A -niK OMAHA SUNDAY W.K: XOVKMUKK 1!. 1:111. 11 Yankee Will Be Speed Champ N THANKSGIVING PAY the Ol world's (trfstest automobile I raca wllf b run. No lonrr oor mo American grand irue play second fiddle to ths lead of the French Grand Frli. Tha 1911 French event proved to be but a poor Imitation of the once mighty contest, rightly considered the real and only classic of the automobile sport. So the yankee grand prize winner will be connldered the speed king; champion of the world. It la true that the 1P11 race for the void cup ha failed to attract as la rare or representative n field as the two previous grand prize races brought together, yet the men who will meet in the gasoline battle represent bout all the great drivers of the world who bave not retired, at least temporarily, from the dangerous sport. In the 1911 French Grand Prix, Ilemery was the only pilot who entered whose name was at all familiar to motorists on this side of the Atlantic. Automobile racing In Europe has had Its day and there is not much chance for Its revival. Aviation seems to have attracted the curiosity seekers and to bave monopolized the apace the papers In Europe once gave to the chroni cling of automobile contests. Seldom a 4ay passes but that more than 200 aero planes are In the air In Europe. But the Grand Prize,' which will be contested near Bavannah on our national turkey day. Is the one big event of the year, by virtue of the prominence of the drivers and competing cars and of the richness of the trophy and cash prises. When I reached Savannah the entries Iiad not closed, but I was Informed that bout all tha cars that would face the tarter had been nominated. I am going to give my readers some real honest, frank criticism of the different pilots as they Impressed me during the time I have watched them drive In different events tnce they started at the game. I was racing years before any of the Ameri cans who are entered started their ca reers, and I watched many of them graduate from the mechanic's seat. I figure that every car, with the possible exception of a couple of small ones, has ft equal chance, or at least the driver ft each has used his Judgment In selecting Jits Inount. Hera is the way they look to me: Hemery. big, strong, courageous and flaring. To my mind the most forceful fellow In tha race. Winner of . the 1905 Vanderbilt cup race with an extremely Tight car of great power. Winner also f many big European races. Finished econd In both grand prize race. In J908 Hemery would probably have won had not his signals been misunderstood. In 1910 Hemery was but two seconds be hind his teammate, who won. Hard luck can hardly pursue so game a fellow three times In succession, so Ilemery Is my pick, as winner. "Wagner of France, winner of the 1906 grand prize and the 1906 Vanderbilt cup event Crafty, skillful and Intrepid. The equal of any driver In the world. Must be reckoned with by the winner. Failed to finish In the 1910 grand prize on ac count of wrecking bis car. ' Bruce-Brown, winner of 1910 grand prize. Brains and strength are his heritage. A mighty combination to be sure. The only thing lacking -la Bruce-Brown is experi ence. He Is but 22 years old.' I am told. He Is a millionaire, but he ddes nM drive like most of them. While the Yale man must be figured as a strong contender, do not forget that luck of tha opposite 1 kind of which lost the two grand prize races for Hemery was probably responsi ble for his victory last year. "Bob" Burman, speed king, the' man , who traveled faster on the Florida beach I than human ever sped, Is not my choice for winner of the 400-mile road classic. I Burman Is too reckless. He Is lacking In I feeling for his engine. He Is not an I expert In "nursing" his car. For a short I dash Burman Is the greatest pilot of them ' all. Probably that Is why ho has never i won a big race, and he has been In many. I Ralph DePalma, track competition .'champion. Crafty and daring as they ' make them. But DePalma runs Burman I a close second In the "almost won sweep stakes." The man who drives a circular I track with the ease of a debutante glid ing over a ball room floor seems to lack tho punch when It comes to long races. Twice has he had grand prize races In , Ms palm. And twlca did he make a me chanical faux pas and watched the finish , from the roadside. DePalma has a great machine for bis mount this year and may fool the wise ones. If ha wins I will be s badly fooled as any one. Caleb Bragg, "millionaire kid." Tha Bohool boy who -won from me the hardest fought rare of my career. But because of the fame that came to the youngster, Ms friends expect from him the Impos sible. As slendor as a seminary girl, joung Bragg Is not of the phyxlque tc stand a hard grueling race such as the big event will prove. llearne, another wealthy sportsman. 3Toung llearne comes from Chicago and lias won many races ranging from five mile amateur championships to long road races. Of about the same build of young Bragg-, the Chlcagoan is of tough fibre and hard as nails. The long route will riot affect Hearne. He has driven In Vanderbilt cup events, In Fairmount park races and was king of the speedway at Indianapolis for one season. But taken In all Eddie Is not as well seasoned or experienced as many of the others. Still be may be one of the surprises. Mulfurd, the steady. - Italph Is Just tobout the sort of a man to bring home the bacon for an American made car. I never heard of Mulfurd having to drop out of but one big race through his car becoming disabled, lie Is as consistent en a fine watch and will surely be one of the first four to finish. Iiawson, the hoosler youngster. Paw son usually wins or Is put out of the running by having something go wrong with his ; sr. Young, brave and ambitious Joe Dawson must be figured seriously every time he starts with even odd. This time he has a car as fast as any In the race. riay Dawson to be close to Mul ford. lVtsehke, Harroun's protege. When Hay Harroun won the tS.OW) Indianapolis sweepstakes race, l'utsohke la the driver who relieved him for an hour or so. Will be coached by the cool calculating Har. roun, who built the car Patschke will drive. Was second to worlds record holder llerrtck when the latter won the Santa Monica road race a few weeks ago. While hardly as daring as Dawson, he might win as often on account of his cautious handling of an engine. Di'brow. tlie confident. Louis Disbrow believes he is as great a driver as any In the world. This counts for a lot. Pis brow has won a few b'.g races. More often his victory came as a result of plugging along and letting the leaders race their engines to death trying to beat each Uier. llubably DitUaw will win the grand prize In this way. One thing-, ha Is always trying. Baslo, the sphinx. The silent Frenchman Is a veteran at tho racing game. In 1904 I had a hard time taking the ten-mllo record from him. He knows all tha salient points of the game. But Charlie has been at the wheel of many cars which never had a chance to win that ha has lost the sense of feeling the sting of defeat. I never begrudge an old-timer In any profession his victory. I would rather yell about Basle's victory than that of any man in tha race. There are two other drivers in tha raca who will handle small cars. I have never seen them drive in a big event and have no way of doping them. They are game and daring, otherwise they would not tackle so hard a race with cars of but half the piston displacement of most of the other. Good luck to them all. In Nebraska recently, over WO citizens gathered along a ten-mile stretch of bad road, which caused tha volume of traffic to be diverted to an adjoining county, and in twenty-four hours of real work, placed tha highway In good condition and laid tha foundation for Its permanent upkeep by the county commissioners. Such spon taneous Interest among the residents of any county speaks much for the manner In which our people are realizing the value of good roads. It would be hard to get C00 automoblltsts to leave the steering wheel long enough to fix up a road, but the horny-handed farmers of Nebraska have set a good example for other lo calities to follow. It was not so much the work they actually performed as It was the munner In which they forced tha county officials to awaken to tha fact they demanded good roads. The makers have been Just as backward about adopting the electric lighting sys tem as they were In fostering the self starter. I know from actual experience that tho electric lights on a motor car sre a positive boon to the fellow who drives after dark, and most every car owner does. To turn a switch, handy to the seat, and Illuminate both front and rear of the car, without having to go through the old game of "who's got a match" and Its attendant discomforts, appeals to every owner or driver. Tha motor car builders should forget tha "Internal refinements" of which the catalogues tell so much, and add on electric lighting and Self starting features. Most Wonderfal Healing After suffering many years with a sore, Amos King, Port Byron, N. Y., was cured by Bucklen's Amlca Salve. Sic. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. Finding the Shortest Route :- ffri n. W. CltATO. IN AN V.. M. F.. MAKING FOR THE BEE A SHOUT KOUTB FROM OMAHA TO KANSA8 CITY. Bike Riders Going To Olympic Games NEW YORK, Nov, 18.-WIU the fnlted States have a strong and representative team of bicyole riders at the Olympic games at Stockholm next summer? This question is answered by the United Cyclists, America's latest organization to foster the great pedal pushing sport, In a decidedly affirmative manner. "Yes," say the United Cyclists, "this country must and will have a Icnm of class A amateur riders In the Olympic hioycle race around Idike Malar, and we Intend to sea to it that money Is raised among those who are still devoted to the snort to send a tenm to Sweden that will give the foreigners, at least, a great battle, for the world's championship." Untold F. Plbblee. a local cycling n thunlast, ho was solely responsible for the United States being represented In the bicycle races at the Iondon (1W) Olympiad, told of tha plans and hbpes of the game little body known as the United Cyclists. Ai iti4 ii fcnuisj Iuteroccanic Flight Great'Achievement NEW YORK, Nov. H.-Tliere seems lit tie doubt that ledgers' flight to the Pa cific -will he recorded us one of the great est aviation achievements of the year lull. KixtKers has. shown many things about aviation hitherto unknown. He lv demonstrated tha point, first of all, that croHs-oountry fliru. fr any distance sml over any ordinary country Is posHlblr, even now In tho present stage of aero plflnct development. It has also been shown by the flight Hint Journeys across country do not Im pose, the strain on an aviator which comes from the track or exhibition fly ing. Durlnif the last three weeks of Ills trip Koiliiflrs flew every day but five. On Uiree of these he was boKl up for re pairs, while ho spent Octohtr t waiting for a Texas ''northvr" to puss over, one day only, he devoted to rest. Finally, the flight has shown that there are very few days, Indeed, so stormy as to pre vent aeroplane flying. Only two days during the entire trip were lost from this cause out of a total of more than sv month and a half. ' ; :. Aviation Helmets. Are Uncanny Objects . NF.W YOTIK, Nov. 'IS. In an essay on dnnacr In "LAero" a French writer says: "All those who have flown, however little, will afrrco that It Is very unpleas ant to wear a protective helmet. The action cf placing one's head In a weird otijrvt resembling a surxkal appliance is niwus nrcompanled by a certain amount of apprehension, and one thinks 'If t put this arrangement over my skull At la be muse of the rl.sk of getting it cracked. And If it Is going to Ret cracked I would much rather Say goodhy to this mortal sphere.' "The automobile Industry has suffered enormously by the exaggeration of the moat trivial accidents. Aviation must not be hurt In this way. Wo must study our machines as scrupulously ax poonlble In order that critics mat be considerate to those who have not sacrificed everything for tho Rake of security." other Sweeoin WON BY THE Victory f THIRTY-FIVE" f - i r-- .J "DREADNOUGHT" WV iTOX?F J Self-Stertiiig 'w Models, $1,600 to $1,700 Winner in Four Consecutive National Contests Once moro the unbeatable ''Dreadnought" Molina has demonstrated its Indomitable worth it uperlorlty lt indisputable right to the title, "King of the Road." Once more it has swept its field of competitors aside and covered itself with glory this time even more deci sively than ever before winning three out of the four Trophies offered in the Chicago Reliability Just finished and standing sewMUl for the fourth the Economy Cup. Once more it has Bbown the motor world that there Is ro car in America its equal on the road no car In America that has ever accornpllsiied such road perform ances no car in America that has such a list of repeated, consecutive, consistent victories to its credit and in this latest contest, its wonderful dependability, unformlty of performance, perfectness in every identical motoring qualification, Is simply astonishing. TliinJc of It! Four Moline entries four winners four perfect road scores. In the next column is the re sult In a nutshell of the 1911 Chicago Reliability Run Just ended. Friday, Nov. 3d, passing throught five states and covering nearly 1,400 miles in seven day running. Four trophies were offered a Touring Trophy a Roads er Trophy a Team Trophy for best two cars of same make and a Fuel Economy Trophy. Four Mollnes were entered two Touring Cars two , Roadsters. These four cars covered the entire run of 1,356 miles, plowing through 18 Inches of snow and mud on the last day, yet finishing with perfect roadNcorre. Think of that! In addition two of them won the Team Trophy an other won the Van Slckien Roadster Cup (won also by a Moline last year) another tied with a competitor for the Touring Trophy, and one stood second fur the Fuel Economy Cup with a record of 17 miles to the gallon of gasoline for the entire run. In short, the Moline practically cleaned up everything worth while in the run. And here is the reason in six short words its invincible "40 Long Stroke Motor." The motor "par excellence" of today the motor u "ap proached for depend utility, readability, fuel economy, In fact, every motor qualification the motor that has mad8 the Moline the undisputed "King of tho Road." Winner of the 1911 Chicago Reliability Run SSK?,"5-5 ;V-k Winner of the 1910 Chicago Reliability Run Captur,ng ,he r"mZr?ZAVZ Winner of the 1911 Annual Fuel Economy Run triZSX Winner of the 1910 Annual Glidden Run Chicago Trophy Write our nearest office for Advance Announcement describing this remarkable Motor and the Four New Moline MoricM. MOLINE AUTOMOBILE COMPANY, East Moline, 111. Omaha Branch, S. E. Corner Twentieth and Harney Sts., D. M. Beal, Mgr. No Skidding No Rim-Cutting Tires 10 Oversize Note these facts you men who buy tires. Of all the tires made, the one in largest demand is the Goodyear No-Rlm-Cut tire. Over 700,000 have been sold to date. In two years the demand has increased 500. These tires can't be. rim-cut. They are 10 oversize. Tens of thousands of users have cut tire bills in two by the use of them. Don't you know that the facts which sold 700,000 will sell these tlrea to you when you know them? (lOODJYEAR No-Rim-Cut Tires With or Without Double-Tbick Non-Skid" Treadi : i : i i i The Double-Thick Winter Tread We have now perfected for No-Rlro-Cut tires an ideal Non-Skid tread. '.,,!'.-', 'Not a flimsy addition not' a short-lived protection. It Is double-thick, tough, deep-cut and enduring. We have spent three years in perfecting it. , -i This Is an extra tread, about as thick asour regular, which Is yul-i canized onto the regular tread. The resulting tread is so thick that tho blocks are cut deep. And never was a .tread made thore wear-resisting. This thick, tough tread means enduring protection. And It re duces danger of puncture by The blocks present to tho rond surface countless edges and angles. They grasp it Tu every direction. The blocks widen out at the base, so the strain Is distributed over just as much tire surface as with smooth-tread tires. It forever does away with tha need for ruinous chains. And there is no metal In it to tear tha rubber to pieces, i In wet and wintry weather safety demands the use of this : Non-Skid tread. On Oversize Tires ' This tread, when wanted, coiues on No-Rim-Cut tires, 10 oversize. . , ' These are our patented tires, which make rim-cutting impossi ble They save-you all this worry and expense. And they are W overthd rated size. That means 10 more air 10 added carrying capacity. And that, with the average car, adds 25 to the tire mileage. These two features together cut tire bills in two. VetNo-RimCut tires now cost no more than other standard tires. You will never again use a clincher tire when you find these out. Our Tlrs Book, tad 13 ytm f lira makins. la fillad with facta in nouia know. Aak na to mail it tm rail.' This Is the Ideal Non-Skid tread. Nothing else of the kind even begins to compare with it. THE GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER CO., Akron.Ohio Omaha Branch 2020-2022 Farnam Street. TM E, OMAHA BEES DIREGTORY Of Auiomobiies and Accessories CARS FBEELAKD AUTO CO.. 1122-24 Farnam Street. Welsh Cars.. Waoota Braaoh. Wta O.l W., gprr, Nebraska Buick Auto. Company Two l'asseiurjr Itoadster Model. Four I'aAneniuer Touring Model. fe Announcement of Special Interest to the Motor-Buying Public of Omaha and Vicinity Appreciating the rapidly Increasing demand tor our product in the Central West and to make it convenient for more people of this section to examine the new models of the "Dreadnought" Moline "35" an will as to render service of a high order to all owners of our cars we announce the opening of our Omaha Branch at Twentieth and Harney Streets, with Mr. I). M. Heal in charge. Mease couaider this a personal Invitation to you to call at our display rooms and examine the new models of the " Dread -bought" Moliue "36," where every courtesy will be shown you. Demonstration will be given to suit your convenience and without obligation ou your part. MOLINE AUTOMOBILE COMPANY, East Moline, 111. J j. - ,1,.. .. y.-. , v jiiHi.i" r 'irt' . '' " ' ""' '"'" rl T -Mi-ti M.ii'r'' j.. n i..h.-in'i.. ---''"-fc-w-'w4 --. W-.A :-" I J, MOTOU CAK Ms MOTOR CO., 2052-54 Farnam St, Omaha. . . , - ., . n. 1. i., I SS. Automobile Co.: 2203 Farnam Street JOIin U-EKE PLOW COMPAflf Salesroom -Cor. Tenth and Howard Sts Omaha, Nebraska. yanBriintAiitQmohilGCo:t0 Apperson "Jack Rabbit Omaha. H.br. JJ APPERSCN AUTO CUMKAIIT 1102 Farnam SU maker Electric Electric Garage DEKISE BARKALOW, PrcK; 2218 Farnam Street RUSH RUNABOUT A Marvel of Workmanship T. Q. Korthwall Co., 914 Jones SL peerless GUY L. S Ell I T ES HUDSON 2205-2207 Farnam Street - I' L.JMEI-HHU Bit! mm 11 11 VI to $1, FOUR MODELS Prices $1,150 700. Marlon Auto Company. c. xv. Mcdonald, m S101!103 Farnaiu tu H. E, Frodrickson Automobile Go, Chalmers; 2O44-4S-40 FARNAM TREeT