Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2

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in 1 1 u i
volume of their business, which would
entail endless hardship and great loni
;llngs unconstitutional after the trial
l KM.
"It can hardly be claimed that the
possibility of losa crowing out of the
trial would constitute special circum
stances as contemplated In the decision
of the court.
"It therefore follows that this court
cannot take Jurisdiction of the habeas
corpus proceedings jhere under the. clr-
CUIQIuncvi oow jrrrniou. juuiw.vr
appears that the district court has full
Jurisdiction of thst matter and has passed
on that question and to take the ease
at this time would practically amount to
an attempt to review the decisis' of
that court.
"For these reason .the motion to quash
and vacate the order granting the writ
and dlsmles the . petition, . mut he
granted." ,
WAtfauxatOX, Nov. ll.-Ths Depart
ment of Justice wUl fight the effort of
the Chicago meat . packers to secure a
stay of proceedings.
, (Continued front First Page.)
Yuan Mil Kat announced today that the
rebere attacked the imperial forces near
Hankow yesterday. There was fierce
fighting, but the rebel army was re
pulsed ylth considerable loss. ,
Judges Selected
for Big Sheep Show
The premium Met has been compiled for
the Mid-Western Sheep show to be held
here la connection with the convention
next month of the National Wool Grow
ers' association, and the total cash value
la CX.
Jodgea hare been selected aa follows:
II. I Compton, Kyle, O.I K. li. Bhew of
the bureau of animal Industry, Washing
ton, I. C; F. M. Cleaver, Delaware, O.,
secretary of the American and Delaine
Merino Sheep Breeders' association, and
J. J Casey of South Omaha, bead sheep
bnyrV for "Armour Jk Co. Mr, Caaey will
judge the fat classes. '
CHICAGO, Nov. I. Ch arses that wit
nesses In tho trial of Lee O'Nell Browne
for alleged bribery In the election ot WI1
liam Larimer, as United Stetees senator,
were taken about Chicago and with the
concent of the state's attorney ware
"given liquor so they would talk freely,"
were today denied by Assistant Attorney
Victor P. Arnold before the investigation
SEATTLE. Wash., Nor. U.-Mre. Sarah
Coetello, defendant la a . suit In the.
superior court Involving i00. Instructed
ber counsel today to excuse from the Jury
bos. two women and accept a Jury com
posed entirely of men. She did not know
the women Jorore, but did not wish them
to sit In ber case.
Diamonds Yhat all Appreciate
Particular and refined people appreciate gifts of Jewelry more
than auy thing else that can be selected. A small article from a
reliable Jewelry store a ring, scarf pin, brooch, le valllero. or
perhaps, a perfect, scintillating diamond. Is what )ou have In m'.nd
for your dearest friend. Such a gift Is certain to plea and to be
remeii.terd for many years. The. suggestion here ror Christmas
presents will enable you to secure Juet the gift you desire, and at
a price that will meet with the approval of your purse. , .
Examine our U -carat Diamond Tt flimy Rings at IZCO. We
have others ut to f (uO.OS. all sold under guarantee to refund pur
chase price Use ten per cent at any time within one year.
Of Special Interest to the
Woman with a Modest Sum
to Spend for Her Suit
You liavo perhaps deliiyod your purchase thua far be
cause you wanted a suit with the distinguishing features
of the best models, but found tho prices, usually attendant,
to bo prohibitive.
Our buying efforts this seasou were concentrated upon
suits which could be Bold 'at prices' far below those you
would expect for suits so distinctively and handsomely
modeled as these.
The fabrics, the colors, and tho trimmings are- fully as
beautiful as those in suits which command much higher
prices elsewhere.
Br getting your suit now you have the advantage of choosing
from full asrortments ycu will be sure to find Just the atyle which
best lults your requirements. Then, too, you will obtain a full season's
service, and the chief pleasure to be derived from a suit Is In baring
It WHEN you want and need It,
The Junior sizes, In which many women of small and medium
stature are fitted, stsrt In price at
and from that figure range at 119.75, $22.50, $23.00 and up.
The Small Women's Sizes start la price at
and from that range at 125.00, $29.78
i I I sb at eeav
Anniversary of Manchester Martyrs
j MstbMsi, ,, i,., ,,,,, r
X j
Kearney Military
LosesJFast Game
Q RAND ISLAND. Neb., Nov. It. Spe
cial Telegram.) Kearney Military acad
emy lost to the Orand Island Business col
lege yesterday by the score of t to S. It
was a clean game throughout and the
weather was Ideal. The first soore was
made by Kearney on a drop kick from
the field. Armstrong, for the business
college, soon followed with a drop kick,
netting three for the locals. Drumm car
ried the ball over the Academy line for
five points and Burrltt added another
point by kicking goal.
The lineup:
Uurrltt tC.
Kennedy ...
Limmer ....
Helmers ....
Crouland ...
Armstrong .
. Mitchell
...... Linn
... Booker
J. Kuiin
. M. Negio (I')
U Lrlun
Congress Adjourns
KANSAS C1TT. Mo., Nov. li.-After
selecting bait I-ake City. Utah, aa the
meeting place for 1313 and Kansas City,
Mo., as official headquarters, the twenty,
second annual session ot the Transml
slsslppl Commercial congress adjourned
this afternoon. v
WASHINGTON, Nov. 1.-In order to
maintain the parity ot the postal savings
bonds the trustees ot the postal savings
banks today announced that they would
purchase these securities at par from
persons compelled to relinquish their In
vestment. This action resulted from the
I recent report that the market value of
these bonda Is only ninety-two.
and up.
i CI
Thursday evening, November 28, tho Em
mett Monument association ot Omaha will
honor the forty-fourth anniversary of the
execution of the Manchester martyrs
Allen, Irkln and O'ljrien at Crelghton
auditorium. . Rev. Mlc,baei Allen Rhine,
one ot the most' finished orators in Ne
brankaaJid 'a historical' scholar of mora
than local repute, will deliver the ad
dress; lie, will ,'illscuss thy, rise, of the
Fenian movement in IrelaAd and America
and the causes leading thereto, with
special reference to the uprising in
England that led to-'-the- capture and
execution of the men whose death fur
nished tho Inspiration for the song, "Clod
Pave Ireland."
Resides the address of Father Shine a
very fine program of mimic, songs and
readings has been prepared. All the Irian
societies of Omaha and Houtli Omaha
will participate, their officers having
eats on the platform. Colonel P, C.
lleafey will preside at the meeting, and
the present indications are that the at
tendance will be large.
Fifteen Men Drowned
in River Near Quebec
BOSTON. Nov. 1!. The high gales of
the last forty-eight hours have caused
tho destruction or serious injury ot a
dosen or more sailing craft, while at
least a score ot seamen have perished.
The wont disaster was that which befslT
the Norwegian full-rlgged ship Antigua,
at Martin river, below Quebeo. A violent
gale drove the big vessel on the rocks
last night and of the crew of eighteen
men fifteen perished.
The schooner 1 tasks, which left Port
land on November t for Boston, is re
ported missing, and It Is feared It en
countered the full force of the gales.
DETROIT, Nov. IS, Almost a sore vof
damaged vessels In places of refuge, a
number ot deaertud bargee left to the
mercy ot the elements, several costly
vessels aground, many sailors cared tor
at life saving stations and the prospects
that the life savers must battle through
out the night to prevent loss of Uvea
such Is already the partial toll of a fierce
gale and billiard which raged on Lakes
Huron and Michigan ' and across the
Straits ot Mackinac today and tonight
The Immanuel Baptist Sunday School
orchestra will give a concert, assisted
by Miss Belie von Mauafelde, cellist; Miss
Martha Orym, soprano; W. L.'Hetherlng-
ton, violinist, and the church choir, at
the church. Twenty-fourth and Plnkney
streets, Thursday eveulng November ti,
at t 14 o'clock. Following is the program:
Greeting, overture Frans Mahl
"Wings of Love," rverie.,Tbeo. Bendlx
'Rejoice and Give Thanks and Sing"
Notturno (Opus , No. S) tloltermann
Mls Uelle vou Manfelde.
Serenade-, "bventkte" Ripley
Celebrated waits from "II Travatore,"
Soirano solo Selected
Mlfta Martha Orym.
"Miss Antique,'" a novelutte....Trlnkaus
(a) "Cansonetta" A. d'AmbrVialo
d), "iSchun itosmarlii "... Kriis Kriesler
W. lletherlDgton.
(a), "I Cygnn" C. Balnt-Saana
Vb, "To the Kvenlng Htar" Wagner
Miss von kiansfelde.
"Cnder the Double Eagle," march....
' Wagner
Ieea Ne-wa Notes.
HARLAN Karl McCamley. a son of
a prominent family of this city was takea
Into custody by Hherirf McMahon. uiwn
statutory charges filed by Mini Jarre
uciKiwnlt o( Avoca, la. A urvlltamerT
hearing will be held In Avces. The Mo-
camieya formerly nsilded In A voce.
HARLAN Christian Hack, a resident
of this city tor sevexe.1 years, died at his
noma yeMernar. lie was 77 years of ee
ana a v outran, or mej civu war.
HARLAM-Oarfleld Fttervan. traffic
aiiarr far lt Uuantaaemo A tl'mtm
railruad iu Cuba, la in toe city vucltlng
hla mother. Mr. Paraa s a graduate
o Anaaa coUeca and has stwut aevvral
'ara la laa cnual sa ane la Ha
a till eervral WW Ames gradaace. are
to be eraditea wua bruacinsT tsw nulnitej
Ui Cuba t taotr prareut siaurtara.
Mrs. Flora Hamilton Cassell Killed
on Prairie in Runaway.
Was Former President of Nebraska
Womaa'e Temperance talon
Wife of a Well Known
DENVER, Colo., Nov. IS. Dragged over
five miles of rough country roads by a
runaway team of bronchos, which she
herelf had broken to harness, Mrs. Flora
Hamilton Cassell, 13 years old, a hymn
writer of national prominence, and former
president of the Nebraska Woman's
ChriHtlan Temperance union, today met
death on the prairie five miles south of
Mr. Cassell, who was the wife of Dr.
E. T. Caxsell. pastor of the Bethel Bap
tist church here, aud himself a singing
evangelist of national fame, was return
ing to her home on a ranch seven miles
south of Denver, nftr having made a
call at the home of Bls-hop H. W. War
ren, when the bronchos became frightened
and ran away.
Five miles down the road a rnnchman
stopped the runaway horses and found
the body of Mrs. Cassell entangled In
the running gear ot the carriage. In her
hands she still held the reins.
In her youth, Mrs. Cassell was a singer
of note, having been a member of the
famous Boston Jubilee singers, with
whom Francis K. Wlllard, a close friend
of Mrs. CasBell, was ssxoclated.
After her marriage she devoted her
self to hymn writing. Among her last
compositions was "White Ribbon Vibra
tions," adopted as the Woman's Christian
Temperance union anthem by the na
tional convention ot the organization.
McCarty Stricken by
Mysterious Agency
R. 3. McCarty, S923 Ohio street, night
foreman for the Omaha Lumber com
pany, was found lying unconscious within
the gates of the company's plant at For
tieth and Lake streets, late last night.
The manner in which he came to be In
this condition is a mystery.
McCarty was found by his roommate,
B. H. Smith. Detective Heltfoldt and
Donahue and Dr. James Richards were
summoned. The doctor said there were
no marks on his body, nor r.y Indication
of any ailment. McCarty, when tdJcen to
his home, regained partial control of his
senses and complained of pains in his
stomach and breast.
Smith reported that he saw two negroes
In the vicinity of the lumber company's
plant. The contents of McCarty's pockets,
which Included 17.10, were untouched.
Byron Reed Catches
t. Envelope Sharper
Byron Reed, ot the firm of Reed Bros.,
grocers, 2Z23 Leavenworth street, yester
day' afternoon caught a confidence man
trying to work the old envelcjpo gamo In
his store. Mr. Reed made him gtv up the
K bill he had appropriated un-Jer fa;te
pretenses and then lot him go. I
Mr. Reed, during tho deal, hud been
standing behind the counter near the
door. As the stranger attempted to leave
the store Mr. Reed Jerked him back and
held him while the clerk opened the letter
supposed to contain the 15 bill only to
find a piece ot. blank paper. Mr, Reed
told the man If he was ever aeen again
by him he would be arrested.
Edward Wllmoth. Z106 Maple street,
while playing the role ot an amateur
detective laat night was cornered about
9 o'clock between Douglas and Dodge
streets on Thirteenth by a woman and
robbed of $13. The woman extracted the
pocketbook from Wllmoth'a pocket and,
after taking the contents, banded him
back the empty purse and then melted
away In the darkness.
About 9.10 Wilmoth rushed into police
headquarters and told how the woman
had gone through his pockets and robbed
him while he was waiting for an officer
to come and arrest her. However, tbs
officer. Harry Unger, had made an ar
rest In the meantime and did not get back
to his station until after Wilmoth had
been fleeced. A aearch waa made for
the woman by the police, who could not
locate her.
Tksnss Davis.
NEBRASKA CITY. Nob., Nov. lt-(Spe.
clal.) Word was received in this city
early last evening of the death of Thomas
Davis, In Scott's Bluff county, where he
had been making his home with his son
for some time. He waa an old-time resi
dent of this city and county, and for
years waa an officer In this city. He was
an old soldier and served with the con
federacy, and while he went through four
years ot fighting he managed to escape
without a wound. He is survived by
number ot grown children. It Is thought
his body will be brought here for inter
George Wlntoa Smith,
"NKBRA8KA CITY, Nov. IS. (Special
Qcorge Wlnton Smith, an old soldier, died
at the home of hla daughter,' Miss Delia
Smith, Thursday evening, aged S7. He
was with one ot the crack regiments dur
ing the civil war and waa wounded twice.
He had been making hla home la this
city for the last two yeara, coming here
from Missouri, where he settled sfter
the war. He la survived by two daughters,
Mrs. Frank R. Pierce and Mlaa Delia
Smith of this city. The funeral was held
under the direction of the Grand Array
of the Republic poet today.
Artkar Oleeaon.
WEST POINT, Neb., Nov. U. tSpsclal.)
Arthur Gleeaon, eldest son ot Rev. A. F.
Oleeaon, a former pastor of the Congre
gational church at West Point and now
residing at Maysvllle, O., died at Cort
land, Neb., last week. He waa a vtctlm
of tuberculosis, having Buffered from that
malady eight yeara. He waa 3 yeara ot
age and unmarried. The body was taken
to Ohio for burial.
The key to auccaas in business la the
judicious and persistant use of newspaper
acoTsmarxa or oc
rwt. ArHna.
jjv tKront.......
gi ttMiivwX...
KOTVt.Kii iJl Jk- n
T. Mi' KSX 1
F Tiik.
aViiVii kacukMt
Caarralnsr Scenic Illasloa Is Redely
.battered When the Heroine
The young man who figures In this
is employed In sn office In a sky
scraper. His desk is by a window that
overlooks a court. Directly across the
court from him another person works
t a window. Yes, this person Is a girl,
of course. There wouldn't be any en.e
In taking off one's coat and recording
a lot of facta about two men working at
two windows at opposite sides of a court,
would there?
Now, a young woman. If she be of face
and form and garb that constitute a
balm to the optics, may be a source of
much inspiration If one may believe all
that gets into print. Still. If the truth
be known in the case of this young man,
he might have accomplished more for his
employer If there had been no haired,
ratted young creature across the way.
For the sight of the girl across the way
and concentration were things apart.
The young man would look at the figure
across the court when there were figures
on paper right in front of htm that he
might have looked at. Once he was ot
tered a better job with another firm, but
he stayed where he waa for the sake ot
the view.
Don't gat a wrong Impression. It was
not in a flirtatious spirit that the young
man gased absently across the court
The creature at the window opposite was
not the kind that couldn't make her eyes
behave. She had her eyes under perfect
control. There was something about her
that dispelled any notions one might have
to get familiar without formal introduc
tion. She had a sweetly serious counte
nance that made one think she must be
a great help to her mother. There was
something unusual about her. She had
her soft, lustrous hair propped up some
with rats. It is true, but not to ex
tremes. Her eyes were full of gentle
ness and she smiled often. Not at any
body, though just smiled good humor
ed! y as she took dictation or went ahead
with her work.
The young man across the court
dividing his attention between two kinds
of figures had never heard her voice,
but he knew that it was soft snd low
and resonant. She didn't come to work
with a different outfit on every day,
either. But she always wore color com
binations that seemed to have grown up
together, and her shirtwaists were won
derfully fresh and neat. That was one
thing that appealed to the young man
In the six months or more that the
young .man had been looking across the
court at the features of his Ideal their
eyes had never met squarely not - once.
Bhe would look over occasionally In a
dreamy way, but when the two lines ot
vision were about to become coincident
she would glance leisurely away. It was
Impossible for one to send any wireless
"Honest, I know you'd like me" mes
sage to her. Pretty refreshing, too, the
young man opposite told the boys in the
offloe. She wasn't going around making
any chance acquaintances, but ha was
willing to bet that once a fellow got to
know her real well she was the sort of
a girl who would take a keen Interest
In him, would chide him for not wearing
a vest on a cool evening when he might
catch Eold, and would notice every time
he wore a new necktie.
At last he found himself in the realisa
tion of one of his fondest hopes. He met
herl It happened out at one of the
beaches. She had gone out with her
sister, and her sister's - gentleman
friend, and this friend waa aoqualnteoH
with an old friend of our hero, who was
out there, and things worked out so that
everybody was Introduced all hands
around. The young man of the window
on the court and the creature of the
window opposite strolled away to talk
things over until the next dance should
start up.
"I've saw you at the window a thou
sand times," she began. "Of course, I
never liked to rubber or nothln. Maw
always brought we girls up not to stare
at no one, and the boss jest about throws
a fit if be sees anybody in the office
look In' aa if tbey wasn't tending strictly
to blzx. I never have knew such a place
to work. I'd have went to aome other
office long ago only the pay's pretty
good, and I need the cash."
The young man danced with her si
lently and then excused himself. Hla
illusion was so rudely shattered that he
felt like a man who had been struck
over the ear with a paving brick. Next
week he is going to have hie desk moved
away from the window. New York
Ones upon a time, writes Isabel Gordon
Curtis In Success, I spent sn Interesting
hour with Secretary WUxon. lis told me
the. story ot what Uncla Bam is doing- (or
the woman of Amerlra.
"Thousands of people think," he began,
"that the Agricultural department helps
nobody but the farmer. Ot course while
helping the farmer Incldentlly we help
the farmer's wife and daughter only we
do more than that. Hundreds of men
and women in our department work year
In and year out to solve problems which
face the wouian who lives In the country,
We teach her bow to make the best pos
sible use of the food she raises, how to
market it, preserve and cook It in ways
that are new to country people. tVe
show her how to plan a house that Is.aa
sanitary, convenient, easily heated and
comfortable as the average city home.
Generally it is a much lass expensive
and more beautifully located home than
a dweller in the city can achieve. Our
experts simplify kitchen toll as they ease
the farmer's field labor. They teach how
to exterminate house pests, lay out a
pleasant flower or vegetable garden and
attractive grounds. They suggest shrubs
and vtnea which will thrive In different
climates and tell how to care tor them.
When the farmer's wife la brought face
to face with any difficulty all ahe has to
do is to write to us. We help ber If It is
In our power, not only with bulletins,
prepared by the first experts In the coun
try, but also by personal letters. The
men and women in charge of each bureau
give a lifetime of study to one science.
"I have a profound belief In helping the
country woman aa far aa possible because
it tells on America's future ia this way.
The girl who sees her mother druge out
her life in bard unremitting toll longs
for a different future. Of eourae, ber
eyea are turned upon the city and whan
the first chance comes ahe leavea home.
Bhe will tell you ahe has bo Intention
of beoommg the slave) her mother has
been. We combat this feeling by every
nseaaura ha our power. The beet wax te
Oe at la by m&aiag a eovatry fcoans) so
pleasant, csaveniesU. cnsntestaMe su4 at
tractive that cbUttreai WU1 hat te
Kay to tha
-line Waal
Voters Get He neb. from the Pelplt
and Then nail the
Judge Hlrsm C. Flack of West Liberty.
O., said the ether day, speaking of the
notorious disfranchised vote sellers of his
native Ohio:
"Some of these men, I understand, even
claimed that they didn't know It was
wrong to sell one's rote. They were
worse than the voters of Cashel.
"All the voters of Cashel used to sell
their votes, and a reform candidate once
got the preachers of the town to preach
against the sin of such scandalous con
duct. "The day after the sermons the reform
candidate said to a party leader:
" 'Well, how will the election go?'
" 'It will be close and difficult and ex
To Omaha Coal Buyers:
Sunderland Certified Coal, of which we have 31
kinds, is being used in thousands of Omaha
homes year after year.
Why? Because in every home S. C. C. has given
Our knowledge of the coal business almost 30
years is employed for the benefit of our pat
rons. The more we know about coal quality,
coal handling, coal delivery and the needs of
our patrons.
offers you what he knows to be a genuine bar
gain i. e., a transaction wherein the article pur
chased will be of greater value to you than the
money paid for it
he can look you straight in the
eye and you may depend upon
the truth of his statements.
and say to you from an accurate knowledge
of the facts that you will spend your coal
money to best advantage, most economically,
most satisfactorily if you buy from us. ,
Economy Hut, Egg and Lump $6.50
This has for years been our best bargain coal. Kindle
easily, burns hot, holds fire all night, makes no clinkers,
Kipina: splendid satisfaction In cook stoves, heating stoves
and furnaces.
Eclipse Hul, $4.50; Eclipse Lump, $5.00
A low-price coal that villi reduce the cost of living. No
better coal mined anywhere between the Missouri and
Mississippi. - Many are using Eclipse coal and are savin,;
money by it,
BestPenna Ihrd Coal $10.50
" Vou can well afford to be very particular about the
QUALITY and QUANTITY of the Hard Coal you buy.
OUR GUA11ANTKK CERTIFICATE protects you against .
any error In either quality or quantity. ,
and you will find the statements made to be absolutely
correct. You will know all there is to know about fuel
satisfaction if you buy Sunderland Certified Goal.
Main Office:
1614 Harney.
A-12 52; Doug. 252.
This Is the New War
atop Chreale Ceaetlpatloa and its
Nourish the bowel-nerves; (don t
purge with salts, aperlenta and
cathartic and weaken your sys
tem.) Caator Oil, par ihilphar, concen
trated with Caeoarln. Black Cherry
Koot, Ginger, etc, in Blackburn's
CaacaJtoyal-mils makes the one
Ideal physio for old and young. Tbey
rials the ben.t memm and re
Uevw Mltratlea.
Oet them for 10a, Sa at all drcg
srtata. Family
If handled at
Laundress . .
oap. Starch, Bluing and Meals.
Total I2.S5 per day
Interference with other servants, cost is inestimable.
No Interferencs with other servants.
We will do It rough dry, starching all the starched pieces and ironing
all the flat pieces for onlv 6 cents rer pound.
Average family washing, welsh from ten to twenty pounds, that
means u cents to 1 20 per week or a saving to you of (2.40 to flU.Ou
er ear. It ia worth investigating.
Suits and Overcoats to Measure $20
Order your clothes now for Thanksgiving delivery. Have
them made to order to fit you not a wooden model.
The cost Is no greater than you would pay for ready-mades,
but the satisfaction and wear they give you is Infinitely greater.
Our show windows and our store are filled with the season's
choicest weaves.
Every garment guaranteed perfect In fit and style.
gee aa Saturday. It will pay you.
HacCarthy-Wilson Tailoring Co.
304-308 South 16th St Fire Steps South of Fanuun
l " V3 l;
IlaiMte cored by
treatment hUJi
lMur or drags.
ud bolide u the
IS year' Ba aaad the) casre ot snore Iku ie.oee pltnte. htr of unit,
luu. Tss inyiM Kmkr treavtiuottt ta a4a-4al4iard to this .late only
Srmsi atkjt.Karr laartTD-r. S sved Cm itivt Quasi a. BBS.
pensive, sir,' was the reply.
" 'What do you mean? said the candi
date. 'Well,' said the party leader, the boys
didn't understand that vote selling waa
a sin before, and they always let I heir
votes go at M apiece; but now they know
eternal perdition Is awaiting them. I
understand that every roan jack ot them
baa put up his price to $4.' "Cincinnati
Fall from Brldsio Fatal.
FAIRFIELD, la.. Nov. 18. 6pedal.)
Arthur Berry of Mount Pleasant was
probably fatally hurt here today when he
fell from a bridge. He was employed
with a Chicago, Burlington ft Qulnoy rail,
way bridge crew repairing bridges. Hla
skull was fractured and he waa removed
to a Burlington hospital.
PA Big Yell-o
Ou Wagons
M Powerful
Proud Teams
"Civilized WayJI",
ay the etrnlaed vraywto everetee the bowels aisi, '
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