Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1911, WANT AD SECTION, Page 4, Image 24
4 ' THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: NOVEMBER 19. 1911. C M:.h KSTATK citv rnorKRTv phi r t i.k. INVESTMENT JX.OOOInslda business, fmir story hrlck building, 44x1113 frpf, gilt ede. Present owner very responsible, but establishing large plant elsewhere prefers to II: Ink back ten year lease and pay 7 )r rent net over and above all taxes, insurance and tepalra. Can t brut thla anywhere. It Is A-l. Warehouse Bargain H7,W0-J(xi:a ft. V. P. trackage, on Jones St Tnke half rath Htid balance In good clear Improved, or choice varant. Owner wants cash for special use else where, only object In accepting part trade. West Farnam HAUVk aVW 1 1t ft L n . .t Vik TKl- l .. tioA ..... 4... . . Kan r f h u n anv. thing t)to on the meet cant of it. Hine to Choice Homes I 4,MHV-Klne. new S-room house, all modern, well hnlll house, on Wth St . ; on top of bill south or !,eaven wot t h : rloce to tlia Field club; 4i'xU7 ft. Fairly tasy trnni or 1100 discount for half rash. 4,!00 Close to Xth and Dodge Kt., art It-room, nil modern house, with full lot and barn. Location very rholoc. High and sightly, and with a few Jiundred do.lars spent on tbe houee thin In a snap. $ n3(k-Non-resident owner authorised stieclsl price on 10-room. thoroughly modem, well built, hsndsntrta Interior, fine romblnutlon iim and electric fixtures, good plumbing, furnace beat: beautiful quarter-sawed oak floors upetulr and down; WxlM) ft. lot with barn. Tim lilmJt snap In Oniaba. I 1,500 A very handsome, new. well btillt. thoroughly modern. attractive, H-imiM. hot water beated hou.e. One handsome bath complete: one room with toilet and laiatnry. Beautiful llv.PK room with state tin( built In book cases; large sleeping porch: beautiful location In Dundee. Owner anxious in ell; would consider reasonable offer If made soon. Choice location; close to car. D. V. SHOLES COMPANY. fit City National Hank Rldg. Buy Where Values Are Increasing nd In district where tn residents, are aggressive, wideawake boosters. Dundee Is that place, as shown by the marked ad- vanna made In the past couple of years. 1 his year alone about 70 new houses have been built, and over five miles of paving have been laid, which nifana an outlay of about half a mil lion dollars. The water ques tion In the Happy Hollow and Dundee district has been settled and the water com pany baa agreed to turn the water Into the pipes In all the streets west of AIM tit. and south of Nicholas ft. There Is no question tnat Omaha's best residence dis trict must move west, and Dundee la In the direct west ward line. Why not buy now before prices advance, .lust aa peo ple did a few years ago In the West Karnam district. That there ara substantial profits to be made la beyond a doubt, and our very easy terms places thla opportunity ' within the reach of practi cally every one. Plate, prloea and full Information on ap- . plication. A Few of Those ; Dundee Lots ' Ji!-4xir,. ft., north front on t , Hurt St., 10Q ft. west, of , . a hi. ' tM MixlJS ftw north front on Hurt Hi., l&u ft west of : Mhh St. , Jl.OW North front on ITnder wood. Ave., txi; ft.. KA fret esst of tMid ft. H.yo-MixLn it, north front on Cass, Ht.. 100 ft. west of Met Ht. : paving; all palu, y,to-1(Tix1". ft.. B. W. cor ner of Hurt and fid Ht. I2.J.W 114x146 ft., corner of Moulevard and Burt Kt. 3.W-liKxl ft. N. K. cor. 61st and I'nderwood Ave, Terms of payment on above lota, one-tenth Cash, balance monthly. v also have a large list of lota In all parta of Pun dee renattie; In prices from $, to l,ti. according to location and Improvements. lnn t buy before you see our list. George & Company HO;-.. City Nat. l-'ank .d. phones: I. H4 or A-ltM A GOOD SKVKN-KUOM HOUSK FOR ONLY $3,100. With bath, gti, and electric light; on pavad street Dear 16th and Lo- CUit, Eljht roonii, modorn. with hot water beat; south front, lot 00x115; , cloaa In, for 13,150. Eight rooms, modern, having ves tibule, ball, front and back parlor, dining room, kluhen with pantry and room for Ice box; full basement, bricked up; cross walls, cemented floor, laundry and vegetable room; east front lot, on paved street: good location, convenient to car and stores. $4,000. Eight-room modern house, new; hot water best, laundry, four bedrooms; south. front lot. 0x124, for $4,100. Ten-room, modern, fine home place, oak finish, oak floors! flue heating plant, all In best of order; well located, with east front lot, 65x140, with a driveway to a good, large barn, price reduced to $5,300. W- H. Gates Room 64 4 New Omaha Nat l Dank Bldg. Phone) Doug. 1294. Web. 2688. Mighty Cheap Home 52,600 For a (-room nearly new story and a half cottage. Modern escept heul; lKrelaln bath; combination fixtures: -n built about a years, blast front on tlst street, just north of Ames. Liol, IUIR See tins aa it U dirt chrap. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler 210 ft. 17th Ptreet A Snappy Snap XZ3 tvrward fl-, k-slory aquare house, with all rooms and sleeping porch, Birtitly all modern, oak finish first, floor, ail laras rooms, south front lot .';i:u Frle hsa been cut from W.CUU lo 1.7i0, mall rash payment, balance eurh month Thla Is brand new. never betn occuplod. Look at It and tbrn come and see us. Bemis-Carlberg tlu-tlX lirandela Theater. BENSON t'lty bonds are quickly purchased by Investors, itenson real relate la a ear Investment and taxra ara lew. Huy Vour permanent hum where you can cvnalder It a good, aafe Investment. V1 Built Benson Homes 1'. K. Trullinger, Benson. $100 Cahh and $2U Monthly I'beee payments Include Interest on a til' e fc-rooiu l otihge, completely modtrn. Willi a firat-eisas furnace, full remrnlej baeemerii, only vise block from car. nrar it a4 Vinton Much a house rants fur ins saioa aa lha paymeuta. It a a good litvesioient en for a single men, xwYeNB investmi:nt CO. lwug. l.t.1. A llfc UKAL KSTATK PRflPKBTV HR C ITV II 4 I K. Tel. TIouk 4't-lhdep. A-2043. 8U. N. IHTI1 HT. $4,000 Bargain Oiie of many attractive houses on the north side. Kleaant reception hall and parlor, combined In ono arross entire width' of house; nice larje dining room, very complete kitchen. Including large pantry with drawers and shelves; artistic open stairway to sec ond floor from reception ball with entrance from kitchen. All oak finish except kitchen. Four nice Bleeping rooms, with plenty of closet space, and complete hath room with modern sani tary plumbing; hatd pine finish; sewer, water, tea and electric. IlKht. Oond furnace, coal bins and outside entrance. Cement wallia In street and around house. Uood lot. Price, $4,V00. Kaay terma. WALKINO DISTANCE TO I'OSToKKICK AND CHKltlHTON COU.KOK. 8. K. COM. ItTII AND CAPITOL, AVK.- J'.ignt-room dwclllnn. strictly modern. In 14 minutes' walk of poet otl toe. on a fine corner lot. hlach and alfc-htlv. Hatli. Ktreela paved, paving all paid. The house Is conveniently arranged with 4 rootna and hall on first floor, 4 nice bed looms and bath on aecond, A full cement basement, with vegetable room and laundry. We ran aell this home for. tfl.SUO on good terms. NOHTII B1DK TtAROAlN v NKAK S4Tl AND VINl'ON BTS. f.KW CA8II. 3) MONTH, MM H. 2IKT HT Klve-room (ottnge. Itath. gas. electric, lights, furnace, full cement basement. In one block of car and school. Been , punt I years, price, U'.suo. CAN YOU HKAT TH1H? tm CASH. H MONTH. 1 SlT AND I.AHIM'JRK AVK - K1v-room cottage. Beautifully ftn Uhed In oak. Stairway to attic. Full cement basement. Fine corner lot Near car and school. 3.WX. AM KM CAN SKCIUHTV CO., rornu'rly Slimier & CIimho (. i Jigger. Stronger. Better. tOJ fi. 17th St. 'Phone I. 3Ki7. A Good Safe Plan to Put Away $5,000 A two-flat brick httlldliiar. on fair ailed lot, nrar the !!tli Ht. ear line. It la a neat, clean property, leased at low rates to splendid tenants. All street Im provement In, and yard larga enough to avoid nelng crowued In too close. Income '70 per year. Fries, I'.OOO. West Farnam Lots Fast lront on Mth St.. lust north of Dodge Ht., In that new district, full lot. lor u,uv. Harrison & Morton 91 iitnana ,ai i i.a.ta. Tel. 1 1, 14. VACANT These lots will be worth 20 More In the Bpiliia. van soil on turns. M0-4th and Ft. Omaha Ave, 10 cash ." monthly. I20O 1 1 th ana Frederick. West front. 11,4) HI and Finkney, North fiont. MH and SI, tiouth Ontana, North fi ,nt. $:sw aa, ii and Castellar, North front. M 2Mb Ave. and mU.ana. eitret paved eJ.' l!Mh Ave. and Jaynes, outh front, f j,) ,nn and hurdette Ml., akiiitli lront. fj,d itrt and t'orby, houth from. .,( -ulKt jnd Meredith. North front. M-i:th and l aiiu, Kunt front. joa lotn and ISeward, houlli front. l.4"0 for it lots. ISth and rl. VV. Ulvd. I.l,luu t'ornar, U.'.sUSi, and 1'uppleton PAYNK INVESTMENT CO Doug. 1TM. A 11SS. Beautiful Field Club Home One of the choicest homes In the Field club district. Farlor. living room, dining room, kltrben, first floor; Itve bad tunin. second floor; finished attic; lull bass- ment wfih laundry ami vt-Ketalile rtvun: House la a'.l finished III oak. Im JOillO. Uaraga. Shade trees. I'ltie lu'.ouu ClALLAOHEIt & NELSOX 4!0 Ilrandria H.dg.. Omaha, Neb. Gilt Edge Investment Douglas Street East of 24th Three prick houses, full lot. ttomc future to that pi o.ei iv; lnu preeent rental will pay a goMt revenue on tl J.yist. Act. quick. J. N. SMTEU, r: t Faston Uhlg NOTHING DOWN $25 MONTHLY Modern except heat, s-rooin cottaKe; walking distance, paved strert. If in trretd and vou can give references. call lis up and make en appolutmtnt. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. Jloug IThl. ' A-llSS, Bargain onN.24th St W,0uu the northeast corner of itth and Sahler atreoia. having U Irontaga on Mih stieet, with i dellinga, renting at lev J per ear, and luu ft. of unimproved frontags on corner, suitable fur row ol slot e.s. All specie laaea paid. Due of ibe bttl bargains ill I'maha W. H MKIKI.kX ttamga Itldg. KUK K AI.K. OimxI. all modern houa, I rooms, hall and bath. In ona of nlctst parts of riouth Omaha. Walking diatauce to ards aim packing houses, thiee block from car line. Want 14 leave. H-'&T, Bee im1 tta'ttrti Nebraska landfor" well Uxated flat or other good Omaha prop iiy. tliate loiailoii and tental value. No agent iu HKAIi 1 STATU CITY PROPKIttV llllt FINE LOTS FOR HOMES fronting on North 20th St Boulevard Jietweeti Iiird and Suliler fSts. .1 iiKt North of Kountze Thue. 10 .SOU) WITHIN 10 DAYS. Id I.KI'T FOR voir. ( HOL'SKJS rJO BE BUILT THIS FALL. EXCAVATIONS NOW STARTED. LAHQU MIAli; Tl! It'.KH. SKWKlt, WATKH and 1H ' N NOW I'lA'tfi: IN ONI. V 13 Al INl'Tl'Jii FKOM HTH and FAUN AM. $695 to $795 CORNERS A LITTLE MORE $100 to $150 Down, Balance $10 a Month You can make no mistake in buving una or more of these lots. .' You are juotct'tetl by good uud reasonable building restrictions. Take Sherman Ave. ran Boulevard and there vou are. LOOK TODAY. llL'V VllKUli lMl'UOVKMKNTS A Payne & 610 Omaha Xot'l Bank. $475 Building Lots In Collier Place Fronting north on I,aii:r.ore between Jlst Ave. and S.1d Kt., where new cement walks bava recent. y been put on, fine homes Just across the street and all around the district. Lots In the sumn lo cality that are not any better tlmn these are held at from ftk to t'&0 each. The term are $10 Cash $10 a Month We also bava two front tola left be. tween Fowler and Iarlmure, that we can sell for i each on the rama terms, You must act ouiok It you want to set a lot in thla district at thu prices wa are offering you. Thla la a new block and has onlv been put on the market a tew weoks aao and most of them have' been sold. These Iqta ara - located, within two or three blocka vC school and, car line. Hastings & Heyden ltilt Harney St. Field Club District Five Wand new elegant dwellnm,' ! rated on th ht.. corner Msrcy. east front, paved strert, Juki one block from West Leavenworth car line, ranRinK In alsn from & to N looms, all aru ttnihhed lit oak and modem throuahout, built by day labor out of first-class materials, workmanehlp, arrangement and ricslKn IlKht up to the date. I'rlcea axcoedlnKiy low, omy .),f( to terms easy; will be open for mxpeullon funilay from 3 until 4 o'clock, Inspection Invited. There la nolhintf Ike thee offered for the price In the city, taklnif locution, workmanship and mi.ienal Into lunaitleretton. Bemis-Carlberg :tlu-3U Itrandels Theater. DUNDEE Vour choice of those north front lots on Chicago rt. Ju.t eiist of the achool, only 1 w aeh; VixVib ft. each. On Liavenport Bt between 81st and Kd, good 7-room. all modem house, two atory. has laiae sleeplns porcn and aun parlor. Ftice, r.tfl. A 7-room houee on Capitol Ave,, be tween MM It and MM. Just being built. Large II vniar 100m, beamed catling: din ing room, den and kitchen first floor; four bedrooms and bath second floor; large utile. Owner will take good lot aa part payment. SELBY S-i Board of Trade It'dg. I'hone Douglas 1210. LOOK AT ThESE 4,M0 24TJ l'lnknay ft., new -room, modern house, all hardwood finish; will have to be aven to be appreciated. Look at It today. .U)0 duij Lincoln llltil , new ll-roam, hardwood flnlsli hot water heating; south front on a fine lul with plenty of shade tree In the center of Urmia park. G. W. Garloch Tel. Harney HOI9. itH Hawthorne Ave. A Down-Town Home Ten -room brick lioute with four mantels and graua. four ektra luvatories, una extra toilrt. laundry tuba, sterl ranga, open plumhlna. aluam beat; six blocaa fi-om postofi'ie: ccupieo uy owner. Fiica, h . llontul value. a per month. J. H Dumont & Son lOOT Farnam ht.. Omaha. Phone Douglas . "close in investment Near lad and Leavenworth. I flno duu ble bouses. lu .'-room apartmviita In each, all modern, paving paid and walk ing distance. ulwae tented at II. 'Jut per annum. J'ncc, M.vou, Hee us for furthsr particulars. ' Birkett & Tebbens 423 Kee llldg. 'Phone: l. 47 A-17n4 brick Store Building Hiiuated iiorlhwest corner mil and Franklin ts. (.iwner ItiMrucis us to eu this tine biick building. All iciited. Pitce .IW0. W. FAKNAM SMITH & CO. U30 Karnatn Ht., Tel b..4-lnd. A-10il4. ONLV $2100 for a dandy little l-room cottaee at i'TOl pitiknry bt. Il l a splendid locjt.ou. rllll on the coruer. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. Doug mi A-lls WANT OFFER We have 4 lots left, within 1 blocks of Ames Ave. cr line laits t-'slS Price on all four, fc-olw. but make an offer. M'KACIittON litALTV c. Phone bid. W-'4 Lake IN IMMiKE. IIStA-Houth front lot tn Dundee; vho'ce ItM-aiton half hloek from sirsel car. la ijuiie iicll Tvl. i'oug. KKA It KSTATK f ITV PltOPKRTV FOH B A 1.13 to Spru;ue St., walk west to SEE US EARLY. H 1 NF.W ANI VALUES lNCUKASlNU Slater Co. Phones: Douir. 1U1G; A-102(J. Eight room modern house, corner lot 50x171, both streets paved, east front, on ear line, shade treea, barn, room for ad ditional building. A snap at Alfred C. Kennedy 209 First Nutional Bank Bldg. Telephone- Douglas 722. Easy Terms 'IA)HK IN S i.,oms rtrlctly modern, al most new, M.BO; trms eame aa rent. i 'ATI IKi 'UAL DIS't Rlt'T-7 rooma all modtrn, full east front lot. navinu oaiit. very cheap at tt,sO: oma.l payment down, WK4T KaHNAM g rooma all modern, cheap at 4.wn cash, but will give good party very easy terms. It KM IS FAKK-U rooms with hot water hrat; tine corner lot Mxl40, now offered at 4,aoo; tirms easy. fl.l'lt 9 rooma modern. bajiUy tu car, $3.M', on terms. INVKS TMKNm tilJiOO. retltS !7o. I. lick stole hulldlnir nn .'4ih Ht.; permunent tenant, tl.iy cash will handle. .I4,icy, two apartment flats, always rented $tf; fine location; paving all paid. t,6o0, double brick and atone, asin meuts, renting I72.W. ,), new brick flats, 3 apartments, renting tbu, cloae In. M.Wa), lour apartment brick fiats, ntatly new, well located; good retuera. fl.4. Glover Ileal ty Syndicate 1219-22 City National. loug. X93. Nine Rooms New Hot Water Heat $5,250 In Kuuntxe Place we have a fine home which has been built about 21 year. Hist fioor Is finished In the best of ..uarter-sawed oak; second floor in blrcli with maple fioorina'. Full cemented base ment; line large attic over the entire houee; lot &oxl-4; paved street; paving paid. u car line, schools, etc. '1 lua house actuals cost the owner MW more than the above price. If you ate in tiw market you Had better see this at ones, Armstrong-Walsh Cc. Tyler li.i. !10 8. 17th St. Two Jloineaite Bargains. These lota are tituated in u neighbor hood that la building up rapidly, and are only one blink from L'enttal boulevaid; have a frontage of M feet each, all on glade; one b.ock from west side park car line. Frlce of corner belli- I'm.!. Terms 1175 cash, balance I5 per month. The adjoin ing lot, price ttjOO. Terms 1100 cash, and balance H5 per month. Corner Hist and ttsscall rlt. W. FAB NAM SMITH & CO. X!0 Farnam eH., Iiouylas Iiji4 Ind. A-1064. Tel. 2861 Ruggles 4 rooms, city water una ms, large lot. Owing to vacancy now existing we are oifirlii this for a short time only at It, -'wi. Just about half whut the lot Is worth. Iioukw ia only 4 esi old. IVM will do the business. A decided bargain. Bemis-Carlberg Jl0-3i: iirandris Theater Don't Build, Buy This 140. 0j0 will buy a prossed brick fashion- abl.. aiartmrnt -.ouhc of 70 room, with latga oiclies. In g.xd condition; does in; well rented; fi e-year lese. vosv lei nis leusonable. Arthur C. Crossnian, Bohton Store Bldg. Phone Iiug. CIOT. Bargain BRICK FIVT Three nlne-ioom modern houses faring Ilanx'om park. In ToilM feet. Hsnls vw per annum, l ilv ;.". Garvin Bros. J.,4 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg Cottage Home i:) Five rooms. modern. In dandy shape, walking distance. UJl N. 1st i. V ill rent to colored people. Robinson & Wolf Phone Douglas HIS. 4J4 Pa ton Block. UV.M. KSTATK MTV rmii'KHT y run u,r, 15i0boulh 25th Ave. Open Today $400 Cash llalnnic In payments like rent will buy this beautiful home. )t Is brand new, JtiHt ctnplete!. and is fin ished hh follows: Iteception hall, ilvtnic room unit ulnlntf roim in osk with oak floora. Kitchen and puntry tn hard pins with maple floor, three bedroom and bath ro'ini In pine white enameled. J.arau attic for etomue piirpowes Full bae inent vtth cement floor. l''irst laas furiuue, guar anteed by the dealer to hent the n (use sattifa torlly. t'omplate with combination fixture, cement walks, uud dlnt;, oic. Oiieti for tnhpcclioii today from 1 until b 1' M. or at ' any other time by appoint ment, 'lake H. IMth wtreet car to i4tli and NVoolworth Ave. nn.l walk S blocka west and one block south. The hyron Reed Co. Hnth nhonea. 2 1 "J rto. 17th. For Sale 'Largo modern house newly painted and in first class con dition. New steam heating plant, east front, lot 7oxlo(, large barn, fine shade trees, permanent walks, paved street, till special taxes paid, wUhin walking distance. 518 South 2Gth Street. $7,500 Alfred C. Kennedy 20!) First National Bank Bldg. Telephone Douglas 722. New Home Cut Price West Farnam District At Sl S. 31st Ht. we have tho best S-room, all modern, brand new home of fered for ralo In the Went Farnsm dis trict for the, money. It Is u'Uxini ft., full two-story and attic, with splendid bat-e ment and Kood IteatinK plant, porcelain laundry tubs and floor drain. Inside itnd outsido cellarwa. On the. first floor thero la a large living room. 14x1!) ft., also reception null, bcmitiful dining room with paneled walls and plate ra.l. beamed ceilings throughout, ileauttful oak finish and floors. I.irge kitchen and thoroughly equipped pantry, with large rear entry and bark porch, tin rlovets and cup boards and every poKFlble convenience for the wife. On the second floor there are four fine, corner bedrooms, each one buying windows on two aides, also a good closet In each bedroom and in ad dition a beautiful Hcreened sleeping porch, 10x17 ft. on the east side of tho Iioii.ii. Kvery room In tho house has beautiful waxed oak floors. The bedrooms are finished In white enamel, stained birch doors. All of the, rooms are decorated with fine paper, the bet of plumbing and lighting fixture throughout. A beautiful lot fronting on the beautiful grounds of H. W, Yates. Alley In the rear and room for a garage. There Is nothing lucking In this house. It Is chcop at T.to0, but It can be bought now for $5700. lias never been occupied and Is absolutely complete In every tense of the word. In ono of th very best residence districts In the city.'K) cash required, balance to autt purchaser, .ee this today. Norris & Martin 400 Bee Hid. Phone llouKbis 4270. OWNER SAYS "REDUCE PRICE FORM $3500 TO $3000" FOR THE NEW HOUSE AT 2102 GRACE STREET This attractive house has 7 largo rooms, oak finish In parlor, ilinlnt; room and re. ceptlon hall; maple floor in kachon; up stairs finished lit yellow pine; both elec tric light and gas. with cornnin.itnm ux tutcs, cement walks aid on pavid streei; wlthltr walking distance, rouvikleui to school and stores. Fine for a home or In vestment. I'l ice ha,t been cut way down for quick sals. HASTINGS & HAVDEN Ml 4 Harney St. New Home $3650 Six rooms, strictly modern, oak finish, full two etoriea. In Kounlie Placu dlstiict. l.arh'e living loom with culonade open ing. Fine cluing room with window .tat; hundy kitchen and puntry; lion; umi rear stairway; S good bedrooms aitu lalh ou second I'.o.r; sleeping porcli. ktaii way to large (looted attic. Fine lurjfr. na tion llgttt flKluics; furnace heal, cull eminent basemtut. cement ivalks, fcOiiued L.i.t. ti'1' unit bloi in uhidou u. In ,.h,,i, iieishljnrbood. and utiunu uood hn, Price, n.dt.'i. U: canh. buluiuo i,(.nthly. Pre thla today, H'a a home vou will Hks. I'tione oiiiur, liarney for moie information. 5 ROOMS A reat fi-room cottage, built for a home, la being offered this week fur .'.40o. C isn laymeiit down aial balance nionthlv. Has sooth front and nil nimli-rn except litat. lxcatd close to CiJ and Kewerd rt. Bemis-Carlberg S10-31I Biandeis Theater. Only $750 Fine home rite In freightou's Flist ad dition. Can make terms. V. FARNAM SMITH k CO. 1MO Farnam ft , ! Ind. A -KM Tel. HlK hALK-Sir.alt bouse 14 be looted, tiurtb aide. Web. ti-b. a- Ml iti:.L i:st.ti: t rrv ritni'i;n rv foh kalh Newton On the Florence Boulevard $7,700 Worth of these big lots have been sold since we announced the s-ilo of the Forbes' estate, platted and called Newton Addition No such lots as these for sale in or near Omaha nt such low prices. .'Ox 140 FEET $700.00 50x150 FEET $700.00 50x150 FEET eor. (Boulevard) $1,000.00 5140() FEET (Boulevard) $300.00 50x120 FEET (Boulevard) $850.00 Terms $100 Cash and $15 to $20 Per Mo. Watt 'i' mains and cement walks are being put in and build ing restrictions on each lot. All of these lots aro close to car. A ereat many of them have beautiful shade trees, all of tho improvements on the Boulevard lots are paid by the city. Only 23 Lots Left DON'T PUT IT OFF COME OUT TODAY J'uko 24th Street car, walk one block north. All of the lots are numbered. Telephone us for pint, showing location and prices. Salesman on the grouud Sunday afternoon. NOPRIS & MARTIN 400 Bee Building. Stop Look Listen 11 Lots Sold in One Week 7 Building Permits Issued the Next Week in Beautiful Boulevard Park Bounded on the North by Sahler street, on the South by Laird, on the East by Sherman avenue and on the West by Fiorenee Boulevard. SHADE TREES, SEWER, WATER, GAS AND CEMENT WALK IS NOW IN AND PAID FOR. Price $600 to $700, a few slightly higher, $10.00 or more eash and $15.00 per month. Do not purchase before teeing our few remaining lots. American Security Co,, Formerly Shinier '& Chase Coinpauy, v BI G 0 E R, STRONGER, BETTER, :.mki South 17th Street. ItKAIi KSTATK VtHH It A Ml-II I.AM F4R SAI.M Alabauin. FEKT1L.K LANDS 111 to S.O per acre, for sale. In the Kieut Industrial Birming ham district, where DO.Onn workmen and loO.OOO others consume $6,(HiO.UX worth of vegetables, etc., annually, which now has to he bought from other states. Lands sold under auspices of the Chamber of I'ommerce. Fertility of lands verified by T'nlted litotes. Kino opportunities for farmers, gardeners, dairymen and stock men to be wl!-to-do In ?voral years with llttlei capita!. For further Informa tion and llteraice write S. Iechlnner, Chamber ot Commerce, llerm.ngham, Ala. Canada. Do you want a farm In wctscrn Canada, wheie tho cr us thU year are .n advance of anything arown on the continent? Vor wheat Riowinn, dulrylntt, mixed farming and cattle raining the province of Alberta is unsurpassed. Lands are now offered by the CANA DIAN PACIFIC KA1LWAV COMPANY at prices iannin; from $rj to SJJ an acre on LONG TliUMi ot paymint or on th? nop payment plan. Thla Is paylna; for your farm with a portion of your crops turn year. ' Land vajurg have Inctrused r'r ""' In two years. Great oppottunlty tor th honieseeker. Call or write for full particulars, book lets, maps, etc. K. r. K 11 11, (!en. Aftent. Canadian Pacific Alberta iJind Co., 4411 Board of Trade Bldg. F.xcuraiou every Tuesday. See me for rates. Colorado. 8.9:0 ACP.KS in the San Lulu valley, Colo., for sale at a bargain: good terms and fine land. L. Crocker, Beatrice. Neb. Florida. I 1IAVB been left by will fift ara near town in southern Florida; good 4 room house, (hl:Urii housu, oyster bed, oranges and grapefruit, mansors, ava- cados. pineapples', as I cannot possibly go tu Florida to live will boll tor reason ublo price, small cash payment. Write for particulars. Lock Box 4, Chicago. fTajHIDA Wanted reprcautatives to Interest people in high-class proposition; tiiii-Kt orange grove land, ideal winter home, rinbrtntf Kcul Kstate Co., Box K, Sebring, . I'loltllJA COLONIZATION TKACT. For 8ale-.ouu arres near Jacksonville, Fla.; ripe for a first clans colonisation proposition; low price; ehy terms; owner would consider good income property tn pan pavinent. Address Wm. N. Brsdy, li.iS Fust Nat. Bank Bldg., Chicago, HI." GO TOO YOU CAN (JO WHERE OTHERS (JOi Punta llordo. Florida, the Carisbad of North America, home of grapefruit, manges, plnsapplea and arly winter vtg ctnhlea. We sell the famous Cornucopia tartns, loiated near that Kod town of Punta (ioida; 10 acres enough, 40 acres a fortune; ay monthly payments. Write tor literature and proof that we have what vou have wanted for n.any years INDKPiCNDKNCK. Write luday. Don't delay. Covev Florida Plantation Co., li 8. State St.. Chicago, 111. iaeorg. KM. GREAT SOUTH GEORGIA Traversed by the ATLANTIC. BIRMINGHAM ATLAN TIC KA1LROAD. Land adaptable to the widest range of crops. All the money crops of the south plentifully produced. For htersture treat ing Willi ihts coin i lis country. Its soil, climate, chuich and school advantages, wnta . W. II. LF.AHV, DEPT. K. Ut:teral Psosungei- Agent, ATLANT.. OA. Kausas. p ACRF.a 1 mile from town, 77 acres wheal. li aires mllra from town, t " terms; 10 acres mlira from lown, IiO.ikO. tC. C. Sesries, tutlun, lraveo woitu county, Kansas. r.KAL KNTATK CITV rilOPKRTY FOR LF. Phone Doug. 4270. Phone 3867. KKA I. KSTATK KAIIH A KANCH LAND FOR S A 1.13 I Kansas. KANSAS RANCH. To settle the estate we arc offering1 this Kplendld stock ranch of 4.H36 acrex, on the main lino of Santa Fe X. It., 41 miles from Kansas City market; l.luO acres good bottom land, balance slope and pasture; abundance of water and well Improved; 4 miles from two shipping sta tions. Price and terms, address Box f't. l.mporia, Kan. suit acres of land Jl mile from Colby, all seeded to tall wheat; crop goes with land if taken soon. Price Vi per acre; no 'improvements. Margia AiclKitiKal, Colby, Kan. Idaho. IDAHOLAND For tight prloea on irrigated land ore the tloutn Hide Twin Falls 't ract on easy terms; Salmon river relinquishments; a, good business location or tor a good farm loan, write. F. C. GRAVES, Filer, Idaho." MONEY MAKERS Orchard tract in beet upplo section of Idano, sold, treea planted, cared for until bearing. Climate, sou, prices, terms, best. No Interest, no risk. On beautiful river one mile from town with two rail roads. Five minutes by motor boat. Iteier lo satisfied buers, H. W. STONE, Caldwell. Idaho. Iowa. TUB easiest way to find a buyer for your farm Is to insert a small want ad in the Des .Moines Capital. Largest cir culation in the state of iowa, 4,uuu daily, 'ihe Capital la read by and believed In by the standpatters of Iowa, who simply re fuse to permit any other paper in their tiouits. itaies, 1 cent a word a day; 11. i per line per month; count si ordinary words to the line. Address Dea WolneJ capital. Des Moines, la Louisiana. "Go "South, Young Man" Build yourself a home on the Gulf Coast. No extremes ot weather, either hut or cold, .o mouth. Oood rich lands trom Jlo up. We own them. Latitat of terms. We want funnels. Write for our booklet. COAST REALTY AND COLONY CO.. Pascagoula. Miss. Mlssaori. LITTLK money down buya a sn.all Im proved farm; 10 a. and Ml a. improved arms; also the noted Chillicothe SS a. fair grounds; also any sue first mort gage loan for sale. Kvery thing In Norm Miseouri. Address thu Ounby itealty Co.. v iiiilli othe. Mo. fei UF. Urf i KN M)-ci' farm. 4-vw; terms, other luims. McUr.itli. jaountain V, low. Mo." " .North i urullaa. FARM or profit In eastern No. Carolina, nation s tiaraeu spot. Leads other local ities tor vegetables, fruits and staple tann ing on small capital, ilomteeekers & In vestors write Carolina '1 rucking Develop ment Co., - o. bldg , Wilmington, N.C. Uklskosis. FARM AND RANCH FOR BALL'. i0 acres adjoining- town al crossing: of two trunk line railways. Ideal tratt tor trult, dairy or general farm end stock ranch. In easy reach of the best cities in eastern Oalahoma; 660 acrea suitable for any crops grown in thla climate, of the remainder liO arres la h lie it ground and especially adapted to fruits of all kinds; balance pasture. All fenced and 200 acres ready for the plow; balance timbered. Price liO per acre; on easy terms, title guaranteed. This is an unusual bargain. . Beitea Land 4b Investment Company, :0J-i Flynn-Amea Bldg., Muskogee, Okl. persistent Advertleica la the Koevd M b g Returns.