Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1911, WANT AD SECTION, Page 7, Image 27

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Seventeenth Street Block Has Most
Wall Space in Town.
Block ntlnffo I'trnam and l)oit
la Boaata One More Floor
Thau the HI Blaterntk
Street Block.
Whlck block of downtown street In
Omaha Is the most Imposing? When o
visitor traverses the retail district of
Omaha, which block impresses htm as
the most metropolitan In appearance?
There is one block of downtown atrest
In which every building that flanks It on
either aide la seven or more stories above
the street level. This is the block be
tween Karnum and Douglas streets on
Seventeenth street and It Is faced by.
more wall space than any other one block
In tho retail section. In the four build
ings that face on this block the Omaha
National Bank building, the Brandcls
buildings, the Brandela Theater building
and the Bee building there are thirty
two floors that look out upon Seven
teenth street. Further south, on Six
teenth street, there are thirty-one floors
combined In the four buildings that flank
one block of that street.
The Impressive character of Seven
teenth street is not limited by any on
stretch of 300 feet. This happens to be
the only street on which tha postorfice
and the court house face. Besides these
two public buildings, Seventeenth street
claims the Brandela and Boyd theaters,
two dally newspaper buildings, the larg
est store building in Oinnha, the Young
Men's Christian association, the Young
Women's- Christian association and other
Important office and business buildings.
It Is Interesting to note that Seven
teenth street Is the only downtown street
running north and south, that has no cat
line. For three-quarters of a mile It
runs with Its fine pavement unbroken by
car tracks except at street crossings. In
view of the increasing popularity of the
automobile, this Is Itself will add more
and more to the value of this street earn
year. It is safe to say that there is no
one block in Omaha where so many tour
ing cars and runabouts lino the curb all
day long as this block on Seventeenth
street between Douglas and 1'arnam.
There Is Just one other downtown street
In Omaha that has no car line and that
is Douglas street, from Fourteenth to
Twenty-fourth. Real estate men predict
that Its long stretch of asphalt without
car line will make Douglas street to
Omaha what Michigan avenue Is to Chi
cago and Fifth avenue Is to New York.
Minneapolis has lor- boasted that It
main street. Nicollet avenue, Is unique
because It Is a main street of a metro
politan city without a foot of street car
track. In DoukIbs and Seventeenth
streets Omaha has two such Important
thoroughfares similarly adapted Tor
prlvato traffic.
Having sold $70,300 worth of real estate
In tho last fifteen days, A. 1. Tukey &
Son are of the opinion that there Is noth
ing in the least discouraging In the real
estate situation In Omaha.
Richmond addition, between Fifty-sec
ond nd Fifty-third avenues, Leavenworth
and Jackson streets, consisting of about
forty-five lots. Is being graded and sur
veyed and It Is estimated that 30.C00 cuUe
yards will be removed when the property
Is brought down to a reasonable grade.
This property, which is controlled by
Barnes & Wilson, promises some very
high and sightly locations when this and
various other Improvements now under
way have been completed. The con
tractors, the Kierle Grading company,
with a big steam traction engine are mov
ing about 1,000 yards a day and property
in this district will In all likelihood be
ready for the market In a couple of
Homes of the Cottage Style
By Arthur O. Clausen.
Owing to tho snow the annual-cleanup
of the Field club district by the Field
Club District Improvement club was
postponed until next Paturday.
of Chief Attraction and Thing of Interest
ieen at the Lan
d ShOW
Booth of the big duck and tho loud noise: where
they gave away five acres of orange land to tho
lucky guesser on the Jar of nuta. The land of
flowers, oranges, grape fruit, lemons, figs, dates,
nuts, olive.- and alfalfa the year round. Address,
North Salt River Valley irrigation Co., Phoenix, Ar.
Los Angeles, San Diego. The Booth where you
saw everything worth while and then some!
Including climate and opportunity. Address
l.os Angeles Chamber or Commerce, or San
Diego Chamber of Commerce. Better still, go
out and see for yourselves.
Where you saw the famous Sacramento Valley
Exhibit Inquire about the next excursion to
this beautiful country, Nov. 15. Trowbridge
& Bolster, 404 City National Bank Building.
Omaha, Nebraska. m
At the Tulare County Booth you saw the big
peaches, potatoes, con. pumpkins, prunes and
pluma. Also the fine oranges, lemons and citrus
fruits. You can farm for pleasure and profit in
Tulare County. Address. Tulare County Board
of Traito. Vlsalla, California.
Patterson in the Famous Ban Joaqulu Val
ley. Why not go with us and boo this Para.
dls fcr Plain People. ,' Payna Investment
Company, Omaha, Nebraska.
Where you Haw the riatte Blvar Valley Exhibit,
showing wheat, oats, flax and corn raised on sub
irrigated soil; land that pays for Uaelf In two
years.. We sell thta land on terms of one-third to
ou-half cash, balance 3 to 6 years. Addres.t
l'latte Klver Valley Land Co.. Sterling, Colorado.
Apple, Apples, Big Red and Yellow Apples, nice
clean potatoes, sugar oeeta, grains aa grown at
Hotchklss, Delta Count?, Colorado. "You remem
ber? Remember also lands from $5u per acre
and upward. Address Oould and WUlougbby,
Uotobkiss, Colorado.
Where you saw the San Luis Valley Kxhlblt,
showing especially the big grain and field peas,
unequalled for hog feed: heard about tne new
Bugar factory; and here you learned that yuu
i an hnv Irriz&tail landa l:i thin rich valley on
terms of one-tenth. Address C. A. Robinson. 1st Nat'l Bank. Denver, Colo.
The Rio Grande Home Co., of Alamosa, Colo., oc
cupied Booth No. 1. Thin is where you aaw the
fine cabbage, celery and other vegetables; ii!xo
SO varieties of Colorado Brasses oats that yielded
bushels cer acre. 72H buahels of wheal, wonaerrui aiiaua, cnoice
potatoes, etc., rrom tne sunny ban luis vauev. , oio.
v. tfjrniFj ti i uiifl-iPiuii. uu
W rite them today I
Where you saw especially the fine Apples, l'otatoe
and grain raised In Marsh Valley, the "Garden
Spot of Idaho." Address Downoy Improvement
Co., Downey, Idaho.
Where you bought thoae Te Be Cos for a
Nickel and the X.a Trades for a Sims. You
Jiemember! Tracy Bros. Co., who sell more
cigars in Omaha than any other house. Why?
Quality. All first class dealers sell our moods.
T racy Bros. Co., 1415 Doug, tit., Omaha, Neb.
Hliinn Lightning Rods, the boo.h that In
terested many showing the (Trade Mark)
of tho best In Lightning Protection.
Address, W. C. Shlnn, Lincoln, Nebraska.
Whero your eaw the beautiful alfalfa and
stock raising exhibit. You remember! Larue
f.anoraina of cattle and sheep. If Interested
n alfalfa raising .vrlte to (leneral Passenger
a Kent. Chicago and Northwestern R. R..
Omaha, Nebraska, for jampjhlejtjleallng fully with tha auplect.
Wnere you saw the attractive cyoioraina or the Ulty
of Salem and tha Willamette Yalta created by Ueo.
1j tichrelber. The artlat U identified with leading art
clubs. In Chicago and the country. He Is also super
visor of drawing In the Halem grade and high schools.
Address Ueo. L,. Schreiber. iQ9 Dlv, Wt., Halem. Ore.
"'anio"uTiy fertile Willamette Valley Bootii was the
blspeat agricultural and horticultural display. BTou
Irrigated fruits, nut and vegetables. No blizzauis,
atorma or droutha. No crop failures. Five new rail
roads. Write to Commercial Club Secretary at Corval
lis, Albany or Salem. Oregon.
"Let ua explain to you how to own a t or 10 acre fruit
and garden tract. Albany, Oregon, one of the Pest
towns In Oregon, and in the very heart of the famous
Willamette Valley. S1.2D0.UO for the entire tract, on
eay monthly payn ents. No taxes, no interest, good markets. Call or
vrie Hecker '& T Beam. H2S Brandela Theater liuildlng, Omaha.
Where you aaw it ho two-headed calf,
the large cabbage, the flax grown on
aod, and tha. wheat grown without
irrigation Address Ardmore Commer
cial Club, Ardmore. Mouth Dakota.
The booth with the Klx-foot wheat: the 100 bushel oats;
the perfect apples: the national allver trophiei won In
competition against the fruit and farm ew lions of the
world. The famous Ciiiiinixou Valley in the heart of Utaii,
No boom prices yet. Al'alfa s natural home, hpaioing, i.ivingnton Inv. Co.,
kit New house bide. Salt Lake City. 81 :i rtty Nut. Hk. Hldg., Omaha. Net).
You don't have to bo rich to start farmlug.
Land sold on crop payments. Remember the
fine products ot this year's crop. Address
C. L. Beatty, Pine Bluffs, Wyoming.
"The W'ylie Way," where the ticket
was given away dally. Our new
folder will 'be published Dec. 1. No
charsre. Write for U today
s l
Omaha, Nebraska, i
vne Meeker at eam. ronuy.
Yellowstone Park
I1ILE It muM be admitted there
Is always some waste room In
a houHO of cottage style, under
tho low parts of the roof, and
while It must also be admitted
that the averaKe person pre
fers a two-story house when means will
permit, and thst therefore a full two
story house Is a little more salable, homes
of cottage style still continues to be
There arc two notable reasons for the
continued popularity of cottage styles.
The main reason Is the fad that they
cost a little less than u full two-story
house, another reason Is the fact that
while the average small family requires
the same number -of rooms on the first
story, as a large family, though their
also may vary, the small family does not
require as many bedrooms, the slse of the
house being governed by the number and
flie of the first-story rooms, often makes
the second story contain a greater amount
of rooms In a full two-story house than a
small family would require. The availa
ble floor apace on the second floor Is
therefore restricted to Just what Is re
quired In tho way of bed rooms and the
space not required Is placed under low
roof slants and used as closets In order
to reduce the house In height and omit
the expense of a large attic, which la
often nothing more than a 'catch-all"
for east away things that would be dis
posed of as soon as not needed. Instead
of gathered in dusty heaps, when there
Is no special place to put them.
There are two distinct Mylcs of the cot
tage home. The oldest and most popular,
by reason of the fact that it gives moro
room on the second story for tho amount
Invested, is the gambrel-ioofed rtyle.
Sometimes called "Dutch Colonial'' owing
to Its popularity with the early Dutch
settlers of the New England states. Its
principal characteristic is the broken
roof, or roof In two slants, the lower
slant very steep aixl the upper slant quite
low, tho exact proportion of the;o slants
gives either an attractive or an unat
tractive appearance, according to the
skill of the designer. No set rule can be
laid down as to the exact proportion,
since it Is governed by the general pro
portions of each home. While more labor
la required In the construction of u gam-brel-roofed
cottage than in a straight
"'(")r. "If "n
"The Art, Solence and Sentiment
of HombnUdlug."
'JUirty chapters, 300 lUnstratloa.
Xt eovera a wlae rauge of subjects,
including' the plnnuiug of bunga
lows, k burbot and clt houies,
costing from $2,000 to Sao.000. lst-t4-g
vvi.-ouki w.uo&i.iji .a.ariAW,
)ioper ileiiiKn ct euiraaoe, wa
uowa, fireplaces, etc. Mew third
edition, i'rice, postpaid, H.OO.
Address, Artbur C. Clausen,
Aicfcltoct, lloi-a7-38 Lnratar Ex
cliacge, 5Iiniiepolls, Iltluneseta.
gable or hip-roof, this Is mado tip by the
fact that short-lensth raft ua can be used.
The sm-ond style Is a recent develop
ment of tho western bungalow and for
thla reason Is sometimes called a "two
story bungalow." It ronslts of a low,
sweeping, Btralght root coming down over
the porch with a large dormer npon It.
largo enough as a rule to get one whole
bedroom at the front, and another dormer
of similar sUe for a bod room at the rtar,
' with the stairway and bathroom at one
: side, and a third bedroom at the othert
j th first story being planned according
to the usual requirements. Such a rot
j tsgo thould' have a very wide projection
: to the eaves and bn kept very Flmple In
all Its details, when It Is desired to oh
I tain a bungalow effect.
I Cottages are especially popular anions
young murried couples and old folks, In
each case for the same reasons. Tho slse
Is adequate for their family needs and
the houso being small mid compactly ar
ranged reduces tho labor of housework to
a minimum, this being an absolute neces
sity In the case of older women, while
the young wife having her time ocruplpj
with many social affairs, utter tho habit
of young people, does not want to bo
burdened with .he care of a large home.
The low cos' of a cottage also appeals
to young people, Blnco they are seldom In
a position to conveniently finance the
building of a large home. Then, too,
there la always an air of snntlment about
a hiiiik little cottnge, which makes the
youthful, prefer It to more pretentious
Spend This Winter
in California
And pet away from the severe cold.
Wnrnith iind sunshine the year round.
The hotels and seashore resorts are un
surpassed for hospitality. Enjoy your
trip from the start travel via
Standard Road of the West
Protected by Electric Block Signals.
Excellent Dining Cars on All Trains.
Tor lltcrnturo and Information, tall on or addresa
L. BEINDORFF, C. P. & T. A.,
1324 Farnam Street, Omaha, Nebraska.
Phones: Doug. 182S; Ind. A-3231.
b-.jn.-'J I i )i
a r?
w STOOP f.t'-o'' i
ft 12221 ' lllill
I "'-!': tf oo;k.
P- ITiT r-t-OOFe.
IO M 'W.ou. '
,1 . I '
- -. ... ' N V . IV
'dlv--wi .-L, 1 i J . :,-"'
Main Olfico 806 So. 1 6th St. Brmohes-309 So. 17th & 1110 Ko. 10th Sti
Tclsphona Douclaa 4163 and lnd A-133S
W lTIOHA.l fl
Vf-norinr t t,'J
I '
BOND Vflflb CfijsTBftCTOB In Homt Company
It Insurss ssltsfaetorr ampUtloii f
work accordlpic to oontraot.
Beautify the Farm and Create Wealth
Safe hoisting a Special!;
1018 Farnam Street
Tel. Douj. 353
i u
Tonr household goods art la
sals hands aa lalt with ua for
JdoTlcf, atoncf or Fackloj.
Both FbOBsa Dourlls 14)6 .
Ind. A-8423. H
Ocnsral Offic.a 1713 7sbstsr Ct. H
is the home paper of Nebraska.
You reach people who buy
when you advertise in The Bee
S. HARRISON of York. Nfb.,
a tinted man anioriK wcBtern
florists a,ntl horticulturists,
has some vivid notions touch
ing; the lack of beautiful sur
roundings on the ordinary
larrn. He expresses himself on the sub
ject very forcefully, starting with the
declaration, . "Beauty Is wealth. Raise
a-plenty of It and be rich." Ho con
tinues: A potato is often preferred to a flower
when a flower proves to be worth ths
most, it will be recalled that VIO.OvO has
been paid for a slnKle carnation, and that
was but the beKlntiina; of Its value. The
grand Fentlva Maxima peony, snowy
white with drojw of carmine In the center,
has been worth a million.
Take two farms. In the front yard of
one la a potato patch and In the other
beds of tiplendld flowers, the peony. Iris,
columbines and phloxes, giving a glorious
procession of beauty from spring until
fall, and besides there will be the stately
coni olor,' the Rocky mountain and silver
(Ir, awd the blue spruce shimmering in
is silver robe, benldea a choice assort
ment of shrubbery. Which farm would
bring the most?
Ht;fore me lies a postul card picture of
three conrolors and this ix their history:
Three years ugo I sent 1,000 of that va
riety, little ones I gathered In the Rocky
mountains, to T. f. Thurlow in Massachu
setts. He sold hutiilredH at a good price
Some were left to grow to a good size
Mr, Thurlow's sons sent tlilM photograph
of three tires which they hold for JlOo
each and got their cufli for them. In two
Instance in Illinois I knew $100 to be
refu.icd for two Colorado blue spruce.'
It's Ml- that (omits.
It is finish and btj lc that count In
Bennington, VI.. I saw a uplendld
niatched team of chevtuut horse which
ihey told me cusl f Mi.'JUO--tWMO was .for
style. A pair of common liorfes might
have as much eniluram e and could trsvel
as fast. Rut )ou compare them with the
arched necks, f ladling eyes and dllatud
nostrils of the others and they fail far
In the background. The high-spirited
tioise, matchles in form, who prances
along with the light step as If stepping on
the clouds. Is the one that brings the
It Is so with everything. Two girls
with equal ability start out an type
write! s. One wears a frown, her face
Utn't finished, feh dresses like a washer
woman and, though she an ex
peit in her work, the doors are all shut.
The other is neatly, hut cot showily,
dietntd. Her face has the freahnens of
the morning and she wears a radiant
smile, tine fills the first vacancy. Two
men of equal ability as bookkeepers start
out for employment. Ons Is dressed Uk
a hod carrier and the other like a gen
tleman. Which will find employmtnt
The farmer often scorns Hie beautiful,
:. . .;- . I
Vorlc, Neb.
but ho dors n'A know himself. Jn the
first place, ho marries lh liaiiloinet
girl ho can find. If In; buys u earring'?
it Is no rattle trap: It must ln a flue,
new one and It must have fimsli. If II
Is not well painted and varnished he dins
not want it. Ah for i-ultlo, lie doesn't
want Kcruhs. lie prefeis tho;e laid out
with a square ami confliaBs-perfect la
form. His pigs must bo inouUli d In
beauty, fat and plump, with those fash
ionable curls in their tails.
Theu, he likes a good house. Yolk is
famous for It.i fine I eaiitepees, but the
finest of them are owned by retired fann
ers. On the farms we nolu Ihat beauti
ful and commodious resiliences are bring
built. This is right. If anybody ne1s
a home with modem coincidences, bath
and toilet room, It is the farmer's wife.
Farm houses are generally well furnished
also. They are not filled up with sfcond
class goods, but with good, fresh slock.
Rugs and carpet muat lie good also.
This is all right so far and In uccoivl
with our ideas of fostering the beauti
ful. Tlieie Is a refinement which come
from pleasant surroundings. A man will
uee bettfr language a"d keep lilmtelf in
better shape If he lives In a good lioue
Instead of a aod house. Y'ou see a won
derful change when a family moves from
the dilapidated sod house Into a comfort
able home. The farmer gets along ail
right until l.e gets to the front yard.
There he suddenly Hops as If he had got
through with the whole business, lie
does not stop to consider that as soon as
he moves Into his house It begins to
deteriorate, while what ho plants In-
creases In value by leaps and bounds." i
A bed of choice peonies doubles In
number und ahio every two years.- A
dozen soon become 100, and when you
have great masses of these flowers you
have increased tho attractions of home.
And tliero la the resplendent Iris, so long
overlooked, one of the most gloriously
radiant flowers' on earth. They Increase
from two to four-fold In a year and when
In bloom It would seem as If you had
opened a section ot paradise. And so It
Is with other llowers, tho columbines
phloxes and perennial popples. They
grow In valuo with tremendous speed,
and the first thing you know you have
something to sell to your neighbors, not
to give iiway any more than you would
glvn uway your pigs or rows.
Hon't bo content to keep your boy In
the back yard wading through filth.
Olve him a show In the front yard, teach
him to caru for trees and flowers. It
will make, a difference with hint. You
and your wlf will get tired. Why not
take a brief daily vacation In the front
yaid will) the most beautiful and best
dreched companions on earth? When you
a ro tired the cheer and smile of your
flowers will rest you and their sweet
breath will fill nil the air and you will
feel that you are camping very neur a
section of paradise. Your plantings will
grow in value. If you could raise five
acres lefs of corn and five acres more of
beauty you would bu rewarded in
Poor Man Has Wide Opportunity
The eastern millionaire has not near
as good laud as yours. I have seen his
teams hauling manure fioni Boston anil
lie had to pay (10 per cord for it. He
lays cut thousands on his grounds and
It puys, for beauty is walth. You do
not have to be worth millions to laise
film tilings. Kloweis will love the poor
man as well as the rich. Then you will
fall In love with these things. You will
think more of your farm and be less
dispobed to sell it. You will think more
and more of your charming trees and
flowers and they will Increase In value
In your estimation.
There is, besides an actual worth, a
sentimental value not to bo disregarded.
In Minneapolis a miscreant went onto
a neighbor's grounds and maliciously
cut down a beautiful tree. Mr. Nutting,
a landscape artist, was called In to
make an estimate of tha damage. He
estimated the actual valuo at t-'O, but
said: "That tree u like a member of
the family; they all loved It. it had a
sentlmf ntal value not to bs ignored."
He aoeesed that at $".0 170 In all-and
the fellow had to pay It. Bo It Is well
to step into a higher and mors beautiful
world and have a higher and richer en
joyment than to be always plodding In
the fields.
Now, biother, you will fig up, won't
Free Land Information
The Twentieth Century Farmer, to meet the demand;
of its renders for , land information, has gathered and ,
compiled data on soil, climate and farming conditions'
in all parts of the country. It is willing to give out this',
information, free, if postage is sent with inquiry.
Do You Want to Know ;
About government land laws, location of land of-
fices, etc. ' ..
How to get irrigation lands, location of projects, :
laws governing same, etc. .
Best sections for fruit growing, .general farming,'.'
stock raising or dairying.
Your questions will get prompt attention. State,
plainly and specifically what you want to know. .yrite,
"Land Information Bureau
The Twentieth Century Farmer
. Omaha, Nebraska
r ,; -
Cheery Office Environments
The Bee Building
has one of the most pleasant atmospheres of any
office Itfiildiug in the west. The beautiful court,
with the new decorations and the large fountain
and the substantial appearance of the whole
fctructure, mnlio tho offices hero full of cheer
and give pleasant surroundings in which to
work. Tho building is one of tin; most modern,
with now elevators, high class janitor service,
an excellent heating and lighting equipment.
The location of the building, in the heart of the
business section, with up-to-dateness in arrange
ment and service, makes this an ideal place for
the particular man to have his office. A few
offices on the court and outside aro vacant now. .
Boom 640 Sixe xl9 0, having a frame and ilans rrtltion across center
of room msWtnit two kouiI hIximI cHicek with every convenience, and
the rental pi ice only, per month 916.00
Boom 644 Havlntr 831 square feet makes a very pleasant office: having
an east exposure und being neur l'urnaiu direct aids ot the builiilng.
Jtent very reuauiiublo. 1'er uiontii fao.oa '
Boom B Don't pu for desk room spar when you can rent a private,
office for tlio name amount. Thla room i tinlt. haa a large wtndour
on tne court, aifording plenty of light and vvutilatlun. i'rlce per
month 9100
Boom 448 Directly opposite the new court house facing Kurnam Street.
Our front oil ice are much In deinund on ucrouut of tha prominent
location. Thio room la ntiilvix leet in l.e. and la aubdivltlod :
with frame and las partition, ulvlnij io office lu one. Kental
price, per month 640.09
Boon 33ft Is a cho'ca corner office having a north and went exposure,
making thla hpace attractive at any eaon of the yaar. on account
ut good llgh and vent ilaiiun. We Mill arrange thiM space. IfX'fi
(tellable lor tenant, and there being u vault In tha room. It yrrtjf
lru protection or valuables. Itcnt. rer month 60.00
Bee Business Office.
17th and Farnam Sts.
. "I II