Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1911, WANT AD SECTION, Image 21
Bee The Omaha UNDAY PAST THREE WANT AD SECTION PAGES ONE TO EIGHT. VOl XLI NO. 22. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 1011. single ciii'Y five cents. V it MAIL 1UHIXKSH Sick One-Don't Kill Yourself with Dregs Quit taking one poison to kill another- jtiit trymj to grt well by thm arar iiuii rwl rial s krlltk f the aatle. HlltfU1ltWUIIRllkl TaatTkalhrr fcetag traaaallr but caaataatl? Get Oar FREE Book ofSocnf of Ik Drag Evil It srlll atae m IW laalae ttcu on laia (rati cur. wall f rm m th atari 11 a km uaa hnUa Infaraialloa atoat Hi ari wtlh wMck ara Scat. Il aril I iksw ma fke reel airrho ol ronMfcl(lln4 sai das," aaa k will tkow the war (mm Imlwcrainm ,e aar awa indlBIntvlTOtiwI, laawia . dh hi l tae most start ling Inroraaatten sriaie fur rears rnronMattnci sa iMlliOM thai taraalea tfctf Uea St r 'IT-. W trant ?o to faawl tt. Juat Bar ' aaat fere SnoX." Writs 0 a.t eaea. 1 oa mr sees, it tcavmw. 7VCxypatWCe. u zit r4i sc. imi, n. t. 14 . sbt, LI VtC H 1 I HOUSE DRESS FREE! Has all the laments of gmxl ntyl most privti ffil dresd Dint can b worn thin Kenton. Mont at tractive hon rim arer t4l! (m-hm bunt ramimm. r-onir 04 runl of mm terlal.(Jin(fbftin,rhftnibray pnrrala and lawn ar ex pal lent mntrinlsfor houna waar, toft Mile and Itht woolm matenali for si raai waar. To quickly n trol nca our bis homa niaeazina wtilch n all th lritrtst fanhlom. finer work dfipartinnt.phoicast hort ttnrlea and rnaiiir other pedal ftttnrfi wa nii thu reia. adtrtlB.nir tier rood only dat. Hend 10 eta. for oproiat trial ft-nioi. aub acrtDtion. and tf yon alto en qIom kiitim of btc hooifkmp ra will tend yon tbli pop alar tire pattern Irea. Ba aura to tall yaur alae thfB or oVr.njr. l"o ay Ton want pat tam No. 4CJO. aUreei at onoa, MKRIUAIt faRH JOrRIHU Pattern iOtpt. 11, Omaha, Naa Mad, unaw. dust nod dirt will not b tracked over your Ooora U you ui Grab's Feet Scrcscr atalda yonr door. . Tba only da- TKW madO Wai.'ll CtMM Dot ioma an 4 aidaa oC abo la ona Aftfration. Hu W kmlta) Vm I pi ia Tor aorp Inc aata and two at iff brittle bruabaa wkktb aiaaa aidaa f a boa. AUTOMATICALLY ADJUSTS ITSELF to Any alM tho 0 b irUtM and .ft 1B.I.T. Fa'tnl to Joont.f or ka(v '. Urt ana ana Ma uaaUaawort. rrlo.l.). Il yardaalar will at upplr fnn, rin.'t lv .nlotlkito, kotaaad oar etd.r dlraaM a. a marr r mciv. VICTOR M. Cat AB at CO., 1 Aahln4 Block, Cblrsgo, III. Don't Wear a Truss W It Ci -4SS AAj?Waur. aviul, alf alka.Ua purpowlr I II? J t koki u,fatlaouilr la alaca. H V Ma.ifakiiol(leaorfpriaia-Hiao aialaitlba pabia fcoaa. Thaaiofll fcaT,auoftunT trrl llMWiarlrfa I at fcalna witaanl hlaciraixo f raw. watkjl hi at TaU I ... aaiy ta applf-laaiaaaWa. rnetn el n- VSJ" l"7.'r1M (-i Ml.l. W. pro .a wbal wa QltT ' im avi rlaaiaTkTi"ll!'"Tr,1'r''M lKlftL Of FLAPAOaMolauli IHf.. nrltaaaiaaaa caapoa aaa aali TOU1V. addnaa PLAPAO LABORATORIES, Block 1 1 7 8t lonls, Mo. Data Addrau ira vail tl hrwt I'raa Trial H.paa FREE To men and youna: men -!Muatratd Cat aloru . aarriDlfa and Infltrurtlnna how to va $2.50 to $5.0(1 on your Fall Suit. Hia-h-at aiandinri Radv to War Clotblna- In th country. Writ today. Bnoolal values. $12.59, $15.90 4 $20.CW) "KalclIiKTia Cu." Jacksons 54-056 I.lbrty Ave. rittsburcu. I'a. IVATCil chain FREE Idlra and firnto Wylra. He )ioaltlaly g A beautiful atera wind and atrak met waU4i. ladiet or genu atylf : alio cmia aod zinr. aet wirh brilliant aem, xur aruing our iiiiru (iradfl Art -roet Cardi. Ortltr On r'sei to a-U at lu rents pr paciugr. Wliro a.ild aood ua -'."0 and i will promptly atud J on prepaid Ilia 6 yar v.n, , r-ia r. ,.,l - -. - Watch. Itina and Chain, PEERLESS WATCH CO. 1133 K, Wd St.. Dept. 1L Clilcaso. 111. 4 O a) S t LLI N a POST CAB DB w.iliif..i .1.. f i-t-a a bt. W ATT Ala Sa uai 1 m.p.ia.. " tM4 ft f.r. - K.uf-A &ZZ- Aim wi with, m is, ivuwssrf. hi 'hu sii7 tU ft" ' sMMsahlhUhsrrS4l4rtfst4sult) Nl MkAar. Orlsr0hckH. a a. .i at Bill maal.lvalfl SaaSaf taa Juiaaautaua SLLLaJU. WaiVM CO, lX23kUku, New Book on Consumption FREE TO ALL tOO Mtr. cloth boubd mxJil bonk on uumpUou. Tlit ia rlala impi UuKtiau: bow tsuaauitiTitioa rn b ot.itvl a in ; your oa horn. Writ Cod 1 Tb boo Is ftUM lUbsj. irrti. TgifHKHMAIf CO. I1SS Watt felafMla 4 4 1 gS IIA 50,000 SAMPLE RINGS Ilk? iUuttratiun, fold tilled, warranted ta wear, any iailul. C-i'a. ring nil n. aravina I'r... Senf 10. t !. aa4 L. tuir. Ill n HIM, 4 . Dei. B I Wi Cbajulear au. Hew lack City PILLOWS FRKl 344 1,0 un J Kent her bd ul rclTft ft-pound ptilr of Pillows f re. reiFht prapaid. New futbtrM. btat tlt-kluf, kt Utai lion guaranteed Akuii iaatMl. TI lt iH ftV fOHXW KLL, Kcttthftr Dleri, T.yoU. N.'. ACVIDKaST INSl ItANf'K AT ACTl'AL COST t Builn4Fai tind I'roirtta.inn.i) Mu; Si rrle a V U00 policy fur )tir kud pvt partial dla- abllttr Oi-nd liva a genu n'd. V. ni for Appllcallon blank to Krnvat W. Crown, tiertrtary-TrtuaurtM-, lDtar-8iat liaAinMa Men i AcciticQt Aaasjciatloa, lt Molna, Iowa. ri'HH KE-HAIK burbtr a hop. mikiui 7i per .A wK. for al. on rr-jiunt of p.-koefia. arraat tarsal a. Several ottirr snap. Writ nta your aal. THOMPSON, Th Km! tttala Una. Laka ;K. Florida. R Christmas Cards PRFF Bend only 2c stamp and receive S very finest Gtld Embossed i:hrlsttnas post Cards FREE, to introduce post card of 'er. Capital Card Co., Sept. 886, Tofexa, Xaa. i7- "M IVv TV, m. -rx r "-trfi i r,'T!r-iJ Va -...a. 1 WANT ADS Want d relvl at any time but n lasure proper daMlflration must be presfntl before l'J o'cUck m, for the evening edition antl before 7:30 p, in, for morning and Suiulay edi tions. Want ads welved after audi hours will have their first insertion under the heading 'Too La to to Classify." CASH RATES FOR W ANT ADS. UKUILAR CLASSIFICATION One insertion 1 H cent per word and cent per word for each subsequent insertion. Knell Insertion made on odd days 1 4 cent per word. $1.50 per line per month. Kates apply to either The Daily or Sunday liee. Always count, siv words to a liue. Wont mis tor The liee may be left nt any of the following drug stores- one is your "corner druggist" Ibey vro ail branch offices lor The llee und your ad will bo Inserted just as promptly and on the same rutes as at me maiu office in The lice building. Seventeenth and Fnrnani streets: Alba era, W. C, 4Mh and 1'aniaui. Uauni Drug :0.p 2031 N. 16th t. Btnaoii Pharmacy, Uensjii, Neb. Bemia t'urk Pharmacy, S.1a and Cuming. Heranck, H. A, 14(C S. Jltli ft. I'lake-Hiadtsh, 2Suh Hhcrman Ave. (.'anglian, V. It., 475 Leavenworth. CcrmaX, Kmll. 1204-I-, 3. lath C'liTton Hill Pharmacy, 2Clo Military Av. Cooney Pharmacy, lia H. 16th St. Crlssey Pharmacy, i4th and Lake. Hhler Co., 2vi2 LeiVenwoi th. tutjlcr & Ainoldl, 1'13 M. ilotli Bt. KreytSK. J. J., 1H14 N. i!4lh ct. FreitKer lru Co., 1H0J M. lfith St. Florence Drus Co., Florence, Neh. Oreen b Pharmacy, Park Ave. & Pacific. UreenoiiKh A Oo.,'WI S. 10th Kt. Oceenoush & Co., luth and Hickory. Goldman Pharmacy, 24th & Leavenworth Johanaon 1 'rug Co., ?4th and Spalding. Johnson Pharmacy, 2U-"0' Farnam. Hanacom Park Phar., 1W1 S. Wth Ale. Hlnterlong Drug Co., :lat Ave. & Far. Holm, Jonn, 6.:i H. lfith St. Huff, A. U, 2V24 Leavenworth. Kins. H. H. 24th arid Farnam. Kountze Place Pharmacy, N. 24tl). Lathrop Pharmacy, 24th and Hamilton. Mare, Fred L., aillf Central blvd. Monmouth Pharmacy, 3:ld Amea Ave. Patrick VruK Co., loiti N. 24th Kt. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Ames Ave SchHeter 9 Cut Price Store, 16iu it Cm. P. J. Vachal, W2 Pierce St: Walton Pharmacy, 2uth tnd Grace. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 4trt.h & Cuming. UCAT1IS AA II I't JiKRAL NOTICES. SNOW Fred W , at hi" realdence, Saturday morning, 4340 No- Charles street, veniber lb. Funeral ' services will be ' announced iater. BROWN Albert II. Funeral from Cole McKay Co. s chapel, YiW Douglas St., Monday at 2 p. in. SMITH Mrs. Florence I, aged 52 years, November 18, 1H1L - ... Survived by two sons, Fred and Hairy Smith, and one ulster, Mrs. C. K.. Bates. Funeral Hnrvu'ea At residence. bVM isorin Twenty-third street. Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Interment at Nichols, la. CAKU OF THANKS. vp. deuire to thank our many . friends fnr their nreaence: also for congratula tlonn and the beautiful gifts bestowed unon us at the oc,aslon of the twenty fifth anniversary of our wedding, Novem ber 10. We fclao.wjsh to thak. thpa frlnnds who remembered us at this happy occasion, but c.nild not attend. Mr. and Mrs. John lMmgreii. - LODGE NOTICKS. Attention, M. "W. A. Members of Camp No. 120 are re quested to attend the funeral of Neigh bor Henry Doeacher Sunday at I o'clock, at 3601 Soutli Twentieth avenue Members of other camps ore invited.- BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Birth's Daniel and Mary Woodward. ST.33 North Thirty-eighth Btrert, girl; Henry and Christina Mlchka, 182!) Ontario street, bov; Oluneppe and Luclu Cauina La Mantla, 1110 William street, girl; Ike and Anna Lookantsky, Omaha Oeneral hospital, girl; Harry , and Hose Olasler, 1910 South Tenth atreet, girl. Deaths Guy McKaw, 21 vars. Thirty fourth and Meredith Btrects; Gertrbde H. Maddaux. 20 years, 1911 Farnam street; John Butera, 21 yeais, St. JoHeph hos pital. ' HARRIAUH LICE.VSES. The following marriage licenses were It-sued: Namj and Residence. Age. Charles E. .Allman, Omaha. 22 Ruth King, Omaha '. ....IS Edward ", Florence, Neb 21 Eva Shipley, Florence,.. Neb.". II MAIL OKDEU mSINKKS W asil the hlht iraa oaU . Varing Kein( Uaiiii&M at ball alia price aaked by arnta aiw reiauera. Mnr fimAU KI.lOB.-l0 BAI L HKAItl.NU MA. 4II1NLS have bean oa the market fur 30 jeart and ai tha beat .1. n-n ha made. H 0 -rn.-ian:ft diit luaohLnea br '! ri. aud air )U riaya' trial; lli aioat lib eral ullr ater niaae, MMSlrtil. 12.15 t$. free Catalog Wrtte for nur utnd.iiaw Cata- lou .h.r.rltur all atla and la- rrvhtng our frr trial tins mtr trea trial hf in tuau m rietall 1 ullinff piau In rlelatl. inu par a Tiia-h nrhe for a Kminr XI-bina. biit write iur our five Catalog to-da oi-i are tuonav. JONES. POST & CO. Jn.iWlo JONE3 BHOd. MKItrANTlLK C,. SS0 Liberty St., Kansas City, Mo. ANNOUNCEMENTS J.A.GENTEE.UAN, emhulmer. 1M4 C'hicago St. D. UNDER- TAR EK. -O'J; lJ-bir)ll. UNDER-" I Ai.i!.ltS. 11 EAFEV & 11EAFEY Moved to 2U Fui nam. A. Sili'i; 11. 2iu. iiltiG on your grinding io noi Doug las. VVE DO THE WORK RIGHT. FREE Colored Portrait with tech wedding ler this month. . or- B I X T L E NTH HEYN A N D H O W A R D 8 T It E E T S. l'OUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. loug. r41v MOVlNti i'l iuie muchiiiea und supplies. NVbr:ii-ka Film Co.. 131s Farnam St. C. E. Smith, atl'y at lw. Ill Be. D. 33i7. Button holes for home made garments. Anna B.aick. lailles tuller. 215 City Nat I. l.'pholsterlnK, piano, turn, rep "'l Fnr. I1)H Mi "l,r i'ar.ola; ill uu.i'. at children e Block. D. tin.'.. Twenty er tent le than Omahu prices. HuMii FURNITURE :o.. Twenty-fourth and I. Sta . Si-uili Omaha. Kd Bitinck, mitn. tar roots l.lih V Lake. Maggard Van store and ship H & Hturagr. pack, tnov, 11. goods. D. 14.45, B-24 M K. Morrill, china paliit. kXl"liranilV,s fii J. F O'Leai-y for shoes". "412 N. li. So. Oni7 Xs'KODiNG announ.e. Douglas ptg. Co. PiatFFCT ivpewr.tlen letteis" made In lareal westei n letter factory. Manguin tt Co., Prlnt iig. lb DoiIr. Both phones. Nib. bted Co., l.'.J Joiirx. Both PhoiiV's. Results to advertisers account for This ad wns run one time The cost was onlv a few Results are what AXXOUXCEMKNTS 8)DUASlrt - LUNCH KS -HOT In our beautiful downmalra lunch and aodii water room at 16th and IJudae wo are crviiiK dainty lunches and hot and cold drinks. Try them! . SHLHMAN & McCONNULL PKUO CO.. Flvo Hood Knia- Stores In Omaha. YilU'LL always tw happy If your wed ding ring cornel from llrodegaard'n, 11j S. 16th St. At the Hlgn or uie crown HarpMter. paper hsnKlJ'K; Pgl"t t. Ml. Get your diamonds at Hrodegaard's. S. IS. Waters, cement con., lila N. . W.kiw MONEY TO LOAN-LOW rate, In ums to suit, 810 llee Uldg. Phone Dung. 21KI4. IfNlON LOAN CO. Steamship Tickets Foreign Tours. W l'J. HOC K. 112 Farnam St. FEATIItjIuS Ve inanutucture and renovate all kinds ot pillows, maltreats, und buy f nut hem. Omaha Pillnw Co., 1721 Ciimlng. S. H. Cole Sign t'o. I. ".. Farnam. PuffH fren, switches II Ml. !"( Leav. Van Gordon's home, dog hospital. U N. 23 John E. Hlmoe, Shirts, tap Pax ton "Storm sash and doors. Welrich. W. Bll 2577. BOILF.H, sheet Iron and tank work. Omaha Structural HUel Worka. 1LE11 GRAND Finest In the wet. r11.U-:I.t, Ttntlia 507 South 16th Street. J KLASTIC stockings, supporters and bandages; stock always new, beoaua we sell ho many, Trusses fitted, r.veryining guaranteed. W. G. Cleveland Drug Co., the largest aurglcal supply house, 1410-12 Harney St. FOK a dainty-dessert " Dalsell's Ice cream. If John immii, awi r-ewiu-u ri., will come to. The Bee office wumn inreo davs we will give Idm an order for a quart hrlck of this fine loe-orctun. S1IAMBES OtrtA ton- N"b. N. 16th, Omaha, Neb. We buy all kinds of raw furs; pay high prices. AUTOMOBILES W HOLK9A L1C prlcea on oil. Doug. G26H. DK1HCOLL, auto painting. 209. N. 16th. Auto lamps repalrel. Omaha Silver Co, Ti 1 1 ' J -REPAIRING, Murphy did it rpA: rtKPAIRING. HONK e "ptoH0NK J-AVy-L ' smash wheel HEHB8 THIS BEST PLACE IN OMAHA, DRUM.M.0ND 38th and Harney Hta.' MITCHELL MOTOR v COMPANY WANT GOOD RESPONSlUl-l!. AGKNTS. Can make Immediate delivery on LITTLE SIX. . Have some EXCKPTlONAL bargains In large and small second hand cars. MITCHELL coKv PFE1FFER Auto carriage painting, repairing. 2K26 Leav' wth. BROKEN water Jackets neatTy brazed without injuring bore of cyl nder. vvora guaranteed. Kansas City Hraslng Works, 1M W. 1KU1 St., Jvansaa uuy, am. AUTO KNOWLEDGE. For Information pertaining to oonatruc- tion, operation and care ot automoblieii, gas engines, address A. J.,' P. U. Bert- tcny, council tuurrs. ia. HiIMTIItli Auto Co.. Oakland and iUCllM XXLrj gterniI Knight; baigaliui In used cars. 22(M Farnam. Doug. tU. EVERY BODY enjoys an evening with the Woodward Stock company. If Mrs. E. H. Johnson, 2H21 Harney St.. w-lll come to The Bee office within three days we will give her an order lor a pair or. iick- ets. ' . AUTOMOBILE storage, fireproof build ing, down town; very reasonable. Phone Douglas 4284. ENGINE trouble text book; gives plain language, remedies for every engine ali ment; keeps you car running! saves dol lars; 66 pages. Illustrated. Get It now. Send 10c. Breeze Carbureters, Newark, N. J. DON'T SELL WORN TIRE CASINGS for junk. Our detachable tire treads will give you 3,000 to 6,000 miles additional wear out of blown out or tread worn casings that are considered worthless. They nt any tire. Write for catalogue and full information. -Colorado 'fire and Leather Co., lWi Broadway, Denver. Colo." lUKINESS CHANCES TO get In or out of business call on G A N G E ST AD, 404 Bee Bldg., T el. D. 3477 . MOllTOAGES, Gf0 ON GOOD FA11MS Savings bonds, secured by first mortgages und our und surplus of $4ou.0o0. NO SAFER INVESTMENT Bonds for $HJ, $250 and up, as suits your taviiigs. Make your money bring you a good Income. Aak for particulars. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 15th und Farnam Sts.. Omnha. Neb. hull bALE Clean stock of groceries aud iiucensware. Box Harvard, Neb 14'fH ST. BL'bl.NESH &. ItalAL KHTATti EXCHANGE CO. I lardw ai l, grocers, hotel, pool rooms, barber shop, aaloons, etc.. for sale; some good bait; a ma In real t state. Ill 8. 14th St., Second floor, looms 1 and 2. Ed Kothery, Pnsluent. ""LAUNDRY routH complete, with honee har.iefcs and wagon, for Hale t-luap on account of leaving city. Address K ,3a, Bee.' TO BUY Oil SELL a Williams, 411 McCague biialness, Bid':. call on MOTION Plct'iie inuchlne and film bar gains, inni.ha Fl I in l.xch , 14th & Diug ItANlki' A donor; goo;l bualliers ! Neb. town; I'op. i. Address Y 46, caiu Per. FOR SALE Moving picture show and conlei tioiiery SLorv, best layout In the HU.t.i fur the last money. Main line- ruuiiliis eerv uay. Address I 4s, care ilee. FOR SALE Flrat-clsss iinplement busi ness, no competition; will stand Inven ii--a-tion; best farming community In Mate. I '1. leys you huve about $1 txj do not upply Address Drawer E. Hordvllle, Neb. EVERY person knows O'lirltii is betaause he has famous with his candy, .-.tear, 2431 S. 16th St.. will who i). J made Omaha If Mrs. I oine to Tti Bee office within thrte (lajs we will Kie her an ouler for a l.u-c.cnt box of ii'Brlen's candv free. I'opCORN Criupette machine and business; trade established: sea-on Just starting; big piorits; price $lou Cannot be duplliated for leas than $210 Best reasons lor selling, ii'li Charles si., uiy- growth of Bee want-ads (liriLS and jieaniKtreKRea, wanted In drapery department. Miller, Stewart i Beaton. and brought the desired results. cents. you pay for; results are RISINKSS C1IANCF.S HAVE YOU JNTEKKSTS JX 1MEXKX) If so, vnu need our iervlce. Send po tul for full Information. Ol'U CFHKKNT NEWS LICTTKR gives Intent Infornuitlon riaardlng political and IuikIiiis situa llon. Yours for the aklivr. Mexico Coqioration Agency, 800 Calumet Hldg.. Chicago.' 7 I We have for nle choice lnortKriC!4 on Improved Ne- lii null , ruiuiK. ix-nrlng ' anglng in amounts from ii'i) to ITi.t'jn. None of these mortgages ercccd on I ho m..iket aH'e of the farm. Call on us for further particular. KUIKK INVKhTMKXT CO., 801 Omaha Natlonnl Pnnk Building, Omaha. Neb.' ( J l ioce it i iTan i rSTriWxS A well-established cash business In tin suburbs of Omaha; store building and dwelling, full lot on corner. Building 2 years old; stook new and clean, price, $.1,700 for entire property. Including stock and fixtures. Terms, $2,100 cash, assume mortgage on building fur $l,ia0. J. H. Dumont & Son 'Phohe Douglas CM. 16(i5 Farnnm St., Omnha. PATENTS THAT PftOTF.CT AND PAY Books, Advices, Search anil hlfLMO List of Inventions Wanted. 1 lu'" Send i-ketch or model for searcl;. Highest references. Best results. Promptness as sured. Watson E. Colciuan, I'at.Law'r 22 F St., N. W. Washington, D. C." Industrials, Land, Short Steam and Electrical Kailwavs Financial Males campaigns organized and conducted. A highly specialized or ganization prepared to render best possi ble service. Corporations organized and capital enlisted for commercially nound, established and projected enterprises. WALLACE & V A t till A N, Plymouth Bldg.. Mimical. o, Is, Minn. INDUSTRIALS, LAND. SHORT STEAM AND ELECTRIC RAILWAY. Financial sales campaigns organized and conducted. A highly specialized or- gan'zatlon prepared to render best pos sible service. Corporations organized and capital enlisted fnr commercially aound, estebllnhed and projectod enter prisea. WALLACE VAUGHAN. Ply mouth Bhlg , Minneapolis, Minn. "FOR-SAi.EpieT7dTdnriio-daie mll llnery shop In live Iowa town of 4,fi00, located best business street and doing best cash business. Excellent trade worked up. Other business only compels this sale. A big bargain for some ona with cash. Price very low for Immediate sale. Address Y 4!l, care Bee. ItKlL hall in good town In eastern Colorado; building lot and three tables, fixtures; price, $1,350 If taken at once; must go east. A. H. Dixon, Arriba, Colo." I'ERPETUAL flowing buttle; grea t est window attraction ever devised; store everywhere gladly pay M to $76 weekly rent; now sold outright for $150; exclusive territory given. Rogers Specialty Co., 11U3 Broadway, Now York. A PARTNER to join me with equal capital In legitimate established theatrical business. Permanent, profitable future; exceptional opportunity. Experience un necessary. Harold Franklin, 1W2 Broad way, New York. INDEPENDENT life income of $10 to J50 per week: your own permanent busi ness; no canvassing: no mall order; dig nified, exclusive work during spare time, which wilt make you a power In your country; small capital. Wllbak Company, 437 6th Ave.. New York City. STOCK, bond offering, Idustrlal, rail way, mining or electric wanted for sale, commission basis; t-xrellent facilities; terms moderate. Address, full partluu- lars, Underwriter, P. O. Box 876, New York. PATENTS secured or money refunded. Send sketch for free report as to patent ability. Guide book and what to invent (with list of Inventions wanted) sent free. One million dollars offered for Inventions. Patents advertised free In World's Prog ress, sample free. Victor J. Evans & Co., Washington, D. C. Roomlng llonses for Rale, HALF block from city hall, 6-rooin, ele- gantly furnished, steam-heated, flat; a money maker for anybody Interested In the rooming house business. This place must be sold at once und owner will sacrifice on account of being called out of '.he city on account of sickness. Terms -aa, be arranged. Tel. Douglas 3M2. C, D rooming house for sale, partly modeK , good location. This place must soiv Reasons given ror selling; money vnaker for unynooy. itigni in heart or city, write or call. E. Jaeot 2o2 North litth SI. or phone Web. 6120. DUSINE8S I'ERSONALS Acuasllo 4 umpaaies. GENEKAL ACOUSTIC CO., 4B OMAHA NAT L BAN K 1 BLIKJ. Factory A i.eniral office, Jamaica, N. Y ELECTRICAL HEARING DEVICES. A innaenicn ta. BFFORE and after the shows vMt the OLYMPlA for Ice cream and candles AUDITORIUM roller rink, music bv Green's band, skating Saturday and Sun day nlgl.ts, also on Sunday afternoon; doors open 7-30; admission I0o, skates 2"c. Architects. C. J. Howell, architect, 671 Brund.-ls Bldg. Arlralail W rlla. NEP.ERGALL. 1011-12 City Nat l. L. K Asphalt, Lrarl and ItowilUat. MICA ROOFING CO.. VV S. 10th. A I lurar) s. G.W'. Shields, ;ittornen?7 B ff Trade. T.isToN l"i 1 a 1. LTTa vv y 1 .1 7i j7jie! Awmoiia anil 'i'euis. OMAHA TENT CO. Tel. 8:.' I long, a s. llaia .lMiiufiielurers. BFMIS OMAHA BA(i CO , Omaha. Neh, Buguase and 'iasli-uita. THE fiXI.Y WAY. I aggage checked to destination. Taxi cabs anu touring cais. Tel. 2-i.V rinlierles. Domestic Ualteiy, qiiiililv . 2iOC Cuming. A. B VKQS. bakery. HalldinK and Loan Wi riMi r UI41. Aas-latlins. NEBRASKA 8svines enJ Loan Associa tion has never paid ls than 6 per rent dividends. Invcttments fium $1 to $,iav revcived. lSi Faruaui Su, Omaha. the remarkable what you get. HIS1XKSS) 1'KIl.SOXALS Ilarbrr Miopa. HAWK HKOS, rnworth. barber shop. Z' Leav- Bee lllilg. barber i-hop, tonsorlal arlistK. "1 oo S.s8tewTM7Ti'aTr'mt l lllliinrd iiikI I'oot llnlla. THK new Ak-Snr-Hiu biMlHrd parlors. 1S llowiird. I'bas. K. Johnson, prop. llox und I'liikHHC .Manulartoreri. Wooden Box A- raek;iKo Co. 1M4 N. lfith. 4 arpc utera W. P. Deverell. nntl ( nnlrarlora, onlraclor. Kamce Bldg. SlevciiNon arpeiuer. ioiii. :olli phoii.. A. l.lnlM'it. CHipenter. eonttai'lor. It. :il t arpelM. It nits hikI llraprrlra, carpet rleunlng. I.'4K S. 21. 1. 2S21, A-42f. Klec. hc. Cleaner, rent, $l.,6 duy; W. S!"li t hlropoutat anil Mnnlenrlsa, DB. HOY, chiropodist. lr". Farnam. i'llattra aiiiil iuliarru, TlIIC Sanitary Crown Pipe. 113 8, lth. 4 lulbmg llauurni-lorrri, Wear 1.1. I dress shirts. M. K. Smith Co. Coal Kealera. Powers-lleafey Coal Co., Tel. II. 89. Slitter I' eeil A- Coal Co. 2MUI Far. H. M.". UpOikojiuanty yd.. 4ii A- Dodge. H. 711 ". C. S. JohliHon, coal, lxth Isiird, i phones. NEW coal yard, 21th and Grand George E. Oohh Coal Co., W. SM. Avu. COAL by ton or basket, $1.00. Phone D. five bushels 29.16. B-lMt. CITY COAIi & SUPPLY CO All kinds best coal. D. 2716. Ind. A-1402 $5 Coal for Harmon Stove or furiiAce. Try It. r Weeth. Webster N48. ohl mo tell you about Ueeiler I-urnaea coal. I), lft.s.1. C, A. Westerfeld. A-lftxJ. Coal and kindling., Wagner, Mtl N. 16, 8. E. VSAI KI.S, basket coal.. Doug. Coffee, Tea, Moyune Tea Co. Spieea and lasar, 4tW N. 16. Both phones. Creameries, Dairies anal Sappltea Fairmont's IHndem butter. Always good DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY ELGIN Sanitary Dairy. Proprietors. Epperson Bros Collecting; Agencies. RUSSELL ADJUSTMENT CO., 221-23 I'irst, iationai nanx. xuugias asm. torniee anil Klrel Cellluga, CARTER SHEET metal works. Omaha IX-DllMla. Bailey, the dentbit, "06 City Nilt'l. r. 23i Much & Mach, 3d fl. Paxtoii. Ti. liiitfiT Ir. Fb-kes. 724-ii City Nat l Bk. ii.dg. Dr. Gsantner, over Merchants Dg. Btoie, Dr. (lAMiMantner, 719-22 City Nat. D. 4M? DR. DAI LEY, ijn;j UrMnTeTBd'KTl.)rF;3fil J:K..KI..BTER. CoY'ciTy Nat'l"arilldir. THft's Denial iTooros. "i;M7 Doug. D. 2186.' Ilnncliiat Academies. Macklo's Dancing Academy, 1810 Harney. Dally classes Mon.. Thins., Sat. evenings. MISSMARY KOLl,. WEB. MHO. Morand' 16 & llarnev. Danc.nir lenanna Monday and Friday, S p. ni. Botli phones. AT .Jackie's academy, 12 lessons; easy payment plan: Monday. Thursdav. Sal. urdiiy evenings. Alias Jewel Simpson. Tel. Webster 24IM. Detect lies. Omaha t-eceet service o-etectlve agency, lie. bonded, 428-9 Paxton Bk. D. 1)119, A-1319. r 4'APT. T COHMACK, 617 Karbach Blk. DresaiiiaklnB. Terry's Dressmaking College. 20 A Far. Dressmaking by duy. Phone Web. 3718. Dressmaking home or families. Red 72ui. DRESSMAKING "by the-Bay! ITHlM. Testa Coulter, dressmaking. 619 McCague. 420 N. 18. M. Scunlan, alterations, dress making. Druggist. REXDrugfyore, bitli snd California. "i'Kl'HH at cm Ba-ets; freight paid on" $10 orders; catalogue free. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, -Neb. Everything- Klect rlcal. Burgess-Grandon Co., lf.11 Howard. D. 6S1. Electric lighting fix , wholesale and retail. 8ECONir-iTAMKLE dynamos, Igniting dynamos, motors, re pulls. I.e Been, 313 s. ijtli .-'t. Doug 31i.i. M. J. Cl ItitAN johnsion Feed Stores. Feed, all kinds Glenroe Mills, 2!2 Izurd. Florists. A. Donahue, .7 Fainiim. D. 1001, A-1001 il l-.SS SVVl iln 1I1A, I I!:. Fui'liain St. Slews! t's, llonst secdu in, tu N. 16. PA I LSl-.iS. Hoi IM, 1,12 Hiown St. KltANDKM Kl.liills'l', 1. run. his Bldg. lV iiEN i 'T-Vtsi i.7 h,IM i' iiriittm'. D,"i2.,s.' BATH HFLORIS'l H. hod I heuteVTlilg" P.i'.N i i-.'l I S. cut floweis. Doug. 1.17 i'R'"isi'i-.c r iiiii i-ion.t. "W "' 4411." i uruarri uiitl Slot IS Ue pairs. FURNACE AND HluVE REPAIRS t) fit our stove or heater. New furnace, l.lUliiiiy lank heatele. gas heaters, tller uiostat und comiuiu 1 ion warm uir und hot water healing, (iiiiuhu Move Repair Works. l.'.s; ijrt-, iiuua us m. 'it-'. uoui;la4 fti, ind. A-31,21. A. MoNitoi-., Agl. lor the Modi in Nov elty vvaiin air I l.i iin.--, Ktiiuaiis elieer fuilv t,ien. Do Ig. 4'lH.. 4r S. 1Mb. tHt-'-n l.ros., torn ice retails. z'.Tu Leav 'to. . 8. liealon, Ami r fuinaeea. H.J.n., t-'iiun dries. M Donald brass and bronze foundry, alu minum, 1111, lead eastings, l.ali r .laeksoii. Puis. a Vt nt. Fur Co., repaii . l.rni-erlea a 1 emodels. l-'l Far id leuta. Chapman's ii'iuhtv meuts. "V'i Cuming. A 1 1 A In "O "I1, l-H) tins. ;!.. Ask grocer. Harness, Saddlery, Leather l.noda. Wlehi-t l.a.-ness. leather goods. C30 8 11. HARNESS, 1 Allied Conn su'iuies and tra'ennx gooits. h w Co., L'10 l ainain ou , wiling. D. 681. Klec. Co., 411 8. 10th. D. 466. po I II Klec. Co. .Motor repairing. D. I.3.. Mills und IH SINF.SH IMCRHONALH llMltal. WISK MKMOKIAL. 24(h and Jlariieu tethany tiKKpiinj, 2.M Many. I L'iM. Inanrnnce, .Tnhn T)alf Son, Ina :i!0 U.tmire nik. IN8F"HK'"N" 'I'll h'f liLI-NH'VALLS KhodM-Miintuiiii-ry Co. fn. j'.amae Hlk TALK TO VKS, 'Hie pulloy plucei ." ALFRED C. KKN.NKDY. Fire and Toina.lo Insurance. DOS First Nat l Hank. Douglas 7Z. . Iran ami W 1 re 1- enelnit. Anchor Fence Co., 207 N'17. Tel. tied K4. Jewelry, IHatnioada and Walihei. DPFIN un a charge account with us. A. Mundelberg, Jeweler. l.'.'.'J Karimtn. Jewelry and Clothing bargains. 201 8. 13. . Laundries. FRENCH Hand Lnundrv. Tel. If R--14. K1HST-C4.ASS I uudrv guaranteed tle- livery; call on Hhori noiien. Harney 6(71. FM Kit SON 1-ttundry, l.iW N. 24lh St. oth Pbonrw. G I' A it A NT 10 10 La u nil r y7 High grade work. ImuxlHK :.r,l FAMILY washing; all work guiir. 11 liwi. l.lst'tuinii; lioda. Nebraska Lightning Rod Co. JOG N. 17th. I, limber. H. Gross Lumber A Wrecking Co. Bar gains! in lumber, plumbing, machinery and steam filling. Jlnt and Paul. Web. 2!4. Marnroitl Manuiact urera. Skinner's macaroni and spaghetti, 10o pkg. Moving,, Mora!' and tlranlna. FXrilKSSMKN'S Delivery Co -Moving; furniture packing; fireproof storage. City office. 2 lit S. 17th. Doug. AH. Ind. B-U4. OMAHA Van and Storage Co. cleans jour carpets on your floors; electrlo acuum cieaners, b ioiii. ju-j . un. Doug. 4161. Twin City Express, 1314 Howard. Both Tel, CALL Vernor for moving and fire proof storage. Office, A-2167 and Doug. 3lfcK; WAREHOUSE, Tyler 1118. It-Mi. Furniture mov. ; men $1 per hr, W. 2748. Mnslo. Art and Laaanaajea. 1 f A MQirMJ- I. teacher of clarionet lUlllMKll .-,1 violin KM H VS II nftwl STKAWN F. K.. piano teacher, sight reader. 819 S. 27th. D. 14H3, Millinery. PKINNIILI. Millinery. lton Blk. Latest fall milliner) . Rauber. 14.'4 S. 16th. Mouamenta and Maasoleaina. - J. F. Bloom tk Co., 17th and Cuming Bta, Oateupalhr. Allcs Johnson, 308-9 Brandela The. Bldg. Katheryu Nlivoiu, 634-6 Brandela Theater. Opticians. B. F.'Wurn, fitting A- rep'g. 443 Brandela. Faotoarraphrra' Sappllea. TIITO ROBERT DEMPSTER CO., 11S-16 Farnam, In their new store; branch store,- SUM 8. 15th. Oyatera. David Colo Oyster Co. Wholesale only. 1'loinbrrs. Plumbinj? and Heating ViuTs" REPAIR WORK. 1708 Jackson St. I). 1477. Omaha I'lumblng Co.. 2612 Shernian Ave. " Pliitnbina; : 'aYf WessinTin, 1 i."30i)i7A2t)27l T. 1007 F. Balfe, Howard 8t. pliiinblng and - heating, Tel. D. 743. Ind. A-74l. . . Paper 4 oan panics. Western Paper Co., Fith snd Howard. I'atents. HIRAM A. BTt'RGES, patent lawyer, V. 8. anrl foreign patents, trademarks end copyrights; 26 years' expeilence, 646 Brandela Theater Bldg. Tel. Doug. 3469. D. O. Barnell, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. WlUard SOliClt'!! . Eddy. U. B. Pat. attorney und IUiO City Nat. Bk: Tyler 1630. Photographers. Hlnehsrt, photogrspher, 18th Fsrnsm. Sandherg's Studio, 107U. 16th. Rembrandt studio; poiiralts. Take elev. "20"Far.' Pliouographs. Edison phonngrsphs. Hhulls Bros. 1408 Fai Plat Intf . OMAHA BILVER CO.. 314 S. 13th. Neb. Plating A Grinding Co., 1313 Howard Printing. Ijew.-W.'Itber7r,rintert,,Sph?,"5 BKK BLDG. ENTRANCE ON C'tJUHT. TIMES PRINTING CO.. 320 8. 13th. D. 2166. AM Printing Co., 23u4 Cuming. D. 6847. Phone Ind. A-2620 I.yngstad Prln'lng Co for good printing. 16th ft Capitol Ave. Itfes-Haii Ptg. Co. 109 B. H" Ind. A-35-r4 ltrataarnats. Baiter's fine quick lunch. 1616 Fnrnam. GET the habit; est at Uneeda. Cap. Ave. GONALES, Spanish cafe. 1016 Farnam. Sporting Cooda, NEW shopworn guns at low prices. Townsend Gun Co., 1.M4 Farnam. StaniiiirriiiK and Stotterlua. HTAMMEHING and stuttering cured. Julia Vaughn. Rnnige Bldg. Steel 'lank and f ulverl luiupanlea. NEBRASKA Company, 14th and and Iowa Steel Nicholas. D. Tank $889. Stenographers and Co rt Reporters, Myrtle A. Kelley 706 Bran. The. D. 6682. Storm Honrs aud Windows. Omaha Window Bern, Co. 624 N. 16 D. 4692 ""(iiilous Ai Ledwli-h, 1 476. ill. B 147&! Tatlorluat. Dunham & Iiunhum, $la suits. 118 8. 15. R. A. Williams, eiollii s altered. 24 & Luke. TON OE, ladles'-geiiis' tailor. 809 l'aeiflc. England viiu'iriim Co. 14if,"" N-24 w7Tsii2! '1 lixlileriiilals. 1701 Leavenworth. Doug. S221. Aulabaugli. Tents and OMAHA Tent Co. 'I A 11 11 1 nas. el. 8J2 Douglas. 'trunks nuil Suit 1 uses. Frellng & Stelnle. IVi! Farnr.m Kt. Wilt Manufacturers. D. S. Griffith, wig mfr., 12 Frenzer Blk. V lues 1 nd l.liiuora. MAY & CO , family Ihiuors. i:)03 Douglas. I.' I I IH i'I'I I I.' It V Sehlltz Atlas. Full und lllMUllllllVl 1UU ,jf lwuur, ttllll rlgurs. afe In eonueetlon. ill 8 lllli St. WILLOW sandwiches M.riiigH bur, liquor, cigala, Alex Jeter. lri Douglas. I.otlioan. 6-r-oul why. loodriuk, 14 Si liar. llaniaiiH fuuniy l.biuors. 1223 Chicago. Meyer Klein, wines and liquors. 632 N. 10 Virsinla Darn wine. UDo, largo bottls. THE best treat for wife and illsh of Duiz-ll'a lee cream. baby u u If J. A. Gross, 2402 Fori St will come to The B ffl. e within three days we will gt hliu flno au order for lev ileum. a quart brick of tills EIHVATlOXAti Dont Spend Your Time and Money In acquit lug an ornamental education to be thrown In the waste buskct, but at tend tho Mosher Lampman College and secure a BRAIN DEVELOPING. MAN BUILDING. MONEY MAKING EDUCATION, an education that you enn uae every hour in the day, every day In the week, every week III the year, anil every year during a lirellme, an educa tion that will MAKE LIFE WORTH .IVING. For catalogue address Mosher & Lampman 17th and Farnam St-., Omaha, Neb. THE FALL TERM OF Boyles College IS NOW OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. STUDENTS ADMITTED ANY TIME. Complete courses In Business, Bookkeep ing, Stenography. Telegraphy, Civil Serv Ince and Salesmanship. The catalogue Is ready and free for the asking. Call, writs or pnniie for It at once. Address II. it. Boyles, president, Boyles College Building. Omaha. OMAHA SCHOOL OF MUSIC, 18th and Farnam; all branches of tnuslo taught; send stamp for prospectus. SCHOL .AJtSHlP FREE to you If you will bring ig us a shorthand writer of any system except the Mosher, no matter how experienced, who can write shorthand as rapidly as some of our students now In school. Mosher-Lampman College, 1st j Farnam St., Omaha, Neb, OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE "BEST IN THE WEST." Day and evening sessions all the year. Shorthand, Typewriting. Bookkeeping, Agriculture, Civil Service, Salesmanship. E. A. Kartman, pres., mm anu rarnam. EVEHYTHINtl l OH WOMEN. THE IDEAL PLEATING CO.. dies pleating", buttons covered, all slses and styles. 200 Doug, Hlk. Doug. 19M, A-lU.Hi. LA DI ES' Beaver Hats Cleaned and Re blocked. RAMSER. HATTER, 220 8, 14th. ""hI-IKHMXn. ladles' tailor. Hayden Bros. T'RjTfsE WIVES wanted to bring their old shears and knlveo to be sharpened by expert workmen. 1407 Douglas. "V nXc7w"pTumes made "from old or new feathers guaranteed 1W-8 8. 11th. U. 7ftf3. ""SWITCHES from combings. $1.60; puffs, 16c. Special attention to mall orders. Ce cilia Burns, 3a Psxton Blk. D. 6263. d fl. ""WILL shampoo, curl and dress your hair for 50o at your home; facial massage, nisnlcurlng. Kathryn Lane Daly. D. tft'.Ut. BEAUTIFUL LORRAINE. 3 snd 6-room apartments, stesm neatotl and all modern In every respect; Ml to U'.IH) Maple St. See these. Doug. J40i. MENGEDOHT. Web. J71X " LANDRY and cleaning. Webster 2472. FOR a daltilv dessert use Dalsell's ice cream. If Mrs. A. Miner. 2:106 Douglas St.. will come to The Bee office within three days we will give her an order lor a quart brick of this fine Ice uream. KOIt CHHU1HTMAH DY BALL'S'; Inuiha exclusive candy strop Tho home of homc- made candles Speclaln dally. ISIS Douglris. CHINA PAINTING iK ?,"J: GOOD THINGS g and drink Fulstaff Buffet, Board of Trade Bldg., Hand-painted china cheap. 2703 Cum. 1 1. Skid LOWNEY'S tor Xtnus. Saratoga, Drug Co., 24 & Ames. HANKER BROS. PAINT CO. lOOOVi Farnam St. Doug. 4760. Ind. A-38'.T. A beautiful assortment of stencil out fits and Sherwln-Williams goods. We do glazing and plcturu framing at moderate prices. 'iJiiit!itrriimiolen,n' dy'n. pressing; Esuiiaionuin full urBBS lllti for .al( or rent. Siigarman, 818 S. 20th. D. 4.S87.' CANARIES for Xmas. The best singers, cages, gold fish and docs. Fnruain. Max Gclsler Bird Co., 1617 REDUCED prices on ladies' suits and cloaks this month. Suits and . coats modeled ut reaaonable cost. Anna Blatek, ladles tailor, 216 City Nat. Bldg. D. 74f. LAMPS Why not save money for Xmas bv cutting your gas bill In two with our house lamps? They make long evenings dellgllLf ul ; , $l2 de livered. Doug. 17u0. JOHNSON LAMP CO., 621 B. 16th Bt. 15; ,'ABINET PICTURES- DRESSMAKING and alteration, first class work; prices reasonable. Miss Ellzu belli O'Connor. 2012 N. Isth. Webster 1410. CHINESE LILIES, 10c. 3 for 25o. TAPEE NARCISSUS. 40o per dozen. THE NEBRASKA BEED CO., Phone D. K'll. 1613 Howard. EVERY person knows who D. J. O'Brien is because, he bus made Omahu famous Willi his candy. If Mrs. Leonard Stelnbach, 623 N. 20tli St., will corns to The Bun office within three days we will give her an. order for a 60-cent bog of ( 1' linen's canity free. LUXURY and UTILITY ure (VJM BIN ED In ELECTRICAL CHRISTMAS GIFTS. Everyone, men or women, young or old, will be giud to receive an electrical gift for Christmas. YlinVli U'llMKV would appreciate ltlUMI IVViillJ.I. membershlu In a membership In the Y. W. C. A. a Christmas gift. 1 1 id -I' NVA NTK1) FE.MA LK Agvruta and Saleswomen. WANTED-Chrlstlan lady as solicitor. O 762, care Bee LADY representatives In towns und cities to u. t us local agent for ParlMaa Model corsets An excellent opportunity Is offered for permanent incumo. Wrlto at 40ce for territory and terms. Desk D-3, Parisian Corset Co., Cincinnati, O.' llt-rleal and Office. Bookkeeper, must be competent, $76. Bookkeeper and stenographer, $.5. Bookkeeper, lumber, $66. Th 1 eo poaltion urn with flrst-clus.s firms. If Interested sec ua Monday morning. Cil-OPKRATIVi: REFERENCE CO. 1016-16 City Nutlonal Bunk Bldg. Ilonar Ueepa-ra aud Domestic. THE SERVANT GIRL PROBLEM SOLVED The Bee will run your Domes tic Help Wanted ad FREE until, you gt the desired results. Bring your ad to The Bee office or telephone Tyler H0. 7. .rtl, for general housework; small family; best wages. Inquire HZi Capitol Ave. W A.. - ED Good tvuinun to work by lha day: white preferred, 4:6 N. 38th Pt AN T K D Good girl for general house work. 3229 llarnev St. WANTED A girl for getieial liouae work; two In family; fcood wuts. DoUs'c.