Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1911, SOCIETY, Page 3, Image 15
TMK OMAHA SINDAV I IKK: XOVKMP.KU l!. What Women Are Doing in the World Mile. Gaby Deslys on Youth and Beauty A WONDERFUL SALE OF (Copyright, 1!tt, National N A'n vWoinnieGi)9 EU30I3I H K one brilliant Mar which out shines every other Interest In th firmament of local women 's organizations at prc nt I' Mrs. Dmrnalln Pnnkiiur:-t. Irrespective of T ( Merc is your chance to save from $5.UO to ilO.OU on 0 your winter coat. We bought several hundred women's and misses' W eoats from a New York manufacturer at a great sacrifice, They arc all M the newest models and the finest materials of the season, and arc hand (!) somelv tailored. t!-c sulHv; of woman s.iff-s.. tills Cul tured Kngli'ii woman v..m a hoct oT r.dmli-ers hi Omaha nni.'iis' th me.i i well as among tn? Weircu. The Omilia Suffrage scU t. headed by Mrs. W". K. Sehafer. too t tin step hlc'.l brought Mr. Fan!;hur: t bete to lecture Friday evening, and 1-. receiving con sratulatfons on every hand for the suc cess of the e ent. ALL GO ON SALE MONDAY MORNING r. 1 I Tlie Mothers' Self -Culture club of gnutli Omaha met Friday at the home of Mrs. .T. A. Parker. The Interest of the meeting centered n the iiaper read by Mrs, A. I,. Sutton on 'What a Child Mean? to a Mother." Mr. Henry Fumes, who is giving n course of lectures upon the "Appreciation of Musk" Tuesday afternoons from 4 10 li o'clock at the- studios of the Oiuahu School of Music, will lecture Tuesdav on "Program and Descriptive Music." Tues day, November IX the subject will b. "The Modern French School." The be ture, "Impressionism and Music," given for the Omaha Society of Fine Arts and the Tuesday Morning Mustcalo club last eek will be repeated at a later date by special request. At the meeting Wednesday of the West Side. Woman's Christian Temperance union, superintendents of departments wcro appointed for tho year: Mrs, John Hlake, Sabbath observance; Mrs. A. U. Claggctt, medal contests; Iiunti, mothers' meetings; Chapman, social meeting! meeting will be a social homo of Mr. Chapman. Mrs. Frank Mrs. V. K. The next one at the Friday will be "Mothers' Day" with the Kenson Woman's Christian Temperance union. The union will meet at the home i of Mrs. O. N. Staley with Mrs. ('. 11 Stephens and Mrs. Hogue In charge of tine program. Tho Wysche Story Tellers' league will meet at the public library Thursday afternoon at 4:15 o'clock. Stories of the Pilgrims and of Thanksgiving will be given by Misses iiuth Chase, Anna lrcadfleld und Alice York. The Women's Kellet corps of the V M Urant post will meet Tuesday after. mod at 2 .10 ut liartght hall. The lecture of Prolessor Orummann j Monday afternoon at the Young Women's Christian association will bo on the Lokl, Vulcan and Hephalstos of Viertnan myUiology, and Wsgner's "Tilstan ant Jsolde." ! j .-3t'''y',-''-,vv-,;'.i' " j f i , ' ." '' '''; : 1 fi'W' f I Ifl ' ' ' ' V:-'.';-' -' ' . '":.. 1 nv imtv iniisi.vs. ' ! fr-.x4-'f i;-' i'; ; ' ' V' ' ''' ' ''' ' ""'.,'i ! ItK mbl bom I b-ve bail, 'iA'Wf Jff ;;:TT'--,tt-V.: .' ; V r- ,. , V ; j ''n.' T 1 with me tor .. l-i "w j Wffi?$ trtt' : "' ":.''- ..';' '"V ; '. .' if i ''VA ,ov flrrt a. tide I.. psree 4J lir V'-'-- ' ': K:'. . the other dsv. Hhe..MHhl Mfjf ' frW' IVJ .MHdcmo'.elle must net fir- ATiWri ' 1 1 ! , ' l";,' k I.m 'PollshlnR,' for it la ! t'- v .! v f j. ? v jrT" 0 v' -C' M ithat she owes her beauty uultc as much $f&M vO- . , ; ' - V '" Indeed. I won t forpct II. U's prtx'ess i, APiIe . V which 1 . throUBl. every day the WV ' ' ' ' J rT ' 'K;,' ' ' aid of the maid, nn.l after I am all done tf- f A S - , v I I fed so comfortable it ml happy that If, f . ' ' -J '-'; -C ,'..,'- .":.. ! 1 were a kitten 1 should purr. , i -' " ': ': ' ' " . Now -bis Is what pollKhlm: .oos.sts of: ' 'yf J;;. ... . . J '; . V, V 'X. ' 1 I fcvery morning after I have hd my y JF ... i ... . . , ;; J j ;';; .'. ." : t- - breakfst, whlrhl tnke In b1. nd when , . Jf : ' : ' .:' If' ,1$. : ':i .; ::t;:' -' .,:', I l:vs answered my mall rnd resd the , . .yjf ; '.V.;.. v; ' ,i v;; ; last paoer that comes from my dear and :.e ..'.' . .! , :$.f ' , . ; v ''", ; v . "vt far v lrl. 1 have my b.tth. So does ; j. : :-;:' . 4;J V . :':'::: ''$ ' ! ji.rH'iV:.' I ov-...,oi,. I cO'... iJul u!:lKe mo-'t peo- i.- ' . . .''."'''$ '-' ' ':'- V '''.:"; . ; pis, 1 i'v, rn ay ":'f:U v-UU towels. A - ... ViL'' ' ..'JvjViK'- s-f'' ' oox - ... SS?r , Adftl Wednesday will be the annual Thanks giving donation day at the Old Peoples' borne. "Shakespeare, the Dramatist," Is the topic which the Mu Sigma club will take up at Wednesday" meeting at the home, of Mrs. George Barker. Jr. Mrs. f. M. Fatton will talk on "The 1-ondon That Knew Phakespeare." Mrs. J. L. tioodson wiU.. read a paper on "Shakes peare, the Actor." Mrs. ' Q. . -H. Bick nell will give a "Pen Picture of Shakes peare." Mrs. John AV. Austin and Mrs. John McDonald will read papers on "Shakespeare, the Genius." Mrs. Charles W. Axtell will talk upon the subject of "Sliakefpeare, the ltecreator." The principal event in clubdom this eek is the address which .Mrs. Emmeline I' will give before the Boclal ence department of the Woman's club Monday afternoon ut 2:111) o'clock. Mrs. F. J. ilirss, leader of the department, ln- itcs nil club members to be present. Mrs. Wary Gerard Andrews of Minneap olis will talk on "What the Vice Com mission of Minneapolis Found." Mrs. Albert F.dholm will meet at 2 o dock the members who are Interested In tha work of the Tuberculosis society and will explain plana In connection with the Red Cross stamps. quantity of the very finest sea heatud until it is quit hot and brought in on u laiKo piece of canvas. When I get out of the tub 1 tin tubbed with tills sand until I am not only perfectly dry, but until my skin has acquired a per fect polish, as the maid call."; it, and feels soft and satiny to the touch. Tlila hot sea Hand isn't a vanity of mine, and I do not use It to 1 something ex traordlnarj but once upon a time long ago a doctor recommended It to me when I was suffering from a kind of neuritis. I had a bug of sand heated very hot, which waa placed upon the painful spot, and I was always massaged and rubbed GABY DESr.T! IX AN' AUTISTIC POSK. finest sea sand is with sund. It did my so much good. besides taking away tho pain, thnt I have kept It up ever since, and I think that It is one reason why little Gaby Is never troubled with those hateful skin blemishes or that hard, dry skin which Is so ugly to look at and so uncomforta ble to have. The sand bnlli. so my maid tells me, wl'l tako away the down which some women hove on their forearms, and Is tho best kind if friction and treatment for the queer kind of reddish Bkln others have at the back of the upper arm. Of course the sand acts a Rood deal like pumice stone. 1 also have a little heart-hhaped piece of punili e Mono, which is quite soft, and which Is used for callous places on the feet, and snme- ! times when 1 have Ink epots on my fin- aer from writing; for you. I think that the most Important time for beautifying the body and skin Is .lust after the bath, and 1 believe thoroushly in rubblnc oneself with oil If the skin is loo dry, or with camphor water if the flesh Is flabby. This camphor water Is niado of camphor dissolved lit spirits of cologne, and then diluted with water until it does not stlnu. It is very K"od for older people, both men and women, a.s It keeps the flesh hard, and It Invig orates and slimuliites the whole body. As to the bath Itself, there are aJl kinds jot wonderful bath mils which you can i uso In tho water you bathe In, so that by ! Just shaking a handful of salts of one i kind or another Into the bath water you feel that you arc Kcttlntr all the benefit of a foreign bath cure without havlny the boro of going there. When you were little, hntrlnK your dally bath waa a terrible ordeal. It was to me, but now I love It for Ita stimulation effect, and the sand rub Is so pleasant that I sin merrily every morning, and stall the day rlKht anyhow, for If you sins In your tub It la healthier and luck ier than gettlne out of bed with the right foot first. Women's $12.75 Coats, Monday - JJ57.90 a jrm 8 Women's $15.00 Coats, JVlonday $10.00 Women's $25.00 Coats, Monday ;. $15.00 Women's $30.00 Coats, Ttlonday $19.75 p EVlisses' $25 Plush Coats, Monday $18.75 $j Miccac:' 1 fin rite P1rirHr.i 1 -f f C f ..wwww -ay . w inwuMMj jj 1 MmJJ St nns sv s a. tmm A it, misses' .gu woais, uionaay , , 55.0J month a Monday evening "at home" In charge of one of the secretaries. These are very informal soclul affairs in the new parlor on the second floor, and all girls are cordially welcomed by the hostess. The annual Thanksgiving donation day fur the Old People's homo Will be Wednesday. Donations will be received at the home, 2'.14 Wirt street. The board of directors will be there to receive the donations and will serve tea. The social life of the Young Women's christian association Is branching out In a new line this year by having each The Christmas kensliiylun of the Uusl ncss Girls' dub of the Young Women's Christian association is very successful. Tho young women are making some pretty Christmas gifts and exchanging practical sewing Ideas. The reading circle, another department of the club, is now under the leadership of Miss Al vara Procter. The monthly meeting of thu women's auxiliary of the Kpiscopal churches of Omaha, South Omaha and Florence will be held Friday at 2:30 at Pt. Matthias' church at Tenth and Worthlngton streets. The women of Bt. Paul's church will lead tho lesson In the study of the missions of Mexico. Mrs. Albert Edholm will speak on "Civic Kighteousness" and "Tuberculosis" at the meeting of the Century Literary club of South Omaha Tuesday afternoon at the residence of Mrs. F. A. Ciessey. Mrs. A. W. Tagg and Mrs. Bruce Mc culloch have charge of the program, which is on "Public Health." Mrs. H. I,. Keefe of Walthlll, Neb., one of the leading clubwomen of the state, Is 111 at the Presbyterian hospital. The paintings of Anthony Van Dyke will be studied at the meeting Tuesday morning of the art department of the Woman's club, under the leadership of Mrs. J. Smith. The oratory department of the Woman's dub will meet Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock. (Late Club Notes on Page 7, News Sec tion. ) BRIDAL PARTY GOES ON TRIP t Continued from Page Two.) rr Correct Wedding Stationery Our imprint on the envelope stands not ouly for flawless workmanship und quality of material, but iilo is an assurance that the form and word ing of tho Marriage Invitation or Announcement are tmo to the ennons of ood taste and cor rect usape. and executed in our own personal supervision and All work is deigned workshop, insuring: prompt delivery. Our line of monogrammed paper is tin tlu IHH'St III v est. Our representative will call at vour home, if t.a o desire, to show styles and quote priees. Albert Edholm Jeweler Sixteenth and Harney Sts. Omahi, Neh. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William II. Clarke, to Mr. Frank William Holland on Tuesday evening, October 31, at 9 o'clock at the Cathedral of St. Mary and St. John in Manila, lilshop lirent performed the ceremony. A reception followed the ; ceremony at the home of Mi. and Mrs. Clarke, I'll Call Iteul, where Mr. and Mrs. Holland will also reside for the present. Miss Clarke was formerly an Omaha girl, and a student at Ilrownell I Hall lor u time. Mr. Holland is a college ! grud.ialo and editor of a Manila paper. ! For the Future I .Mi. 1.. A. WeLsh will entertain at j bridge Munday afternoon at her home. I Mrs. Walte Kquler will entertain ut luncheon Tuesday at tho Omaha club. Tim Sihtcrhood of the Temple Israel will give u dam;e Jit Chambers' academy, Twenty-fifth und Kurnam streets, Mon day evening. Nov. 21. .Mrs. I'. Will Hamilton issue In- vitutious to the members of the younger set for a dinner to lie given Monday evening. November li7. Mis. Leo Uotchschlld and Mrs. D. Meyer i have Iff ii d invitations for a bridge party to lie given HaUinlav, Aovemlier .ith, at the llerishaw rathskeller. Mrs. John L. Kenned;, will entertain at an afteruo in tea Tuesday, December .1, at Iit home in honor of Miss Ituth Hammer, one of the debutantes. Among HiH a i fans planned for Mrs. Mary (brurd Andrews of Minneapolis, who is the Koest of Mrs. Clara Hurbunk, will be n dinner Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mi-ile llmimnk. Thto eveti li.i,' Dr. Myrt.i Wells will entertain ut upper for Mrs. Andrews and Tue.vlay inoiniii ulic "ill be honor guest ut u luncheon given b the member of the oinuha Woman's club at the new Hamil ton cafe, Mis. Churl. -s II Townstnd and Mrs. I'huiles A. Itothwell have Issued imita- ternoon tea at her home Monday from 3 to 4 o'clock, in honor of Miss Marjorle Stewart of Muncle, Ind., suest of Miss Klizabcth Davis; Miss Marion Hontaff of Kvanavllle, Ind., guest of Miss Kllzahuth lirure, und Miss Dorothy Miller of Ijifay ett. Ind., guest of Mlis Katherltie llee son. ' The women of the Prairie Park Civic association are arranging for a hard times or "poverty" party, to be given ut Magnolia, hull. Twenty-fourth and Ames, Saturday evening, November 25. The In vitation committee states that "It Is everybody's party, for everybody will help and everybody hopes that everybody else will come and bring their friends and families. Kach woman will tiling two pumpkin pies and one dime. There will be no other expense, utiles It Is a fine of 1.1 cents for not being In poverty costume. There will bo mu-lc, dancing, and a wild west parade." Personal Gossip 1 - fteriioon bridge Frlilav. LI. to be g.ven at the homo iWhsenil. This aifair will be f u. i O S of parties to be Coii.h for an November of Mrs. T t.i.. first given l.y Mis. 'J'ow n-erid und Mis. Loth v. .11, the i" 'olid will be. a Kensington. 1 Mr. and Mis. Sol l..n Degan have I 1-sueil invitations for a dainin party t be ch .01 Mo.iilay, Nov. nib' r 1'7. at Meuopolii.iu l.ali. 1o iot:oliie tlt"ir llazei Degeo. Sl( ens will gi, t i,,, B J, ! j daughter, M:-s M'ofc DoroMj Mr. Paul L'rnst has gone to Tampa, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Kdwln Hwobe are expected home Monday from Chicago. Mr. Joseph W. Thomas Is expected home today from a short stay In Chi cago. Miss Loulne Dinning ha returned from a five weeks' visit In New fork and Chi cago. MIks Frances Phelps of Wyoming Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Smith. Miss L'sther llyrne will leare Monday to spend a week visiting friends In Minne apolis. Mrs. Isaac New of Chicago arrives this week to vlult Mr. and Mrs. Hamuel Frank. Mrs. C. 9. Montgomery returned home yestetday after spending the week In Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Wattles are ex pected home today from a ten days' atay In New York. Mrs. Livingston of Chicago Is ex petted soon to be the guest of Mrs. H. if. liratideis. Mrs. Victor Hlsd'tone and daughter will leave Tuesday for Texas for a three weeks' islt. Mr. and Mis. John P.edick have moved Into their new home at 2UT L'vans street In Kountze Place. Colonel and .Mrs. 1". F. Kastm-in have as their i;uest. .Mrs. Frederick S. Calhoun of Monroe, Mh h. Mr. and Mis. o C. PetJi, j; 4,,,,i Mr.,. Ceorg.. Kedick returned .Satuiday fiom a few days in Chicago. Mrs. Kheiinan Canfleld has letuiiied j after three weeks' stay villi her mother, Mim. K. V. Lnwls. Mr. und Mrs. V. ( I. (Jilhert. who have been at the lival for several weeks have returned to tVaslilngtoii, .. C. Mi.hh Mildred I.oiuax, who lias hee.ii visiting filiinis In Omaha, will attend grand opera licit week In ('imago. Miss ll;atriee Neir has ;iiu to ChiciiRo to spend the winter Willi her uulit, Mrs. W. D. Houle, and ill study mii.-lc. Airs. 11. N. Ci.ldwell und Miss i:uldwlii have unind fioni Tio-n, pa , and are Willi Mr. and Mrs. Victor Caldwell. Mr. ',. W Noble ami Mr. A. i '. D isk, who have been In I'ee. is allev, Teviw, for I en dais. Hie expected lu.iii.i Tiif-cJa;. i Mr Ofige . I'oane, j. ., t- rip. ,.-! In Omiihu. Monday or Tuesday from Alaska, where he has been for eight months. v Mrs. Herman Kounte, who hut re turned from the east, and was at the Loyal for a few days, Is now at tho Colonial. Mrs. 17. P. Film lias returned from a visit to Wayne and whs accompanied by her sinter, Miss Mabel Clark, who will b her guest h. Mr. and Mrs. F.rnest Ktuht left Thurs day via Spokane, to spend the winter In Cullfornla. liefore returning thoy expect to go to Punuma. Chaplain and Mrs. Chenowelh of Fort Crook aro buck from u six weeks' visit at Fort Wayne, Dayton, Chicago and other eastern points. Miss Delta Stone has returned from a two inontliK' visit In Colorado and will spend tho winter with her sister. Mis. Harmon H. Smith, jr. Mrs. (ieurg'o West und little daughter j I.Ida of Kansas City are tho guests of Mrs. West's parents, Mr. and Mis. L. M. Uurtlctt, at the Hamilton. Mrs. Wilson Low will go to I'.nslon to spend TliHiigsgiving and the Christmas holidays with her slHter ami uncle, Mr. 1. allied und .Mr. Albert Drown. Lieutenant and Mrs. Allen P.ced, F. P. N. of Sim I raii' lsco, are expected for the holidays, and will visit Mi. Heed's parents, Mr. ajid Mrs. l. p. Moorhead. Mr. David Damn left for New York early In the week to meet his wife, who landed Thursday from a year's Hay abroad. Ml us M.uyaret paum lemu'meil In schoot nt Paris. Colonel D. K. McCarthy, who was re- I cently ordered to Chicago from here, lion now been ordered to report for duty In the quartermaster's department at Washington. D. C. Mrs. W. D. Uancker has returned for a few days from Indianapolis, where she will Join Mr. Uancker by December 6. They have taken an apartment at The llucklngham there. Miss Nannie Jagn will leave a week from Monday to visit Miss Margaret Hates of New York City for several weeks. Miss Kates will miike her debut tiuiy In December. Past-Midshipmen Harold Keller and Ueorga Fuller have applied for ten clays' leave from their Klilpa the "Virginia" and tho "New Jersey" to come home for llio Christinas holidays. , Mrs. Charles S. Loblnglcr, who has been visiting her numerous friends here, left last week fur Las Vegas on her way to Han Frunclsco, from where nhe will sail early In December for Manila. Miss Margaret Powell of St. Joseph ar rived yesterday to bo the guest of Mls Kuth Hummer for several weeks. Miss Marion Sonntag will also be u guest of Miss Ituth Hammer next week. Mr. James Fair ha gone to Baltimore, Md., and will return the uildle of next week, accompanied by his mother, Mrs. cnmpbell Pair, who bus been suffering severely with an Injured shoulder. Captain Jnnies Iloinbrook, who sue ovedes Captain Wilder as paymaster here, has arrived from the Philippines. Mrs. Hurnbrook ami daughter, and h"r mother, Mrs. Hunno. arrived some tluiii ago and are t the Merrlum. rr sspis.t. ' r trrfsC'Sfl -lOini 1 -. ILk luUiiotr Trior THE FAMOUS 16th and Farnim 2i Flcor OmMcCrsrtf's 5c I ad 10c Store iyHKlERS, Two Big Money-Saving Specials for MONDAY .i li :iie it worth your while to touie to our Kton: on Monday. Ladies' and Misses' Coats $5 and $10 Worth tip lo jL'O.Oh. Messaline Petticoats $1.50 Won It ui to Jl.oO. 'flu-s' ! spci iaU lor Monday only. l r 4 HI It W I 4; p DIAMONDS Will Aoriuce, Dor tt Prtseot Prices Diamonds aro due to advance, Hinl selecting a illamonij here now means not only uav!nr money, but making a Kuod ill vestu.flil. When you buy dlunionda her you injoy tho satisfied feeling that van only come to a customer who bus implicit confidence In his dealer. You can have no haunting fear that a diamond bought here la not Kiadcd, weighed and priced (directly, and we guarantee them to be correct. This guarantee, la barked by every dollar we possess, for wear jealous of our reputation. Wo fully lealle that our future in dependent upon your transaction of today and every eulo is made with the Idea that a satisfied cus tomer is the finest kind of adver tising we could possibly get at any price. Wo try to protect our custom ers' interest just iih much as our own. We plainly mark every piece of diamond Jewelry with Kirude, exact weight and lowest cash prices. To further Illustrate liow we can bear our customers' Interest In nilie I. we call their attention to the present advamw. In the dia mond market uo they can save the rise. C. B. BROWN CO. 230-233 0. 16tb Bt. ABOVE ALL IN QUALITY rife 1 FOR HOME CONSUMERS PHONES j Doug. 119; Ind. A-2119 Wm. I BOEHKOFF Retail Dcalen Office-803 S. 7tb St. ;