb., Nov. S.-(Spe-clul.) The annual meeting of tho Cus ter 'County Agricultural society, for the purpose of electing a full set of officers and ninppInK out a program for the com ing year, was particuiai ly successful and called forth' a good attendance. Finan cially, the Inn year has been a good one for' tho tociety. Over a year ago it was considerably' In debt owing to improve ments that were put on the fair grounds; but the receipts for this year wefo close to $6,000, covering all out standing debts and giving the society a surplus. The election resulted as "fol lows: President, C. II. Jeffords; vice president, H. M. Sullivan; secretary, C. T. Orr; treasurer, A. Morgan. Dlroctors for three years, Fred Hayes, Tom Fln .en and lien Miller. The board , of di rectors consists of nlno members, three of whom are elected each year and hold office fos three years. - ' CORNERSTONE OF NEW SCHOOL BUILDING LAID SIIELTON, Neb., Nov.. 18. (Special.) The laying of the cornerstone of Shel ton'a" new 'public Bqhool. building 'took place Friday at 11 a. m. The Bchool children and ' teachers marched through town to the school grounds, laid the stone and deposited tho box and eon tents. The ceremony was . in charge of the ' ministerial association of Shelton. After laying the stone the services were neJd la the Methqiiat church, which was filled to capacity,' America., was sung by the congregation, after which Lawrence K. Treat gave' a history of the Shelton school. ' This was followed by an ad. dress by Dr. A. O. Thomas, president of the . Kearney State Normal school. . In the afternoon the children from the town and country, also teachers were given free entertainment at the picture show lollowed by a basket ball game betwee'.i the local and Wood River school teams. The building is 82x112, two full stories and basement made of pressud brick and tione and will cost $3C,CC0. EARL R. BUSH GETS TEN THOUSAND FROM BURLINGTON PLATTSMOUTH, Neb., Nov. 18.-(8pe-clal.) Karl R. Blluh, who his ben plain tiff In a lawsuit against the liurllngto for almost three years seeking heavy damages for the loss of a . leg, and .the suit is now pending in the. state supreme court, yesterday reached a settlement of his claim with the company. The de fendant Is to pay him 110,000 and the costs of the litigation so far. Mr. BUsh re ceived the Injury on July 1, 19(J9, while acting as fireman on the switch engine In the Plattsmouth yard. Ills engine Was run by Mr. Nellson and . the crew was backing, north when an extra freight struck the tank ot the engine. Mr. Bllsh, who had heard the warning too late to save himself was in the act of springing out of the cab when the collision occurred and the tank was Jammed against the engine so as to pin him fast. It was Koine time before he could be released. His foot was afterwards amputated. SILK THIEVES CAUGHT TRYING TO SELL GOODS . GENEVA, Neb., Nov. . 8peclal.) Three strangers who were trying to sell silks and- furs in Fairmont last , week were arrested by Sheriff Ashton on sus picion. This morning W. H. Taylor of Exeter, Neb'., identified some of thj goods as having been taken from his store, and , filed complaint with the county Judge. . . 1 nBH n '4a!ihatM Uuaaaaair lverv man anrl wnmnn u-h aquI, tn ri,t i i " ... ... " v " tut ub Kiivy uujr unu t" - pect $2.00 worth of merchandise for $1.00 cash should come to this, "Tho Only .Sample, Clothing Store" for men, women and children in Omaha, and look at our values, then look at what other stores offer and jou will be convinced that the only Bargain Store in Omaha ia at 205 South Sixteenth Street, Brown Block. On Monday, November 20th Wo place on Special Sale Ladles', Misses', Juniors' and Children's Stylish Plush, Caracul, Kur and Cloth Coats, Silic and Serge Dresses and Suits. MUX'S ALL WOOL SIITS Heavy and sergo linings, every one a sample,' $ 10.00 and $15.00 values; on special sale Monday Men's All-Wool Overcoat In Prebto and convertible models, ana ?20.00 values; Bueclal sale price for e j j dA a , Monday ;.. $3.5(5 ullfl $10.9 Hero is jutt the opportunity you've boen looking for. We are ulctftiag hundreds of people every day. Conic and let us please you. medium weights, silk and $5.98 i $8.S8 $15.00 03 South Kith St llrow mu JUuhattan Mm Mgxt, 1:05 tSi. mh MNCOIN, Neb., Nov. IS. "Chief amontf the great questions with which the peo ple of this nation arc grappling- Is the high cost of llvlni; ahd enforced Idleness on the part of the tollers caused by tho lack of employment, the burden ot the former resting upon tho results of the latter," Fays L. V. Ouye. "And here let me say that I consider idleness, duo to any cause, a calamity resting not aione upon the Individual, but upon the society ks a whole. "The causes of hlsh cost of living and the periods of Idleness are In part trace able to several reasons, principal among which is the general desertion of the land by those who believe that they can more easily make headway In tho largo cities." ' Karma Are Too l.nritr. "A iiegatlvn influence Is being brought to bear upon this thnse of farm life, namely, tho constant desire of our farm ers to reach out for more and more land, resulting In the enlargement of the acreage tilled by the individual workman, thereby canning a dwarf production and the stunted fertility of the land. "The basis for the back to the farm movement should. In my opinion, be embodied In tho effort for greater earning capacity for the small farmer, through a less acreage and more Intensified' system of farming, thus readjusting his social environments, the employment of scientific methods of teaching and de veloping agriculture and- other vocational subjects In our schools and through the efforts of those who may be engaged In spreading tho scientific principals of farming. "I wish to say for the great state of Nebraska that we have approximately 20,uoo,OOj acres of unoccupied land, similar In quality to those now under cultiva tion and which produced In 1PI0 products valued at W4.713,8fl, which equalled the total production of all tho gold, silver, copper, Iron, crude petroleum, tobacco, lead and Elnc produced by the entire United States and Alaska and yet leav ing a net balance of $.'!,0&9,4ul, In favor of Nebraska, her greatest problem being a method of checking this enormous stint In the method of unthorough cultivation and the running waste for tho want of a sufficient population to turn our idle acreage to account. One hundred thous and families would not exhaust Ne braska's idle acres should their efforts be confined to a proper method of cultiva tion. The high cost of living and want of employment would thus be minimized and the world would become the great beneficiary." HEIRS OF BLAIR MAN SUE NORTHWESTERN BLAIR, ; Neb., Nov. It. (Special. )-ln September. tW, George W. Wentworth, a resident of this city,-employed as watch man on tho Missouri river railroad bridge, while going to worlt, riding alone on a small hand-car, . was knocked off by a train. Although bruised and sore he con tinued to work for four or five days after wards, dying about eight days later. Ho had been suffering from a complication of diseases for several ycai-s, and his im mediate death was attributed to kidney trouble, although there was talk of his Injuries In connection with his death. The family later moved to Cedar Itapids, la., where they have recently brought suit against the' Northwestern railroad for the sum of $16,000. On W'ednesduy At torney McLaughlin of Cedar Rapids' was In Blair lining up evidence for the rail road company. The train crew that hurt Wentworth, and brldxe employes were examined, and the trial Is expected to bo heard about November 28. Justice of the Peace George P, Metemple has been ap pointed administrator, and In connection with Cedar Kaplds lawyers Is pushing the claim for the Wentworth family. At Wentworth's death the family received $1,000 Insurance from the Maccabee lodge. NEBRASKA CITY NEWS NOTES Unrlinutnii U Reducing Train Crews Iteenoaa of Black Uualneaa. NEBRASKA CITY, Nov. 18.-(Bp'eclal.) Because of light business the Burling ton railway has dropped down seven en gineer who have been promoted within the last two years. They have gone to firing and the firemen have been glvtn other Jobs, on the division out of thli city. A number of train men have been put on short time or given vncutlong for the same reason. Deputy Fire Warden Williams has been here several days inspecting- the fire dangers In and out of the principal build ings and factories of this city and suggesting- a number of changes. He also inspected all of . the cellurs under the pluces of business and had them all cleaned up and put in shape, threatening to euvoke the aid of the law where a willingness to comply with his request was not given with a pleasant smile. Morris Horovrr, a barber who was ar rested here several days ago on the charge of currying oomeuled weupons, was permitted to leave the city to es cape prosecution. The officers were going to deport ' hlin. he beinj; a subject of P.ussla, but they decided the beat wiiy was to permit him to take his departure Instanter. Word has been received In this city that Lentcr Klsiier, for a number of years first lieutenunt of Company C, of this city, has been made general manager of the Gulf Jiag company at Sun Frahclnco, Cal. This Is a branch of the ISemls Bag company and one of the largest corpora tlons on the Pacific coast. Modern Woodmvu Kaily at Harvard. HARVARD, Neb.. Nov. 18.(Bpei lal.) H. C. Wilson has been working for sev eral days to increase the membership of Hurvard camp tpj. Modern Woodmen of America, aqd on Friday evening ieputy Wilson assisted, by the members of Haivard camp and visiting members from other camps in this locality, initiated a claja of some twenty members, conclud ing wlib supper and a general social time. Funeral of Juuira 8labaugb. GENEVA. Neb.. Nov. 18. -(Special. ) Tho budy of James eiaybuugh, who died of typhoid fever at Wayne. Nub., arrived hero last evening und was Ukeu charge of by the Odd Fellows. The funeral took p ace today. Buy Dining Furniture Now Here are some especially good values in furni ture of merit and excellent quality . 4 BUFFET (Like Cut.) An excellent colonial pattern of se lect quarter-sawed oak, polish fin ish. Has scroll banc, (rimmed with wood knohs. Top Is 51 inches long. French bevel mirror 4 4x12 Inches. High grade. Ppet lal price $39.00 DINING TABLE (Like Oat.) This table is made throughout of select golden oak, hand polished. Has well designed colon ial platform base. Kitted with ton and base locking device. Top is round, 4 8 Inches in diameter. Special price nrj- DINING CHAIR (tike Cat.) $27 This Is a full box frame, slip leather seat. Hlghem gratia conntructlon. Quartered golden ok. A strongf serviceable chair, at; only Here aro some patterns that we desire to drop from our line. Note extra special values Ilegular Special Price Price Nervinr; Table, Early English oak.. 24.00 16.00 Arm Diner, golden ouk 9.50. 7.00 Dining Chair, golden oak, leather seat 6.50 4.25 Diuing Chair, golden oak, leather seat 5.00 3.00 Dining Chair, leather seat und back, (Jolden oak 8.00 5.50 Early English Diner, leather seat . . 4.50 3.00 Dining Chair, wood seat 1.65 1.25 Arm Dining Chair, Goldenvoak ... . 7.50 5.00 Dining Chair, mahogany 17.00 10.00 Dining Chair, mahogany, leather seat 15.00 .7.50. China Cabinet, mahogany 53.00 37.50 Mahogany Dining Suite Sideboard, China Cabinet and dining table ..360.00 210.00 Regular Special Price Price Buffet, golden oak $59.00 $42.00 Uuffct, golden oak 64.00 46.00 Buffet, golden oak 80.00 59.00 China Cabinet, fumed oak 5J.00 37.50 China Cabinet, fumed oak 44.00 29.50 China Cabinet, fumed oak 82.00 55.00 Buffet,' Early English oak 87.00 58.00 China Cabinet, Early English oak.. 56.00 37.50 Buffet, Early English oak 54.00 36.00 China Cabinet, Early English oak.. 45.00 27.50 Chairs, Early English oak, leather , seat; set of" six 45.00 29.00 Chan's,' (lolden oak, leather seat, three only 18.00 10.50 Draperies of Unusual Merit Lace Curtains and curtain materials with style and individuality that will surely interest you. Lace Curtains, ier pair, from ....$1.50 to $50.00 Bedding Turftin n vurd f'rnni 21f to HI OO ' Th'9 lhe tlmo of th y'M'that Heddlng is particularly In- curtain xer, a )aia, liom -o( w .uu teresting. a cheat speciai, for Monday Sunfast materials, all colors, a yard $1.00 to $2.50 $0.73 All Wool BlanketB, full size, special price $4.50 Bortieres in latest styles, a pair $3.75 to $15 $10 All Wool Blankets, full size, extra heavy $6.75 Orchard & Wilhelm Carpet (2o. WEST POINT NEWS NOTES Ilenrr IAen and Mi ft Zlcsirld Sfar. rlrd Sandar Hchool Convention. WEST POINT, Neb:, Nov. 18. (Special.) Henry Iden and Ml ICUaubeth Zlefe!d were united In marriage at Pierce, Neb., on Thursday by Rev. J. W. Hcheip, pan- tor of the German Lutheran church. Mr. Iden is a prosperous farmer living north west of this city and he and bride have commenced houHdkeeptng in their new home. The nineteenth annual convention of the Cuming County Sunday School associa tion will he held In the Methodist Epis copal church nt W'lsner November 22-23. The speakers will bo the clergymen of the county generally, assisted by the officers of the State Sunduy School asso ciation. The local officers arc: President, H. A. McDonald, Wlsner; vice president, Dr. I. Ik Thompson, Beemer; secretary trcasuicr, Miss Emma It. Miller, West Point. An attempt was made by tho wife of Adolph Stogolmaun . of Ileeiner to have Mr. Stegt'lnianii adjudged Insane by the county board who, however, declared him sane. The uccused man Is extremely deaf and acts strangely at times as a result of this affliction. ' The annual meeting of the W'e.Ht Point Poultry and Pet Stock association Is an nounced to toko place on November 20. This association has a large arul. Increas lng membership and Is doing excellent worlt In its line. The annual poultry show will take pluce at Went Point on De cember 6 and continue for five duya. The Coord If Education has appointed Miss Cecelia Poster of Uncoln us princi pal of the West Tolnt High school, suc ceeding Ml as Lucy llemsreet, resigned. Miss Foster in a graduate of the Uni versity of Nebraska and has taught two years In the hlmh school at O'Neill. Newspaper Chanava at Uraail Island GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Nov. 11. (flpeclal.) A number of tho lealllrif democrats of this city, among them Sher iff Punkel, F. V. Ashton, V. 11. Thomn spn, E. Williams and lhiyard II. Paine, have, In conjunction with Mr. Cell and Mr. Polhemus, recently of Ho ward county, purchased the Free Press, a lo cal democratic . weekly, of Augustine & Hon and will continue the publication in connection with the Anzelger-IIerald, the local German democratic paper, of which Mr. Gell recently purchased a controll ing Interest. TOBACCO DECREE ATTACKED General Criticism of Court's Opinion Marks Trust Hearing. ATTORNEYS GENERAL COMPARED Senator Oliver ltrpile to Attack on WJrkrrtliam hy Pointing Out I n tancea Wherein Harmon Failed to F.nforee Law. WASHINGTON. Nuv.. 18 A nrl at tack upon the decree of the circuit court of New York In the dissolution of the American Tobacco company and a specific comparison of the activities of Attorney General Wlckrrsham and Former At torney General Judxon Harmon, in en forcing the Sherman anti-trust law against great combinations enlivened to day's hearing of the senate committee on Intel state commerce, which is Investigat ing the trust problem with a view to new legislation. : Benator Poinerene of Ohio, in vigorous questions directed toward II. II. Martin, a witness before the committee, asked If ha knew of "any Justification for tlis head of a department, ot th government to take th position that. h will not enforce the criminal provision! of ' tho Sherman anti-trust law." "There appears to be little effort In the Department of Justice to enforce the criminal provisions of tho law," said Benator Fomerene." t'rltlelars Harmon, Senator Oliver was the only member of the commltteo who replied to the at tack on the attorney general. Also ad dressing the witness, he wanted to know what the .latter thought of tho "com parative reprehenslblllty" of an attorney general "who actively and successfully enforces a law like this, who resurrects it and, makes It effective and proceeds at least toward successful civil prosecutions, us compared wlih one of his predacrrsort who'dld not, and who practically declared the law a dead letter." "I refer' to former Attorney General Judson Harmon of Ohio," sold Benator Oliver, looking across the table to Senator Pomerene. The committee showed signs of an Incipient outbreak. Benator Pomerene declared It wt, not Mr. Harmon, but ffis predecessor, Richard Olney, who had said, In substance, that the law waa a deat letter. ' . Mahtlnar Want gold. OTTUMWA, la., Nov. 17. (Speclal.)- The Ottumwa Gas. Light, Heat and. Power company, which has been owned by local parties, was sold yesterday to the Western Utilities company, ooav . trolled by Grand Rapids, Mich., an4 Chicago capitalists. A reorganisation of the company has been made and an Issut of 1750,000 bonds floated with which U make Improvements and extensions. New Itrsldrnre Hams. CHARITON, la., Nov. 17.-(fipeolal.) The new residence of Kria - Johnson of Charlton waa completely destroyed ' by fire this week, caused, supposedly, by an overheated furnace. The. loss total over $6,000, only partially covered by in surance, i Iowa CHr Man Fulls Sixty Feet. IOWA CITY, la., Nov. 17.-(Speclal.)-A sixty-foot plunge from the top of a wind mill today resulted in three broken rlba and a broken finger for John Wolfe, a farmer living Just east of Iowa City." ICey to the Situation-See Want Ada. 1 a I & Sons Co., M 1515 Harney St Sensational Discounts Monday Another Monday, tomorrow, when you can save nearly one half on a big: lot of home needs of first quality cut for Monday only. Thanksgiving and Christmas Specialties included. B A lloy Ron Over hy Tiala. IUViii citv iv-h v.. i. ,j ... . ... - - - - . . ' " , . u v . is. Telegram.) While Union Puctflc freight .u. . whs swiicnmg ut utsing city Fri day afternoon, Rayrnuiid. the son of ilr. nd airs. Ed Arnold, ho, live one and one-half miles northeast of Klslng City, was run over and severely Injured. Hev cral boys, it is reported, were playing on and about the tracks, hen the englnu backing three cars struck the boy und knocked him down arid two ears passed over him. Ills left ear was loin off, Ills bead cut and his right ankle was twisted to the extent that It Is feared luu mem ber will have to be amputated. College Man Arrested. CHICAGO, Nov. 17.-Waller Thompson. Jr., claiming to be a former student at Cornell university and the son of & Pittsburgh (P.) business man, was taken Into custody here today by a prlvute de leriive aguncy ond is bslng held pendlnn ii crutiiun. irom apoaane, wasn.. Where charges of forgery, passing worthless ruecas and wife dcacrttun are against ; him. ! Thompson told the police he had been disowned by tils father after his elope ment with a young woman while attend ing Cornell. 1 em. I XJS TTS CELBBSaTEu BlDUKT KOMI BTOTI1 None equal to these. Monday we Iva the rare chance to buy the No. K a $j2.(0 valtif, U'la-... $42.00 CABH OB FATSL-BHTB. 1 U PV- -Srt- I if rJLJf j Of jpSM Tns"f J--- ''Tf ' " FOOD CHOPPERS Celebrated Kntsr prise, complete with 4 knives $1.10 size Monday 1 1.4.1 size Monday -WAFFLE IRONS With either high frame for gag stove or 1 o w frame regular 11.05, Monday ; 69c MOAiTltl The l'uiuous seamless. self Lasting kind A full line of Llsk Kntaneled lioasters. 98c 73c 98c MOULDS Cjirvln Sett Hets of 3, large, In oval or round shape: 4 0c, on Monday 9So hets of 12 Individual moulds J.'.r, .Monday at Mo Seta of 24 ujc. Motility at 33o Handsome 3-plece aeta with tag har.dles, guaranteed keen edge blade; all In a ll'ied case. Very 4PQ f C apeclal Monday atWftllw Most elaborate and com plete display of carvers In Omaha. BOAST PAWS Made of smooth, black Iron, and all turkey sizes 15c sir.o Monday ... to 18c size Monday ,..10 0c size, Monday ...13o ri"" r-'' " m ( QUICJC VEIL KAVOES Tlil up to dnlu iianae. all complete, with liigu warming rlos.-t, polished top and enam eled flues I40.uu hU Miiiiil.ty . . . S38.0O ll. 'J') hUo Monday ....939.00 Gas Hot Plates S-burner burners, Monday ul .. with ss wed regular 12 00, SI.39 Silver Tableware I knives and C forka, beau tiful Ivoroy handles, guar nnterd ltt-pwt., all In satin' lned box: $7.00 (1 Or set, MorUay . ...W4QO S.!5 Coffee machine. In nickel or copper mush Monday at Electric Coffee Ma chines. Plat Irons, Toaster and Chafers. $5.95 4 - -'