Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1911, SOCIETY, Page 2, Image 14

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ITHT-'t'i""'J-'JJi,-"TWim"IIIT'"""11 J" "1 'inn-HJ
Early Winter Debutante
Attendants at Vaujiian-Lord Wed
diiij Co to Chicago.
318-320 South 16th. St.
'iiii; n.i.ii. sixdav novum ijkk i:. mil.
o t::
laitj ' nllruiiini In t.o from Omaha
In l.liirnlii lor (lif Mli-hlnaa
m me- Mot cine nf tif the
orlely People.
oclely Cnlrndnr.
MINPAY-M.f I'..: .hv tvrtm. after-
noon tpa In (H i r nf rt-vral s , -! 1 1 n K
i:ns: wotni-n; .l,. 1. A. Vlli. afler
lwo:i bruise; .Mr s H. IV littmoi .
Amateur M :si( l . i ti U ; Temple Israel
.-ttr; -lioinl ikir.rlti;; puny ul t IiO nibet s
TlKSiA-.Mr. Mis. (Jeuig I..
Hsrrmer. ln:( ttanclng laity Bt Hie
iTunirv i !jt fiir Mih Rjtn Hani-nei ; ,
Uai:i' .' iUii r. luncheon at Oii.aloii
,lrl Urvnun't, (lull l,t-pn 1-f a -1 t ?'pv '
Han:;!. on for !:. .Mary G Ai.drmn,
t 'relghloti college pernor Imp; Ml
itwim Mn'iri. nftprr:oi'i h:-!dgp; Mr.
r.o- I 'i.iirp. i'ue-riuy PiMr cub; Mrs.
I'ran'.: v : n ni n;i lioT, I'nl.ersjl t'.ii'io
i:iVI VI'AV - lr. W. U M.llard.
debut n fli :!. ti t' i to l:.!rLlJ jtc Miss
Irani" 'i'oM l'l:r era' i !uL, "A Vt
Liiic In the Ai:," ' tip biandrl tlua
IPr. Mr J So:.:.Mihci ; ul il Mr. K.
ilro''... aft; moo Iji d!P at R.-jine hotel.
Till n.-l'AY -Ml- i Ma.-xiif rl:c Stow '.lla,
litiihpiii at Hotel I.iivul; .Mica lhisel
lpcn. i:pv French flub
FltlDAY-omll.mii i-luli. il:i:ir'.liK party
lit lul :il-r . hop Hi 1'i'M Ct" ;.: Mr.
. A. Iiotnv. e!l and Mrs t.'. Jf Towti
hPlld. brldyr iiflp. ihhi;i . Mm. luiuicnce
Net-p-sall. Frl.tuv Prld?'. club.
PATCKnAY Mif I.pp KoilisrhlNI unil I
JlrM l Meye . ariprr.'n'i al
Henshan- list hsktl.ri . rrl. - ht ri L'.iIk
tng iii:l ;'l ctiatnbe. s' aoidf tn.
Th Brvmi if the 1i Im'.ati'.f! If at It
helRht. Till:, vvppk will rrc tlm In'.roilue
tlori of two popular J o.m-j v. un tn of the
ounv'iT yf,. M'f.3 ' Iluth l:i:;:::iri' v. Hl
t-p prr- rntrd tu : i l"'.y 1)7 lirr pa.Pnts,
Mr. Htiil Mir. Co-.f.': I.. Ha::-.:i!rr. lit a
ilnm-i- at tli (V-r.tiy i-lub TufLiljy ipn
Iri!,. Mb' 1 latum T. ilrt v. Ill l Ititio
I'.iicil tiy Mik. V. I". MIKi'.rd Ui"l:ii' day
t tin aftPinonn rntpt.oii. In t)m ivon
ln'. M.f Tudil will t:ikp otip f tliu tP'.ultuu
lolen. "Tii; I'o'.ltk'o In the Air," tj b-j
jilaypd by the 1'laycrs' dub.
Vrdiip!ny pwtilnif. 1 'f:i.bfr ?t. hn
lpn ifcidpJ aa the da; fur tho dpbut
of Miin Kuthrr Kyino, diiuhler if Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas C. Jiyriii'. On thai
venliic ilr. and Mr. Hymp will Klvi- a
o'clock coffee ai their home to Introduce
Mini Byrne.
Th! will be the f li t o.' the large lioll
Cay pnrtlea and lno:t of tliu tchool ret
are expected to urrlve liome for vaca
tion either on thl day or tin1 day pre
ipdlr.a. ho this cntertalimicnt will be
the riret reunion of the dt'liutantea and
the mcmbrri of the pchool utid collpgo
Mb" Byrne U a graduate ot Trinity
college In Washington, 1. ('. and was
one of the four debutante rhoaen a
clnchehfeN to attend the yiecn of Qtttvcru
at the Ak-Sar-Un ball.
llone niiHin Ifonae l'art.
In tho munlcal comedy, "The Chinese
Honeymoon," tho bride and groom took
their bridal party on their wedding trip
to China. Ir. and Mr. Huger Throop
Vaughnn are not goltiK to tHke their wed
din party to Kurone next month with
them, but will Inntrad, entertain them at
largo lioune party in Chicago. The in
vitation cornea froi.l Dr. YauKhan'a
parent. Mr. and Mis. John C,harlea
Va.vj;:gii uf Chlcaso, who v.lll dm t;e
bout at this Interesting- party, i Mrs,
Vaughan, who was Mla t,oule iJbrd of
thl city, and Dr. Ye'igha, whose wed
ding Has one of the large social events
. thla moi.tli, arc Upending part of tliolr
honeymoon at the Kouth thora Country
club In Chicago, and rail for Kurnpe Vv
cemher 6. Preceding this tho wedding
party, mostly from Omaha, will leave on
Wednesday evening for Chicago, where
they will be entertained at the home of
Mr. and Mr. Vaughan, returning home
the following Monday. Thater parties,
dinners and numeruua entertainments are
planned for the guets.
The parly leaving here .Wednesday
evening will Include Dr. and Mrs. J. P.
1Ord, Miss Grace, Uurbank, Miss Alice
Cary McOrew. Miss Elisabeth Pickens,
Mips Gladys Teters and Mr. Wayland
Magee. Ftom Rock ford. 111., will be Mr.
and Mrs. ICIIiott Btirtlett. and there will
le other gueuls from Chicago. Including
Mr. and Mrs. Ieonard Vaughan.
I", of . College Kong.
Interest in Nebraska university's aong,
"The Scarlet and Cream." has been
aroused to a high pitch since the recent
teacher' convention and many ot the
alumni of the school have dug it up from
cust covered treasure chests and ure
practicing the words.
"The Scarlet and Cream" as sung as
a grand finale at the alumni banquet at
the Rome hotel November . Several of
the old "grads" were caught unaware
and they are practicing In secret now to
be in trim for the next banquet, which
ulll probably be after next Saturday's
Kxlt Bridge, Ksiter Cookery.
A bridge party ut the home of a popu
lar and acrumpllKhed matron the other
day was unceremoniously turned Into a
cooking bee. The gsmes had besn played
and refreshments were served In the ao
customed fashion.
Hut there was one thing about the re
freshments which was so far above the
accustomed edibles at bridge parties that
It brought forth a chatter of enthusiasm
from the assembled gueats. Ttls was the
angel food cake, which they declared
was light and dainty as ambrosia.
One attractive young debutante whoa
Hot Water Bottle
Absolutely one piece of
moulded faa Rubber no ce
ment, yearns, joints or wire
nothing to give way under- tho
action of hot water.
That's why it is sold to you
under a strict guarantee instead
f a MCautlu ajja'mt boilinjj
rater. ,
Best of a!l,it cosU
oa no more than other
1 1 1 e s cemented to
gether, yet will outlabt
any three of them.
1 fc fimbUi
CaftaVtlaHI WaVtatT aVwUsSl
aUa4 fMlki! IfftaM.
1 ( Ml -4 .!.,
polc M your 4ruf f l! hs
c tuuot tupply yuu. onistf
ir,m u out t, girftif hi
f HaOlkCV fdrr peUWo VUi
n I
v. j
j. '-.
m&h wrn
Miss Iluth Hammer will be the second of the debutantes to be Introduced th!a
autumn and will make her debut at a dancing rarty to be given by her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. George, I,. Hammer, Tuesday evening r.t the Country club.
brief existence has been spent chiefly
In having a good time, exdnlmed that It
she cou'.d meko cake like that ahe would
be perfectly happy. Where, upon the host
ess divulged the fact that she was the
author of the cake and would bo only
too glad to teach any one who wished
to learn.
"In fact there's no time like the pres
ent," said she, and, followed by the
wholo party of young women, she led
the way to the kitchen, donning a
be frilled white apron, she beat the whites
of tho eggs, sifted flour and with the
eyes of her admiring guests upon her
concocted a duplicate of the cake 'Which
the jtrtdjto player had. enjoytd so much!mUn" "iheon Saturday at tho Loyal
tor refreshments
Kcach guest wrote the recipe for the
cake on the back of her bridge .core
and declared that she was going to make
an angle food cake the first opportunity.
The l'larers' t Ink.
Poclely Is taking mure than usual In
terest In the theaters this week. Quite a
social event will be the first play thl
seaaon by the Players' club when It
will present "The Cottage In the Air"
(by special permission from The New
theater, New York) at tho iirandels
theater Wednesday, November "2, under
the direction of Mlsa Lillian Fitch. Fol
lowing Is the cast:
The Grand Duke of Lothen Kunlt....
air. it. li. Morehouse
Prince Henry of Gower
Mr. Harry Poorly
Lord I'erham (gentleman In waiting
to the prince) Mr. William Taylor
Hon. l'ercy lllgge (his brother)
Mr. Klyn Bloodeood
Sir Augustus Hhuttlewntth
Mr. Homer Conant
Rev. Morrison Mr. Kohert IXnnlng
Winters (a baker) Mr. Hloodgood
Tommy Mr. Itobert Millard
Oelielinrath Krltsing (librarian In the
grand duke) Mr. Owirss Mrintyre
Countess Von Dtsthal (lady III wait
ing) Mrs. It. If. Morehouse
Lady Hhuttleworth Mrs. Harry Poorly
Princess J'rlscllla Miss Frances Todd
Annallse (her maid)
Miss Arabella Kimball
Mrs. Morrison Mrs. Morehouse
Mrs. Jones Miss Ixiulse McPherson
Emma (her daughter
Mies Ruth Hitchcock
Pleasures Past
Testeiday afternoon from 4 until 6 Mrs.
Philip Potter gave a tea for her daughter-in-law,
Mr. Aubrey Potter.
Miss F.sther Kyrue was hostess at an
Informal tea yesterday afternoon from 4
to S o'clock at her home in honor of
Mrs. Jo.eph Byrne, who has recently
Mr. and Mis. Harry Ininrly gave an
Informal dinner Thursday evening for
Mlsa Ruth Hitchcock, when Miss Helen
Bcoble. Miss Frances Todd, Mr. William
Taylor, Lieutenant Watson and Lieuten
ant Raymond iSmith were the other
Mr. and Mis. It. I Newman are giv
ing a week-end house party In Lincoln
for a number of Iiounh gue.ts. Including:
Mr. and Mis. J. II. Taylor. Mr. and Mr.
J. W. Culley. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. White,
Mr. and Mr. V. W. Moore, Mr. and rMs.
Harry Miller. Mr. and Mr. J. H Finney,
come to Omaha to reside.
Friday evening Mlsa Hrna Reed was
gHeti a surprise dinner and house party
In honor of her birthday. The gueat
were Mis Katharine Baum, Ml Vir
ginia Uffutt, Ml Kather Wllhelm, Miss
Clalie Iaughrrty, Miss Marjorle Smith
and Ml Grace Allison, t-aturday the
party went to the Urandels to see "The
Ctrl I Love " '
The Jein-he-fem was entertained Fri
day, at the home of Mildred Nordln.
Prlaes were won by Lstlier Connelly and
John Krsge- Those present were: Misses
Fsther Connelly, Kdlth Fredarioksen,
M'ldred Nordln. Florence Olsen.
V. rs Messrs.
F-rnett Johnson, Mark Neble.
Harold Sautter, John Krage.
.. ...nor of Mrs. Joseph Page of Mctor,
Colo., the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Walter
t'aae. Mrs. Isaac Colea and Mrs. Charlra
Ogden gave an Informal bridge party gat
urday afternoon. The guests were Mrs.
Page, Mrs. Walter Page. Mra Offutt,
Mrs. Ixive, Mrs. Victor Caldwell. Mrs.
W. B. Uuthrle, Mrs. Harry Jordan, Mrs,
Clement Chase. Mrs. J. E. Baum. Mrs
Joseph Parker. Mrs. Charles M. Wllhelm.
Mrs Waiu.i Koters and M'.ts Ida harp.
M.iMi Maitiia and Msgdtllne L'm!g of
. '':'4
, ,
814 Fcrrln avenue, Council Wtiffs, gave a
linen show Saturday afternoon for Mlis i
Atayme Golden of Omaha, whoc niar
rlago to Lawrence A. Carpenter of Chi
cago takes plac the middle of Dccembor.
Luncheon was nerved and tho ituents
Stella Grant.
Louise Yatex,
Alice llutton.
Fiances Melchrr,
Lillian Audcrsuti,
Complimentary to
of Warren, 111.,
iertrucl Trenery,
Isabel Freeland,
Herneadette Colfcy,
Mnttle Junes,
Mamye Golden,
Mies Norma Conyne
who Is spending
guest of Mrs. F. II.
the winter as the
Cole, Mlsa Edith Flnher entertained at a
followed by u. inalltieu ut the urpheuni.
Pink carnation 'formed the, centerpiece,
for the table and tho present were;
Norma Conyne,
Alice Troxell,
Henrietta Benedict,
Mildred Marr,
Florence Power,
Alice Gates,
Katherlna Powell,
F. H. Cole,
D'arl Edgecomb.
Charles Lehmer.
Ml.VPH -
Mabel Marr.
Amy l.Mwile,
MaiRiierlto Itiisch,
HpiiiIch K.1 wards,
I'aitil Srott,
Marv Richardson,
Killth Flxhri,
1 .aw retir e tllhson,
U. L. Fisher,
A complete surprise was given Mr. ami
Mrs. John C. Howard Thursday evotilng
by a number of their friends In celebra
tion of the twenty-fifth wedding anniver
sary of Mr. and Mrs.. Howard. Two of
the guests, Mr. J. A. Sunderland and Mr.
M. O. MacLeod, were guests at tne wed
ding twenty-five years ao, which was
celebrated at tho homo of Mrs. Howard
In Omaha. Rev. John Matthews gave, a
cpevch of congratulation. Those present
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Fle'd.
.Mr. and Mie. II. K. Buikct.
Mr. and Mrs. George A. W ilcox,
Mr.-and Mrs. J. A. Fuller.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Jt. Webtr,
Mr. and Mrs. II. F. Curtln.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kuuderland.
, Mr. and Mrs. If. H. Kaldrlgc.
Mr. and Mra. F. .M. 1'irnii',
Mr. and Mrs. W. c. I,vl.
Mr. and Mr. W. S. ciirti:4.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. I'ntrhard,
Mr. and Mtk. W. H. (latex,
Mr. and Mrs. K. Henitict.
Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Rhodes,
Mr. and Mr. A. I. Chu'il.
Mr. and Mr. Ueorao Powell.
Mr. and Mis. Albert l.ii'islng,
Mr. and Mrs. It. I,. Shane,
Mr. and Mr. .1 Lyon.
Mr. and Mis S. V. Full.inay,
Mis. K. Wormsley,
Mi. KIIh Imnciin.
Mr. J. M. Rlcha-(1.
MIhh Minerva Fuller,
A!r. M. tl. MtirLend,
Mr. .1. P. WehMter.
Mr. A. I. Clovd. jr.;
Rev. John Matttiewi-.
Mr. and Mm. Charles It. Keller enter
tained at a 9 o'clock cof.'e lat wonlng
In compliment to tho debuntuntes. The
guest, were received l v Mr. and Mrs.
Keller and Mr. Charles Keller. The rooms
were decorated with yellow daisy chrys
anthemums. AsrlrtlnR In the dining room
were Mrs. Frank Wllhelm, Mr. Ben
W. Cotton and Mi-. James Love I'axton;
assisting at the punch bowl were three
of the debuntantes, Mlra lather Byrne.
Ladies' Tailor
$35.00 to $50.00
For the next thirty days I will make strictly Tailor
Made Suits for Ladies from $35.00 to $50.00.
This is a great opportunity for ladies to select a suit
from a man's tailor stock and made in man's tailor
merchant tailor
320 South Fifteenth Street
; t. - .at?S .VV -
Miss Helen Bcoble and Miss Mary Ring
wait. About 100 of the younger aet wore
Wedding Bells
The wedding of Mlsa Ldna' Dorothy
Bovsen, daughter of Mr. and Mra. P. J.
lioyaen, to Mr. A. lealle Dick will tako
place TueBday evetdng. November 21. The
core-nony will be held at the Boysen
tipurtment In the MaJentlo and will be
attended only by Immediate relatives of
the couple.
The wedding ot Miss Frances B. Scott
t. Dr. James 1. Blater waa celebrated
Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the
residence of the bride'a parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. J. Scott. Itev. VS. H. Jenka
read the marriage llnea, and Mrs. R. F.
Woodbrldge played the wedding march.
The bride wore her traveling ault of blue,
and after a wedding trip will reside at
South Thirty-fourth street.
A quiet church wedding took place
Wednesday evening at 6 o'clock at the
Walnut Illll church, when Miss Vivian
Toll, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K. M.
Toll, became the bride of Howard Good
rich. Rev. William Boyeni read the
narrlago lines. Tho bride and groom
ere unattended and have gone to Gal
veston, Tex., for a short wedding trip.
They will return to Omaha to reside and
will be at home to their friends after
December 1 at 1019 Sherwood avenue.
The wedding of Miss Kltse B. Busch.
daughter of Mr. und Mra. Herman Busoh,
to Mr. Wulter W. Weeth. formerly of
Texas, but now residing in this city, took
place Wednesday afternoon. The bride
and groom were attended by Mr. and
Mrs. II. F. Klsa-tser. MIhs Gertrude
Weeth. cousin of the groom, played the
weddinr. march and little Alberta Kl
amer. niece of the b;ide. was ring bearer.
Mr. and Mrs. Weeth have gone to Texas
for a short wedillns trip and will be at
home to their friends at 3704 North F.lght
tenth street December lo.
Cards have been received for the mar
riage of MIkh Gertrude Touialln Clarke,
(Continued on Page Tnree.)
- Made Suits
II it; :,WpJ r
m Wm imJ11 ft
tf Af n
pi rc w w
M r ' W, - mj
Our Annual Fall Opening tiill tccar ntxt
Thursday, Friday
and Saturday
The 23d, 24th and 25th
Our stock this year is larger and
?nore complete than ever before am
prising many new lines personally
selected by our Mr. Ryan on his last
European trip. Our departments
for English China and Society Sta
tionery have been enlarged.
IVe will give imptrted souvenirs,
also selected by Mr. Ryan, to lady
visitors. Please come.
Ryan Jeivelry Co.
loth ami Donqlas Street.
Save Money Buy Your Xmas Presents Now
8. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler, isi6 Douglas st.
OST-High Grade Furs
Corner -tJi and Kariiam.
'IThe advantages through which
this exclusive store is worthy
of its position in the public's estimation
-v 3&have never been so
as in our present showing of high class
winter apparel.
New Corduroy and Velvet
Suits at $45, $59.50
Smart Suits of fine, serviceable
Ml quality of Corduroy, made in tho
Hinplo styles best ndapted to this material.
AtS45 Jy'Tan-
ored Suit ith beauti
ful lines, made of a
lustrous velvet. A mod
el especially pretty to
wear with furs.
Furs of the Finest Quality
Every piece of fur offered for sale here is
known for its quality. You may depend upon
that, as we would not allow an inferior grade to
come into our exclusive store.
Remarkable Values in Fur Coats
Hudson Seal Coats ....$175.00 to $400.00
Russian Pony Coats ...... .$50.00 to $105.00
Natural Pony Coats ........$75 to $225.00
Nearseal Coats .... $50.00 to $100.00
Sets in Great Variety of Furs Be Styles
Natural Mink Sets $65 to $325.00
Hudson Seal Sets $30.50 to $125.00
Black Marten Sets 845.00 to $125.00
Black Fox Sets $40.00 to $150.00
Pointed Fox Sets $50.00 to $175.00
Wolf Sets ..$25.00 to $65.00
Japanese Mink Sets $25.00 to $75.00
Raccoon Sets $20.00 to $45.00
Goiimgj to IV2o2
After Christmas we are going to move to our new store
in the Paxton block, J21!i So. Kith St., 3 doors north of
Moving is hard work; to move a big stock will be hard
er work. Consequently we are reducing our
nnd at your prices.
Our entire stock (except listed goods)
Removal Sale and this is your opportunity.
Telephone. Ikiuglan H04O.
forcefully set forth
Hl PJJ ductiona
of imported models,
trimmed with braid and
satin, with smartly cut
Empire coats.
Dull Leathers
To. Knob
kind that dip
They have
women's feet.
To Specials the
back of the knob,
the style and fit
giving that short.
high arch effect so much desired.
Moat Style $4.00
Sorosis Shoe Store
903 to. 15th St.
is in this big
M.m.v. .ap.rfla.a. '
momw. t mr eaix
kmi. k.ui.
MkBBllc. .for kcakltlfr...
Josephine Le Fevre Company
VhlladelphU, re
sold by reatori Lirug Co, the Bell Druif
Co, and the Bennett Company. Oman.