Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1911, WANT AD SECTION, Page 8, Image 28
THE OMAHA SUNDAY HEK: NOVEMBER 19, Jfltl. ECHOES OF THE ANTE-ROOM Lodges Busy vita Lodge Matters and Social Eventi. A MEMORIAL FOR MANDERSON "erte 1 111 He Csjdjrtd by v. ft. GraM Post ! All Otkrr ToaU d tbe Pabllc Arf larlted to Attend. Omaha lodRe No. I, Dsnnebros; lodge No, 21S, Jonathan lods;e No. 32S cf Flor ene and DannebroK lodge 2ol of Soutli Omtba will elect officer at their meetinKs this week to serve for Die first fix month of the year 1!12. , Omaha lodge X'o. t will have work In th third degree Wvt Friday evening. Hesperian rncsxnpment No. 2 elected the following oiTfi-ers fir i lie , nu::i r term lat Th evening: C. A. Grim a chin pattuit-ii; '.... ..iniL-.H., .iii... warden; V. S. llolman, hiyh 1c-t: Ttt A Nellsen, Junior wantlen; C. M. Coffin sr.. scribe; R. F. IJryant. tr-iurcr; Orarge Turkln&ton, Uarlua Itartnon anil G. Ptrlffler, trustee Wasa lodge No. lit. will put on the third di-gree work , Wednesday evening. Park City lodge ', No. W of- Council Bluffs has extended an Invitation to the members of Omaha lodge No. 2 and t- Omaha Odd .Fellow to go to. Couucil Bluffs and take pa.-- In their meeting tin Tuesday tventng, November 2S. Talk City will have five candidate for the Initiatory i!egree on that night. South Omaha lodge. No.'.l hv work In th second degree tomorrow bight. J. 8. Cornell of State lodg No. 10, ex pect to move to j F.dmonton, Alberta, lom time next month. niebrog- lodge No. 216 will confer the third degree on four candidates next Prl y evening. crowd of Council Bluff Odd Fellows, falndpally memlcn of Park City lodge ji. aoe, visited Omuha lodge No. t last JTrlday evening. lluth Rebekah lodge No. 1 hold a sue awful party at Odd Fellow hall last vetting. Liannebrog lodga No. 3,1 of South Omaha will nr work third de ar next Saturday night. Aaaaal Kleettoa of Officer. 1 tanner lodge No. 11, Fraternal Union of America, wilt hold It annual election r officer Thursday night at th Faxton Hock, third floor, entiance on Blxteentb UecL All member pleas attend. nopal Xelaralwrs Play Ilia KItt. Tbo promotion committee of tb Hoyal J,'e!ghbors of America will give a conso lation high Or party Tuesday 'afternoon to Woodmen ball. Fifteenth and.Douia atreet. , . Gettysburg- jtfrclo will meet at o'clock ttediMtsdar at Fraternity hall, Rlxteeuth ttd llarney streets, in rular aesadon. Memorial for Hssltrsss. Memorial service for th lata Oeneral Uanderaon will b conducted Tuesday renlng at Bsrlghf hall by U. B. Grant post. Grand Army of th Republio. Gen eral Oranrlli M. Dodg of Council Bluffs i not well at present, but If hi health permits, he will attend th mem orial exercises, but will not participate. Change . i Your Shoes - Don't atlck to a light pair of shoo now. Think of your health, jour, appearance, th foot comfort, beca'is our new shoe ar a easy ' foot-feeling a an old pair. Thar I no Justifiable excuse for you to wear ' unseasonable' shoea no, even not th price. Allstylt,' ail leather 'for outdoor wear $3.50 and $4 BJHOE CO. 16 til and Douglas Sts. Other posts and the gvnersl nubile re .nvited. The following progTam will be given: Prelude Funeral March Chopin Jean (. Jones, rtespnnsive Hervlce. "The ' Vacant Chair." T. K Quartet. Address John I,ee Webster.. Eweet Remembrsric Mendelsrohn Jean U. Jones. Adlrs Cloning Itesponse, "The Flag Without , h dtalu." T. K. Quartet. Taps f'ostlnde t'relude. Op. 2S, No. .... Chopin Maecabees Card Party. Gate t'lty lodge No. 0, . Ladles of the Maccabees, will give a card party next Friday afternoon At 2 o'rUxM In the Con tinental , building, Fifteenth and Douglas streets. POLICE BOARDJGETS FUNDS Collect! Two Thousand Dollars from Dong-las County Commissioners. PAY FOR HEATING THE JAIL Wanplrh Hay This Mill Provide Plenty of Money So the Board May Pay the roller for Foil Time This Tear. W. F. Wapplch, secretsry of the Fire and Police Hoard, went before th county commissioners with a request that the county pay the Fire and Police Board due them for the heating of the county Jail for the last yesr. Without discussion a resolution was submitted and passed granting the request. "This money," said Chief of Police wnshue. "will pntthe department on a basis where none of the fore will be discharged for lack of funds to pay them. Also w will make no levy to pay dr-flcleni.-les In the fund. "In IMS the city and county signed a contract whereby we were to heat the county Jail at ll.Ogo a year," said Mr. Wapplch. "We found out the first year that the fuel alone cost more than that. The deficit was made up from the police fund. We asked the commissioners to pay up to July 1, jail, as we had received nothing but the $1,000 for the first year. The commissioners waived all technical consideration and granted the request." Deadly Fright possesses) sufferers from iu;i,T trouble till they learn Ir. Kind's No Dl-covcry III help them. Mo nl $1.00. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. (r 3 C 3 C iticcctty Clothes auo snists l.riHI.(l The Winter Holiday Season a time for eood cheer, good will and good clothes and goodness . in clothes, like that in mankind, must be more than surface-deep We have labelized "SINCERITY" because it represents the care beyond care that goes into rr Tailored of rich, soft-draping all-wool fabrics, and with intensely individual style. You'll like them, because they arc unlike others impressive in good form and expressive of good taste. The . SINCERITY" label is easy to remember when you buy clothes and bard to forget when you have worn them. - . ' M A-D E I-N. C H I C A G O - B Y Ktttt, ttathott 6 Ksttttr Co I CZZZ3 CZ3. ' "'ssV X Mew Bargains Every Day ! Every article that you purchase at our great half price sale,' now going on, is a oarffuin in the sense of the price being lower thau you can possibly obtain anywhere tlse. But as to quality we beg you to remember that you can find uo better goods made. Coming from all our best manufacturers, their trademarks are your guarantees. As to how we can Pell for half price, that's our secret your benefit. Fresh goods are arriving daily, but it taxes our capacity to keep up with the demand. We quote a few prices: DIAMONDS Hate you seen the Diamond Easel In our store window? it not. It Is well worth while to take the trouble to do ao, as we are showing a very at tractive line of Diamond Rings, Broochea, r Ear Screws and Scarf Pins at prices that we' guarantee to be right. . . N- Monday we will have for our special a Four Carat Perfect Stone, guaranteed to have no flaws or car bon; easily worth from $650 to $700. Monday only, for , . .$500 Ladies WATCHES Gentlemen Ladies' O Slzo Watch, an exceptionally vflne time keeper, a 15-Jewel Uockford movement in a 25-year 14k aolM go!d fl ledca e, for this week only $18.25 Gentlemen's I.VIpwpI Elgin or Waltham movement in a 20-year gold filled case; our ei e.ial sale price, each . ..75 All movements warranted five years and kept In repair. MESH BAGS We always tarry a larpe selection of High. Grade Mesh Bag3, German silver, silver plated and kid lined; regular price $4.00 to $14.00. Our special saio prices $2.00 to $7.00 TOILETWARE Sterling Silver ' Silver Plated Our Xmas stock of High Grade Toilet Sets, etc., is now ready for your Inspection. We guarantee you the best values and largest assortment in the city. Come early secure a few articles of this mammoth stock. Sterling Comb and Brush and Mirror Sets, regular prices $18.00 to $55.00; our special sale prices, your choice 'at $.00 to-$2T.BO Sterling Manicure Sets, regular prices $9.00 to $30.00; our special sale prices. .$1.50 to $15.00 Sterling Military Brush and Comb Sets,, regular prices $11.00 to $18.50; our special sale prices $.-5.SO to $0.25 All the above come In high grade silk-lined cse?. Quadruple Plated Comb, Brush and Mirror Sets, regular prices $10.00 to $16.75; our special sale prices, your choice $5.00 to $8.88 Quadruple Plated Military Brushes and Comb, reg ular prices $8.00 to $13.50; our special sale KPrices, your choice $4.00 to $.75 Quadruple Plated Manicure Sets, regular price $6.00 to $15.00; . special sale prices $.1.00 to $7.50 HIGH GRADE CUT GLASS Creamer and. Sugar, regular price $4.00; our spe cial sale price $2.00 Nappies, regular prices $1.75 to $4.50; our special : sale price 85c to $2.25 S-inch Bowl, regular price $5.00; our special sale - price $2.50 For card club prizes we have a beautiful line of Cut Glass PieceB at, each $1.00 STERLING SILVER All the most popular Sterling Tea Spoons, in cluding Madam Jumel, Lily of the Valley, etc., at jllPt HALF It EG U LA K P1UCKS. Cold Meat Forks, regular prices $4.00 to $8.00; sale prices $2.00 to $4.00 Berry Spoons, regular prices $5.00 to $12.00; sale w. prices $2.50 to $0.00 Gravy Ladle, regular prices $4.00 to $6.75; sale -prices $2.00 to $3.38 A-flne line of Spoons, B'orks, Olive Spoons, etc., for -card clubs, at, each $f.oo t SOUVENIR SPOONS One more big week of High Grade Souvenir Spoons, values up to $2.00, at 70c STERLING SILVER LITTLE FINGER PINKEY RINGS A new shipment just received, all sizes, all colors of stones; at, each $1.00 Three for $2.75. Thanksgiving is at hand and you may need some articles to replace lost or out worn utensils from your silver chest, to make the festal board complete. You will find them at our store, and at half price, as long as the sale lasts. We also advise you very strongly to select your Christmas presents now; we will keep them till wanted, and you get them better and with less nervous strain than in the grand final rush. Mail orders promptly attended to. Look for the diamond easel in the window. AT THE SIGN. OF THE CROWN. 115 South 16th Street. Opposite the Boston Store. Nebraska Clothing Company SELLS SINCERITY CLOTHES HI I It.', i LJ.J " 1 '. . .V 1 I lit in 1 r .. , -..'.vtv .i-...t.,.- a'klMia X m b f. iuv w 1 .......... Bit yVWIl MIA HlV V II 1 l vJ t mm 4. mm M , , M . PCPftM STFAMSMIPS 3i mafia Fur inporiyin Thit& Antaual Cm! Ts Sutii Anaritl im K. lU.Lhk 11KH 11. too Ma i, lli Uri xt ruWlHi sUAuiif mUIds Crvub 006 V writ's to iLs jbf. Offrs 7 luior s4 svnb- Is-rt. Uii Kw Tork Jsr. 23, 1S12 hltUltkl. Hfitvl-io, Paattt Awmumm fthroagh Ju Mralu mt Mir Hit a t lfria latfoitsS IM itKj-A I . HttCUM AfTm III Optiimal giil Trip KrttrwUri STi t-3 DAYS c-t t3S9 A Urn vrwltm U th4 OrlMt, Intit. VSH IM W trill. JtaJf m4 IfsSl. si. tut Ulss(nU4 f ttkWts. G. E. SHUKERT. Prop. Now Showing tho Largest Stock of Reliable. Stylish and Up-to-date Furs. l!ii:HURG-AMERICAHlME Ym W. vi.uUf sit., Ctklcafu, or iwcal 141 C LA R K O" f T CRUISE t.3 I. Ui. tvr U tslt.U, sll fctr . utal.i., t.,. ittii Aiir Ufc Turk, A' J .1 4. 1-,. It,. 1.'.. (V Larwi 'Ivwi. 1 .lAr li. 4 ufck, Hums Si 's . N Vws, 1'. a. v. iCl uu ljn, Vhi.ih, Specials for This Week Genuine Russian Pony Coati up from River Mink Coats, It Inches long, with beau tiful border on bottom, up from Handsome Go Wolf Bets, in the fashionable blue-gray shade, also in black, up from. Silver Fox Sets the newest and most sty Huh ft set of the season, up from Black Jap Lynx Sets, large shawl and stylish pillow muff, up from 935.00 565.00 97.50 920.00 920.00 VK 1IAVK THE LARGEST KEI.KITIOX OP FlIW KVEIl SHOWN IN OMAHA. AT I'HICKS VOIT WILL APPRECIATE, AN1 ARE CERTAIN LV UK VOX l COMPETITION. 401-3 Gouth 15th Street OMAHA belief For Tired, Aching Feet For the woman who suf fers with foot -troubles tired, aeliing feet that completely exhaust you, have a message of relief. A shoe that is real solid comfort and insures peaco of mind. They are GroYer's Comfort Shoes Made of the finest kid soles flexible and easy. They rest your feet. $1.75 to $4 Drexel Shoe Co. 1410 Farnam St. JS EmiLS . at the new fire-proof . Hotel Galvez . The Crowning Achievement of Galveston. It is an imposing Million Dollar Palace on Galveston's great eea wall, overlooking the sparkling waters of the Gulf and sur rounded by all tne captivating attractions of a semi-tropical climate. ' ' ' This i3 Galveston's latest achievement, her newest prid and joy a. superb hotel that doubles Galveston's attractive ness. This now delight bids you welcome to the City of Sun shine by the Seal . Besides tho comforts and perfect service of this splendid resort hotel, there are dozens of other attractions surf bathing, auto driving, golf, ten nis, boating, fishing or an afternoon promenade in a roller chair on the sea walL Hotel Galvez is the renter of Galveston's social life and activity and the scene of many delightful functions. Our handsome booklet In colors will convince you that you should spend THIS Winter at Ualvcston. Bent IVee on request. Address JOHN F. LETTON, Manager, Hold Galvez, GALVESTOX, TEXAS. Going: to Galveston? You will get there in better time and greater comfort by using the Katy. Trains from your city make good connections at Kansas City with fast limited train splendidly equipped with free re clining chair cars, Pullman electric-lighted standard and observation sleep ers. It runs over the Katy all the way, so there la no danger of missed connections or tiresome delays. For fares, berth reservations or any information In regard to the Journey, address V. S. St. Geoj'gr, Gen. I'assetiger Agent, I. K. & T. Ry. YVolnmrlRlit IMdg., St. Louis, Mo. Srt. v' Egyptian Chocolates Our Latest Creation Kone Letter at Any Price. Sold In 1 and S l'ounj lloxe Only Price 80c and 91.00. If by Mall fl.OO and fiJ.OO. Myers-Dillon Drug Go. 16th and Farnam Sts , Omaha. DRS. MACH & MACH - Successors to . BAILEY & MACH DXsTTISTS. Neatest equipped Urntsl offloe lit Onialw. HiKhist-graiie denlHtry at lei,on;ibIe noi-s. forcelaln fillliiK. just ltks the tooth. All Instruments fuiefully sterilised after eucU opera tion. Corner 18th and rsrnsin ats. TIU1 -X.OOV. fslIOH BLOCK nns,i 1 Best Sport in. The E (I 1 r i i i. i V: