Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1911, SOCIETY, Page 5, Image 17

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How Government Conserves the Health of Its People
The Doctor's Answers On
Health and Dcauty Questions
! sr,ifr 't bIipii anij tli anr Will ipplr to tnf
ti Jtuir
l. k. i 'fiN'K' Hi It . .'i:i:r-i:il .kI Si i
inu frl;, ftnmvvii t'nli)p fur
, iitin, (Mitn, rntln
lull mint ml
mi ilt f f inn el l" r ( n. Itnl l nit ml or f i 1 11 nrnio tll t4
u-r-l In tin noi! Tln prrwr Ipttntih t u lie tlllfi at tnjr fll
ptoi-krt llB tlrr. Any tltup!4t ran pirlrr i i' Mulr?alrr.
os" 1 1 -7a Pt y.itTrrT: r"?"n tf ?r'"1ll S sc)onr7 1
-5 teir- ; - r-.rM n ; ""M
f V:"Kr: J 11. ,n rTT iBM?;!:'-..,; 1 i ;,; . .:- . .. -i;:l liL:
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FILTER Trazy 3 ' -'KfSS ' " " -nz .Tnnjnr AwnrTPJfW
I ilimurai,imiilinuliilf tii mi. iln i'i'i'1. till-' 'i frin:t--ll1T('-v'Kii-iiii-fiirr--ri I - inn tSrtMitiami liiiiniilinJiil.HMijgS.W
in. a !f
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i.'i 1 ' mi f ill
.lnt'lT'lC t-HMlrilll. 1 I
M 'x
(Ccyrtht, 1S11. ,y Frank O. Carpenter.)
AtinN-GTO,V. Nov. 1!).-St(.n.
V A Tl Koys whloh havo the measles,
YY I irulnea piRS with the dlph-
' ti u.u inuuitj Willi
typliold fever tlicse ore gome
of tha tliliiKH to be seen la tha
t-reat experiment station . which l iicla
Same lias established on the banks of tha
l'ulomao to keep di?eHe away f.or.i lil
children. It Is now ten years s:nce a na
Uoual bureau of public lienllli was
founded. The Institution hus proven to
k of enormous va!ue( and thara Is a pos
iblllty that It tufll soino made a
cabinet deparlmeht with a Focrttary at
Us head. As it I now tlio bureau la con
trolled by the secretary of the treasury.
IU superintendent is Suigoi n General
VVaUtr Wyman, whose life h::a been
Dent hi flhtlnir tha ornat .liuflq. wl.!.,k
rfft-ct the natli n. H is to lilm that wa
we tho inovemetit now bclnir made
in;t tuherculo.-hi. pellegra and
typhoid fever, to the Kovernment regula
Hons us to the Pule ot vh imeH und toxins,
Dd also to tho establishment of the
kyglfnlc laboratory whoec work 1 de
crlbo further on in thin letter.
Th- tiovernmcii t n Dortiir.
I doulit whethar thorp. la puit if
tho world an institution nf medical re
enrih niosxj Important thn:i tiuit whleh
tho Kovernment has. here at Watiliinttton.
have visited thra W. Iloome Inboratories
XKahrtutn, in tlio Sudan. They are de-
voted to tropical clUoiisra to the black
water fever, tlio sleeping sickneos and
other horrors c" tho Pper Nile and
middle Africa. There Is a laboratory of
medical research In London and there are
others In Paris, Jerlln and Vienna. The
most of thene avo private Institutions
carried on with prlvalo capita!. Cur pov
ernment Institution, known as the hy
a'.cnlo laboratory, is backed by the na
tion, and It gets Its appropriation from
conereSH. It Is connected with the na
tional bureau of health, and It has so
Krown that It' Is now one cf the most
Important of tha government undertak
ings. The hygienic laboratory consist of sev
eral large buildings which are devoted to
Research work. It contains chemical and
other laboratories,' specially fitted up,
rooms In which germs and microbes of
all kinds are reared, rooms for the test
ing of diseases through a study of ani
mals which have been infected with them
and all the machinery for modern medi
cal investigation. It would take many
columns to give a record of the various
kinds of work now going on and a de
scription of what has already been ac-
TlinliHhpfl. Ill tills lMr T run tnAnllnn
ly a fow of tho problems which are
now Demi: stuilieil und some or the meth
ods by whioh the scientists arrive at their
I ni le Sam's Medical Zoo.
One of tho Interesting features of the
laboratory is its study of human dis
eases through animals of one kind or
other. Indeed, In one respect the Institu
tion might be called Tncle Sam's Medi
cal Zoo," for It has colonies of animals
w;hleh tho Kovernment keeps on hand In
rdr that it may investigate through
them tho diseases with which man is
ffltctcd. These animals are Inoculated
with human Mood taken from nersona
Who have certain diseases. They thus
istrh the diseases and through them the
dlBcafes are studied and Invextlgated.
The hick animal is given drue after drug
in order that tho rl(,-lit ono fur this spe
cial ailment may be discovered. Hm-h
ariimnls are carefully wat'lied, their
symptoms w limed, and, If necessary,
they are killed and cut to pieces to ascer
tain tlio oriKlu and course of the disease
and bow it may be contiollc 1 as it affects
Amoim llm animals utod fur this pur
pose, are tfuluta pl'S, mbbits, mice and
monkeys. We are I'uld to be descended
from tlio monko and the monkey is the
nearest to-man In its muke-up. Jt Is only
lately that it has been und In such In
vestigations, but it is proving to be of
mormons Miluo. At present the govern
ment has on hand about three n.oro of
ouch monkey, and ll wants more. The
monkeys used tonic tioin India. They
are of a kiHitivs known as the Hiiesus,
whli li 1m said to be, of all monkeys, tho
len for tills purpose. ' ii Rhesus
monkeys arc little fellows not much bls-
r than a good-sized fox lerrkr, and are I
iiuite as cunning, as mhchlevor.s aol as I
tnttrestlng as any munKcy you will see;
in Uio ioo. Tliey are In cas. :i in a
monkey liouho and aio ta'..fn out from
Utile to time a they are neuded In the
In the 4.uinra I'lu reus.
tn anothtr part of tins s inn. lions.1 is
w' t I might cull ti e n linca pig stook-
arcd. Tills U composed of many llttl
pens occupied by guinea piys. A male
"iid four females are allotted to each
pn. They breed rapidly, and Iheie uie
Feared Consumption
Entirety Curd. Intaraitlni Cast.
W, II, Durtch. Hiiighsni, la., writes:
was In a ten Ibl l un-iluwn cundi
i Illy luiiu wrn Utful. uml
'"id I hud a dull, heavy pain between
'' houlileis. lust tlesh very raj
'uy. and fin red I u going Into cuii-
-...M.noii. .iter taking Tour butties of
Hoods HHi'saparllia I was entirely turcd
and never felt tetttr."
In cukes where a strengtl;eultig, ton
' Hpif lite-glviiiK medicine Is i.e. di d,
I loud m SarH:i,rlUu tfrccted thuiiu-
,;it II t uiui- in im. si l u i d f .no ..r
tiiwvwlateil labltts c-llcd Sarsatabs.
enough of them to keep up the C.iiuO oi
more ot these little animals which the
laboratory ' consumes every year.
Jn another place there are rabbits? some
of the softest' grrfy and others as whltr
a the eririine' cloak of ""a" princess; Therqj
aio also dainty ,m(ce of the. color of snow,
which scamper and play about tlie 'lllt. t
houses In which they arc penned. Much
kind of animal has -Its own place in th
research work,- and many of these which
have been kept here have been of service
in tho remarkable .discoveries made by
this laboratory as to human diseases. All
of these animals are carefully treated
They have well ventilated .houses, heated
by steam, and the beet of food that can
bo obtained. During my stay I saw them
feeding the monkeys. The little animals
were given pananas, bread, nuts and such
other tilings as they specially like. The
guinea pigs are kept fat on guinea pig
dainties and the rabbits rejoice- In green
lettuce and cabbage. The animals are kept
In perfect health and as far as possible
In good spirits In order that the dlsoase
given to them may be directly diagnosed
and studied.
Monkeys with Mraslea.
Among the special human Ills which
Uncle Sam U now investigating Is
measles. He Is doing this through mon
keys which have been given tho, measles.
Last June the llrltlsh medical bureau
stated that John Howard McKadden, the
cotton magnate, who has given iihicIi
money for tho Investigation of cancer, Is
about to turn his attention to the measles.
It stated that the research would be under
taken in London, and I am told that un
appropriation of perhaps 1000,000 Is to be
used for this Investigation. In the mean
time our government scientists, by means
of , tho monkeys, have made the dis
coveries 'which - the 'StcFadden Institute
proposed to make, uml that at no addi
tional cost to I'ncle Ham.
During '.ny visit to the hygenlc labora
tory today I had a lung chat with Dr.
John V. Atiderson, tho director, who In
connection with Dr. .Joseph Cu'dberKcr,
his assistant, has been carrying on the
lueaslea Investigations. ' IT. ' Anderson is
known for his remarkable success In re
search work. I to lias done much in
typhoid fever, pellagra and infantile
parulvb.s. He has made many discoveries
as to the effect of toxins and aiitl..toins,
and as to t,he bacteria found in milk und
the bai'lili which cause consumption.
He tclis me that It was some time be
fore they were able to give the measles to
the monkeys. The experiment had been
attempted In Kugland and elsewhere, but
had failed. At our national laboratory,
however, the. blood or serum used to in
oculate the ruonkejs was taken from the
human patient nt just the time that the
rash was coming out or was about to
come out. It curried the disease, und
from this und other experiments we now
know .1u:a when measles are Infectious.
The first monkeys were Inoculated June
S of last year. Ten days later they began
to be feverish, and an erupthn c.nne
out upon them. Just as it does on a
child. The little animals developed nil
the symptoms of liumun measles and the
dineasa acted the mime way. Now when
tlio disease Was JuJt at t lie riht point
certain of these monkeys weie killed
and their blood was used to inoculate
l'.t-h monkeys. The monkeys so inoc
ulated took thf measles und a third
set of monkeys inoculated with their
blood took ti c measles likewise.
Pander lo School ( lillilren.
Prom these i.d othpr cases Dr. Ander
son funis tl..".t the period of iijfectlvlty
from the measles, ns far as the monkey
Is concerned, begins about il.e fourtn
day after he rate-lies ti e disease, and that
it disappears as somi as the eruption j
has passed away ami the temperature i.f
the patient becomes noiiuul. It mut be ,
:! same with humans, but as it is now. i
nl.i'l a child lias the it Is kept
out of school for comething like three
weiis. Thfse investigations show that
Uvche or flftien dayV tinin ! all that is
necehsaiy. and it Is probable that a less
period would be safe. 1'.." disease ii
communicated from man to man, or,
rather, fiom child to ihlid. for it Is to a
hirg" extent a child's disease, l.y means
of the secretions which rump from the
n o und mouth. Certain monkeys which
ucre inoculated villi a fluid mixed with
l o o secret ions took the mi-d-lm. and j site of
n is iiiobuble that the contagion conns origin.
and other secretions are mixed with the
dust of the street and thus taken into
tho system. For this reason children
with the measles should be warned
against expectoration.
Mndlra of Infantile Paralalia.
Among others of the recent Investiga
tion of the hygenlo laboratory Is infan
tile paralysis. This dread disease Is like
the mcijflcs in that It usually attacks
little children. It is a disease of the
spine, which paralyzes the chi either
in part or in certain of Its members,
and whlrh often causes death. In Sweden
out of C92 cases of .children under II,
seventy-one died and In Massachusetts in
628 cases the Htate Hoard of Health
found that 16 per cent of the babies ot
less than ono year failed to recover.
Among the others, who got partially well,
four had one thigh and leg paralysed,
eight. hud legs paralyzed and a number
had a leg, arm and other members made
dead, as it were.
Infantile paralysis Is not a new dlseaso.
Kvidences of U have been found in an
Egyptian mummy which Is almost C.000
years old, and It has long existed In Eu
rope. Thero have been a number of out
breaks of It In various parts of the.
I'nlted States within the last few years.
Massachusetts had ono In 1K07, 1W,
and 1010, Michigan one In i:)7 and lm
l'cuiisylvanla one in J3h, and Oregon,
South Dakota and Virginia were afflicted
with it during the same year. It was
In 11' 10 that It broke out here at Wash
ington, resulting In MS cases and about
sixteen deaths. The youngest caso was
only 4 mouths old and the oldest 6-1
In studying this disease there have been
many attempts to give it to guinea pigs,
rubbits, horses, sheep, dogs, cats, chick
ens, ducks and pigs. They have all fulled,
but it has now been discovered that It
can be given to the monkey, und also
that a monkey which has had the dis
ease onto cannot be given the disease
ugaiii. It has been found that a serum
from tho diseased monkeys will arrest
tho progress of tho disease lifter ll has
developed, und inoiiki vs huve been nc
clnutcd with this ami thus made Immune.
It may bo that this taccinatlou Mill some
iImv bo extended to children.
lufaiitilo paralysis is found lo couio
from a germ, but this germ Is so small
that It will go through a none filter.
The scientist. huo macerated the spinal
coril of a monkey having lite disease and
huvu pa.-sed tho water containing tills
through such a filter. A drop of the
water which canio from the f.lter was
then injected into another monkey, and
It got infantile paralysis.
Jl Is ulso found that the secretions from
the noses of the Infected monkeys are
Infei lions und it Is believed all the
secreltons of tin; nose and mouth aie
likewise so. Tliis Indicates that the
disease may bo transmitted from one per
son to another by direct contact and that
it Is contagious.
I'ellncra tomes from Italy,
Another terrible disease which is caus
ing much cxcltcpn nt lu certain sections
of tho 1'nit. il Staten Jusi now is pellugia.
This. In the Words of Surgeon General
Wyman, Is "a veritablo scourge In pans
of iurope." Ji is found lu Flurmicc,
Italy, und Koumania, and It occurs also
lu r-paln and Tpper Kgypt. In certain
parts of Italy as many as to per cent
of the people have the disease, and jo
per cent of these ate mentally af fecit d.
I'cllagra lias only recently come i )
Atnerb a. It first broke out in the south
ern states, but It Is now found as far
nuith as riilludelpbia. It Is estimated
that we have something like I'.hiji cases
of it. Once taught it lasts u long time
During the present eur the laboialory
has been attempting to give monkeys
peilagru. It lias taken tho blood and
spinal fluid of pellagra putlunts and in
jected them into the blood of these little
animals. Dr. Iaivinder has done the same,
but so far their experiments have not
been successful, ulthoiiKli valuable nnfor
matiou lias been obtained.
Typhoid Mary und Mrs. .
Some of the most Interesting work of
L'liclo Sam's hygienic laboratory bus iu
lated to U phold fever. Tho eorpa of d.n -tois
here are ready to re-pond lo Hoy cull
from a typhoid epidemic provided e
state or city when; the typhoid Is makes
the cull. At such times liny go to u,,..
the epidemic an I lm ... i U.lte (H
was discovered that she bad hud tM'boid
fever eighteen ycMt s pi e lunsly. Mm was
bactet liilogieitllv examined ami It was
shown that she still had typhoid bacilli
in her. She was loaded with them und
was giving tlieni out all the time. When
she wssheil the pans or handled the milk
rhe unknowingly mixed sonic of these
death-dealing bacilli with the products
nf her cows, mul In duo time they were
taken Into the stomachs of the consumer.
In short, fifty-four rases of typhoid
we-e directly traced to her. I say Dint
had tlie dairymen who boucht thin milk
pasteUrixed It before delivering It lo their
customers this treatment would have de.
stroyed the bacilli and the outbreak of
typhoid could not have occurred. .
.'lllc l,ic , ir. I.
' le-lr. 1 , , .i.i.,,. , ,,
. l!i.. f.lli.,nc trrmini'..
I'- I'.'IM'P MM, hmlt'-i t
I'ti. jplin.'t tie., t In lurr
i" . ai'il i nnosinml i. iti. c e r
e-" ine t.llle aril ill i.,i,. . Irii.p.xiiitiil
i'tt-r iMinlt If lliit pitrllin I i not ixl tir h...
tnr itien'i If It It AIM:- Hi,, fri aci'k antit.
ullr tm-rraae lli.i .lim 1.1 lm, !-.p,.,niiiil.
Aim l.ikft ll imlil In p'.nil' !ilr lt liM I.i in-
I'H't.t i lie arliNt. at -rr ihri-.-: loivi .-..iMiipin -I
n k i niton
S 'I' V 'l liit tiiiiplnnit of ill pppwiii irt
A lintiT (.'.'Inn In tiomarli a'nr pattm a
.-iMi-'anl a ran em a of Ioiiicfi ,,f alT'tl'.
b.'l. I.liia. Iiran t.,u ii. i;a. palptlailen of liHa.l.
alinMiiri hi tMi'Hili. Iti.a,ta.ii.. palna in ( t.l
a,l.! tlmul'lrrt iiiiiiiiiiik. w i-al. In-,. ami ncr.-
ounnrnt Tlit'l an' M.iantt (..mrl prt'-i rlpl lima
lor liironl.. il.kprpsl ani lnitlKtion of an an
no) n, I i iiaiai'iar. i.nt l haa nail netlor aie
a ll Ii a . iin!tft.- ttralinrnt Knoail at ft-lo.
pi-pllii UaMrtti than an.thhia alntv I riope tt I na
Iritaia thr ti.iina.ti anil iltaratoa fra'-t In liriinc
t'.nit a nirtv ail.t hot .nrrHy In rHIrve at mo.t
a-tttirtlard "ill i-l.ptm latitat." tout atn InR pn
tin it' Tn Hit ti lopcpl in talilrlN aciinai
aefha ami rt mo ti.-at- from Tint again
CI 1 hu lirt t real nirnt fnr nlly nr sieaty
lialr. ami II. 'imh K atp, fallln tialr.
iIi-m.I an. I Mttlt iul IinIi. i-i- . It plain vpllow
niliitiil PMi kiit In 4 onn. a Ja-a ami anl.l hv inr
larati itMait ilnif Ml..ri Thla enrfa rtamtrnff
allh tliitn. nr lour aoolti-at lona lilrerttotit a---i-otnpani
ttia )ar 'riOM ia tar ill:arlor lo tha
tag loa ion Iihvo tiod
Mil. M . nit iimmiI nol haatlata to Haa paln
Itii' pIMm foe tiaaitMi ha anil nrn'-alKa. I fir
flurntt). tirr.. rU'0 t In tn at liHrnilPMt atnt noil-ari-lt!
itiara. Irr
liana: If imi ttanl a rhrap an.l ti.iinliir ri-in-ntv
lor run nt l pal I on, 1 i-an r,-nniiiin.l i-itur-oial
pllla aa liin-rr it anil v.iry plraHanllv
Mia. A ft Thanli von (or Tnnr klint aor'lM
Am ptt-afciMl tn it-am that ml praM. riptloil of
li. I ii t ol Inr your lialr an.1 a.aip pnitrii ail talla
ta.toty l I n k a aieiiisl I ilo pitroiit ton thnnlil
tiei ir pntiltli a i-liltrl tr rhrniil.- twit ai'tlttig.
It IhM Irnnhle la dna lo a llPriona .tltraita of
thp Mplilni-ler limat lo ahli ti i nntrol lo-lnat Inn.
Iititaln our nntira of i-.niinmillil tin' ' tialmanrt.
ana S to 10 ilmpa In aalor or nn"-"", 4 to a
iltnua rlallv anil your -hllit will mti lia rici'il.
If lia In roniilaiail. haia thla filtail; aroinnlli
llillil i-aaiara 1 c , i-niiipoiiiiil vaapiur carrloil 1
e . aMi-i a'.-iiMi - 'uilt'i i r.-- Mil I-ioa.
', t t ii-a-t-oiintiil ti.rr iiinpt ilaii-- I'onllnua
ti-ttnient HMtaial months if neitiaiy.
1m,- Miuii 'fha tvv.i--opt ami rMtniar nt
of ;l K'am to lio-nu. lani tal'ta will after Ilia
flrvl lp- tarK:i, Iniiaai tho arlaht I tn J
pmin.ta a mm!i ahlta thrv lm,rnvn tne Monrt tn
thai von inav liat-a pink rhrel.t, t? Una ant
i..MiVll-m e Iha taoia na ,on mora fortnnala Thfta hipn iiiulanr lahli.ta ara ntefiit
hi ihii- of tn.t lniMt toll, narvontnaat. ta-pP".
tiav ill'. luraitlona aitoinpany aarri taalrJ
j l.'atipf - for thn rfllrf an't rnra nf tira.l.
i taolli-'i. ai-fctia. aaMatv am) .alloiiaril fppt. lira
' a trapoo'irnl of yttana iniajfr am taMatpnnn
i tnl of talt to a aallnn of tint water, tnimarna tha
l fa-i fiom lit tn 1.1 inliiiitoa rvrrv ntght ami mnfli-
Int Tina r'.et a arailit feallnn of rMilff. alii
noon riial-li-.. ora tn f on thotr fort all itav.
I Mr s, w A rntivalf a, ant lonli- la par-lai
) tn yum i-ata alnra tnti haia nfyer rrgaliie'l
trt'nic'i an I tiernnia aftfr artaltnt (pom
i t lie tn l. hM. Weakna.ta after afi-tns. Ion Irra
I perHiilrallon. i-atrhnu coltl with ttia Iraat ri
poaiiio. Irreanlar appetite, hinea anil feperal all
I gnna feeltna ara anma pf t nnr a mptoma Tho
! f. -Una Ins la a ttM'h' linMiirpattril fnr anrh mil-
illiiotia an.1 may Int uae.1 lv man. wninan or
lul.l wliri aatnntMhtns lienefita; Prrnp hipn
plinKphttet rnniiHiutnl 5 era, tliirlura laiiuniriu
i i'liipoiin.1 I o. (nnl ranlamnnl Mln, rliak"
aell iml take a teaaponnful Ivefnra nr alter
tneala anil at te.lnine If tnnr anlglil 1m below
normal, alto aakn .1 grain ri; pn-nipMana lal--
Ml-. N. A Your heailai'lia la railaed liy ilia
t4il ra'o of llaat or heml catarrh Antotir can
i lire i ai at rll t-y lliliiir a aitnpla nnttrlt aath datiy
lontlttlnK nf a tiNlf teaanoonfnl antlaeilo
1 utana poai.-r nuieil with a plnl nf lukewarm
I aaler Snuff Una nilxttita tuta Itia nnetrlta
ami Kara.1. tha llimat iinttl alt luntfia ami ar
I'tiniillaiiona of ratarrjial matter are remntrrl
Thla enat.lea )nn In hreattia freely, ftnpa hawk
Ina. apilllna. et.- tiet a S nuni-a pa kaaa if
tllane poyii.-r A'tn use an otntmetit ma.le t.y
fit l h I Its. a level lea.piMinfill nf vltnne. poailer
with 1 or. of larit or vaaeitna. Apply latia
On 1 1 in tha nnatrila Taka I grain ulpherli
tahletM tn purify tha MihhI
Malaria - The atmptonla yon Seaertba Infll.-ate
malarial romllllnna anrl a aartntia tnartltlty nf
thn liter ami t.owala. rtmwalnaaa, tanminr, waak
nett. iiiateil tnutiie. inllatne.1 e.aa, yallnw apnta
on tlie akin, itry ami lli-lillis akin. neTTuntneaa,
melati.-liulla. at.'. The raaa tiaa haenma rhronlo
but IhiH preatriptlon will enrrart ami maka you
well: l-'lulrl extrai't mamtraka ; drama, cum
pnutnl eaaam-a ranllnl 1 pt , arnmatle fluid i-aa-raia
I oa., arotnallo aymn rhuharb 4 nir. Mty
amt take fmm tv in 1 tcaaiHinnf ill A In 4 tlinaa
dally. Keep up fiom I In I aoaka anil wrtta
mo ataln.
Thnsa wlahlns fili-lhap aitvh-e, free, may ail dreaa lr. Theodora Perk. (MUega niils , Col-
tee-Kllw iMi.t Sta , iMvton, Ohio, en.lnt I nl ai-lf- aihlreitaed, atatnped rnvalopa for reply. l-'itll
naina ami al'liiH.t niutl ha given, bill Initiate nr fl.-ttilnua nalua will ha ued In ntv snawaia
'I'hn preai-rlpttun can he filled at any well- ato.-kiil drug atora. Any druggift ran order of
a holetalrr.
bacillus, and without tills Is present It
cannot cxiet. tine might eat bad fish or
bud meat which did not contain this
bacillus and In such euses he could not
have typhoid fever. However, this little
being exists In most forms of sewage, it
multiplies at an enormous rate, and It
goes forth on Its career of destruction
like an army with banners. II Is not true
that It Is common in oysters, although it
sometimes comes from such nhell fish as
have been taken from the salt water and
laid In brackish water to make them
swell up and look large.
The great danger of Infection from ty
phoid fever lies entirely In that which
comes from the patient when he Is in
certain stages of the disease, and as a
rule this danger disappears as soon as
the man recovers. It has been found,
however, that there are certain human
beings who are bacillus carriers. They
are loaded with typhoid and other dis
eases; but the dlseaso lias no effect upon
them and they keep In health. Hy dis
ease mean that they linve In them mul
titudes of the bacilli which cause the ills
ease. One case of this kind was that of
a cook known as "Typhoid Mary." She
went from place to place uml wherever
she worked tho people got tho typhoid
fever. There wero several dosen of such
cases, all caused by this healthy Mary.
Similar Inst. lin es have been discovered
liy Hie tlermans. und It Is now found thut
thero uro certain peoplu who lire curry
ing about the cholera bin 1 11 us in the
sumo way. For this reason ell t lie Immi
grants who ore now coming from the
Mediterranean aro can-fully exumlned,
even to tlie iimklng of it bacteriological
analysis. A ; number of cholera- curriers
have been already discovered und sent
back to Kurope. .
Typhoid from Dairy Milk.
And this brings me to one of these
chronic bacillus carriers who once spread
ii blanket of typhoid fever over u luige
part of West Washington. The epidemic
occurred in tlie fall of 1!. and In less
than thteii weeks the District of Columbia
hud l'-ai cases of typhoid. I if these fifty
four w ere In I leorgetow n. und upon In
vestigation it was learned that all had
been drinking milk supplied by two dairy
men from the edge, of the city. The ,
dairies were Investigated und found lo (
be cleuii. It was learned, however, that
each had been in-ndlng out milk bought
from a woman who had a fiirm nearby.
This woman I shall cull .Mrs. X. The
milk was traced to the consumers, and It
was found that In nearly every case !t
hud given them typhoid fever. The his
tory of Mrs. X. was Inquired into and It
I 91 a. fat -ssjBr--- irtw V T-aa-t- ia imi-aaa i
If "1 Sc
Instant Relief if You'll Write
Us a Postal Do That Now
1 V 11 r l l ll il
II tWJ lall Wa
-:, ''.
..-Hi .t:s: m
.ill !I!is.,i51o,,..,.i.siii,tM. .,,iIv.Sail!i'-
tMW awaa fclH'
JJAi Jili llli
At All Drugglstsi
in 25c "nd 60c
Tabes, or
FREE fcz
tirti rt.C.1 kJl Ott.l n-C-t-iVW
opVrStBs writ. kEvlt-e
atNLA aaVf AT atWkaxlall V A 1 IVU bWD A U 1
GLADLY we will ptnd you a liberal sample of Kondon's
Catarrhal Jelly, Free, postage paid, if you'll write us a
postal. Enough for several days' treatment. Enough to
prove to you conclusively that this splendid, honest remedy is
the cleanest, purest, pleasantcst, safest, most soothinc and healing
method for the treatment of these diseases.
Kondon's Cuturrhnl Jrlly Is soothingly
applied directly on raw surfaces.
-keritii-en the thicLcncd nieinliranes, stops
abnormal discliargiiH, clears the nasul pas
snges for euay, natural breathing and per
mits the air lo pan through tlio lungs over
hualtliy aurtufcM..
Thut la Die logic ul way to cure catarrh.
the Krai, Catarrh si I he Stomach, or any rar
pliiaiioa rekulllarj tram chrealc asasl catarrh.
Tho hloaacd relief Hint even the free sam
ple, will hung you will encourage you to con
tuiiio it use until acomplcte cure Iseftectud.
You cannot afford to neglect nasal ca
tarrh even in Its earliest atages. It will not
got better oi itaell. Neglect o( cold In the
Ask Your Physician or Druggist
--Vou woul'l nol apply salt wuter to a
wnund nor sprav ttw-liii u violent medicine
which would burn, itch and iriltutj tlio raw
l"or the siiiup reanon vou sluuilrl t"P the
UHe of aitrays, stiiittit, liotichea unl utoinier
lor ciilurrli. Tliu ilelii .ite linlnir of tho nasal
pHHsagcM Is raw, inrsioied aoro frum tlie
action of tho catarrh germs.
Kondon's 1'utarrluil .lelly i soothing,
liruling, pleiMnnt and cooliui;. Apply it once
und you will have Instant rullcf.
( onllnur4 mv, three tlmrs a 1y. will ellrrt s
pemiaitenl, sale and ttperdy cure al f'starrh.
I atarrhal Uralurw, Hay Irvcr, attorns, talsln
Kondon Mfg. Co
II yea write
t a PUI
Hill yes write n.toSEII
head opens Hie way (or tho attack of the
catarrh germs.
--Over 11.000.000 packages of tills wondno
fill remwly have hocn aoidin lti years. 'I'liini
sands have tcstlfleil lo its merits In unsolicited
letters which wu should he glad to show you.
kenienihor, that Knodon's Catarrhal
Jelly Is sold by over 1.V000 druggists Id Ilia
L'niteil States but If yours does not havo it,
send lo us lor 2V: or Vic tube (stumps or
coin), and we will mall at once, poatpaid.
The .vie size contains thrco times as much
us tlio 25c size.
l"f"""T"" Send postal lor free
Ur- sample today.
Minneapolis, Minn
ysa wriw
as a aegtsl
aaaaa. rnMd
You cannot buy a
piano inan
the Mason Hamlin
Anileison teli. i un- t,.,t y.
'aigily fiom such cei clioiia. The sain a I'b'Jid can only none fioiu tiphoid
it i
fa -a
Thts Mnsoii ifc Ihunliti is not only Aincricii's ivalot ij.nio it nl.-o is tlx' worltl's g-reatcst ))iano. You can hunt
every country on the globe and you will not find another instrument that will eijual the Mason A: llamliu in richness
of tone quality; in durability of tonal quality ami in number of supreme qualities. The great cut players usu this in
strumeiit because it brings out, wit h greatest telling effect, eery note ami every sound desired. It obeys the very
touch of the world's master piano players and co operates to give the wonderful playing that the master pianists seek.
Vou can see the Mason i5c Jlamlin at this store, and phi y it or hear it played. Vou do not need to buy; ju.-t come
for a visit.
We have piano with a wide range in prices, so the niodct purse will find its outlet here.
l'ryor & Co., Kremlin & Son, Hallet-lUvis
Branch Store, 407 Broadway, Council Bluffs, Iowa.
Western reiteenUUive8 for Mason Hamlin, Kruni' Ii At lim it , ltu.sli l alilc-Nolsou
mid lloripc I'hmiis