Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1911, WANT AD SECTION, Page 6, Image 26
Till: OMAHA SUNDAY I1EE: XOVEMBEK 19. mil. C GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Prices Depend on Argentine Ccnditioiis for the Present. COEN CONDITION IS BULLISH Heavy lovrmriil of 'cw Iron ot Dnc Till Nett Mouth Corn U n Trifle Wrnk and trfferlnue Have Gone l.rggtiiei. omaha. N-iv. k is;:. Prices nf wheal w.ii depend more .n the eharacKr of tin; Argentine news than else tor tnt mnu L-i i: k, and lim trop uamiiKE in Dim country vviil have to bo eeriuus. fable reports arc vet y conflicting. The covering of some important r. 1 ii 1 t lines "f Dcceinls-r fututcs nn tni' feature 01 lie days advance. Tin re was aisu acme aggressive iii) Ins on the pan ol big milling runcem. Present condition lit Hie coin tunic are bullish. As the icci-lpta uru HKhl, slocks ere low, milking rash corn icstiarKahly atrong. as an urgent demand from the east in liable to .-prion up uny iluy. The heavy inovptivi:t of new corn Is not due ; until next Month. Wheat was strong und higher again tcxlaj. fable were ui und k.'im is were urgent luijcrs. c'a.!i was un changed. Coin wa .. hi: w.'uk, ilirirui.l hieing lather slow ui.d t.ftermus went beKging. Ca.h corn wax uil' lialu r t ti Ic lower. Primary wheat ectopia were 745,i bu. shipments were Int.. ii;,alnl lectins last .voir of J.'it.t'W bu. ami rhlp inonts of 5,o.iiX) Im. Primary corn receipt Here t"!4.000 hti. and xhljimi m Mere ,'.' Im., ak'ilii.,1 receipt lust jenr of Joa.oOu bbi. anU ship unci, is of 22,(.i bu. Clearances were ll.M) Imi. of corn. ."!,' , bu. ol on is and wheat ami flour cUal to 411,00 bu. I.nerpcul dosed '.("I vl higher on whal atiil 'Ml lower on corn. Tim following cash fiili- were reported: WHF.AT-No. 2 liard:v2 curs. Wa"'. No. II Mid: 1 cur, 9Sc. I'dHX-Xii. white: 1 ru Wi' ; No. 4 st l ite: 1 cur men i. ..!'. . J yellow: 1 fur, Vv; I car iiii-w , ist. No. 4 yel'ow: 1 ear fnew), H.'1,.': 1 ear. .'; 0 ens. bite; No. i mixed; -i rani, SH'-to; 3 cars, Ole; No. 4 mlxd: ct.itiew), "il'ic; 1 cur, Clc; tio Rradv: .1 can mewl, .V.ic. OATH Standnrrl; 1 car. 47',ic; shlte: 1 car, ;'c; cur:', tic; sbltt; 1 cur, &)' Omaha t'nsh f' V1IHAT-X. 1 liard. Ui:S' 0; hard. W,'lt'jl.1: Nil. 4 hat (I. .Vtl rtJUN-iSO. i white, iSWt9: : No. 5 white, ti.1V((C5tVie; No. 4 wnltc, tKlittiD'ac; No. 3, tidvi'tfOi'ie; No. 2 yellow, bVU Wac; No. a yellow, iOc : No. 4 yel . lew, ilHW'"1s''; No. a, iKlv4t'c; No. 3, u:;iiit4K ; No. 4, OKoiio; no grade, fts'i tf UATS-No. J while, A'l.1c- atandard, 4:Hti;s -. No. 3 white, 4744740; White. 4i'-''a4tiie. K.Rt.KV-Maltln, f; No. 1 feed. 7(1.0V. KVE-Nu, 'MtVir; No. 3, 9l(jCc. lariui Hecetpu, Wheat. Corn. Oat. Varlona No. No. No. 3 Qaotatlana of the liar n Camaivdltlea. NKW TOItK. Nov. IS FIJI TI Ssc id ; apilnif xi'.ciit.. Ij.'JVii.iil; winui rti niil, itinUi. wniiei .,n.K, M.-.-ilTo; M.lUM ileutF, 4I.3.V.M.., winter t.vdul. No. I. (.tfrJDi J.X"; winter Cttiaa, No. i, lA'ji.r.; KnnniiK ptirilKiitn. M.b4.l; re ccipLF. bl,4lj liuU. ; ehipmt tit. u..o;a olila. lour. Hteiuly; cnoite to fancy. 4j.o) 'iij ."I. liucliwueHl flout , tteiuiy, p. r cwt. ' iriNMKAl stcaly; fine u nite an1 yt l.ow, i.ikr(i l.ito; coarse, .m&'a.Hu; kiln uii.mi, t:.ii.i',i.7". UVK 1'uil; No. 2, DOe, notiilnul, c. I. f., Uorfa'o. to arrive. i:a!:i l.t ijuiei; malting. $l Ik-I.-O, r. I. f , iin.i'uio. U II i:.x i Spot, fil m; No. 2 red, ffS'ic., elevator, csKri lumla, ana Hw. I. o. f... atloMi; No. 1 not itiern, liututh, (1. 14, I. o. b., otl'cit. The future tnaihet wni I Inner, with active coveting, especially Ifi I M cctnber, on tile cablee, uuhl receipts in the iiorthweMt and fupinesa In the ou. aide inatkctN. cioh.hi; i,'.r 'c net lnirhr. I XTeinher, V.i 0-lBeil.i, i luaed at 9ll-lf.c;: May, l.u4-''tl.iH',, cloaei nt 41.41 vi. He trtptM. .4i bu.; i li.pnifiil.'!. '-'Il.t2l bn. I OJl.N hpot. Hti uoy; new export, "O'-e. o. P.. cf.ont. Ire tut inos market wiia tiomlt a!. ii.-ctlLta, ',ijJ bo.; mikntitntj. 1..HJ bn. iA'i Steady rtandnrd white. SV-'-e. elevatot ; No. z. "It ; No. S atyl 4. f.lSe; no mini wnlie and uhltu cllipel. frKj.v.c, on tmck. I he luturis market w.ia nomi nal. llccelpts, ui.uu im.; nullum. 'in, I.e. ' liAV-lTtri-.: ;riiiic. $1.3': No. 1, U-'S; .'. ;', 11. 1:.; No. a, Kl.CS. JllMk I'irni: tVmral Amerlci. 21W,c: Poot;i, -:z ,r:;,i',c. I.IOATH Kl.-r inn; lirmlock flints, TS To; n.cotKiH, lu-i,ui thl'tis, lltolt-; re tr'e, !.''. I'KOv ISK iNS- I'ork. firm: meKB. 'T..Wft IX Vi; family, f2...iii.i: ahoit drum. t7.J'T; '.s.ii. itrel, inni; iiiihs, TM',it to; lanilly , SH.I't 14 M; heei bams, $.! UKi(.:l.uu Lut nie.'iti. Ltemiy; plcklt'd iieillea, 11 to 14 lha.. II 0. GO in. w.; pickled liainx, fll.nm 11. y. I.ard. Htraily; :iilo,ie nrt trim.-. f!.':C$).6'. refined, quiet; continent, y.., Houtn Ainuilta, U0..XJ; comptiitirJ, 7.W. 1 AI.MM Ilirelv Hteiidv: iiiMh.j d'.v. hhds.. 6"c. ukrt; coiiiiliv. 'I'.djte. HUTTKK hteanv; creamery aneelal. :5e atkeri; extras, AM-; tliHtn, M1foJc: fac tory cunc'il mako l:rai. ;U.o; uccoiiiIm. t -JihKKK Kirtn: dallfi and BeDtemher and earlier bent, lhtj.'. KCIOS r'irni: rcf riueintor flrsla nn dock, !!0Vl''l':; refrlijerotor aeconda. In local Htm a tie, fiXl'v' : refrlnei ator - onda. on dot:k, 1 'J Wi jut ; Vchutii uatheied whites, n'ctWIv. I'Ul'I.TUY Alive dull; western chick ens. W',Vifliv; fowls. Italic; turkeys, MtlBn. I'resaed -unsettled: westnrn chlckena, 1'aliv;. fowls, 7iUlC'.4jc; turkvya, IV tunc. NEW YORK TO MARKET Quotations Fall Backwcrd Slowly on Stock Exchange. PROFIT TAKING RESPONSIBLE Kxpretatloiia of MhrlnWaae In Uaaka' t'aab llwlillnva llnrne tint liy Dnr'a Matenieot llnnd X Market Holds Well. to CTilcugo .... Minneupolla . Omaha Duiuth IS .288 . JO .K7 217 CHICAGO OKA1X A.U I'ltOVISIONS Featarea f tba Trading and rioalna; Pricea on tloaril of Trade. . . Chicago, ..oy. is. Kftort or a group coinmlajlon houaea to undergo a Big spread niadn wheat ahhrts anmlone today and forced the market up. The oJoae waa 'fcu to o hlxher than Inst night. Corn flmahml a shade In '.iti'an down, oats off a 1-1'k: to 'c and provision at be to UVjU decline. - The buying of Ujrvmlier wheat, Which day after day has frliihtened ahurts, be came atilf more assiduous this morning and led to some rather p, rlrteiit tiivwatl!on. As a result It was announced that the purchasing had been, dona by a woinblnatkin. of commission houiies trying tu get rid of a spread. They had Decem ber sold 'and May latught. Hhorta who had been In a Hurry w ro partly reas suied, but meanwhile the . market had been carried up-d'iide sneral degrees, lnililsh feeling received an Imiietus also fi-om statements thul the big spring wheat millers were flRurlug on using Clucaicn soft winter wlieat for hlrndlng, at:d had an attthorlied axent here trying to obtain advanlaveous terms. In addi tion, theto was a further reduction of the ChtimateJ exHirtabl surplus In Australia. Montreal, moreover, retained higher Kng lish bids, presunud to be the result of belief that damaKo had been done to the crop In the Argentine. Altogether In the de wloptn-nta proved ton one aided entirely for tho bears, and reached a firm tone at the wlndttp. Between the open ing and the close. May ranar-1 from Sl.W, to'llW,. with last nules UtSo net blliher at 41.(J'.t. In tha corn pit, buyers nnld off hoping that the Kood weather would bring larger receipts next week. Kastern demand was only mode rat a. May fluctuated from 40 to tijV', cloalng easy nut lower at 'i,c. Cash grades were unit. No. S j el low old was quoted at 7nV('"c. Week end culling down of holdings by local longs had a depressing effect on oat a. '1 ho market followed corn moat of the day. High and low levels touched for December delivery wore Win and 4!'.4o at tho dose, tiSo off at :0c flat. The enormous run of hogs west, mora than lJfi.f greater for the week that at the corresponding time a year ago counted d-x lslvely against Values of pack ing house product. Tonight pork showed a net loss of 7Sil0c tu l-'ic and lard and ribs a docllne of 6a to luc. (juotationa on leading futures were: ArihTTl Open. High. Low. Close. lYea NKW YORK. Nov. 1.. (jiintatlons fell bark ward ilowly nn the Mock exclmnge today afir an attempt to continue the upwaid movement had been ned. A few storks. Iiit'liidiriu Inlon Far.flc, l.ehliih Valley nnd AmalaKnmated f 'miner. gained a point soon after the openlnK. ml the pressure was ateadv and e.r... live And the list uave xviiv to lielmv vi.utr. day'a closing rantre. 'ihe heavy tone was Attributed Inriretv veek end profit laklmr. 'I'ow til fl Ihn close the weakness more lira. pounced on selling by professionals. The weakness of Wabash wa i i,e...ii factor. AnnoiinrPmcnl of tha trofrt between the St. Louis fc Han r"rmlseo railway and the Louisville ft Nashvll.e as a result of the rci-cnt rnmtim l.i the 8t I anils A: fan h'ranel Ht'n IkliA Ih. Oould system led to selling of the Gould securities. Toward the close ihev rallied iKhtly. 'J ho titule reviews iVinr .11. lions throughout the country were soine- wnai neuer, lius'.num having been stlmul.'iled by tlu drop In temperature. In responKe to th recent Increase In tall way equipment orders American Car and foundry was marked i:n i' points. . Lxpcctitlons of a considerable shrlnlt- Kc In the bniili.i' cash holtliims were borne out by today's statement, which re vealed a Iocs In the actual table, of more" than J';.ojj0.ix owing iaruelv to the ev. portatloli of gold. Loans de. nased about that amount, while deposits of U.Mi.Wl In the am plus reserve. The g.neral bond market held well, despite the, weakness of tho Wabash '""V": lotal tes. par value, Il.i0u.wj. tnlted Htatea 2s registered lost ' on eatl n the week. Number ol vales and I en ill on stocks were as follows: Halo. Illah Jt. I. on la General market. ST. IAMMS. Nov v H wm.:ATY'oK firm: track. No. ! red tsiur.iiy,.. Vn hard. DXciltl.Us: Decamher. uftsl.e: Muv. l.hO',i. t.oKN Lower: track. No. 2. 78c No i white. 77c; December. BIHe: May. C44ic. OATS Higher: track. No. 2. 4!k-: No. i white. CO-iooc; December, 4Kc; May, OOc. n l r, sic, KIX)t!KWeal;: red winter natenla. 14..c,u4.,,; extra fancy and straight, I3.tHJ tM so; narn winter clcnra, IT loft 3.70. HKFIi 1 Imothy, IM.Otiii l.'i.M). rt)RNMKAM;.SI, KHAN- Dull: sacked east track. 11.140) i. i.i. HAY Hteady; timothy, $20.0024.150; prlarle, Il3.0tj 1.50. IIAUQINO hv. IIKMI' TWINH-THc. I'HOVIHIONH I'ork, lower; Jobbing, lti.r.". Jjird, lower; prime steam, $.H7Vi srs.uivs. ury sail meats, lower; boxad ex Ira shorts. 4X.75; dear ribs, 4H.75; short cleats, lw.00. tlacon. lower; boxed extra shorts, 19.75; clear ribs, 49.7J; short Clears, slut.'.!. ' HO IT LT II Y Quiet: chickens. 7'4o: springs. tf; turkeys, lSc; ducks, llHe; Hsear, s-c. OUTTKH Firm: creemcry, toQZic. KUQ-Hlgher; 294(31c. Ileeelpts, Shipments How, bhl 7.ioo lo.tino Wheat, bu 113,1111 Is.ooO corn; liu 4, lit.uuo Oata, bu 25.UUU l,uOt) Kansas tJlty tJraln and Provisions, KANSAS CITY, Nov. 1I.-W1IEAT Cash, unchanged; No. 3 hard. ascufll.Oil; No. H, i.(Ul.tH, rio. 3 red, Uc; Mo. 3. rod l)7c; December, mHlc. i'OHN I'ncnangeu; no. z mix-ed, 73a74c: No. 3, C7tf'72e; No. 2 white 76c No. 3. 7.ti i4c; December, 4'c; Way, 84'ic; July. OAT8 I'nchongeti; jno, z white, 49a49Uc: No. 2 mixed, 47Vfl4Sc. HAY Steady: choice timothy, I19.50tfi !0.w, choice pralrtr, tl3.00'u 13.50. BUTTlilt creamery. X'c; llrsts. 30c: eonds. fie; packing stock, 20u. tUUB-txtras, 3lc; llrsts, i"jc; seconds, c. Receipts, Shipments. Wheat, bu.' 66, two Corn, bu..... 33,(NM 14.000 Oats, bu t.OU) 11.0U0 W I, tali I Dec.;5,tl'lx! May .;I'sk-S Jul. Cere. Dtc. May. Jul. bee. Jlay. Jul. I'ork. Jan. t(il4 I 47', 1 Ul C4' wis I 4V-.I tni',1 Pi'i'ls'V'ii'1 1 (tt'.i t vuK ISI v . Hr!i't'''9l .-'j IC 17', j 1 : M 3i 10 47'i I I Ul'.l I 63',ti3Tiiit tilM M'sl!'u:i I I s7--.:47Vij1 4'.I'U uO 4C'-4f I il .'4 l oov g-j'i, (H4 4tk 47 4iSi 0'.5l'kU )Uay.ilbi577bl lti MJ Laid. I Jan. 1 IS SI'al May. I v 6.Vi v W Ulba. I Jan. 8 5.".-is57V.-t' May.7i-77j a Ml I Hi i-'ai t i7l.s:lt.(',a I 30 9 30 9l7'i-40 ) m i'Aw-Oi'.l V u.'1.. I t tin 77 W tJ",j-j fair S5ilV5c; 25. Clover, a-r bhl., fcf.Ui. fclioil 6t l.t M tl do f4 H?'k 1)9 2d p4 44 Vi'abfKh II k Or. nil Trunk M do ttj -I Illinois I .ntr.l Hi Mi.VKil-Hur, u.i'irtaln nt 25'sd pel' ok. MoNKY 1M 114 l'-r cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills la 3' per cent; for three mouths' bills, 3'k per cent. Nevr York Money Market. NKW YORK. Nov. IS MONEY On call nominal. Time loans firmer; aixty days and ninety days, 3W1:i per cent; tlx months, t,r'iti per rent. PRIM (2 AlliUCANTlLU I'A PER-444j per cent. HTKHLINfJ I.;XCHANf!i:-l".asy with actual business In bankers bills at $4. WTO for sixty day hilli and H.mUO for demand. Commercial bills, II. S3. RILVKK Uar, Ljic; Mexican .dollars, IBV c. Closing quotations on bends today were s follows: 1oo4 Int. M. 14. 4'lt .I'l.iSJspan 4 l .101. do 4' tl l"l'kK. C. Bn. 1st 4... IlltL . dek. 4i 1 S3 1 . . 3S .1:3V t,. a N unl. 4a.... tH in it... '4M. K. T. lit (lH bm v do an. 4S M4 U. 8. rf. 5.' 4i coupoa dO ! TV(. do coupon do 4. res... do rmipun AIIH-" lul. Ainer As- rg., (.. A. T. A in. Tobacco do ta Armour A Co. Atrhkann fen. do cv. 4a do cv. a A C. L, tl in. Oil. It nhio 4a. do 2ft do g. w. ta. DriMik. Tr. c tn. of (la. 4a. .bit Mo. Parlflc 75'i "N. It. R. of M. 4Ha 2V HIV, N T '. . l,a.... MH 4'as. . i do deh. ta HIS 4a.... ta"4N. Y.. N. H. H II. Ifi7' cr 12' 10'J JJ 4b W. lit 0. 4a.. ti; ... .. do r. 4.. KV1 ...S4'Nu raolflc 4a I'i'a ... srt't So 1 ... Hi C). ft. I,, rfds 4s... t4S . 4... 5 I'sna. ev. Vj 1815.. 7 a do coo. 4a 1 ':. do sen If r. m. & a. r. d c. m. 1. p. c. do rfg 4s Colo Int. ii... "Olo. Mid. 4s. . a ft II I), . 4'J t7'4 cv. 4r. Philadelphia Proalace Market. PIIILAPKLPHIA. Nov IS. RITTTKR Firm; western creamei-y. Sic; extra western creamery, DM'; nearby pilots, 3Su. r.iltlb Klrm; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free casea. 110.80 per case; current recelpta, free caaes, )0.i0 per case; weatern (Irsts, free caaes, 110.00 per case; current receipts, free cases, lu.3 per rase. t ti u-lmk i' irm; New York run creams, fancy, i;c; New York full creams, fair tu good, l.Ui'jc. Minneapolis tiraln Market. M I N N K A POL) 14, Nov. 18. WHEAT IVcrmber, H.U.Ji.ti 1.03',; May, II OS'4; July, 1 Oti'4. nominal: cash, Nn. 1 hard, ILOrjli; No. I northern, 1.0tf 1 OoV. No. 3 northern, ll.W,4ll tJ; Nn. 3, liocgll OJ. IMKS-Nt). 3 yellow, 711 75e. OATS-No. 3 white, 4uVMi4tSViC Pcurla Market. PKOUIA. Nov. IS. CORN Lower: No. 4 wliite, t'V: No 3 yellow, tHV; No. 4 yellow, Ic; No. 3 mixed. 4c; No. 4 mixed, (Uc: sample, RfltWe. OATS Higher; No. I white, 4Sc; tandnrd, 4a',,c; No. 3 white, 4c; lm, 4 white, 47Uc v Allla-rtiahners pfd .., Ainalsamalad ;nar , At rliu Rural Am. IJnot tlusar An:crlijin Can Ainvrli:an C, J- y Am. Cotton Oil Amarhan II. A L ufd . . Am. Ino Kertirltlfii Amarhan Unaal Amerlrati lromiitiva ... Amarlran, S. 4t K American a. H. pM... . Am. HImI Koundrl.a Am. Hiigur Kellnhis Amarlran T. ac T Amarlran Tobacco pfd... Amarhan Woolen , Anaconda. Mlnlns Co.... Atclilann Atchlaon pfd Atlantic t'oast Line taltlmora aV Ohio Halhlshem atscl Ilmoklyn Kanld Tr Canadian Pacific 'antral laialhar (antral Loathar pfd ('antral nf Naw Jaracy.. (tiaaapaaka aV Oblo I bliago ac Alton (liluaao O. W., now Chl.ano O W. pfd Ihhaxo N. W Cblraso, Jd. ae St. P.... '.. V... C. A Ht. L Colorado r. dt I Colorado 4k Bouthora Consolidated Uaa Cora rroUiicta iMIaaara A lludaon Iianvar Hie Urandai.v I ken tar A It. (I. pld IHatniers' Hocurltlea .... Krla Krla I at ptd Krla :d ptd..i v. ..,;., tlciiaral Kla.tilo Oraal Norihara pld...... Orrat Nvrtharn Ura Ufa. Illlnoia ('antral tnlarboroush Mat Int. Mm. pfd International lUrvsttor.. tutor-Marina pfd Intarnatluiial Paper ..... Intarnatfonal anaaip ..... Iowa ' Vntral Kanaat city Houtharn... K. c. So. pfd Irlada Gaa l.oiiitvllle A N'aahvlila.. Minn A ai. loul. M., Ht P, A 8. M. M ... Mlisnurl, K. A T M , K. A T. pfd Mlaaourl Pacific National III.. UU ' Nalluual la.l N. It. II. of M. Jd pfd.. Naw York Ctntral N. V.. O. A W Norfolk A Wsatara North Aniartcan Nsrtharn paclflo ........ Pacific Mall pennaylvanla Paopla'a Oas P.. C, O. It Ht. I, Plltaburxh Coal , Prvaasd Slaal Car Pullman Palace Car lUllwar Btaal 8prln.... llaadlns Hapudllo Slaal Rapubllc Steal ptd Hock l.laud Co Rock lilajid Co. pfd St. L. A 8. P td pfd.. St. Loult Houthwaatora.. Ht. L s. W. pfd Rloaa-shefflald H. A 1... Houtharn Pac'fto , Houtharn Railway Ha. Railway ptd 1'annaaaee Cappar ....... Taiaa A Pacific T Ht 1 A W T . Ht. U A W. pld.... t nloa Pacific t'nlon Pacific pfd t'nltad Htatea Realty. ... t.ilt.d Htataa Rubbar..,. Cnllad hlalaa Btaal V. R. Steal pfd tJah Copper a. -Carolina t'hamlcal .. Wabash Wabaah pfd Waatent liarrland v'aatiiishoua tlactrlo .. Waalaru t'nioa W hading I.. K Lahiah Vallar , Total taiaa for tba day. 1,ni (lal 3.7HO .100 -'a r.i tvt II 'a IMS 4j Low. I', ba t ll'i H 44 400 2')', 11 700 1.1 II.) nil 100 3.4'io l.aoo Too 400 l.auo km .HIKI i'K) ID) i.ini) too 4,too 404 1U0 ' 13 II) 1.1 M'4 I07t niiS io-t 31 -'i y:ot nc, -76H 'joii 46 ti 111'. i4m 104. 34 It 73',t 1 ITS l:iS fs S4 'ii" 10714 10S4 in?, CO 7 Jin n I'a -74!i ioH it.;1, tioS 141 10 l.lveruool tiraln Market. 1.1VKRPOOU Nov. 1H W H KAT-Spol. steady; No. 3 Manitoba. 7a Hd; No. 3 Mani toba, 7s bSd; fui urea, firm; December, 7a l.d; M.ireh, Ts 1 ,(!; May. 7a Id. CORN Spot, firm: American mixed, Ss 4a; futures, steady; Janitury, bd; I'chruary, 6s 7d. ' Cuah uuutatlona were aa follows: 1' Lul'it hteady ; winter patents, 4 (Xr 6.-.0; atralgtits. SJ. 70'!4.7.; spring patent. oK, tie, spring alrutKlils, 4.ou4.b0 bakera, 43 7,"(i4 K.. 1 UYt No. -i. Ihe. itAUI.Li -i'K d or mixing. to choicu mailing, I l. ol jj. Stulio-'i iiiioth.. , i.uo.il5.! . tU.btStl JU.M). PKciv lolON'S -Pork,, ll.u.(jl.,. ijiid. p. r luu ilia.. nu, atues tiooiici, I lulal clraianecs 01 wheat and (lour wire cfiual 10 41, (al bu.liels. I'lllllaiy lct.ripia were itc.uev buslirle, compare.! vim uai.ouu bushels tba correaponulug U.ty H a car ago. Laiimaieu 'e-clpla for Monday: Wheat, ti cars; corn, J.j caia; oale, ,J cars; liuga, vJ.uai i rati. Chn-agu Cash Prices Wheat : No. t leu, b,wvc; iu. 3 red, o"t'Jn-; No. 2 hard, ti.wtVl.o4 No. 3 hard, j )l of; No. 1 ' lull., ei 11. I , .t.v,i 1 1 1 ; No. 3 itorthern, l Oj ,; No. i iiui tuern, l wt; No. 3 spring, . H i lul.Ui; No. 3 spring, tKH'Jill.04; No. 4 - api'tiig, ISM'iul.U; vtivii chall, c1l06; uuruin. tj 9l.ts,. Coin: No. J, J'j.b'v-. .. l,u. 3 while, old. 7V'i7ic; No. 3 eilow, . olu, TbViie; io. 3 old. 4(u74'a; No. 3, ' w.'XiH . No. ii white, tsj(H.; Ao. t yei irsy, iv-wist-'c; oi.l, iii'c, No. 4, e-tti3ic; . No. 4 at I. He, trj'.tfbt'c; :ta. 4 yelloa , . Wv,e. tiala: No. J wiute. 40V.riiApe; No. J . iti'x. j'Mm:s-; No. t white, t.'; - lend a id. iHt t'.'Vvc. Li r. No. x. ,e. '- 'i iJdoi iiy- ii. . ri I. 4'LOVLK-tl3.5li.M , - ItAltl fcl-k.ii,l A liL'l 1 r.U hteauy ; creameries, li'ytic; l.(i'.iS ntaady; rec.-Spts. l.MJ cases; at 1,1.1k. caraea included, i-. Jilc; ordinary, rf lATOIt-btaaoy: to faucy. j la r to gouu. e-'rfVjc, J'uVLTRT-I-asy; tuiaayt, 15c; chick tt.a, t'lli, at'.' r.'itc. VUAl-hitwuy; 50 tu 80-lb. wlo., 7llo. ( Htr.nt-1 aady;, HVtli; iw.i.a. u -.(.. s.c; ycjog Aiiiuicaa, ltn.t tlaaabn Hay Market. OMAHA. Nov. 1S,-1IAY No. 1. 14 00 No. It, 113.00; coarse. III w; packlm stock 7.;; alfalfa. 16.t). Straw; Wheat, (u.50. ryu und oata, i;.i:0. t'ollon Market, NKW YORK, Nov. 13. COTTON-Fu-tures closed barely steady; closing bids; Novcinbei, .!4c; December, .6c; Janul ary. H.u.e; Krbruary. I.i:c; March. M(,c April. :;c; Ma, li.'.tlc: June. v'; Juy .82c; Auguist, .3Jf; September. .Sc: Octo' he 1 , v.jbV: sputa closed quiet; mlddllna 110- lauda. .Ve; mhldllug gulf, s.75e; no sales I.IVFItPOOU Nov. Is. COTTON-iii...i dull, 3 points hlghei". American mlddliiia fair, j.itsl; good middling. 5.40d; middling. low middling, 5.1Jd; aood oidmn. 4 idd; ordlnnrv, 4.7Sd. Thj salea of 11',- day were 4.0OU bales, of which 2'V were fur kpeculatlun and espoll and Included 3.700 American. Receipts, Ki,wai bales, la uding H.bU American. Futures opened quiet and steady and clcsed quiet ana steady. 344 ro? 40d 1,1100 evd ion I.000 os not ion 'i'iot!' 10.1 poo lot 3,100 100 SSI) 4114 lot) i.'iino 1,100 t.VoS 1,100 00 32 31t 13 lMVt K'tlt 4'l 14m 47-4 101 ' lri iiki" 163 lit 40 !(..', tM"il 4t Vii iio-i 1.1 14 iw :t SI'. ibi i: 41t 14t4 Hit 47 '4 1" It 'ii" iott ins" lift 314 Sfi'i Kill, to., 107 II0.4 7:i s HIS SlUj 1531 tTo. 14'4 1'4 H ' ll'4 U'4 4C 21 I9'4 34 US. wv H7 ij: M . ?7 34' 1117 tl.St 111', 1112 '4 SO 771 HO 3 4 a 125 71 30 20 '4 31 14- 1104, (t Jt 4t 141 lot 1701 Mi 44 1I ii S tnkj 41 K.4 117 '4 41 14t IFi't 47t lonlt in 10 11 104H 1.5 31't "t 44', 3914 Hut, 4V mi. 1SV 1) A It do raf. I ) I et II lr' Una p I do gan. do cv. do ifr'.ea O'n. Ktac a. 41. (a 4a. 4a. . M'aRr.UIni ran. t ts4 121 w, S. I.. A 8. V fa. 4a SoV . lcl'4 . 74 . H, . il . 2i . Mi4 . tr. .inn . 7t .1011 .10414 . t7 .1114 in2t On l.aalher ba... '. nf N. J f is ( lin. At Ohio V4a..t0l'4 do sen. fia do cv. 414a tn4St. U H. W. c. 4a Ctilcaso A A. 'f- '4 'do lut (old 4a. C. II. A U . 4a...MtH. A. U sdj. ba.. . . . t7 Ho. Pac. col. 4"i. .. 4s ti", do cv. 4a 4a. 11 do lat raf. 4.... ... MS'so. Rallwly oa.. . .. 74'4 do (en. 4n . . . CO t'nlon Pacific 4a. . do cv 4a "4 do lit raf. 4a 01, t', fl. Hu!.lr (a.. HVl'. . Steel M b. . OMAHA LIVESTOCK MARKET Cattle for Week Steadyto Twenty Five Lower. HOGS SELL HIGHER FOR WEEK rat Klaccp Steady to Fifteen Lower Than Last Week, with Fat Lambs Quarter Lower nnd Feedera Steady. ' SOUTH OMAHA, rrov. 18 1911. Receipts were: Cuitle. Hogs. Sneep. Official Monday o,i3 l,b?3 14.0.j Official 'iuesday .'.5.14 b.Wf 19.MS Oftunal Wednesday.... 6,4X ll.bll 13,bo Official Thursday g,3Vt 7.054 .84 Official Friday Hd tl.sisi 4, Kstlmate Saturday .... A) ti.7'10 3"j0 Six days this week...27,94S 41, Wl Til, 113 Same days laat week...!0,uVi i,iM im.755 Sama days i w'ke aK0.2ti,4ol bs! l'.'7.ull Same aays 3 w'ka aKO.aj,io0 L"J.7(5 l'vi.icm same days 4 w'ka ago.l,ftl i7,ts4.l 17u,7os Sam days last ear.. .Vi,!)34 3,uu5 113,J The following table shows the receipt J of cattle, hogs und sneep at Soutn omaua lor thef year to dale us compared with aat year, lull. luio. inc. De; Cattle I,05.t0 1,097.037 37,3J Megs ' 2,!l.l5'j l,7tsi.l;:i J4,(j Sheep 3,77b.bZ3 3,lfJ,4v3 'iha following table atiows the average priced paid fur hogs at couth Omaha lur the la.t few days, with Comparisons. 111.3 head for th corresponding week of last year. The receipt of range atorK have fallen off very materially during the week, while there hos been a Inrte In creeae of eornfed westerns and natives. The week start' d out with a good de mand for killers at stronger prices, but later on both sheep and lambs Weakened and at the close of the week prices on sheen and lambs were anywhere from steady to as much as ISc loner, with tat tuinbs limy .'or tower, f ed lambs sold tut high as 4b. o at the beginning of the week, but It is a question If anvthinu: would bring over $5.50 at the close, as agalnat 45 75 at the close of last week. There has been little or no chanas In the" feeder trade throughout- tho week. Receipts have been very light, but the ountry has been taking; a aood uranv of the half fat kinds that weru shipped In for lilllera. Quotations on Sheen and Lambs- Lambs, gcod to choice. U.3.Va5.60: lambs, fair to good, 44.i4uf5.25; lamps, feeders, 43.25'n4.5o; ycarlinxs. fair t.j choice. 43 54i4.a5; yeaihnas. feeders. t.1.2.' j3.75; wethers, good to choice, 43.11(113.75; wethers, fslr to good. S3.44i 3.80; wetiiets, feeders, $3.O0i,3.i: ewes, aood to choice. S-l.lOja.Sfi; ewes, fair to good, i;'.75J3 10; ewes, breeders, .t.2,'.fi3.75, civet, feeders, ;-'.0o-(j2.fc; ewes, culls, 4l.154rl.7u. CHICAGO I.1VK STOCK MARK FT Date.. I 111. I inlu.j Isos. lMh . tWi . l:Hi. lyx. NOV. 10. 1 l. it I I Sm 1 3 s ci I v. bi Nov. 11. 1 -1 -Hi 7 all 7 ib, 6 tl 4 95 1 4 oJ Nov. 12. I i o 1 4 it )V 4 bM ( W) .sov. 'J. I 4 3b " I 1 r)i k K 4 i u UJ 4 b' Nov. 11. 0 2uhii 7 7l( ( &Wt 4 hS b Vb 4 11 .NOV. In. I b ti 1 i twi 7 9i ' I 4 V41 b Oo 4 i- Nov. lb. I JOVtl 7 i 7 t 6 59 4 W b 10 4 0o iivv. j,'. 6 34 1 7 44 V IM 5 54 " I b Uui 4 bi Nov. Is. 1 ;r4i V 3.11 1 tr.i. u uKt 4 K3i 1 (ti V7 Va.-Car. Ctiam. ta..ionv4 :v, Wahaub lit 5a.... 7iv, do l't A an. 4a . 4s. aar. A. Hf,XWei.trn Md. 4a ... 77 "4 Weal. Klec rv. ta. . cv. r,, IV! Wla. Central 4..... III. On. lit raf. 4a. Mo. Pac. rv. ba.... hit Mat. 4a 19 ?4 Panama 3a Did. Offered. II'IV ..1 SI fl 103 Boston Mark Market. UOHTON, Nov. 14. tloslng quotations nn stocks were as follows oe n nt too II. its) 7o 10) 300 324 lM'a 21', I1 nt Hit l.m, SIA. 21H CO 43't 13 1,500 l.t. 900 K rod lei (4,404 on 104 .10) M.SOi) ISO 4.7. 1.300 I.OtHl 3. ins) 1,000 r 104 t'SI 1,004 114 10 1, 17t 31 'l't 4::t 17b-4 t.74, "4 47't 4.1 10t 4t Ht II t:l t "' t lt list .lilt 't 17 "it 42't 173 V, 3H 70 47 4 1.19 V 4Ht t2S lilt lot m 44 1t wi i;t Im. I0 ah ire. 40 not 7nt ltt'4 31 r.'2'i 104 '4 ts It .it4 lo liit tit 17 II 4 Tot 44 Ihlt sot nt let :it 17" 42 1734 tit 9'4 41' 10t 4t ! lot sit ut to 7' It t'learlnar llonae Bank Statement. NKW YORK. Nov. IS. -The statement of clearing house banks for the week shows that the hanks hold 4i:t,(Ml.u,fi0 resnrvo in excess or legal requirements. This is an increase of 4I.O:i;.050 In the proportionate easti reserve as compared wllh last week. 1 he statement follows: Increase ...ll.ttl. festoon ,l,Kk:.ii,X) Ctapurated Applca nnd Dried Fralta. 3S...SI.1 ftK b2.'.c,i;.iKt L7Hj.3.";'i,l0 IMI.IlJU.VIill 13.0S1.200 7IS.OW 17li.0o(l :,2t.'jo 4'.'.tK l.O.lti.050 M Altnues Amal. Cop. (o. A '. L. A R... Arltona Com. .. II. A C. ('. A 8 utts Coalition .. Cat. A. Arizona. .. Cel. A Hecla...,. Centennial Cop. rtange c. t; Kaat Hutta C. M. Kranblln Olroii, Con Oranby Con (Irecna Cananea lle Koyala Copfwr Kerr Lata I.aka copper l, Halle Copper Miami CVpper ,. Hid. 33t Mohawk fit Con -4 4 Nlplailns Mines 24 North llutto .... It North l.aka .... I7' (IM Dominion .. f.4 Creole 3M 'Parroll SAC 10 Qulncy f,'t Shannon lit Superior 7 1 Superior A B. M 4t Tamarack CO U. 8. H. R. A 71 do pfd It Ctah Con 3 l-UCi.h Copper Co 1 Winona :t Wolterliia 1 M. .. 41 ... 17't .. It ... S3t .. 4t .. ', . . 43 ... 10 ... (0 ,.. a ... 3tt ... 3't ... tit ... 34t ...47 ... let ... 4t ... ft ... 43 New York .Mluiutr Stocks. NKW YORK. Nov. 18. Closing quota tions on mining stocks were: eAltca ...1 30 l.lttla t:hlef Com. Tunnel atoek. 23 do bonda 17 Con. Cel. A Va.... 70 Iron Silver lot I.eedvllte Cod 14 Offered. Mexican Ontario Ophlr standard .... Yellow Jacket .. 4 ..:sf ..104 ..170 ..lis) .. 74 lank Clearings. OMAHA, Nov. 18. Bank clearings for todav were 42.69X.5i3.06 and for the corre spondlng day la:;t year 4.5.1il.0'i4.02. The clearings for the week amounted to $15, rjxt,iK:;.ui, and for the same week last year lb,GM,100.7tS. OMAHA OENF.nAL M.IRKKT, Demand for Cattle nnd Sheep Stendy Hogs Lower. CHICAGO. No. 1 S.-C ATT LK-Re ceipts. ti)0 head: market steady: hcevoa. $4,404(0.10; Texas steers, 4l.OiKl5.VO; western steers, $4.3te-g 7.J40: steers and feeders, $2.90 5.75; cows and heifers, $1.90ej&.75; calves, $5.ri(iiJi;S.lS. HOU8-Receipts. 1G.000 head: marker. MD 10c lower than yesterday's avenue; light. m;t4.Kt.; mixed, 4tl.l5je.i0: heavy. $.; 15 it(li.H5; rough, 3jti. lr.tMl.;- ; ikk! to ehoi-e, $ 3.V(i'l.C5; nigs, 44.75Ctti.00: bulk of sales. b.lruU.n5. HHKKP AND LA M B.H Iterelpts. I,r0 bead; market steady; native, 42.5vti3.75; western, $2.634.70; yearlings,; native iambs. $3.50f5.b5: westerns. $3.75 1(5.76. 'Minuay. Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union block lards, south Omaha, tut' the twenty-tour bourn ending at 3 p. m. yesterday: .vlSUElPTS-C'AKLOAUS, Cattle. Hogs.. sheep. Il'r's. C, M & St. P.. W abash MIbkouiI paclliu Union Pacific .. f. i N. W'., east.. C. At N. W went.. C, St. P., M. c O. C, a. Ht g.. east... C, B. t ij., west.. C, R. 1 t P Illinois Central .... Chicago U. W '!' Total receipts 8 7 4 2 lti .. 1 3 1.. 33 ;v :: :: 12 3 1.. 3 3 .. 94 2 1 DISPOSITION-HEAD. Cattle, Hogs. Sheep, Omaha Packing Co 7 h7 .... Swift and Company l.7t7 vb Cudahy Packing Co 2,042 Atinour & Co 1,832 Other buyers fi .... 6,428 210 338 Dally avciagt la. ana Specie la-Rul tenders.... Net deHalts Circulation Kxcckh lawful reserve v Decrease. Ihinka' cash reserve In vaults. 435tl.'Ja5.- 4. Trust companies' cash reserve In vaults, Svl.he4.lajO. Aggregato cash rei.crve, 54lS.Ja9.OOt). Trust companies' reserve wllh clearing house iur.,MH rs carr ing 5 per cent casii reserve, $5tl, i'.s.OUO. Actual condition Decrease Loans $l,l2l.787.COO 4 5,,1.000 Siecio 3:11.1 ts.oO) Iegal tenders VI ;b.l.iie Net deposits 1.77i.7u.0U0 Circulation 50.i:i.(M ICxceaa lawful tesrive.. lU,4"i,.V4) increase. Ranks' cash reservo In valuti, $051,8:0,- ouo. Trust companies' cash reserve In vaults, iu:. b.4.000. Aggregate cash reserve. $:i4.500.tA). Trust companies' reserve with clearing house m iiils ra caiTying 25 per cent casn 0.914 tmu lNl.fltaJ 10.ti.lN) lilOW CHKI'.Pi: Imported Sw!is. 2?c; Ameri can Swiss, 22c; block Swiss, Ibc; twins, 17',r(". daisies, 17Hc; triplets. lc; young Americas. ISc; blue label brick, lie; aim- berger, 'Mb.. 18c; 1-lb.. 1'lc BUTTER No. 1. 1-lb. carton. 34c; No. 1 In bO-lb. tubs, 34c; No. 2, 32c; packing;, 19c. POt'LTRY-Urollers. ISc: springs, Uttc: hens. HUe: oocks. lnc: ducks. ISc: geese. 15c; turkeys, 2tic; pigeons, per dot., $1.50. Alive, broilers. 12'ic; hens, 8'c; old roosters and stags. 5c: old ducks, full feathered. He; geese, full feathered, 10c; turkeys, If.c; guinea fuwls, 15o each; Pigeons, pur dos., OOc; homers, per dux., L'.ftO: squabs. No. 1, $1.60; No. 2. 60c. FISH Pickerel, lie; white. liviUc; pike, 1."c; trout, lhtillc; laige ciupples, l.VglHc; Spanish mackerel, 19c; eel, lko; haddocks, 13c; flounders, 1,4c; green catfish. 13ifrl.Sc; roe shad, 41.00 each; vho roe, per pair, !0c: salmon. 1.1c; hittlhut. 12c; yellow perch, .'e; buffalo, Sc: bullheads. He. FRUITS, liTC Apples, cooking varie ties, per lihh, $2.75; Jonathan and (7 r lines tlolden. per bhl.. $4.50; Ben Davis, per bhl., 42.50; California Belleflower. per box, $1.35; Colotudo Jonathan, extra fancy, per box. $2.60; Washington Bpitaenberg, per box, 42.5U; Washington U. Beauty, per box, $2.50; Washington Stamon Wlnesaps, per box, $2.60. Bananas, fancy select, per hunch, 42.251(1 2,50; Jumbo, air bunch, $2.75 St3.76. Cranberries, Wisconsin fancy, per bblv $9.60. per box, $3.0". extia large Jumbo, per bhl., $10.50. Dates. Anchor brand, new, 30 1-lb. pkg. In boxes, per box, $-.5(1. Klg. California, per ruse of 13 12-ox. pkgs., 85c; per case of 3i 12-oz. pkgs., 4i.t: per caso of 50 b-ns. pkgs., 42.OO; New Turkish, t-crown In 20-ll. boxes, per lb., loc; U-crown In 20-10. boxea, per lb., Ide; 7-crown In 30-lb. boxen, tier lb., 17c. tlrape fruit, Florida, 40-35 sixes, per crate, $4,764(5.011; H-64-i.4 sires, per crate, $5.25. lira pas. Calif 01 nia Tokays, per 4-basket rralc, $1.25: Malaga grapes In bills., $5.5tkd( 4.00. Lemons. Llmoneiia brand, extra fancy, xOtt site, per box, $'.."5; 3bt' size, per box, 4d.&0; lajnia Llinonelia. fancy, 3(10 0 alxea, per box, 4b.0i; :40 and 420 sixes, 6th: per box less. Orange. Niagara Red lands Valencias, tui-lM slave, per box, 15.25; 150-17b-2Oi-2lb-250 sixes, per box, 45 60. Pears, California B., per bo-lb. box. W OO. V KOK TAHLKS Hcans, string and w ax, per market basket, yj.uO,) 1.1-6. Cabbage, Wisconsin, per lb., l''uH,e. Celery. Mltblgan. per dos., 40c; Colorado Jumbo, per do.. MV. Cueumbcis, hot house, per dos., $2.14). Fgg plant, fancy Florida, per dox., $2.uV oarllc, extra lancy, white, per lb., 15c. Lettuce, cxtiii fancy leaf, per do., 40c. Onions, California, white, per lb., 3'; Wisconsin, yellow and red. In saekH, per lb.. iVjc: Spanish, per crate, ek.75. Parsley, fancy home grown, per dox. bunches, 45o. Potatoes, Minnesota Karly Ohio, per 1u,, $l.ltk Wisconsin white stock, per bu., $l.uu; In 10-sacka lota. &c bee. Sweet potatoes, Virginia, per bhl., 41.54); per bu. basket, 41.35. Ruiahagus, in sacks, per It)., l'.c. Tomatoes. California, per crate, $!... M ISCKLLAN KOt'9 Almcnd". Tsr rugona. per lb., lc'ac. Ill sai k ioih. 1c less. I, mail nuts, per lb., hie: In, nark lots, 1c less. Ct.eiiunuis, )h t back. t.J). FilU rts, per lb . 14c; In sack lota, Ic leas, t'ean.lia, roasted, per lb., bVtc; raw, per lb., iA-c. Pecans, large, per lb., 17c; In racg lo.s, lu less. Walnuts, new crop, isii. Cali f.iiiiiu, per, lb , l.'tr; In sack lots, lc levs. Cider, , Nchawka, per 15-gal. tj bal., 4,1.00; per 30-gal. bbl., 4560; New York Moll's, per l:-gal. V, bbl., 43. o0; per -gal. bhl., 4..5U. Honey, new, 24 trances, 4.1.75.' Mont, per 15-gal. keg. 42.75: per 5 gal. keg, $1.10; Wisconsin, per Vt-bbl., $3.50. Totals ... CATTLE There were no fresh cattle of any consequence on sale this morning For the week receipts toot up almost 2S,- OUO head, being a falling off of about 2,700 head, as compared wlUi last week and of 0,000 head, compared with a year ago With such mouerate receipts the market here under ordinary conditions should have been In very fair condition, but overwhelming receipts at ome other points, especially Chicago, followed by Lad breaks, caused the market here to take a turn for the worse. Another weak feature ut the trade was the fact that receipts at tnls point were made up of cHtiln of very pour quality. hew, If any, realiy good beef steers reached the yards this week. There were plenty of half fat and Inferior grades of cornfetis and a few westerns, but pi act 1 caily nothing tnat rouid be classed aa strictly good. With other markets breaking badly, prices here sioadily worked to a lower basis, and ut the clos of the week beef steers are sately 15tjj20c lower than last week. 'Ihe boat cows and the general run of common canners were In very fair de mand ail the week, but still at the close they are fkvl5Q lower. On the other band. there were a great many medium kinds of both cowa and heifers, and they aV generally 25o lower man last week. Siockera and feeders followed the lead of killing cattle and steadily worked lower, 'he general run of common to medium cattla of that description are fully 25c lower than laat week. On the other hand, very few strictly good feeders arrived during tho week, and, as a result, prices 011 such have snown little or no change. Uuoiutlnns on native cattle: Good to choice beef steers. 4b.50Sr7.75; fair to good beef steers, ).5cti.uU; common 10 fair beef steers, 44.btKu5.50;. good to choice hellers, ti.buftj.ta; good to cnolco cows,; fair to gocd cow.). td.uu(ui.z; common to fair cows, $2. ;5'f3.00; veal calves, 4,3.00'tji i.50. uuotatlotis on range rattle: Good to choice beef steers, 45.iiS7.25; fair to good beef steot a. o.JXUi.,5; common to la.r beet steel a. 44.4(Hb.OV; good lu cnoice heit ers, 44.40ti5.15; good to choice cows, $4.2.Viii 6 00; lair to good cows, 43.bu4.2a; common tu fair cows, 2.7&743.vO; good 10 choice alocKcrs und feer.eis, i5.wiuii.00; taut' to good blockers und leeders 4i.JV1iio.Ot; com tnoii to tair sioeiicrs ana leeuuia, 4.30; stock hclter, $3.25:44.25; bulls, stags, etc.. 43.2ditf4.IM. HOuS In a general way, hogs sold a nickel lower, showing poor action, but totiui Utile freedom in ihe late session. Leajiaii utivlce from Cue east were large ly icaonHible tor the break, aa buyers could neither point tu excisslve supplies nor lax demand as an argument tor eneaper coat. Tlio run involved only nineiy-flve loads und varied cotibluei aoly 111 weignta and quality. Heavies sold mure readily than bacon and htgn mixed stuff und realised usuai premium of I0(j25c, landing 111 und near the top of the trade. Attractive lard grades were sun acaieward at 4b.35$j6.45, Ihe latter price being the highest paid. Shippers and specu.nlors furnished fair support; orders ironi these quarters calling for about a doxen loads of various weights. High-mixed and bacon oferlngs proved decluediy el 1 a tie, selling from ;.-6 downward oil a rathor liackwurd market, tiood butcher claseea were in-between sel lers, moving aiound $b.butuu.3&. The yards were completely cleared ot arnvais by 10:.J clock. A very eucstantlal gain In receipts dur ing the week tailed 10 nave much of a ueprt salve influence oil values and cur rent cum ol bulk shows net advances 01 baiioc. r-preada huvo wluened a little, however, and unuei welglits are now sell ing lu a maraot mat la practically acpar a.w aim Inuepelldeliu i lie wtr. s leceipia aid not Inc lude very many pigs, despite tne lact that tlic lutul la. toe heaviest since tne beginning ol August, anu puces fur little eiuit worked lusher, rang ing .10111 J.tAu6.u5. ilepreeeniaiive aalcs: ti-" S.V- !-:yA'RAT.K1' Summary of .Tate bank, and trust com- pan lea In greater New York not repotting arrLM-vuin anu aieaay Willi iniera largely nomltia'.; on the spot fancy, 10c; choice, ie: prune, x'mstke. DK1KU FRl'lTS Prunes, aaaier With moie liheral otferliiRa; ouotatlona ranged from 7e to Utc fur California., up to 40-ooa and 10'.iil2c for orexons. Anrl- cola, dull but steady; choice, 15il5v4e: extra 'Choice, lbulsv-: fancy, l.'iuhvT Peachea. inactive but stewdy with little preaaure to aril; choice, llttillSto; extra choice, Il1jl2c; fancy. liiUte. Kaia Ina, Inactive . and haiely steady; looa muacaieii are quoted at ttOltc, choice to faney terded. 744fi'e; aeedleas, be; London lajert, $1.4tol.46. IMIa nnd Koala, SAVANNAH. la., Nov. 18.-TI RPKN-TINE-Flrni. 44V; Bales, gsj bbla.; re celpta. 4i i, bhla.; sbipuaenta, 174 bbla.; aioekji. hjji tbla. RonIN -Kirm; tales. I,laj bbla; recelpta, 1 M7 bbla; shtpmeDls, 150 bbla.; Blocka, b.2l bbla. Cjuute: H, 4595; D, $; K lei Ml; and (i, $'113; F, (1, II and I V;.l(,4; K. $.!: K. H. N, $; Wui $;.v. WW. $7. en. to isew lor, clearing untiae. te reaae. l.o.ins $.mi,7bl.70u ft 2IU.M1J Sisecle tU.Sfi.XQ 67,30i) Ll gal tenders 10.k24.3IM 231. .(Wl Total deposits.. 073.t5.1UU 1.130.10U Increase. London Stock Mnrket. IaiNDoN. Nov. 18. American securities opened quiet and steady here today and later advanced oil ittfnt buying. Tlie cloalng aaa steady Willi ranxlng from . h iK-her to l lovter than yaJter dsy'a cioslna. lonaola. mour.... 7lt 1 aul.vlll. A N UTt do accouul 7I114M . K. A T It Aaial. Coyoar Ut N. V. t autre I Ill Aua.-ooda , 74. Norfolk A W UI14 AttBtaoil llti So pld tl do ptd to7 (intario A W 4lt Balllmora A ( P'uiMrlvaola er. 4aaalea Parlflc. ..J44-, Read Mlaaa 1t Raadla. 71 tl Soutbora Hr l lit do pfd 71 ltSuitieia Pacific... .llt 24lolua PaclfU' 17t 4t in pfd Kt ktV. i. Steel tea t beaapeeae A O. .. ( huaao u. w Chi., Mil. A St P. la ura. Uaavar A Itle (.. a ptd I... tCne Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Nov. 18. CATTLE Receipts, 2,000 head, Including ihO sotilh erns; marnet, steady; native steer.4, $5.2ofr 9.14): southern steers. X4.(.ii,.2i: southern cows and heifers. $3.00ri 4.5o; native cows und heifers, $2.6'rt( 7.U0; stockers and feed ers, 43.75frri5.76; calves. 4.(if7.26: western ftcers, $4.0li7.00: western tows, 43.mHj5.00. ttiitih Keoelu r. ti.Ond head: mnrket. no lower; bulk of gales. $ti.lWtti.o0; heavy, $H 45 tfii&o; packers and butchers. Ifi. Jtti.55: lights. $5.0iti.r0; pigs, 41. 2515.50. fHf.l'.l' and LAMBS Market. Eteady: muttons. $2,754(4.00; lambs, $1 ti0in5.i); range wethers und yearliims. 43. 11114.75: range ewes, $2.0u(ii3.75. iraizement a year or two does not help It a bit. The long engagement Is nearly as bad as the short one. 1 can see how the affections can bo aroused at a chance meeting of two people, but they ought to take a little time to ntudy each other first, get an understanding of each other'H disposition and character. These hurry-up weddings nearly all result disastrously and I would slop every one If I could. It's all because there Is a lack of under stnndlng before the ceremony. There ought to be a law to prevent these hurry up or love-ut-flrst-ivlght weddings. "If a man and woman have made up Ihelr minds to get married there Is no use stringing the engagement along a yrar or two. Long engagements often re sult In serious trouble to one or the other. If the two are satisfied thut they want to get married, If they are ready to ac use postponing the wedding any length married life together, then there la no cept the trials and the, good things of of time." Topcka Journal. HERO OF A FIELD POEM "Penn Tan ntH' Closes n Itoraantle Career of Affluence and Poverty. S4. Lonis Live, stock Market. ST. LOUIS. Nov. IS. CATTLE Re- celpts. 600 head, including 200 Texans; market steady; native beet steers, xa.Otru .0u; cows and heifers, 43.00HU.&O; Miock ers and feefVM-H, Ki. 2.Vu5. 25: Texas and In dian steers, 4l.lKJWb.75; cowa and heifers. $3.003,.6V; calves In carloud lots, $4.60ii f.60. HOUS Receipts. 10.000 head: market steady, 5c higher; pigs and lights, $4.75(i 6.40; packers, 44i.4tkntl.ijo; butchers and best heavy, 46.40&tt).b5. SHKrJP AND LA M BS Receipts. S0J head; market isttady; nalivu muttons, J.2iCrj3.i5; lambs, 44.t3rjfS.8S.. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Nov. M. CATTLE Re ceipts 700 head. Market steady; steers, 44.75taa.25; cows and heifers, $3.0ojtt.25; calves. $4.00i7.5O. HOUS Receipts, 8.000 head. Market uc lower; top, $6.00; bulk of sales, $6.10 6.45. SHEEP AND LAMBS None on sale. Market steady; lambs, $5.00trjo.90. Stock In Sight. Receipts of live stock at the five prin cipal markets yesterday: Cattle. Hobs. Sheen. mi. josepn i.w South Omaha 200 Kansas City 2,000 St. lAiuia 500 Chicago too Totals .4.000 8.000 6.700 350 6.000 lO.OOO 300 lb.uU) 2,oV0 40,700 3,150 Dry Good Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 18. DRY GOODS The cotton goods markets are firmer with t broader demand reported. Minor ad vances are being secured on print cloth vain goods. Linens are firm. Burlaps are quiet. ' Knit goods are being ordered very moderately for fall. Oil and Itosln. SAVANNAH. Ua., Nov. lS.-OILS-Tur-pentlne. 44'iiq44hc. ROSIN-Flrm; type F, $6.10tiJ.2(); U, $o.l2',io:i-20. Wool Mnrket. ' ST. LOUIS, Nov. 18. WOOL Steady: territory and western mediums, leyijc; fine mediums, Kniso; fine, lhuloj. William C. Buskett of Montana, who died In a hospital at Spokane recently, was the hero of Eugene Field's poem, "Penn Yan Bill." Buskett and the poel were boys together In St. Louis; their friendship lusted through life. Buskett drifted to Montana many years ago, went Into the mining business and made a fortune. When he first Btruck It rldli and was at a loss for a name for his mine so the Htory goce. he asked tho local postmaster to turn to the list of postoffices In New York, and the first postoffico on the left hand page would give its name to Uio mine. It happened to be Penn Yan. ThiH mine made Bus kett wealthy, and several other ventures were successful, but later he lost his for tune 1n ill-advised speculations. While he was in the flood of fortune about twenty-five years ago, Buskett came to Chicago, and Eugene Field, at his Invltutlon, called upon him at his hotel. They dined together and Buskett aked to be excused for a few minutes while he wrote to his sweetheart, a young 'woman of Kentucky. Having nothing else to do, Field picked up a pad of paper and scribbled off "The Wooing of Petin Yan Bill," now found In his col lected works. In this narrative are nine eight-line stanus, and after relating tho Inroads made upon the young Ken- tucklan'a affections, "responsive to the purringfl of Penn Yan Bill," the poem concludes: Of course, Hhc had to love him, for it was her nature to. And she'll wed him in the cummer, if what we hear la true. The blue grass will bo waving In that old Kentticy glade. Whore the black-eyed Susans cluster In the pleasant walnut shade. Where the doves make mournful musii) and the locust thrills a song To the brook that through the pasture scampers merrily alona:. And speechless pride and rapture Ineffa ble snail rill The beatific bosom of Ton Y'an Bill. Marriage was certainly tho Intention at that time, but the fickle gods decreed otherwise, and the "bonny maiden of the pretty nume of Sue" and "Penn Van Bill", met only to part, Buskett continu ing in bachelorhood to the end of li3 days. It was for' Buskett that Eugene Field wrote out many of his poems In manuscript, collecting them in a quaint, heavy book, the volume finally coming Into the possession of W'k. Blxby, the millionaire collector of St. Louis, who published a fuc simile edition of three hundred for his friends. Reverses com pelled Buskett to part with much of his Fleldiana, of which he had a surprising collection. "Penn Yan Bill" waa on hi way to visit his slater In Seattle when he was seized with the Illness which ended his life In tho hospital at Spokane. Roswell Field, In Chicago Examiner. MANY RECENTJSALES MADE Morris A Martin Report Consider able Actlvltyln Real Estate Circles of I.ate. Coffee Market. NKW YORK, Nov. 18 COFFEE-Fu lures opened steady at a decline of 7 to 13 points under a little European selling and in sympathy with lower European markets. There seemed, however, to be a eiood local demand, particularly for the spring months aid the market n.led lather sharply lata In the mornliia oa covering and bull support, wllh the close ateatly net 6 polnta low, r to 13 points hlgnor. Near months were relatively t a . Sales. 41.500 bags., r and I lecembeil'. 14.31c; January, Il l's. ; Ketwu ary, 1.1.7;; March, 1341c; April, 13.:i7c; May, June and July, 11.32c; August, Sep tember and October, 13 .oc. Havre was it franca lowei ; Hamburg waa 1 pig. lower. Klo. 126 rels higher at Mo5; bin. tos, 50 leis lower, 4s b450; 4)160. Re lelpta al the two Brasl.ian porta, (2.000 baa a, aaa'.nat bo.o.0 baaa laat year. Jun t'Uhy receipts. Si, OH) bags, against Hi. too bags laat year. Fine weather waa re ported In all districts of Sao Paulo. New York warehouse deliveries yeaterday were 15.041 bens, ugalnst ib.i2 baga laat Jear. fpol, quiet: Klo No. 7, 15c; Santos No. 4, I'.V. Mild, guiet; Cordova, Kt4lc, noml ual. NEW steady agar Mnrket. YORK, Nov. H.-81'UAR-Rt, muscovado, 9 teat, 14 rC a 4 bo. centrifugal, tsi test, 45 l?3io 15; moiaasea sugar, t9 teat, 44.3:p4 40. I.eflued, steady; r.ubei, 4b Jo; flue granulated, to. 20: pow dered. $4. 30. No. At'. 4b. Pr. N. Av. 8h. Pr. aa lal ... t at 4e r73 ,u a yo In ... t Hi 14 U 44 4 It a: ! ... tti 7 .v ... si., 1 1.7 ... 4 14 il !1 4oo 32t 21 IMI ... 10 U m imi aji, IM ...lis) ... 4 14 i 2.7 IM a .11- 1(4 H IK tu tot tll a fcu,, 17 2)4 Its) 4 Ij w lit ... ..:, l )kl 44 tie ta MA tot) tiJv, el 211 1W 34 aa 4 ... 4 34 ,0 t-t ... 4 20 12 21 III f J. 14 ti M t 4 b2 24 44 1 14 2.U 44 t 34 2,1 1 (JJ m H'7 liu 2d t.s if,; 40 at 4 21t ... 4 24 31 Hi IM tit 72 2 44 rt at t;l 44 U 74 214 4U t 2i at.. 2:0 ... 4,i 3t tCl 124 4 2t ta ,.2lul 124 aa W Ilt ... t 24 74 2M 0 0 li 222 244 4 Ua aa lu Su4 34 iU 224 ... 4 2a H Ml n tll is U ... t 2i a4 M7 2ltt 4 JS it 2.1 ... 4M 41 SIT ... tat 72 21 1S4 2j 42 2 ... tie II lie ... t 2.1 3.14 44 3i 2 211 44 t ta tt 1.-4 tU .J .4 2WI ... 1 4a 274 44 t -t til Ml l.t t li 45 114 laa f j5 ,4 211 2-.0 4 l7t M 2.7 Ml 4 lb al ti Ml -1 T 2M Imi f 24 4k IMI t live 42 21 N (li U l 124 t lt l 2.1 IMI o 71 I I 44 4 il 3 2,1 ... li tl 2M ! mi a no a 31.1 lau tilt Il 211 IU M Ui 3M W t 44 U 2sl ... Ill aa 2.2 ... t i I ... a j tt 2:1 44 t 44 1. 14 124 4 il 4! M4 leu 4 (4 m ava 44 4 to M i;i .nam I. :i 44 t 34 tt Ut I Ml I 44 71 1(3 lav t 14 H 314 14 t 44 at 244 4 4 JO 4V 4JI ... t 42 1 71 .l 44 K) 4 lit ... t 44 42 3M 44 4 M il IU tat t 44 t4 3(1 Ml 4 24 4, JH7 ... It Ta r.'4 44 tie t; 1:1 ... t 41 eo........l4 at dt 44 4-4 ... 4 44 tl 2ta Saw 4 at P1G2 OlDS AND ENDS. T sat ... U I :m ... f h tt 114 ... t ib ... i ta II 104 . . 4 ta 41 in ... f ij 8HKEP-There were po aneep here to day of any coiiaeniuenca. For tba Week re ceipt loot up 41,113 beaxl. aa agalnat i Xorris & Martin report the following recent rales: To Anna T. Drake, lot on Twentieth street, in Boulevard Park. $650 on which she will build a home; to Ar thur Savurd, who has just recently re turned from Texas, two lots in Newton addition, on tho Florence boulevard, for $1,600, on -which he will build a home; to tllenn W. Smith, a let In Newton addi tion, on the Florence boulevard, for $1,000; to Ucorge It. Wright, a lot in Newton ad dition, on Ogden street, for $700. on which he will later build a homo; to Fred ociuiciucr, a 101 in rsewton addition on the Florence boulevard, for $1,000. on which he will build a home; to Joseph V. Hcnactnan, a lot In Newton addition, on the Florenco boulevard, for $1.0u0: to 11 P. Kerr, president of the Wolfo Electric compan, a new house on Evans street, In Kountze Place, where Mr. Kerr will make his home, consideration $4,250; To H. Mor- tenscn, a lot on Evans street, In K untze Place, consideration 192.1. on which he will build A home In the spring; to John O. Sterner, two lots at the southwest corner of Twenty-second and Evans streets. In Kountze Place, to be Improved, consideration $2.U; to T. J. Rogers, a lot on Evans street, In Kountxe Place; $S75; to Thomas J. Sterner, lot on Evans street, in ivountze 1'iace, to be improved at on.e, consideration $S75; to J. T. Eastman, a new bungalow on Pratt street, In Kountze Place, consideration $1,600: to Mrs. Elixa- bctli Heflin, a house In Newton addition. consideration $1,600, bought for an Invest ment; to James Whelan, a houre and two lots at 2400 Norlli Twenty-eighth avenue. consideration $3,600, bought for a home; to Sam Ansaldn, 27o3 Webster street, for a home, consideration 4-i.,J. TO STOP HASTY WEDDINGS Hanaaa Joilgea Start Agalnat Flrat Sight rlagea. Slovenaent Ma I' ll. M. McCandlens, Judge of the rrobate court of Sedgwick county, Kansas, has started a movement amung probate Judges to stop "love at first sight" weddings In K ansa 4. Judge Mt-Candlcsa la also a be llever in short engagements and If he had his way, after an engagement had run -along five or six months, he would Insist on a preacher being railed In or the engagement being declared off. The question of prohibiting marriages where the engagement has been less than a month has been agitated In Kansas for several years. Rut this year the probate Judgea generally are pushing the work and the next legislature will be asked to provide that before a marriage license can be Issued the bans must be published month. ''The chief need for a happy wedded life Is that the man and woman understand each other thoroughly," Judge McCand less said. "I do not think this can be dona In a month, and continuing the en LAST PENSION OF REVOLUTION Death Remove I.nat Nome on thai Honor Roll of Freedom's ' Straggle. That the United States commission - of pensions should be a poet of a nut of romantic Imagination during office hour la hardly to be expected, but thut ha should record the death nt the govern ment's last Revolutionary war pensioner In the tersest of routine bureau lan guage, without so much as u footnote or a wrcatn in pen ana 111K to can atten tion to the entry, seems to the layman like missing an opportunity. But such was the manner In which the death of Mrs. Phoebe ,M. . Palmeter, daughter of Jonathan Wooley, a soldier of the Revolution. has Just been, recorded In Washington, thereby remov ing the last name from the pensloa roll of 1776. It was five years ago that the laat Revolutionary war widow pensioned by UllL government died at the age of 91 In Ihe pld house at Plymouth Rock, Vt, It. which she had lived for three-quartern of a century. Sho was Mrs. Esther . Damon. Although witli the death of Mrs. Pal meter at her home In Brookvllle, N. V., the paying of Revolutionary war pensions by the government oxds. there are atlll forty-seven women In the United Stalea who draw their pensions each month from the National Society of tho Daugh ters of tho American Revolution. Each of them in the daughter if a soldier of '78. Tho quaint, almost urchalc no menclature of tho list would Indicate that. There arc Lucituias und Belindas among them, names thut suggest .the minuet, tlao brigaded s.ttini:. rich old laces, and huge fans of painted satin and Ivory of a century njjo. Then, too, there arc gentle l.nvinius and sweet Melissas. who immediately appear l-eforo the mind's rye In delicately figured prints, and be-ribboned sMk hoods. Tho (lately and very virtuou-uouiidlnif names of Sophronlu, Samnntha and Abi gail are also found unions the forty seven, and one Imaglnis them excellent mothers of many children, busy all day and far into the night with their ripin nlny, buking, liiendin:; and manifold other household cares. Klmlru, Adella and Aureliu uro on the list, tt"). with au oc casional dainty Nari'lssa or Cinderella. Eliza Ann, Sarah Ann and Susan are of the company, if course. New York Post. Persistent Ad ei ti-lm; Is the Road to B:g Returns. I'reneU luvenlor I Dead. NEW YORK. Nov. lS.-4J,orge D'En freville. a French inventor, who was In strumental In the development of the modern duplex telepraph system, is dead here at hia home of heart disease. n. was born In Fiance In 1Mb and came ttt this country In lb72 "I if The Tradr' a value!. '.a market letter, containing aaefal la forlnatiou on all curb etorei, Ibalr auoLaUuaa. yield, and all dale aeedel bv tba Investor. niB rOB THUS Juat aand in rour name and era will taail It abaoiutely fee ot cbar.e. rtKD J. MOWIY tt CO, BO Broad St- Hew York City. ' Lnane anad-i tr oa betee u .islultd aeriuitiea al : far i"l baeraH. t I