Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 12, Image 12
THK OMAHA SUNDAY IIEK: NOVKMHEK 10, 1911. inmids Stores Aire AlisoliWy MisiMe : IT 1 i ! Women of Gmaha and vicinity who buy furs, expecting the service of several seasons, invariably come to Brandeis Stores because of our estab lished reputation as sellers of furs of dependable character. Hundreds of women' arc capable judges of fabrics, but not one in each hundred' has sufficient knowledge of furs to safely uum ncr muiviuuai juugmenc. i woman must place her conhdence in tne integrity oi ine nouse wnere sne puys ner lurs. Brandeis reputation stands Sponsor for Brandeis furs. Every fur coat or set that enters or leaves this house must be up to iirandeis standard of dependability. The stylo character of every fur coat or set in Brandeis Stores is strictly authentic in every detail. .12 B""l "Su1 IM m 1&& k ; i 1 , u u MATCHED FUR SETS Black Fox Matched Sets, at. $35.00 to $150.00 lied Fox Matched Sets, at $17.50 to $75100 Finelilack and7Uuc"Matched Wolf Wets at . . $19.00 to $59.00 Popular Natural Kaecoon Sets, at $25.00 to $65.00 FrnTNatuTal Mink Sets, at $50.00 to 8250.00 Wended Jap Mink Seta, at .$35.00 to $98.00 Practical Brook Mink Seta, at $10.00 to $25.00 Matched Canadian Marten Seta, at .$7.50 to $20.00 Scores of Belgian Coney Sets, at $5.00 to $15.00 Children's and Junior" Fur Sets In many different kinds of furs rery smartly made, many novelty shapes, at, set $1.60 up to $15 Brandeis Stores Long Winter Coats Are Fashionably Correct 7 Omaha women select their coats at Brandeis because of e satisfaction of choosing ora a variety that includos cry style that finds real favor in New York this season. ;gl 'IP;, .1 1 ' : fVCi ml ' ' -Vy' Omaha woman. realizes that the A IPilt!Ml1l. greater variety of good furs from which she TOWoPflWj .noo80s insure more perfect satisfaction jfer'f 1 .t-Jry to herself. No western store- shows such VQJ variety in high class furs as Brandeis. .pLx LONG FUR COATS 52-inch Genuine XXX Sealskin Coat, at .$498.00 52-inch Genuine Hudson Bay Beuver Coat ntT $T98.00 52-inch Genuine Hudson Seal Coat, stunning style, at . $159.00 52-inch Novelty French Model Near Seal Coat at . .$T59.00 52-inch Near Seal Coat, beaver and Canadian Marten Trimmings, at .". $98.00 52-inch French Dyed Selected Skin Russian Pony Coat at $8900 52-inch Blended Brook Mink Coats at 777$ 69J0O 52-inch Near Seal Coats, beautifully made, at $691)0 52-inch Fine Lustrous Skin Ponv Coats at $59.00 OJ-incti Astrakhan Coats, very popular this season, at ..$39.00 52 inch Coney, black and blended, Fur Coats, at 7$32.50 Brandeis Stores Tailored Suits for Women Have All Been Specially Priced Women's New Velour Coats at $35, $39 and $45 A velour coat, if the style ia light, is the season's favorite today. These styles are exact. - , - ;w.wi SPECIAL For Monday Only Your Choice of Any King Linen Tailored Waist at One-Third off The $7.!0 Kin WftUtu, at. . Tha $6.00 Kin Walnta, at.. The $5.00 Klnff WatntH. at.. The $4.00 Klnar WulMtn, at.. The $3.00 King Walats. at.. . .S.OO ..4.00 , .93.33 . .fa.e7 . .3.00 Right in the height, of the season when the demand is for tailored apparel, for immediate wear. We have grouped all the highest class fall and winter suits in -stock and offer them at spe cial prices. Every suit is up to Brandeis high standard. Women's Tailored Suits - Worth up to $35, Go at $17.50. This include all the famous "Fashionseal" Suits for women,: the most popular tailored ap parel in Omaha. The' New Black Broadcloth Coats . 'v ' No coat has the nir of elegance that a -properly mado broadcloth coat 'has. There is n coat for every figure in this, group, for $25 e : : : ii Cjreat special for Monday Only Your Choice of Any New Heavy Mixture Double Faced Cloth . Coats, at $15, $17.50, $19. Practical, serviceable, warm and ultra smart. These coats are everything a coat should be. V-QT iH LONO FLUSH COATS '61-Inch lengths with colored satin lining a Xf coat in great favor, at $13.50 Advanco Notice French Lingerie on Special Sale Wednesday A delayed shipment of our own importations Just received. We will place them on sale -Wednesday at special price reductions. Bee the' windows. Watch Tuesday evening papers. . "KLOSFIT" Silk Petticoat IN OUIl KNTFKE STOCK AT $3.98 This is a special price to demonstrate the wonderful ad vantages of this excellent garment that fits snugly and comfortably without a seam. On sale and demonstrated by a special representative of the manufacturer on our second floor. Women's Suits, Worth Q O Up to $50.00, at You'll be astonished at the re markable values in this special' group of beautifully tailored suits. " CHIFFON WAISTS Scores of fine chiffon and silk waists, every one a clever new style. Values up to $10, at $5 WOMEN'S SWEATER COATS . $1.50 TO $5.00 All new styles in this group of practical knit garments Monday. VViV.V'"'ViV .'. V V.' V'iVi'' Women's Blanket Bath Robes "Worth up to $4, Monday, at only .....$2.50 Women's Teazel down Bath Robes Worth up to $3.00, at -only 1.50 Women's Sateen and Percaline Petticoats-Worth " up to $1.00, at only 69c Women's Flannel Gowns $1.00, at only ... Outing Night Worth 59o WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S Winter Underwear SPECIALLY PRICED FOR MONDAY Misses', Children's and Boys Union Suits Fino . and heavy ribbed, fleecy lined; worth up to QQ 19c 75c, at, a suit Children's Vests, TanU and Iraver Fine ribbed, fleecy lined, 35c quality, at, each Women's Vests, Pants and l'n ion Hulta Medium and heavy weight, fleecy lined, regular and extra sizes, worth up to 75c at, each. Hi! Blankets Comforters 12-4 size Extra Heavy Woolnap Blankets, at $1.98 The finest cotton blankets made; feel like finest wool and do not shed the nap. Sell everywhere M AO at $3 to $3.50 special, at pair vJLtJO Strictly All Wool Blankets at $5 a pair Finest grade full 12-4 and 11-4 sizes; weigh G and 7 lbs. to a pair and worth up to $8; also St. Mary's $7.50 r Blankets, at, pair V Remarkable Offer In Rugs We made a very fortunate special purchase of high quality room-size rugs and offer some remarkable values Monday and all next week. The stock Is new and up to date, tfie patterns are excellent and the varieties nre very large. This sale offers a most unusual opportunity to buy rugs of very high class at a great ' saving. 49c Women's Fine Ribbed Union SuitsHeavy silk finished lisle; flesh color, blue and tf-l PA ;.white; worth $3, at, a garment vlwv Complete Assortments of Fashionable Laces, Bands and Allovers in Our Lace and Trimming Departments. All the gold, silver and multi-colored beaded passementeries, garnitures, fringes, cords and lassels, buttons, etc. all at very special prices. 19-inch Embroidered Silk Chiffon Allovers Neat figured designs, for waists, tunics, yokes, etc.; white, ivory and black. Many worth jfQ - $1 n yd. bargain square special, at yd.. ..TtL All This Week Demonstration and Sale. LaVida (Jorsets 11 us Virginia White, a skillful corsetlere. and represen tative from the La Vida designers, will be glad to explain the many superior advantages of this corset and will fit ..women In correct models for their Individual figures. f:l Extra Fine Cotton Illankets 91.00 11-4 and 12-4 soft fin ished Australian Woolnap and faucy plaid Blank ets at, pair $1.69 $0 All Wool 11-4 Illankets at :l.l8 Pair Strictly all wool; full 11-4 size for double beds; five pound weight at, pair $3.98 $3 Full Size Sample Comforters at $1.50 Covered with Al silkoline and French sateen, ' medium and heavy; all colors. Made to sell at $3 $ 1 50 and $3.50 Monday, while thev last, each . . 1 a r 0 r $15 9xi2 Axminster Rugs Worth up to $25, floral and Oriental patterns. Do not overlook this splendid value tliis sale at An Assortment of Seam less Wilton Rugs Val ues up to $30, 1 QQ this sale, go at VlU0 Seamless Velvet Rugs Floral and Oriental pat terns. A good $ A TA value at $22, at .1U 9x12 Seamless Brussels Rugs Best quality, worth up to $24 one r!!o.'......$12.50 012 Seamless Brussels Rug's All good patterns, never sold for less than '.:!'i9......$9.98 Made Up Rugs Extra large size, 10-Gxl2, val ues up to $30, this$4 93 sale, choice at .. tmmk Unrestricted Choice Any Woman's Hat In Our Entire Stock, no Matter What the Former Selling Price $10 Ve brown ing, the I'niuUT In )'inrM-laa 1! v ha I u ni -TI-jalA I Tear Brandeis Annual Thanksgiving Dinner ware Sale This Is the largest, most remarkable sale of new. un-to-dsta ninnur Ware we have ever held. Right at a time when a new service is most desirable we offer you the very latest, patterns in English, French, German, 8wedlsh, Austrian and Domestic China at Just one third off the regular prices. Every set is from our regular stock snd can be replenished year after year. Sale begins Monday and continues throughout the week. The following values cannot be duDllcated in Omaha. 100-Maea Francfe. Ontaa Slanar Seta frull coin gold treatment, a vry hand some service regularly OQ Cf worth I5H 00; at QwaiOW lOO-Maoe rraaoa CaUa Dlamar Bts Henularly worth 6.0U, 3Q(Q 10O-Flo French Calaa Dinner Beta .fi. . . .V.":.59 5.00 KkVWai'a A naittH an C?1bbV IliiiAl Mmtm a XSX " rJYirf VI I lvUhlv treated with Hold coin. Au&rife oT;h..,:sr:.r.,-..r.525.oo ' 1 V ShirJrlv - T-.-T? L loo-ruca SyrkonMi Calaa Blana Beta Hraut'.fully dn-oratol, regular prl- .rr.r.'rr $24.85 100-rtc BrracaM Dinner Worth resuiaily 4 .00. sale price 29.50 100-Fieoe 'xng-liea Dinner' 'seta White and Kold. worth 11 .5. JtQ g lOrieea "oo'meeilo ' pinner Seta Hlolt coin (old, arlla regularly aiQ OC ieae i Ha siwssi Ma!&fcMl JE a0 llscotiT US ALL OI'KA ISflKK. 20 I)lStXlNT ON ALL OFKN TKK. cut out Txia courov For Monday only we will give a handsome. .71 hand decorated Pottery Vase, IS inches tall, I Ifor this coupon and S9c. Their pretty design and graceful outline I jmakes them acceptable for every occasion. Ckilna Dept. BRANDEIS t IS It to. aale rtrtca. 100-rue Oermaa Dlaaer Veta With lreadeit low era. regular J9Q f( prl- e. 5, ale rlic t.U 100-Meea Fine Domtltlo Foroelaia Sinner Beta White and sold, regular price wee Uki, aale price Q( lOO-Flece Xngllah Dinner Sets Con ventional det-oratlona, former prli-e aale prloe only I13.M GLASSWARE SPECIALS All of our Blown and Cut Glass Stem Ware Champagnes. Winds. Clarets. Cock tails, Cordials, liquors, Kherbets, Farfaits. etc., this week only, at a discount of 20 per rent. This includes every high class hat in our millinery department, many of which have been selling as high aa $30, $40 and even $50. $15 White Beaver Hats at $5 Very smart winter hats of finest grade genuine fur beavers; also those large white plush hats. Trimmings are fancy feathers, flowers, ribbons and ornaments. The shapes . are large! small or medium. They are worth up er to $15, at , 5'' Special sale of Women's Trimmed Hats, Basement, at gl Big Sale of Fancy Feathers 200 dozen fancy feathers in beautiful hand sewed wings, aigrette . effects, marabout, stickups, fancy feather birds, owl heads, peacock feathers, pom pons effects, tatrus quills, everything that has been in favor this season. Popular shades, purples, blues, blacks, whites, etc. Worth up to $1.23 each Millinery department, at each 15c Women's Storm Boots 10-Inch High Shoes With Buckled Tops Tan calffkin or dull calfskin, button style, short vamps, wide nigh toes, liigii arch instep: heels; one of the nobbiest shoes out this season. Shown exclusively at Brandeis Stores All Bizes and widths,, at ,leps, peg $3.95 STORES West Arcade Hee the Display of lkran Tins at i'oin. pelaa Itoom Entrance. MP ISrowninjf, the ArtWt, in Pom peiaa llooiu lue IU-au. tiful Oil Tainting. f