n fi Tlli: OMAHA SIWDAY r.I,K: XoVKMJ.KT? 10. 1011. avi pi:ii:ti, A .VI M'.'IKM . ililMililatilliKlUMiliDl.t BOYD THEATRB1 I ! B f". I I Alois ulikotrj&lim if If A -V , t '' ' I llly,n f7 ',m,J .'y :v'.s Mj?a YW . -YrV ' "5 r ' ; ja J Mil"- : ... . , ..... ... JT J - :.. ..... . - . : y V? HERfflffi SHOIVZ LCO fSSV I , ;v : .:.- ..'--v; . p , -1 " A?J&i&t - if - J JJ , J J ! :S ! i y . tM If fli . U lL I If V , v v: . IB rhon, Douirlai 494; Ind. A-H94. 1 11 4 N I . ,;-Xv. s 5Sf- ! M Mat. Try Dy 9:IB; Evry HlgUt W . . N I 7si cl in lii , ; XA , V -HoiTmz i ;j We3k Starlit Mali.133 Today S 1 J H 7 V X CARZE Vv ; n tl P P Si nlhAhopo Ih&il Orjsd Oixm ci. S J w." ni i. tii,. i, 'i I'l'in i u n i c v - n X- h H! U 2 Days Com. MONDAY, NOV. 20, ?S5S Tar AEJIHITIC SERSATIOX 07 THE EHGZ.IS3 UPEAIIBQ WOALD GERTRUDE HOFFMAN AND HEX IMPERIAL RUSSIAN DANCERS Ameriran Tonr Dirsrtion Morna 0a, and P. HT Ccmatock. Thla Wonderful Frogrram at ETery Perlormai c. CLEOPATRA Toi ndad on Th.ophile Oantiar'a "On of Cleoiat.rn-a Wlffhta." tuaic by A. Arasak-y, Rlmaky-Kcraako7, Mouaaorgty, Olazounow and Tanlaff. JES SYLPHIDFS. nomantic RaTaria in Ona Act Tablaau. Muaio by Chopin Slli:ili;it AMIK; Or, A Nilit 1 it ;i IVisiun llaniu. Coryphelo SIclr dratr.a In Ona Act. Mualc by Rimaky-Koraakow, Iheodore Koaloff. Director Citoroffraphlc COnPS EI BALLET Or 1501 HUGE ORCHESTRA! Among tarn Imperial Ruaaian Artlata Ai-a: Maria anl'.llna, l'..llrniui lniitil.il ' Tbaodora Koalofl. i'rcniicr lunaur. 'I I .t'il 1 "1. At osi-i i Bllla. Cochin, IVr )trv-A Honsr. Prlrcea Mnrie Schirlnaky. ShihniPtow. M'isi mv Anna Salciocrown, Mmi-ow Jeanna Aflelao;-., I m is iiihth (Ihiup. Mar ZlK-:a, I : rrin 1 TIh'ut, W .IIM1 Buwin Dinah. i t(.ri-w Mnusp. Ftrlna Lnmpa. I'hi ih i in ra Hmmr. Ttraaa Iauipa, t'l.tUt TlieaUT, I'MIIM. Ioiiia Aveline. Cratd opera ltoui. Trciirt Anura, OiMr.'l OpeiA Ikiusc, Ificholna Solanikow, I'remtnr Mime ni 'I hatt-r Impcrinl. Mow n, Jan Saiewaky, Inpciu. Imperial ThpHtrr. Warsaw. Cuttuv Rlcanz, UihihI Oper Hons". Piarra Thomai, Ortirl Cipera Huii!". Inns Jan Zalawaky. linnsfiir l.nprilHl 1'l.i.ui r. I'iBSiio Iran Taraaow, Imperial Tlirater, Mnynift. Kicholaa Ewaraw. Mksiow Xao Pornikoff, lnipcrtdl 'J'lirat'i, Cr(ii Extra Acltltd Feature Gertrude Hoffmann'! Hew Revue MIm H"ff:wi i n will If ji'Pii in h-r iclepratpil iiiippr."oiiatloii. or Fitlirl l'an viini-e. liciUKO M- OjIui'-, KU'llr I'ov, liva 'I'atiRiiny, Anna. Held. Harry I.. i . Iti Hi !(. , ifi-ix. Ii.i - .i-tt UuiK-an, Ametto Kellein. ami, Kl1ie bcon Bii'. ami Va'.i'.'ka Surntt Frirfle, EOc. "5c. SI .00, 81.50, ta.OO Seata How leHlur- MATIHEE 8ATURDAT 3 S Thursday, Nov. 23 bCCOITD ANNUAL OBAND OPERA PESTITAXi OF TRB FAMOUS AbornEnglishGrandOperaGo. iit Seaaon'a 3plendid Orfaniaatiou Increased and Elaborated With an Orcheatra of Selected Muatclana Thurs., Madam Butterfly. Sat. Matinee, Talcs of Hoffman. Friday, Lucia Di Lammermoor. Sat. Night, II Travaton Frlcea. EOc. 75c, $1.00. $1.50. Seata How Selling-. Thanksgiving Week, Beginning Sunday, Novemljsr 26th WM. A. BRADY, Ltd., Freaenta The Fuanieat Flay Ever Written By Mariravet Mayo Direct from a aolid year'a run at Daly's Theater, Hew York. BY ALL ODDS THE BIGGEST FUN HIT THAT HAS EVER BEEN SEEN ON ANY STAGE. V you. nevrr nw Itlclinrd 'arlr In former eu's, ilon't fall lo o him during his rnxui meiit ot til Iiranilwa thettr. which begrlna Hundny CM-nlnc November !'J, anil Is fur three ntijhts, villi hw ltitet '?., "Junip 1n Jnpltci'," for dtowrnliiK t'iUk' liavo i-alj that tho rloni:att'U rjin rrtlan a never no funny hb In Ihla llwo ami nover apppiiri'il In u fiumliT pU.v. C irle'a piny nre all i-uimli ur'. xl fur lauKtilug puipoirM unly. ninl u. lie writes tlimn ),ln,ieir, map.i tln-m lilni-lf ami urt tho Mtar part In thmu l.liiKolf. lm ee.rtaluly lm Hn oppurtunily lo 1m; an funny. oa the luw allutvK. , HurrounrtlliK Air. Ouil Is e Hplemllil company, heuileil liy Ikln.i Wallace Hop per, who la raid to Imvo the bit purt In her larcrr. rruidlm; her the uppur. tunltlea of illnpluyinis her lalenla n an ctrew. und vociillHt H well bm weurlnz aumo lioiKeous tuuiiH. Holiert lllllUnl PrlnK ".V KcdI There Waa," under the directlun of lvlaw Krlanser.. to the MiandciK Xoveniher . i;:. '.'4 and He l playlni; IiIh third and farewell vnurton In thia iuratin draiuit, hla tranjcontiiieiital tour taking him for the first Hum ,u On; Taclfi".' i-naat. livery -1'Ody kiiuua thn curiously K'lppliiK theme .f "A Fool There Was," baKed uptm Klp llnn'a tdea eiiift,.-.ed In hlit poem of the fixd wiio "nmdti hln prayer to u rnK and a bona and a, hank if hnri He railed her tha woinuii who did not tare, hut the f'jol he called her hlu lady r-ilr." It la a drama that has been dei tlbed h 1k no tifhrr" h tpl It nmliitalim a on- J deiful hold upn the popular, famy. Manager WeleberK uf the tirtttt lai j and Garter tbon-, wtileh ooines from the j luugiuiiertit .Mtar mul Garter theater, i hlcBire. la a firm believer In novelties. 1'urlng the suiiiiuar niontha he lias e- urel many novel features hieh are in- olved In the eliur., whleli ope.pa a pel.'s fiiwwmdit lit the populur (iavety thea ter, commenrlns thlM afternuon. While the title of the bIiow ii will known to the patron of thin theater, the produc tion Itaelf la entirely new. The piece Is a inunlral aatire. entitled. "The Kllrtlnp AVtdow," bwied on iimualltK iii'ldeutK of Mie day. In ohm of the aeven aienee a laughable KiaJirf opti a travreiy, called, "The King la in the Ualhluh." Tha ebow at the Krug theuter for the week commenting bunday matinee will be the well known and popular "New Cen tury Girls." All that time, money and long experience can do to produce a good fust clues bill has been done to inaUv tha "Niw Century OirU" tli bel show of tha i ison. A lnueical faicn al dlver- Itm in two at'ts entitled "The Two rikere," vrltteu and moduced by Tom Meliae, la lven by a loiupany of ell known burleiuoie anj audevllle talent. The chorus and vii.einhlo are a pleasing urprlse. The comedians and p.lrjcipal parta are mell cast and they do not fail to take advantage ot a single line to treat a laugh. The most pionoun.J feature of next Wtoak'g bill at the Orpheum ill t "The little Ooddeaa." a farcical fantasy nre--nted by Hemiln Phoiie and company. Miaei Hermtna hhJne as Venus charms e-vrryone with her dainty, graceful aetlng. blie cayecialiy appeals to the little folk Ymie blolociH, known an the ,'.uin: troid AlhlutcB," will tivc u sensullonul uthlctlu perloiiiiaiue. which Is full of new and daring lout 4. "1'rliiUoso Kour." iopulaily knunii a "l.two pounds of harmony." will K've u tlngiiiH act which will show that they me entitled to their name. Kacii member ut the ipjartet Is a singer of exceptional abil ity, poii.esluK a voice of pure, rich uualits. which I wvll trained. Kail Kiiimy 11 ml lit.- pets will give a; lovely and entertiiiiilnn u I, called "Isn't j Hho Terrible." Ten fu!y little tcniere ale tho chief perloriuera and Ku tluuugii then I t.artH with the eonridenee and ram of eiwpeiieiieed actor. The comedy element of the act Is de.lhdly pronounced. "Moodio, the clown," always docs the wrong Hilim at Hie rii;ht time. j 1'oniiin; to lliaiiibls 'theater Sunday. I'eceinber for a wei k a engagement. I with matitiee.t Wednesday and t-aturday, , Joseph M. Hallos will offer l'aul Wil- ! eluch's dramatic version of "Thais." Mr. : Lialtes has spent 17S,M in mounting this piodui tloii. and It Is said to bo the hand aomest en the American stage. It will be the leal big eventuality cf the season. ilii-s Hoffmann and her hue production will visit Omalv Monday and Tuesday, giving three peiformaneee at Hoyd's the- ) atcr, Im-ludlng a special niatliire on Tues- , da . Miss I loffmami's program of entertain tnent Is iinlquc not only In Its presents- 1 tlou of tha choiogruptnc drama a new form of art for America, but more than two centuries old In the Imperial theaters ot Itiissla-but also In Its wide variety. The fim on the program of "I.a f'alsoii r.usne" Is tha uiiuio-di aina, "Clcopatic." Tho story of this Is taken from Theoplule 1 Haulier's "Ureal Night of lyOc," and tells ot the young archer, Ainouii, that youth of French fiction who gave lite lltn for the alien'a rarese. Here, before tha couch of tho "serpent of the old Nile'' the famous bacehauale of Olaxounow t.s danced by twenty Russian artlsta iu a whirl of color, a sui-ge of abandon. In a cool, green glsde. the antithesis et "t'ltopaliv'a ' warmth If panon, Is dunced next a beauttf.il pastoral, "I.es oylphldvs." It la here that the art of pure ballet dancing Is seen at Ita beet. Theo dore Koaloff. director chorr.greph.lc for tho big company ; Mar. a lialdlna. premiere danseuse: Mile. Cochin and Uustav I Itlreus, from the raiid oieia. Paris, and Iau I'einlkoff, .I'ierre Thomas. Victor Latusrhmaitn and the con de ballet uaiie t I'tvjpln'a murlu wtlh sjpple I blue. The exiiulslts sunplicltjr of this ZWJA Joipr ballet may uiaku a ttroner appeal U many than the purple spltuulora of 1 "Cleupatroi" or that wild phatitaHim- j gorla ot murder and sudden death, "tiheheraxade." In addition to the-e ballets Miss Huff- ", U'ontlnued on l'ugo Seven.) vi s!:i:t. 1 L hii.wa to Ktvlctiy Klfh urane Extra vagania and VaudeTllle IWItt UAILT vceVMAI. iuuhi Sunday Matlnse Curtain at 8:30 Merit and Quality, Sand In Hand Annual Visit f the Great Star&GarterShow From the luagnlfloent Star k Oartev Theater, Chicago. Vynne Bros. Cool Customers Sangfroid Athletes Primrose Four l.ooo rounds of Harmony Karl Emmy and His Pets rresentinK Spectaenlar Comedy, "Isn't fho Tti rible?" JtitroducinK ".Moodio, I'he Slivers of the Canine World" Rosa Gore Crouch & Welch "That Lively I'air" A Rapid, Roaring. Retreabtng Rerlew Tho Hew Two-Act Mualcal Satire, Hie Flirting Widow Superior Cast Including 1 larry Iestr Masoa (the fuuny German with "The College atria" laat season) Elolae Matthews and ranny Ssddtr. The Famous Lobster S., N.Y., Chorus A Roquet of Entrancing Beauty. F YTR HI THE AVIATION NOVELTY fcAinM. xae Eag'o and the Oirl" Thrilling- flights Over the Audience j leader Williams & Segal In Foot reals The Three Lyres Tinkling. Tickling Tunes Kineicscope rrojectlns tho l.utetst in Ani mated Photography Orpheum Concert Orchestra Talented Artists I've Iried my best in Ret tins attraction for more than 0110 week each eeason-- tun no k-: I he other housca on the i'i- tut vtll not make :he saerit'ii e ro this is your warning, if oil liusi it, U011 I blame me. B. T, J0RW80N, Mgr. Oayety. Prict's Muht 10e, 5c, 5IH-, 7.V-. .Maliiiw I Or, best aeaU iHc, ev i-et Siitunliij and Sunday. SEATS SELLIRS FOR THANKSCIVIKB w"i Mats. Erenlugs and suuday Matlnse lac, a sc. eoo auu 70c. Chew gun If you like, but no smoking" TICkFTS I JG Day Matlneo. Uabv Carriage (iaraue In the Lobby Celtltied Milk for the At-kin.; 1 w4e..i.ry.igi . H lo i aWSRfaaBBeraBlSI I ... , 1 15 MEfllGAM THEATER II O. S. WOODWARD Manager Week Commencing Sunday Matluae, Not. 19, All Week With Mattneea Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday MISS EVA LAI'G and the Woodward Stock Co. In tha roaring; comedy , "Are You a Mason?" THE BIGGEST HIT IN YEARS Prices 25 Cents NEXT WEEK "Glorious Betsy" Scats Sclllnn Now 3 DAYS STARTING TONIGHT H. H. FRAZEX and GEORGE X.EDERER, Present (HIMSELF) CARLE IN JUMPING JUPITER A FARCE IN TWO ACTS WITH MUSIC. Written by Carle and Roaenfeld. Music oy Karl Hoschna, with EDNA WALLACE HOPPER Specially Engaged LAST SEASON'S TREMENDOUS SUCCESS. PRICES 25c TO SI. SO THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY SATURDAY Y1 A.XirVJt:hC FOR THE FIRST TIME HERE Xlaw at Erlanrer will pressnt ROBERT LnJ i L L I M G3 IN THE PHENOMENA I. SUCCESS BY FORTER EMERSON BROWNE THE PLAT LIKE NO OTHER "ft F0L THESE DflS SUGGESTED BY KIPLING'S FOEM, "THE VAMPIRE." jii Mr. Milliard has beKuu a tour from ocean to oeeun, eoverinc his a final uppearaneeM in the most KUcccsaful drair.u of the puni iiuarter rintiirv, which ha been witnessed lie nioro ihun on mill'on idavoers. 3 BIG DAYS C0MA1ENCIND SUN., NOV. 26 SPECIAL I U. -:! V MA HNKK HARRY ASKIN OFFERS THE LA SALLE OPERA HOUSE MUSICAL COMEDY THE SWEETEST GIRL IIM PARIS WITH ORIGINAL STAR-COMMEDIENNB TRIXIE FRIGANZA A $2.00 SHOW FOR S1.5D. SPECIAL MATIMEE TUESDAY c TO $1.00 WEDNESDAY MATINEB AND NIGHT, NOVEMBER 29. THE BIO MUSICAL SUCCESS THE SOUL ICISS THURSDAY MATINEE AND NIGHT ( THANKSGIVING) NOV. 30. IIM Mll.H..V .neisel Quartet Famous Throughout the World. Tuesday Eve., Nov, 21 First Methodist Church Sats 7o, $1.00, fl.&O, 93.00. Now on 4il rt, A. !litp Co. WEEK MATINEE DAILY lOMfctNUNG SUNDAY MAI. (IIOMlOFFAHlDfBUrltJJi CATERING TO POLITE rmU 19 AUDIENCES was aw AUDITORIUM ROLLER SKAIING Saturday and Suuday Nights. Also tiunday Atteruoou. Muaio by Green's Band. AAuu'.asion, 10c; Skatea. o. Cooking An Art AnU our Chef I? an Artit.1. !l pleases the tno.it f jhtlilious. lone here an,1 ear the appearance of a ell-fed and contented man. Table O'llote lhnner 11 A. M. to S I'. M , 40c and Sue. Belmont Restaurant OMAHA'S OWN SHOW THE MEW CENTURY GIRLS PRESENTING Lydia Jospy and Tom McRae Tbs Little Nightingale) 3mokt) DON'T FAIL TO SEE tiik i i .wv ium; i ai i. i. ami:, Till: JtM klA M MIJKK. Tin: o i:n i i:ih.i thi: a m aa mai;( n. A I.AK.II KtKHI MINI 1 1!. iTATii:s,iA riNi:i'"i: i:i:v iiaV n7. ate J5 ILL... 'AH ''MRATCM0 151 Dodge St. C. N. BaU, Open AU Might. Frop. The 0 ee for All the to i 1 m