mi; omaiia m:ndav r.i;i;: Novi;.ir.i;i m. urn. p. ? .-ft u ji ,,:,,r hi:iiol, i Appli lon'i i nititii; I' I lie Coo'l-l ,". .'"Oil vurrtw ft in t' "0 jaiil null ctnls . t-ilkolmc. cood heavy Roods, Z'j- Blanket and Comfortable Sale We have juM received iiiU' n number of Blankets ami (Jullt from I astern Mill, ImhikIiI off I ho floor li clear up Msrk, at prices rotiMdorahly below tin? roM of man ufaititic, hiuI will he on mle Monday 0 psir.4 of wool Mnnkcts, Puritan, mode to nell lit SI 2.50 pair, Monday only. $4.4. pairs if llils'lulc, vol tli $l?r,d, pair 97.60 . i pairs if llnyal Hose, worth $rr.n, lHlr 97.60 l"'i pail i.f blankets made In m il Hi Is Mi. Num. mi, linn, j-' ami I'M."., nil hi, .Mir 94.48 have ihnu.'.aiid of pair thHt v Ml Pi ri'l'i.-. to sell hi BOo, B9o, 78o, So, $1.07, 91-95, 91.50 op to 96.00 f'oni frtc rm nt nil prl'"". Mo, 7Bc, Bllo, 91.00, 91. its, Sl.&O, 92.00 up to 910 OUTIMO ri.AllfEL8. .mn.-krac lulling" Flannel, bst luiiiln .... lOo Anderson's niitiim Flannels, regular J : i ji- n nl 8'ao Yard w pin I 'dallies, fine coloring for pulls 10c Cotton plaid. 1'iillun Shepherd i Ik-i k Mini other c In worth yard 13'o l.niMI vurdj. oT remnants of table ihi musk, worth up 1 1. .Mi yan1, will Mi Hi, yard 3 So, 39c, 49o, 69q i-!,-iiliir . 7,o piece 5o wnrt'.i . IOC xra Value-Giving in Sheets, Bed Spreads and Pillow Cases. Linen Depf. for Monday Iniporli'il 'Marseilles. lVtl SpreivK lull size, as.sort nl patterns, scalloped witb cut coiners, worth ",'. 70, sale priee. cadi, at $o.50 Imported soft quilted Marseilles Bid Spreads, full size, hem nil. Rood value ot $1.00; sale prior, each $2.50 Big niHortim-nl. hemmed und I'rinjJVd, straight, or cut corn ers Crochet, lied Spreads, worth a . 0 " ; walo pi Ice u.b $1.08 Fringed or lie mined II nil Spreads crochet with Mar seilles patterns, full slue, worth $-.00; pale prleu cHi li . . $1,125 Full nlze, 76x90, strong and durulilo Bed Sheets, Trench seam, worth 75c; salo price, cu.h 550 Grand asKonment Pillow Cuses, well miido and Kood for wear, all sizes, worth 18c; sulo price, eucU 12'( Ribbon Sale Momlay Mill ho lh big ofH-n. ItiK salo day or llolldnjr llll. hiin. I'laln iunl Fancy Itlhhoiis of orry MnMildo kind and color all width bo on Male nt irrenlly rcilin1.:! prices Monday. Narrow liuby Hlbbons, 10 jar a , ara, which m No. 1! lUbbons. Satin or Uros Grain, nt yard No. 5 Taffeta Uihhoug t. .'Jt 0c. lillibunfl on salo J U: Hlbbous on salo. . . -T'C 2&c Klbhonn on sale 10 50c Fancy Ribbon at... lluy Your Holiday Hlbbons Now Handkerchiefs , new line of very fin Linen and SwInm llandkert'litefs. I'laln or embroidered, also a fine Hue of Initial Haudkor chtefs. . Special salo prices Monday, 2Hc 5r,.74c lOc to 350 Auto Scarfs A tarry a most complete line of these most practical and useful articles of women's apparel; nearly every color or Myle you could iiuaglue; cholco vuluea at to J5 Some Strong Draw ing Cards Monday In Our Busy Domestic Room rulnK an up do in innnenne qua mi lie direct from fho tnanu fiu-urer ve'r In n position (o give you K'xx's of guaranteed (piallty at lew price than clewhcre. Hn't Mls Then Monday lnr KaliiN. '. I'epp.-rel J lleu.c hed, rrmilar .lre "uc anl 194o 9 4 Ahioi Pl.-B hc1, rrmilar pi P-o :..u hiu is,o t.oimdMle, yanl wide, icrnuluo w rt 1. -1 , 10: ruxul.ir 9J,0 Il'ipn, yard wide, nenuliie artP In, 10c reuular, yard eo MaHonvlllp. yard wide, very heavy. regular prlro lJljt 9o Ilutitera liciice, rcKflur I Or. valur, at B40 t'amhrlc '. '. rd wltla unbliarlicd HllCl'llllR Bo HEADY MADE IKEBTI AmaiiaMta, 1i;x'J'). Iniivy, Una Htmrt, Wurlli i .".-' SUo Halveilers. Mxno, iieavy, flna rliet, .rlli 1100 S40 WaniNiitU, Hlx'.0, bent ulieet In tlm world, worth II I", on milo nt 78a !lipeta at liif, 4Sc, 6iii', 6Hc, liui' iiml HP In 91-35 Pillow Hhpa c. 10c, lie, 12c 15c. I He. iuo, and a So TOWELS All klmla of tnnelx. Iluik. llutli. Hainahk, Huh lry; etc., at he. 10c, 12HiC each, and lip to 750 BEDIFKBADS At (9c. 79.'. 1.UU, l.:r,, 11.60, I? 01 and up to 910 Dress Trimming Sale Monday wo will begin a great Special sale of llress Trimming which will continue, throughout Um entire week. lOvery plwe of l'anry lh-eas TrlinniliiR in the entire stock will be offered durlnn tliU sale nt (.really ljeaa Than Worth. Ail the latest novelties In fine Ilanda, Ornanienta, (.arnltuie. tVirdlllcra, fir., offeretl nt inoxt reinarkahle dlcount In thin aale. I'rlcea Mondiiy and all week, at, per yard U'itf to $15.00 Don't Miss This Sale Mail Orders filled from daily ads, except in case of Hour Sales or when other wise mentioned. Great Sale of Winter Un derwear continues all this week. Values shown Satur day will be duplicated, even surpassed. Extraordinary Values in Dependable Silks for Monday A special showing of bordered effects in Satin, Poplins and Serges; also costume velvets and Corduroys, greatly underpriced. .Ml Silk MtsHline ut ."Kc Browns, Scarlet, Coral, Myrtle, Slher Cirey, Alice or Delft Blue, Taupe, wine, Finks. alBO 10 different combina tions In Novflty MeRHalines and Hatin Barred Plaid Hllks; regular 11.00 yard values, at 58c Genuine It. & T. Silk Poplins All perfect goods fresh, from the mills, no soconda or Job lols, 42 to 48 inches vldo; regular values tip to $2. '.'3 Er.'.f $1.25 and $1.50 $1.25 Imperial All Silk Dress Messalines in full line of street tind evening shinies, .")(.) different eolors, :it, per yjinl 89 reie d t hlnc and Salin luii inciise. alao .leleror Satin CrepeB, heautiful Kofi clinajina; furlcs, fine line of wanted shades, at, per yard OMl' $1.3'J o $2.08 JM.."n Ithick hi cms I Van de Sole, no t glove flnlhh, ;!6 inches wide, yard f)8 $t.7il Black Satin IMicIiphs ',',(', inches wide, all Silk, nt, per yard $1.25 Black lire Taffeta.--Fine, lualrotis, Zi inches wide; on sale, at, per jard $1.J5 Black Silk MesHalines, HO inches wide, firm heavy quality; at, per yard 89 WE GUARANTEE WEAR OF ALL OUR BLACK SILK. it !fl r ' -ft a ( t i 6 m. a T .JUL Coats, Furs, Suits, Dresses Values that comparison will prove superior in all respects to any other offerings in Omaha, at sale prices. New arrivals give you matchless assortments for selection Monday. Come early. 200 Beautiful French Seal Plush Coats, also Sealettc co.'itvS, fine imported garments, Skinner satin dAf lined, values, 54 inches long, in all sizes aftja! 14 yrs. to 46 ineh bust, on sale, elioicu 300 Handsome Novelty Coats $18.50 values, iu all the newest stylos, on sale Monday at $10.00 Little Women's and Misses' Coats A big new line of clever new designs, attrac tive bargains; $10, $12.50, $15, $18 to ...425.00 SOME WONDERFUL BARGAINS IN FURS Beautiful Fur Sets Values to $40.00, in lied Fox or Natural Wolf, 011 sale, at $25.00 Canadian Mink Coats Ele gant garments, sold regu larly at $100.00, elioiee, at .' $69.00 Hand Bag Sale The most exteuaivo and complete we bavo over shown, Including l'lush, Satin, Velvet, Suede, Fur, TapcHtry, Ijuo and all the var ious line of 1Pthcr llaa. every coticelTable style; you'll find them most attractive values, ot 191 to $25.00 For your own use or as a gift you cannot find more pleasing assortments for selection. See Our Special Window Display of Itags and Fancy leather Good. Long Near Seal Coats XXXX quality, regular $75.01) values, at $55.00 Tailored Suits Half and Less $10.00 Tailored Suits ..$5.00 $15.00 Tailored Suits ..$7.50 $25.00 Tailored Suits $12.50 $30.00 Tailored Suits $15.00 $50.00, $60.00 and $75.00 Tailor ed Suits $25.00 Misses' Party Dresses A beau tiful new line Ijust received, regular $1S, $'20 and $25 val ues, at, choice $14.90 Russian Pony Fur Coats Finely marked furs with rich brocaded linings, coats iu the lot that are bargains at $S5.00, choice $59.00 An elegant line of Jap and American Mink Sets, almost unlimited assortment of styles, choice values Monday at $35, $45, $59, $69 to . . . .$290.00 Ladies Wool Breakfast Shawls Values to $1, choice ..35c Percale and Flannelette Wrap pers, $1.50 values, on sale 95c Ladies' Panama Dress Skirts Values to $5.00, nt ..$1.95 Children's Coats Values to $5, sizes 2 to 14, at $1.95 One Lot of Fur Scarfs that should sell at and are great values at $1.50, on sale, while they last, choice 75( Thanksgiving Linens Special Bargains in Our Linen Department Monday High grade hemmed Fa I tern Table strictly pure linen, size 8x111, wortli $.'1.00; sale price, each. - at 91.93 tgs&i; High grade unheinrned Pattern j T:ihl! Clotlm. slrii-ilv imrn Y A , . t. , f flax, sizeSxS, worth $2.75 sale price, each $1.98 Manufacturers' sample lengths of Table Damask, 2, 2 i and 3 yds. long, worth double; per yard, t $1.00 Puro Linen Dinner Napkins, as sorted patterns, full bleached, pood values at $3.00 a dozen fale price, six for $1.23 rrt if i t I xw r i -ii'j l wt mt ii kr aai Hemmed ond Hemstitched 1 luck Towels, full size, warranted all puro flax, well worth 30c, sale price, each C5 Extra large hemmed Oriental Turkish Bath Towels, heavy twisted thread, worth TiOc, salo price, nich 20 f RUGS First showing of the New Spring 1912 Patterns Mon day with special bargain offerings that surpass all competition. TAPKSTKV P.ni SSIXS KFGS. 10-6x13-6 size, seamless, regular $25.00 values, at $l!.OS 10-6x12 size, seamless, regular $22.50 values, at $17.98 8-3x10-6 size, Beamles3, regular $15.00 palues, at $11.98 9x12 size, seamless, regular $18.0o values, at $13.98 7-6x9 size, seamless, regular $12 values, at $S.98 6x9 size, seamless, regular $10.00 values, at $0.98 $:iO.0O Axminster Burs 9x12 size, on sale $19.98 $i;t.50 Seamless Hrubsols I tun, 9x12 size, great snap. . .$9.98 $22.00 Seamless Velvet Hurs, 9x12 size, great snap at $14.75 Cocoa Mats, up from 59 85c Surfaced Linoleum, 12 feet w-ide, good patterns, at per square yard (9 7-ft. Water Color Window Shades, on sale at 25V Oilcloth Stove Hugs, up from 50 Draperies Some special Monday offer ings that will be vt keen inter est to all economical buyers. Lace Curtains, worth to $3.00 pair, one to three pairs of u kind: bin assortment for se lection, pair $-1.50 Ice Curtains, worth to $."i.00 pair, one to three pairs of a kind; big assortment; on sale, vair $2.50 lave Curtains, worth $2.23 puir, full size, in. ecru or white; on sole. I'air $1.15 Portieres for lHiubln floors lieds, greens or browns, with Persian borders; specials at . . . . JM.0, $3.50 up line Line of Couch Covers All kinds and colons choice val ues; on sale at l.-3, $1.50, $.50 to ?H.OO 7V Bungalow Nets, 4 3 inches wide, extra special, yd. -39 BOe Drapery Silks, ;!6 inches wide, figured and plain, for overdrapes; snap at, yd.38 35c Reversible Scrims, 4 0 in. wide; on sale, yard....25) 13c Curtain Swiss, big assort ment of pretty patterns, per rard 12H ) Some Rousing Dress Good Bargains Assortments that will please the most particular: vames mat will delight the most economical buyers Arlington Mills and Amoskejur Serges, $1.50 yard values, 50 and 54 inches wide, pure wool, all thoroughly sponged and shrunk, at 98 (I2.U0 and $2.30 Yard Dress Good Broken lines from regular Etock Scotch homespuns, re versible sorges, English tweeds, etc.; the season's best; on sale at $1.25 and $1.50 I'laln ami Novelty Dress Good Regular $1.50 yard values, 54 and 66 inches wide serges, di agonals, broadcloths, semi-rough suiUngs, etc.; at yd 9y ?1.00 Wool Taffetas at 7e- A fine lino of imported wool taf fetas, in 20 different shades, best $1.00 yard values shown in Omaha; at yard Tfiv A GKL'AT SPhClAI, BARGAIN COUNTF.R OF DRI SS iMMihS-Cn tainlng a splendid line of plain aud novelty dress goods, including serges, Panamas, cheviots, plaid novelties, shepherd checks, etc. ; values to $1.50 yard, at yard ass .i8 aml 6gk Zt Winter's Coal Supply & ftr. We proini.se you a neat saving in your COAL bill if you'll be sure to Use HAI DKN'S RoYAIs Lump or nut r ton $0.50 Hot, (lean, liktiiiK, for Furnace or RaiiKe, 11A1DUVS M'Lt l.l Lump or nut er ton $(S.OO Coal Department In our Grocery Sectiou. Bargains in Wash Goods Department lor Monday 36-ln. Cotton Challies and Flun nelettes. Persian stripes and fig ures, all our 15c goods, at & yard 10? 36-ln, Percales, light aud dark colors, neat patterns, at a yard 12Vit 27-tn. Poplins, In all the newest ahades, at . .3k' :Mc and 25 Gli-iu. Madrus, neat patterns, goods worth up to 39c, Monday, at 25 Cipro. an lOidi-rdown for bath rolie. aood colors and pattiM'na, at yd. S8o Hatli Holio lllankpts, lull Mine, a;oud wplicht, a fc-ood an.Horlinpnt to cIioohi. frtim, clinlce 99.49 liuby Hl.i ik.-tn. fhiIi ..75o, 6 Bo, BOo Monday's Extra Barg'ns in Hardware ISO. K. Washing Machine, nt $5.75 No. 3 Western Washer ,at $3.25 No. 2 Western Washers, at. .......... . .$2.98 $5 Ball Bearing Wringers, 3-year guarantee, at $3.-19 Folding Wringer Bench for 2 tubs, at.$)l9 No. 1 Heavy Galvanized Tubs, at 39 No. 2 Heavy Galvanized Tubs, at 49 No. 3 Heavy Galvanized Tubs, at 59 No. 1 Extra Heavy Wringer, with attacU nt. at J9 .o. extra Heavy, with wrlniter at tached, at 79o No. .1 ixlru heavy, with wringer at tached, ut 89o FoldliiK Clothes Hack, 6 ft. apread, at 98o Folding Ironing Jl.xods, at ....91-95 1" -it. ri&lvaiiiKi-il puila. at 1B l:-qt. Kiilvanlzed puila, at 900 M-qt. Kalvunlzed pull, at 9 60 .ii) clot lies pin, at 9o J 1.00 Willow (.'lollies Banket, at 59o Tit v LHiaYOLl'S FoirsH: Special Flour Saie Monday M want every housekeeper in Omaha to try a sack of llaydon's DiarnonH 11, that ia Kiiaranteod to xlve perrect batlNfaction or your money refunded. It's made from the finest selected wheat, and meana a Bavins to you of Ru centH a nark on your houKokeepintf expenses. Monday, par 48-lb. aaok 9139 w.i in nuiiiicii nur. .i . una nest '-reamery uutter, bulk or 9 Hih. best White or Yellow Corii- I carton, per lb ::i.. meal lor 15c I Hirdini Midi It Poaalbla for fh 8 lbs. bet rolled lireakfast Oatmeal for only a:,u 6 lbs. eoyd Japan Hire, 1'rjC qualitv, for 25c 3 lbs. fancy Japan Head Klce 25c 2 pkgs. Diamond II sclf-ralvlna; Pan cake flour j.i,o Yellow cana Ooldnn Tabl Syrup.. a5o The best k'lnestlc Macaroni, at, per pack uk e Oil or mustard Sardine, per can... 4c Tho bet .oda or oytstor crackers at, per pound So Hromun folon, Jellycou or Jell-O. per package T'.jO The best mixed bird aeed, per lb.Jfec Cioldeu Santos enffee, per lb The best tea niftinK per pound. ll-c The befct mixed nutx, per pound ... 1 '.c 7 -frown new Kins, per lb '0i: Bnttar, Battarlna and Cliaaia Bala. L' lbs. gO'id tluiterine 2ic I'.ood table botlerlnc, jier Hi lie L' lha. fancy table butter 4o Full cream, VA'lor.onaln cheeaclb. 1 iu Paopla of Omaha to aat rrasb Vg. iiniii ini saar aoiua. licud and compare these prices: 2 heads I'rcsh leaf lotto. -e 3 large bunches fancy Texas radishes for 10c 3 larse bunches fancy xha lot uo 3 large bunches lancy Texas carrotf for 100 S larRe bunches fancy Texas beets. 10c 3 large ounchea fancy Texas turnips for 10c I.arKi) head lettuce, each 1 0.- I.arae cucumbers, each "'ie Fancy California cauliflower. Hi.7'iC Fancy California ripe torr u toes, at, per pound 72i: Fancy cnbbase, per lb I 'Jo Fancy Hubbard Sipiash, per lb.. I -.:: Fancy Hrussels vproutN, por lli....1..c Fancy Cape Cod cranberries, u.t...lo: 3 buni hes fre.sh parsley ,.i: Jerey nweet pi.tatiws lb :;'..i: Cdd beets, carrots, lurriipn, I'Simupm. at, per pound -'c i MILADY'S LID'SA WONDER l Variations in Shapes and Colors in Winter Millinery. SOME OID-TIMEHS ARE REVIVED . hmtart ( realloua In Ikr Kluaalna ! I'liiiaf. and rlui.li, I'ura aad Klowrra, l.a.'e autl llalnbi. Itlbl.on, It Is a plcuKure to n'pu. t the fa. I that velvet and hllk flowers uie beliiK oin and aliown 011 the smart hats, tiard. niur, which aic bo etfi'otive on fur and vrltti, i fcro being UJ, as well an lai g 1 ul In r flat rowt and popplci, in bl.i I. u'i in Ii dark t-hadiH of vrlnl. Small (.arluipls of satin aud Mlk 1imh in Wall. 111 and loccx'-o roloiinys uie alco ui'i--ui ink. ppt'fckJ aialiii t a sod in.'li -Km 01 other lur or pluiih but ksroun 1. Tlo s.- aie un d for the younger tienerai'.un and even tor tna baby's bonnet, but thy an' 111 iu wise toiifiiirl to that sphere, for ouo nrounttrs hats for tho elder decidedly older by the way trimmed in Huh uian net. tho loliuge usually bflr,;," dull Fold. I. rouxv, ailvrr or chenille. Small fiulls, eirtuud In chenille, are also uaud for the kiddles and their elder Uhlvin. I'i1ugo coatliiuea to find ready sale, tv nl lops are coining In vogue aalti on I .wars and tuoie, but let us Inultn to udd that the touch of time has been kind for they are minus their uulovellness und j come to us with modern linpioveiiiculs, I so 'o speak. I'roinliieace uf I. ace. I White lace Venetian, filet, Irish clO- I diet hi bands-Is In goal demand for I trimming pin poses. Home of the hlh trowced Pierrot huts- a. sli.lpo which has tuken a new leaso of life have some tinea a three-liuh band of lace, bout??! round tho crotwi 111 a splial of two evolu tions. A elocho will have a blnlo wide bund covering two-thirds of tho brlnl from the lae to the cionp. Ninlehes and other shapes coming down over the lean-, liuludiiiK the coronet to.iie with a hliih puddlm,'-tuiN.H 1 row 11, will have a baud i'f luvo ci'iiwiilng the front from cur to cur, aometliuos iiioiiutel 111 a wldu ' ribbon, the 1 nds of which, fastened by a ri.sette of the same, haul; loose or are knotted under tno thlKnoii and 111 some cut-eft under the vhm. I. uie bunds uie ol'leu hoi d red with' Hallow folds of ermine, rial 01 mole-.-kin, tin- addltcnul trimming consisting 1 of a cockade made of any one of the three or of Hie brown or tray eklu mixed with white or ermine tails. ! t ar as Trlmualaw fur W later Hats, Milliners are doing a great dial with fur for w limning purposes. The skins of martens and bands of skunk figure oil many of the better velvet hats, more Xn and wraps along with many old-j especially of lasiiloited materials, and this idea appeals blown color. alt-o on )ata. rivet brocade la another old tuner re vived. Indeed many of the hats und gjwus Uauk baik to a period uf iwtuly a deep crimson or ruddy An ermine pelt makes a ri fnt trimming for a det p blue or blui k velvet hat. There is lather a fancy In use moleskin for trimming seal brown beaver and tukk tarty flue li. aad bio a furs for aray and diati hats, thus carry ing the, fur Idea throughout, with a touch ot color In the cliupo of a large dahlia or chrysanthemum bulli up of satin rib bon. For the covering of such hats b!at k velvet divides favor with plush Iu fur colors, beaver felts being also used. particularly those Imitating seal, ermine und tnolcsUn so closely as to bo easily mistaken for the pelts themselves. The drawback of Iieavy shapes bus been gen erally recognised, and for this reason alone fur shapes would meet with little approval, especially us the same effects are obtained with Iclts and certain makes of plush, which ure comparatively quite light. Illltbnua llreomloa Popular. Itibboiib ure coming to the front as a In with a iiish after bavins aufteied some neglect. Choice lies between satin, taffeta, faille and velvet ribbons, all of the plain sort. One of the purposes to which they aia put is us u binding for bat brims, generally large shapes ami the trimming 1.1 caiTlfd out In the Mine. Some times the libbon used for binding Is shirred but whether hlrird or !hiii It Is nv uuued to be prettv w tile and ov erlats tie I edge as deeply on one side as on the other. A giay velvet sh.vpe with the brim turned up all the way around Is liound ! with saim ribbon to match, nearly cover lug the rolled-up portion. This is trimmed . with a fan arrangement consisting of seviral tiers of ribbon loops, held in by a large buckle made of dull sliver galon. I l.ut often a bright nolo Is strut k by the I ribbon. Thus a coronet toipie lit tde de Juegte btowo velvet is uiuiuivd with 1 lb- may be conjectured they aie only seen on felt shapes, generally of the soft sort. Farly Notes of Sprlug. As regards shapes the new styles will follow on the sombrero styles now iu use, with u tendency to run to higher crowns. They have the advantage of beiiu; very with crude empire greens and magenta comfortable to wear and this may help reds, und toiincs made entirely ot two to keep them iu favor. In tho larger shades of brigut porcelain blue, Willi vel- hats there Is an inclination to lengthen vet and falllo ribbons w ound together, I the brims at the back and decrease the close-fitting turban lusliion. ending up In width nt tho front, this, of course, is a lopping sheaf of loops of the two. in keeping villi tne iaea mat an lai boll of cerise faille, twisted twice round It and then lied iu front In a big bow of six loops, each of which is wired so as to give it a point like a donkey's ear. l.atge soli chalk white felt shapes are trimmed not only with ribbon of soft nattier shades of blue and green, hut It Is only the most artificial rendering of nature's handiwork that goes just now, though a freh demand for ribbon flowers ulone keeps the trade from slag nation. To thesM many petaled compli cated blossoms have been added others carried out in black velvet and bright trimming will be placed at the back of the crown. One very striking large hat which will be one of the eurly spring modes has a small, round crown with brim tlopuig well at the bark, and the front thrown right over from the Hat, entirely hiding colored satins, suggestive of huge peony the crown. Another change for next nea or double l-oppy buds, the satins (closely ' son will be a new girls' bat to take the crumpled) representing tho bulging pet- place of the present sailor. The new pat als. and the velvet the cahx. 1 have fon ' h. giaceful lines Instead of the hard llne Joined into a (sarland by gi ten j hues of the present sailor. I have seen stalks used to encircle a broad brlmnied j '"" of thee new sailors in wear, und black velvet hat. 1 o"e is tafo in saying that they will take Flowers are also made I,. Berlin wool lllir Placc 1,1 ""8' w'ai ' ens net work, simple forms being selected j A regards colors, nothing sensational and rendered In etude vellows. reds, vio-ji looked foe. Natural colors in plaits lets und blues, combined with white, HI be " demand and color cl'lc-t will made up Into sprays with haves produced 1 be left to the trimming. In the same way in green wool. The I As a gloat word, millinery fancy plaits latest of these ornaments Is a bunch of ' w 111 be almost a dead letter, plateaux grapts with leaves and tendrils composed and wide t'.rtps taking their place for entirely of wool, the bei rles being fluffy millinery use. New York M.llinery Trade bulls such as children play with, l.ut I Kev lew. las only white or one coioied arn Is 1 MADE FOR HUSBANDS ONLY Chicago Preacher Formulates Ten 1 ontJiieadments for Head of the Ilooae. j used, tha effect Is lees gaiish, sttli the best that call be said of them la that I ithry withstand wind, and w eatiiar. A j4ici Using. The key to success it iusiiie;s is the Judicious and pcititlui. u;e vt newspaper Rev. William li. Millard, peilor of the Morgan Park Congregational church, Chicago, lays down tlies-o coniniajidments for fathers and husbands: 1. Thou shalt have no woman except thy wife. 2. Thou shalt not neglect thy home for lodge, or club, or fruternity, or sa loon, or any male meeting place of auy kind whatsoever. 3. Thou shalt not be a gallant In so ciety, a diplomat in business, and an autocrat ut home. 4. Thou shalt not compel thy wife to ask for every needed penny, neither rhult thou dole out the same like sour faced charity. j. Thou sliult not allow thy wife to become a household drudge, enslaved by cook Move, broom, and babies. ii. Thou shalt not smoke Id cent cigars and wear silU socks while thy wife wears last jear'a hat and thy sons wear rai.d-nie-dow 11 pants. 7. Thou shalt not quaff the flowing bowl, sit iu at poker, or play the races, on ain of tby son's damnation. S. Thou shalt not neglect needful dis cipline, lest thy sons and thy daughters stray into crooked paths; neither shalt thou be a harsh and hard handed tyrant, lest thy children desplve thee and thy teachings. , (V Thou shalt not nrgiact the education ot thy children in o:der that they, with ! Immaturo tttength und unprepared minds, may help thee hear the burden of support. 10. Thou shalt not farm out the ie- 1 llgious training of thy children to any minister, Sunday school teacher, religious zealot of any kind, or eve:i to then mother. Thou th.vself ehult Instruct them In righteousness and shalt lead them in the puth which giowetli brighter and brighter unto tho perfect day. The kiy 10 success In buslnefs is ths Judicious and persistent use of newspaper advertising. Dm btfj FBaiuet. Sanatorium This institution is the only oik In the central west with M-.patatf. buildings situated iu their own ample grounds, et entirelv distinct and rendering it possible to classify cases. The one building being fitted for and devoted to the treatment vl noncontagious aud nonmental diseases, 110 otheis be ing admitted. The other Best Cottage being di tidied for and devoted to the eiclusito treatment of select mental cases, re:ulrinb for a tiinu watchful euro and spe cial cursing. i. I . . "' 111 '