Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1911, WANT AD SECTION, Page 3, Image 23
C - THF, OMAHA SUNDAY WA): XOVKMllKU 1 : 1 1 . , .I OH'KltK'l FOU RENT lloasea anal 4'ottaaes, IS. N 27th Ave, 8-r., partly modern, for colored, $14. Ci'O S. aoih, i-r., mod. ex heat, $12 50. 1618 Clark, 5-r.. partly modern. In nice shape, only $15. l"2n Clark, 5-r.. partly mod., nice shape, 116. 730 Sahier. 6-r.. partly modern, $16. 1325 S. 1Hh 6-r.. modern except heat, newly decorated, reduced to $16. 1811 Ohio, 6-r., partly mod., newly decora ted Inside and out, f IK. 1541 S. 26th, 5-r.. mod. except heat, good location, barn, $I9. $07 8. 25th, B-r., modern except heat: will put In good condition lor right party. Iteduced to lis. .277 Corny. 6-r.. strictly mod., only $22.50. H.O S .Kith, 7-r.. mod. except heat. flrrt- claes condition. $33. 62S S. 28th. 7-r., mod. except heat, close In. Hood barn. $25. SMtt Seward, 9-r., atrlctly modern; a bnr galn at $27.50. ICS Hamilton, :'-r.. strictly modern, newly decorated throughout, choice location, large yard, good barn. Will install new furnace. $27. 5o. 2554 Spencer, 7-r. atrlctly modern, grod location, ?S0. ' 412 N. Idth. 7-r strictly modem. In a choice loeatloli, within walking ins tance.; a bargain at $.12. fO. 214 S. roth. 7-r.. all modern, In a very choice location, $"2.50. Special Induce ments If taken ut once. 1044 S. 2sth., 6-r.. strictly modern, very choice location. Will rent furnished , . or unfurnished at $25. C915 Haw thorne, a 7-r. strictly modern cottage In n very choice location, hot water heat, $35, 1612 Spruce. 7-r., strictly mod., choice lo . CMtlon, $35. 8172 Karnam, nn S-r. strictly modern de tached house. West Karnam district. A hargnln at $.15. 1407 N. 33d. 7-r., strictly mrdcrn. hot water heat, choice loohtlf.n, $35. Special In ducements If talien at once. f34 S. 24th. a 9-r. strictly modern de tached house, hot water heat: within easy walking dlstrnre, reduced to 510. Our complete list will he mailed upon re quest. Payne & Slater Co. Pot Ants., 6th FI. Omaha Nat. Hk. I'.ldg HAlSCoiiAnK inodT,- 8-r.. mod.. $32. $301328 S. 2Kth, 7-r., mod. $24 1617 S. ICd.. 7-r., mod cottaKP. WEST FA UN AM 2 8-r.. mod., each $35. BEMIS I'ATtK S-r., mod.. $29; 6-r., mod. cottage. $15. WALN1 T HILL 7-r.. mod. home, 3814 tTI'Brl special low rent for winter. WALKING ll STANCH 5-r cottage, $19. and St. Louis flat. 81. both at Shelby Court 22d and Leavenworth.) $15-1114 S. 9th, 5-room cottage. .$141139 N. 17th Ft., 4-r.. modem. COOI COTTAGES-NEAR OA It LINES. '2 2115 Locust, 6 room and barn. 1203014 Miami. 7-r., modern except heat, newly papered. t $203321 Fowler Ave.. 7-r., mod. ex." heat. $14 5016 N. 42d. ii-r., garden lot. LOOMING HOUSES ' $5- 2220 N. 19th. 8-r. modern brick. 2564H Douglas. 9-r., mod., good furnace; rent low for location. fURN'lSHED DUNDEE: 9-room, mod ern, on enr line. PETERS TRUST CO., Agents, 1622 Farnam St. FOR KKNT. 114 South 42d St., 7-rooni house, all modern, fine location, newly papered. J20 atH water rent. , 5315 Ohio St., fi rooms, water, sewer, gas, newlv papered; largo lot; $14 a month. AMERICAN SECURITY COMPANY, (Formerly Shinier & Chas Co..) BIGGER, STRONGER, BETTER. S. 17th St. Hoth 'Phones. D, 3867,' FOR RENT 4-room cottage on 2th Ac. between Dodge and Ooiiglan Sts. See. Hexter I.. Thomas, 412 Bee Bldg. 2101 Ml AM I Eight-room, modern except ieat: barn; $18 per month. J. I. KEMP, i.d 2 Leavenworth. Pong, 9SS, I ml. A-19S8, 3114 Taylor St., new B-r. mod., $17.50. 4736 N. 3th St., new 6-r., mod., $15. 2114 N. 2Tth Ave., 6-r., barn. $14. .1. W. RASP CO.. 689 Brandos Bldg. FOR RENT, No. 1321 South 29th street, tj-room dwel ling, modern except furnace, $25. No. 2.-21 Paelt.c street, seveiwocm mod ern dwelling, $25. No. 1102 South 32d street, large modern dwelling, with stable, $50. No. 27J0 Seward Mnct, s'x-room cottage, 15. No. ie02 North 27th street, lx rooms, S'8. No, 2412 Decatur street, modern except heat, $20. No. 4506 Hamilton street, modern except heat, $15. 2C First National Bank Building. Telephone, Douglas "22. ONLY two left of the line new bunga lowa 111 Bridal Row, 2631-0 Franklin St.; will be finished this week and for rent at J22.50. 1712 California, In excellent condition, 7 rooms, $30. 2217 California, modern except heat, 10 rooms. $j0. 530 S. 26th Ave., modern, S rooms, $33. Keautlful Jumdy rcsiidenc.'', 12 rooms, ft'um heat. 2!'th and Leavenworth. Above are a few of the sixty vacant lioues. Call at office and we can eult j ou to a ,,T." '. li. vt;Ai. isoi farnam St.- 'i'X SO. mill, ne&t live-room cottatje, modern except heat. Douglas 715S. ALL modern 5-room cottage :V1 N. 39th. will be itntr.d until May I, 1912, at a greatly reduced figure. Owner out of town for winter. Key at 2117 Lothrop. 1'hone WebKter IIV). 20U1 8PK.NCKII HIT.KKT. Strictly modern, new; (! wn rooms. Iiaver oi'cupitd. To flint eltiss tot. tint will n ake leasa. If desired, at K'.- C. S. ,She: . d, WrLHttr 2'il2. I'UK HKNT Klght-room stiieily mod nil house, walking distance. 2d.C0. tiALLAGHKKjt NELSON, Doug. ALL modem ii-ioonl house. H.'2.'lti; be.-t fiirn-.ep. $22.50. Phona Webster 17. $JS.0O 4-r. buiiy jl j . uio Jc: n except hHBt, IS14 Miami St. 2i.00-7-r., iroiltin, 3. 03 N. 2!th St. M'K.U'll rtON REALTY CO.. Phono Web. 11 A. 19 !l Luke 81. 4-ROOAl houbc, modern except furnace, newly papered, walking distance. $20.00. KKNKST SWKi;T. l.'M City Nat I llHiik Hid. Doug. 1472 Do You Know Cheap lleiitt Hood, full modern liuui-p, 8 largo rof.nis, 151.1 N. 2tnh St.; tight and warm; front and back ttairo, netviy decoiplej lnsido and out; worth moio money, but want good tenant to make It IM. Come and see H. If tenant take good care of property, ceduct U5 from lent oi last inonih of )ea.. X. J. Hook, office llvl N. ISMIi Ei., PAYNK tc SLATKR Ctj.. Omaha Nut'l Ha'ik iiidg. c-ti. house, oftl N. 32d, $10. t-R. huuae, HSJ Evans, 1 J. J. 11. IaRRuT'.E, tutnl of Trade i iU tKM4 fell eel, it rooms, iA.'S haii.lltoii, (, rooms, $12. tall C-hlu, d large looms. Lain. ?!'.. 10? c tnter, 7 iconis and bato. 1iB eumin stitet, K rooms, 24ot Norm 2u, u ooern, b rcotos, $25 112 Kouth olt. 10 looms, model n. Mi North lnth and 14W Cass street. jOH.N N. KHfi-vZLR. both phones' IrKUOM, modern, nearly new, goou tieighbornood. only 50. IX S. 2lh St. Ii-room, iiioOein, nearly new, at 4240 Fu,r Iiam St., iCx). HAKItiSON MORTON, !M Omaha Nat I Bank. fl3.00 U rooms. 27 3-ii5 N 25th St. $!3 5o-5 ixoms. Ml.", N. 2i',th St. $lo.O'-6 rooms, 271 Dodge. $15. 00 6 rooms, 1mix-1i) Miami. $lo.liO 6 moms, 1MI7-44 Ctrhy. 425.00 rooms, 2 .67 I Midge. $.l.l'U 6 rooms, 2524 N. 2ith St. M EACH R( iN REALTY CO. IMione Webster 1..1. I;r2 Ike Ht. ""3228 S 2" i D ST.. 5 andti-'room-flat", both $37.50. 2U3 S'ool worth Ave., 7-r. mod., $25. 2S61 Ruggles St., 4-r. modern, $12. i2d and Military Ave., 5-r, $10. Xemi--ailOtr .'o., 310-312 llrandels theater. FOR RENT-Lai gi n'lie-room at 101.1 pierce street, modern. In good repair. "J el. Doug. U4 '. EXCITABLE LOAN COMPANY. IS Nebrueka National Hank lildj. 12th and Km nam Sts. 12-RUOM inudern house, hot w.if. r heat, every iinprov emcr.t. SK't ilaii.ey n., $l.i- THC8. W HAZE.V. 2"7 McCague 11'11-n i i:o Key lu the oitualion Lee WaLrAdaT" OFFER EP FOR KKNT Ilonara and tattaara. HOLSKS FOR RUNT. $12. CO 3 rooms. 2d 21 Douglas St , modern excaot beat. $20.00 rooms. 2M0 Orant St.. modern, new house, reduced rental. $25.00 S rooms. 1510 Madison Ave., mod ern excent heat. $25. OO S rooms, t219 Capitol Ave., mod ern except heat. $25.00 6 rooms itx St. Mary's Ave., mod ern except heat. $30.00 6 rooms, yw S. Jtst St., modern, nicely decorated, $30.00 ( rooms, 001 S. lsth St., modern ex cept heat. $'!2.r0 9 rooms, 20-'4 Burt St.. mod. flat. $25. IV 7 rooms. 14"7 N. 33d St., modern, hot water heat. $:'5.00 7 rooms, lfith and Krrmct Sts., al most new, strictly modern. $.15.00 8 rooms 1142 S. 29lh St., modern, good barn. $37.50 R rooms, .28 Park Av., mod. flat. $4.'. 7 rooms. 2:;t7 Dodge St.. mod flat. $50.l"J 7 rooms, 120 N. 41st Ave., strictly modern. $iV1.00 10 rooms, modern flat, 1910 Capitol Ave., steam heat. 3 rms. and butli. In Lafayette, Including refrigeration, vacuum cleaning, laundry nnd Janitor aerVlcu. Rental, $37.50 per month. tlEOKUK COMPANY. 902-12 City Nat'l Hank Uklg. 'Phones; D. 75fi or A -1754. Dl MONT'S LIST. 5-room brick house, all modern, within walking distance; owner pays water rent ; ;;5. t rooms, slilctly modern, exceptionally good neighborhood, northwest part of city, close to car line, $25. 7 looms, geod lo atlon, all modern, $25. hi rooms strictly modern, hot water heat, large lot and garage. West Frnam district, one block irom car line, $75. 11 rooms, all modem, West Fainam dis trict. J37.E0. We have other houses In all parts of tl e city lor rent or sale. We write all kinds of 1NSCRANCE. .1. 11. Ol MONT A SON. Phone Doug. 690. lu5 Karnim St., Omaha. 2iXl Parker. 7-r., mod. ex. heat, $1. 25.3 Caidwe.l, i.. mod. ex. heat, $16. m5 Ames Ave., 3-r., mod. ex. heat, $10. 912 N. 47th Ave., 5-r., mod. ex. heat, $lti. 3il5 N. 2;;d. s-r., mod. ex. heat, $21. 2S5 N. 25th., 6-r.. mod. ex. heat, $lfl. Jin Ohio St., 6-r.. mod. ex. heut, $17. 1311 S. 25th. 0-r., mod. ex. heat, $2o. 1t,23 N. 2nh, South Omaha,, fc-r., mod. ex. heat, $12. 1702 Dorcas, 4 r., city water, $11. 2X)2 SpragLii. 7-r., mod. ex. heRt, $20. 2510 Sprngoe, 5-r., mod. ex. heat, 22. 2.21 Rees St., 5-r., mod. ex heat, $19. 2M9 Kees St., 4-r., partly mod., $13. Sotiti Mason, S-r., all mod., oak finish, hot water heat, 2 blocks from three car lines, 4t. 2631 Sherman Ave., 4-r., mod. ex. heat, $15. MKKKTT & TEH HENS. 423 Hee Hldg. Phones D. 4754. A-1754. FLATS. m S. 20th St., 4 mis., city water. .. .$15.00 1212 S. i7th St., rail., main floor 13.60 2tiil Lake St.. 4-r., mod. ex. furnace.. 12.00 2204 N. 27th St., 4-r., city water, upper 9.00 201U Ames Ave., 3 rms., city water.... 6.09 HOlSKS. 4019 Hamilton St.. 9 rms.. modern.... 4A.M 1115 S jmth Ave., 8 rms., modern 32.50 1113 S. 2Sth St.. 7 rms., modern 28.50 llll S. 2Mb St, 7 rms., modern 2. 50 21S N. 2." tli St., 7-r., mod. ex. furnace 20.00 172 Canton St., 7-r., hot water heat.. 10. 00 M20 Hamilton St.. 0 rooms, modern except furnace 22.5) 1012 N. 2-tlh St. 7 rms., city water.... 22.00 KISS. 'lath St., fi-r., city water, gas.. IS.00 M" S. mil St.. 6 rms., city water, gas 20.00 43ti5 Franklin St.. 6-r.. city water gas 16.00 2H4 N. 22d St., -r., city water, bath.. 18.00 N. K. corner 20lh and Duuglas, 8 rooms, pity water 18.00 2323 Dewey Ave.. 5 rms., city water.. 15.00 5( S. 31th St., 5 rms., city water.... 14.00 2532 N. lMh St., 6-r., mod. ex. furnace 20.00 3)18 Franklin St., 7-r., well, cistern.. 12.00 2H Yates St., 4 rms.. city water.... 10.00 4117 N. 25th Ave., 4-r.,' city water 11. OJ 818 N. 2id St., 3 rmi.. city water.... 11.00 2316 Hickory St.. 3 rooms, well 8.00 SPECIAL RWLS ON APPLICATION. FOR PARTICULARS CALL AT OFFICE OAUVIN BROS., 354 Omaha Nafl P.ank ' B:dg. $ fc.uo 2.S27 Cass St., a rooms, city water, gas and toilet. 10.00 528 N. 32d St., o rooms, modern, ex cept heat. 30.00 027 Seward St., rooms, all mod ern. 38.C0 Field Club dlrtrlcl, 7 rooms, strictly modern. 40.cH- South 20th St.. 10 rooms. Fine yard. ARMSTRONG VALSII COMPANY. Tyler 1536. 210 8. 17tli Btreet. DUNDEE By owner, new strictly mod ern home; east front. $1,000 required. Phono Harney 4S9I. $21631 S. 2ulh St., 6 rooms, modern ex cept heat. $15 2i0l Pinkney St., 5 rooms, partly modern. M5 1554 N. bitli, 4 looms, partly modern. $20624 N. 41st St., 6 rooms, modern. $22.50 620 N. 4!st St., C rooms, modern. $272512 Sherman Ave., 6 rooms, modern. ;80 2502 N. 1Mb, 9 rooms, modern. $301733 S. 2tlj St., 5 rooms, modern, swell. We have a largo list from which to choose. PAYNK INVESTMENT COMPANY. Phones Douglas 17K1, Independent A-ll6i For Rent . Brick House Four bed rooms, bath and toilet on second tloor; large tamiiy room, room, buttery-kitchen, refrigerator room, ball and vestibule on first fhiov; full cement basement; furnace nent; eveiy tliliig flrt-t class and sirictly modern. Located at 1511 Georgia Ave. See the owner at 15CJ Georgia Ave., or Phona Harney 1609. SIX rooms for rent, cheap. 53d and Center. Harney 2374. La .v. 21S1 nr., 9 reorns. brick uuuoc, with 3 bath rooms, $50. 2707 Karnam. 9 rooms, mod., $42.50. 812S Coicugo, S rooms, mud., nam, $40. 2;0i Cap. Ave., 7 rooms, mod., $20. 2os Hamilton, 5 rot ni. $1S. 2222 Clark, 3 rooms, $10. Others. RING WALT BROS., BiMiuleis theater Hldj. i-RoOM house. 2o25 Ct.ailvJ. modern except. iKat. good repair, liwulie 2i2J Charles. EIGIir-itoOM inoaern house; excel lent luina.t. Phonu Harney 25. Dun dee. Ml S. 27th St. 7 rooms, atrlctly modern; $25 per month. J. 1. KKA1P, S512 Leavenworth. Douglas 98S. lud. A 1HVI. Co I TAGE Fi .e rooms, bath and San. 610 N. 20th St. Harney 60f4. 5-room Mer.m heated flat In Davldge, $40. 'I wo rteam heated rooms In Davldge Bulluin., Huitatilu for oflces or living looiuu, $.10. G room house and barn, 2226 N. 26th St., $15. JUilN J.V. ROUBINS, 1Su2 FARNAM ST. .v. lohAI, home of 6 looms, besides re ception hall. Lath and laundry, new and up-to-uate, fin. location, near four car lines. Inquire 713 Park Ave. Harney 1241. FUL-mniM cottage, modern but heat, warm, fine repair. Harney 3644. Moo. u-room cottage, line rep r. II 3614. MODERN six-room bouse, 2710 Capitol Ave. Harney 1404. ' 6-ROUM cottage, modern. 1941 8. 28ih. Hl;lliey 4l74. MODERN 8-room flat, facing iiimcom p:uk. $. Lll Purk Ave. !4J N. 23D ST. Five rooms, modern ex cel, t furrace; goml repair and close In. Only $18 and water rent. Phone Re.l 4122. gtures and Offices. OFFICE to rent. Mulligan. 210 8. 13th. Wish to sublet suite ut five room In City National Han Hldg. ("ill D. 412s. PAX TON BLK.. lufll A KARNAM S 1 ri W. FARNAM SMITH CO., 1320 Farram St. , OFFICE and reception. 4o4 Bee Bldg, .;it s. l.i'i H tT , kecor.u floor, boO siuaie ieei omce space, ituuii htat; $25 p Ulotltll. GARVIN BROS, ?54 Omslria Nut'l Lar.k Bldg. FOR RENT Paint shop, to flret-c!aj carriage nnd aut imnoiie painter. The VA :i,iani-hi-i g Co., 1446 Shcrmun Ave. t.'.O.' DESK SPACE. 436 Bee Bidg. OKFKKKI FOR KKNT "tores anl Offices. For Rent or Lease Kntlre 8d floor Patterson bhwk, 17th and Farnam Hts., about H.WHt suuare feet., or will subdivide for suitable tenants. Rea sonable rental. McCague Investment Company 15th & Dodge Sts. Phone Doug. 4IG. . STORES FOR RENT. 2129 Farnam St., 20SO ft., with base, ment. all In good repair. $90 per month. 615 S. 16th St.. 22x0 it., new store front, new floors, electric light, decorations etc.; a room Hrlctly up-to date at .o per month. This room, togetlur with 613 S. 16th 8t., 44x60 ft. In all, full basement, at $175 per month. A good loVatlon for mar ket and groceries. "500" Block Wc offer In this block one very attractive storeroom, with base ment and steam heat. Terms of lease oil application. Near lnth nnd Farnam Sts,, a small storeroom, suitable for exclusive line of gents' shoes, furnishings, etc. Rental on application. Hit Harney St.. 4-storv and basement brick building. 33x120 ft., steam heat, electric elevator and fine modern stole front. This locution, midway between the new W. O. "W. B'dg. and the City National Bank Bldg. will Improve rapidly. Lease can be made on very reasonable terms. CfEORQH & COMPANY. 9i)2-12 City National Bank Bldg. liones Douglas 766. Independent A-175CV ONE store room, 20th and Lake Sts. Phone Webster 3680. FOR OFFICE Oil STORE. The main flour spao. In the Young Men's Christian' Association Bldg.. now occupied by the Omaha Electric Light A Power Co. Slxe 42x58. with vault extra. Possession February 1. 1912. .1. H. Dl MONT SON, lVi Farnam St.. Omaha. Phone Douglas 690. DESK room for rent In City National Bank Bldg. Phone Douglas 1101. CONTINENT A L BLOCK, 15th and Douglus streets, one desirable single office room, second floor; also half or a three-room suite. ALFRED C. KENNEDY. 209 First National Bsnk Building. Telephone, Douglas 722. STORE at. 230S Cuming street. Store at 2103 Cuming street. Store at 933 North 24th street. Store at 511 South 13th street. Store at 1506 Harney street. 4-room office suite at 1517 Farnam St. O. C. REDICK, 1517 Farnam Street. STORES CHEAP. 716 N. 1 Hill St.. fine shape, $40. 2575 Cuming St.. brtek $2.1. 1056 S. 20th St.. corner $25. ROBlN)ON & WOLF, PhonfMinuglas 241.x. 435 Paxton Block. Halls. WASHINGTON HALL iKidgeo, dances, banquets. C. C. Sorensen. D. 2323. A-2526. A1'1'ER a day'a work a little recreation is welcomed. We will give A. .1. Stolln sky, 1941 So. 21st St.. an order for a pair of seats to the Woodward Stock company at the American theater if he wnl como to The Bee office within three days. OFFERED FOR SALE Furniture. NEW Guatav.Btlckley 'library table and electrlo lamp, cheap. Call Douglas 1917. VIOLIN repairing: all work promptly done and guaranteed. 3904 B. 14th St. PIANO slightly used, at a bargain. Segeratrom Piano Mfg. Co. 19th and Far nam SU. HARD coal and soft coal atoves for sale. Harney 52S7. FOR 8ALK Cheap. Ctclllan piano player and about 50 pieces of music. Can be attached to any piano. 2s13 Franklin. REMOVAL SALE. All kinds of stoves and furniture at your own price: making room for new building. Racket Store, 16th and Cuming. Open on Sundays. FOR SALE A complete outfit of office furniture. Call room 24 Patterson block. Afternoons, Monday and Tuesday. Trpeitrllrm, LIGHT TOUCH MONARCH VISIBLE for rent. THIi MONARCH TYPE WRITER CO.. 411 S. 15th. Phone D. 4o. THE' ROYAL is king of typewriters $65. Type writer Bargains No ItcnilngLon $20.C0 So. 2 Smith Piemler 20.00 No. 5 I'ndcrwood. like new. 60.09 No. 5 Underwood, new 60.00 No, 2 MoiiHrch, latest model 65.00 No. 5 Oliver, latest im prove ment 47.50 No. "3 Oliver, rebuilt 23.00 No. 4 Jewett. rebuilt 12.50 No. 4 1 'eiiHliloi e, rebuilt. Williams' Visible No. 6 Remington No. 2 Smith Premier.... 17.50 8.00 12.50 12.60 100 Others All (Jood Values. Call or write for full liet B. F. Swanson Co., Inc. 1316 Farnam St., Omaha. bMHH Prta.Ml.KS niouels No. 2 or No 4, In excellent condition, rented three months tor $5. SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER CO., mn ana oougias. WK HAVE A COMPLETE LINE of all inaktv of typewriters, factory rebuilt. Prices right. It will pay you to see us oeloie buying. TXPUWRI'lER INSPECTION & BUP PLY CO., 1U4 FAKNAM ST. RENT au Oliver typewriter front the Oliver Typewriter Co.. Duuglas 2919. SMITH Premier excellent condition, $15. Harney 5242. Miscellaneous. Kindling. $4 loud. It. Gross. W. 2W4. " FOR SALE-New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables unl bowling ulleys and accessories; bar fix tures of all kinds: eaey payments. The Brunswlck-Balke-Collander Co. 407-409 Soutn 10th St. SIX-FOOT bookkeepers desk, oak fin ish, for sale at $lo. Apply George W. Wright. Bee Publishing Co. FOR SALE Two wholarshlps In the Omaha Commercial culiege und one In Bo!u4 college. buslnt office, Omaha Be. A SNAP Extia large, new', full mounted grey wolf rug. Mark Woodward, Miller, So. Dak. AUCTION SALE of 175 lota of unredeemed household goods, November 27 , 28, . Omaha, Vail and Storage Co., 1120 N. 19th St. WAFE.S Overstocked with second-hand safes, all sixes and makes; bargains. American Supply Co.. lllo Farnam St. BEAITIFI'L mahogany piano at one half price, for tpjieg sale. Address N .12, Bee CASH REGISTER, nearlv 1 ,.. I to $n. single drawer; fine condition, at u uarsain. i y emitii, imj f arnam. ONE Radiator stove. No. 7, and one Acorn range. 3oW Chlcugo fcu OFKKKF.n Ft)R HAI.K M Iscellaneoas, Get In the Game Electric Pianos. $110 each. Slot Ma chines. Athletic and Peiinut Machine nnd Scales, new and 2d-hand. Wilte tor our list of bargains. Better still come and see us. n also do repairing. ACME MACHINE CO., 31241,'venvvorlh. Phones' H. 243; Ind. A-243S. FOR SAI.I'l One 12-hoi scikivv rr Monarch gasoline engine; run short time, first- class condition. ve are installing ulec- trlc power and have no further use: will sacrifice. Dexter Mfg. Co.. lexter. la VACl'CM pumps for vacuum cieanersT take tip their own wear; no springs; noiseless; can't get out of order; make your own outfit, saving half. Catalogue 166, Lelman Bros., 62 BJ John St , New- York. tR a dainty dessert use Dalseli's Ice criam. If Lulu M, II. nntn, .t19 i tuvv thni ne Ave, will come to 1 he Bee oftice within tlire nays we will give her an ordoe lor a quart brick of this fine ice cream. lit KiD two horsH load of kTndlhiiir lie live red $3. WlKJDBN BtX PACKAGE CO. Webster 65o. HA Kl l A V l.utln . ,,n ihni'. southern theatrical tour, must dispose of oiacK Ausuaiian lynx sets ( magnrn cut lame Russian shawl and heuimrni murt, elegantly trimmed with head and tails; lined with shirred satin ; worn tew tlmca on stage; cost $l per tel; sell for $20 per set; will send one or both C. t). D.. with prlvllcae of insnertlon at their 'Xliense. Address Murt ne l.ettier,. ''. nin im., iew lorn.- FOR SALE OR TltAI IK A 4-.-elli,,1,.e 40 II. 1'. 6-passenger touring car, In first class repair. D. i,.3 Bee. I'EIISOXAL rv MlVU'b'l I . CIMH'4 I'll I'O Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. PAY WHEN CURED. txl-DAV BLOOD REMEDY. Gladish Pharmacy, 12th and Dodge. KARSTON TONSETH. Swedish move- ment and massage: graduate of Dr. lvell berg lust., Stockholm. Sweden: day phone D. 7195; night. D. 3401: 4w3 Oni. Nat. Bank Bldg. Massage. RlttenhoUse. ;W Old Boston Bid. Mrs. Pierce, shampoo, hairelresslng and manicuring. 2961 Farnam. II. hum. A-H2.S. Voi."NU WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young women cnrisuan association building at Seventeenth and St Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding pluces or otherwise assisted. l,ook for our tiavelors' aid at tha Union station. HINDOO TABLETS will build, brace. strengthen, 60e. BELL 1 Rl'G CO. VK lent rt .1 ,onu U -II u .' r.f ......... machines. Ind. A Hiu;',. Douglus 1663. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., i.nn ana iiarney m, 10? S. 1 ith, 2d tloor, rm . MASSAGE Swedish movementTnotiiing men. $1 60. Apt. 2. 1802 f arnam. D 6240. ' 1 11 I-' QlllITIOV A U l V. '"j,.. off clothing, In fact.. anything you do not m-ew, wo uuiicci, refiair ana sen, at 184 N. 11th St., tor cost of collection, to the worthy poor. Call phone Douglas 4125 and ADELIOHT hnlr fru,l i A.I1IIO. frayer, MegaHijojjth A Farnam. Chicago, 109 8. 17th Ht.. 1st floor. ' D 7665. Dr. Huik.i, women's diseases. 41 Doug Blk MRS KN'Vlll'il Mu'wiluh . 7 - ' - - - .. ........ ..,lrl,U49 v, UQIIIR, .radiator and vibrator treatment. The nunsnny, f iat . mm and Pierce. D 43H0, HA7.KI. I.KJIT tIl.lil envra remedy for Itching, bleeding or protrud ing piles; 50o post paid; sample free. Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co,, Omaha. MAGNETIC treatment. K. Brott. 710 iumuHjiiijH 16th.. 2d floor. D 32. Babies Boarded Cu" Webster 64jo. t-mmca uwiiutu K)OD HOME. BABIES to c;tre for. Webster 5o68. Nl HSKKY caie, small ch.ldren. W 6470. MECHANICAL TREATMENT. Something now, relieves the nerves, muscles and stimulates the circulation: lellet at once, H. C. KOMINGER, Douglas 7284. 1257 S. lfith St. MISS LANG Manicuring and vibratory massatfe treutmnlM. hunni 1 .UM., tloor, 1606 Dodge St. ETTA GOLDSUlfRY. muiilciirloir bsir. dressing; new parlors. 302 Neville. D. 3183. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR. waTHi Tiui moles permanently removed by electric ity; consultant n free and confidential; all wont gaurantecd. Miss Allcnder, 624 Bee Rldg." n ELLii: aiTn'es aTetTTenbaum, formerly Mrs. Nellie Agnes RainacclottI formerly of Omaha, Neb., having left my bed and board, on the 9th of October, 1911. notice is hereby given that I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by her. N. Metzenbaum. YOUR bewlng machine will do good Work if 1-eliM Ir.i4 tw ir. I. l.n,..ln., a ii work guaranteed. Tel," Web. 658, 21st and Grant. SEE Miss Iang in "Are You a mason?" at tiio American theater. If G. A. Eckles, 2309 So. :.'2d St., will come to The Bee office within three duys we will give him an order for a pair of tickets. STREET CAR ACCIDENT. INFORMATION WANTED Elderly woman who fell .from car at 2.1th and Km nam sis. Saturday evening at 9 o eclock, Oct. 28, 1911, wunts names oj: witnesses. Please adurctg Mrs. 1,. W. Bethurds, 120 S. 50th St. LADY niautur gives thero massage treatment for nervousness, stomacn trouble, rheumatism, to luulca ut their homes. Call my parlors. Special attention to Aged people. .M.m Bare. Plume South 2033. residence il2 No. iM. St., South Omaha. WANTED The addresses of the follow ing parties, list known address given below : Bailey, L. I (., Nonpareil. Co Bluffs. Borg, Klaf, N. X3d St., City. ' Brown, G. C, Klrlln hotel Co. Bluffs. Irwin, Roy, C, It. I. & P. li. R., Co. Bluffn. Horsey, Mm., Cass St.; City. Frawley, Mgt., Webster St., City. Hagerman. Theo., Vinton St., City llensley, Mrs., Capitol Avenue, City, llermls V., California St., City. Retford, D. (carpenter), Dca Moines, la Krotger. Chas., N. 16th St., City. Morris, Philip. Council Bluffs, la. i'atton, W. M., Windsor Stables. City, yuerfert. Mrs., Cuming St.. City. xiunmusKcn, iena, council Hlurrs, J a. Reuter H. V. Midland Hotel, City Reynolds, J. M., N. 18th St., City. ' Robertson. Jesse. Omaha Ice and fold Storage Co., City. SchaeHer, Mrs., Duuglas St., Cltv. Hpooner (express), N. lMh St., city. Wtuart, It O.. B. & M. R. If , City. Tailor, W. W.. N. 1Mb St., City. Vanderpnol, Ed N.' 18th St., City. Wells, W. H , N. 17th St., City. WJdlicU. Mrs., N 24th St., City. Weal, C. N., Council Bluffs. Zepp, If. (cook I, Council Bluffs. Reply, K 759, Bee. rOLLTRV AMI I'ET bTOCK ROUP easily cured by Boo Whites Roup Cure, boc box. If your dealer can not supply you, write us direct, sending dealer's name. BOB WHITE CO., 2M N. 16th St., Omaha. WuL.ter 5627. 2 DoZc.s thoroughbred W hite Legbarn hens for sale. '1'hone Webster lius or 4 2J N. 39th St PEDIGREE Aiicnw puppies, 2713 Merl delh Ave. Phone Webbiur 3os4. CO NK E Y" S L A Yl NlTTONT""" CONKEYS ROUP CURB ARE THE BEST. THE NEBRASKA SEED CO., Phone D. l.t.l. Ibl3 Howaid St. FINE pedigree Angora kitten. H. 3flOi. HEAL ESTATE LOANS WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Ji area in Smith Co., 1320 Fa mum St. OMAHA Property and Kebiaska Lands. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1016 Newomaha NaCIBaiik Building WANTE1) City loans, peters Trust Co $10ii to mails promptiVi F D? Weud. Wead Bldg . pith and Farnam. MONEY to loan on business or resi dence properties. ll.Ouu to $ iuo Uiv). W. 11 THOMAS, 503 First Nat'l Bank, Bldg. RF.AL KST.VrH LOANS WANT E 1 F A 1 i M "1 .0 A N S. K I ohTlil vestment conipanv, onuthi. " LOW HATES, BEM IS-c"AltT,llT.'iU Co.. 310-312 Jlrnndels Theater Bldg. FARM LOANS, no commission; optional pavments: cheap inonev . ijuiek service. Orln S. Merrill. I.'l.l t iiy Nut'l Hk Hldg. ( 1 fi V I N I U v ( )s 1 ' H 1 "' li" 1 "'hi Nat II Hank. LARGE LOAN'S, municipal bonds, mort gages bought and sold. STU1,, RRoS. KHi a ilaliity dessert use rnlr.e.i's ice cream. If Mrs. B. S. Johnson, -V24 No. 24th St, will come to The Hee office within three days we will give her an order for a quart brick of this fine be cream. ncrf Net to the Investor on our care fully selected farm mortgages on Imiu uved Nebraska farms. Kloke Investment Co., Omaha, 1 70 FOR HAI.K OR KXUIANiil ( A-921 200-acre, smooth vallev faun, near Galesburg. III.; verv fine; rents for W crop. Price. $150 per acre, which Is low. Knc. $I4,IW. 10 years Will trade Tor western land or merchandise. tll-921 1.3-ncie farm, 2 miles of Arapa hoe, Neb.. S3.0H) Improvements? l.KI cultivated; loan, $2,600. price. $.s.itu. Wants livery, merchandise, haidware or Implements. (C-9-'i-li)-acre level corn, alfalfa and wheat fnrm, close to Grand Island. Neh.; no waste, gumbo or wet land. Price. Ill.i per acre. Lo:in, tlMni. R,nts 2-A. Want.i merehandlse, hardwute or implemeiits. lD-!'2--Ji-nore farm, Otoe coiintv. Nib., 3 tulles from Douglas. Price. $whi. Isem of $2,409, 10 years. A ci acktt Jack for someone with mrrchiitnllse. clothing, hatdware, implements or llvrrv. (E-921 An alfalta farm In Yailev count v, Neh.; rich soil, 3oti acres In alfalfa, $20.0,10 worth Improvements, ;K acres In corn, all fenced and cross-fenced hog tight. Owner cleared $75,tKH ahove Inciensc in value hist 5l years. Rents for $5 per acre, this year, which Is too low. Loan, $29,UM, 10 years 6 per cent. Price, $100 per acre. A wonderful proposition for party with $35,000 stock tit merchandise, hardware or Implements. tF-921 hw acres level, smooth, rich land. Kit Car Mill county, Colo. Price, $1,000, clear, for merchandise or livery. tH-'.t2i 160 acres Hamilton county, Knn., level, smooth, rich land, clear; wants merchandise, livery, groceries or cleoj dwelling. Price. $1,000. tll-921 h'O acres of smooth land, black loam soil, clay subsoil, clear. Price, $25. For what have you7 (1-921 160 acres fine, level, black, finest of soil, Thomas Co., Kan., near Oakley. Price, $4,000. Kno. $800, for merchandise. This is fine. (J-921 Fairly good -iiunrlcr of land In Hitchcock Co., Neb., and it is clear. The price Is $15 per acre. Will trade for resi dence property. J. A ABBOTT & COMPANY, SiW Brninlels Hldg., Onuilia. Neb. (40) 120-ACRU fnrm In Michigan, near Rattle Creek, a good one and only $60 per acre, and wants Nebraska farm. Prefers Antelope county or Pierce. Submit what you have. (42) $6,000 GENERAL store and resi dence on main Hue U. P. railway; all good, clean stuff and clear, for land. Just the thing for the right party. ( 43) -$10,000 MEAT MARKET and gro cery business In a good Iowa town. '1 Ills Includes business and residence. Want Nebraska farm for a home. You should certainly look this up. It's good. J. A ABBOTT. REAL ESTATE. 806 Brandels Bldg., Omnha, Neb. FOR SALE OR TRADE. A large new brick building, 44x100, (now occupied by a cleon, "up-to-date" stock of furniture, carpels, undertaker's com plete outfit, etc., also for sale). One of the largest, best equipped furniture rooms In Nebraska, located In one of the most thrifty cities of Its class (about 2,000 popu lation) In eastern Nebraska. Heavily encumbered property nor far west lands not wanted In exchange. Building and slock of gouds may be old separately or together. Address First National Bank, Hebron, Neb. WE exchange properties of merit. C. W. Welsh, 812-13 O. N. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 78.15. Exchanges Jewell. B'd of Trade. D. 1037. ARE you a trader? I trade anything where or time. Keiley, S27 Neville Blk. F1NE upright piano and organ With mirror for sale or exchange. Wnat have you? 308 North 16th. WANTED Auto or good driving team for two good vacant lots In Missouri Valley, la. or what have you Address C. A. Wharton, Woodbine, la. WANTED In exchange equity in fine half section Washington county land, partly broken out fry residence In Omaha or Council Bluffs. Address Box 41, Akron, Colo. 6-ACRE iSUIH'RBAN DOME, Improved with 7-room house; choice location and many takuble features; value $6,iC0, ousy terms or will exchange for Omaha or South Omaha Income property. An op portunity. Investigate. ORIN S. MERRILL HO.. Rooms 1213-14. City Nat'l Bank Bldg. WANTED SMALL RANCH. I have a good 80-acre farm In eastern Kansas, closo to town; also two new mod ern houses In Omaha, renting for $15 per month; also 169 acres unimproved land In Keith county, Nebraska. Will trauo all or any part of these for a good small stock ranch, not too far from railroad. Would prefer one with stork and ma chinery. Give locution and complete de scription, also price lr you want an an swer. Traders aud trading prices not considered. Address Box 476, Omaha. SEE Miss Eva Irfing with the Wood ward Slock company at the American theater. If Mrs. O, S. Brooks, 810 N. 49tli St., will come to The Bee office within three duys we will give her an order for a pair of tickets. TO EXCHANGE for gen. mdse. 160, 32n, 4b0, 640 acres choice Neii. farm laud; un improved; (good Investment;) 720-acre home; well lniiu'oved Neb. stock and hay runch; a money maker;) aeveiul pieces choice Omuha residence propel ties. All or purt of above for general mdse, from flC.OKi to $4o.0ua Address owner, 807 N. 39th St., Omaha, Neb. $6,200 eoulty In strictly modern house. Will take good Nebraska or Suiilh Dakota lulldl IDA NEFF. 436 Bee Jlldg - " M A "TVELL 30 touring car as part pay ment on bouse, auto muchlna shop and business. What have you? $1.0u0 real equity In Texas 4. What have you? 640 clear, 2vi mlhs from town In Klin hull Co., cheap at $l per acre, for Omaha property. J. W. RASP CO, 6V Brandels Bldg. WANTED C1T Y RESIDENCE In exchange for 120 a re nicely Improved farm la eastern Kansss. 4 miles from two nlee towns, only 60 miles from Kansas City; best of soil, level country. Will give an extra good deal. Give location and prlee in firm letter. Box 476. City. 640-ACRE Improved raiieh. western Ne braska. All Hood hay and furm land Price $15 per acre, mortgage $2,500; long time. Submit your offer lu full. Walt, Beo Bldg. IF vou want to buv or trade for the exclusive right to the stale of Nuloaska on the best proposition out call Room 24 Patterson block. Forenoons Monday and Tuesday. ""LAND to exchang" for merchandiso and city property too. 454 New Omuha Na tional Bunk Bldg. D 4.:.:i or A I'.ioi. 1 WANT to fell or exchange tho con trolling Interest in un established busi ness with offices in Omulia. Running for years. Iu oroo-uteil My time Is fully occupied and I can nut give this the attention neeess.iiy i, ,...-,. my hold- I logs. Will sacrifice. 1 his is an excep tional proposition and uiw that It will pay vou to investigate it ou wisn to get Into businesn. L Omaha Bee, Council Bluffs. W.WTFD TO UOItKOW WANTED Pi iv uto party to i jrry loan of $:i..Mi0 on good security. Address, Z. Bee office. South Oinuha. Neb. W A X T I . ! T O I 1 1. V 2d-liand go d.i 1. lesei , lo2u enter. D. 5w2i. WILL pay cush for good -pttseiiger car; prefer E.-.M.-F. 30. Box 72, Uuuon City, la. V A N T LT To "buy, butcher's outfit. A 750. Bee. SEVERAL IwiM'i where vacant build ing lots, $IOii to $50u, will be received us pint ruvinciii. OH'iieru or agent. Ad dress 1 il, B VA.TEI TO HEXT BOOKKEEPING and evrnings ami t-at urtld; , Adiires Bee. clerical work use Ij pew l iter. WANTF.h TO RF.XT FAMILY of four seeks high class board ing plucc; must be sultsble for cultured people; neighborhood and house must bo lilgh-clsss: near West Farnam St. Ad dress 1 1 620, care Bee. THREE adults and 4-veiu-old want eompletelv I mulshed apartment Tleaso do not reply uu'"ss neighborhood and all else ipiallfos for refined people; West Farnam district. Addre.-s C .txs, care Hee. A VI El Furnished suite near good hoarding place, suitable for family of three adults and child. No ol'teetlon to outskirts If near Farnam St. Only high grade place considered. Address N 31, care Bee. YOI Nil lady employed, desires room In modern home, with or without board. Rpferences exchanged. M 741, Bee. WANT Kll Ml IWITONS FOR a fli sl-clHss. pi act leal nurse, Mrs. Boynton. H. 1473. A-2S74. call HIGH school student wants situation as a nurse girl. Call Webster LVM. WASHING and curtains done. T. 11.7429. POSITION by third-year high school bov; will work from 12 to 5:30 p. 111. M 1S2, Hee WHITE woman desires day work; neat and clean. 'Phone D. 6740, SITUATION WANTED A manager of general store, country town; experienced. O 613, Bee BY hlg'r school graduate, stenographer, clerical or bookkeeping; unexperienced. L no. Hee. AN educated woman desires work m Omaha or tlaewhere III Institution or fam Iv to assist III kcepliu; and taking care of children. Webster .81 11. lOI'Nll man wants isisitioit as bar tender; experienced. S 615, Bee. WANTED A position by a young lady with one year's experience as stenog rapher; salary according to ability. 11 621, Hee. REFINED and capable lady would like situation ns governess or nurse for small children. References exchanged. 1 714, Hee. EX I 11 751, . hiuudress desires cmp. In laundry. Bee. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work; cleaning and Ironing preferred; please call after 2:30. Douglas 2"i32. WIDOW would Uko position as house keeper In family with children. Address 1527 S 13th St., Lincoln, Neh. EVERY person knows who D. J. O'Brien H because he has made Omaha famous with his candy. If J. S. Myers, 2958 Dewey Ave., will come to The Bee office within three days we will give nlm an order for a 60-cent box of O'Brien s candy free. BY EXPERIENCED colored woman, second cook or general housework In small family. Web. 2o.K. SITUATION wanted by competent lady stenographer; can take rapid dictation and ran transcribe notes; references as to ability. .'Phone Harney 644. WANTEli By young lady of refine ment, position In office: have bad full charge of business end of office. Best of references furnished. Address F-756, care Bee. WANTED Laundry, work by day. Har ney 5503. ELDERLY lady would like a good home as housekeeper for an elderly man, a bachelor. Phone Webster 8135 or call at 1604 N. 27th St. COLORED woman wants cleaning or laundry work by day. W 6603. MAN with horse and buggy desires posi tion an collector. Can give bonds. Phone W. 4419. RIAL KHTATK ABSTRACTS UK 1 ITLK. Abstracts. M. T. Brennan. JI24 Brandels Th. HU1I.1HJHS' l.N FORMATION. Electrlo gas fixtures. Omaha Silver Co, Ideal Cement Stone Co., 17th and Cuming Amer. Suly. Co., root'g, paints. 1108 Nlch. Fuchs. Son A Blind, pa.nting, decorating. WANTED TO BUV. WILL par cash for 180. 140, or 280 acres Improved, not more than 10 miles from Omaha. Owner only. Address J 738. Bee. LIST your city property for sale with Vogel, 409 KarhiiJli lllog. Af'HK AGIO foil HAI.K, UAHDKN TKACTS Tlio very best buy for the money that we know of. One 7-acre tract. Improved, with 5-room house nnd barn. Two 5 acre tracts, vacant. This property adjoins the famous Home stead addition oil the south. We tyi In position to sell acres hero ut lot prices. lerinu very reasonable. 'I'h is land Is well adapted for truck farming, situated Just west of the city limits of South Omaha and near car lino and miicadamtxed road, Price and full particulars furnished at office. Ask for H. M. Christie. W. FAKNAM SMITH & CO. 1320 Farnam St. Phones Douglas 1064. Independent A-1064. 4 ACRES in tuburbs of Council Bluffs. Lies on u well, sunny, protected slope. Has 4-rooni collage, good burn, good new chicken houses and fences that cost about to $. Large cave cellar, built of cement blocks, ut cost $100 or more. One of the best places near either city for the purpose. $2"oO, $500 cash, balance long time, ut 0 per cent. M'GEE REAL ESTATE CO. lOT, Pearl St. Council Bluffs. 11TY PROPERTY FOIt MALE. KVERY plumber Is not a robber. If anything happens, phone Douglus 1218. Good Plumbing Co, TWO apartment houses; will sell glo or douh'e: Income $H50 month, GROSS, 501 S. 22d St. aiu- A RARE OPPORTUNITY FOR A SMALL INVESTMENT. I can ofur a prosperous and profitable parlor millinery business, well located, for steady trade, and let. ,-ouins of fur niture for a very moderate price. My business Is reliable, and rooms all occu pied. Returns from rooms pay all ex penses of house and establishment. Am leaving city inly reason for selling. De tails and price to Interested parties. Phone Harney ;".8. FOR SALE OR RENT One 7-room, ail modern bouse, 21st and F Sts., South Omaha. South li'M. INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY. 18 ROOMS, ALL MODERN. We have a two-apartuieni house, con taining 13 rooms, two baths rooms, seven bed looms, Willi puilor, dining room and kitchen in each upuilnient, with new pinioning and good heuting piunt. '1Mb properly is too large tor personal owner and It la a splendid proposition for hoiiiu one who will buy It and divide it Into four Ihice-roum apuitmcnts. Owing to the arrangement of the house tins woiK can be douo ut a very small ex pciiM! und when coinileted tho apart inenis will rem for $2j each. The buyer can live In one apartment, rent the reat and make a good Investment out of your home. The building Is well built and In good condition; only thirteen minutes' ride to the center of (he illy; one block from the Dodge street cur lino and in good resi dence district. THE NUMBER IS 261 N. 20TH ST. It Is Just north of Ohio on the Flor ence Blvd. A good six or seven-room modern house will be taken In exchange ut the right price. Tills proposition ii certainly worth looking at. NORRld ti MARTIN, 4H) Beo Bldg. Doug. 4270. A-4270. FOR St. SALE. Baker 4510 l.'iOU 00. Bluudo Place, 44x132, 38i h and Curtis St. Hillsdale Add. t lots, JOxTSO each, $300.00. jot ii sn.i Redlck. Newport Add. I acre lot, r.'ou.oo. Holt Co. Furm Land 820 acres, $25.00 per acre. li. W. NEAL, Phones D. 1212 Harney St. 1158. A -1158. EVERY person knows who D, J. O'Brien is because he bus rnude Omuha famous with Ins candy. If Mrs. Frank Byers, 2I'5 Lorust St.. Fast Omaha, will come lo The Bee oftice within three days we wid give her uu order for a 60-cent bug Oi O ilrleii s candy free. Ilr.AIi F.HTATB IMIIII'K.nTY KOIl !IAt.l7. rrrv Dundee Houses $3,500 O-room house, furnace heat. high, sightlv location, lOUxljg ft ; 1 lot planted In all kinds of fruit, poultry house In yard, owner will show you through. 1015 No. 29th St. $3,800 for a i-room, 2-story, strictly modern frame house, built only about 3 years and In excellent repair, decorated throughout; close to car line; hot water beat. Quito a little fruit on the place. $.1,S.XV 6-room house, full S stories and attic, cement basement, furnace heat; convenient to car line. Easy terms. $3,900 New 4-ionm, 2-story house and attic, 1 block from the car line; east front; $i00 down, balance monthly. $1,5007 room, strictly modern and up-to-date house, almost completed: oak finish f.rst floor, nnturnl wood finlsn second floor. Will decorate to suit purchaser If taken at once. Convenient to car line, Exoellent location. George & Company Wl'.'.ia City Nut. Bank Hldg. Phones: D. 756 or A-1756 Do You Want To see the prettiest little five-room modern home In the Cathedral district. We have three under construction at 41st Ave. and Burt St. They will be fin dished In about SO days with every mod ern convenience. Oak floors and wood work; handsome combination fixtures; tand finished walls attractively deco rated. Best furnace and plumbing; full cemented basement with floor drain nnd hot and cold water for laundry and all at a price that you could not duplicate them for. We are advertising these now because wo want you to go out and see how they are built. There la iiothlnir about their construction we want to iiver up before we show It to you. They are hnllt by day lubor and built to stay there and to give satisfaction. Two blocks from the Farnam car line and two blocks from the Cathedral; paved street: per manent walks; south front lots. Full particulars and plans on appllcatlan ut our office. We will sell von one now to be finished according to specifications and you can make your own selection of finishing, coloring, plumbing; fixtures and decorations. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler 1536. 210 S. 17th St. Bargain Close In 183!) North 2.1d St., 5 rooms, bath, toilet, gas, cellar, lot 33x140, all fenced, nlea shade, only 10 minutes walk to lT. 1'. shops. This property must be sold. Price reduced rrom $2,ooo to $1,850; terms, small cash payment and balance monthly. All taxes paid to date. Abstract showing good title goes with property. This is u. snap. Go see It. S. P. HOSTW1CK, SOLT3 AGENT. 1226 City Nat'l Bank Bldg WEST FARNAM OWNER going awav offers for oulck sale the new and modern 10-room resi dence, 131 South 38th. Ave., nt a bargain. Ill' KB REAL ESTATES CO. Tel. r. 3714. 219 Bd. of Trade 7 ROOMS. MODERN 4 bedrooms. New. Hot water beat Good location. l,ot 50x124. $4,200. W. II GATKS, 644 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. 'Phone 1. 1294 MODERN bungalow, fully up-to-date In every particular. Prices and terms r I ght. Call from 1 to 4 p. m. Tyler 1213. FOR BALE By owner, Dundee. 6-room, modern, new home; full cement cellar; floored attic; good terms. Harney ATTRACTIVE COTTAGE By owner, which must lie nold before the 26th of November, as I will leave the city on that date; willing to sacrifice. It is all mod ern, electrlo light, gas, bath and furnace, full basement with laundry room. Call Sunday or Monday after 6:30 p. ni. 2419 Caldwell. VOU ARE IN DEBT TO YOUR FAMILY YOU OWXfl THEM A HOME. You carry llfo Insurance to protect them, but It would not last long If they had to pay rent. Consider this plan: Start a savings account with one of tho building and lose- associations or the City National bans. They will pay you Inter est; next spring or summer you will bo In a position to make a substantial, pay ment on a well built home of your own lu Renault. The rent you are paying In omuha will make tho monthly puyments. Then take out a term life Insurance pol icy sufficient tu cover the balance you owe on your home, (You can get this policy from any old lino company and tho rale Is low). In this way you posi tively know that your family will have a home in tho event of your death. Anil you yourself will feel niuie Independent; you will own your own home. And to own your home H a mark of thrift It gives you a credit rating. You can. plan the homo along your own ideas, you can watch It built, you will know to a certainty that It Is well built and sub stantial. Start now; follow u definite plan. Would tin pleased to show you plans and give you further Information. F. S. J'RI ' LLINGER,' BENSON. Phona Benson 122. FOR SALE By owner, modern 8-room house with new hot water heating plant; good cittern, barn and chicken house; cement walk.!; paved street; full lot; on block to Hivct ear and In first clasj neighborhood. Priced for itulist nale at $3,250.00. Con use good span of mules or horses If priced right. 1 erms. one-balf, Telepborie at night, Harney 1043, REAL ESTATE Foit SALE. Eight room modern bouse; hot water heal; oak finish; paved streets; good location; $1,000 cush, balance like rent, or will trade equity of $3,Ui0 for land. P. C. CALDWELL. SOUTH OMAHA. MONEY BADLY NEEDED. $3650 will now buy now bonis of alx living ruonib, all modern, oak fin ish, large lot, paved street, flno neighborhood; $650 cash will ilo. $2,250 $30 cash ami $30 per - month, buys the nearly new (-room mod ern cottage ut 4736 North 86II1 St., two blocks north of Ames Avo. These are today's best bargalruj. See them. J. W. RASP CO.. G-S9 Brandels Bldg. 50 ft. frontage. 4Mb. and Capitol ave. Has sewer, water, gas, cement walks, 1'iii O $750. Big bargain. Terms. P. O. NIELSEN. 703 Omaha. Nat'l Bank, I) 2JQ4 FOR SALE OR LEASE ABOUT JAN I'ARY 15. LARGE 4-STORY BRICK WAREHOUHE WITH TRACKAGE, LARGE FREIGHT ELEVATOR, TWO DOUBLE DOORS ON FRONT EN TRANCE. IDEAL IAKWTION. EX CELLENT FOR STORAGE OR FAC TORY PROPOSITION. WILL DIVIDE SPACE FOR TENANTS. 1647 N. 16TU ST. FOR SALE Lot lu Dundee on Webster between 60th and 61st sts. Phone Web ster 33 To. COTTAGE AND LOTS. Council Bluffs: Convenient to Omaha far line and city school, about two miles of Smelling Works; a good 6-room cot tage and ten nice high tots, on corner; chicken house and yard, shade and a little fruit; $2,250; $250 cush. balance like rent. M'GEE REAL EST ATH CO.. 1(6 Pearl St.. Council Bluffs. DUNDEE BARGAIN Eight room modern house; toilet on first floor; sleeping porch; fire place; finished In oak and hard pine; blrcb and while enamel. Tills ge direct from owner to purchaser. Tel. Harney 60. Hurry H. Putnam. INVESTMENT. 4-room house, modern but heat. Barn. Two blocks from Mth street car. Price $2,200. Renting for 22S per year. $im cush will handle It. P. O. NIELS KN. 703 Omaha Nat'l Bank. D 2304. One of finest 6-ucre tract near South Omaha, one mile from city In Sarpy. Co.; good buildings and plenty of water; (uaka an offer. U-iio, Bee. .