Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1911, SOCIETY, Image 13

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    The Omaha
si.MH.i-; ropy nvi; ciats.
Where Styles
Are. Newest
Is Best
,-.irfi.ii.At'jV.i.ii .i'ia. ,-V.a .Ii.m.v
A. Sale of Tailored Suits
These Suits Arc the Cream of This Season's
Styles -$35.00 to $39.50 Values at $27.50
Only ubout one hundred in this lot. made of l"i nost quality diagonals, serges broad-
lot lis, lain y suitings and whipcords and, madam, if It's a practical suit ou want as well
Rj a hutid'oiue oil'1. ou will find these to he just ritiht. Tin" workmanship is of our own
specif icatiui. ; the fabrics tho very best wo tould buy; the styles absolutely correct, many
of then) having their inspiration in tome of the imported models. The coats are lined with
pu a run teed materials, the collars are finished with velvrts and contrasting broadcloths and
the skirta are iti high waist line styles with paneled backs and novelty button effects.
Various other lines in the store atprices beginning at
$12.50 and graduating upwards to $50.00
vm tr
ft iS 1 M I-
ft y I n 1
Scs Worthy of Special Mention
Colored crepe cle chines that, jio.nms tho.-o lint iltap-
inn qualities so much desired in afternoon and oeniiiK kowiis; all
the most wanted light and (lurk shades as well us black, full -l
inches wide. Uenuett'a price, per yard, 551,50.
Colored poplins in a imt rxcrllont valine if tolor-
ings, full 4 0 inches widethey have no rival when v anted, for beau
tiful clinging Kowns-Honnett'3 price, per yard, $1.50.
$6 Wool Blankets at $4.79 a Pair
Thi't' arc full bod si.o and may ln had in various
new elu'ckrd doHgnn. Unexcollt'd lur wai nitli.
$10.00 down comforts with I ho very lt Kitinc cuv-i-rinps
and sanitary fillings; si.t (i7, a little soiled 1'roni
disphiv, but otlicnviso in perfect condition; Moudav,
$3.50 ivool nap blankets in light and dark colorinjs:
heavy and warm; Monday, the
pair . . . . . ,lpJLYy
Slx'iO-incli Pequot sheets noted for their wearing
oualities-the $1.00 kind; Monday, 85l each.
.$J..")0 full size comfort-s in new patterns, filled with
nice white cotton, Monday only, $22.(M) each.
Dress Goods of hiterest to All
AVe have just received n new shipment of the scarce
reversible cloth?, in plain colors and plaid back effects,
lor polo coat. The color combinations are more pleasing than any
we have previously shown nnd nro sure to meet with hearty ap
proval. Also R good assortment of hand come Scotch und mixed They are 60 to 56 inches wide and are priced according
to the quality at 91-50, 52.00, 2.50, $3.00. $:i.50 and $4.00 tho yard.
Monday Half Price Sale of
Guaranteed Affllow Plumes
'i lie (iialily of I'cnnctl (iuarantced Willow Plumes is too well known to need
any comment here. It is sufficient for you to know that every plume we m1I is guar
anteed to give absolute sat isl'.ict ion or you got a new plume free of co-t. I f that in't
satisfactory we will gladly give you buck our money.
A Deposit Will Hold Any Plume for Future Delivery
If you have always been wanting a plume and never felt that you could afford
it. this sale offers you the opportunity to buy it at a half of the original reasonable
prices bv paving only a very small deposit down. It will then be l.iiil ;iwav until
such time as vou mav wish' to take it up. ALL CU) AT.Il'ST A 11ALI' OF Till: Hi
Guaranteed Willow Plumes. Regularly Sold
at SI 2, sale LJrice
i i it r1 nk
Our i-loak and suit buver who huu been in the Kast for over a week past
hus been .rushing us so many new things it would be iiu possible to describe
them in detail. So we offer this synopsis, together with a cordial invitation
' 1 . . ' L 11... I .....i ..4 ..I ..'....)!....!
tu v isii me o:epai iioeiii i l v our-eai iiesi couv I'liience.
Cloth coats of fine mixtures at $6.50 to !s35.00.
Black broadcloth coats at $10.00 to $39.50.
Elegant plush coats at $19.50 to $35.00.
Heavy chinchilla coats at $23.50 each.
Russian pony fur coats at $49.50 to $100.00.
River mink fur coats at $69.50 to $125.00.
Near seal fur coats at $75.00 to $165.00.
"PiHni tVinn :
rabbit skin to
wrap a baby bunt
ing in"
The new, little knitted
sweaters, lenKins Hnii
cap.i hove provided
lor your buby. See
tlieui M-miliiy.
You Pay Less for Fur Sets Monday
)imiini fur set consisting of n nice
largo ncarf and muff; regularly f-'o.OO tho
Bt. Jlonduy. tjiio.r.o.
Natural raccoon fur wts with an extra
large shawl collar trimmed with tails and
heada and a largo barrel muff; regularly
I30. 00 the set, Monday, $75.00.
Itcdj fox fur set contesting of un extra
largo muff lined with, satin messalino and
an elaborate collarette, all beautifully
blended; regularly $75. 00, .Monday, Ki.50.5o.
.lUue fox fur M"ts consisting of u fine col
larette and muff, very specially priced
at $;W.rso.
Anticipate Thanksgiving 'Needs From
These Specially Priced Linens
72-inch all linen satin damask of tin extra good $1.'J.'
quality; n wide range of choice designs; reduced, for
Monday's selling only, to 98c the yard. 2.'jxL'3-inch
napkins to match may be had at the very special price
of $3.50 the dozen.
72x90-inch all-linen pattern cloths in a wide variety
of ttr'tCilv new; down-to-date patterns;
regularly $3.50 each, Monday only . . p ju O J
Napkins U match the above cloths, size 22x21: Inches, regularly
priced at $'J.&0 the dozen, Monday, 2.A0.
31.U5 fancy luicn consisting of scarfs, entcr pieces and lunch
cloths in liat ten burg, drawn work and embroidered designs; Monday
only, Hl)c for your choice.
4Gx:tti-luch eitilirol'leiTHl linen pillow canes Mn pretty lmnd
worked designs; regularly $4.2-r, Monday, $2.hh the pair.
Extra Stamps in the Dig Pure Food
Store Monday and Tuesday
'TriiJe jf lloniielfa" l'lourspeoiHl i l ull creuu.' chreoo and 10
priro - er fsi'k tiju
iH-ll. sails "ym-eu I" tli I'auiry"
pastry llour au.t 4U stunips $1.85
Tii-iiiii-t t's ';ohlcu colfi-o ami '-')
HtUUIi-H, in 360
lli'imi'llH Cupltol coll'eo und
stiiiuijs, pl(K 30O
Assorted teas and 0 stumiw, 680
Tea slttiliKH und 10 Mumps, lb. ISO
for Guaranteed
Willow Plumes
Regularly Sold at $14.9
for Guar an
teed Willow
Plumes Regularly
Sold at $16.98.
Guaranteed Willow Plumes) Guaranteed Willow Plumes i Guaranteed Willow Pluses
Ueirulailv Hold at $18.00- f Kegularly Hold ut $:o.OO t Kegulurly bold at im.vh
Sulo lTUo
SJale 1'ricu
Halo l'rlco
IT. ltH. ' 1 It A Nt'LATKI BtHAK St
I Mil plcklcH and 10 stpn., dozen 150
Hu-nci'UIIhIi ud 10 Ht botlle 10O
I iHiiriiMiin vlneK'r and 10 stainpn.
buttle aoo
tfeauly green asiaraiius and 1"
stumps, an SOo
Siilu-r'K chile sauce and 10 slumps,
hottlft 350
Six pk-j;s. Atko (lloss siareb lor S6o
H-lb. iiks. Hennett'H 'apilol oats,
wheal und pancake flour, with 10
stamps 10o
Gulllarl's pure olive oil mid 40
Mumps, nieilluiu size bottle ..45o
S lbs. 7c Jup lice for BSo
Hi UOn
lieniielt'M t'apltol PakliiK powder
and .10 Htaiups, lb. hii 34o
neniietC.) I'HpltuI extracts and '.'il
slanips, botllo 18o
Sllt-cd beet ami ! stamps, iar loo
Seliepp's (iiilnit ami 10 stamps,
lb. paekuice 38o
3 pkKs. Ilennelt's Cupitol niline
niKHt -i 1 1 -1 10 stamps 85o
Vu- lil "lul salad iliesalnt; and 4"
stamps, boltlo 48o
3."e quart can 1'ranco-Ainei'lriiii
sinipH for 30o
Sale of Pineapples
4 00 rans of Hrockport sliced
pineapples, usually sold at 10c
the can special offer for Mon
day and Tuesday only, or whilo
tbey lust, ut
4 Cans for 25c
Guaranteed Willow Plumes Guaranteed Willow Plumes
Itegularly Sold ut $JO.O0
Salo l'rlco
Kegularly Sold at $35.00
Halo l'rlco
Guaranteed Willow Plume3
Regularly Sold "it $10.00
Halo Pi ii a
Buy a Guaranteed Plume for a Christmas Present
If you buy it during this side, you buy it for half price. Hy paying a small de
posit we will hold it for you until Christinas.
Scranfon Anthracite
lleht Kcranton Anthracite, No.
Chcatnut a smaller
hl.e than you luivni
been in customed to,
but preferred by many to the old sue at a tuiuving of $1 per ton, or, tbo ton
I Mouse, note that this anthracite can be mixed with other sizes.
Dominion Lump and NuC Coal Ex'ra Valut at, the ton. $3.50. Try It.
I'll CA
y vv v
Locating the Big Conventions
Hv.xicTon hui:v vi r.u. . j
.Member Hepulillenii National t oin
iniltee. The active commencement -u Brveial
ujes of pifltiitiiiury t-:ps to lclnfoicel
InvitatiiHiH to the . s rs-UUcal parties j
to hold ttn-:r niuiu'.iLil nmuiut.n eon-;
entlons let i. e...) r.n; approach or an
ntlier i-:.iial rav.ifilsn as rerialnly
as tlie appea-'ance ( the robins pieredes
llio aJvent of bi'lii .K. The privilene of
ntertaiiiiii, ;iii'l I: clili '..tally pxplolting'.
the tleleoatis anJ t pc lator i who usscmhlo
fur thete ;; iuuu!-t:r.i:il fpeet.irles has
mine to tirt .-.e 1;ki.!v sought after, und
the compelit'on f .r C t l ii ntioii "f the
bis turn 'iitioi-.u 1'i 'ri . 3 ti to lis brisk
l ins JrHi' a iit un,,' l.i.'L1 i. jni the found
ing of the l epaV.U'.
If tbeio haj I..-. .1 ii v.v nil", o.' i ules.
KUidlnif the Kleelii ii o" tin; convi nlion
iit. oliei vrd s- t.f i ii ; , i . . ' y to cm it In tin in
lo rank us pi e. -mp i.t. ;.. j i.,t!sel
In a reading of our p. I !i' 1 history sini e
the yiim Ie.'..,..e e.Kil,!l:he-1
us pin t i f o'lr l.-,"...-a n.:i. hiio r-. A
ell post-'d pers.iu m:cht n'.i-.i.e a l'aii'l;.'
Col kiiims a. lo v. u ie th, Kepub!i ail or
lJi-iiuri;it eni. t nti n vi'l prxt . e.n ,
hut no uly lias any claim it can ncht
f'llly as-i'it as usacirt all others: the
i n elitlou ili..s Ti t In li-::i; ate where, ul
tlioiiKli, -f course, it is v 1 1 I nov u that
eii.iiii ii-nsi-h-i l --'ll.- of pi-licy no. I e.-pedi'-ncv
will be K.ven tlue vciht in lie
tl i riiiii..iti"ii.
The f : I'Ht liali 111! p. luai r. il: -ollVcri-ti'j-i
i,, pr.-n nl pai iv c.iteliil.i t-s "i- pres
JPnt -itel ice piideiit uei,- cvmveil in
"iiipi'ts-u villi the electi. in "f l as an
oi-liowth 'f I"-) linlhod of ll-irpinatlPK
i aiell'lutt s fi.-r Male offices in Mate coil
vetitions. The unti-M-aunic uprifini; had
ieMiii..,l to a - enfi, er "n.i.ti":i, e-f
iiti-.M.iM-iM held in I'liiliulelphla in Sep.
t-mix r. l--. Ill wltleli r- pre-cntat ives
from I-n of the t will '-f.iiir states were
tin'.i! prsM-nt by rdiit ty-six ilelefa l -, nn l
l i ti s.ibiilon l all-'d aie-'her ceii eptii .11
t" meet at ralliau.if. e:i si pi--nl
1 to plum. 1. cil- a p tn ket
National Convcntiou Chrouology
National la-publican ear hcmoci-atic
liultimore, December 12 ls;il-.; May .'!, lialtlmore
1 Soli May lialtimoro
llarrisburg, December 4 ls:'.9-40 May llaltlmoro
nultinioiv, May I IMt ........May 27, llaltlmoro
Philadelphia. June 7 184S May llaltimoro
lUiltimore, dune 16 1802 June 1, llaltlmoro
Iialtinmre, Septtmbcr 17 1
Itcpublican L lS.'tJ lune 2, Cincinnati
rhiladclphlu, Juno 17 I
Chicago, May 10 l.Mi i April 2;!. t harlebt
( June 1 s, llaltiiuore
liiltitnon-. June 7 1 Mi I August 2'., Chicago
Chicago. May 20 l.S'is July 1. New York
Philadelphia. Juno o 1S72 Inly !, Halt i more
Cincinnati, June 14 1S7! lune 27, St. I, mils
Chicago, Juno 2 ISmi June 22, Cincinnati
Chicago, June II UM July ,s. t'hicugo
Chicago, June 1 f 1SSS June St. I.011U
Minneapolis. June 7 is:t2 Juno 21, Chicago
Si. Louis. June 10 1 Sin; July 7, Chicago
Philadelphia. June 19 lOnu July 4, Kansas City
Chicago, June 21 HOi 1 July 0, St. Louin
Chicago, June 1C 1!"S July 7. Denver
At 1 Ins 1 1 -
tl"II 11 ; del half ti-.e
thus s i, t:
ill i'on ent icn.
pl leminiat mi; coiim 11-lc:-'.
x.ere plecot (r"!ll in"!-
-ta'e. r'oll-iu ipi; tfie exatn-
ic Nsl Olial liepulhaii '- ni I
O Ut liailllll'-le. Ileeelil-
be.- l:. lv,I, . ah Uel-cales, r preheitt
int,' seventeen Male. Altimimli the re.
nomination of l'.iiuept Jackson v.a.s t n
- ontested, lb" 1 icmoei al-i likewise resrute I
for the fir.-t time to a convention to settle
upon a rutining mate for him, ai-.-ernblinK
in Ualtlnmre en May -jl, w li- u
deliguteK pai I ieipated. lepresentlnit ail
the then exiMng Btates excepting MI--
fuill i.
11 The fact that all three of t'.e initial
1 national ni'imiiai ipk 'fiiif tit ion- weie
htid iu oi f n-1 the aame v-ty j;'-He the
sop. 1 lor aiii'.- w h:
r-n .1 in I hat cay fir t :n
of ? n-lt a j;alln i'iiik. It
tiniole 111 roll
for the hotio
rr tir'nUcl Hr.
The fa -"n v
Uti oie I
of the 111. Ml.
few Inlleri from Washington, thr- ueat of
gov ( riiiii. tit and of politic, and vet, some.
rather tliun to another because of the
location of the convention. Jt Is little
wonder then that lialtimore retalneil this
preFtlK' from the Mart. I'p to the out
break of the chll war the Democrats held
all their national conventions, with one
..ieptlon, in I more, und the Nationul
Republicans Mini their Wins euccc-hoi
j liehl all t'li. lr nalloiial corn i-utlini.i there
"ith two except Ion-.. The I lemoiru I s met
joiite in tin n 1 no 1 1 in IN'.;, und the WMk
iu I lairi.-buiH In 1M". uiuj in 1'hiladelphia
In 1C.
The rise of.lhe llenublican nartv with lulcly t-ssenn
its Klrenxlli In tho iniiMIe ! funnel lolks III
west and with the steadily westward
trend of population soon put a new fuei:
on the convention proposition. The He
publicans, to be sure, met first In Phila
delphia, in IVh:, hut 011 the next turn
as-einbleil in 'h lea 1:0, then the fur vest,
out of which 1 plant; the victorious co
horts .-i by Lincoln. For the pit
funding performance of Lincoln's "'
nominal ion, the If 1 1 1 t I i uns took their
convention to I '-all iinoi e, but retiirne-l
uKahi lo I'liicaKO to hoiior the ht-ro ol
Appoinato. 'ountine, its first national
concciitinu, x.l, 1 'lucaxo has te.-n the
scene of ten bit; 1 Unas of the tn
Kii'itt political put t ies--six Kepiibllcan
ami four 1 icinoci .11 tc to su' nothiiir; oi
the numerous similar ttutlici inns nf the
S"-cuUei le.-scr pai'tte-. ChlcHI,'". there
fore, rlnce wur tiuitM has occiipieil tie
roi re.-pondiii po-itlo.) as a nalloiial con
ventioii city that liailituore hel.l befon:
Ihe wilt.
Tin- items usually 1 on -inei ei us ha-
Laltituore of. ! 1 '"' " " '
1 in-; a Inuring on louvention loiatioii. I , and ll.
1 "" "'""ilm.e already nuu.ei attd. When t ho : lacllii
lit I la. t 1:1. '
an on with p,,;--ab,. nval.
vas by coiiimou consent
the eoi, fill Ion city.
r.- 1 daiul. til '-, -Lal-1
1!'- ay bet wi in tn- staffs
und south, it was only
1 Mlial removed from the thralldom of offi
cial isiwt r; it was rtadily ae. esuble ,v
land and sea routes; it bad eoininoiioun
balls for me.-tiiiK places and leispllable
h'.stilrr s lo hou a nil hi, mltiiit sittiid;
DO o'le a- - et e en FU -e.e-t r.( l,jtt h,,
l'ol'tual btntlit could luuie lo i;e i-ail
iiaii'iiial coniinit It t s convene next month.
i':i. It city 1. 1 iilirit, for the convrn
li..i. will present throui;!i in spnkca-in.-
1 c-'rti nt arguments hv it should
have- the picfertmc. Most t.f these
1111 nts vi.l relate to the phy.-leul Weil
bclni; und convenience of the delegates
und eon t-rit ion croud, and the pi opi r j met- an
eiUipmer.t for tilt; e xpedition and t ho . const ru
f the business on which
culled. I'or with the vst
the country and its grow-
tin y will b
ex.aii"lori of
t r if population the iiallonnl
of lo.lnv lia- b'Tunii of ma'
portions a., ei.nipnre.l with
size of tin; tJI'l; )cai,f. Lacn
Minun inn 1
'..Ion pro
the pinniv
1 uiiv t, atiun
of the two j,-reat parties now consists
of approximately I.Ono tlelcKUtes und 1.000
alternates, w hile the offici i s. pi ess cor
respondents, special quests, spectators
and tamp followers are esilmuied f 1 om
iO.OiJ to IW.K.ii), (,f which at be: I t.nly
a small part can actually I"' witness to
the I . ui-eedlllKs.
first. 'I'liouwh tlieic is plop. il no 11 I'M
nor last -Ihe lailuuy lucihlies lo luhiri
this vast ui my lotp-thei and lake ll..
cou.tltueni paits lo t!iir bonu 1 alter
the close of the 1 011 itn I ion an: ahso-
.No one-load to'AU coU'd
that nuiiiber in und out
w ith siitislai toi pi ompl iie-s iu the ul
luted time. 'J ho conveiilioii city must be
tiio hob t.r railways radiating Iu all nl
l ectioiis v. ith tei'ininala udeipiato to i e
ti v tl.-maiid-i. I'eople who no to
thesn (CUlhcllliUS expect to be subjected
to stress and slialn but they also expect
to airuc I.efoiH the chiiirinaii laps lor
order und lo riet o il of to" 11 ul'l.r ad
journment W.II...-M u 111 ca -ona hie il.'Iu.,'.
S'ecoliil. Aller He de.r.'alis ami
ate hssi inbled they lull -t be ile.enliy
houseil lllel feil. Tliev must be permltleil
to sleep, und cat, und drink, and pursue
' cleaullnes.- and t ' k amuseinciil . The con
; Million extends ut b a't mil' the 1
Ipalt of a t.'k, but is 111 session as 11
J 1 ule t j 1 1 1 a lew hours ea-ll day. Lven
1 if nil th straiiccr-i woo able to attend,
j which they are not, they would have to
'be ptoMded for when lie- convention in
not in session. It is Ihe holds and 11s
jlauraiiM ri tic-limeiit p'a-cs, bath:'. Hu n
ters, el", that iici.i I"- I 1 ic.Uis,llon.
city In-1 siipp.u d Willi the,-c
will n-uallv he ocit..x.,.
1 Thiid. A sii 1 1 .1 lii .- and rate con tciitn.-i
'ball tiiast he aailahle. 'utional tom.n.
j lions have ,.u i.eld iu tunis pa.-t in
sll sort- i f tin clip,-; place.- hall loom,
I op. 1 a Imi-i', a 1 n mi ', 1 position 1 111 11, w in
jwam I' ul, inli.'i'inii, til' late, Ihihiait,
moro exa-iiPK 1 eipjn 1 inent s na'e la en
liialilol 1 mil of full.' fire-pi mil
lion, tapahle of so-al I US the 'J.OH
(1elt.ate.H nnd tilleiiiaics 0:1 one floor
level, and of la.l.nni; alloc, ti,, r from .,i"
lo r- r lvoj people, uh not impos-
pi ft : :', tt hill W J ikillr,
..' I - and . ,,sih 1, ,,, 1 1 1 ,
lid .ill. . , I' 0 ' 1 -. 1 ' 1 . 1 I . .
. a' i"a il j 1. ii'ou.iw '.'.d
iln-tan .
bv : I e,
In i'l
Clevelund was held III a tenl ' pilcheil on
(Tilcauoa lake lront. Jn I'.kX) the uudl
loriuiii Iu wlil'li Kunsaa City was lo
houso the dcniociutli! convention burned
a few weeks prior to the date, bill i
1.1 w und more ciuiimoillous liiilldhiK was
at in it net ltd In Itt" place and n ady a',
the appointed time.
l oin Ih, Hie . 1 "Willi on the llool and la
tho rjiillenes uie not tint only ones ut
b ndim; Ihe onM-ntion ; lln whole news
paper I 'Mil.pc, public I hrounhoui the
l. ui;ih and I r.-iitltn of tho land and over
sea- i-ucii'clliiK Ihe. plobe wberevtr clvi
lucd nnlloiis exl-l, are present by proxy
IU tin) peihoiis of the piei-s represent a
llve.'. Tho proposal hits oven been ad
vanced In all lerioiiMii ss to shut out all
thn except the tiewspuper 10
porlers Iu the lntt rest of expeilillinj busi
ness, und lor Ihe protection of tho dele
rales from outside 111 f I in nets, und of
In lyiiiK on the puss lo iliss-nonule a' -liuiiiils
of what is happeniiiK as 111. nanny
land Kiaphlcallv as need be. ln-lht-r tlil.-
d.aibtful expeil.t nl in n U' adopted or lint.
I lie- ptopi'i' acc0mmiMl.1l ion of the pii.-s
I Kullt-l V l'i f lindaillelitn i ; n woal) be lise-
Icss 1.) hold a funiculi. in, write a
1 lorn) und nominal. 1 41 prc-ld. ntiul tl.'ktl
unliss lie- liens of II oiiiild be ; 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 ,mt.
(This wo: I. inn loom for the kuiKIim i.iiv
papi r men means liimk-llne lel. ij.aph ami
telephone sciiiei- from the convention
city to all Ihe unat Ueivs centers; It
III. it 1 1 n al- 1 1 sldeiatioll of the difference
I 111 time Petit., 11 urn. rent pin is or on.
, nicat transcoiitinenial coiintrt , to which
the pulilicatioii of oil tic Important neiis
Ipapii. of I. Hue 1 h culal ion Is adjust .-I.
I tilth, fmuicial Mife-iuinls toi t he l.'r;iti-
1.1. it.- expenses ol the convention must
j 1 1. pi o il, - I. , I he coll V ctlt inn I It v I f .1 p -
the piolils ut money spent be dece,.ites
lalld VisllolS. Ml It. i'l expected ., loot tile
lulls. 'Ihe t iiMoiuury way is to talse a
'rViaiunly and depot. t It to ihe cted.t
of a. local UiaMiicr authon.e.l to nn-et
, obligations as tin y arise. I'or l'.t'x, lit n
i i er put up t,"n0 for the I n iiiti. rats, while
j I he ar".. i Insult d without limit whatever
iniitlay nilriht be iiece-sary for the Kepub
i lii-atix-Miid to have calb d for about
I T.. ,""). The ratiK" of e. peiidil ores coicrs
hall rent, inn.- c, d alcms, tickets
printhio. had . .tt.i.- - "I paal t m-
plotiS. , ,.-,..ial I '.'it'll , ol' oltlc. l- nnd
'ibv oiinnltUti .u .'1.aiv. Al tmit.-a IU.'
sui plus. If any. In the Riiarauty fund has
been turned Into the cunipulgii fund a a
campaign cuiitiibutlou, but later inactive
la to return It to donors who would hav
been held pioporf omilrly for uny deficit.
Sixth, Mmtimeiilal and political reasons
may 1"- urned lor a particular convention
locution. The KcpnolicaiiM wchL buck to
I'nllaileliihla iu P-00 to celebrate the com
pletion el' liio first half century of tin!
party's cm: leii 'o In tho miine place w lu-io
tin- Marl hud been mud". Tho 1 'et.ioi ru H
fixed upon St, Louis for their convent on
in 1-04 in ouler to ciiahlo thorn) atteiulim;
lo lake in the Louisiana Purchase ex
position ul the same time. Polltlcul ton
slderaiion. , iKiivever, are factors in tl.a
choli o miicli more often, upon Hie tliootv
H at one ciiy may he tx-livr lor a jiur
ticular i audi. late lliuii another or Dial
tho award o the cotivoutiuii may help
hruiif Iu ll.o electoral vote of tuc Main
thus facie i d, or ut h ast ucric to allay
la.lloiial tlift'creuces und uucourauc tin!
paity Iciulcrs to unlit! In a more li;"rous
onslaintht on llio pollinat enemy.
'l o ivha. extent these expect.; I ions are
actually itjuied in a decidedly open tpies
lioti. The I 'euiocr.1 1 10 convention of Jbi u
ut nt to Charleston, while Hie lonerlm;
clouds t f civil war were, fcutlierini;, with
loo hopo und dtsiKii lo the south
ern -?lavu slates to control, und ct It
iiubkly spill on tho ioi.k.i and both wliiKa
found ll utlvlsahki to adjourn to lialti to linish their work. To tho fact
that Hie Kcpiihliciiiis usaembleil that year
j in I'hltaHo instead of hi a city taut of
j tho Alli fchf :,n s Is unilou btnlly duo Hie
' noiiiina'.ion of Lincoln instead of i-cwutd.
' The flu. inn. .ti fonitpl.ou iu ,i uaiin-.i
' Hayes ufl-r Ll. ill ti vtus beaten oul largely
beeaiiso ut local Ohio Miirounilliiya ami
Harrison like,l.,c fi-.j.jv t u an advantage
of pioxlmlty to home folka in the l'liloai,-.
j couvciitlon thai nominated him tu xx
Tbu i lio. -e of Chicago, fur the la-.l rc
I publican eoiivt nlion was hailed aa a vic
itory lor 'Thtj alliea" atulnst Tuft, who
I hud no prospect of support from Illinois,
but il tlld not prove to bo so.
Neither Is it posMblo for the Conven
tion location to bo measured
in votes. Although tho lepubli-cu,:-
fax. ind St. Louis In l ..!. Mi.-.ourl
it::l o. ii.o-: a;ic as us.ial, but lua
A, Ul. lined oit i't.' SivlttJ