Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1911, WANT AD SECTION, Page 2, Image 22
TITi: OMATIA SUNDAY P.KK: NOVEMBER 10. 1011. II KM V A T I :i F KM A I .K llasirkrr per anil llumratlri. WANTKf- Experienced ?1 St. M ir-' A vp. second girl. WANTED Experienced white (till for general ho-iyework ; no washing or Iron i'i. (.'nil 6.14 8. 40th, or phone Hurney 4:s WANTED-A girl fo work; small family. h; Bifida I N house- U. . ;i kl family ; for gclifr'lal linuncwnl K ; tx r-ookme. 2!H9 N. S'th. WANTED Smart, neat laundress for Mnndaja. Tel. Harnev J lux S. ::3.1 St. A NTED I 'omprtent girl fur general pousrwork. email famll;. , good wages. Mr. J. J. O'Connor. lf22 Georgia Ave , or phone Msrnev 3166 WANTKU- Girl for general housework; no laundry; $7 wrck; references re'pitred. Apply 4Jft Rns Hill Ave. Benson. Nl. w a nted yoiTnVVir f trTi"'i"ri iTTi k i t housework In mornings Tel. Web. tV'... VVANTKI A woinnn to ilo washing private fmllv. Tel. H 4SJ. in WANTED A good Klrl Tor general housework: small family. Mrs R. A. Simon. 2 J 15 B. St. Harney 4104. WANTED-A etal hnimmnrk. i-oinpetent girl for gen- Harney CA4 WANTKU A girl for work, K 137 ho. M. grneral Harney hoube- WANTED Girl of general housework; three In fatnllv: good wages. Mri. Tho. W. Haon,'2;:'4 Spalding. Phone -it&. OIRL for general housework; good wages. Apply Normandy, Apt. 7. Thoiia Hartay 174X. NEAT girl to assist In housework and tare of children; good home, good whkm; do wsshlnir. Ehrhardt, Doug. 4401 or llsrney 6672. V. ANTED Competent white Kil l for general housework. 1104 Ho. 86th St. MlBCClll GIRLS to learn halrdreesing : price reasonable. Oppenhelrr. Z'M (Ity Nat I Ilk. YOUNG women coming to Omaha aa stranger are Invited to visit the Young Women Christian ansoclutlon building at St. Mary' Ave. and 17th Ht., whore they will be. directed to suitable boarding placea or otherwise assisted. Iook for our traveler' guide nt the I'nlon Station. LADIES, make shields at home, $10 per 100; work aei t prepaid to reliable women. Particular for tampl addreaaed en velop. Eureka Co. Dept. Bo, Kalamazoo, Mich. . LADIK.4 make aupportera, U per H. no canvasHiiix; material furnished; etampM envelupe for partlculara. Wa bash Hupply Co., Dept. I .'. :hcwK. LAlHlia V ANT K D Our I II u at i a t ed catalogue explains how we teach balr flreomim and all beauty culture by our own method of free clinic, Instructions, lectutea, riemonstrallona and examina tions In short term. Do not confuse our method wlta th old style slavery ap prenticeship. We are the only place in the went where the permanent wave Is taught. The hlgK"M money maker In Woman' realm. Capable of tou dally. Pole aents of thn Hermann process here. Can furnish graduates enough of 4bis woik for employment Indefinitely. Few operators; great demand; Institu tion of the kind In the world. Hranchea II leading titles, tn manicuring, facial massage, electrolysis and chiropody, operators must have their own tools. Un til Jan. I. we will Include hlghgrade out fit entirely free. He our moat liberal offer until then. Call from city or write from country. Moler System of Colleges, Chicago Hranrh. T.'lk. H. Wabash Ave. "Itfcl A TRAINKD NUKBK. KariTllo to IU weekly. We train you at home In a short time. Free catalogue. Rochester Nurses Institute. XO, Rochester, N. V. LAD If aalea representatives I JberfJ weekly pay. Local' or traveling. No deliv ering. Kalrvlaw .Nurseries, Rochester, N. Y... . .. HOMK work for women In towns under 0.000; pleasunt. honorable and very prof itable: no canvassing; no outfit to buy; full Information free. B. P. Co., Perry, Okl. 1IELI WANTEU MAtlS " Afteuia, aiKasira and Holteltara, C1TT saleaman. VV. A. Ulxenbaugh 4k Co., la 14 ht. Mary's ve Tel. D XXt. riuhiSn A fi 'i'Kl To ali our mod ern gasoline lighting astems; easy to ' sail. Write tuiay tor catalogue and agent' proposition. . Hwalne Uaaoilu lighting Co.. lies Moines, Ia. "TjVu ACiKNTS cau make $M a day elilng the Wonder Kiecirio Ad projector. Throw "Hd" In colors on aidewailt or wail. Write quick tor term and terri tory. " Little wonder Mtg. Co., Kistier Rldg., Chicago, HI. ' WANifc-D Salesmen to sell high grade substitute tor linaeed oil ; doea me work; produces reorders; big commissions; win allot exclusive territory It reeuite lustily. T. 3. Peterson Co., Lec Rldg., Chi cago. HALi-hM AN Legitimate gam lor Cigar counter that can't be beat; every body wants lu Cawood Novelty Co., Dan ville, III. WANTtU halesinvn of ability and ex perience ir lutJ to handle the beat and mobt complete line ut auvertialng signs, calendars, noveltiea and tana beior tn publiu. klHhun Novelty Co., Kentun, O. rlliK L1NL salesmen should write for bur special proposition on the newest novelty in man gartora; sells on sight; Mood commissions; exclusive territory to bustiers; strong Una ut advertising and co-operation In nearly every town. Ad dress hlrt Garter Co., Columbia, Tenn. SALLSMKN to carry exclusively Im perial Line Calendar and novelties "the best;" liberal commission basis; splendid earning to men ol Industry slid brains; hard worker for permanent busmen only one wanted; now making contracts for W rltw business experience promptly. Spotawood tpecialty Co., l.x lngton, Ky. IUUI1 CLA aaleaiiien. tdtpartment or surral,i)ioi, exclusively or aa aide iinei- manufacturer a -closest prices; can Introduce premium and free advertising feature. F. al. Holloway. stl CUttinlcal Rldg.. Chicago. III. WANTED LA'fc-4tIh.NCtD BALbJJ-Mi-.N RY A MANUFACTURER OF A HEAVILY ADVERjlSED D SPE CIALTY. WILL HAVK SEVERAL oPENlNtIS JANUARY 1ST FOR E-V-1 ICPTIONAI.LY SI tl'KSnFl'L SALr.J- Al EN. MUST HAVK AT LEAST 1 HuEE YEARS' ROAD EXPERIENCE AND A SU'CESBFL'L RECOMD. IfJSI'JTON iff-JRMANKNT: INLLVHTED tiPl't)R- TLNUTES Ftlt ADVANCEMENT, Bi rt A ItiH 1 BALA It Y AND EXPENSES MIVE EX PERI E.N. E IN DETAIL, AtiE, TERUifURY PREFERRED AND SAl A R Y EXPECTED To START. AD DRESS box 1JU, 11 B. MICHIGAN AVE., CH i " AtWl L 1 . A'iKN'lb inaka big money selling our Metallic Letters for office windows, store Ironta and glpvt sIkus; anyuiie tau put them 011; sample free. Metallic bigii 10. 4-7 N. 4'lark St, t'hlwgo. I M ADEi0tu.W IN THKEE YEARS IN THE MAIL ORDER RLSINESS. He Kan einjll. Send fur 1'reo booklet-Hell how. 11. System, m Marlon, Ky. SALESMAN - Kiitclasa"""al.siiu)in To ell Puritan. tJrapu June aa s de line or exc-lustve; big sellers; good comrnisslonx. Paw Paw tirape Juice Company, Ltd., Paw Paw. Mich. , LESlDl-NT salesman wanted with es tablished ll ado for Omaha or slate of Nebiaska for a strong line of w.taii diesoes, dres.itng saciiut. klinonus and peiliuoats. Hel refer , -in a. I,. Natliuu 'Mfg. Co. lZi So. Jefferson St, Chicago, III. $ir to PKJi WEEK can b made by men. women, boys and girl representing our good. We give premium with every order. Write t-day. Hamilton Saie Agency, itic, Dept. 11, 'Si State St.. Roston. j NEW Juet out! Cuiubliiutiuu hard wood floor brush and pullsuer that a child tan operate; enormous demand; 9 1 a ilully to bustlers; secur territory. lUy- Urn ' o , luieou, SIDE LINE salesmen aell 1 oola. 'lie la teal legitimate gsm for cigar klore.o. ealiMins, etc ; 10 blanks; Ideal substitute 1 for alot inailiiiies naterluwii Supply to, Vt atertoa u, WU. " WANT E 1 eaieemea to eatablisu iou sellitig our high graii tea, co !(., spices. etc., in your Mc-in tv; good Income ra" 1m- iiimu tiy reliable men: other not .antfcd. The Cnlon Pac!f.o Tea :o.. V. atoiugtoa sim! 1-aM Ma., New Yurk City. 1IKI.1' WANTKU MAM! Agents, Milrimrn anal solicitors. CANADA LAND If II WANTED f t TKHJNTKNHKNT OF AnKNCIKS PA I, A II V AND CO.MlllS.SIUN. envine; to Inrreuaed hualneaa want A. 1 mn to ors:iiilre atntea of Indhina. Ohio and Vcnnf ylvanla. Applicant niUHt he trustworthy, enerKeth', nxperlenoed, and capable of handling nun on land rxcur alnna. Don't wato our tlmo If rnnnot fill thn hill In utl partlrulara. i) ir (oni pany Is th leading colonltutlon company In Weatern Canda and owna ZOO.omi ai rea fineet wheat and mlxel farmliiK lunda In the I-axt Mountain Va'.lcy, Pnil.atclifvan. tnRageinent first of November, 1911. Apply ly letter In first Instance, Hiving exei'ienre, reference, salary required. VM, l'EARSON CO., LTD, Canada Permanent liulldlng, WINNII'EU. CANADA. VARMHII BALK.SMKN-We have a f'W territories open for experienced vainlsn salesmen on a straight commission buaifl. To auch we offer a one-year inmrnci, with thn pilvllem, of rrnewal for ln years. Manulai lure romplrte lines for all rlassea of tiade and uuallty very blith est. We, dm't want hexinncra, but pre fer men with an establisned buainria, now worklntt on lary, who feel that they could make more money with exclusive territory on commixslon basis. Jackson Varnish Company, 1 Booth 4th Ave, Chi cago. 111." IjADIUH AND tiKNTLKMKN. Look, see. The Little Wonder Kaa maker beinc drmonatiated at 1911 Farnam Hi.; own your own Kaa at one-half usual coat. AfiKNTH Kvcrsharp pencil; brand new; rapid seller; lOi per cent protlt; samples. 1'h:; particulars free. .1. K. Moran, b9 Congress Ht., Kt. Paul, Minn. OKNKHAL AND UX'Ali AOtN'lo Here Is your opportunity; energetic men can make vearlv and up. 'I'M K l.M- PROVK1) CANCIIKHTKIl KKKOMKMi MANTI.B LAM H revoHitlonlises old meth ods; far superior to clectrlcly, gaa, acet ylene or ganollno lit 1-10 the cost; burner FITS ALL LAMl'M; safe, clean, odorlraa, 11LI1N8 WITH or W1THOI T MANTL10; tested and pronounced by slate of Penn sylvania. 'IKiaT KFFIC1KNT LK1HT H)1IM)." tireatest seller known. We WANT a few more LIVK MKN In open territory. Canchaater Ught Company, Dept. 3l, 2o4 N. Htate PI., Chicago. WANTKU A J00 per cent salesman, possessing strong personality, to fill va cancy December 1. In aale of our Fire proof Account Reglater Bystwm: simply bristle with merit. One who has suc cessfully aold caslcor account registers, computing sjcalea or other atandsrd specialties ahoulrt qualify. Hplendld contract; permanent poaltlun; refer ences; bond required. The Champion Register Company, Cleveland, Ohio. HtnK'b the best yet. Rlggest holi day seller out; every man buys; women buy for preaent to man. Wingo made II, (ISO profit In alx week. Hlcvenaon selling 0 every day; you do thn same; everyone emaied over marvelous accu racy of new wonderful Automatic Ra or Bliarpener. Agents, salesmen, man ager wanted everywhere all or spare time u0 to tsO weekly; get details, sworn statement at one. Th Never hall Co., 7i Colton Rldg., Toledo, (X Llyl'ORrf MADI'3 AT MOAIK with "Za nol'' Concentrated Kxtracta aaveg over 40 per cent of dealer' price: agent coining money; big 'sules, large profits, enormous demand; STRICTLY LKOITIMATM, NO LigilOU LICF.N8HJ RFJCiRKD; act quick; postal brlnga free booklet. ''Be cret of ni'alng Uquora at Home." tnl veraal Import Co., Dept. 3330, Cincinnati. O. WANTKD, AUKNTH Legitimate ub. stltute for slot machine: patented; sell on sight for fl; particulars. Ola ha Co,, Anderson, lnd. -AOBNTb make big money emng our Mn. tn nunitiii or evuerlence renulredl ., .. ' r.liahla house: write for K R K PS Icatalnaur. samples. Daniel 11. Rltter J Co., luadlson Ht., Chicago.- H' I WANT "live wire" to get membera for Order of Owl; My men making f.'i0 t.. .u-lv vou ran do same: If you -i miti 1.VU weaklv. I wouldn't let you continue; write me, don't wait: Indecision In th besetting- sin or manaina; minion. of men have ability, but luck tn quality of "doing It now." .Supreme Owl Oigan- Uer, Inclnnatl, o. LAND . SALESMEN WANTED in and out of th city: ve lean rur nlshed. Property will bear, strictest in- vestlaatlon: expenees or inveeugan-rs for prospoctlv purchaser paid by u; thorough selling insiruciione; io"" simple, underetandable nieraiuie; uii- uaually liberal commiBsion, i'""""1 co-operallon. The firm I on or tn atrongest complete land organlaatlon In America. AUdies urawer Bit. -o- cago." CHEW1NO Ol.'M Sell to dealera In your town; clean, profitable bualness built up quickly with our brands; tour flavors; novel packages. Write today. Helmet Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. SALES MANAOERS and ngenta wanted. Active men or women can hav exclusive count v selling right on practical hand operated vacuum cleaner. You can bulid a profit getting ousines mr yuwi.,-11 ..... employ other agents. Writ for free eli lng plan and ads. Sample, express paid, $2 60. Retail at 15. If machine la not all you expect, return sample and get your money back. S. 4 11. Mfg. Co.. Si Church St., New York. WANTKD- Expvrlenoed salesmen for fine line Imported and American calen dar, walliwcket. aluminum, leather, cloth and wooden novelties, etc.. aa side or full line. Lincoln Novelty Advertising Co., 1X41 O St.. Lincoln. Neb. AtlENTS WANTED to aell patentea good. Send for fall catalogue, jusi oui; make 110.00 a flay; every housekeeper buva. Cuyuna Mall Older House, 14.-0 E. (ju'lnce St.. Uralnerd, Minn. FOUNTAIN PENS. Vor Aleuts, Demonstrators and Premium. Hold. Silver and Pearl Fountain Pena, V..OU doten, with 14-K gold nlt. hove and filler. Same atyUs In Uoldliie lac quered, lurge showy holders w 1 til gold plated Velvet Point Nibs, i:.0t a doxi-n. Send for prlc list No. ii of our tte Hue Marksmti Pens, red stylus, self tillers and aO other styles. Diamond Point Pen Co.. M k) Futton St., New Yurk. Largest manufacturer In C S. AtiENTS- to sell patented odui less, smokeless lamp, lantern burners; no man tels. Combination outfit II: sample :ic. White PI a ma Light Co., Kansu City, Mo." VK pay a we.-k and expenses to men with rlts to Introduce poultry com pound: years contract. Impeiial Mfg. Co., Dept. Vs. Parsons, Kun " AtlENTS wanted to sell rli h-looklng linporled 3txt, ruga; II eaoli. R. H. Carter, Milan, Teno, sold Hi 111 four davs: bla profit lul. You call do as well. Write for Mtmple . offer and tuiiuue selling plan; exclusive lerrltoiy. t'otuteii, ImtKii'tvr, Stonlngtou, Maine. "1'A i'AilLE sali sinan to cover Ne biaska itii stapla line: high commis sions: lluu monthly aiivame and per uiunent position to ritcht man, Jts 11. Smith Co, lietiolt. Mich . AtiENTS Make J50 befoic Xuias; tl iuut umiie V kbiiw-i, lie; cog ittil is beautiful Inipoiled cut glass bot tles pettuine, etc. 1 arker Clieintcul, Chicago MAN to woi k omahd 011 cotniiusrion for oiii cigar bouse. P. O. Pox, W, Hannibal. Mo. At TEN TS W ANT ED Siom-t h Ing lie . every one needs It. excluaive teriilory, I.I.- lir.itli : uii liiesiulesceiit hi1ro em boli cunibiiialion table and hanging lamp; j cheaper than kerosene, more brilliant i than gas or electricity; candle power, ' cent per bur; no wicaa to trim; 11-1 lamps to clean. Acorn Bras Co., Aurora, III. SALESMAN Experienced in any Hue. to l! general trade lu Nebraska: unex celled e;icia)ty proposition; commission. o v yekly for sl-eneji. The Contluetilal !t elry t'o.. Cleveland, Ohio. AGENTS Both aexea. honiethlng new. Guel Room Heatet. Neceselly lu every bouse. 1 uv s. Her. Outfit supplied. II. J. tied. H.1 Reade. New York." MAKE I4u to IH wtek-y bel.ini aouii ! did dobar tcol to me huiil'-s, sro,i, fac tories. ru)i, et .; a lilh-iaau sale p.opi.Mioii tor tiuij men. Write io- fucta, "ijjtfix- ui.d pnxitj. IH-Liult biiua-r Co., uiti-nmiu Ave, Dviiott.' ChiisSnmas Suggestion Certainly you will find a great many timely suggestions for Chrismas gifts un der the clasfification "For Christmas" in the want-ad pages of today's Bee. m L HKI.i' WANTKD MAM: Auents, salesines anil Nolleltors. RKA.VD NKW PROPf )RITION-.'K0 per cent profit; sells for &"; every womsn a customer; great, grand Invention: skirt upporier that actually gives satisfaction holes the skirt anil waist In correct, per fect position; remarkable seller; carry gross with you; sell In a dav. Mr. Elliot sold ;ti in an hour profit i:.74. Mrs. Fisher sold In one family made II. 0. AmasInK money-maker; don't watt. Write for territory quick. "Duchess" Co.. 4o1 Hclxs Rldg.. Toledo. Ohio. WAN1KD - (.unvuswrn with some money; permanent paying business. Rurcb, Paxton hole!, alteinoons. AIh,N'l (4 We have the latest Improved mantle burner; flta all lamps; 100 candle power; hums with or without tnantic; samples free to hustlors. Simples Oas llght Co., New Ynik." MK A traveling salesman, earn while you learn; write for particulars of our system. Rradstieet System, Rochester, N. Y." KALKSMKN to Imndle our fine srt cal endars; over J0o special design of leather goons and a rompielH line of novelties and fans; a grand proposition; liberal compensation. 1 ho LI wood Meyers Co., spi UiKfleld, ). WIN NKXT II. aw. Wo tell votl how. 40,(itw already won by ten Inexperienced people; Htnrieman received one month, IIi.kki to date; Korstad in two weeks; Sehltlcher tin first U hours. Strange Invention atartles world; give every Tirrme a bath room wlttt hot and cold running yater for $!.&; abolishes plumbing, water works; self-heatlnt Uitle wonder. Hart, sold la In 3 houra. J.i.000 to diite; Lodewlck 17 first day. Credit given; Investigate today; beat 0th era to exclusive sale; means fortune. Allen Mfg. Co., 3454 Allen Rldg., Toledo. Ohio. 8KND 10c for our book, "l.miO WAYS TO UKT RIGHT," and a prospectus how to atari a mall order business on limited capital. LIUr.KTY SUPPLY. CO., Rox 24, Liberty, N. Y. I10A DAY FiASV, many make ilcAible as agent lor the Duplcxo V acuutn cleaner. '1 he only perfect Hand machine made; double auction, weigh only t lbs., cleans, carpets, floors, curtains, furniture, a wonder. Can't get out of order, a child can work it. Hoi prising low price, big profits, high class easy buslneaa. One machlno fiee to working agents. Wrlto quick for territory, terms and our great oifer. Duplexo Co., 9& South 6th bt nrooklvn. N. Y. At.LNitfNo matter what you do w want to mall you our new money mak ing catalog of ecu quick sellers; over b.OJO beuutitul picture in our two free Wli catalog; send your address immediately. A. W. Holmes at Co., Dept. T. Providence, R. I. BALfciSMAN WANTKD-fcarn IJ50 per month sell dealer highly advertised ar ticle exclusively or iu line. No samples to carry. Imperial 4:0., St. Louis. Mo. 6'KNTirrak'e"ilXt per cent profit sell ing "High' tirade' . Holiday Post Cards;" special srlllng plan:. ' enormous demand; 6.IIU0 varieties, sample 10c; paitlculat free. Sullivan Cord Co., Ii3 Van Huren St.. 'Chicago,- lll M . . , BIO money to capable dalesmen, beat selling specialty on uutrket; whole or port time; account carried; free good to purchase) a'lnduce ready sales. Fulton- Bell, t Rector St.. Nm York. WANTED Agent for our moet fertile Ixiulslana lands, producing three crop yearly and still cheap; flrst-claa liter. ttre. aelllng land easily; good terms. Ad dress Molutd Land Company, Alexandria, I." AGENTS wanted to sell the Original Native Herb, $1 box of ZA tablet fur Wic. P. Melrose, Columbus, O. WANTED- Men to sell seeds to farm ers anil ornamental stocK in town. Ap ply at once. Herrlck Beed company, Roch ester, N. Y. SALESMAN to call on doctors. Estab lished trade; clean, Well paid work for hard woraer. Also one for rentra,l Ne braska. P o. Box 121, Philadelphia. A NEW YORK manufacturer of high claaa specialties dnalres responsible ideal representative; territory given; accounts financed. Automatic Perfection Co., 1? west 4Jd. New York. Ii TO $10 a day fur reliable men and women agent; easiest, fastest, beat 1I er ever offered; a aale for every call; bl rroflta for you; lull detail free. Ad dress Household ('a, Agency Division No. si, Topeka. Ran." Roy, WANTED A good, live boy who live in South l vma ha and attends high school; must be 17 years old. Erie Nelson, 101 Capt. Ave. Phone Doug. 7U13. Clerical ana Office. "CANO" High grade poaltlona. eOO Bee. WANTED 4.0n0 men to bring their dull raaora to 1'ndeland . 1407 Douglas. WANTED YOL'NU MAN, WHO IS now railroad tonograplier, with experience In handling tariff. Qood position, with opportunity of learning business, Salary 1100 per month. APPLT "TRAFFIC." CARE- BEE. We have listed below ten poaltlona, These iKisltions are all In this city and with responsible firms. If Interested see us early Monday morning. Bookkeeper, must be experienced, ITS. Shipping clerk, heavy hardware, t?fc. Salesman, coal, Kb and commission. Receiving clerk. Implements, $. Salesman. Cttn goods, I.M. Office elerk, bank, $. Stenographer, wholesale, filO. Bookkeeper and Menographer, 173. Salesman, specialties. Guaranteed sal ary. office clerk, Implements. . CO-OPERATIVE REFER I: NCR CO. lOiMii city National Rank Rldg Factory aad Trade. Drug store tsnapsl Joba Knlest. Bee Rldg. RArtlth R sho baths, no walls. XJO Mm. wanted at once. F. L. Holmes. Amei., In. WANTED A cooper. Douglas M6S. S A N I El I luon bricklayers at Crot ton, Neb. Two-story brick building. tXJxW. just atarted. All on ground; 7uc per hour; board and room j per week. W. E Roese, Crofton. Neb. Jlllseelluueuus. GOVERNMENT position oiwn; list shovtiiig eulastes free. Frunklln lnatitute, j lu-pt. :ii-K, itis Hester, n. y. i YOII him wauled for governiueiit job: ! to per month; send poaial for list of po-l-i tioris o 11 Fraiikllu Institute, Dept. 21:- K. R.K'bester. N. Y. AUl.i: bixilrd men wanted for the M-irtne Corps, between the ages of , Pi ,ui must be native lHru or have fii j apers; monthly pay US to I"1; addit'onal coinpensation possible; fiioil, riolbing, quarter and medical attendance fte; after JO yeiirs' serlre can with "r ler cent of pay and allowarces: service on Itoitrd ship and ashore In all pari of the world. Apply at U. 8. Marine Corp Recruiting Office, i4 Farnam St., On-t ha. Neb "TTE" "i-Ij'e'1 ECT1 VE:ai'iil,S0 to tJ ;ioiithl; have.; writ bupl. Ludwig, it;," Scarrlu L.i-i , lxubkjji C;i , Mo. 1IKLP WAXTKI1 MAI.K Miscellaneous. WHAT navy training develops: When a boy after being In the navy g'" hack home to visit, why do the other hoys of hts age seem young and undeveloped be side hltnY The anawer Is-NAVY TRAIN ING. rour years in the pavy will build a strong physlqule; will teach self-reliance, obedience; will give alertness, wlde awakrness; will make a young man able to give orders and to take orders. Resldo that, the young man get steadr pny and good pay. He hug the chance to save. Fine opportunities fur promo tion. And he has the congenial compan ionship of flue younK men. The V'nlteU States Navy has an ex tremely fine body of trained men. The Navy department wants and accepts only the best. It uigea no man to enlist, but does recommend that serious-minded, am bitious young men between the ages of 17 and Investigate the navy's oppor tunities. Those Mated above are by no means all. The nearest havy recruiting station Is at the Postofftce Uldir., Omaha, Neb. The officer In churge will be glad to sen parents and son, and explain everything you wish to know about work, pav, pro motion, retirement, recreation, etc. Or stnd for "The Making of a Man o' Wars man." Ii la free. Address Rureau of Navigation, Hox 2'W, Navy Department, Washington, D. C. A RK Y"oTj T11K MAN? HERK 1.-4 your "pport unity. No matter where you live If you want' to make big money and establish yourself In an 1 N DEPEN DENT hUKinesa, RKyCIRINO NO CAPI TA L we will teach you, by mall, all the secret of the RKAL KSTA T K RCSI NKSS, 'Including thorough COMM Kit CIAL LAW COURSF,. list with you readily salable properties, co-operate with end assist vou to permanent suc cess. Our B4-PAHB FRKK ROOK fully explains our methods and tells, what It means to be the local representative of the oldest and largest Co-Operatlve Realty and Brokerage Corporation In the world. Write today to .INTERNA TIONAL RKAL.TY CORPORATION, 350 Manhattan Rldg., Chicago, 111. MAN WANTKD with rig to take clinrgo of sale of our medicines, extracts, apices, soaps, perfumes, toilet articles, stock and poultry preparations, etc.. In your county. One man made f.!H) one week; steady work guaranteed; work healthful, pleasant, very profitable! references re quired. Write u. We men-n business. Shores-Mueller Co., Dept. IS. Tripoli. la. (3o WEEKLl'-anil expenses to trustwor thy people to travel and distribute sam ple for big wholesale house. C. Emmery, 641 Plymouth, Chicago. FOR very little effort you can secure from us your Thanksgiving or Christmas turkey. Write u. Lock -Rox 495, Red field, S. D. AoO MEN, 20 to 40 years old, wanted at once for electric railway inotormea and conductors; W0 to 100 a month: no ex perience necessary; fine opportunity; no strike. Write Immediately for application blank. Address Y 60. care of Ree. ' ANYBODY can earn .0 weekly, raising mushrooms, entito year. In cellars, sheds, boxes, etc. Markets waiting. Freo booklet. Hiram Rarton, 2 West 48th St., New York. 100 WEEKLY', selling collection cabinet to merchant. No competition. Exclusive territory. Write for free sample and de scriptive matter. Buyers Co., Laclede Bldg., St, 1,0111, Mil." tlou MONTHLY and expenses to travel and distribute samples fur big manufac turer; steady work. S.' Scheflar, 1SH JS. Chicago. YOCNU and middle aged men for per manent position under the U. S. gov ernment. Common school education suf ficient. Particular - free aa to salurles, datra and places of examinations (soon to ba held In every state). 237 National Cor. Institute, Washington, D. C. DON'T prepare for any civil service examination without seeing our Illus trated catalogue. Free. Columbian 4. or reepondence 4'ollege, Washington, D. C. NINE ODD FELLOWS given pleasant. prutltablo employment near home. Whole or part time, I- raternal, Thames Uidg., New York. B1U profits, opening a dyeing and clean ing estahllahment; very little capital needed. W e teach by mall. Booklet free. Ben-Vonde Syutein, Dept. bk2, Charlotte, N. C. yj& WEEKLY Job guaranteed men who learn automobile bimlncsM. We furnish auto model. Teach you at home In ten week. Booklet free. Rochester Auto Scliool. 8M. Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Man to store. 2rV4 Cuming St work in grocery DRUG, clerk, young mail, unmarried, ali around, experienced; reference re quired. C. R. Wood worth, McCook, Neb. WANTED, for U. S. army, able-bodied unmarried men, between age ut Is and So; cltlaena of United Stales, of good character and temperate habit, who can speak, read and write the English liui guage. i or Information apply to lle crultlni; officer, lllth and Douglas St , Omaha, Neb.; r7 -Mh St., Sioux City, la.; lllu N. 10th St., Lincoln, Neb. , U.S. eT.ij. ,iA,'Hll a I TP, ,K.l TO SCHOOL. OMAHA. NEB. Guarantee mot actual repatilng than any three other school. Some see. TELEGRAPH position guaranteed you by both Union Pacific and Illinois Cen tral railroads If you gain your training In 1'. P. Training School. Practice on R. R. wire. Addrua. for partlculara, II. H. Boy lea. Pre. V. P. Telegraph School, Omaha. Neh. STOP! RtAD! Get Into a paying profekMluo. Learn automobile engineering In oui large training shop, iluudreds of sue. i au.lltss (leaner. 11:1 8. l.ilu. D. ressful graduates. Complete equipment of automobiles and machinery. Address .National Auto 'train Assn., uJi Riaiideis Theater Bldg., Omaha. Neb: WANTED A bouse mull who uee neither liquor or tobacco; wage 4H per month; reference required. Apply Itrow nell Hall, lutli and Woi thlngtoii. KEi.l.YBLE young man to handle an titiuctive proportion for a big land and bunking concern. Our assistance and co opeiation asurea the success of the right party. 1137-40 City Nat l Bank Bldg. W ANTE1 Man for atock room, elec trical supplies; must liavo experience; goiHl opportunity. J 7.i, l:ee. POSITIONS We are In tuuch with commercial houae of ull kinds, railroad oftices Inaurunce offices, banks, whole salo houses and retail eslablishnienta In timaha, Kansas City and other western cities and towns. Ste ua at once It you want a good position. WESTERN REF A. BOND ASS N. INC., 7u3 Omaha Nat l Bunk Rldg MEN of Ideas and Inventive ability, write Greeley & Mclntyie, Patent Attoii ueya. Washington, D. C. for their list of Inventions wanted, and prue offered by lejilliol inutiufacturers "WANTKU-Twenty-five men at Nelson, Neb., to dig sewer trenches. Roge.'g A Wood Co. MEN wanted to learn the barber trade. An linportunt announcement just now. e teach by free, work and save )ear f f apprenticrshlp. No belter work. Jobs aiway watting. ee our oiler. Moier i-aiber College, 110 S. 14th St. is PER hundred paid lor collecting names and addreese; steady work; stamp for particulars. Franklin N1I.1 Co., Bal timore. Md W ANTE1 Voung mull to demonstrate toy rullroad train 111 dept. stores. Ad dns W. F. lUluer, ISiO Kindle St., Chi cago Persistent Advertlitng Is the L g Return. . Road to . . S 1 aa sSQ0J IIKLI WANTKD MAI.K 4K KtMAI.E. WEN and women eatn lo to $.r weekly selling ur goods. Credit given. Send for profit sharing offer. American Aluminum Co.. Dept P. Leniont, 111. ANY intelligent person may earn steady Income corresponding for newspapers; ex perience unnecessary. Address Press Correspondence Rureau, Washington, D. C. PIANO PlAYLR-.VIale or female, wanted, to travel. Addres Y 47, care Hee.j JJOYS U1HLS iV,,'- Sell II novelties at 10c each; l.cen 11.2"; ?nd us J-t L'O. Jewelry sent free.' Schroedcr Co., W Idaho St.. Columbus, Neb. MVK STOCK KOIl SAI.R Horses soil Vehicles. FOR PALK All kinds of good hone. 918 N. list St. 'Phone Douglaa pOOO. fT)R BALK A good driving mare. R. A. Simon. 2.115 South 32d St. Harney 4101. ' TF.AM good workera, llzi.W. Uroas Wrecking Co., 21st and Paul. STOCK wintered; good ahelter; one mile to car. 'Phone Florence 410 FRLK use of very gentle pony; good size. Chas. E. Williamson, 101 So. Pith St. (INK team mares, weigh 2,700 pounils; quick, llarney Z-iX. Floth. a and 8 years old, ound. Must sell 474i Seward. H. H. LOST AM) FOLM FOUND The beat place In town for switches made of your own combings. Mrs. Fisher, Wsl 8. ltith, R. 6. I.oug. HI'S. X ) ST A-white mare, right front foot thicker than rest. Address John Slavick, on Avery St., South Omaha. PERSONS having lost some articles would do well to call up the office of the Omaha & Council Bluff Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left it In the street cars Many article each day are turned in and the. company I anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug las 48. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. LOST English brlndle bull terrier; ears cut and tail cut, four white feet. Re ward. Return to 60S B. 20th Ave. Phone Douc. 6oM. LOST Two automobile robes from 846 Rrandel Theater Rldg. Reward. LOST On Farnam St. car Thursday afternoon, small black purse containing 20 bill; finder please telephone Harney B09B. LOST Gentleman's grey buckskin glove, near Rennett' store. Finder please 'phone Web. 7. Reward. LOST Silver mesh bag, between 2nh and S4th Sra. on Farnam: return to 2:i Farnam St, and get reward. Harney 6081. MEDICAL REbT bracer for men. Gray's Nerve Food Pills, tl per box, prepaid. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. MOENY TO LOAN nalary and Chattel. WHY USE 0UK MONEY! FF.CArSK you enn borrow It on your HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. PIANOS. AUTOMOBILES, RANK BOOKS. WARE HOUSE RECEIPT RKAL ESTATE ana SALARIES In a few hour' time, pri vately and CHEAPER than any othet concern. NO MATTER HOW CHEAP THEY ADVERTISE. You may refund the loan In small weekly or monthly payment that soon get you out of debt. Our business I a private as a bank and your friends, relatives and employer know nothing about It. No delay. Each application given prompt attention. Call on us for money to pay all your bill and you will find It quick and easy. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. Third Floor, 08 Paxton Block. T17 S. 16th, 'Phone: Douglas 1411 and A-141L i4mwmn5JK55s5$jTJNJmn5 it $10 TO $100 LOANED TO ANYONE M tt tt tt tt Wa will procure a loan for any- i body who owns furniture, piano. (4 horses, wagons, or anyone holding It a steady position at the most rea- ft aohabie charge. All we ask 1 your 414 promise to pay. No red tape. No It delay. M 25 In Installment of ft.S5. Hi In Installment of fl.tto. 4 (50 in Installment of ii.tb. If No other charges. 11 Loan made from one month to M on year. f GUARANTFK LOAN CO., 14 (Small Loan Department.) 14 44 104 Wlthnell Rlk. Over Neb. Cycle Co. It H N. E. Cor. 13th and Harney. M ii Douglas P046; lnd A-i:tii. It Chattel Loans, AT RKASONABLE RATES. Nebraska Loan Co., 10 Bee Bldg. Douglaa lSoi, A-1VA Aiu.Nf, v loanea eajarieu people, women keeping house and others, without se curtty; easy payments. Offices in 7 prin t-lpal cities. Tolman, So3 Oirieha Nat'l Hank Bldg . formerly N. Y. Lite Rldg. MMtlltt lllttlltltllli J Money for Everybod) I II $10 to $100. i U 44 4 It II tt II II U II tt It tt II It Ii l M 4 M II M LOANS ON FCRNITI RE. PIANOS, II SALAPJES, ETC., at charges you can afford, and without the red tape and delay you experience with other comuantes. ESTABLISH VOl'H CREDIT HERE- It's a GOOD AS A BANK accoi'nt in time of need, note these rates: 110, you pay back 111 Ml. tl j, you pay back 1100. IJ.S, you pay back tiavv. i you pay back tj 00. NO OTHER CHARGES. Weekly ur Monthly Payment. SI ii 41 S4 41 SI M tt M fl i 44 M it U l OMAHA FINANCIAL CO., M0 Brown Rlk. Oppoalte Bran del. S. 11 Cor. 16th and Douglas. Phone Douglas 2-.0G. 4 II I t t I I I I I I I I t I I t t I I t I I I I THAN KSOIVI NG Mt)NEY. Yol'R CREDIT. 1 a good here a your employer's la at hi bank. YOUR PLAIN NOTE I all we ask, o security, no indorsee. We are making SPECIAL TH AN KSG1 VI NG RATES. Horrow liO.on, return 4o per week. Borrow !-", return sue per week. Borrow Mi uO. return II il per week. Borrow lo.u, return 11. W per week. Bo row K.tsl. letur i l. per week. Call and let u explain, -Oil AH TKl ST CO.. 197 Board of Tiade blcbi. Tclv Doug, C1U. M)NKV TO I,AN Salarr aad Cliattrla. DIAMOND loans at 11'4 and 5 per cent W. C. Flntaii, I..I4 Dodge. Red OFFKKKO VOft RKNT Roaril and Hounia, O M. K. haul trunks. D. 611. A-ll. I'ortola, family hotel. 2."th Ave and liar. Ht. James Hotel Steam heat, haul, home cooking; winter rates to few couples at f-.'itf per mo.; dally, Jl. Near all de ters. WARM room and excellent meals. -Li 8. 2.".th St. 'Phone Doug. 81.1s. ONE large steam-heated room, witu board; walking distance. 10 i. 2.1th St. Fl'RNlsHED room and board for gentlemen In Field club district. Ref erences exchanged. Harney 1611. NICE room and good board In private home. West Farnam. Call evenings. Harney Si70. A BRAND new furnished parlor room with board for two; won t be open long. Mrs. Johnson, 2S21 Harney St. 2111 DoL'GLAjS Room and board; rate reasonable. Ml PARK AVE., nicely furnished steam- heated rooms with board for particular people. !-urulshe4 Hooms. 1701 JACKSON Steam heated, modern room. ... u rm ......... In ,Un,ll close to Crelghton college, reasonable. r-none riarney iijog. NICELY furnished room for gentlemen! 8. 19th St. Douglas CM4. FINE for two young ladles; good fam ily, very convenient. Phone Harney UU.18. DESIRABLE front room, close to Far nam car. i:il N. Slst Ave. Dewey European Hotel. th & Farnam. NICE large nouth room, suitable fur two gentlemen: etriotly modern. Walking distance. 117 S 2.1th Ave. D. 7400. FRONT parlor for two gentlemen; mod ern. DoiikIb MIS. ROOM In modern house, private family. crood location. Harnev SO. 2110 DODGE, room and board for two. FRONT room, strictly modern; private home; two heat car lines; references. 18 N. 40th St. 117 N. a)TH-Nlce. modern, furnished room. iilia Douglas. warm; well furnished modern room. FURNISHED room In private tnooei-n home: no children; close In. Harney lliH. FL'RNLSHED room for rent: pnvati family, steam heat, hahdy Sherman Ave. car; single room or light housekeeping. 1414 Mherwoon Ave. 1S562 HARNEY Nice, clean, southeast front room; perfect heat, modern; for one or two. NICE, large, warm room tor sleeping or housekeeping; strictly modern; gaa for cooKtng tree, au s. zftth.' 101 8. 26TH AVE. Desirable furnace- heated room, with board, to a couple, private family. 2677 HARNEY Strictly modern front room, nicely furnished, in quiet houae, walking distance. IT'S an excellent show at the American theater. If Mrs. M. A. Dlsgrow, 1201 Nichols St., will come to The Bee office within three days we will give her an order for a pair of tickets. TWO desirable rooms for four young men. 201 8. 25th Ave. EAST front room for one or two young 'men; welt furnished; Btrlctly modern; central. 220 N. 26th. Red 7046. LARGE room suitable for two genne tnenulshlng good home in private fam ily; wa.klng distance. Call Harney Ihj). 2 LOVKLY front room In new biicit home; private family; close in. twti S. 17th Ave. THREE pleusant 1 rooms, one double, 2 single; but water heat. Kent reasonable iru Locust. Webster NICELY furnished warm room, suitable for one or two gentlemen, lals So. loth St. Phone Doug. 74X!i. NiCEl.y. furnished warm room 111 pri vate family; easy walking distance. Hjvi St. Mary a Ave. Ked Kin. A LARGE furnished room for- one or two gentleman, private family. 21.1 Douk laa. luiti California, modern, 2-rooin suite, well heated for two. Cass. 3 rooms for housekeeping, ground floor, stove heat, gaa range. WANTED Desirable couple to share modern homo on Georgia Ave. north of Hanacom Purk; churcn ana school. Tele phone Harney 4229. 406 N. lDth, nice large well heated room for four gentleirient, or students. c ursisctl lluuaeifceepiiiii tiQout. TUB MANUEI 4 rooms, furnished, I36.U0. 'Jtie Howard, bed in wall, two room apartments; 21st and How ard. The Manuel and Howard. 21 4k Howard, 3 and 4-1 m. apt. I.d to -hi. THREE largo furnished rooms, denlr able, modern except Heat, !1& a month. can Harney ;). DINDEE Five housekeeping rooms. modern. Harney s IN liirht bruienient. cozv and wni-m: menu, ei-v n, aiiii. ri'Kl r,...n.a a.iltd Inrnlul,-,! , . , V , J ,,,,,,,,, V: , ,11, , , J ..-., '-, light, well heated, gas range. Reasonable. t N. 26th St. Motel and Apartments. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for gen lleinen. 1I1E CHATHAM, llu S. loth St. Hub hotel, steam heated. 1.108 Doug. St. "DODGE HOTEL, 13th and Dodge; all steam heated room; special week rate. Excellent meals, 203 N. 2Hlh, So. Omahiu Howard Hotel, elegant rs. luOJ Howard. kik hotel. rooini6ca7id50c. 817 N. lbtliT Ilof EL ALBANY! most elegant looms; hoi and coio water; ilreproot; prices reasonable; both phones. 1111 Douglas. Pmrllnglun, nice rooms. 1 block to depot. CASS HOTEL, nice rooms. l,Ot Cuss St.' W iTiDSOlt HOTEL Room 5to to $1.60. OXFORD and Arcade, ieclal w kly rate. Ogd ea Hotel ..'"i" J".u..t"- Koom vai-w w f i.w V- 1 CC,k, HOTEL FIX)MAR. N. W. Cor. 17TH AND CAPITOL AVE. Just open for business. New, modem, steam-heated rooms. For rate by day anu wees, prone Douglaa lSon. Apartweuta and Flats. THREE and six room flat, ilartls Mock, lsth and Webster. Alsatian; Apartments Soth and Farnum. One 5-room with baih, lit; one i-room and bath, S5.0u; one garage, $7.60. ARMSTRONG WALSH COMPANY. Tyler 16.16. 210 8. 17lh Street THE MAEW00D New apartment house at Harney and Twenty-titth. Ready this month. Every known comfort and convenience, highest class service, cafe In connection. Apurt ment Include living room, reception room, kitchen and bath. Only 30.o0. Make your aelectlon at once. Several apart ments already taken. EKNEr'T SWEET. 12fi City Nat l Bank Bid. Doug 1472 ONE elx-room apartment, L'Oth and I-ake St. Phone Webster SSsO. BEAUTIFUL LORRAINE NEW. NEAT, NIFTY. ' Three and S-room apartment at 17th and Maple streets, steam heated and all modern In every respect, are now readv for occupancy. SEE THESE. THE BEST FI.ATC IN THE l ITY. X to SO. MENGEDOHT CO. f.S Re Rldg. l-oug. :mh-'. Web. ITU 7-riium flat on Sherman Ave. Web. 57'.. - FIVE-ROOM Rats, siriclly modem. WaIkliiit distance. Webster ts4. fcvi N. I7lh St., fine 7 r.. healed. $J1 J. W. KASP CO., W LiauUc i.ld. OFFEKED FOU IIEXT Apartment and Flat. FLATS. S164 Ames Ave., C-rm.. partly modern. newlv decorated throuchotit 110 1S07 St. Mary Ave., 7-rm.. partly modem, very close in, only $18. IS.T9 N. 2th. S-rm.. modern eTtcept heat. reduced to $15. 621 S. 26th Ave., 10-rm., all mod., within walking distance, a baraaln at $27.60. 3003 Pacific, an 8-rm mrlctlv mod. dwell ing. n a very choice location. A bar gain at $.16 318 N. 25th. 6-'rm.. strictly modern St. Lnul apartment, within easy walk ing distance. A bargain at $T.. 31S S. 27th Ave.. S-rm., strictly modern, close In, reduced to $36. 611 S. l"th, a brand new, fi-rm. strictly modern St. Iiouts apartment, verv close In, beautifully finished. Will decorate to suit tenant. Owner pay water rent; $40. PAYNE & SLATER CO. Sole Agts.. 8th Fl. Omaha Nat. Rk. Bldg The FLORENTINE NEW APARTMENT HOUSE STEAM HEAT There are only two of the splendid it room apartments left in this beautiful building, located at 26th St.. lust kooT-i of Leavenworth St. We furnlsn hot and cold water, steam heat, ga range, shades, curtain rods and Janitor services. There are also cupboard built-in In the Jtltchens. They will bo open today for inspection ami we invite you out to na shown through. Don't fall to see these, or you will be sorry. PAYNE Ac SLATER CO.. Sole Agents, Bth floor, Omaha Nat. Bank. HOT wuter heated, best system heat, 8-room new, flat; all hardwood finish; $47.l. 5i3 S. 22d. CHEAP, modern 6-room flat, corner 24th and Fort. Webster 469 or Webster 6672. Select Bachelor Apartments A few nicely furnlahed room in th Alsatian, and Farnam, to desirable parties. Heat, light and care of rooms Included. $16.00. ARMSTRONG WALSH COMPANY. Tyler 16HH. 210 S. 17th Street Close-In Apartment Look at Apartment No. 3 In THR STER LING, corner 19th and St. Mary' Ave.; 4 rooms, strictly modern and up-to-date. Vkcant December 1st. PAYNE & SLATER CO. Sole Agts., th PI. Omaha Nat. Bk. Rldg STEAM heated apartment In new Troy m narney hi., 01 4-roims each. Every modern Improvement with linltor rvic orii. rented iuuer ita..e 10 out. 1. itii, THOS. W. HAZEN. 2t7 McCagtie-. D. lisJO. Fully mojern. 6-room heated apart ment In the exclusive Weil Farnam dis trict; very choice. JOHN W. ROBRINS, 1S02 FARNAM ST. Comfort STEAM HEATED CHICAGO FLATS "THE STANDARD." Separate homes, 6-r., full modern, fire proof stairway, new decorations, fnadea, range, not water an year; janitor, walk Ing distance. Winter, $J2, $33, m sum mer. iv less. 1 011 can 1 live a well or comfortably or cheap elsewhere. Refer ence required. t x it D4 or nun 1 1 . iv vo., 1 Sole Agents, flth floor, Omaha Nat. Bank NEW 6-room modern brick flat, t floors and basement: oak finish, gas range, shades and curtain rods. Flrst-clasa lrt every respect. Just what you ar look ing for. See It today. 2310 Howard St. ERNEST SWEET, 1236 City Nat l Rank Bldg. Dou. 1471. Unfurnished Room. PRIVATE home, 3 large room, lt floor; 'phone, bath and toilet; water ami sink In kitchen; cellar, 2 closet; gas in cluded In rent for cooking and light. 2.ini Parker. B-1872. FIVE rooms, unfurnished, modern, 2d flcor, 10 blocks from postofflce, $17. 2C3tS Dodge St. Douglaa TWO unfurnished room with board. References. Munt bo first clasa. Ad dress C 619, care Bee. Furnished Houses. FOR RENT 8-room house, choice lo cality, 3tli St. near Farnam for 4 months, from Dec. 1st to April 1st. Furnished completely. Tel. Harney 2577. lloiuc and Cottaae. W VTT, V APPl'imlntlriii, paper haag tYiYtiUJ. L UJt,ng. Waning, plcttir framing. Monson, 803 Park Ave. II. 6fcs, tl-RUOiM cottage, modern except heat; good location; fM a month. Webter 3670. 2)37 DUIU1A8, s rooms, modern excer heat: 1.10 tier month. Tel. Douglas lotfh MODERN 6-room house. Ave. Harney 14H4. 2710 Capitol k-ROOM house, N. 17th Bt. O. O. REDICK, 1617 Furram St. 1310 PARK avenue, seven-room house. Phone Hqiney 6CT0. MODERN, 6-room houae, 2710 Capitol Ave.; Hurney1404. TJNE X P ECTEDLY VAC AT E D. Six-room cottage and barn, 21st St-, $Vlv ivsr hl"U Hchool-, Tvt!iy, nvxlern Vt,a,a- nw i n Ml Teleotione I tall . WILL PAY YOUR MOVING EXPENSE. 112.60 for a beautiful l-room apartment In brick building, coxy and warm, 2X10 N 21st St. $5 for 2-room flat in rear of 1702 Clvk. ROBINSON & WO LP. Phone Douglas 2418. 435 Paxton Block. & RtiOMS, bath, gas and electric lights; no furnace. 1319 S. 22d St. One-half block from popplcton Ave., near cro town car. Phone Red 41145. HOUSE for rent cheap, and good house to rent to colored people. 464 New Omaha National Rank Rldg. D 463 orAWo4 FOR RENT One of Campbell 6-room cottages, In fine condition, 2M6 Decatur St., $16. Also 4-room steam heated flat, 1610 Chicago St., $26. . NEW. modern. 7-rooni house. 26'il Marcy. Inquire 819 S. 26th St. FOR RENT 7-rooni cottage, all modern, laundry In basement, electric Hthls, $27.60. 2246 N. Pith St. Webster 32-'t7. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, for warded; cheap freight rate; moving and storing. Expressmen Delivery Co. Tel. Doug, 3U4. City office 21s S. 17th St., Be Bldg. Houses. Ins. Rlngwalt, Brandeis Th. Bldg. Om. Van and Storage Co., packs, moves, stores household goods. Fireproof stor age 804 S. I6th. Branch, M b. 17th. Tel. D. 41UI; A-1336. FOR RENT Eight-room modern house, choice location. Inquire, 0i N. atftli St, Phono llurney 178. 6-r. ino.iern cottage, S70.1 N. 2"th, $20. ti-r! modern house, 2318 Spencer, $1:0. TJIOS. W. HAZEN, 2o7 McCaue. Phone 1 1. HM). NEW 6-room cottage, elc-ctrlu light, full baeni"nt, good barn, well and pump; nine acres of ground; thiee block from car; $. er month. Ind. H 2US. 8-ROOM house at 1564 North 17 St. O. C. RHpiCK. 1617 Farnam Street. ' OMAHA EXP. CO., moving vana and storage. Trunks, baggage del. D. 3664. 41ii N 17th. Haoviw in ali parts of the City. Crelgh llOUSPS f;,,,,, & o,,,, Bo Bldg. " FOR RENT Modern apartment, six rooms, two bath rooms; apartment 4. Th t 'arlnfla. 3lst ana r amain. t, 1 v .. . ..,,-'..,,,, , minl.rn I . fr water heat, for IK. Tel. Wehter 14tin. 35oV MAPLE ST., 5 rooms, modern ex cept furnace, l-U Hall, 433 Ramge. I 1 '. A h-l- I2il 7 rooma. S6-'8 N. 27th; $22. 6 rooms, 3IVJ N. 24ih; 1117 Park Ave., modern, $30. Tel. Webster 1677. ""EVERY persun knows who D. J. O'Brien 1 because be ha made Omaha famous with his candy. If Mr. R. Shoemaker. 3305 Maple St.. will come ta Ti.e l ee ol f ice wulnn three day we w.ll give her an order for a 00-cent box of 11 Hrlen andv flee. FOR RENT Ciose in. low winter rates. 514 N. 'id St., ii rooms, all model 11 f4 N "2d St.. 7 rooms, modern, ex. heal. 06 Bionuo bt., ti roouis, $il. Tel. I-'d u-VU t